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Belgrade Media Report 10 June 2020



Vucic on elections (TV Pink/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, as a guest on the Wednesday morning program of TV Pink, speaks about the elections and the campaign, which, as it was concluded, started in a slightly different way compared to previous years. He pointed out at the very beginning that his political opponents insist only on appearing in the media, and that they often have nothing to say and no answers to important questions. "I think that the media have not been more open in any campaign so far. People have the opportunity to hear and see everything. It's interesting that some, before they appeared on RTS and TV stations, had higher ratings. People are interested in how someone will solve problems, not how much someone will appear on TV. We are interested in our future, the future of our children, our parents, whether there will be jobs, economic growth," said Vucic.


Drecun on Resolution 1244: Document that is an obstacle to those who would like Kosovo to acquire UN membership (RTS)


Resolution 1244, the only valid document that regulates the position of Kosovo and Metohija, was adopted in the United Nations Security Council 21 years ago. Resolution 1244 was adopted with the goal of reaching a political solution to the crisis in Kosovo and Metohija, after the bombardment, preservation of international peace, security and enabling of free return of refugees and displaced persons to their homes. The Chairperson of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that in 1999, when the NATO criminal aggression ended and Resolution 1244 was adopted, the process of uncertainty on what will be happening in and around Kosovo and Metohija was adopted. Drecun says that the resolution itself has been quite unclear in some parts, opened many dilemmas, and that one item was planted by the French and British ambassadors. “We saw right away that there was a brutal violation of that resolution by the representatives of the international presence, especially by UNMIK heads. It was clear that the leading western countries, especially the US, Great Britain and France, would try to complete what they failed by the criminal bombing. We had a continuation of the war only by other means,” noted Drecun. He says they wished to fully realize their goals that they set at the beginning of the bombing. “Finally, it was complete control of that part of our territory by NATO and the creation of some kind of false state,” said Drecun. He says that Resolution 1244 recognizes our borders. “We are a UN member, our border is on Prokletija Mt. and not at Jarinje. It speaks of the fact that the provisional self-government institutions will be established, and that a final solution will be sought, while this final solution can only be an autonomy inside the then FRY. However, there is the part that carries the sign ‘c1999/648’, and this is that French-British imputation where they planted something that was named an agreement, but which is not an agreement because Serbia refused it in Rambioullet and that speaks of the fact that a final solution will be reached referring to this Madeline Albright’s document, but not within, inside the FRY, but on the basis of the people’s will, i.e. referendum and wish of Albanians to create some state,” said Drecun.


Resolution 1244 - fundamental international legal document

That part is not favorable and it is a political imputation that found itself in the Resolution against what the then Serbian state leadership negotiated, first with Ahtisaari and Chernomyrdin, and after the signing of the Military-Technical agreement and the adoption of Resolution 1244. “In my opinion, this is a fundamental international legal document that recognizes our territorial integrity of our internationally recognized border and which is an obstacle to those who would like the false state of Kosovo to gain full international legal capacity through UN membership,” said Drecun. These are states that recognized Kosovo and that bombed us so criminally. “You have a situation that the Security Council is the one most invited, it can even order the use of force against someone who doesn’t respect its stands and resolutions, and the UN adopted this resolution, while three permanent SC members do not respect this resolution and wish to create some state on the part of territory of an internationally recognized UN member state. Certainly the US, Great Britain, France, Germany and all other countries that recognized Kosovo as some state would like to finish this job and to force Serbia directly or indirectly, through some legally binding agreement on normalization or some other way, to recognize this self-declared state and open its path towards UN membership,” said Drecun. Asked whether some solution could be reached by the end of the year, Drecun says that if there was political will on all sides and sincere devotion to the search of a compromise solution within Resolution 1244, an agreement could probably be reached. “Even though this is a complex issue that requires the resolution of many problems and one specific solution, Pristina simply doesn’t show readiness to find a solution with Belgrade. Pristina is doing everything for Kosovo to integrate with Albania in a practical manner. Their stand is that talks must end, in advance define how they need to end the talks without asking Belgrade. You have the so-called prime minister Hoti and so-called president that define in advance the goal and say that negotiations need to end by Serbia recognizing Kosovo. We say no, under no conditions will we recognize this false state,” said Drecun. He thinks that a solution for Kosovo and Metohija needs to be multi-layered, as what happened in Dayton. “First they resolved the framework for B&H, it was stated that it will survive as a single state. Then at the second level they looked for the internal organization, there are entities, then at the third level there were some specific solutions, as the Brcko District. Having in mind the complexity of the situation in Kosovo and Metohija because the Serbs do not live only in the north, we need to see in what state will Kosovo and Metohija be without leaving the framework of Resolution 1244, and this is the search for a compromise,” says Drecun. This is a finalized story for the US, he notes, that this is a state, but they are still opening space where a specific solution could be searched.


Botsan-Kharchenko: Disrespect of Resolution 1244 source of instability (Politika/Tanjug)


Return to Resolution 1244 is the basis and best way for resolving the problem of Kosovo and Metohija, Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko said on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the adoption of this United Nations Security Council document. He assesses that the resolution “has fallen into oblivion” and that its disrespect is the source of instability in the region and Europe and the reason why a lasting solution for Kosovo and Metohija has not been reached yet. He told Tanjug that Resolution 1244 is of key significance even today for complete regulation of the problem of Kosovo and Metohija.


