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Belgrade Media Report 16 April



Vucic: We are not able to lift the ban on movement during curfew (Tanjug/Beta/RTV/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke on the phone with Serbian Patriarch Irinej, and after the conversation, a joint statement was issued. Vucic stressed that he understands the need of the people and the Church to celebrate the greatest Christian holiday of the resurrection of Christ concerning which the Holy Synod had made a request to the state leadership, showing paternal care for its believers. However, due to the current epidemiological situation in Serbia, following measures and instructions prescribed by professionals, we are not able to lift the ban on movement during the police curfew. His Holiness Patriarch Irinej noted that after the announcement of the Holy Synod, many, and even official representatives, made inappropriate statements creating a biased media picture that could damage the image of the Serbian Church as well as of the Serbian state, misinterpreting the intent of both the Church and state. The SPC has so far respected and respects the prescribed measures and recommendations of the government of the Republic of Serbia, while the state took care not to issue orders but only most benevolent recommendations for the benefit of believers of all traditional churches and religious communities in the Republic of Serbia," the statement said. Vucic expressed his belief that the SPC would continue to do so in the future, in this way continuing to participate in the fight against this global scourge. He took the opportunity to thank the Serbian Church for its high level of social responsibility and assistance, convinced that we will emerge from this struggle united, as victors. Hoping for the understanding of the SPC and the believers, Vucic congratulated His Holiness and the faithful people the coming holiday above all holidays with the ancient Orthodox greeting - Christ is risen!


Dacic: Serbian-American relations are good foundation for optimistic view of the future (Beta)


In critical moments, Serbia and the US have always been on the right side of history together, and their relations provide “a good foundation for an optimistic view of the future,” even

during the COVID-19 pandemic, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on 15 April. “The current state of our relations provides a good foundation for an optimistic view of the future, despite the fact that we are all in the middle of a global crisis caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,” Dacic said at a meeting dedicated to Serbian-American relations, their past, present and the future. “In these hard times, Serbia and the US are fighting side by side against an invisible, deadly enemy,” he added. He also recalled that several days ago, the first shipment of U.S. aid in the form of 6,000 coronavirus tests arrived in Belgrade, which demonstrates that “the American people have not forgotten how to show solidarity with their Serbian friends, despite the difficulties they themselves are currently facing.” At the meeting organized by the Serbian-American Friendship Congress and attended by US Ambassador to Serbia Anthony Godfrey, Dacic pointed out the “positive dynamics” of cooperation between Serbia and the US. “Today, in our relations, the Kosovo question is without doubt the chief topic in our political dialogue. Despite the difference of opinion, we remain fully open for a dialogue on how to resolve the said question,” Dacic concluded.

Godfrey: We’ll write down new chapter of our friendship (FoNet)


US Ambassador to Serbia Anthony Godfrey tweeted on Wednesday he had "a great meeting" with several country’s officials about Washington – Belgrade relationship, FoNet reported.

Godfrey talked with Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Minister Branko Ruzic as well as with parliament deputy speaker Vladimir Marinkovic, on the occasion of the opening of Serb-American Academy for Leaders. "We’ll together be stronger than COVID-19 and will proudly write down a new chapter of our friendship,” the Ambassador said. "My thanks to the Serb-American Friendship association for the opportunity to address the Academy attendees,” he added.


Equipment for two state-of-the-art quid labs arrives from China (Tanjug)


Air Serbia aircraft, carrying equipment from China for two state-of-the-art laboratories donated to Serbia to assist in the fight against coronavirus, landed at Nikola Tesla Airport this afternoon.

Thanks to this assistance, as early as next week, 2,000 coronavirus tests will be performed daily at the new laboratory at the Clinical Centre of Serbia in Belgrade, while another laboratory in Nis will be able to perform 1,000 tests a day. The plane was welcomed at the airport by Mining and Energy Minister Aleksandar Antic, State Secretary of the Ministry of Health Berislav Vekic, Chinese Ambassador to Belgrade Chen Bo and representatives of Chinese companies Zidjin and BGI, who are among the donors. Antic pointed out that the delivered equipment will allow Serbia to double its testing capacity, which will significantly affect the coverage of the people who need to be tested in order to definitely defeat the virus. The Minister thanked Ambassador Chen Bo for her support, pointing out that her engagement was more than friendship and performing her function, which he estimated was a personal, human relationship that Serbia will not forget. Vekic said this was a big day for Serbia, and specified that the donation is worth €710,000, of Serbia participated with €140,000 for 90,000 tests. Chinese Ambassador Chen Bo recalled that a week ago the government of Serbia and Chinese partners signed a contract for the joint construction of the two laboratories, noting that Chinese experts for the laboratories arrived two days ago and part of the equipment today.


Preventive measures in migrant camps yield results (Tanjug)


Serbian Defense Minister and Head of the Working Group on Migration Aleksandar Vulin visited the Reception Centre in Obrenovac today, where facilities for migrants were expanded.

Vulin recalled that a 24-hour quarantine is established for all migrants in Serbia until the coronavirus threat has passed. He explained that the new facility at the Obrenovac Reception Centre is a donation from the Millennium Team, to whom he expressed his gratitude for finding ways to help migrants and Serbian citizens in these difficult times. If migrants were not housed in our barracks and did not have the proper conditions provided by the Millennium Team, they would pose a safety and health risk to our citizens, the Minister stressed.


Second Serbian media outlet says no more e-mail questions about pandemic (FoNet)


Belgrade daily Danas said it has decided to follow the example of the FoNet news agency and no longer send questions by e-mail for the daily coronavirus pandemic briefings.  “Danas is showing solidarity with our colleagues at the FoNet news agency and has decided to no longer send questions about the pandemic to members of the expert team who address the public every day without the media present,” a statement on the daily’s web site said.  FoNet news agency said on Wednesday that it would no longer be sending questions by e-mail to the pandemic Crisis Staff after the Serbian government decided that all questions should be sent in before the daily briefing which is no longer attended by reporters, only the camera crews of the Tanjug agency and the state TV (RTS).


EFJ warns of reporting restrictions during coronavirus pandemic (N1)


The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) warned on Thursday of problems facing journalists while reporting on the coronavirus pandemic, adding that restrictions are being imposed for news conferences under the pretext of ensuring the safety of journalists. “There are still problems in some European countries. In Serbia for example, journalists have to send their questions in writing beforehand. This is not an acceptable alternative to physical press conferences. Once again, we remind governments that the pandemic must not be used to restrict the free flow of information,” EFJ General Secretary Ricardo Gutiérrez is quoted as saying in a press release.

