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Ivanovic victim of the "rule of law" in Kosovo (RTS)

“One part of the Brussels agreement envisages that, in Serb-majority municipalities in Kosovo, Serbs must be employed in Courts and Prosecutors’ Offices in proportion with the ethnic composition of the population. That part of the agreement must be implemented as soon as possible,” said Marko Djuric, Director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija.

Djuric said that international justice cannot replace domestic judicial system in Kosovo and Metohija. He recalled that the daily Politika published that it possesses documents, which are proving that documents of the Serbian MUP were falsified, and according to which EULEX raised indictment against Oliver Ivanovic. He reiterated that it is necessary that the judicial authorities investigate the allegations and to establish the truth.

The Government of Serbia, several months ago, offered guarantees for release of Ivanovic, but they have not been accepted.   Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija said that in this way was sent a bad message because Ivanovic, who is one of moderate Serbian politicians in Kosovo and Metohija, is certainly innocent.

Djuric said that Ivanovic is not the only victim, because there is a wider problem related to the rule of law in Kosovo and Metohija, where dozens of people are not punished for crimes, while on the other side many people, without any substantial or legal reasons, are in prison."EULEX is probably better than Pristina judges, but EULEX is certainly not better than Serbian judges," said Duric.

Djuric said that the objectives of the creation of the Community of Serbian municipalities is continuation of the support and fight for our people in Kosovo and Metohija and "participation in provincial institutions so that we could have greater influence." He pointed out that 110,000 Serbs live in Kosovo and Metohija.