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Belgrade Media Report 21 July 2021


Vucic: We will oppose lobbying for recognitions of Kosovo (TV Pink/Tanjug/RTV/RTS

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday Serbia would oppose any new lobbying campaign for recognitions of Kosovo’s self-declared independence. When asked about Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s announcement that he would step up the lobbying for the so-called Kosovo’s independence, Vucic told TV Pink this was a realistic possibility because Turkey was a major power and Erdogan a great leader. “I will try to speak with him. Until 1 September, under the Washington agreement, both sides are under the obligation that there must be no lobbying for recognitions or derecognitions. If they launch a recognition campaign from 1 September or perhaps before that, we will oppose that,” Vucic noted in Despotovac, central Serbia. Serbia is not so small as not to try to oppose that, Vucic said. “Serbia is protecting what belongs to it. This is not Turkey’s, it belongs to Serbia. The only thing that is left to us to do is to fight for our country and our people. He (Erdogan) is very powerful, and we are not, but I believe he will soften his position a little,” Vucic said. There is no alternative to fighting for Serbia, Vucic noted. “You will see that we are not as small as I sometimes say,” he added. Vucic also commented on the statement of Bakir Izetbegovic regarding the words of the Minister Vulin. “I am not in favor of silencing anyone. Bakir can do that. Vulin is my friend, I don't agree with him on some things. It was his party rally to which I was invited. He had a speech and it was not my duty to silence him,” Vucic said in Despotovac. “Serbia has its borders and they are recognized in the UN and we are only interested in them, including Kosovo and Metohija as part of Serbia in accordance with Resolution 1244. That's it. I will not apologize to anyone anymore, never again,” he said. “They are the ones who are talking about the abolition of Republika Srpska. Vulin was talking about something he thinks is right, you’ll have to ask him about that… We are only interested in keeping our own,” he concluded.

Vucic: I thought it was impossible to have a worse meeting than the previous one (RTS/Tanjug/TV Pink/B92

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed the public after the meetings he had in Brussels as part of the dialogue with Pristina. "I thought it was impossible to have a worse meeting than the previous one, but today I was convinced that it was possible. We received EU proposals that were harmonized with our main negotiators. Serbia also fully agreed with what the EU proposed," Vucic said initially and added: "There were three points. To intensify joint efforts in identifying missing persons, to refrain from further situations that could increase tensions on the ground, and for negotiators to meet regularly." He states that Serbia fully accepted without any objections, even some wishes of the Albanians, while the Albanians did not want to accept it. "It is especially interesting that they did not want to sign the second proposal. They conditioned it with new criteria all the time. Their presentation was that Serbia was guilty of three genocides in Kosovo. Then Kurti explained to us that Albanian names draw names from toponyms in Serbia, can you believe what that man has been talking about after 150 years...", he emphasizes. He says that Serbia is ready to talk about everything, but it is obvious that someone does not want to. "Everything comes down to the same thing - someone will force Serbia to recognize Kosovo," he points out. He states that he cannot agree on the sentence that both sides will refrain from provocations, as well as that they do not want to talk about the future, but about the past. "People in the EU don't believe what they're listening to. The man went back to the 19th century. As you can see, I'm worried, I don't know what we're going to do." Asked if he expects a reaction from the international community, he answers: "It's very difficult when you talk to irrational people. It's very difficult." He says that they do not understand that there were crimes on both sides, while Serbia understands that. Vucic allegedly insisted on discussing the Community of Serb Municipalities, but there was no answer. The President also mentioned that they asked the Albanian side why they did not show the KLA archives. "They say, 'Well, we don't have archives.' Then we extract evidence, their main ideologue referring to KLA sources, they still convince us that they don't have their own archives." Vucic said that the Albanian side's strategy is to make these negotiations meaningless and eventually cancel them. "As much as we try to find a solution, it's not worth doing," he says.

Kurti only wanted to discuss alleged genocides 

"I don't think people can understand, you talk to people who don't want to hear about the endangerment of any Serb, about the Community of Serb Municipalities. They want to teach us lessons about the past all the time," says Vucic. He says that Kurti speaks only about the fact that he was in a Serbian prison, as well as about the alleged genocides. Asked if anyone in Serbia would like Kurti's statement about the genocide, he answered: "Does it matter? You didn't notice, and now I'll tell you. We were silent. It's very difficult to be a Serb in the theater of absurdity. Don't doubt that we fought fiercely and I answered everything. I think I know history better than him, so it was easier for me to speak".

Vucic: Pristina came up with 11 points seeking recognition (RTS

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday the Pristina delegation in Monday’s round of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in Brussels had come up with 11 points seeking a de facto recognition of Kosovo. When asked by RTS if there had been any progress regarding the CEFTA agreement, Vucic responded he “dare not even say” what had happened to that topic. “They came up with 11 requests seeking a de facto recognition of Kosovo and that we accept their seals – anything they did was about that. They do not want to discuss anything specific, their only point is that any agreement should contain the narrative of Kosovo’s independence, and that's it,” Vucic said. He said the Kosovo Albanians were not interested in any kind of agreement whatsoever and that one cannot agree with Kurti on what day it is today. Vucic noted Serbia would be with its people in Kosovo and Metohija and share their destiny.

Petkovic: We remain devoted to dialogue with Pristina (Beta/RTV)  

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Tuesday during a talk with Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko that dialogue with Pristina is the only reasonable and effective way to solve disagreements, the Office has said in a statement.

Petkovic said that Belgrade remains committed to its choice to continue dialogue with Pristina, even though all of the efforts of Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti at a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Brussels led to the obstruction of the discussion and were directed at provoking the Serbian side to stop the dialogue. “Pristina must stop devaluing the results of the Brussels agreement so far, especially the part concerned with the formation of a Community of Serb Municipalities, and stop insisting on an alleged genocide, but finally favor the serious resolution of existing issues and finding a lasting compromise,” Petkovic said.