He added that “governments are obligated to provide reliable information in accessible formats to all. The right of access to information means that governments must be making exceptional efforts to protect the work of journalists”.  “The EFJ urges countries where journalists are not allowed to ask questions live to adapt in such a critical moment, for example with the use of a video conferencing system. While journalists should not expose themselves in crowded conference rooms, the EFJ reminds that it is equally important not to restrict press freedom and journalists’ ability to ask questions. Even during a total lockdown, minimum service information must be assured to protect the free flow of information and the citizens’ right to know,” the press release added. On Wednesday, Reporters Without Borders (RSF)wrote to two UN special rapporteurs asking them to formally condemn governments were violating the right to information during the coronavirus epidemic and putting public health and lives in danger both in their own countries and the rest of the world.


In Serbia 5,318 infected, 443 recovered (RTS)


In the last 24 hours there have been another four deaths in Serbia, a total of 103 deaths. Another 445 cases, total of 5,318 infected. In the last 24 hours, 3,194 people were tested, and 445 were positive on coronavirus infection. Since the first case in Serbia appeared on March 6, the number of tested people was 29, 472 and 5, 318 proved positive with the coronavirus, while 3,511 were hospitalized. In the last 24 hours, 120 were still on ventilators. So far, 6,070 medical staff were tested, 593 were positive and 382 hospitalized.




FB&H Crisis HQ says there will be no mass testing (FTV)


As many as 553 persons have been tested for COVID-19 in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) over the past 24 hours, 22 of whom turned out to be positive. The COVID-19 case toll in the FB&H has thus increased to 634. Up to 74 persons have been hospitalized, eight of whom are connected to breathing machines. A total of 25 persons have died so far. Addressing a press conference in Sarajevo on Wednesday, representatives of the FB&H Ministry of Healthcare Crisis Headquarters informed the public on the growing number of donations, including the necessary medical equipment. FB&H Minister of Healthcare Vjekoslav Mandic noted that there are currently around 260 breathing machines, but he underlined that these devices are used to treat the most critical patients only. “According to the latest information I have, more than 500 medical workers have been tested. Of course, we will continue to test everyone who needs to be tested. We have received 160,000 test kits, which is enough to test a number of people. However, I repeat, experts will decide how many people will be tested and when,” Mandic said. Director of the FB&H Institute for Public Health Davor Pehar said on Wednesday that there will be no mass testing of citizens for the coronavirus because this is not done in any country in the world. He explained that testing in the FB&H is following the crisis plan and it is being adjusted in accordance with the needs and spreading of the epidemic.


RS Crisis HQ extends duration of curfew in RS for upcoming Easter (BHT1)


The Republika Srpska (RS) Crisis Headquarters reached a decision on Wednesday to extend duration of the curfew in the RS during the upcoming celebration of the Orthodox Easter. Thus, the curfew in the RS will be valid as of Friday at 3 p.m. until Saturday at five a.m. and as of Saturday at 3 p.m. until Monday at 5 a.m. The RS Crisis HQ also reached a decision according to which pensioners will be allowed to go out of their homes on Thursday from 7 a.m. until 10 a.m. instead of the usual term on Fridays. The reporter reminded that the prohibition on movement does not refer to healthcare workers, police officers, domestic and foreign road carriers and all other citizens who have the necessary approval from their employers. After the meeting of RS Prime Minister (PM) Radovan Viskovic and RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic held on Wednesday, Mayor of Banja Luka Igor Radojicic said that the new restrictive measures during the upcoming holidays were expected. He mentioned celebration of the Easter, but also the celebration of the Labor Day on May 1 and celebration of the St. George’s Day on May 6, adding that gatherings should be avoided on these occasions in order to prevent spreading of the Coronavirus.


Dodik thanked Orthodox believers for understanding of curfew during upcoming Easter (ATV)


Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, in Belgrade on Wednesday. They discussed measures in the fight against coronavirus pandemic such as the ban on gathering during religious holidays and called on all believers to spend the upcoming Orthodox Easter at home.  Addressing the joint press conference after the meeting, Dodik said that the RS and Serbia agreed to extend the curfew during the upcoming Orthodox Easter due to coronavirus pandemic and asked all believers for understanding. Dodik and Vucic concluded that both the RS and Serbia keep the situation under control and therefore it is important to continue with all the measures. Dodik asked all Orthodox Christians in the RS for understanding because the curfew will be extended for additional hours during the upcoming Easter, while gatherings of people will be prohibited as they cannot allow spreading of the Coronavirus. Dodik stated that it is important to prevent gatherings and to eliminate the possibility of further spread of the epidemic. “I think this is a good opportunity for other representatives of our church to also behave like this” Dodik said.


Radoncic sends letter to embassies, diplomatic offices and honorary consulates in B&H regarding possibility of transportation of foreign citizens to their countries (FTV)


B&H Minister of Security Fahrudin Radoncic has sent a letter to the embassies, diplomatic offices and honorary consulates in B&H, which reads that the authorities of B&H will make it possible to organize special flights or other methods of transportation of foreign citizens who want to return to their countries. However, he asked them not to use such opportunities in order for citizens of B&H to return to this country. If other countries decide to make it possible for citizens of B&H to return after all, Radoncic asked them to inform the competent institutions of B&H on such intention at least 15 days before the date of return, along with the information on passengers and their address of residence in B&H.


EBRD will assist public and private sector in B&H to overcome this unseen challenge (Dnevni avaz)


Dnevni avaz daily talked to Head of EBRD Office in B&H Manuela Naessl who stated that COVID-19 pandemic is a global shock that affects all countries in the world and “small, open economy of B&H is no exception”. Naessl stressed that B&H economy is relatively firmly connected to global supply chains and temporary halting of production of big, multinational companies has a negative impact on their suppliers from B&H. She added that additional effects are coming from urgent healthcare measures for prevention of the epidemic. “Transfers from abroad were at the level of 11% and they are a great driver of consumption in earlier years, but this year they could be reduced because the workers in Western Europe could receive lower salaries or even lose their jobs,” said Naessl. According to her, B&H is one of the more resilient countries, with moderate public debt, low dependence of export of goods or tourism good and solvent banking system and relatively good healthcare protection. “However, there are vulnerability pockets, most notably because of institutional capacities of the country, as well as readiness and resources for solving of the crisis. B&H was one of first countries which applied to IMF for rapid financing instrument and EBRD is also ready to provide their support. It is an important step that B&H authorities finally reached an agreement on distribution of funds between entities in order to carry out this financing,” said Naessl. She noted that it is very difficult to speak about possible outcomes of the pandemic because there are no firm data about the economic effects. However, Naessl noted that if one assumes that restriction measures for prevention of pandemic spread, will be in place for couple of months and be reduced only gradually, in order to return the economy to regular flow in second half of the year, there is a possibility for economic growth to be decreased this year only to swiftly recover in 2021.

She added that EBRD was the first international financial institution that responded to the crisis by approving the initial solidarity package in amount of EUR one billion. “As a strong and long-term partner of B&H, we will certainly be able to play an important role in order to assist state public and private sector to overcome this unseen challenge,” ends Naessl.


