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Belgrade Media Report 4 June 2020



Vucic: There hasn’t been solidarity during coronavirus pandemic (Beta)


During the coronavirus pandemic, “no one wanted to see the others,” and there hasn’t been solidarity, Serbia President Aleksandar Vucic has said on Thursday, adding there have been exceptions to which he was particularly grateful, Beta reported. Taking part at the online conference ‘Health Care in Serbia after Pandemic,’ Vucic said that no country was ready enough and that the main thing was how strong a health care system was, adding Serbia was prepared for a new wave. ”I’m proud of doctors and all medical staff,” he said, adding “there were some who couldn't wait to take a sick leave, not for being infected, but because they twisted a leg, or dislocated an arm.” Vucic said Serbia was technically well equipped at the outbreak of the epidemic, “much better than several years ago.” He added it was important to analyze all shortcomings “which have been noticed.” “There have been some at the beginning, some confusion in securing enough of the protective gear,” Vucic said, adding new budget spending on the health care system would reach up to 29 percent.


Brnabic: I hope the new government in Pristina will not conduct a populist policy (RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said she hoped the new Kosovo government would be responsible and would not lead a populist policy. She suggested to Pristina authorities to focus on the economy to make the life of people in Kosovo, but in the whole region, better, to create more jobs, to increase wages and attract more investors. “That is only possible if we talk and cooperate, and if the situation is stable and peaceful.”


Djuric: Serbs expect the new government in Pristina to end pressures, taxes and blockades (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric has stated that the Serbs expect the new government in Pristina will end pressures, taxes and blockades. “I am certain that the Serb List in the provincial government will give a sincere contribution to normalization of the state-of-affairs in Kosovo and Metohija, that it will work on improving interethnic relations,” Djuric said in the statement. He underlined that the Serb List, guided by Serbian state and national interests, will continued to be a reliable defender and symbol of presence of the Serbian state in the southern province.


Drecun on new Pristina government: Words promise, but deeds speak (RTS)


Kosovo MPs voted a new government that is expected to withdraw measures that are an obstacle to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. It will be led by Avdulah Hoti, said that the dialogue with Belgrade is of vital importance, and that the roles of the EU and the US in that process are inseparable. “These words always promise, but deeds speak,” the Chair of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun commented the election of the new Pristina government. “We need to wait to see what will be the behavior of this new majority, the so-called government, because all previous had promised many things when it comes to the position of the Serbs and dialogue with Belgrade, but in fact did everything to make it impossible,” he told the morning press review of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS).

He thinks that Avdulah Hoti has completely shut the space for talks with Belgrade with what he has stated in his expose. “I think we can talk but without results, if they adhere to these stands. If he says that talks with Belgrade will unfold within the so-called constitution that defines Kosovo as some state and if he says that talks will end in mutual recognition,” notes Drecun. He reiterates that Serbia is an internationally recognized state, member of the United Nations, with borders that are defined and that are not at Jarinje but at Prokletije and this no one can change by force. “When you hear such stands and when you have in mind the resolution adopted by Pristina on the principles for talks with Belgrade, then you see there is no space for any kind of compromise solution and that the intention of the Albanians and those from the international community who stand behind them, is to force Belgrade, through resumption of these talks and some legally-binding agreement, to recognize this self-declared state of Kosovo,” said Drecun.

“I have great reservations about what this new government will do,” said Drecun.


Agreements for strengthening energy cooperation between Serbia, Hungary (Tanjug)


Minister of Mining and Energy Aleksandar Antic and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary Peter Szijjarto talked today in Budapest about the implementation of the agreement on strengthening cooperation between the two countries in the field of energy. Antic said that two documents were signed today in Budapest, which represent the cornerstone for the cooperation of the two country’s energy companies. The Memoranda of Understanding between the Electric Power Company (MVM Magyar) and EPS and Srbijagas were signed by General Manager of MVM Magyar Gyorgy Kobor, Acting Director of the Electric Power Industry of Serbia Milorad Grcic and General Manager of Srbijagas Dusan Bajatovic. The Minister noted that this day is strategically important for the cooperation of energy companies from the two countries and their citizens. We agreed that our companies also work on increasing the capacity of the electricity interconnection, and we plan and will jointly consider projects in the third countries, Antic said. As for the gas pipeline, the Minister assessed that both countries have done a lot to implement the project and to get a secure additional supply for us and the entire region.


Another 48 cases, 6,910 recovered (RTS)


Until 3pm there have been another 48 cases, in total 11,571 infected. There have been one more death, in total 246 deaths. There are 470 people in hospitals, and 15 on respirators. The number of recovered is 6,910.