Borrell: Some progress in continued Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Beta)  

EU High Representative Josep Borrell said on Monday that the high-level round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in Brussels would build on the headway already made and focus on making further strides to develop the dialogue and pave the way for a "European future" for Serbia and Kosovo. It can happen if the two sides reach agreement on normalization of relations, which is their call, not the EU's, Borrell said ahead of a meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti. Borrell said this was the second high-level dialogue session since Kurti became Kosovo premier and described the first meeting as not quite successful, while expressing hope that the second one would produce more results. He added that it was essential to maintain regular contact, which showed dedication to regulating relations between Belgrade and Pristina. It is necessary to Kosovo and Serbia to finally close this chapter of their tortured past by achieving a comprehensive and legally binding agreement on normalizing relations in the effort of securing a European future for their citizens.

Lajcak: Only agreement between Vucic and Kurti to continue dialogue (Beta

Miroslav Lajcak, the EU special representative to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, said on Monday that he had met with Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, and that "slight progress" had been made. "The meeting was difficult and highlighted the two sides' very different approaches to the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. Consequently, only slight progress was made today," Lajcak said after the meeting. He added that several concrete proposals had been discussed, but that the only definite takeaway had been that the dialog would continue. Vucic and Kurti agreed to resume talks in September. "What's important for the EU is to stress that a European future for Serbia and Kosovo depends on normalization of relations, which is why the EU expects both sides to work together, to overcome the past and resolve current issues," Lajcak said.

Dacic: Kosovo wants recognition of independence to be formalized (TV Prva/Beta)  

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said on Monday that in the dialogue with Pristina being led under the EU's auspices in Brussels, "Serbia has shown great seriousness with a desire for that to be a constructive contribution to resolving relations," but that the other side saw the dialogue as a way to formalize the recognition of its unilaterally declared independence.

Dacic told TV Prva that the authorities in Pristina "do not like the idea of holding talks, but rather only of formalizing their recognition," as well as that "governments change, while no one is taking responsibility for carrying out what their predecessor had signed." "It is important that there is some line of communication, that there is dialogue. We are participating in the dialogue and we will ask that all that has been agreed be carried out. I do not know how to change our tactic, what is another tactic," said Dacic. In the same interview, Dacic said that he did not see himself as a presidential candidate and added that incumbent President Aleksandar Vucic was "my candidate."

Vucic briefs Dacic on Brussels meetings (RTS


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke with parliament speaker Ivica Dacic on Tuesday morning, briefing him on Monday’s meetings in a new round of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in Brussels. “A morning meeting with parliament speaker Ivica Dacic. I briefed him on the Brussels discussions and we also agreed to continue the successful cooperation to the benefit and in the interest of Serbian citizens,” Vucic wrote in a post on the Instagram profile buducnostsrbijeav, which also included photos from the meeting with Dacic in the Presidency of Serbia building.

Presidential, legislative elections to be held in April 2022 (Politika/Beta

Regular presidential elections, elections in Belgrade as well as a snap parliamentary election

will be held in April next year, Politika reported on Tuesday. According to the paper, the election race will begin after the participants of an inter-party dialogue on improving election conditions formally reach some kind of agreement. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said earlier that presidential elections along with a snap parliamentary vote would be held by 3 April 2022 at the latest.

Dacic says Vucic will attend inter-party dialogue next week (TV Happy/Beta

Parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said on Tuesday that President Aleksandar

Vucic would take part in talks within the inter-party dialogue next week, which would be held without international mediation. Dacic told TV Happy that the dialogue on improving the election process was going on “much better” with the opposition parties which did not want

international mediation than with those insisting on the engagement of European Parliament

representatives. “Normal communication without any prejudice has been maintained within the working group for the dialogue, which meets on a weekly basis,” Dacic said, adding that the topics discussed within the dialogue referred to the media, election process and election day, particularly in terms of vote count control. Dacic, also the Socialist Party of Serbia leader, said that representatives of his and the Serbian Progressive Party would meet next week to discuss cooperation.



Statements by Vulin spark strong reactions of B&H politicians; Vucic fails to distance himself from Vulin’s statements (O kanal 


The recent statements by Serbian Minister of Interior Aleksandar Vulin regarding the Serb world have sparked strong reactions in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic wrote on her Twitter account: “I expect Aleksandar Vucic to immediately distance himself from the statements by Minister of Interior Aleksandar Vulin on ‘unification of the Serb world’. If he fails to do so, it will only confirm that the official policy of Serbia is breaking the Dayton Agreement, aimed at Serbia annexing parts of B&H”. The reporter comments that Vulin did not wait long to respond. “If you fail to immediately condemn the position of SDA that Republika Srpska (RS) should be abolished and that Serbs are ‘genocidal’ people, as (SDA leader Bakir) Izetbegovic said, I will consider that you support such attacks on the Dayton, the RS and Serbs. If, Mrs. Turkovic, you fail to immediately distance yourself from the statement by (Bosniak B&H Presidency member Sefik) Dzaferovic that the so-called Kosovo is independent and that he would recognize the so-called Kosovo, I will consider that you support division of Serbia and you want to secede part of my country” Vulin was quoted as saying. Commenting on Turkovic’s request to Vucic to distance from Vulin’s statements about the Serb world, Vulin emphasized that his idea and statements are his only and that he and Vucic do not always have the same opinion on every issue. Deputy Speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Denis Zvizdic linked Vulin’s statements to all past ideas of homogenous Serbia. Zvizdic wrote on his Twitter account: “1884 the Draft, 1941 Homogenous Serbia, 1986 SANU Memorandum 1, 2012 SANU Memorandum 2, 2021 the ‘Serb world’. Unsubtle hegemonic narrative that has brought nothing good to Serb or any other peoples in the Balkans. Only wars, suffering, ethnic cleansing and genocide”. Commenting on Vulin’s statement, Head of SDA Caucus at the B&H HoR Adil Osmanovic said for FTV that Vulin’s idea of creating Greater Serbia is identical to the Nazi ideas. “If we want to turn to prosperous future, we need to clearly distance ourselves from such policy. The same idea was present in the 1930s, when the then policy of Germany was that all Germans should live in one country. Germany distanced itself from the said policy,” said Osmanovic. SDP representative at the B&H HoR Sasa Magazinovic said: “As much as we underestimate Vulin as a person, his statements should not be underestimated. The bones of those killed due to such ideas are still being searched for”. Turkovic stressed that Vulin’s statements are the best evidence of source of destabilization of the region, as well as of source of blockades and obstructions of the EU path of B&H and other countries in the region. Minister Turkovic stressed that all countries which are guarantors of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), as well as the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) in B&H will be informed about Vulin’s statement. Vulin responded that Serbs will unite peacefully, without a single bullet when conditions for it are met.   