Sattler: EU might not be loudest one, but it is most loyal partner (Nezavisne)


The Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) and EU Special Representative (EUSR) in B&H Ambassador Johann Sattler assessed the local authorities’ response to coronavirus epidemic in the country as ‘adequate’. The EUSR noted that leaders in B&H have managed to put the majority of political disagreements aside, and underlined that communication with the public was on satisfactory level, as all three members of the Presidency of B&H have addressed the public. “We are entering the second month of quarantine and restrictive measures, and it is important to have those measures remain in force. It is important to continue with coordination, but also with communication of authorities with the public, so that one can understand that it is not a time to relax,” said Sattler, and called on citizens to act in line with measures introduced to curb the spread of coronavirus infections in the country. Commenting on the last-minute agreement on arrangement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Sattler said that two things were achieved last Saturday. “One of those things is agreement with regards to formation of working group for socio-economic response to COVID-19 at the level of B&H, which I personally advocated. We need a coordinated approach and it is important that we have achieved consent. This group should be established as early as this week, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Mr. (Zoran) Tegeltija is at the helm of those activities and he will convene the first meeting of this group very soon,” said Sattler. He confirmed that an agreement has been reached on IMF’s financial assistance in the amount of EUR 330 million, saying that it was necessary because there is a number of companies in B&H right now which are struggling to find response to coronavirus crisis and are in need of assistance. “I agree that one needs to be very careful when it comes to new debts, but one also needs to have in mind that we are talking about completely extraordinary circumstances, when significant part of economy is in serious danger, which requires extraordinary measures”, said Sattler. He underlined that due to fiscal discipline in the past, B&H has relatively low debt rate compared to some other countries, including some EU Member States, which is why the country is in a position to take a somewhat bigger loan. “The economy is now in danger, and that is why salvation of economy and jobs need to be priority,” concluded Sattler. Commenting on EU’s assistance to B&H, Sattler said that “the EU might not be the loudest one, but it is the most loyal partner of B&H and the Western Balkans”. The EUSR reminded of EU’s assistance after devastating floods in B&H, saying that the EU will react the same way now - by providing immediate medical assistance, with a total of EUR seven million for procurement of personal protective equipment, face shields, and respirators, among other things. Also, Sattler reminded that the EU will allocate 73 million Euros to support small- and medium-sized companies, companies hit by the crisis, especially in the field of tourism and transport, but also in other sectors as well. “Also, we are preparing the macroeconomic support package, similar to the arrangement with the IMF. Very favorable EU’s loan, under very favorable conditions, is being prepared, and it would help B&H get out of this difficult situation”, explained Sattler, adding that one can expect big shortages of budget money. The EUSR noted that the EU is providing other kinds of assistance to B&H as well, as the Union has supported the inclusion of B&H into the initiative for creation of green transport lanes, and the country has also become a part of joint public procurements with all EU Member Countries, which made it easier for B&H to obtain necessary medical equipment and supplies. Commenting on European prospect of B&H, especially after the postponement of the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Zagreb, Sattler underlined that EU’s decision to open negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia is a strong signal to B&H. “Everything is in your hands, you have a chance to start moving forward”, said Sattler. He explained that because of the coronavirus pandemic, some sort of the virtual summit will be organized before the end of Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU - in other words, by the end of June - because Western Balkans is one of priorities of Croatian EU presidency. “B&H needs to use this crisis to see what could be done to improve the functionality of the country,” said Sattler. He reminded that the European Commission has issued Opinion about country’s application for membership in the EU almost one year ago, but the authorities in B&H have not responded yet. “What needs to be done right now is to make an effort so that B&H is well prepared for the Summit in Zagreb, with something to offer, and I hope that those efforts will translate into some concrete action program which could be presented at the summit, regardless of in which form the summit will be organized”, Sattler concluded. The EUSR noted that over the past five or six weeks, politicians in B&H were able to put their political differences aside, which shows that things are possible in B&H, and that “it is possible to have a broader perspective while implementing reforms”. Asked if he believes that local elections in B&H should be postponed, Sattler said that decision lies with authorities in B&H. He noted that some countries have already postponed their own elections, but in the case of B&H, there is still enough time since the elections are scheduled for October. The EUSR concluded that regularity of election process needs to be preserved. “There is a number of problems, starting with the voting in absentia, but regardless of that, one has to work on improvement of standards of the election process, which is what the EU is working on, including the work through project which provides this kind of support” concluded Sattler.


US Ambassador Nelson: Virus does not respect neither borders nor ethnicities (O kanal)


The US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson spoke of the coronavirus pandemic and the situation in B&H, but also in the United States. Asked to comment the fact that the US was the first country that sent assistance to B&H amid the coronavirus pandemic, as well as to comment the response of the B&H authorities to the crisis, Ambassador Nelson said that he is very proud of his team for the incredible job they have been doing in terms of providing assistance. "I believe that the local authorities are doing an excellent job, quickly adopting important decisions that helped the country protect itself from the coronavirus. Politics in B&H is always complicated, but it is good to see certain improvements in cooperation. There is more spirit and unity. That is essential for efficient agreement. We are all in this together. Every country is affected, the US unfortunately more than others," Ambassador Nelson said. Asked to comment the current political situation in B&H and whether B&H is unified enough to respond to the current crisis, Ambassador Nelson stated that he would not say that B&H is not unified enough. "I believe that this is an important opportunity for the country to think about it and remember just how important it is to be unified. Response to COVID-19 requires a lot more coordination and unity in adoption of decisions and recognition of the fact that all citizens are at risk. This virus does not respect neither borders nor ethnicities. Everybody is at risk and one has to act in line with that. A sense of unity is essential" Ambassador Nelson underlined. Asked to comment the decision of President Donald Trump to suspend payment of World Health Organization and whether this will affect the level of assistance that the USA is sending to developing countries, Nelson said that the USA is searching for the ways to assist in the most efficient manner. He noted that here in B&H, the USA is financing the WHO and UNICEF because they are the most prepared partners for providing of assistance. “At the same time, the US President and taxpayers are always searching for the most effective way of response. Even in time like this, we are looking how WHO responds to the situation and expect it to preform even better job,” ends Nelson.


First shipment of medical equipment from China arrives in Banja Luka (RTRS)


The first shipment of protective medical equipment from China arrived at the Banja Luka Airport on Wednesday evening. The equipment was bought by the RS government and will be distributed to all healthcare institutions in this entity with the goal of fighting against the coronavirus epidemic. The shipment contains protective masks, gloves, respirators and protective suits. The plane carrying aid was welcomed by Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic, RS Minister of Health and Social Welfare Alen Seranic and Director of the RS Health Insurance Fund Dejan Kusturic at the Banja Luka Airport. Viskovic confirmed over 550 cubic meters of merchandize, or 55 tons, arrived in this plane and this equipment will be enough to fulfill the needs of all healthcare facilities in Republika Srpska (RS). “As of now, the RS will not depend on anyone when it comes to any type of medical equipment”, he pointed out. He thanked the Chinese authorities and the Chinese Ambassador to B&H for helping the RS authorities with this procurement, assuring the equipment arrives safely and timely into Banja Luka. Dodik said the procurement and the entire procedure lasted almost a month, with the most difficult part being acquirement of a plane that would transport the aid from China to the RS. “We have more equipment in China waiting for shipment. Another plane, similar to this one, is set to arrive sometime after 20 April,” Dodik confirms. The new shipment will include around 200 respirators. He also thanked the Chinese officials for their help in this procurement.


