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Belgrade Media Report 16 August 2019



Dacic: Less than 100 states recognize Kosovo at this moment (RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that he would announce next week the name of the 15th state that had withdrawn the decision on recognizing Kosovo and Metohija. He said that less than 100 states recognize Kosovo at this moment. Dacic added that the unnamed country had already notified Pristina about its decision and reiterated that Belgrade would continue its diplomatic campaign to get more countries to reconsider the move to recognize Kosovo as an independent state. “We can’t tell those countries now – stop doing that. It wouldn’t be serious,” he said. Commenting the latest provocations in Kosovo and Metohija, when the Kosovo flag was hoisted on the remnants of the Orthodox Church St. Nikola in Novo Brdo, Dacic says that the international community committed itself with UNSCR 1244 to preserve the Serbian cultural-historical heritage in Kosovo and Metohija. The move by the outgoing EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, who invited Pristina representatives at a meeting in Helsinki, Dacic explains that this is the first time in practice that a territory was invited, which is far from the candidate status for EU membership. Dacic commented on the criminal charges announced by the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro against organizers and participants in the humanitarian concert – “For Our Kosovo and Metohija” - held on Tuesday in Herceg Novi. The concert was held as part of a traditional manifestation, "Cyrillic Square" - and participants and organizers are charged with violating a number of rules by displaying symbols of other countries, disrespect to national anthem, and displaying political and nationalist messages. We have no closer nation, nor a closer country than Montenegro, but love takes two, Dacic said. “We don’t know what’s wrong with a humanitarian concert for Kosovo and for the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and I don’t what’s wrong with Serbian songs…,” Dacic said, commenting on tensions after a humanitarian concert. Dacic on this occasion called on everyone to, as he said, give up in inventing various topics with the goal of creating a negative atmosphere in the region and added that Serbia wants fair relations with everyone. “Lowering the tensions is in everyone’s interest,” said Dacic, pointing out that there are a number of manifestations in Serbia where symbols of Montenegro are displayed.


Dacic asks Japan to again refrain from voting on Kosovo’s admission to UNESCO, Interpol (Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that he had asked his Japanese counterpart Taro Kono, during a meeting in Belgrade, that Japan once again refrain from voting on Kosovo’s admission to UNESCO and Interpol. Dacic told a joint press conference that Serbia highly respected and appreciated the fact that Japan, despite having recognized Kosovo's independence, had not voted for the admission of Pristina to UNESCO and Interpol, but rather had abstained.

“I asked Kono that Japan keep that stance,” Dacic said.


Diplomat: Japan demands that Kosovo lift taxes as soon as possible (Beta)


Japan demands that the Kosovo authorities abolish as soon as possible the 100 percent import taxes on Serbian goods, Saito Jun, Deputy Press Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, said in Belgrade. As for the 100 percent taxes Kosovo has imposed on Serbian goods, we ask that Pristina abolish them as soon as possible. Japan highly praises Serbia's restrained reaction and its firm resolve to solve the Kosovo issue, Saito told a press briefing during a visit by Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono to Serbia. Saito said that Japan considered the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo key to the stability of the Western Balkans and that it hoped both sides would continue to be devoted to the dialogue. According to Saito, Japan "understands that this is a difficult process," but "hopes that Serbia will continue to play a constructive role in achieving peace and stability in the region."




Dodik: I reject any US interference in internal affairs (Srna)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said Thursday he was rejecting any US involvement in B&H internal affairs. Dodik emphasizes he vigorously rejects any kind of mediation by anyone from the international community, including the United States, in connection with holding the sessions of the B&H Presidency or with the work of any other institution. "This morning, the Americans tried to coordinate the three offices of B&H Presidency members to do something, but I did not allow my advisers to participate because, I repeat, B&H is made up of two entities and three constituent peoples, not of the US Embassy," Dodik told the press on Mt Jahorina. Asked by a reporter to re-comment on the situation regarding the adoption of the National Annual Program (ANP), Dodik said that his position was well-known – nothing would come out of it. "Nothing has been agreed. Mr Komsic is trying to speculate by putting this item on the agenda, but I will reject that proposal. Forming a Council of Ministers is still a condition for the normal functioning of the B&H authorities," he said.


