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Assaults on property affect the survival and return of Serbs (RTK2)

Vice President of the Serbian List Igor Simic told RTK2 that the Serbian List condemns all attacks on the property of Serbs in Kosovo and seeks greater involvement of KFOR, while expressing disappointment with the police's response to theft and the finding of perpetrators.

Simic said in the RTK2 Show ''Poglavlje'' that these attacks directly affect the survival and return of displaced Serbs and that they must therefore be treated as a priority.

"The Ministry of the Interior has no understanding to increase the number of police officers who can respond to different challenges. It seems to me that these criminal acts remain somewhat below the radar of the international organizations and the various embassies. We worry because of the prevailing belief in the public that attacks on Serbs can go unpunished. Older Serb population of returnees are the target mostly, who are, unfortunately, unprotected. For example, in the next few months, the only Serbian policeman in Gorazdevac will retire, there is only one police vehicle in Novo Brdo that covers a large territory, I have presented all this to the minister of the police, but unfortunately there is no reaction," said Simic.

Asked to comment on the statement of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic that his demarcation policy was unsuccessful, Simic says that the people should not take on many speculations about possible solutions for Kosovo, because "the solution is far away''.

Simic says that the Serbs are aware that an agreement is needed and that there is no alternative to the dialogue, because the "situation as it is, is not good".

"The Serbian List will support any solution that means better and more rights for the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija," said Simic.

"This means more security, an absolute survival and stay in this region, a stronger presence of the state of Serbia in this region, primarily through the field of health, education and economic development, and that is what President Vucic said in Kosovska Mitrovica in early September. I recall, 40,000 of our citizens have certain benefits from the budget of the Republic of Serbia, it will never forget its people. The announced investments amount to tens of millions of euros," Simic said.

Simic also said that political disagreements among Kosovo Albanians also affect the lives of Serbs in Kosovo.

"Whenever you have political blasphemy within the Albanian parties, it goes over the Serbs back. And creating the very same atmosphere where the Serbs are always blamed for something is not good and it only heats up the situation that such attacks are happening. After any statement given against the dialogue, a series of attacks on Serbs follow," Simic said.