Malaysia delivers 10 tons of aid to B&H (Dnevni avaz)


Late on Wednesday night an airplane from Malaysia arrived at the Sarajevo International Airport, carrying ten tons of aid for fighting COVID-19 pandemic. The aid contains medical equipment and two million masks. Daily noted that this ad was agreed with the Malaysian government by B&H Presidency and Foreign Ministry of B&H.


Radoncic thanks Saudi Arabia for donation to B&H (Dnevni avaz)


B&H Minister of Security Fahrudin Radoncic thanked Organization of Islamic Cooperation for assistance form the Saudi Arabia. Radoncic stated that OIC, formed by Arab League, paid BAM 535, 853 to the subaccount of the Security Ministry. These funds are intended for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and Radoncic stressed that this is assistance for all B&H citizens and Council of Ministers will decide about spending of these funds. Ministry of Security stated of Wednesday that 15 companies, organizations and individuals have made the payments to the special subaccount of the Council of Ministers and now the amount of collected funds is BAM 1, 283, 478. 87.


HNS B&H supports postponement of local elections if crisis continues (N1)


The Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) discussed the current economic and political situation in B&H at its session on Wednesday. HNS B&H believes that B&H politicians must work fast and adopt decisions that will help the economy recover from the coronavirus crisis. They asked the FB&H government to significantly increase funds for lower levels of authority. HNS B&H also supported legal work of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H, adding all decisions that are not in line with the laws will not be acceptable for HNS B&H members. They believe local elections should be postponed if the crisis continues.


OHR and US Embassy asked to comment possibility of merging of elections; OHR: Frequency of election cycles is often used as excuse for inactivity (Oslobodjenje)


Daily contacted OHR and US Embassy to B&H to hear their stance about the idea of holding of local and general elections in the same year. “In this moment the OHR deems that it is necessary to continue with all preparations for local elections as it was planned and to carry out the estimate later on concerning the situation with the pandemic. As for the idea about merging of the elections, this is not a new idea and it certainly has its advantages because in this way B&H would leave the constant pre-election and post-election cycles. Frequency of these election cycles often is used as an excuse for inactivity and this takes much of energy in political life of B&H, which could be used for improving of some concrete issues of the citizens,” reads the OHR statement. US Embassy’s Office for Public Relations stated they cannot comment hypothetical situations. “However, we want to stress that, as it is the case with all reforms in B&H, any changes of electoral legislation have to have wide political support and represent step closer to European standards,” stated US Embassy.


Number of persons infected in B&H increased to 1,116 (N1)

B&H registered new cases of the COVID-19. A total number of persons infected with the COVID-19 in B&H increased to 1167. There are 663 newly registered cases of the COVID-19 in the FB&H and 486 in the RS. A total of 43 people died of coronavirus complications in B&H. 1,4743 people have been tested so far in B&H, while 277 people have recovered.


Croatian MEPs dissatisfied with EU response to crisis at its beginning (Hina)


Croatian MEPs Karlo Ressler, Tonino Picula and Valter Flego said on Wednesday they were dissatisfied with European institutions' weak response to the coronavirus pandemic. Ressler (HDZ/EPP) said at a video press conference this was the EU's "biggest crisis" since its establishment. "This is, in a way, the moment of truth for Europe because swift action and swift aid are needed now. Concrete solidarity is needed." He regretted the absence of a response by all member states at the beginning. "Attempts are being made to change that now." Flego (IDS/Renew Europe) said the EU "was again surprised by snow in January," adding that Italy especially, the European country hit the hardest by the virus, had criticized the lack of European solidarity. France and Germany were among the first to ban the export of medical equipment, which resulted in a rise in Euroscepticism in Italy, with as many as 49% of Italians in favor of leaving the EU. The measures to help the European economy will show that "the EU is coming out of the initially passive, insufficiently active phase into a proactive phase of dealing with the consequences of the pandemic," he said, adding that the EU had suffered a "certain damage to its reputation" because of the initially absent common response to the crisis. The three MEPs said a common European policy was needed for an adequate exit from the crisis. "We should act together. It's clear that the European measures are complementary. It's clear we need to use every euro from the funds and programs" said Ressler, the EPP rapporteur on the European budget for 2021. Picula hopes for a more resolute and Flego a more aligned response in the second stage.

The three MEPs agreed that the crisis is showing that it is important Croatia enter the euro area given that its member states will have more money at their disposal. "This too shows how important it is that Croatia enter the euro area," said Ressler. "It's indeed good that we are in the European Union and it's a pity we are not in the euro area so we can use more money," said Picula.


Croatia reported 50 new coronavirus cases on Thursday, bringing the national total to 1,791 (HRT)


According to the latest report from the National Civil Protection Headquarters 50 new coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Croatia over the past 24 hours. This brings the national total to 1,791. At today’s press briefing Health Minister Vili Beros reported that two new coronavirus related deaths have been recorded over the past 24 hours, bringing the national total to 35. Minister Beros noted that the deceased, a woman and a man, were both elderly with serious underlying health conditions. Presenting additional data, Minister Beros said that the total number of people tested for coronavirus stands at 20 thousand 157, of which 901 were conducted in the past 24 hours. He added that the rate of return in terms of positive tests is 8.89 percent, which is lower than yesterday. Currently there are 372 people receiving care in hospitals around the country, of which 31 are on respirators. On a positive note, the number of people have recovered from the virus is up by 16 in the past 24 hours and now stands at 529.