Dodik to Ivantsov: Story about NATO and ANP was made up in order to prevent formation of authorities at B&H level (RTRS)


Following his Thursday's meeting with Russian Ambassador to B&H Petr Ivantsov on Mt Jahorina, Milorad Dodik stated that he expects the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) to be formed within thirty days. Dodik added that if this does not happen, adequate measures will be taken. Dodik did not specify what kind of measures he is speaking of, but he underlined that he will present ideas to the RS parliament. Dodik said that priorities are to form the B&H CoM, enable legitimate representation and stop obstructions. "I said that we will wait for the thirty days to pass because we were part of that agreement. After thirty days, I have various ideas which I intend to propose to the RS parliament. I am considering them and they will be exclusively motivated by the need to respect the Constitution of B&H and the Annex 4," Dodik underlined.

Dodik further said that the story about the NATO and the Annual National Program (ANP) was made up in order to prevent formation of the authorities at the B&H level, adding that nothing will come out of this. Dodik confirmed that he will attend the upcoming regular session of the B&H Presidency, but also the extraordinary session of the Presidency. "As the Serb member of the Presidency, under the Rules of Procedure, I have the right to ask for an extraordinary session of the Presidency which, in accordance with my proposal, had only one item on the agenda - confirmation of a candidate for the B&H CoM Chairman in accordance with the agreement we made. Mr. Komsic, of course, in his desire to complicate the situation, prior to that, scheduled a regular session on whose agenda he put voting on some kind of a document which is completely taboo, claiming that if that is not adopted that he will not vote for the candidate," Dodik said. Ambassador Ivantsov expressed concern over the fact that B&H institutions are not functioning ten months after the elections. Ivantsov sees a solution to the situation in B&H in formation of the B&H CoM, stressing that all disputable issues should be solved through compromise, after the formation of the authorities. "I hope that an agreement of political subjects in B&H is possible. Russia, unlike some others, is not interfering in internal issues of this country," Ambassador Ivantsov underlined.


Dodik meets Wigemark (FTV)


Dodik held a meeting with the Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Lars-Gunnar Wigemark on Mt Jahorina on Thursday. The meeting that lasted longer than two hours was closed to the public and it was presumably dedicated to the process of formation of new authorities in B&H.


Izetbegovic: Without ANP, Dzaferovic will not vote in favor of Tegeltija as B&H CoM Chairman-designate (FTV)


Guest was SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic. Asked if he expects the situation with regard to the Annual National Program (ANP) of B&H to be resolved at the session of the B&H Presidency on Tuesday, Izetbegovic voiced his hope that a compromise will be reached based on the agreement signed by Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and himself. “It reads that the BiH Constitution will be respected when it comes to the NATO, as well as the previously adopted decisions, laws, strategies and, of course, the MAP as a framework. Drafts and plans will be prepared as well. Nothing else, no plan other than the previous laws and strategies (…) can be made, only the ANP. However, contents of the ANP itself may be a subject to a compromise. The Serb side persistently insists that B&H (…) cannot make progress towards the NATO or become a member of the NATO before or unless Serbia does the same,” Izetbegovic explained. He reminded that Serbia currently cooperates with the NATO much more than B&H, so there is a lot of room to keep up with Serbia in this context, but it is necessary to stick to the frameworks of the ANP instead of going backwards. “The Article 3 of our agreement reads that cooperation with the NATO will be improved. Therefore, we will not go back to the phase of IPAP or Partnership for Peace,” Izetbegovic said. Asked to explain which version of the ANP will be discussed at the session of the B&H Presidency on Tuesday – whether it will be a reduced version and what such document will imply, Izetbegovic replied: “It has not been made yet. A meeting was supposed to be held today (Thursday) but, as I heard, Mr. Dodik got angry because of an interview by Mr. (US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matthew) Palmer, in which the black list and Mr. Dodik were mentioned as well, so he decided at the last moment to withdraw his representative. The meeting was supposed to be held today at the B&H Presidency and it was supposed to be focused on preparation of a single ANP, whereby the military segment would be minimal and probably coordinated with what the Serb side wants. Focus would be put on the civil segment and that would be a compromise, in my opinion. Everyone would thus get something they asked for when it comes to cooperation with the NATO, both the Serb side and our side,” Izetbegovic said, adding that there is still some hope and that the session of the B&H Presidency should be postponed, if necessary. “People from the international community, who activated this agreement, should be given a chance. People became passive and he is the one who encouraged them to move on, to try to do something,” Izetbegovic said. He stressed that without the ANP, Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic will not vote in favor of SNSD’s Zoran Tegeltija as the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Chairman-designate. As for the issue of distribution of ministerial posts in the B&H CoM, Izetbegovic confirmed that B&H Ambassador to Qatar Bisera Turkovic is most likely to be appointed the B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs. He assessed that new convocations of the B&H CoM and the FB&H government will be formed at the same time, expressing his hope that Covic will give up on the Election Law of B&H as a condition to formation of the FB&H government.