PIC SB: Reforms in judiciary, rule of law and fight against corruption top priority (O kanal)


The Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council (SB PIC) finished its two-day online session on Wednesday. The SB PIC discussed the state of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) judiciary, as well as affairs that have been discovered recently. The SB PIC welcomed the work of authorities during the Covid-19 pandemic and the efficient lowering of numbers of infections. They assessed that it was crucial that political conflicts were put aside and it was focused on the work of state institutions. They expressed concern over the suspicious public procurement procedures which took place during the state of emergency and the state of natural disaster. B&H authorities were invited to continue with the reform processes on the EU path of the country. The SB PIC highlighted the need for reforms in the judiciary and the strengthening of the rule of law. The communique issued by the SB PIC condemned the attempts of Republika Srpska (RS) institutions to leave or block the B&H institutions and they expressed support for the work of the B&H Constitutional Court. They called on urgent implementation of reforms in rule of law and fight against corruption and adoption of the action plan for 14 key priorities from the European Commission Opinion. The PIC SB gave support to the work of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) regarding implementation of the local elections. They called on the B&H authorities to secure fair elections, to refrain from rhetoric which causes divisions and destabilization during the election campaign. They called on the authorities to focus on citizens’ existence. The PIC SB welcomed the decision of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) on the distribution of EUR 330 million loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in accordance with the current agreement, calling for transparency and accountability in the expenditure of public funds. The PIC SB also reviewed the process of implementation of the General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP), reiterating that entities have no right to secede from B&H and only exist legally by virtue of the Constitution of B&H. The PIC SB reiterated its full support to the High Representative (HR). HR Valentin Inzko, said for N1 he does not plan to use his Bonn Powers, especially in the issue of Mostar elections, because some individuals in B&H might express dissatisfaction over imposed solutions, which could then lead to boycott of the elections. “We, as the international community, we support strengthening of state institutions, but some people accuse us of being supporters of centralization. We do not support centralization. We want functionality of B&H” Inzko emphasized. Next session of the PIC SB will be held at the beginning of December.


Russia refuses to support PIC SB’s Communiqué (ATV)


Russia did not support the Communiqué of the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC SB), which was adopted on Wednesday. “Russia cannot agree with such approach, which obviously does not contribute to the process of inter-ethnic reconciliation, has a negative impact on the political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and continues to undermine the unity of the international community” reads a statement issued by the Russian Embassy to B&H. The statement also reads that, unfortunately, the PIC SB’s Communiqué has become a political instrument which unilaterally presents the reality and which is being used to try to influence and even interfere with internal matters of B&H, with the aim of promoting an agenda that does not have anything to do with the implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and is actually contrary to this document. Representatives of the Russian Embassy to B&H stated that they are concerned over the development of the situation in the field of judiciary, particularly in context of the latest events in the Federation of B&H. They also stressed that B&H CEC’s works should be independent and professional. They also said that the Office of the High Representative (OHR) has lost its useful role and is part of a problem.


Dodik: PIC is artificial body aimed at triggering international crime by HR through violation of DPA (ATV)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated on Wednesday that the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) is an artificial body that should have disappeared a long time ago, since it was formed as part of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) to spread fear and to rule over B&H. Dodik stressed that this body gathers a certain number of countries, but what it actually does is triggering “illegal international crime” of the High Representatives, who have been doing that by violating the international agreement and the Constitution that is based on the DPA.


HJPC B&H harshly condemns pressure against B&H Prosecutor’s Office (BHT1)


At its session held on Wednesday, the B&H High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) discussed and harshly condemned recent pressures against the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H in regards to ‘Respirators’ affair, as well as death threats against Chief Prosecutor Gordana Tadic. Members of the HJPC concluded that pressures and statements that were mainly issued by SDA in regards to the apprehension of Federation of B&H Prime Minister (FB&H) Fadil Novalic represent an attack on independence of judiciary and undermine the rule of law. Members of this institution said that this is the most brutal and most dangerous attack on work and employees of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H. They underlined that these attacks undermine integrity of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H, as well as its independence. During the discussion on the abovementioned issue, member of the HJPC Slavo Lakic wondered whether recent statements on work of B&H judiciary mean that prosecutors and judges should ask politicians who should or should not be processed. The HJPC underlined that political persecution of prosecutors who work on ‘Respirators’ case was conducted. Member of the HJPC B&H Ruzica Jukic said that abovementioned prosecutors need to be protected due to abovementioned attacks against them. The HJPC emphasized that recent statements of some political representatives are example of what should not be done in a democratic society. They emphasized that this is not the first time some big cases do not end as they should due to political pressures. The HJPC expects judicial institutions to resume with the detailed investigation concerning public procurement processes, including procurement of the respirators. They stated that some 15 percent cases related to corruption are linked with public procurements. It was added that executive and legislative authorities, as well as political parties have a legitimate right to criticize and question the work of judicial institutions, adding that the line in this context was crossed in ‘Respirators’ case. Members of the HJPC announced a joint public statement that will inform the public about pressures against judiciary in B&H. President of the HJPC Milan Tegeltija said that this statement will include statements issued by him in the previous period and will also talk about hatred speech and other attacks on the judicial system. Also, the HJPC discussed the Rulebook and the decision of the Court of B&H on assessment of work of judicial institutions. The President of the HJPC announced that he will submit request to the Court of B&H on Thursday to review its decision.