Djukanovic: We are going to come through this crisis (CDM)


If he could find only one word to describe how competent authorities in Montenegro responded to the coronavirus outbreak, it would be responsibility, says Mr. Milo Djukanovic, Montenegro’s President. “It’s a professional, state and social responsibility. Montenegro has proven it can react efficiently and timely”, president said. He thinks those times have shown that the state is more developed and functional than many people thought. “The majority would say that Montenegro will be in great temptation. I don’t want to play down the severity of the situation but I ‘d like to emphasize the capability of this country. As Montenegrin citizens, we have many reasons to be satisfied” Djukanovic said. Montenegro had enough time to prepare well and come to grips with the pandemic. “I would like to express my deepest gratitude to people who made donations, companies, organizations, our friends and investors,” Djukanovic said. However, it was impossible to avoid pandemic. “Mortality rate is the lowest in the region. Now we can just hope that the disease won’t spread any further” Djukanovic said. Citizens of Montenegro have demonstrated great responsibility. Asked if the current situation will teach us something and if we could come out better, president says: “We are already better”. And his comment on the statement that his appearances in public are scarce: “Enough. Just the way it should be. President’s authorizations are not in the spotlight,” he pointed out. Asked to comment on false information that he has coronavirus, president said: “Coronavirus will pass, but this disease we are talking about right now, not very easily”. President reminds that coronavirus pandemic will affect Montenegro’s economy. “I am optimist and I firmly believe this experience will show that the world is able to come through the consequences of the crisis. We will get out of this for sure, the question is at what pace? Now we have to work on the preparation of economic support packages,” Djukanovic said. President also said that he believes that the regular parliamentary elections will be held in a near future.


Coronavirus measures in Montenegro to be extended until 30 April (CDM)


National Coordination Body agreed to extend implementation of temporary measures adopted last month. The following measures will be extended until 30 April: Ban on entrance of foreigners with temporary or permanent residence in Montenegro; Turnover of goods for Montenegro’s needs remains unhindered; Mandatory self-isolation for all Montenegrin citizens and foreigners with temporary or permanent residence in Montenegro; Ban on the provision of hospitality services in hotels; Closure of disco clubs, bars and night clubs; Closure of hospitality facilities except for facilities delivering food; Ban on trading and hospitality activities in malls; Closure of playrooms; Closure of fitness centers; Closure of casinos, betting and gambling places; Limiting number of buyers in relation to the surface area of the facility – only one consumer on 10 square meters. Not more than 50 consumers can be within the facility at the same time, for malls and markets, maximum number of people allowed to be present at the same time is 100; Responsible persons in trading facilities shall keep the shoppers at least 2 meters apart; Responsible persons in trading facilities shall provide implementation of measures for health protection; Responsible persons in trading facilities shall display at the entrance of the facility notice about the maximum number of people who can be in the facility at the same time; Municipalities, Capital and Old Royal Capital shall identify potential facilities for the implementation of quarantine measures and propose to the Ministry of Health procedure for further implementation of such measures; Ban on leaving the residential unit, Monday to Friday, between 7 pm and 5 am the next day and, on Saturday between1 pm and 5 am the next day and on Sunday between 11 am and 5 am the next day. Persons with pets are allowed to be out for 60 minutes maximum - This ban does not refer to persons performing regular tasks and provide services of public interest. These persons should have certificate issued by the employer; Ban on being in an open public area between 5 am to 7 pm; Ban on the organization of sport and recreational activities on all public areas; Ban on gatherings in residential units.


Begic: It is still too early to talk about lifting measures and restrictions (CDM)


It is still very early to talk about easing the measures. Any such action results in the increase of number of infections, and that’s something we must not allow. It will all be gradual, in accordance with the epidemic situation, said today at the conference Dr. Senad Begic, Assistant Director of the Institute for Public Health. He said increase in the number of cases could be expected in the forthcoming days.


Coronavirus and possible scenario

“One of the possible scenarios is the return of the virus. Some say the disease will be eradicated while others think it will be seasonal. Modern medicine plays role in one of the scenarios – finding vaccine” Dr. Begic says.


Amfilohije: Oppression of the church continues (Dan)


Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, Mr. Amfilohije, said in the interview for Dan that measures on the abolition of rights of believers to worship were a serious decision that had to be rendered in an open dialogue, as it is one of the most delicate human rights. Commenting on his recent arrest after the church service in Zlatica, Metropolitan said he was embroiled in the alleged law cake, the continuation of state’s treatment of the church.

What’s your comment on the actions of the police? Is that another reflection of conflict between the government and the Serbian Orthodox Church?

Amfilohije: Right after the adoption of measures for the suppression of the epidemic, Metropolitanate reduced its very intense church life to minimum. Apart from worship service and activities of several important church administrative institutions, everything stopped. But obviously it wasn’t enough. It was necessary to humiliate the Church. That, of course, didn’t work, and it won’t work. The Church did its best in the organization of the service in Zlatica. There were just a small number of priests, and not many believers and children. Arresting metropolitan, priests and church servants is, without doubt, the continuation of the way this government has been treating Church over the past 20 years. In fact, that treatment has been on since 1945, with little breaks in between. If there had been good will, it could have been demonstrated in the beginning of the epidemic. If that’s how it’s done in the countries with much more dialogue culture then I don’t see any reason why it wasn’t like that in Montenegro. If health is really the only goal, police had other ways, less violent and controversial, to protect it.

As for the police themselves, that department is arranged by strict hierarchy and they definitely id what they and been told to do. What is astonishing however, is the animosity of some media and some individuals who seemed to rejoice the fact that priests and believers are under arrest.

Given the fact that gatherings of believers are banned, how will services be performed during the greatest Christian holiday, Easter? Do you think that measure is justified?

Amfilohije: It was not easy for us to call on the believing people to refrain from celebrating Easter in temples. Before the public address, we were informed by the medical team leading the fight against epidemic that the situation was very serious and that motives for the adoption of such measures were of medical nature, with the aim of protecting human health. We believe them, but we are not that naïve as not to see that many use this scourge for their ideological and political ends. In that sense, we had a dilemma over whether such measures can be justified. Being Christians, Holy bread and Holy Communion is as important as the bread we eat every day. The word itself, liturgy, (litu ergon), says that it is “act of people”. If you are Christian, you can’t be indifferent to not be allowed to gather for the prayer, as commended by the Lord. We did that however, because those measures are temporary and have good purpose. Let’s hope all the reasons for this will disappear soon.

We are witnesses of terrible consequences of the dangerous virus. What is your opinion on the situation?

Amfilohije: This pandemic, just like any other trouble human race or individual faces, is always a good opportunity to remind ourselves how fragile we are and how unhappy and miserable we would be if the last letter of our life was a tomb, the end of our earthly life. If that is the truth, then why is the day we are born cursed? Thanks God, it’s not like that. A tomb is not the end of what we are, and we are not that unhappy. Every pandemic reminds us that we are born equal and that we all need brother’s help and care in order to recover from our sins. Unlike the virus, which does not do us harm intentionally, we are often worse than beasts, live in hatred, divisions, selfishness…

What do you think about Government’s measures? What measures do you disagree with?

Amfilohije: As I said earlier, banning right to worship is a very serious decision which had to be rendered in an open dialogue. Approaching it should be done with utmost care. As far as other measures are concerned, it is hard for us to judge them objectively as we don’t have enough expertise. We believe they were adopted by people who know what they are doing. We don’t want to comment on the measures as we are responsible for orthodox believers only. However, punishments and draconian fines are not the essence of the measures. Seeding fear is not a way to go.

When do you expect negotiation on the Law on Freedom of Religion to resume?

