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Drsnik: KP forced Serb returnee to admit the robbery, which he did not commit (Vesti)

Borislav Dabizljevic from village Drsnik, Klina / Kline municipality claims that he was under the pressure of Kosovo police to admit that he broke into the church and desecrated it, though he has nothing to do with this incident.

According to him, the Police are acting that way, because the Albanian neighbours are urging them: “I'm one of the first returnees in Drsnik village. Someone would like to libel me and thus attribute all the thefts, breaks into Serbian houses and beating up of elderly returnees to us, Serbs,” told Dabizljevic to Srna.

He said that the police detained him twice on 4 and 6 July and held him in the station several hours. They tried to get a confession that he broke into the church and robbed it.  Dabizljevic says that he was photographed "as the criminal."

He claims that on Saturday he saw four young men, approaching the church, driving motorbike quads.

Dabizljevic says that the priest Milos Vuićević gave him keys of the church in order to ring the bells during the church holidays. He argues that this is an attempt of conspiracy and shifting responsibility for all incidents against Serbs in Klina / Kline municipality to the person that is loyal to the church.
