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Greater Albania fits in the project of the Islamic State (Vesti online)

Academician of the Serbian Academy for Science and Arts, Ljubodrag Dimic, estimated that danger is again looming over Serbia and that the idea of ​​a "Greater Albania" fits with some projects of great powers.

“If we consider the decisions of League of Prizren [League of Prizren is Albanian political organization which is established in late XIX century – Translator.], their main idea is opposition to the Balkan Christian states and performing a holy war against them. The project of "Greater Albania" may be integrated in the project of “Islamic state” that is born in the East, whose creators and a role in the future can be only discerned,” said Ljubodrag Dimić to the Belgrade media.

Dimic pointed out that it is evident that Albania and Croatia were chosen as strategic partners in the new division of the maps in the Balkans. In this allocation there was no room for Serbia, as it was not in 1914 or in 1941 in Hitler's order, but that does not mean that Serbia has no future. “Serbia can become significant if it has a strong economy, if it makes a serious reform of the education system, stabilize and reform the army and provide serious diplomatic presence wherever occur issues related to its area,” said Dimic.

Dimic believes that the Serbian political elite are aware of the danger that hangs over Serbia, because the Albanians want also southern Serbia, the so-called Presevo Valley. He noted that the state defends, not only at the borders, but also in European capitals and local Balkan states.

Dimic says that Serbia, which is like “a man with a record, to whom nobody believes”, should fit its own interests in the interests of the big powers in the Balkans.

He said that the conflicts in Macedonia are one of the cubes in a mosaic of Albanian territorial claims, which aims to create a "Greater Albania”. The dream of all Albanians began to be realized and the realization of this project, 137 years old, is coming to an end.

It includes a completely new design of borders in the Balkans, where the process of changing borders is not completed, because a good part of the Balkan states today have recognized, but in some cases not guaranteed borders. “Non-accession of Montenegro in NATO, the unresolved status of Macedonia, the situation in southern Serbia - all this makes open borders,” said Dimic, assessing that the political crisis and conflict could spill over into Greece, if Greece decide to leave the European integration.

When asked why power centres support the Albanian aspirations, he said it is possible that the crisis in Macedonia was caused because through Macedonia and further on through Serbia till Hungary should pass one branch of the Turkish stream. “We should not neglect China's attempt to implement new ‘Silk Road on water’, which ends with the purchase of the port of Piraeus in Greece and the development of high-speed railways in the region, by which the Eurasian space would be linked. A third reason could be a failed project of Kosovo, which recently was expressed through the departure of tens of thousands of young people,” considered Dimic.

Stating that today Serbia has no reason to be ashamed of its anti-fascism, while others in the region made it up, Dimic asked: "With what Bulgarians, or Croats, should walk on the Red Square? With what kind of history, or legitimacy?"

Dimic warned on the danger of revision of history related to both world wars, noting that today the historical truths are decided by ignorant politicians, party committees, parliamentary bodies and tribunals. That is frivolous, he said, because only naive person can think that the truth about the First World War accidentally changes.
