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Ministers discuss return to Mušutište and Mitrovica North (KIM Radio)

Return to settlements ‘Mušutište’ in Suva Reka/Suharekë and ‘Brdo’ in Mitrovica North was discussed at the third session of the Inter-ministerial Commission for Return yesterday in Pristina.

The chairperson of the working group, Minister for Communities and Return Dalibor Jevtić, said that he expects both proposals to be adopted, what would contribute to resolving problems affecting the return to this two settlements.

“I hope that already at the next meeting of the inter-ministerial commission, we would be able to confirm that we have moved on in the process of return of people to these two settlements,” said Jevtić. The Deputy Minister of the Interior, Milan Radojević, reflected on the security situation and said that quarterly report shows that there were no major incidents in these two settlements and voiced expectation that situation will remain quiet.

Participants at the meeting also discussed the creation of two sub-groups that would address the issues of identification documents of displaced person in Montenegro and Macedonia.