Dacic, Turkovic: Region needs joint agreement on opening borders (Beta/RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met on Tuesday with the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia-Herzegovina (B&H) Bisera Turkovic. After the meeting, Dacic and Turkovic announced that they reached an agreement that there should be a joint agreement in the region on opening borders so that citizens know how they can travel, and they also announced the opening of a consulate of B&H in Novi Pazar. Dacic pointed out that the visit of the Minister from B&H is the first official visit to Serbia after the relaxation of the measures adopted during the coronavirus epidemic. According to him, the activities are continuing now, so he will meet with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia in Nis today, he will visit Italy and Greece, while the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov should also visit Serbia. Dacic appealed to all countries in the region to have the same approach to the topic of opening borders, and reminded that Serbia made the decision to open its borders without tests and isolation measures. He expressed gratitude to B&H for making the same decision, noting that there is no progress in that regard with Montenegro, and it is not yet known how to travel to Croatia, he said. Dacic said that Serbia attaches great importance to relations with B&H, that it wants to develop them, that it is interested in visits at all levels, as well as that it supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H in accordance with the Dayton Agreement. Turkovic said that all outstanding issues should be solved in the light of good neighborly relations and to provide mutual support, especially when it comes to membership in international organizations. We would like more regional cooperation and common positions, such as those related to what citizens need when they travel, she pointed out.


Dacic, Aurescu: Successful cooperation between Serbia, Romania an example for entire region (RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic talked on the phone with Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu. Dacic informed his colleague about the current events related to the epidemiological situation in Serbia, noting that due to the continuous reduction of the number of patients in our country, there is a gradual abolition of restrictive measures and the opening of borders. They assessed that very good cooperation was achieved during the pandemic, especially when it comes to repatriation of citizens of the two countries, as well as resolving the issue of crossing the border of citizens living and working in the border zone, which can undoubtedly serve as an example of successful cooperation. Aurescu pointed out that the state of emergency was originally planned to be lifted in Romania on 15 June, but that it will most likely be extended for another two weeks, during which a gradual relaxation of restrictive measures is planned, and ultimately the opening of borders for travel to this country. He invited Dacic to visit Bucharest when the situation stabilizes, emphasizing that Romania is open to further strengthening of bilateral cooperation, especially in the field of economy.  Aurescu reiterated the readiness of that country to provide all assistance and support to Serbia in the process of European integration.


Another 66 cases (RTS)


Until 3pm, there has been another 66 cases, in total 12,031 infected. There have been one more death, in total 251 deaths. There are 432 active cases.




It remains unclear who forms majority in FB&H parliament (FTV)


After SBB Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) withdrew from state-level authorities, differences in opinions of coalition partners have been ever-present and the situation reminds of the post-election period when all options were open. Several combinations have been speculated, such as the SDP, SBB B&H and HDZ B&H combination, as one which has a sufficient number of hands to form the Federation of B&H (FB&H) authorities. Such speculations were however denied by SDP and SBB, who are placing the blame on long-term coalition partners SDA and HDZ B&H.

SDP leader Nermin Niksic said: “It is funny to me to even reply to speculations coming from SDA, that are accusing us of being part of the coalition with HDZ and SBB B&H - while they are seated with these same people in the FB&H authorities. That said, we have not spoken to anyone, nor do we have the intention of speaking to anyone”. Member of the SBB Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Sanela Prasovic-Gadzo said: “We do not want to be a part of a new story at the FB&H level, because we do not want to be a part of a story of systematic corruption relates to the discovery of the affair regarding respirators procurement in B&H”. Meanwhile, SDA and HDZ B&H are warning each other that they will not allow the other party to exclude them from the majority. SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic warned HDZ B&H not to attempt to exclude SDA from the FB&H government, threatening that SDA would then exclude them from the authorities one day. Head of the HDZ B&H Caucus in the B&H HoR, Nikola Lovrinovic commented SDA’s possible formation of authorities without HDZ B&H by saying: “Let them try. They can try to do it without HDZ B&H. It cannot be done without HDZ B&H. How would it be done? It cannot be, it cannot function”. DF representative in B&H HoR, Zlatan Begic argued that the point of participation in authorities is to help battle such concepts, and that by not participating in authorities, no action against such concepts could be taken. He said that a concept has to be implemented from the inside, and that their (DF) concept is a fight against a tripartite state and authorities.

Izetbegovic: All coalition partners would like to weaken position of SDA ahead of local elections (Hayat)


The leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic, asked is there an end to the current problems between partners at the level of B&H, the FB&H and at the cantonal levels, responded by saying that he is not a prophet to predict what the partners – who in his opinion, led to this situation – will do. In his opinion, SDA did not take part in any of the past crises and the party will be always trying to talk, to reach agreements, to solve crises and unblock. “However, if Mr. (Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers Zoran) Tegeltija does not want to work, if Mr. (B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury Vjekoslav) Bevanda is not ready to offer the budget for 2020 in June 2020, if Mr. (leader of SBB B&H Fahrudin) Radoncic decided to leave, I do not know whether we can help. Anyhow, we will try to be a factor of stabilization”. Izetbegovic said that he talked with Radoncic on Tuesday, trying to convince him to stay at the post of B&H Minister of Security to which he previously resigned or to nominate someone from SBB B&H for this post. Izetbegovic underlined: “I do not know what will happen”. He explained that if Radoncic remains firm in his intention to leave the post, this will mean that SBB B&H is leaving the state level. In his opinion, SBB B&H will not withdraw from the levels of the FB&H and the cantonal levels and according to Izetbegovic, the cooperation with SBB B&H was good. Izetbegovic assessed that if SBB B&H leaves the post of the B&H Minister of Security, SDA personnel commission is supposed to hold a session on Friday and propose its candidate. Izetbegovic did not want to say who will be the candidate for this post, but he hinted that there is an idea that someone from the area of Krajina may assume the post, as someone who is familiar with the issue of the migrants. Asked about claims that Radoncic’s resignation is a part of a wider plan to form a new coalition that he will lead, he argues that there is an intention to weaken the position of SDA and in his opinion, there is no intention to remove SDA from the authorities. According to Izetbegovic, it is not logical that SDP B&H and HDZ B&H make this kind of a move. He said: “I think that all coalition partners would like to weaken the position of SDA ahead of the local elections and in general, they would not have this big and strong partner”. In his opinion, there is connection between the attempt to remove the government and the arrest of FB&H Prime Minister (PM) Fadil Novalic. He characterized this a silent coup d’etat at the level of the FB&H. Izetbegovic also said that there may also be the intention to damage the authority of Novalic, making him stay at the post but in a weakened position. He stated: “I am afraid that they succeeded in the second thing (to weaken Novalic)”. In his opinion, it is possible to remove SDA from the ruling authorities but this will not happen. Izetbegovic stated: “I think that it will be revealed that this was a setup, especially in relation to Mr. Novalic and he may get out of this story even stronger Mr. Novalic and SDA. Those who launched this thing may reach a totally opposite effect”. Izetbegovic said that SDA warned HDZ B&H that if they remove SDA from the authorities, SDA can also remove HDZ B&H from the ruling authorities, adding that HDZ B&H does not really need this fight, adding that this would be a suicide. He stated that there are no such serious calculations in HDZ B&H and argued that this was just a test. Izetbegovic added: “Does this sound like a threat what I just said? This is an analysis. We are always looking for a way to find room for HDZ B&H, to try to help when it comes to problems of Croats in the FB&H and this kind of relations towards us – after decades of cooperation, coalitions – would make us respond in the same way. HDZ B&H does not really need this”. Asked to comment on claims that he is afraid to lose the authority as leader of SDP B&H Nermin Niksic claims, while at the same time, Izetbegovic said that SDP B&H is afraid to enter the authorities, Izetbegovic responded that SDA tried to convince SDP B&H to become the fourth element of the authorities but they rejected. Izetbegovic added that SDA is not afraid of anything as the party learned to struggle like a soldier. He assessed: “We fight and somehow, we manage. We always find a way to get out of situations”. Asked is the affair with purchase of the respirators in the FB&H is a political affair that targets SDA and Izetbegovic, he said: “Well, of course it is”. In his opinion, someone called into question the FB&H Government led by Novalic reminding that the FB&H Government was the main “engine” in the past five years that achieved the best results after the Dayton. Izetbegovic emphasized: “Attacking Novalic means attacking SDA and me”. Once again, he reminded that the goal in this case is to weaken “SDA, the Bosniak factor, this segment in the authorities”, while prosecutors felt that they could make the “new Sanader case” out of the entire issue. Asked who is behind all this, Izetbegovic said: He added: “Let us not again mention coalition partners”. In this regard, he mentioned those who want to weaken B&H and weaken Bosniaks - the B&H patriots who are in his opinion, mostly Bosniaks - who actually maintain the entire B&H together, with the aim to separate the entity, make it more visible, make it a state, or connect the Cantons to the state without the FB&H. He argued: “These are the plans that we see and the Bosniak element, led by SDA, is stopping this. Within the Bosnian, the Bosniak element, there is also rivalry and the wish to pull out the party that has thousands of positions and to come to the positions, i.e. fight for the authorities”. Asked whether SNSD and HDZ B&H are managing with the B&H judiciary, Izetbegovic said that it would be exaggerating to say such a thing but SDA is not blind and it is obvious that the judiciary adulates, especially to the Serb element in B&H and their leaders. He argued: “Simply, figures say it when we see relation of the judiciary to Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks. It is unthinkable that they (the judiciary) do such a thing to the PM in Republika Srpska (RS). The story on respirators emerged in the RS these days and we will see will they dare to do such a thing. Therefore, they (the judiciary) forgive them so much when they make an unconstitutional referendum everything is being covered up and look what they did to our Novalic”. Asked will he run for a member of the B&H Presidency in 2022, Izetbegovic stated that if he gets the support of SDA, he will run for the post.