B&H politicians strongly condemn statements of Serbian Minister Vulin about creation of “Serb world”; Dzaferovic: Statements on “Serb world” are reminiscent of the 1990s; Izetbegovic: “The Serb world” is another name for Greater Serbia (N1 


Officials in B&H reacted to recent statements made by Serbian Minister of Interior Aleksandar Vulin, who delivered a speech in which he announced the creation of “the Serb world”. Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic stated that the dreams of the coffee maker of late wife of Slobodan Milosevic, Mira Markovic will never come true, referring to Vulin. His cabinet did not provide any additional explanations for this comment. Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic said that it is not appropriate to comment on the statements of some Minister. President of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic said that “the Serb world” is another name for Greater Serbia. He expects Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to be more precise and not to allow such things and remain silent afterwards. Vucic himself answered that the borders of Serbia are not to be changed and they do not care for other borders. He assessed the reactions as attacks against Serbia and himself. Political analyst Dusan Janjic said that it is not important whether Vucic suggested this, but if he wishes to win the elections for the President, he will have to stick to the policy of “the Serb world”. Legal expert Milan Antonijevic said that it is important to note that the statement came from the Minister of Interior and this is strictly interior policy, while reactions would have been different if he was still a Minister of Defense. N1 notes that representatives of the RS did not react to Vulin’s statement at all. Dzaferovic sent a message to proponents of such ideas that they should face the past, experience catharsis, come to Srebrenica, Prijedor and the Sana valley "soaked in blood", pay tribute to the victims and recognize genocide and not to glorify crimes and criminals. "All creators of that policy, Greater state policy, should always keep in mind two things when it comes to B&H. First of all, they must look at how those who have advocated such policies in the past have ended up. They ended up in The Hague and in the dustbin of history. Another very important thing and I want to send them that kind of message on this occasion, they should know that we will never again put ourselves in a position to be surprised and taken aback", Dzaferovic stressed. Dzaferovic also said that statements on the “Serb world” are reminiscent of the 1990s. Vulin commented the statement of Komsic and Vulin stressed that Komsic can hate and he can insult, but he cannot explain why “the self-proclaimed Kosovo” could be a state and Republika Srpska could not. Vulin said that he as a Serb can celebrate his St. Patron’s Day in every village and Komsic, elected by Bosniak votes, cannot visit any of Croat municipalities in B&H.   


Komsic takes over as Chairman of B&H Presidency (Nezavisne 


In line with the rotation principle, Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic became a Chairman of the B&H Presidency as of Tuesday. Komsic is taking over from Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. The statement issued by the B&H Presidency reads that Komsic will obtain his post for next eight months. Glas Srpske comments rotation in B&H Presidency, noting that judging by the current behavior pattern of Komsic, B&H is heading towards eight months of political crisis and tensions.   


Ahead 2022 General Elections announcement of candidates for B&H Presidency starts (O Kanal 


Ahead the 2022 General Elections in B&H, announcement of candidates for the B&H Presidency has already started. O Kanal reports that SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, who already served two mandates, has announced he will run for the B&H Presidency. Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic has also confirmed his candidacy. In an interview for O Kanal, Komsic said: “If I can be useful, at least to prevent divisions, it is worth to continue’’. The reporter comments that many reactions came after Deputy Speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Denis Zvizdic left SDA. O Kanal reports that Zvizdic said he will not withdraw from politics and does not exclude the possibility to run for the B&H Presidency. In an interview for O Kanal, Zvizdic said: “My leaving SDA has nothing to do with offices. I have actually left the comfort zone many want to be in. My idea and leaving SDA are based on continuing to fight for the interests of the country, and the priorities I think can help B&H. (Candidacy) is not the imperative, but I do not exclude the possibility”. Member of SDP Irfan Cengic said SDP has not yet discussed potential candidates for the B&H Presidency, nor whether SDP will participate in the elections independently, or in a coalition. “After the statement by (NiP leader) Elmedin Konakovic, it is clear ‘Troika’ will not jointly participate in the elections. However, some political parties supported the SDP candidate for the B&H Presidency last time, so it is possible that something like that happens this time as well” said Cengic. O Kanal reports that SDS leader Mirko Sarovic may be a joint candidate of the opposition from Republika Srpska (RS), however, the final decision has not yet been made. PDP leader Branisalv Borenovic said that the opposition has discussed that “we will intensify our talks in September or October. Our opinion, in PDP, is that we should, one year prior to the elections, or at least until the end of this year, present concrete names to show our seriousness and the willingness to, in timely manner, tell the citizens who our candidate is”.  O Kanal reports that political parties gathered around the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) request election of a legitimate Croat member of the B&H Presidency, and if it does not happen, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic announced potential blockade of the electoral process and said that without amendments to the B&H Election Law, the elections cannot be held. O Kanal carries statements of the citizens who are of view new persons should be members of the B&H Presidency. The reporter concludes by saying that the Election Law reforms have never been implemented, and according to the current situation, it is not likely the situation will change.  


EU extends mandate of EUSR in B&H Johann Sattler for two years (Hayat 


The EU has extended the mandate of EU Special Representative (EUSR) in B&H Johann Sattler for two years, until 31 August 2023. Ambassador Sattler was first appointed on August 8, 2019 with the task of contributing to achieving objectives such as continuing progress in the Stabilization and Association Process, ensuring a stable, viable, peaceful, multi-ethnic and united country that cooperates peacefully with its neighbors and ensuring that B&H is irreversibly on the track towards the EU membership. The EU stated that it will also continue to support the implementation of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in B&H.   