Amfilohije: After the epidemic is over, we hope. If that agreement isn’t reached, we will not have other choice but to keep fighting for our rights.


Institute for Public Health confirms two new coronavirus cases, both from Ulcinj (CDM)


According to the data of the Institute for Public Health, number of coronavirus case in Montenegro rises to 290. “Around 86 samples were analyzed since yesterday’s overview, and results showed two positive cases, both from Ulcinj”, Institute reports.

Number of cases by municipalities:

Podgorica: 153

Tuzi: 36

Niksic: 32

Bar: 23

Ulcinj: 16

Andrijevica: 7

Bijelo Polje: 6

Herceg Novi: 6

Budva: 4

Danilovgrad: 3

Tivat: 3

Plav: 1


The state of emergency in North Macedonia extended for the next 30 days (Republika)


The state of emergency in North Macedonia has been extended. The decision was made at today's session of the Security Council with President Stevo Pendarovski. “I have made the decision in accordance with my constitutional competencies, the state of emergency in North Macedonia has been extended for the next 30 days,” said Pendarovski. The President commented on the legal dilemmas that have arisen in the public regarding the constitutionality of the extension of the state of emergency for more than the prescribed 30 days. “It is clear that the creator of the constitution has not foreseen such a situation. The Assembly should not work and could not confirm my first decision on the state of emergency. I took the responsibility by making such a decision only because we have an unprecedented situation, it is far more important to preserve lives and human health than to hide behind legal interpretations," Pendarovski said.


Army presence to increase in several cities in North Macedonia, says Defense Minister (MIA)

An increased number of Army members will be deployed to several cities throughout the country, to assist police officers and local government units when necessary, Defense Minister Radmila Shekerinska underlined at a press conference Thursday. “Additional Army units will be deployed to Skopje, Tetovo, Gostivar, Debar, Struga, Ohrid, Strumica, Kumanovo, Bitola, Prilep, etc, to help municipal authorities and police forces properly implement protective measures,” Shekerinska said. Military power, she pointed out, is used to protect lives.

Regarding the situation in Kumanovo, the Minister said that putting the entire city under quarantine will just be throwing money at the problem. “The only measure that really works is social distancing. We can quarantine the city, but it would all be in vain if people start gathering in the streets, at the supermarkets, banks, parks. No quarantine can save the people who don’t protect themselves,” Shekerinska said. Army units, she stressed, participate in the fight against the coronavirus in several ways. “Army units guard state borders, police checkpoints, important buildings. They have also constructed a field hospital and help disinfect areas. Army members distribute food packages to vulnerable categories and offer assistance to local authorities and police forces,” Shekerinska said. The Minister, who took part Wednesday in a video-conference of NATO defense ministers dedicated to the fight against COVID-19, underlined that all ally armies perform the same tasks. Meeting participants presented the countries’ viewpoints on how to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus spread, but Shekerinska also underlined the importance of comparing how each country uses military power to deal with the situation. “I was glad to see that all ally armies undertake identical activities to deal with the pandemic and assist civilian authorities in mitigating the effects of its spread,” Shekerinska said. Meeting participants discussed how NATO member states deal with the pandemic and how NATO can assist them in their efforts. “We agreed to help each other deal with this global health crisis, which will definitely have financial implications. However, we have to make sure that the health crisis doesn’t become a security crisis. We discussed how to offer quick and efficient assistance and show that we’re stronger together,” Shekerinska said. Meeting participants extended congratulations to the Minister on North Macedonia’s full-fledged NATO membership, while she thanked our friends from the United States, Turkey, Czech Republic, Norway, Hungary, Slovenia, United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Bulgaria for sending aid during this unprecedented crisis. “This was our chance to show that we don’t sit and wait someone to help us but we also help others,” Shekerinska said. She called on citizens to respect coronavirus preventive measures.


Stoltenberg: Best way to counter disinformation campaigns is concrete support to allies (MIA)


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg referred to the problem of disinformation related to the coronavirus circulating on the Balkans after the virtual meeting of NATO Defense Ministers, MIA reports from Brussels. “Countries in the Western Balkans have received support from NATO and its allies, with North Macedonia highlighting this during the meeting. This was the first ministerial meeting that a defense minister from North Macedonia participated in. Minister Radmila Shekerinska listed the NATO allies – The Netherlands, the United States, the Czech Republic, Norway and many others – that have provided concrete support with medical equipment, field hospital, financial support and so on to North Macedonia,” Stoltenberg told the online press conference. According to him, the best way to counter disinformation campaigns is by providing concrete support to allies, as NATO is doing every day, “because by acting we send a clear message”. “We provide support to our allies in the Western Balkans, but today we also discussed with our Supreme Operational Commander, General Wolters how we can speed up and step up their support,” stressed Stoltenberg.

Chinese Embassy makes donation to North Macedonia amid coronavirus outbreak (MIA)


Chinese Ambassador to North Macedonia Zhang Zuo handed over Thursday a donation of Mden 1,930,000 from the Chinese Embassy to Health Minister Venko Filipche, to help in the fight against the coronavirus. A donation from the Chinese government is also expected to arrive in North Macedonia soon. “The donation is ready, the only thing left to do is arrange transport details. When China was going through a hard time, your President and Health Minister offered immense support. Now it’s up to use to return the favor,” Ambassador Zuo said. Health Minister Venko Filipche thanked Ambassador Zuo for the donation and expressed interest in discussing the pandemic with epidemiologists and infectious diseases experts from China, where the virus has passed its peak. “We’re aware that there’s a global demand for protective gear and we’re very thankful for the donation. I hope we’ll be able to get in touch with epidemiologists from China, where the virus has passed its peak,” Filipche said. He discussed with the ambassador the steps the country plans to take when restrictions are ultimately lifted. North Macedonia has also received donations of about 50,000 face masks and 200 protective bodysuits from Chinese sister cities. Ambassador Zuo relayed at the meeting an invitation from China’s top healthcare officials for Health Minister Filipche to take part in a video conference at the beginning of May.


Michel: EU-Western Balkans Summit to be held via videoconference (MIA)


President of the European Council Charles Michel at Wednesday’s press conference in Brussels said that the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Zagreb scheduled to take place in May will not be postponed, MIA’s Brussels correspondent reports. “We plan to hold the summit by a videoconference over the next few weeks, and we have to discuss this and take a decision with EU Croatian Presidency to providing a boost to economic cooperation with the region,” Michel said. Michel said that there was no problem in postponing early parliamentary elections in North Macedonia due to the pandemic, but sent a message to the governments in the region that the health crisis must not slow down or stop the reform efforts needed for EU membership.