Cvijanovic claims people who were recently appointed to B&H CEC are ‘politically colored’ (EuroBlic)


RS President and Vice President of SNSD Zeljka Cvijanovic asked to comment on the decision of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) to postpone local elections as well as on the fact that it is up to the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H to decide whether this decision was in line with laws and the Court of B&H to decide whether individual members of B&H CEC were appointed in line with laws, said that she only expects the courts to decide in line with laws and not in line with politics. “People who were appointed to B&H CEC are definitely politically colored. They are people who have connections with certain political figures or held positions within certain political parties,” Cvijanovic said and added that she is worried because the international community defends something in B&H it would never defend or allow in their own countries. “They say they support B&H CEC. Fine, are they talking about the rule of law? How come they say that it is fine to skip procedures? Does this mean that we do not need procedures?”, Cvijanovic wondered. Asked whether SNSD will boycott elections in case the courts decide everything was done in line with laws, Cvijanovic replied by saying that it would be unacceptable for SNSD to boycott elections “and let some parties which are unable to even form authorities in five municipalities”. Cvijanovic rejected speculations that former members of B&H CEC favored individual political parties. Cvijanovic also said that problems related to the migrant crisis are deeper than it seems at the first glance. “The warning of former Minister of Security Fahrudin Radoncic that SDA is not willing to cooperate when it comes to the migrant issue is a serious matter”, Cvijanovic said and added that SDA, instead of trusting a minister of their own country, trusted a country which refused to deliver feedback on its own citizens who came to B&H as migrants. “I can see why Radoncic resigned” Cvijanovic said and added that this is not a humanitarian issue but a very serious problem which is being ignored by various foreign diplomats in B&H. “Why are they doing that? They are telling us that we must demonstrate solidarity and accept migrants in the RS. If they are harmless, then why don’t they accept them in their respective countries? They have better services, better economic and social situation,” Cvijanovic said and emphasized that the RS will not allow any migrants to be accommodated in its territory. Speaking about the latest special session of the RS parliament, which was held as a reaction to the adoption of the Resolution on Respecting Victims of Fascist Regimes and Movements before the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H, Cvijanovic said that the Resolution did a great injustice to real victims of Ustasha regime because it failed to identify victims and perpetrators of crimes. “The biggest problem lies in the fact that Serbs, who were the greatest victims, did not get the attention they deserve,” Cvijanovic concluded.


OSCE: Relevant institutions in B&H have legal obligation to secure funds necessary for organization of local elections (Dnevni list)


OSCE Mission to B&H commented the fact that the 2020 budget of B&H institutions has not been adopted yet. “Continuous omission to secure funds for financing of local elections in B&H represents violations of provisions of B&H Election Law, it disturbs democracy and constitutional order, and it undermines independence and impartiality of state-level institutions”, OSCE warned. OSCE also reminded that the deadline for state authorities to secure the necessary election funding expired on 22 May, and noted that attempts to obstruct the lection process which also includes intentional obstructing of process of securing funds for elections could lead to violation of political rights of all B&H citizens. OSCE reminds all relevant bodies, including B&H Council of Ministers, B&H Presidency and B&H Parliament, of their legal obligation to secure adequate funds for organization of local elections. “It is necessary to urgently secure the needed funds either through adoption of the Budget of B&H Institutions or adoption of a special decision on financing,” OSCE Mission stated.


B&H CC upholds State Attorney’s Office’s appeal on registration of military property; RS PM Viskovic: Another decision of B&H CC which will not be implemented (N1)


The B&H Constitutional Court (CC) has upheld the motion filed by the state of B&H against the decisions of the Supreme Court of the RS and the District Court in Trebinje regarding the registration of military property, i.e. Filipovici warehouse in Trebinje. The B&H CC concluded that the right to a fair trial was violated when a regular court arbitrarily interpreted relevant provisions of the law and rulebooks and when it concluded that the appellant did not fulfill the legal basis for registration of changes in rights in the cadaster. The case has been returned to the District Court in Trebinje which is obliged to reach a new decision in accordance with the Constitution as soon as possible. N1 stressed that for nearly ten years, registration of prospective military property has been an open issue in B&H, despite the consensus on principles regarding military and other state property that was reached a long time ago. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic claims that the B&H CC is not protecting constitutionality, but reaching political decisions and that it is attacking the property of the RS. Cvijanovic also said that the B&H CC continues the practice of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) in making political decisions. She said that nowhere in the B&H Constitution was it defined that this property belongs to B&H. “Privatization was done based on territorial and principle of functionality and all other processes were solved based on these principles. This is meddling in significant matter,” said Cvijanovic. She highlighted that dozens of decisions and verdicts of the B&H CC were not implemented at all or only partially, which poses the question of credibility of it. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said that the decision of the B&H CC undermines the integrity of the RS and it will not be implemented. Advisor to Serb member of the B&H Presidency Marko Sukalo said that the RS has the right to protect what belongs to it. “B&H does not have any own territory. With these decisions, the B&H CC wants to impose some territory on B&H level. One more thing is clear and that is that the ethnic rights of Serbs in B&H are endangered, but their basic rights and freedoms guaranteed by the UN are endangered as well” said Sukalo.


B&H, Serbian Ministers of Foreign Affairs meet: B&H and Serbia have good, neighborly relations (FTV)


B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic met with her Serbian counterpart Ivica Dacic on Tuesday in Belgrade. They concluded that B&H and Serbia have good neighborly relations and that all open issues should be resolved through dialogue, aimed at even better relations in the future and stability of the region. Turkovic and Dacic discussed the migrant crisis, since migrants enter B&H territory mostly through Serbia. Turkovic stressed that the migrant crisis jeopardizes the situation as much crime and drugs are present in this regard. Turkovic underlined that most migrants travel towards Bihac and the EU border and that B&H is not in a position to resolve the situation in the manner in which Hungary did, that it has to find a more flexible solution to this, while protecting B&H citizens. The two officials discussed numerous topics, like economic and infrastructural connecting, inter-state border, the migrant crisis and analysis and planning of joint activities on this issue towards the EU. Turkovic also confirmed that she and Dacic agreed to reactivate joint sessions of the Serbian government and the B&H Council of Ministers.