Opposition parties in FB&H say they will cast vote of no-confidence in FB&H government before FB&H HoR in July (Dnevni avaz)


The Tuesday’s session of the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) ended with rejection of all conclusions related to responsibility of FB&H Prime Minister Fadil Novalic and FB&H government in numerous affairs related to public procurement during the coronavirus pandemic. Although representatives of SDA, HDZ B&H, Enver Bijedic’s Social-democrats and Eldin Vrace managed to reject the conclusion which requested resignation of Novalic and FB&H Government, the initiative of SDP, PDA, A-SDA and Our Party which requested the FB&H HoR to cast the vote of no-confidence in the FB&H government stayed alive as the initiative was also supported by SBB B&H. Chair of SDP Caucus Damir Masic told the daily that the FB&H government will have the deadline of 30 days to present its stance on the request, starting with the day of adoption of the initiative. Masic explained that the initiative will have to be included in the agenda of the FB&H HoR after the expiration of this deadline regardless of whether the FB&H government will present its stance on the request or not. “No matter what happens, representatives will cast the vote of no-confidence in July,” Masic said and reminded that in total 40 representatives requested the resignation of the FB&H government on Tuesday while 39 representatives opposed or abstained from voting. “Therefore, there is no majority of HDZ B&H and SDA in the FB&H parliament. It is quite certain now that the vote of no-confidence in the FB&H government might get the support,” Masic concluded. Representative Sanela Prasovic-Gadzo (SBB B&H) stated that the initiative to cast the vote of no-confidence will proceed and added: “I think it will not end here, unless the judicial institutions act faster and make arrests in the meantime”. Chair of PDA Caucus in the FB&H parliament Elzina Piric told the daily that she congratulates and welcomes the decision of SBB B&H and DF not to support the FB&H government “at the helm of which is a person who was arrested several days ago”. Piric added that this is a brave and responsible move towards citizens and concluded by saying that she expects a new coalition agreement to be reached soon in order to form the new FB&H government.


Crnadak interviewed in regards to visas issued to citizens of Pakistan by B&H Embassy (BHT1)


RS MP and former B&H minister of foreign affairs Igor Crnadak was interviewed on Wednesday by the Border Police of B&H as witness in regards to issuing of B&H visas to citizens of Pakistan. It was stated from this institution that B&H Border Police submitted an information to the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H in 2019 that citizens of Pakistan had been illegally acquiring B&H visas in B&H Embassy in Islamabad. According to B&H Border Police, citizens of Pakistan have been submitting incorrect information during applying process for B&H visa or had been acquiring B&H visas in an illegal way with help of third persons. The real intention was to use territory of B&H to reach the EU countries. Some media in B&H claimed that Crnadak was one of the suspects but both he and the Border Police officials denied these claims. “Of course, I cannot share all the details; the most important thing is that I am not subject of any investigation; I came to help in any way I can,” Crnadak told N1, adding that the entire case is being investigated by the Border Police and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H. Daily noted that these illegal activities were revealed by member of B&H Presidency, Milorad Dodik who said that we are talking about 3,000 illegal visas.

Dodik: SNSD will not support new Security Minister if some conditions are not met (ATV)


Leader of SBB B&H and Minister of Security of B&H Fahrudin Radoncic resigned on Tuesday. Radoncic stated on this occasion that participation of SBB B&H in authorities at B&H level came to an end. The leadership of SDA should meet on Thursday and discuss, among other things, a new candidate for the post of the B&H Minister of Security. BHT1 commented that considering the fact SDA had been preventing appointment of DNS’ Mladjan Bozovic as the Minister of Human Rights, it is possible SNSD and its partners will be obstructing appointment of the new B&H Minister of Security. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stressed that he will support a candidate for the new B&H Security Minister nominated by SDA provided that they meet all requirements, explaining that he does not want a standstill in the work of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). He added that SDA should do the same when it comes to the Serb staff in the joint institutions of B&H, whose appointment has been obstructed by this party. Dodik commented the resignation of Radoncic by saying that appointment of the new minister will not only be a question of the personnel policy of SDA and that Radoncic’s resignation is an opportunity to resolve the appointment of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) Director. “The Director of SIPA does not belong to Serbs, that all procedures have been carried out and that the obstacle to his appointment was not Fahrudin Radoncic, but the policy of Bosniaks, led by SDA,” Dodik said.