Izetbegovic is obstructing agreement about border (Glas Srpske)


Representatives of Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs told the daily that Serbia and B&H need to accelerate negotiations about the disputable points on the state border and find solution, which is acceptable to both sides, as this is important for developing of god neighborly relations and progress towards the EU. Written response of the Serbian Ministry reads that demarcation of the border between Serbia and B&H is one of the priorities for this Ministry, as solving of this issue would result in making one step closer towards the EU and raising of bilateral relations to a higher level. The statement reads that no progress has been made for years, but they deem that low number of disputable areas on the border give optimism that it is possible to find solution, acceptable to both sides. The Ministry further stated that the last session of the Inter-State Commission took place in June 2010 in Belgrade and considering the vacation season, they expect that new session could be scheduled for September or October.  A good chance for more serious discussion or opening of more serious engagement, was during the recent visit of B&H Presidency members to Belgrade, but Bosniak member Bakir Izetbegovic stopped that. Serbian Ministry stated that during the visit of President Aleksandar Vucic to Sarajevo in 2017, it was underlined that it is important to solve this issue and continue the work of the Commission and all members of the Presidency agreed with necessity and importance to solve the issue of border, to intensify the negotiations and find an acceptable solution to both sides, including exchange of territory. “Continuation of negotiations was expected after the official visit of B&H Presidency members in December that year, to Serbia. However, Izetbegovic then refused to accept the document i.e. proposal for demarcation, which was presented by Aleksandar Vucic and which the Serbian side prepared in line with the principle agreement from the meeting in Sarajevo. This resulted in another postponement of the session of the commission”, reads the statement of Serbian Foreign Ministry. Asked if B&H side submitted their proposal of demarcation or conditions, the Ministry stated that during the negotiations Serbian side made proposals for reaching of compromise, but B&H side rejected them, arguing that it is necessary to verify the border along the same lines as it was in Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, while the negotiations on possible corrections would take place after the agreement is signed. “However, the made no guarantees that these negotiations for solving of vital issues for Serbia, would truly take place,” concluded Serbian Ministry.


Pendarovski condemns Zaev’s hateful statement (Republika)


President Stevo Pendarovski condemned Prime Minister Zoran Zaev for his shocking statement, when he referred to Bojan Jovanovski – Boki 13, the main suspect (so far) in the major racketeering case, as a “faggot”. That is an unseemly statement which used language that can insult entire categories of our citizens and in that sense I think that it’s good that the Prime Minister apologized the same day to those who may have felt insulted. I have also had slipped up from time to time and have been criticized for a statement or a turn of phrase. But that is how it should be. That is how we become a serious democracy and none of us should be nervous or angry if the public sees things that way, Pendarovski said. Zaev’s statement was also seen as a threat aimed at journalist Branko Geroski, who reported on the scandal. Pendarovski earlier urged a more serious approach to the investigation into the scandal revolving around Boki 13, Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva and, allegedly, top SDSM party officials. This has created the perception of a rift between him on one side and Zaev and Deputy Prime Minister Radmila Sekerinska on the other, who are both named by Boki 13 in the secretly recorded audio tapes where he extorts 1.5 million EUR from businessman Jordan Orce Kamcev.


Meta: Without media freedom, Albania's quest to EU is impossible (ADN)


President of the Republic, Ilir Meta, in support of journalists and media, has responded this Thursday to the open debate following the anti-defamation legal package undertaken by the Majority. He counts some of the reports and statistics for the media in the country and says that there are strong alarm bells for the worsening and extremely disturbing situation of journalists in Albania today. The Head of State stresses that without a free and independent media, Albania's path to the European Union is impossible.