Bosniak Caucus of B&H HoP pays visit to Potocari; Call for adoption of law on banning genocide denial or for OHR to impose it (Dnevni avaz)


Members of Bosniak Caucus in B&H House of Peoples paid a visit to Memorial Center Potocari on Tuesday, where they laid flowers to the memorial and paid their respects to genocide victims. Head of Bosniak Caucus, Jasmin Duvnjak said that the goal of the visit is to get informed about preparations for marking of 25th anniversary since the genocide in Srebrenica and to give their support to the work of the Memorial Center. “B&H needs the Law on banning genocide denial and I hope that it will be adopted or that the OHR will impose it,” said Duvnjak.


Cvijanovic and Sattler discuss EU path (RTRS)


RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic met with Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H and EU Special Representative in B&H Johann Sattler in Banja Luka on Tuesday. Cvijanovic and Sattler, among other things, discussed priorities that B&H must fulfill for opening of accession talks. Cvijanovic reiterated that the RS institutions are firmly committed to the continuation of the European path, as well as to faster economic development, emphasizing the importance of respecting the harmonized Coordination Mechanism.


Coronavirus cases spike in B&H with 53 positive tests in one day (N1)


B&H both regions, the FB&H and the RS region have recorded a new surge in coronavirus infections with both parts of the country reporting more than 20 new cases each over the last 24 hours, bringing the country's total to 2,775. The country has also seen one more fatality and the country's death toll now stands at 161. According to B&H's Civil Affairs Ministry, of 2,775 confirmed patients 2,063 have recovered to date – 1,082 in RS and 965 in the FB&H.

The Brcko District has seen 20 confirmed Covid-19 patients, of which 16 recovered and four died. Of 229 lab tests performed over the last 24 hours, the RS healthcare authorities recorded 27 new patients. The total of 1,082 patients has recovered in the region (69.05%), while 117 have died as a result of Covid-19. FB&H healthcare authorities have reported 26 new Covid-19 patients. So far 965 patients have recovered and 40 died. According to official data provided by the Civil Affairs Ministry on a daily basis, the total of 73,379 coronavirus tests has been performed since the epidemic outbreak.


FM says Croatia condemns any act of provocation that hurts ties with Hungary (Hina)


Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlic Radman reiterated on Tuesday that Croatia condemned any act of provocation that hurt its bilateral relations with Hungary.

"We have had our say. I'll repeat it once again on this occasion.  We condemn inappropriate inscriptions and provocations that hurt neighborly relations between Croatia and Hungary. We condemn any actions that stir up problems and turbulence in good-neighborly relations, instead of strengthening them and enabling a future-looking approach," Grlic Radman said in Zagreb on Tuesday, reminding the press of a statement by his ministry on this topic on Monday. Grlic Radman was asked by the press about this topic after his Hungarian counterpart Peter Szijjarto on Monday criticized the Croatian web portal Index over the misinterpretation of an inscription on a monument unveiled recently by Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Both Szijjarto and his state secretary Tamas Menczer accused media outlets of spreading fake news about the monument and the inscription. The Croatian Foreign Minister responded that he did not read such news on social networks.


Croatian PM and German Chancellor talk EU Presidency, economy, tourist season (Hina)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and German Chancellor Angela Merkel discussed the priorities of the presidency over the Council of the European Union and the reactivation of the economy and tourist season, during their video conference on Monday, the Croatian government stated. Croatia is the current chair of the Council of the EU, and in the second half of 2020, Germany assumes the chairmanship. Plenkovic outlined Croatia's plans for the Conference on the Future of Europe. The German Chancellor congratulated Croatia and the premier on the country's successful first presidency, against a backdrop of the unforeseen events such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the government says in its press release. The virtual EU-Western Balkan Summit Meeting and the forthcoming EU-Eastern Partnership summit are gaining more prominence in such circumstances. The two interlocutors also pointed to the satisfactory epidemiological developments in their respective countries, which will make it possible for their economies, including the tourist trade, to be reactivated along with gradual recovery of the air transport. All that is supposed to lead to an increase of tourist arrivals this summer, which is seen as conducive to a faster economic recovery, read the government's press release.


Two new cases of coronavirus infection in Croatia (N1)


The National Civil Protection Headquarters has published the latest information on the coronavirus in Croatia. "The number of new cases in the Republic of Croatia in a 24-hour period is 2, which means that the total number of patients with coronavirus is 2.249. The patients are from the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and the City of Zagreb. So far, 69,349 people have been tested, of which 234 in the last 24 hours. There are 7 people who are hospitalized. Out of that, there are 0 patients on the respirator. The total number of recovered patients is 2.130. The total number of dead is 106," the National Headquarters announced.