Resignation of Radoncic and withdrawal of SBB from authorities can affect SC and TC authorities (O kanal)


B&H Minister of Security Fahrudin Radoncic resigned from his post on Tuesday and announced the withdrawal of his party SBB from the ruling coalition. O Kanal analyzed whether the withdrawal of SBB will initiate possible changes to the authorities in the Sarajevo Canton (SC) and Tuzla Canton (TC), where SBB shares the majority alongside SDA as well. Radoncic said on Tuesday that the authorities in the SC and TC are stable for now. Reporter noted that the TC authorities seem to be unstable as the decisions in the TC Assembly are being adopted with a minimum majority of 18 votes. The Federation of B&H (FB&H) Constitutional Court (FB&H CC) confirmed on Wednesday that the TC authorities are not constitutional because they do not have any Croat ministers. MP of SDP in the TC Assembly Dzevad Hadzic said that the current authorities are not stable and he expects certain changes to occur in the majority very soon. SBB claims that Radoncic did not resign in order to bring down the majority in the SC.


330 million Euros paid to sub-accounts of entity and Brcko District Ministries of Finance (ATV)


In a statement to Srna, Governor of the Central Bank of B&H (CBBH) Senad Softic said that the funds from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in the amount of 330 million Euros, which is intended to meet the needs of the healthcare sector and finance the measures of economic stabilization, has been paid to the sub-accounts of the Ministries of Finance of RS, the FB&H and the Brcko District. In an interview for ATV, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated that the RS expects to receive the funds as soon as possible. “The B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) reached a decision on distribution of these funds. This could have happened a month earlier as well. However, there were disagreements between the Croat and Bosniak circles and we were just ‘collateral damage’ while waiting for them to reach an agreement. We wasted one month, which was unnecessary, in our opinion. Nevertheless, we are glad that this happened yesterday and we expect to finally have these funds on the account of the RS in the next two days,” Viskovic said.


B&H records spike in new coronavirus cases, two more Covid-19 deaths (N1)


B&H records spike in new coronavirus cases, two more Covid-19 deaths. A total of 43 people tested positive for the coronavirus between Wednesday and Thursday, a steep increase compared to the numbers in recent days, while two people passed away due to Covid-19. According to the Sarajevo University Clinical Center, 12 of the 259 people tested in the FB&H tested positive. Of them, 11 are from the northern town of Tesanj, a new coronavirus hotspot in the country which has seen new cases daily in recent weeks. One more person tested positive for the virus in Sarajevo. In the RS, 31 of the 296 people tested positive for the virus since Wednesday and two died due to Covid-19. A total of 2,594 coronavirus cases have been confirmed in B&H so far and 159 people died due to Covid-19, while 1,951 recovered.


Croatia ready for second wave of Covid-19 (HRT)


The Director of the Croatian Institute for Public Health Krunoslav Capak confirmed that there were no new cases of coronavirus infection in Croatia. He said that he is satisfied with the current epidemiological situation. "The epidemiological situation is excellent, for a number of days we have had no new cases of infection. Currently we have 48 active coronavirus cases. 103 people are in self-isolation. What is interesting is that we had more than 200 medical staff that were positive, meaning nurses and doctors. At this moment there are no active cases among medical staff, we only have one in self isolation,” said Capak. Capak noted that we are ready for an eventual second wave and was asked it could be overcome without shutting down business and closing schools. “Naturally, I have spoken about this several times. Now when we know much more about the virus and when we know much more about how it spreads, we can achieve good results with segmental closing measures, and if a second wave arrives, which we have said many times is likely, we will know how to handle it and lower the number of new cases with segmental closing measures,” said Capak.


In Croatia, one new case of coronavirus infection, a total of 2247 (N1/Hina/Jutarnji list)


The number of new cases in the Republic of Croatia in the 24-hour period is 1, which brings the total number of patients with coronavirus to 2247. So far, 67,997 people have been tested, 183 of them in the last 24 hours. There are 15 people in hospital. Out of that, there are 3 patients on the respirator. The total number of recovered is 2105, which is 10 newly recovered in past 24 hours. The total number of dead is 103. To recall, this is the first case of infection after three days.

Meanwhile, Covid-19 antibodies were found in only 2 pct of Croatians. Only 80,000 Croatians, that is less than 2% of the total population, appear to have antibodies in the blood showing they have been infected with the novel coronavirus, according to preliminary findings of serology tests conducted by the Croatian Institute of Public Health (HZJZ). Only a tiny proportion of the Croatian population - maybe as few as 2% - is resilient to the Covid-19 infection, the Jutarnji list says in an article on Thursday, underscoring that Croatia was far from reaching the so-called herd immunity. The daily newspaper recalls that three weeks ago the HZJZ started the conducting serology tests of 1,100 citizens of those blood samples taken from laboratories, local clinics and the Institute itself, the testing of 510 samples has been performed to date. Preliminary data show a low exposure of the population to the virus, below 2%, Tatjana Vilibic-Cavlek of the institute was quoted by the daily newspaper as saying.