He said that postponement of scheduled elections in North Macedonia or anywhere else, is justified decision given the health risks. Asked about strict measures that have been taken by several countries in the region which were criticized by the civil society, Michel failed to give direct answer but reminded that rule of law continues to apply during the crisis, especially for North Macedonia and Albania that are set to start EU accession negotiations soon. “We send a clear political message, we urge them to respect the rule of law, the basic of principles of freedom and democracy and this has at the very heart of our actions over the last few weeks and months in our negotiations with these countries,” Michel said adding when it comes to coronavirus and external actions, EU wants to provide support and promote economic development in the region. Michel said that he had discussions recently with the President Stevo Pendarovski on decision to postpone the elections and considers that given the support of all political parties, it is not a democratic problem at all.


Spasovski: No relaxation of curfew rules for Easter (Republika)


Interim Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski said that the government won’t relax curfew rules for Saturday evening or Sunday, when Macedonians celebrate Easter. Spasovski said that the faithful can use phones and the internet to congratulate Easter to one another. “Our lives depend on the actions of others and no-one has the right to endanger a life,” Spasovski said. Macedonia will be under its second-long weekend curfew, starting Friday evening and lasting until Tuesday morning. Only essential workers and people with pets will be allowed to leave their homes at this time.


Top government officials Spasovski, Filipce and Osmani to self-isolate after meeting with the infected Mayor of Kumanovo (Republika)


Top government officials, including interim Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski, his deputy Bujar Osmani, Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce and Education Minister Arbr Ademi are expected to go into self-isolation after attending a meeting of the Kumanovo crisis committee on Wednesday. Today it was revealed that Kumanovo Mayor Maksim Dimitrievski, who chaired the meeting, has the coronavirus. Spasovski, Osmani and Filipce did not show up for the meeting of the security council, convened today by President Stevo Pendarovski, as a precautionary measure. The meeting was called to determine whether the state of emergency should be extended for a second month. Osmani confirmed that the illness of the Kumanovo Mayor prompted him to skip today’s meeting of the security council. He said that he wore a mask throughout the meeting, but just in case, he will remain self-isolated for a few days. Other top officials, such as the leaders of the VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM parties Hristijan Mickoski and Zoran Zaev, are isolating at home as well, after they were both interviewed by a journalist who was later found to be Covid-19 positive.


Palmer: US companies helping coronavirus fight in North Macedonia (MIA)


Aside from the financial assistance provided by the United States, which I believe stands at USD 1,2 million until now, U.S. companies are also offering assistance to North Macedonia in the COVID-19 crisis management, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Western Balkans, Matthew Palmer has told Voice of America in Macedonian language. “Coca Cola, Microsoft and many other U.S. companies with businesses in the Balkans have given their contributions” says Palmer. He adds that the American Chamber of Commerce is also active in coordinating the response and providing different sources of assistance. “I am sure the United States will continue to provide financial assistance to our friends, partners and allies, so that we go through this crisis together and come out stronger” notes Palmer.


Macedonia’s coronavirus stimulus package second smallest in Europe (Republika)


While Europe’s top economies like Germany and the United Kingdom, and Visegrad countries like Hungary and the Czech Republic, created serious stimulus packages that are a sizable portion of their GDP, Macedonia is intervening with one of the lowest packages in the continent.

The SDSM led Government dragged its feet in even putting together a stimulus package, and wasted time on a now widely ridiculed idea to cut public sector spending instead. When it finally prepared a program that would reimburse companies that have a serious drop in revenue for a portion of their salary spending, the stimulus amounts to just 0,2 percent of GDP. That is worst in Europe, setting aside Belarus, which has taken an approach that nothing serious is going on anyway. Germany and the United Kingdom have stimulus worth 30,6 and 24,6 percent of their GDP respectively. Hungary, Spain, Italy and the Czech Republic are in or just below 20 percent. In the Balkans, countries range from Croatia with 11 percent of GDP set aside for stimulus, down to Albania with 1,3 percent, but nobody is taking such a carefree approach to the crisis as Macedonia, reported the Hungarian Szazadveg Foundation, based on data collected from the IMF and the World Bank.


Meeting of the National Security Council held (Radio Tirana)


The meeting of the National Security Council was held today through a video conference under the direction of President of the Republic, Ilir Meta focusing on the situation that the country is going through due to the spread of global COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting was attended by the Speaker of the Assembly, Gramoz Ruci, the Prime Minister Edi Rama, the responsible ministers, as well as the Chairman of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha. The press office of the Presidency reports that the main issues discussed were the assessment of the current state of pandemic, the measures being taken to address the economic and social consequences, the development of the educational process and the strategy planned for the end of the 2019-2020 academic year including here even the proposed changes to the Criminal Code. Prime Minister Rama and the responsible ministers informed about the measures taken to cope with the health and socio-economic crisis, as well as the further management of the situation. The President of the Assembly, Mr. Ruci, expressed his commitment to fulfill the obligations of the Assembly in this situation. The chairman of the Democratic Party, Basha, expressed the views and suggestions of the opposition to overcome this pandemic with the easiest possible consequences for the citizens and the economy of the country. The head of state Ilir Meta, according to the announcement of the Presidency, praised the importance of increasing the efficiency of measures, through awareness, transparency, inclusiveness and increasing the spirit of cooperation, as the major common objective is to protect the health of citizens, the national economy, and the end of the school year.

COVID-19 claims 26th victim in Albania (Tirana Times)


A 64-year-old woman died on Thursday morning at the 'COVID 2 Hospital' in Tirana, bringing the death toll to 26 in Albania. The victim already suffered from several underlying health conditions and had been intubated for two days. Despite the medical staff's efforts, the 64-year-old suffered a cardiac arrest which ultimately led to her death. Twenty-four new cases were also confirmed in Albania during the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of infected patients to 518. One of the new cases was identified in Mallakaster, thus extending the geographical distribution of infected patients across the country further. Out of the total 43 patients at the two hospitals that are treating COVID-19 patients in Albania, 10 are in intensive care, three of whom are intubated, while a total of 277 patients have recovered but will have to remain in quarantine for 14 days. Currently, the geographical distribution of the infected patients across Albania is as follows:

Tirana 241 cases

Durres 42 cases

Lushnje 6 cases

Elbasan 16 cases

Fier 35 cases

Kavaja 9 cases

Rrogozhina 4 cases

Korca 19 cases

Vlora 5 cases

Shkodra 83 cases

Lezha 14 cases

Berat 2 cases

Has 13 cases

Kruja 7 cases

Tropoja 4 cases

Puka 5 cases

Mirdita 3 cases

Kukes 9 cases

Mallakaster 1 case



Várhelyi: New methodology has put the enlargement policy back on track (EWB, 16 April 2020)

Following the successful conclusion to the first phase of the accession process of North Macedonia and Albania, Commission is now working on the Enlargement Package for the Western Balkans, which is expected in June, as well as economic plan for the region, European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi says for our portal.