Stoltenberg to Djukanovic: Those who try to divide us will not succeed (CDM)


Montenegro has confirmed itself as a responsible NATO member that contributes to global stability. Our respect for what was the legacy of the Euro-Atlantic partnership after the World War II has only fostered and intensified over the past three years of membership. It assures us that this is the right formula for a more stable and better future of the region where we live, said the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic at the working visit in Brussels, where he met with the Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. The NATO Secretary General congratulated Montenegro on the third anniversary of accession to NATO and noted “just as NATO can count on Montenegro, Montenegro can count on NATO.” He also added that “those who try to divide us will not succeed”. President Djukanovic emphasized that he was satisfied with the cooperation between Montenegro and NATO over the past three years, and thanked Allies for their assistance in the battle against the coronavirus. He also stressed that Montenegro has been Europe’s first country to declare the end of the epidemic. “NATO membership is good for our security and prosperity. Investment by NATO member states has doubled, while Allies provided support with equipment and financial assistance through the coronavirus pandemic,” Stoltenberg said. He also said that NATO would continue with providing assistance during the security crisis. “During this pandemic, both state and non-state actors have used disinformation and propaganda to try to undermine our Alliance and our democracies. Those who try to divide us will not succeed,” underlined the NATO Secretary General.


Risk of coronavirus still exists (CDM)


Starting from 1 June, Citizens from over 130 countries will be allowed to enter Montenegro without negative coronavirus test and mandatory quarantine. After Montenegro declared end to the coronavirus epidemic on 2 June, the first tourists started to arrive. CDM asked the Institute for Public Health how high the risk of the virus importation was. They were clear – the arrival of passengers in the international traffic carried considerable risk and insisting on the negative test is “not one of the factors that might reduce the risk”. “Result of the test only reflects current situation, at the moment the sample was taken, but it does not tell us anything about the time before the sample was taken or shortly after it was taken. The passenger could be exposed to the virus and develop symptoms later,” Institute says. What might reduce the risk of the importation are measures and recommendations which refer to passengers in the international air traffic and are aimed at deterring travelling or disabling persons showing symptoms of respiratory infections to travel by plane. “A very important risk mitigation factor if appropriate information of both guest and hosts – our hoteliers and hotel employees and everybody else: in commerce, boutiques, tourist organizations…”, Institute stated in statement. Montenegro has its own rules for tourists. And while it can be entered without test and without mandatory quarantine, some countries have opted for more rigorous measures.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: It opened its borders on 1 June. Self-isolation measure was lifted but foreign nationals are only allowed to enter the country if they have some business activities or must attend funerals as family members. In both cases, persons are required to have negative test for coronavirus and address the competent healthcare institution in the municipality they go to.

Serbia: Since 22 May, Serbia’s borders have been open. Whoever wants to enter the country can do that and is not required to be tested negative and no special license is required for domestic and foreign citizens. Apart from that, passengers are not obliged to self-isolate when they enter Serbia, but they will be given health warnings and recommendations for the prevention of infection.

Kosovo: Three days ago, New Government of Kosovo rendered decision to open borders to Montenegro and lift measures for Montenegrin citizens. Citizens from Montenegro who enter Kosovo won’t be self-isolated, only checked by medical staff.

Greece: Borders to all citizens will open on 15 June. Greece will not require mandatory testing and 14-day quarantine.

Croatia: Croatia has opened its borders to tourists from 10 European countries: Slovenia, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Germany.

Turkey: Borders will probably be open to tourists on 25 June. No data concerning Turkey’s requirements.

Bulgaria: It opened its borders on 1 June. Bulgaria doesn’t require quarantine or negative test.

Macedonia: Borders are expected to be open by 10 or 15 June. Quarantine measure is still in force. After 10 or 15 June, it has been announced that no negative test or quarantine will be required.

Austria: Austria will reopen its borders to Italy and list quarantine measures for passengers from 20 European countries next week.

Germany: Germany is expected to lift ban on travelling for EU members, Great Britain, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland, provided that there are no great blockages in these countries.

Slovenia: Citizens of Austria, Croatia and Hungary have been allowed to cross the border of Slovenia and now the same goes for another 14 countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Norway, Slovakia and Switzerland. Citizens from the countries which are not on the list will be quarantined for 14 days.


Government pretends that everything is fine: State of emergency to be lifted even though 1,000 COVID-19 cases were registered in a week (Republika/Fokus)


According to estimates, there is currently no reason or need to extend the state of emergency. This is what the government told Fokus when asked whether they will request a new extension, given that the 14-day extended state of emergency ends on Saturday, 14 June.

Considering that the healthcare system is ready for the upcoming period, economic measures are fully regulated and in the implementation phase, as well as for possible new restrictions in the future state of emergency is not needed, the government said. However, in just nine days, since the beginning of June, a total of 1,016 new coronavirus cases have been registered in Macedonia, namely one third of the total number of patients registered in the entire period of three and a half months since the first registered case. An alarming number of 1,424 cases are active. 24 people lost their lives. In an analysis by the non-profit organization Deep Knowledge Group made for the Forbes magazine on the response of selected 200 countries in the world to the Covid-19 pandemic, Macedonia is on the devastating 103rd place, in company with the Dominican Republic, Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritius and St. Lucia. While the entire region, country by country, declares victory over the coronavirus and opens its borders, Macedonia remains isolated, and a mandatory 14-day quarantine has been introduced for its citizens in a growing number of countries, such as Bulgaria and Slovenia. In Montenegro, though, we are not welcome at all. The Minister of Transport and Communications Goran Sugareski himself confirmed that it is too early to talk about opening the airports. Two days ago, the Minister of Health, Venko Filipce, said the same about the borders. So, this begs the question: If the country is dealing well with the so-called “second wave,” which, as the WHO has pointed out, is not a second wave at all, but an escalation and losing control over the first one, then how can one explain these numbers? The answer is politics. If the state of emergency is not extended, and the elections are to be held within 22 days after the state of emergency ends, it will mean elections on 5 July. Something that, according to some of their analysis, suits SDSM and Zoran Zaev very well. Why else would they insist on this date with half the party in self-isolation? But, pretending that everything is fine by relaxing the measures in the middle of the peak of the disease, the government led by SDSM, together with Zaev, is only playing with the lives, physical and mental health of the citizens. With 1,424 active Covid-19 cases, the situation today is much worse than on 30 May, when the decision to extend the state of emergency was made. On that day, the number of active cases was 498, almost three times lower than today.