EU expects OHR to continue working on meeting of ‘5+2 Agenda’ set as condition for closing down of the OHR in 2008 (Dnevni list/RFE 


Commenting the draft Resolution suggesting abolition of institution of the High Representative, proposed by Russia and China in the UN Security Council, which Associated Press reviewed, the representatives of the European Union in a statement to Radio Free Europe, expressed expectations that the OHR will continue to work on meeting of ‘5+2 Agenda’ which was set as a condition for closing down of the OHR in 2008. The article noted that ‘5+2 Agenda’ includes allocation of state property, finding a solution for military property, implementation of Final Award for Brcko District, fiscal sustainability of B&H and rule of law. “The EU is looking forward to good cooperation with Christian Schmidt, who was appointed a new High Representative by Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council. The EU continues cooperation with B&H on implementation of 14 key priorities from the European Commission’s Opinion and expects B&H to use the following months in making progress in meeting them” reads the EU statement to RFE. The statement further reads that this includes adoption of the rule of law and judicial reform, as well as progress in regards to constitutional and electoral reform. “These reforms are crucial to prove that B&H is taking seriously the integration in the Union, in line with aspirations of its citizens,” reads statement. The daily noted that earlier, US and UK Embassies to B&H stated for the RFE that closing down of the OHR is not based on time deadlines but fulfilling of set conditions. The article further reminded that PIC SB earlier this year appointed Schmidt, noting that competencies of the HR are criticized by Serb representatives who are closely tied to Russia, because there is no right to appeal HR’s decisions.  


Russia requests UN SC to vote on Resolution on OHR in B&H by July 31, 2022 (RTRS 


The Russian Embassy to B&H has confirmed for RTRS that Russia demanded the convening of the session of the UN Security Council (UN SC) to discuss the proposed Resolution on Abolition of the Office of High Representative (OHR). The resolution proposed by Russia proposes that the OHR is abolished by 31 July 2022. It was not certain when the session would take place, as this is a technical issue. The Russian Embassy to B&H reiterated that their stance on the appointment of new High Representative was issued clearly and that the Resolution will once again present this stance. France Press carries that it is possible the session will take place this Thursday. ATV Banja Luka carries that the request is supposed to be considered by France, which presides over the UN SC this month. Russia and China presented last week the UN SC member countries with the draft resolution that would instantly abolish the powers of the High Representative (HR). The draft resolution reads that powers given to the HR at the conference for implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords in 1997 are no longer necessary because of progress sides in B&H have achieved. The draft resolution also supports the appointment of new HR Christian Schmidt by July 31, 2022, when the OHR would be closed. According to the daily, the UN SC could discuss the draft resolution already on Thursday. Ana Trisic Babic, advisor to B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik, stated that this haste proves that Russia knows what can happen if Schmidt arrives to B&H on 1 August without official verification of appointment by the UN SC. She underlined that Russia and China are two permanent UN SC members want a concrete solution regarding the High Representative. Trisic Babic believes that a compromise regarding the resolution is possible and she expects that the section on end of OHR’s mandate will be the most disputable one. Former Yugoslav diplomat Vladislav Jovanovic told the daily, commenting on Russia’s and China’s request at the UN Security Council regarding the OHR’s mandate, that outcome depends on the West’s assessment whether it wants to keep the influence in the Balkans or if it will not allow stronger cooperation and bonding between Russia and China. He finds it interesting that China changed its role from a passive observer to the country that is now acting along with Moscow. “This is a reminder for the West that if it cools its relations with one of these or both countries, it could mean their even closer relationship, especially in military terms, and the West wishes to avoid that”, he said, adding that the West will probably pay much more attention to this than to “insignificant issue such as B&H”. The Embassy of Russia to B&H refused to comment further on this request, noting that their stance is clear and has been presented on many occasions before.  


Tegeltija: B&H ready to be part of Mini Schengen (BHT1 


Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija said that B&H is ready to be part of the Mini Schengen initiative and all other project that will improve economic cooperation among Western Balkan countries. BHT1 reminded that at the time when Serbia, Albania and the North Macedonia harmonized their views about the Mini Schengen initiative in 2019, there was no readiness for this project in B&H and Tegeltija claims that the situation is different now. Tegeltija argued that there is resistance in Europe due to the name “Mini Schengen” but he added that there are no problems to change this name. Tegeltija announced that if B&H gets the invitation for the upcoming session of the association, representatives of B&H will attend the event. Experts assessed that B&H was left out of all developments when it comes to this issue adding that there is no need to speak about benefits of the association as over EUR 40 billion will be invested in projects through numerous possibilities of cross-border cooperation. Vice President of SBB B&H Admir Cavka said that representatives of the Mini Schengen sent a roadmap to the CoM and they had a year and a half to explain citizens but they failed to do anything about this. Cavka underlined: “We are in a standstill for already a year.” Commenting on this issue, economic expert Drasko Acimovic underlined benefits of the initiative especially the ones related to transport of goods. Editor-in-Chief of the Serbian ‘Biznis magazin’ Radojka Nikolic said that politics had its influence on all issues including this one, adding that entrepreneurs are the ones who can easily reach a joint stance and joint interests. The reporter noted that we can only speculate on whether Kosovo and Montenegro will change their stance about the initiative or not and reminded that the EU and the US supported the initiative.   


Kovacevic: We will not give up on Law on CC B&H and replacing foreign judges with domestic experts (Glas Srpske 


SNSD spokesperson Vladimir Kovacevic told the daily that Republika Srpska (RS) will not give up on the adoption of the Law on the Constitutional Court of B&H and having all foreign judges replaced with domestic experts, adding that this is the topic that SNSD insists on in every meeting. Kovacevic, who also acts as an advisor to the Serb member of B&H Presidency, said that the CC is taking a role of a lawmaker, which is unacceptable and “we will not stop requesting that this matter is regulated.” “What we got now is a formula for a short-term outvoting of the Serbs and Croats, and in the long run this means disappearance of B&H” he said. Kovacevic also noted that the law that SNSD designed together with HDZ B&H was stopped at the parliament of B&H due to the votes of Bosniaks and SDS’ member Dragan Mektic 


B&H CC’s decision on ‘Buk Bijela’ causes reactions; Petkovic: Legitimacy of B&H Concessions Commission questionable; Other reactions (ATV 


