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Cornerstones laid for residential buildings in K. Mitrovica (TV Most,Tanjug)

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - Officials of the Kosovska Mitrovica self-government authorities on Thursday laid the cornerstones for two buildings in the local Brdjani residential area and another in Suvi Do.

The construction works in Brdjani are expected to be completed in 150 days and all contractors are from the territory of Kosovo-Metohija.

The project, funded by the Kosovska Mitrovica interim municipal authority, is worth nearly RSD 30 million.

Cornerstones were also laid in the Suvi Do residential area - the project, funded by the government Office for Kosovo-Metohija, is worth RSD 30,400,000.

Aleksandar Spiric, who heads the interim municipal authority, said in Brdjani that the projects prove that the Serbian government is spending all budget funds in a transparent manner by providing housing to the endangered population in the Kosovska Mitrovica area and by caring for young couples, who the flats are to be built for.

There are plans to build a playground and a kindergarten branch to improve the living conditions in Brdjani, Spiric announced.