Previous weeks have been packed with events for the enlargement wing of the European Commission: during what now seems to have been the worst week for the continent hit with the Coronavirus, EU Member States gave the green light for the beginning of accession talk with Albania and North Macedonia. The Commission deserves most of the credit for this success, with its proposal for the new enlargement methodology and updated reports on the progress of Skopje and Tirana widely seen as instrumental for the final compromise. Meanwhile, the “geo-political Commission” seems to be facing renewed challenges in the region it wants to integrate at the time when medical assistance is being increasingly politicised. In his first interview for EWB since becoming Commissioner, Mr Várhelyi answers our questions on the recent developments in the relationship between the EU and the Western Balkans.

European Western Balkans: Do you believe that the adoption of the new methodology and opening of negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania shows that there is political will for enlargement among the Member States?

Olivér Várhelyi: With the revision of the methodology for the enlargement process and with the decision to open the accessions talks with Albania and North Macedonia we have put the enlargement policy back on track. We have restored its credibility, not only for the Western Balkans but also for our Member States. Let me stress that the top-level commitment to the European perspective of the Western Balkans was always there. Enlargement remains one of the key policies of the European Union, and even last October, when the European Council did not reach an agreement on the opening of talks, the EU perspective was not disputed. It however became clear that the process lacked credibility. Our geo-political Commission took this seriously. As soon as we took over, work has started. Credibility was placed at the heart of the revised methodology, the first out of four principles. We have also put more predictability and dynamism in the process, and we gave it a stronger political steer. Through this we have addressed the concerns, and I believe strengthened the policy. The new approach was endorsed unanimously, including by the EU leaders. The decision to open the talks with North Macedonia and Albania was a practical confirmation. And we were able to take these decisions despite the difficult situation brought on by the Coronavirus pandemic. We are not resting: the third element of this three-track approach, economic and investment plan which is even more relevant now given the expected negative impact of the Coronavirus crisis on the economies of the region, is under preparation in view of the EU-Western Balkans summit. Hence, I am confident that the priority we are giving to the Western Balkans and its EU perspective has the full backing and political support of our Member States.

EWB: Now that the EU leaders have supported opening of accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania, the next step is for the Commission to draft the negotiating frameworks for these two countries. When should they be expected?

OV: The preparation of the negotiating frameworks has already started. We plan to put them on the table of the Council as fast as we can, I hope by June, when we will come forward with the Annual Enlargement Package. This way the discussions on the negotiating frameworks in the Council can start quickly too.

EWB: When the Council adopts the negotiating frameworks, the first intergovernmental conferences can formally take place. Do you believe that this can happen this year for both countries?

OV: At this stage, there is no specific date for the first Intergovernmental Conferences (IGCs). As a next step, the Commission will put forward the Negotiating Frameworks, based on the revised methodology. Then the Frameworks will need to be discussed and agreed in the Council – the first IGCs will be convened by the rotating Presidency of the Council as soon as possible after their adoption. Both North Macedonia and Albania – as well as all other Western Balkans partners for that matter – are also expected to continue with reforms. Albania has to specifically fulfil some requirements ahead of the first IGC, but it’s already very advanced in this process and the annual report will serve as an update to the Member States in this regard. The key is that the process is very much merit based. There is nothing else that matters in this. And concrete dates were not set for that reason.

EWB: The new methodology can also be accommodated within the existing negotiating frameworks with Montenegro and Serbia with the agreement of these two countries. What is the procedure for these two countries to accept the new methodology and do you expect them to do so?

OV: As soon as the revised methodology was proposed by the Commission in early February, I traveled to Belgrade and Podgorica to present it there as well. The response was positive.

One thing is indeed to be clear: there will be no change to the negotiating frameworks of these two countries. They are well advanced in the talks and the rules of the game can’t change when the game is already in progress.

However, there are plenty of benefits coming from the new methodology. The changes – for example chapter clustering – can be accommodated within the existing frameworks, with the agreement of the two countries. With the methodology endorsed, you will start seeing its implementation, including in the Annual Enlargement Package.

EWB: When should we expect this year’s enlargement package? Could it be postponed due to the crisis?

OV: The ongoing Coronavirus pandemic is having an enormous impact on all of us: the EU institutions, Member States and the Western Balkans. We are all very heavily focused on addressing it to save lives, by supporting the health sectors, and on mitigating the socio-economic impact, to avoid even more devastating consequences. Our core tasks however continue and I expect the package to be put forward in June.

EWB: Will this year’s annual Commission reports include the assessment of proportionality of extraordinary measures taken by the candidate countries to combat Coronavirus?

OV: The Annual Enlargement Package is still being prepared and we are looking at how the ongoing crisis will be reflected in the reports, in particular in the economic part but also elsewhere. I expect the reports will be very down to earth, measuring the progress achieved in a factual way, be it when it comes to the democratic and economic criteria or the EU law.

We are in a very close contact with all our Western Balkans partners when it comes to Coronavirus crisis to help as much as we can. Our partners have taken the measures they deemed necessary to address the crisis, being aware of the need to be effective but proportionate. We have seen some measures that were taken readjusted, as this crisis has no script. It is clear we can only defeat it together, and this is what we are focused on.

EWB: You have been very active in ensuring EU’s assistance to the Western Balkans during this crisis. What do you think about the harsh criticism of EU solidarity expressed by the President of Serbia recently?

OV: I think that we have been very quick in reacting once we have been able to start to fight the crisis within the EU, the epicentre of the pandemic in those days. We immediately came out with help for the entire region, overall worth already more than €700 million.

We have ensured €38 million in support of immediate needs, such as financing of medical equipment or transport of purchased medical equipment. We have prepared bilateral packages by redirecting funds that would otherwise be left unspent, totalling over €374 million. And this will be supplemented with additional regional support of €290 million.

We are also associating the Western Balkans to a number of EU initiatives, for example the work of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and our joint procurement initiative or the proposal of Transport Community and CEFTA for the ‘green lines’ to ensure the flow of goods and medicines through the region. Countries in accession talks will also be eligible for the Solidarity Fund, which for example helped Serbia when it was hit by severe floods. We are also discussing possibilities to provide the region with Macro-economic Financial Assistance to their budgets.

I think all this is a very concrete expression of solidarity, recognised also in Serbia.

EWB: Chinese assistance has received an extremely favourable reception in Serbia, compared to milder reception to EU’s assistance. Are you concerned about EU’s reputation in the region, particularly in Serbia?

OV: This is not a race or a popularity contest, this is about helping. We are doing everything we can to support the Western Balkans and I welcome the fact that China is also helping there. Europe has also previously supported China in fighting the Coronavirus. It is quite clear that this is a global crisis that needs a global response.

The facts are also clear: the Western Balkans are our immediate neighbours and our natural partners. We are by far the most present there: 75% of foreign investments come from the EU, 70% to 80% of trade is with the EU. While other countries are also present in the region and try to exert their influence, the Western Balkans made a clear choice of EU future. And that is where they belong.