ATV reminds that the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H again interferes with the RS competences, and the latest example is the decision passed upon the motion filed by 24 representatives in B&H Parliament to assess constitutionality of the agreement signed between the RS and Serbia on joint construction of hydropower plants on the Drina River. B&H CC tasked B&H Concessions Commission to find a solution to the “disputable issues” between B&H and Serbia regarding the concession for the construction of the ‘Buk Bijela’ hydropower plant on the Drina River, within the next three months. ATV commented that B&H CC decided that concession for the construction of the hydropower plant on the Drina River in the territory of the RS should be decided by B&H Concessions Commission, although the mandate of B&H Concessions Commission members has expired. Commenting on the issue, RS deputy speaker Milan Petkovic (United Srpska) stated that B&H Concessions Commission has not issued a single concession since its formation, stressing that its legitimacy is questionable. Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik (SNSD) commented last week that B&H CC’s decision in this case represents attack on the RS, as it is clear that ‘Buk Bijela’ hydropower plant is being built in the territory of the RS that is not near B&H’s external borders or inter-entity line. He reminded that more than 300 similar concessions have been approved in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and no one find it disputable. Dodik added that it is not legal or constitutional obligation of B&H Concessions Commission to resolve such disputes. According to Dodik, B&H CC itself and its judges work more on unpacking B&H than all political efforts. ATV also reminded that last time B&H parliament discussed the issue of B&H CC was in May 2020 when the Constitutional and Legal Affairs Commission (CLAC) of B&H Parliament issued negative opinion for the proposal of the law on judges at B&H CC, which was supported by SNSD and HDZ B&H. SDS’ Mirko Sarovic and PDP’s Branislav Borenovic voted against CLAC’s negative opinion, but SDS’ Dragan Mektic voted in favor of such opinion afterwards and thus prevented for the law to pass the further parliamentary procedure. SDS’s Aleksandra Pandurevic stated that somebody is bothered by the fact that the concession was given to the Government of Serbia, and noted that one has to wonder if B&H CC would have made the same decision if the concession was given to the government of a Western country. She underlined that the Court overstepped its powers and violated the Constitution of B&H. “It is sad that someone is bothered by the investment f Serbia and that they want to drive away anyone who is willing to invest money. It is the same Serbia that donated respirators to B&H and which vaccinated more B&H citizens than their homeland, and to which even the signatories of the motion rushed in order to be vaccinated! What message is being sent to other investors,” commented Pandurevic. Constitutional law expert Sinisa Karan stated that the RS is competent to make decisions on concessions because the state of B&H has no property of its own. He underlined that all public property belongs to the entities. Deputy Chair of B&H Commission on Concessions Milomir Amovic stated that the Commission has enough members to resolve the dispute. However, the Commission has not yet officially received the ruling of the Constitutional Court, and it is not clear what is expected of it. He also noted that the location of ‘Buk-Bijela’ plant is in the territory of the RS, which is why B&H Commission on Concessions is probably not in charge of deciding on the concession. Milan Tegeltija, advisor to B&H Presidency member Dodik, stated that the ruling of B&H Constitutional Court has the goal to deprive the RS of its rights to manage its own land and property. Therefore, the ruling directly violates the Dayton Peace Agreement, and it is trying to move the center for decisions on RS from Banja Luka to Sarajevo.    


Collective funeral for 12 Prijedor victims held at Memorial Center 'Kamicani' in Kozarac; Izetbegovic: There was no unfortunate conflict, but aggression, genocide and ethnic cleansing committed by Serb side; Dzaferovic: Crime in Prijedor has elements of genocide (O Kanal 


A collective funeral for 12 victims who were killed in Prijedor in 1992 was held at the Memorial Center 'Kamicani' in Kozarac near Prijedor on Tuesday. O Kanal recalled that more than 3,000 people were killed in the area of Prijedor during the past war in B&H and about 500 Prijedor victims are still unaccounted for. SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic attended on Tuesday the collective funeral for 12 Prijedor victims. Izetbegovic said that there was no unfortunate conflict, but aggression, genocide and ethnic cleansing "committed by the Serb side." "We must never allow the truth about what happened to be relativized. Martyr's blood and the truth will save B&H from repeated attempts to create some kind of Serb worlds, divisions in B&H, divisions of the country," Izetbegovic stressed. Dzaferovic said that "when one looks at the monstrosity of the crime and all its elements that were committed here in 1992, although The Hague Tribunal qualified this only as a crime against humanity, I believe that all this together has elements of genocide." Dzaferovic also said: “Persecuting the whole Bosniak and Croat population from the Sana River valley, killing over 3,170 people, 102 of them being children, 250 women, clearly indicates the existence of an intention to eliminate a whole community, or all non-Serb communities from this Municipality and from the Sana River valley. It is a genocidal intention”. MP of SNSD in the B&H Parliament Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac commented on the statements made by Izetbegovic on Tuesday. Novakovic-Bursac said that the hateful messages sent by Izetbegovic are a reminder for Serbs what kind of B&H he is offering them. She added that Izetbegovic attacked the basic postulate of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), which discusses the tragic conflict in the region and stressed that an attack on the DPA is an attack on peace in B&H. United Srpska leader and representative at the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Nenad Stevandic said that Dzaferovic and Izetbegovic unnecessarily demonstrate hatred towards Serb people with political statements on the religious holiday Eid al-Adha. “Our people are not guilty because it is big and bigger than others, but guilty are those who hate it, and who are trying to create a policy out of their hatred,” said Stevandic.  


Grlic Radman for shedding light on fate of missing, killed Bugojno Croats (Hina 


Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said on Tuesday he expected light to be shed on the fate of missing and killed Croats from Bugojno, central B&H, where he laid wreaths and attended Mass in a church destroyed in the 1990s war. "It's very important to shed light on the dark past so we can live together, so we can open a new chapter of coexistence. It's important to shed light on the past, on the fate of the missing, the killed. Their families are still alive," Grlic Radman said in Kandija. Croats in Bugojno are commemorating the 28th anniversary of suffering during the war with the Bosniak Army of B&H. In the summer of 1993, about 16,000 were driven out and about 300 were killed, while 15 top military and political officials, who were captured, taken to concentration camps and then killed, are still being traced. The search for their bodies will continue with excavations at Rostova, where the remains of four missing Bugojno Croats were exhumed last year. In Kandija, Grlic Radman laid a wreath for the Croat victims of the Homeland and other wars. He said Bugojno was a test for all in B&H in "bringing back the spirit of unity, tolerance, multi-ethnicity." The minister said it was sad that 16,000 Croats lived in Bugojno before the 1990s war and only 2,500 today. "It's necessary to create the prerequisites for their return. The Croatian government and all its institutions will help with appropriate cross border cooperation projects and through EU funds. I'm sure the Croats of Bugojno will be able to return home and that the Croatian identity will be cultivated and shown here again, while respecting all other faiths and nations as it used to be."  