Citizens of Serbia will be allowed to enter Montenegro when number of coronavirus drops to 2000 (CDM)


Ambassador of Montenegro to Serbia, Tarzan Milosevic, said that it was necessary that number of coronavirus cases dropped to 2.000 in order for citizens of Serbia to be allowed to travel to Montenegro. He explains that Montenegro has set standards for countries whose nationals are allowed to enter Montenegro, stipulating 25 infected persons per 100.000 inhabitants. For now, Serbia doesn’t meet those standards. “Since many dilemmas have arisen, let me get this straight. People who have their companies and have business in Montenegro are allowed to enter Montenegro, under specific conditions (self-isolation). That person is allowed to move from his/her company to the building where the company is located and back,” Milosevic said.

He explains that necessary prerequisites are issued by the National Coordination Body.

“Citizens of Serbia address the embassy which sends the request to the National Coordination Body. NCB grants permission, sets the day or two days during the week for entering Montenegro,” Milosevic says. Asked to explain the role of a convoy, he says that in case 40 or 50 people apply for travelling, they should be placed in quarantine. State has organized convoy to make the procedure simpler. Convoys take citizens to facilities particularly designed for that purpose. “There’s another thing I’d like to clarify. Citizens of Montenegro who live in Serbia and then go to Montenegro, are required to go in quarantine. If I left now, I would have to do that. Self-isolation is for people under 11, over 70, people who accompany their family member who was under treatment in Serbia or those who go to attend funerals,” Milosevic explains.

“I wish citizens of Serbia could enter Montenegro, and I would like it to be quick. But here’s the point. There are currently 4.400 infected persons in Serbia. If there was a test in Serbia, I guarantee Serbia would meet the set standards in two to three days,” Milosevic says. He said that Slovenia had carried out the greatest amount of tests but “Serbia is approaching that figure”.


Airports of Montenegro officially opened, but no traffic (TMN)


The airports of Tivat and Podgorica are officially open from 1 June for commercial flights for citizens of countries where the rate of active coronavirus cases is less than 25 per 100,000 inhabitants. As announced, the list will be updated once a week by the National Coordination Body for the Fight against Infectious Diseases. Slovenia currently includes Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Georgia, Switzerland, Albania, Austria, Norway, Monaco, Kosovo, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia, Azerbaijan, Luxembourg, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Israel, the Czech Republic, Finland, and Estonia. Among them, however, are not some of the countries leading in the number of passengers on scheduled airlines to Montenegro before the coronavirus, such as Serbia, Russia, Turkey, Great Britain, France, or Italy. "We can't wait for the first flights and passengers. Welcome." they said on the Instagram on that occasion from the Airports of Montenegro (ACG) because that company has been practically wholly blocked since March. However, unofficially, the Airports of Montenegro sees the latest decision of the NKT to allow the resumption of regular air traffic with countries below 25 coronavirus cases per 100,000 inhabitants, established by Montenegrin epidemiologists, as completely useless.  It will certainly not lead to a recent resumption of commercial air traffic in our country as it is set now.

"It is illusory to expect any airline to start flying to Montenegro again when it does not know for sure whether these flights will last only one, two or seven days or maybe more because there is always the possibility of an increase in the number in the meantime. Until yesterday, for example, on the list of ‘allowed’ were Ireland and Northern Macedonia, which today, however, are not more on the list of countries whose citizens can enter Montenegro without being quarantined. No one serious in air traffic can, under such ‘slippery’ conditions, where you can, and tomorrow or the day after tomorrow you can't fly, plan the renewal of traffic for Montenegro. The aviation industry is a much more severe and complex activity than that," said our interlocutor from the top of ACG, who insisted on anonymity. According to him, the Airports of Montenegro, in cooperation with some of its business partners - foreign airlines and Montenegro Airlines, had previously planned to resume regular commercial air traffic from our airports for the second half of June. With this decision of NKT, everything falls and takes us at least ten steps back from that plan." By the way, all countries in the region of former Yugoslavia have already renewed regular air traffic or are doing so under far more liberal and flexible conditions to prevent the possible spread of Covid-19 from Montenegro, which is at the same time, by far the most dependent on air traffic in the context of achieving more tangible commercial results of the summer tourist season as the main driver of the Montenegrin economy. NKT's decisions not to allow Serbian citizens to enter Montenegro without being quarantined have already caused enormous damage to air traffic with that country as one of the most important markets for both the Airports of Montenegro and the national airline Montenegro Airlines. Montenegro banned landing in Belgrade. The inability to fly on its busiest and at the same time the most profitable routes from Tivat and Podgorica to Belgrade for MA is a "nail in the coffin" of that company burdened with numerous debts. Serbia is one of the most important business partners in our airports. The lines of that company and MA from Belgrade with Montenegro this summer should have been the most frequent in the region of former Yugoslavia and one of the most frequent in all of Eastern Europe.