However, there is no decision to extend the state of emergency, and at the government session it was not decided to introduce new restrictions and curfews, but only to enhance the controls of the Ministry of Interior and the inspectorates.

Carovska: Requirements for extension of state of emergency exhausted (MIA)


All stakeholders should take part in the elections. Our opposition wants a country without a functional parliament, while opposition parties around the world want the opposite. The opposition wanted early elections, they took part in the entire process, they are part of the caretaker government and have a number on the ballot, which means they are participants in the elections. I sincerely hope they will decide to take part, says Deputy PM for Economic Affairs Mila Carovska. Carovska said that she wants to believe that VMRO-DPMNE will take part in the elections because the country and the citizens need them, but also because they initiated the entire process. “The elections are important because we must have all democratic institutions in place so that we can call ourselves a parliamentary democracy. Currently we do not have a parliament and that is why I am certain they will decide to take part at the polls,” says Carovska.

According to her, the requirements for further extension of the state of emergency are exhausted and they should be held on July 5, i.e. 22 days after the end of the state of emergency. “The country and the citizens are getting used to the new way of life. If we can protect ourselves by wearing a mask and using disinfectants, maintaining physical distance in the market, in the bank, in the restaurant, then we can also go out at the polling stations and elect a parliament and the government,” says Carovska. She sees no obstacles if all health protocols are observed. “The pre-election campaign will, of course, be administered in a different way. Even if the elections are delayed for one, two or five months, how can we be certain that we will not have an even higher number of infections in September or October. No one can be sure of anything, because this is a dynamic process that cannot be predicted. That is why it is really important to hold the elections by observing all protocols while protecting ourselves and those around us,” concludes Deputy PM Carovska.


Government tasks MoI and inspectorates with stricter controls in areas with most Covid-19 cases (MIA)


The government decided Tuesday on introducing stricter controls and monitoring targeted areas in the City of Skopje and its surrounding municipalities of Arachinovo, Studenichani, Ilinden, Petrovec and Zelenikovo, as well as the municipalities of Kumanovo, Lipkovo, Shtip, Karbinci, Tetovo, Bogovinje, Brvenica, Tearce, Zhelino and Jegunovce, which have registered a larger number of Covid-19 cases. The proposal by the Commission for Infectious Diseases over enforcement of restrictions will be reviewed again, the Government said in a press release. The Government has tasked the Ministry of Interior, the Inspection Council and the Financial Police Office with drafting specific action plans for control and prevention of exceptions from the protection measures, as well as sanctioning of non-observance.


Zaev: No reason to extend state of emergency, election should be held July 5 (MIA/Vecher)


State of emergency was declared in North Macedonia to adopt measures set to help the economy. The government is to implement its third set of economic measures by the fall and sees no need to adopt another one, SDSM leader Zoran Zaev told daily newspaper Vecher. “There’s no reason for the government to seek a state of emergency extension, or grounds to justify such a proposal. Election deadlines remain in place, in line with legal and constitutional provisions, with polling day taking place 22 days after the state of emergency expires, in this case 5 July,” the leader of SDSM said. Restrictive measures aimed to mitigate the health effects of the coronavirus, Zaev underlined, aren’t contingent on the state of emergency.


In North Macedonia 125 new cases of Covid-19 (Libertas)


In the last 24 hours, 1,019 tests have been performed and 125 new cases of Covid-19 have been registered in North Macedonia. Patients from Skopje 79 years old and 54 years old, from Struga 66 years old and another from Tetovo 46 years old died. A patient from Skopje 77 years old died on June 8 and a patient from Struga 73 years old died on June 7. An 87-year-old patient, hospitalized on May 26, died at the hospital in Stip. Today, the Institute of Public Health registers 6 recovered patients. So far, a total of 39,033 Covid-19 tests have been performed in the country. The total number of cases diagnosed in our country since the beginning of the epidemic is 3.364, the number of recovered patients is 1.664, the number of deaths is 164, and currently the number of active cases in the country is 1.536.