Plenkovic meets with Bosnian Croat leader Dragan Covic (Hina 


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Tuesday received Dragan Covic, deputy chairman of the Bosnian parliament's House of Peoples, for talks on the situation in B&H, with special emphasis on achieving equality for its three constituent peoples, Hina reported. According to a press release from Plenkovic’s office, they also talked about the protection of the rights of ethnic Croats in Bosnia, the fight against Covid-19, and the “continuation of economic cooperation between the two countries.” Plenkovic said the issue of the status of Croats in Bosnia was a “vital Croatian interest” and that the “Croatian government’s consistent policy” is “to extend strong support for achieving their equality and for their legitimate representation” in the Bosnian Presidency and other top institutions. He said Croatia wanted to constructively help so that all political actors in Bosnia could reach a consensus on reforming the election law, adding that he recently discussed that with the new High Representative to Bosnia Christian Schmidt, and the US envoy for Bosnia and Southeast Europe Matthew Palmer. Covic underlined the importance of the current reforms for Bosnia’s European path as well as its stability and development. He said he was confident a final agreement could be reached this year on changes to the election law and limited changes to the constitution. He said Bosnia’s foundations must not be endangered and that the three constituent peoples must be legitimately and appropriately represented in government. Plenkovic said that in the EU, Croatia was the strongest advocate of Bosnia’s European journey as well as a supporter of its NATO membership. “It’s necessary to strengthen the reform process which guarantees economic stability and the good of the whole country.”  

Covic thanked Plenkovic for Croatia’s donation of 240,000 Covid vaccines. Plenkovic recalled that, under a government decision, all Bosnia citizens would be able to get vaccinated in Croatia for free.  


Grlic Radman: Croat people in B&H is indigenous people and this will be reflected in new B&H Election Law (HRT1 


Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman attended on Tuesday marking of the 28th anniversary of suffering of Croats in the Central Bosnia, in Kandija, Bugojno. On the occasion, Grlic Radman said that the light needs to be shed on the destiny of missing and killed Croats in Bugojno during the conflict with the RBiH Army. Grlic Radman reminded that around 16,000 Croats lived in the region before the war in B&H and only around 2,500 remained there after the war. “Conditions for their return should be created here,” said Grlic Radman. The Croatian Minister also noted that the Croat people in B&H is indigenous people, believing it will be reflected in the new Law on Elections of B&H where Croats will be able to elect legitimate representatives into most senior bodies, as stipulated by the Dayton agreement.  


Maas, Di Maio send letter to EU HR Borrell underlining importance of EU integration of Western Balkans and implementation of limited constitutional and electoral reform in B&H (Vecernji list 


German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio sent a letter to the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission Josep Borrell in which they call for integration of the Western Balkans in the European Union, while in the analysis of the situation in B&H they called on local officials to carry out 14 priorities (from the EC Opinion), including limited constitutional and electoral reform. The daily got in possession of the letter, which among other things underlines that it is necessary to exert pressure over all stakeholders to stop the historic revisionism, glorification of convicted war criminals, “artificial ethnic divisions”, political polarization and questioning of territorial integrity of the country and hold them accountable when necessary. “Importance of the goal of the EU membership is still important as an element of unification of all ethnic groups and political parties in B&H. In regard to this, 14 priorities identified in the European Commission’s Opinion from 2019 remain to be key guidelines for further development of the country. We fully support EU efforts to facilitate key reforms in the country, including limited constitutional and electoral reform which harmonizes B&H legislation with international standards,” reads the letter. Maas and Di Maio stressed the judgement in case Sejdic-Finci and stressed that it is necessary to secure that such reforms do not provoke further ethnic divisions. Ministers expressed support to appointment of new High Representative, Christian Schmidt, especially in terms of renewal of coordination between EU and OHR. “Close coordination between the EU and the OHR would highly contribute to joint advocating of reforms. Appointment of Christian Schmidt as the next HR needs to be used as a chance to intensify cooperation”, reads the letter. Ministers deem that new methodology should contribute to accelerating of the European path for countries of the Western Balkans, underlining that unification of the continent will not be completed without Western Balkans. Maas and Di Maio deem that countries of the Western Balkans should be gradually included into EU joint forums, underlining that it is also very important to strengthen importance of Western Balkans in the EU countries through media, but also encourage pro-European forces in the region through media campaigns. The Ministers stressed that it is important to include youth and civic society in this process and encourage regional cooperation and reconciliation.


DPS returns to parliament (CdM 


MPs of the Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS, have returned to the parliament, this party has confirmed for the CdM portal. “We’re back to all working bodies after dismissal of the Minister of Justice, Human and Minority Rights, Vladimir Leposavic” the DPS says. Its MPs will be attending the PMQs, scheduled for 29 July. The DPS has thus ended boycott of the work of the parliament they started back in May due to, as they claimed, arrogant behavior of the ruling majority.  