Filipche: Gatherings, non-observance of measures, failure to punish violators – reasons for hike in cases and curfew reinstatement (MIA)


Analyses of trends in recent days have shown several locations across the country having a fast spread of the virus and clusters that appear as a result of non-observance of the preventive measures. Family gatherings, failure to wear protective equipment, non-observance of measures in passenger transport and organization of work operations are the leading causes for the rise of new cases in Skopje, the Kumanovo-Lipkovo region, Tetovo and its adjacent municipalities, and Shtip and its surrounding, said Health Minister Venko Filipche on Wednesday. He told a daily press conference it is good to see the rest of the country being stable, with only sporadic cases, “which confirms that the strategy yields results where measures are observed.” The government has decided to reinstate the curfew for the purpose of preventing the virus spread. “This new wave is a direct consequence of the disrespect of the clearly prescribed measures, but also the belated or poor punishment actions by the competent ministry. I hope that the few remaining skeptics will finally realize that the virus is no joke. Even after almost 100 press conferences and thousands of calls and messages, a small portion of the population refuses to accept reality and own responsibility. The health workers, the government, the institutions are helpless without the people’s help,” noted Filipche. He claimed that all measures, decisions and recommendations until now have been precise, medically justified and timely. “I know that the reinstatement of the restrictions is difficult for everyone. I believe that you might also feel it is unfair, because a vast majority of the population observed the measures, for which I thank you. As minister it is my duty to protect the collective health and prevent the health system from overburdening. We will continue to do what we have been doing until now and come out as winners. Let me tell all those who affect the people’s opinion – politicians, media, religious leaders and other stakeholders – if there was a time in the country’s history to demonstrate unity and common interest, it is now. If we are fighting together for the common goal of protecting people’s health, we will succeed in overcoming this second wave swiftly,” added Filipche.


Thaci: Irresponsibility of Osmani and Islamic religious community is the main culprit for this situation (Republika)


I believe the irresponsibility of Bujar Osmani and the former and current Islamic religious community, which has put enormous pressure on reopening of mosques for the Bajram holiday, is the main culprit for this situation, said the leader of the Democratic Party of Albanians Menduh Thaci at Thursday’s press conference. According to Thaci, the qualifications that Albanians in Macedonia are known for not respecting the rules of the institutions regarding the pandemic cannot be accepted because we have statistics and specific figures that indicate that Albanians together with other citizens have been successfully fighting the pandemic for 90 days.

Those who want to make political points, as well as the current Islamic religious community, for material gains, should feel responsible for the huge pressure they exerted. They are the only ones responsible for this situation, Thaci said.


Clauss: Elections in North Macedonia to affect position of some EU member states (MIA)


German Ambassador to the EU, Michael Clauss, reiterated that opening accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania is among top priorities of the coming German Presidency. However, he noted, "some member states" have said the elections will affect their position, MIA's Brussels correspondent reports. Ambassador Clauss presented Thursday the program of Germany’s EU Presidency set to begin on July 1 and already referred to as ‘coronavirus presidency’, which clearly says the EU is to keep focus on the Covid-19 crisis in the next six months. Germany will continue to insist on the importance of EU enlargement, in terms of which opening talks with Albania and North Macedonia is a key factor in the enlargement policy, Clauss said. However, he warned that a decision on a political level is not to be expected this month. Elections in North Macedonia would also play a role. “We need to see the views of member states, I can’t say any names, but we hear some member states saying that the elections will affect their decision,” Clauss told MIA. As regards deadlines, the European Commission (EC) is to release the negotiating frameworks for Skopje and Tirana next week. The document will then be reviewed at the level of the EU’s COWEB working group before being put up for discussion by the ambassadors of member states. This leaves no time for a decision at the June General Affairs Council. In addition, the Council is expected to focus on the coronavirus and the next seven-year EU budget – another important topic for Western Balkan countries, as it determines EU economic support. If a consensus is reached at the ambassador level, a decision on a date for start of negotiations and opening first chapters is possible this summer, diplomatic sources tell MIA. The German Presidency, Ambassador Clauss pointed out, is not giving up on a formal start of accession negotiations by the end of this year, most likely in the fall. “We gave the green light for North Macedonia and Albania. This will be one of the important topics of the German Presidency, and I expect it to happen in the fall,” Clauss said.

