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Kosovo submits report on dialogue to European Union (Koha)

The Kosovo Government presented to the European Union today a report on the last six months of the dialogue with Belgrade. The report signed by Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue Edita Tahiri notes: “In general terms, the Government of Kosovo considers that the Brussels dialogue has made very good progress in this reporting period because there were number of agreements reached in important topics and, the implementation process has been progressing in some of them. Obviously, the end to an electoral transition in both states Kosovo and Serbia, as well as the new EUHR provided a new momentum for a fresh and energetic resume of dialogue. There have been intensive meetings at political level between Prime ministers of both states and at technical level. The report highlights the progress and challenges of the Brussels dialogue in the reporting   period   and   looks   at   pending   issues   while   presenting   ideas and recommendations for the way out. The   agreements   reached   include   topics   such   as:   justice,   civil protection closure, association, removal of barricade from Mitrovica Bridge and vehicle insurance. Also, there were two breakthrough deals on energy and telecom in order to start making progress again towards the implementation of the 2013 respective agreements. The only and most important topic that remains to be agreed in this second phase of dialogue is the removal of Serbia’s parallel structures in Kosovo. The findings of this report show good progress in different areas including, justice, civil protection closure, vehicle insurance; progress in implementation of the agreements has been good in some areas such as justice, whereas, in other areas progress seems limited. The package agreement reached on 25 August 2015 on energy, telecom/dialling code for Kosovo, association and removal of barricade, are at initial phase of implementation. The implementation process continued to face challenges and paradoxes that stand in the way of effective and true implementation of the agreements. I want to highlight here the main paradox that comes from Serbia's doubtful approach to this dialogue. This because, Serbia on one hand works for implementation of the Brussels agreements while on the other hand continues to support its illegal parallel structures in Kosovo. This detrimental approach of Serbia has led to paradoxical situation where both legal and illegal municipal structures operate in northern part of Kosovo and beyond. Hence, while Serbia presents itself before EU as a party which respects Brussels agreements, on the ground however continues interferences in Kosovo. The Government of Kosovo has reported to EU on the above mentioned paradoxes, and made it clear that establishment of association can only take place after all Serbia’s illegal structures in Kosovo will be fully terminated. EU has responded positively to this request, hence the tripartite Working Group will convene in Brussels to resolve this issue. The work on drafting the statute of association and work on termination of parallel structures will be simultaneous. The Government of Kosovo wants to emphasize that the implementation of agreements is what counts for full success to this dialogue and provides rationale for its continuation. We consider that full and true implementation of Brussels agreements free of any double standards, can bring the real progress to this dialogue. We believe that consistency and commitments must be kept for more progress in this important peace and good neighbourly relations process that helps both states get closer to EU and reinforces regional peace and stability. The Government of Kosovo remains fully committed to the Brussels dialogue because of its importance in multiple levels, in normalization of situation in northern Kosovo, in speeding up the full integration of Serb community in the Kosovo system and in normalization of bilateral relations between both states, Kosovo and Serbia. In the light of EU integration process, this dialogue contributes to good neighbourly relations and regional stability, both relevant criteria for EU accession of both states, Kosovo and Serbia. The Government of Kosovo has demonstrated clear active commitment for the Brussels dialogue and effective implementation of the agreements. The Republic of Kosovo has also made a considerable and measurable progress in the European and Euro-Atlantic reforms. Therefore, we expect deserved concrete progress for Kosovo in the EU integration process. Kosovo expects from EU to finally take a decisions on signing the Stabilization Association Agreement (SAA) with Kosovo and visa liberalization for Kosovo citizens as soon as possible. The Government of Kosovo highly appreciates the role of the European Union and particularly the European External Action Service in facilitating the dialogue, as well, as the US full and active support in this dialogue along with the increasing support coming from Germany and other EU countries.”