Democrats don’t want to dismiss Kovacevic, although he denied Srebrenica genocide (CdM 


At the Committee on Elections and Appointments of the Municipal Assembly of Niksic, the Democrats voted against the dismissal of the mayor of Niksic Marko Kovacevic. Kovacevic’s dismissal is demanded by opposition parties because of his denial that genocide took place in Srebrenica, CdM has learned. The initiative for Kovacevic to be dismissed remains as the first item on the agenda of the Niksic Municipal Assembly, scheduled for 29 July. The proposal was signed by 16 opposition members. The representative of the submitter of the proposal is the DPS councilor Boris Muratovic 


Zaev is on collision course with Ahmeti over the mayoral race in Tetovo (Republika 


PM Zoran Zaev responded to the demands from his Albanian coalition partners by playing it coy. The DUI party demands that Zaev supports their candidate in the coming local elections in Tetovo, but BESA demands that he remains neutral. Both these parties hope they can win the mayoral seat in Tetovo and both are threatening Zaev with a collapse of his government, which is within their ability, if he doesn’t budge. Zaev responded that he is still considering running an SDSM candidate in Tetovo – which runs against DUI’s demand. “We are still looking into having our own candidate, and until we know that, we can’t pick between our coalition partners. It is logical that we have our own candidate in the first round, and that we have a candidate of the ruling coalition and the opposition in the second round, where we will support the ruling candidate,” Zaev said. He added that he is meeting with both DUI and BESA, and with his DPA partner, which is also expected to run with its own candidate in the main political center of the Albanians in Macedonia. Zaev’s party is hinting that it may run an ethnic Albanian candidate in Tetovo who would seriously challenge his coalition partners, especially DUI which holds the city hall. This would badly damage Zaev’s coalition, which only has one vote over the bare minimum needed to maintain power.  


Sela’s party is also opposed to postponing the municipal elections (Republika 


The Alliance of Albanians led by Ziadin Sela joined in the protests from VMRO-DPMNE after PM Zoran Zaev tried to postpone the municipal elections for the very end of October.  

“The Alliance of Albanians is prepared to win the elections whenever they take place. But we see no reason to postpone the date. The pandemic statistics don’t support the proposal to postpone the election. We understand the fear from the ruling parties, and that they are trying to buy time. We tell SDSM and DUI, you pick the date of your defeat,” Sela’s party said.  


Border Changes? WB would end up in mess (ADN 


“The Albanian community in Southern Serbia is one of three minority communities (the other two being Bosniaks and Hungarians) and is territorially compact and located along the border (with North Macedonia and Kosovo). All three communities, especially the Bosniak and Albanian ones, have been subjected to various administrative measures (structural discrimination) aimed at reducing their numbers, as well as stifling demands for territorial autonomy. When it comes to the Albanian community, its position and actual status is closely linked to the status of Kosovo and the Serb community in Northern Kosovo.” This is highlighted at the outset of the conclusions and recommendations in the 86-page report entitled ‘ALBANIAN MINORITY ON HOLD: Presevo, Bujanovac and Medveda as hostages of the Serbia and Kosovo relations’ which was published by Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia (HCHRS) authored by its founder and President Sonja Biserko in the beginning of July this year. Albanian Daily News had the opportunity to talk with Ms. Biserko, who was kind enough to answer some questions linked with the report. The report dwelt at length on many aspects of the situation of the Albanian minority in Presevo, Bujanovac and Medveda but it is highlighted with worrisome concern the problem of Albanians living in the south in the frame of the process of so-called "Passivation of residence of Albanians" working abroad, either in Western Europe or in Kosovo. “This "passivation" also targets citizens who permanently reside at their addresses. This measure is, in essence, a form of ethnic cleansing through administrative means.” During the interview such issues like the current situation in the Western Balkans, the stalemate of the Pristina-Belgrade dialogue, the dragging of the EU’s enlargement process towards the Western Balkans, the expected role of the US President, Joe Biden in the region were touched upon. In a comment on the scheme of border changes, Ms. Biserko said that should any change of borders take place, the whole region would end up in the mess. Since the 19th century Balkan nations are undergoing a process of the national emancipation and in that sense state projects were mostly projected as greater states. I think we have come to an end of this process and that red lines should be established vis a vis the border changes. In a comment on (German Chancellor Angela) Merkel’s ‘farewell’ to the Berlin Process and politics in general she said Chancellor Merkel is a great European and world leader with personal integrity who guided EU through very difficult and turbulent times. “She was the one who prevented change of the borders in the Balkans. It is to be hoped that the future Chancellor will continue along the same path,” noted President of Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia Sonja Biserko in the following interview:   

ADN: At the outset, please let me congratulate you, Madame President, upon your work ‘ALBANIAN MINORITY ON HOLD: Presevo, Bujanovac and Medveda as hostages of the Serbia and Kosovo relations’, which was published at the beginning of July this year. First, which has been the motivation encouraging you to carry out such meticulous work and what institutions supported the Committee in this endeavor?  

Biserko: Monitoring minority situation is part of our regular work. Minorities (not only ethnic) reflect the state of democracy in every country, especially having in mind that Serbia (and most other countries in the region) is ethnocentric. Thus minorities, especially those border ones, are perceived as a threat and irredentist. Focus on the Albanian minority in the South of Serbia has been in place since 2000. We received several complaints about “passivation” but COVID prevented us to engage in the fact-finding mission earlier. Monitoring is part of the wider project supported by the Commission.  

ADN: It’s an 86-page report. Please would you sum up the main highlights of it, and which are the conclusions and recommendations?  

Biserko: The legal framework, the Constitution, the Law on Protection of the Rights and Freedoms of National Minorities, the Anti-Discrimination Law, as well as numerous strategies and action plans that guarantee equality and integration of all citizens of Serbia, are insufficiently applied in practice. Regardless of the presence of numerous embassies, the OSCE and other organizations in Southern Serbia, the Albanian community is living in limbo and in expectation of their status finally being resolved as part of the resolution of the Kosovo question. The most worrying problem of Albanians living in the south is the process of so-called "Passivation of residence of Albanians" working abroad, either in Western Europe or in Kosovo. This "passivation" also targets citizens who permanently reside at their addresses. This measure is, in essence, a form of ethnic cleansing through administrative means. "Passivation" (mass and selective passivation of residence) leads to individuals losing their status of being a citizen of Serbia and, accordingly, all civil rights - the rights to vote, property, health insurance, pension, employment, etc. Since citizens are not informed about "passivation", they usually lose their right to appeal, the deadline for which is eight days. Other particular problem is the non-recognition of Kosova diplomas, which prompts the departure of the most educated people belonging to the Albanian elite, who have no possibility of employment in state and public institutions. The Albanian community is isolated and neither the government nor the opposition have shown interest in the problems it is facing. Opposition party leaders are only interested in electoral coalitions and the support of Albanian voters. Many Albanians leave due to the economic reasons. Albanians who are temporarily working abroad do not have the opportunity to invest in these three municipalities, both due to "passivation" and an unreliable legal framework.  

