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Šešelj: Albanians plan to attack Northern Kosovo; Serbian Gendarmerie moves to the south (InSerbia)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić spoke to reporters after the meeting with leaders of Serbs from Kosovo and announced that now it is most important to preserve peace and stability.
“I want to say that we had difficult talks in which we accepted everything. I’ll soon be ready to tell everything to the citizens of Serbia.”

“Four times in an hour they changed propositions that we need to agree with. In August we accepted agreements including the one about the bridge in Mitrovica.”

Vučić added that the Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa plans, with the Kosovo Interior Minister, incursion of ROSU (Kosovo Police Special Unit) in northern Kosovo in two days. “My message to Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija: Stay calm at all costs, be dignified, proudly hold your Serbian name, we will fight for you”, said Vučić.

According to UN Resolution 1244, which the United States and some EU countries violated with recognition of self-proclaimed “Republic of Kosovo”, it is envisaged that some of Serbian forces can return to Kosovo for specific tasks.

“But it is envisaged for return to whole Kosovo and Metohija, and not only to the north,” said for portal Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun.

“Albanians want to destabilize the situation in Kosovo and Metohija when it comes to Serbian people, to pressure both in terms of politics and security. They simply have a plan to take control of the north of Kosovo and install their institutions there. I believe that, by causing disorder, they want to create an excuse for a long-term deployment of special forces and ROSU units in northern Kosovo and of course exploit unrest to justify why they are not realizing the Community of Serbian Municipalities, why there is no continuation of the [Brussels] dialogue”, explained Drecun.

President of the Serbian Radical Party, professor doctor Vojislav Šešelj, has informed the public at today’s press conference that there is danger of armed Albanians, in the coming days, attacking four municipalities in northern Kosovo inhabited predominately by Serbian population.
Seselj said he received this information from Kosovo and Metohija and explained that Albanians plan to carry out an attack either at the time of the arrival of [Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg, or immediately after his departure.

According to portal strong forces of Gendarmerie have moved to the south of Serbia.