Pjetri gives up mayor's position, Basha appeals for Premier's removal (ADN)


Chairman of Democratic Party (DP) Lulzim Basha declared this Thursday that now, there is one criminal less in politics and one usurper less in local government. In the light of Valdrin Pjetri giving up his position as Mayor of Shkodra Municipality, Basha said that regardless of what Pjetri did, nothing changes until they remove Prime Minister Edi Rama, who he labeled as the head of political crime. "A criminal less in politics; a usurper less in local government. Nothing changes until we remove Edi Rama, the head of political crime," stated Basha.




Belarus, Serbia discuss military, technical cooperation prospects (BelTA, 15 August 2019)


MINSK – The prospects of bilateral military and technical cooperation have been discussed during a working visit of a delegation of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces led by Chief of the General Staff Milan Mojsilovic to Belarus, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Defense Ministry. The Serbian delegation met with Head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Belarus, First Deputy Defense Minister Oleg Belokonev on 14 August to talk over the implementation of the plan of action on bilateral military cooperation for 2019, international and regional security, the organization of the Sniper Frontier competition at the International Army Games 2019 in Belarus. During the visit to OAO 558 Aircraft Repair Plant in Baranovichi the parties discussed promising areas of military and technical cooperation. The delegation got familiar with the process of modernization of MiG-29 aircraft belonging to the Serbian Armed Forces. The delegation of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces has also visited the Brest Hero Fortress Memorial to lay flowers at the Eternal Flame. The working visit will run through 16 August.


US Diplomat: Dodik Rhetoric Undermining Bosnian Government Deal (VoA, by Dino Jahic, 15 August 2019)


This story originated in VOA's Bosnian Service.

WASHINGTON — U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Palmer says the U.S. welcomes an agreement that Bosnia and Herzegovina's political leaders recently signed as part of an effort to break the deadlock in forming the government, and that he hopes Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik stop with the "hard-line rhetoric." On Aug. 5, leaders of the country's three most influential parties agreed on 12 key issues to resolve as a primary step toward formation of a new government. Based on that list, the leaders then agreed to finalize a deal to open a new government within 30 days. Lawmakers, however, have since made little progress toward a binding agreement, as Bosnian Serb leaders are strongly opposed to membership in a western military alliance, while Bosniak and Bosnian Croat lawmakers support it. On Tuesday, Dodik, leader of Serb-majority Republika Srpska, vowed to torpedo a number of major reforms in the country, including the formation of joint armed forces and a state court and police agency, unless a state-level government is formed soon. "You know, I don't think that those kinds of threats are really going to help create the kind of political climate conducive to compromise and agreement," Palmer said in an interview with VOA's Bosnian Service. "So I'm hopeful that president Dodik doesn't maintain that kind of hardline rhetoric. I think it's fundamentally unhelpful and creates a political climate in which you have winners and losers rather than the opportunity for everybody to come out with a little bit of what they want and in a position to accept that they've won something." Palmer also said he's optimistic that the stalled deal to form a government and submit an Annual National Program (ANP) to the alliance's headquarters in Brussels — a required step along the path toward NATO membership — can move forward.

"We think it's a positive development that the leaders of three of the major parties were able to come together and identify compromise as the path forward on both the EU and the NATO track and on government formation," Palmer said. "We understand in particular that both President [Željko] Komsic and President [Šefik] Dzaferovic have made clear that they would like to see an" ANP submitted to Brussels. "We're hopeful that the presidency can come together and agree on a path forward that that works for all." Dodik has said that the issue of NATO must not be on the agenda of the three-member state presidency session currently scheduled for Aug. 20, at which the formation of a state government will be discussed. Bosnia will not hand over the ANP to Brussels. It does not say anywhere that it will. The agreement says nothing [about it]," Dodik said. The tiny Balkan country of roughly 3.5 million residents applied for EU membership in 2016, following years of constitutional reforms and engagements with the 1995 Dayton Accords that put an end to the nearly 4-year-long Bosnian war. NATO offered a Membership Action Plan to Bosnia in 2010 but declined to "activate" it until all conditions are met. Submitting its first ANP is a key part of that process.