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Djuric: Satisfied only after verdicts become final (Tanjug)

The Director of the Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said today that Serbia welcomes any activity which leads toward uncovering war crimes and perpetrators, however we can only be satisfied after verdicts, which should bring to justice all those who committed crimes in Kosovo and Metohija, become final.

“It is in no one’s interest that things remain as they are, neither to Serbs nor to Albanians and international community, and we can only be satisfied at the moment when we have final verdicts which will bring in front of justice those responsible for crimes,” said Djuric while commenting the report of the chief prosecutor Cling Williamson on the investigation on human organ trafficking in Kosovo and Metohija in 1999.

Serbia welcomes any activity which leads to uncovering responsible for monstrous crimes involving, according to Clint Williamson’s report, and individuals from the top of KLA, said Djuric.

“Too much time has passed and there is still no justice to victims, nor the relaxation of inter-ethnic relations in Kosovo and Metohija. Fifteen years is too much time, however war crimes have no statutory limitations and we consider that those responsible for most brutal and most monstrous crimes on the territory of former Yugoslavia, and they unfortunately took place and in Kosovo and Metohija, must be brought to justice”.

When asked to reflect on Williamson’s statement that handful of people were involved in human organ trafficking Djuric said that it is up to judicial authorities to deal with legal qualifications, whereas there is no doubt that it was about massive, systematic and ethnically motivated persecution of Serbian and non-Albanian population in Kosovo and Metohija, and that it is about  the truth which will remain written in the tragic history of this region.

“It is needed that those who are responsible, for the sake of the healing of our society and healing of relations in the province and wider region, are brought to justice. War crimes have no statutory limitations and we will never give up the fight for truth and accountability,” said Djuric.