ADN: In the meantime, which has been the reaction of Albanians in Presevo, Bujanovac and Medveda, who are being faced with the so-called ‘scorched-earth policy’ of leaving their lands, and that of official authorities in Belgrade?  

Biserko: We have distributed the report widely but there is no substantial reaction yet; though we did have reactions from the Albanians in the South who are pleased to have their problems presented in such a way. We hope that the report will receive due attention in the fall.  

ADN: Ms. Biserko, you have been called “the critical conscience of the Serb society” by Albanian civil society circles in Presevo Valley. How do you consider such an assessment of appreciation by Albanians as your stance and works, including the latest report, might not please certain Serb circles?  

Biserko: The Committee is known to be voicing the malaise of our society since our existence. Minorities have always been our priority and we have produced several reports and publications which have raised the awareness domestically and internationally. Unfortunately, the implementation of the existing legal framework is not fully in place and integration of Albanians into wider Serbian economic, political and cultural life is minimal. Rule of law is the major problem of the Balkan societies and one of the main obstructions to their approximation to the EU membership.  

ADN: How do you explain that there is no real ethnic or religious tension between local Serbs and Albanians in Bujanovac, Presevo and Medveda, and how does it happen that such a relationship is not affected by the hostile political environment?  

Biserko: This is what we were told by all interlocutors. Serbia is highly centralized society and Belgrade is key to all problems which affect whole of Serbia. Every decision is made by Belgrade. Problems of Albanians stem from the administrative obstructions inspired by Belgrade, namely through functioning of the courts, prosecutions and police. Albanians do not truly participate in the state and public institutions and live in some kind of segregation.  

ADN: Maybe it is too much to ask but anyway it would be interesting to know if your institution has handed over this report officially to the relevant official institutions of Serbia, Presevo, Kosovo, Albania and other regional countries and international bodies?  

Biserko: We have sent the report to all relevant institutions in Serbia, all embassies and relevant EU institutions as well. Also, the report was sent to Albanian relevant representatives.  

ADN: Given your past seasoned experience, how much do such kinds of reports and findings and conclusions influence the official and public opinion of those concerned, and as a follow up, please, which are your expectations for the ongoing Pristina-Belgrade talks?  

Biserko: Our reports are always paid attention to and I hope that this report will receive due attention as well. We hope to be able to promote the report in the fall. Pristina-Belgrade talks at the moment are not truly ongoing. Having in mind that both sides will soon have elections I do not expect much to happen until the next year. Belgrade is for the first time faced with the politician on the Albanian side who is not easily bullied or blackmailed; Albin Kurti is truly the first politician of the new generation and I do hope he will be successful in bringing new ethics in the political life of the region. I also hope that the resuming of the dialogue will be based on reciprocity and equality.  

ADN: I notice that the scheme of border changes in the Balkans has been re-activated and it is still being hinted that the non-paper linked with that concept has originated from the PM of Slovenia, which is at the helm of the EU Presidency. Do you think this scheme can be the breakthrough to the stalemate not only between Kosovo and Serbia but to other regional disputes? And secondly, how come that it was reactivated as soon as Slovenia took the EU Presidency?  

Biserko: Non-papers will obviously always exist and the recent ones show that the change of borders is still on the minds of some political circles. In Serbia for sure. The fact that they appeared just in wake of Slovenia’s overtake of the EU presidency does not surprise much. Jansa belongs to so called illiberal circle together with Orban and others. It is reality of the EU which triggered discussions on the future of the EU and defense of the democracy. Balkan states belong to this group as well having in mind the level of democracy in the region. Some of the regional politicians are very much relying on this group in the EU like, for example, president Vucic 

ADN: Do you think that there is ground to believe that some circles work on the creation of ‘Greater Serbia, ‘Greater Albania’ or ‘Greater Croatia’?   

Biserko: Certain circles in Serbia are still hoping for the re-composition of the Balkans. The “Serbian World” is still very alive and we can see it being now implemented in Montenegro and Bosnia. Should any change of borders take place, the whole region would end up in the mess. Since 19th century Balkan nations are undergoing process of the national emancipation and in that sense state projects were mostly projected as greater states. I think we have come to an end of this process and that red lines should be established vis a vis the border changes.  

ADN: Let me touch please upon the EU's stance on the enlargement towards the Western Balkans. Do you think that Brussels’ protracted enlargement ‘fatigue’ is one of the causes of the persistent volatile situation in the region, and is such a situation suitable for some Union’s members which do not want ‘problematic’ countries in their ranks? And secondly, is there a paradox in this stance as the WB is kept out of the Union and at the same time it is ‘advised’ to boycott Russian and Chinese presence in the region?  

Biserko:  In order to answer this question, we must be aware that the EU is undergoing deep and complex internal changes. There are many reasons for that. First, challenges incited by the financial crisis (2008), migrant crisis (2014) and COVID19 pandemic. These are only some of the new challenges. Secondly, after 20 years it became clear that post-socialist countries have different concepts of democracy and that it poses serious problems in bringing decisions necessary to make the EU, as the most developed and the richest regions of all, relevant international player. In this context Balkans would only bring in more problems. Unfortunately, most of the Western Balkans are not truly embracing democratic values. On the other side, Western Balkans are perceived as the European sphere of the interest. There needs to be some balanced approach which will help these countries move faster. It is to be seen how the new EU ambitious global infrastructure plan linking Europe to the world, will affect the Western Balkans. However, the most serious problems of the Western Balkans are corruption, lack of rule of law and free media, respect for human rights, plurality etc. It is clear that without help of certain international mechanisms Balkans will stagnate. It is to be hoped that Biden administration directives to address corruption and those obstructing peace and progress will soon be effective.  

ADN: To conclude, Ms. Biserko, does the ‘farewell’ to Chancellor Merkel at the Summit of the project for the Western Balkans in Berlin on July 5, 2021, launched by her, mean a ‘farewell’ to the ‘Berlin Process’?  

Biserko: Chancellor Merkel is a great European and world leader with personal integrity who guided EU through very difficult and turbulent times. She was the one who prevented change of the borders in the Balkans. It is to be hoped that the future Chancellor will continue along the same path.