National Council of European Integration appreciates EC and EU states’ efforts for opening negotiations (Radio Tirana)


President Ilir Meta at the meeting of the National Council of European Integration, praised the agreement on Electoral Reform, demanding its finalization with the approval of the Assembly and its implementation, which according to him is the real challenge. The head of state demands that other conditions be addressed and that the parties should get engaged in dialogue and not undermine the process. In this first meeting of the National Council for European Integration, following the decision of the European Council on 25 March, President Meta expressed his maximum appreciation for the European Commission and the EU member states for their tireless efforts in favor of the long-awaited political decision, the opening of membership negotiations with Albania. “Moving forward on the European path requires, first and foremost, European behavior, where dialogue, comprehensive cooperation, and building bridges of trust between institutions and citizens should prevail. The actual implementation of the growing conditions, and the obligations of the Stabilization and Association Agreement, must be taken more seriously. Only a credible process, where political will is put at the service of the country and major interests, will be able to prevent successive toxic crises that have unfortunately undermined the trust of citizens and damaged the image of Albania. The agreement reached at the Political Council on Electoral Reform was an important step forward. I appreciate the constructive contribution that Commissioner Varhelyi, the German Bundestag, other European partners, as well as the United States and the United Kingdom have played in this process.

I hope that this agreement will continue for all the necessary changes of the electoral reform and will be finalized with the quick approval in the parliament. Undoubtedly the real challenge will be the faithful implementation of the new Electoral Code, and the behavior of each actor to ensure an electoral process with integrity which preserves and respects the free vote of the citizens. I also encourage that the action plan drafted by the government reflects the contributions of all members of the Council, scans one by one all the set conditions, and clearly defines the responsible actors, the concrete and measurable terms of action and the financial costs. Consolidation and further implementation of this action plan must prove that Albania gives results! For my part, as President of the Republic, I will continue my unremitting efforts in favor of the sustainable and credible progress of Albania’s European integration process, as a nationwide goal of all Albanian citizens,” said Meta.


Rama: This is the last time the ambassadors intervene (Radio Tirana)


Speaking during the meeting of the National Integration Council, Prime Minister Edi Rama said firmly that this was the last time it took the intervention of ambassadors to reach an agreement on Electoral Reform. He said that the time has come for Albanian politics to solve its own problems. “This will be the last and our friends, our valuable partners should no longer feel in this position as the people do not have to look through the doors of embassies because the parties are not able to share what is shared. and what is common,” said PM Rama. He acknowledged the problematic relationship with the head of state, but said this should not hinder contacts. We can no longer have dialogue and agreements in the embassies, this will be the last and as far as I am concerned, this is the last,” said Rama. “It is up to us to resolve the issue ourselves, if we are really serious and sincere, it can no longer be the same when it comes to resolving issues together,” said Prime Minister Edi Rama.


Zef Mazi: Big challenges ahead regarding EU integration (Radio Tirana)


Speaking for the first time after being appointed Chief Negotiator of Albania’s membership in the European Union, Zef Mazi, said that the process of negotiations for Albania’s accession to the European Union will be difficult, while called for dedicated and professional work. “The path taken by our country started 20 years ago at the Thessaloniki summit. It is quite a big job and there will be quite big challenges ahead. These challenges from any institution, senior representative or for the negotiating team itself will be of incalculable importance,” said Mazi during a virtual communication with the table of the National Council of European Integration held in Tirana. “The negotiating team that I will have the honor to lead is with very high professional knowledge and long experience in the integration process. The group has a clear mandate, dedication, professionalism, expertise and is convinced that everything we will do will be for the good of our country” he added. “With the support and assistance of all institutions of the country, civil society and all factors that have weight, I and the negotiating team will not spare our energies and experience and knowledge to advance this objective,” said the chief negotiator of Albania’s membership in European Union, Zef Mazi.


Parliamentary opposition expresses dissatisfaction to Ruci about the Electoral Reform agreement (Radio Tirana)


Today, the leaders of the Parliamentary Opposition Groups held a meeting with the speaker of the parliament, Gramoz Ruci. In this meeting, Myslim Murrizi, Edmond Stojku and Nimet Musai presented their dissatisfaction with the agreed product in the Political Council for Electoral Reform. New opposition lawmakers have called for their demands to change the electoral system, depoliticize the election administration and implement OSCE recommendations. Representatives of the parliamentary opposition presented to the Speaker of the Assembly their objections to the proposals of the Political Council for the implementation of electoral reform, implementation of OSCE / ODIHR recommendations for depoliticization of the election administration and change of the electoral system, and underlined that these changes should be reviewed and voted in the parliament, which is the legitimate institution to carry out electoral reform. Meanwhile, speaker Ruci praised the role of the opposition groups in the Parliament, underlining that their proposals will be taken into consideration. Speaker Ruci praised the productivity and contribution of the opposition parliamentary groups in the implementation of important reforms in the country, such as justice reform, voting on qualified majority laws, election of members of new institutions of the justice system, etc. and underlined that the Albanian parliament, as a legitimate institution for carrying out the reform will respect the sensitivity of all parliamentary groups for the realization of legal changes in the framework of electoral reform.


Daily Covid-19 cases in Albania hit record high (Tirana Times)


Forty-two new coronavirus cases were confirmed in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of infected patients to 1.341 in Albania. A total of 21 new cases were identified only in Tirana, 9 in Shkodra, 4 in Durres, 3 in Kruja, 2 in Lushnja, one in Puka and one in Ura Vajgurore. This marks the highest number of cases since the outbreak of the pandemic in the country. So far, tests have been conducted on more than 19,000 people. A total of 46 patients are being treated at the Infectious Diseases Hospital, eight of whom are in intensive care and two are intubated. Moreover, 980 patients who tested positive for the coronavirus in Albania have now recovered. The death toll remains at 34 victims. Currently there are 284 active cases in Albania.