The same message was delivered on Wednesday by Minister of State for Europe at the German Federal Foreign Office, Michael Roth, who said he was “very much displeased that some renowned EU member-states underestimated the role of the Western Balkans in the peace and stability of Europe”, in terms of the 2019 outcome when France blocked a decision. The European Commission had then prepared a new methodology, backed by all 27 EU member states. “The Western Balkans remain our strategic priority. Enlargement is also important in terms of geopolitics. We see foreign actors are trying to gain influence in the region, including Russia, China and Turkey, and we need to have this in mind,” Ambassador Clauss said.


Extended weekend lockdown in Skopje, Shtip, Kumanovo and Tetovo (MIA)


The government has accepted the recommendation of the Commission for Infectious Diseases and decided to restrict the movement for the coming extended weekend, said Health Minister Venko Filipche on Wednesday. Curfew in all Skopje municipalities, Kumanovo, Lipkovo, Shtip, Tetovo, Bogovinje, Brvenica, Tearce, Zhelino and Jegunovce will begin at 9 pm on Thursday (June 4) and last until 5 am on Monday (June 8). In the remaining municipalities across the country, the curfew will begin at 9 pm on Thursday and last until at 5 am on Friday (June 5), and from 4 pm until 5 am on the next day between Friday and Monday (June 5-8). Friday before Pentecost (June 5) is declared non-working for all citizens. During the extended weekend, citizens are banned from visiting cemeteries at the territory of the entire country, except for funerals.


Entry in Macedonia upon presenting negative PCR test or mandatory 14-day state (MIA)


The Ministry of Interior said Wednesday that Macedonian nationals and foreigners with regulated stay in the country must, upon entry in Macedonia, present a negative PCR test done within the previous 72 hours. The persons will then sign a Statement on mandatory 14-day self-isolation, with representatives of the State Sanitary and Health Inspectorate drafting a Decision on health supervision and home self-isolation, while members of the Ministry of Interior control the Decision’s enforcement. Macedonian nationals or foreigners with regulated stay in the country, who will not present a valid PCR test, will be transferred from the border crossing to a 14-day state-hosted quarantine, the Ministry of Interior said in a press release. These persons can take a PCR test, at their request, and if it comes back negative, they sign a Statement on mandatory 14-day self-isolation, including the days spent in state-hosted quarantine.


Covid-19: 120 new cases in North Macedonia, 16 recovered, 2 die (MIA)


The Ministry of Health said Thursday there were 120 new Covid-19 cases over the past 24 hours, of which 67 in Skopje, 19 in Kumanovo, 16 in Shtip, 9 in Tetovo, 4 in Prilep, 2 in Veles and 1 each in Gostivar, Negotino and Strumica. Sixteen patients have recovered, while a 65-year-old woman and a 69-year-old man passed away. The new cases bring the tally to 2,611 cases, 1,621 recovered patients, 147 deaths and 843 active cases. There were 953 tests over the past day, bringing the total to 33,114.


Electoral Reform/ The majority said “Yes”, now it is the turn of the opposition (Radio Tirana)


The history of Electoral Reform in Albania seems to be coming to an end despite the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the political parties. Representatives of the international community, especially the US Ambassador to Tirana Yuri Kim, have insisted on reaching an agreement.

Ms. Kim congratulated the ruling party, saying that the time has come for the opposition and Lulzim Basha to balance all the factors and say “YES” to the Albanian people and say “YES” to Albania. “It’s been a long day,” she said. We spent 9 hours yesterday and we made a lot of progress. We had another 9 hours today and made tremendous progress. In a negotiation that is so important for Albania, every party and party is asked to give Albania a chance to win. Each party gave and each party won. The Albanian people will gain more. We made it clear that the ruling party has privileges and they would give more. And they did. I congratulate the ruling party on what they have done” said Mrs. Kim in the late hours of Wednesday evening.

“We have what could be an agreement that puts Albania on a path to the EU,” she said, shaking the text of the agreement. “We implemented the measures requested by the ODIHR. We took some significant steps that were not recommended by the ODIHR, but that could push Albania forward. The time has come for the opposition and my friend Luli Basha to balance all the factors and say “YES” to the Albanian people and say “YES” to Albania. The ball is in his court. The future is in his hands,” said Kim. Shortly after her statement, the leader of the opposition, Lulzim Basha, also reacted. From his party’s headquarters, Mr. Basha said, “I want to assure Albanians that the united opposition will do everything for free and fair elections,” but without commenting on the agreement. Some analysts predict that despite this statement, the opposition will say “yes” to the agreement.


