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Kozarev at the OSCE conference on ethnically motivated attacks on Serbs (RTS)

In the statement of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, the Deputy Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Dusan Kozarev, said at the OSCE Human Dimension Conference in Warsaw that Serbs in Kosovo have been exposed to ethnically-motivated attacks in the past year about 50 times. Kozarev estimates that this is largely due to the failure Pristina to fulfil its obligations in terms of establishing the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

"We consider that the non-implementation of the 2013 Brussels Agreement, which is the obligation of Pristina, i.e. the establishment of a ZSO that should enable and guarantee a comprehensive mechanism for the safe and functional life of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, a catalyst for these extreme processes," Kozarev explained, said the statement of the Office for KiM.

According to the statement, Kozarev informed the participants of the conference with concrete examples of violence against Serbs and their property in Kosovo, but also warned of the fact that aggression in this year was especially pronounced against political officials of Serbia and political representatives of Serbs in Kosovo, RTS reports.

Kozarev recalled the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, and that, despite the fact that Belgrade offered all the help in the investigation, the Kosovo Police persistently refused cooperation and did not achieve any results.

He also cited the case of Marko Djuric, the director of the KiM office and the head of the negotiating team, and his arrest by a special unit of the Kosovo Police, and stated that "on that occasion, as a result of the but blows, kicking, use of shock bombs and tear gas, 32 more citizens were injured," said the Office.

Kozarev devoted special attention, the statement said, "to acts of violence aimed at thwarting the recent visit of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to KiM, expressing the belief that the so-called Kosovo police could prevent this situation, but it actually made possible by an inadequate reaction''.

"During these events, KFOR's engagement was necessary, which presence is a guarantor for peace for the Kosovo Serbs. All of this unambiguously indicates the inadmissibility of the formation of any so-called Kosovo Security Forces, since the institutions in Pristina did not show maturity or readiness to protect all citizens, regardless of on ethnic and religious affiliation, and provide them with the basics of human freedom," Kozarev said.

The statement said that Kozarev pointed out that due to all the examples of the tendency towards political instrumentalization, the Kosovo Police should not be in Interpol, whose member tries to become, because, as the Office of the Office announced, "it will be misused for the settlement with the Serbs ''.