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Jevtic family from Kosovo moves into new home (B92)

After six months of collecting funds and building a new house, the Jevtic family from Rajanovce near Kamenica/Kamenice has finally entered their new home.

A news report of TV B92 showing how this family lived under constant threat that dilapidated ceiling of the old house could collapse at any moment, crashing the bed where little Andjela had slept with her parents, initiated a strong solidarity campaign.

Thanks to the people of good will, parents Caslav and Marijana Jevtic, with their little daughter Andjela and a new born baby Vera had moved into their renovated house. EUR 25.000 was provided for its reconstruction. More than RSD 1 million was collected via B92 Fund, through donations of individuals, companies and numerous associations, both local and international. Among donors that responded to the appeal of B92 Fund are the following: Humanitarian Society Bozur from Chicago, Elixir Group, as well as large number of individual donors. Church of St. Nikola from Brisbane Australia had directly donated funds to the bank account of Jevtic family, while the Ministry for Communities and Return of the Government of Kosovo had donated funds worth EUR 10.000 for construction materials, furniture and household appliances.

"The Jevtic family has a new home and all necessary conditions for leading a normal life and this is only what matters. I hope that this particular example will become a rule, and that we will join our efforts – from state institutions to the individuals – with the aim of offering assistance to the jeopardized families on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija," Veran Matic, President of B92 Fund’s Board of Directors had stated on this occasion.

It is very important that property of families such as this is secure, and that they are given opportunity to produce what they need on their own, but also for the purpose of selling those products on the market of agricultural products for which they need a tractor with accompanying implements. Hardworking people, owners of three acres of land, have to be empowered enough to make profit on their own for the purpose of developing their families. It is also very important to accelerate and simplify the procedure of creating a family when it comes to marriages that include brides from Albania. Marijana is from Albania and despite the fact that she gave birth to two children in Serbia, she still has no rights, nor Serbian or Kosovar papers, which causes many problems.

The Jevtic family is just one of many families whose house was destroyed in the earthquake back in 2002. For more than a decade, this family lived in inhuman conditions. The roof crumbled, the walls cracked, there were no water or sewerage system. They were not in a position to finish the commenced building of the new house as they live from social allowances that amount to RSD 11.000 on a monthly basis. Although Serbian Government had financed the reconstruction of the houses in Morava region in Kosovo, the assistance never reached many families. The crew of “Insider” team had treated this issue in the series entitled “Patriotic Robbery“, disclosing that Serbian Government had set aside the sum amounting to EUR 16 million for the reconstruction of devastated households, while many imperiled Serbian families situated on Kosovo never got those funds.

The Ministry for Communities and Return of the Government of Kosovo joined B92 Fund by donating household equipment: four beds, a refrigerator, table and chairs, desk, kitchen sink, washing machine, mini electric stove, a wood stove and kitchen cupboards (in total value of EUR 1,500). Construction material was also donated by this ministry in the amount of EUR 10,000.

Minister Jevtic stated that his Ministry will continue with offering assistance to the socially imperiled families and that the representatives of the Ministry that are constantly on the ground will identify individuals and communities that are in the greatest need. “Cooperation and support of B92 Fund means a lot to us as this work will be significantly facilitated, and we will be able to help all those that need assistance, in order to strengthen the citizens in the region, so that they could evade the status of socially imperiled, being encouraged to launch their own production that will help their families to make earnings that will secure decent life”, the minister pointed out.

Veran Matic underlined that the offered cooperation was taken very seriously and that B92 Fund plans to work with people such as Minister Jevtic in all aspects of assistance, where possible. Strengthening individuals and families, as well as the community on the whole, is one of the most significant events for Jevtic family as well as for B92 Fund that has found a serious partner in this Ministry, when it comes to offering assistance to those who need it most.