Kim leading Electoral Reform negotiations (Tirana Times)


The US Ambassador to Albania Yuri Kim has announced that an agreement by the parties has been reached as regards the electoral reform, making significant progress. After another lengthy meeting with the Political Council on Wednesday in the premises of the U.S. Residence, Ambassador Kim spoke of a "very good agreement" which the opposition needs to go through with, for the sake of Albania's progress. Although the deadline for the conclusion of talks on the reform was set on Wednesday, opposition representatives Oerd Bylykbashi of the DP and Petrit Vasili of the LSI, demanded more time, beyond the remaining hours of the evening. In the presence of EU Ambassador Luigi Soreca and British Ambassador Duncan Norman, the US Ambassador stated that "in an important negotiation for the future of Albania, every party is required to give so that Albania to win. Every party gave and each party won. The people can win even more." Ambassador Kim did not refrain from praising the Socialist Party which, she stated, "have responsibility to give more than others, and indeed they did." Ambassador Kim further emphasized that the deal could put Albania "firmly on the path to EU membership." According to her, the deal contains measures that address the concerns raised by ODHIR as well as steps not recommended by it, but which would "represent a step forward for free and fair elections in Albania." However, DP leader Lulzim Basha later hinted that there was another issue to be agreed on, implying that the opposition has not fully agreed to the deal. "Progress has been made towards agreement on electoral administration. One issue remains unresolved. I want to assure the Albanians that the united opposition will do everything to ensure a free and fair vote," Basha said. US Ambassador Yuri Kim has been widely engaged in electoral reform talks between the ruling party and the opposition for some time now, continuously urging for the representatives to reach a quick agreement. Her presence in Political Council meetings has been evident alongside EU Ambassador Soreca and British Ambassador Duncan, who have made efforts to assist the parties in reaching the agreement on the Reform.


Gov't and opposition united towards EU Integration (Tirana Times)


Albanian opposition leader Lulzim Basha is expected to participate in the National Council for EU Integration Meeting which will be held on June 9. According to the agenda of the meeting, as seen exclusively by Tirana Times, Basha will be the first to comment on the Action plan for integration, followed by PM Edi Rama, while the opposition has boycotted the parliament since February 2019. The meeting will be held online and the opening remarks will be given by Head of the National Council Rudina Hajdari as well as EU Ambassador to Albania Luigi Soreca.

Later on, the Action plan will be presented by Albanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gent Cakaj, which will first be commented by opposition leader Lulzim Basha, followed by PM Edi Rama, President Ilir Meta and Chairman of Parliament Gramoz Ruci. The meeting will then be concluded by Deputy Head of the NCEUI, Taulant Balla. NCEUI is the highest and most inclusive consultative body that gathers decision makers, academia, civil society representatives and media to discuss pertinent developments and action platforms regarding the EU integration process. It operates out of the premises of the parliament and headed by the current opposition representative Rudina Hajdari who refused her party's decision to boycott and stayed in the parliament.


In Albania 13 new Covid-19 cases (Tirana Times)


Thirteen new coronavirus cases were confirmed in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of infected patients to 1197 in Albania. A total of 11 new cases were identified in Tirana, one in Kruja and one in Shkodra. So far, tests have been conducted on more than 17,000 people. A total of 23 patients are being treated at the Infectious Diseases Hospital, five of whom are in intensive care. Moreover, 898 patients who tested positive for the coronavirus in Albania have now recovered. The death toll remains at 33 victims. Currently there are 266 active cases in Albania.



Serbia adopts anti-Semitism definition including anti-Israel hate (The Times of Israel, by Cnaan Liphshiz, 4 June 2020)


Education Ministry website says International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition will provide a practical guide for identifying and collecting data on anti-Semitic incidents

JTA — The Education Ministry of Serbia has added to its website a definition of anti-Semitism that includes some examples of hatred against Israel. The ministry uploaded the definition of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, or IHRA, to the site on April 30.On Monday, the Israeli Embassy in Belgrade offered its congratulations on Twitter to the Serbian government “for adopting the IHRA definition.” Serbia is a close ally of Russia, which has not adopted the definition. Eleven countries have been said to adopt the definition. In France, the adoption was put to a vote, which was passed in December. In the United Kingdom, the government announced in 2016 that it was adopting the measure. The definition states that some forms of vitriol against Israel, including comparing it to Nazi Germany and denying the Jewish people’s right to self determination, are examples of anti-Semitism, though criticizing Israel’s policies is not. “The purpose of this document is to provide a practical guide for identifying and collecting data on anti-Semitic incidents,” the Serbian Education Ministry’s website reads. Pro-Palestinian activists oppose the IHRA definition, claiming it prevents criticism of Israel’s policies or unduly limits free speech. The definition features mostly examples of anti-Semitic behaviors unconnected to Israel, such as calling to harm Jews or denying the Holocaust. Manifestations of anti-Semitism, the new definition reads, “might include the targeting of the State of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity,” though “criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as anti-Semitic.”