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Analysts argue early elections are a dangerous option (RTK)

Some political analysts in Pristina are arguing that early parliamentary elections, requested by the opposition parties, are a dangerous option given the current political circumstances. Officials at the Central Election Committee (CEC) told the news site they are ready to organize elections at any time but that there is no indication that they could be held soon. CEC chairperson Valdete Daka said no one has contacted her about the possibility of early elections. “No one has requested this, no one has contacted us and we are not making any preparations. This is just like any other non-election year,” Daka told RTK. The opposition bloc meanwhile claims that it is a matter of days before the current government falls and the country goes to early elections. Frasher Krasniqi, spokesman for the biggest opposition party the Vetevendosje Movement, said there is no other option. “If the government doesn’t withdraw from the agreements there is no other option but early elections. The government can postpone this for several days but not indefinitely and it is going to fall,” Krasniqi said. Imer Mushkolaj, a political analyst in Pristina, said Kosovo should not go to elections without resolving first dilemmas surrounding the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. “In my opinion, elections should be held only after resolving these two issues raised by the opposition. I fear that going to elections without resolving them first could create another situation similar to the one we are facing now”. The news site notes that the opposition bloc insisted on early elections especially after the recent ruling by the Constitutional Court that the agreement on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities is not fully in line with the spirit of the Constitution. Prime Minister Isa Mustafa however said recently that the next elections will not be held before 2018.