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Belgrade Media Report 23 July 2021


Vucic on Kosovo, cooperation with Albania and North Macedonia (Beta

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated on 22 July that if anyone decides to recognize Kosovo as independent, we will immediately start the campaign for revoking the recognition.

"I have great respect for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and we want the best possible relations with Turkey, but we have our country and our interests, and we will behave in accordance with them," Vucic said in comment of the Turkish President's statement that he would work on the recognizing of Kosovo's independence. During the visit to Kragujevac, Vucic recollected the obligation assumed by Serbia and Kosovo, about not campaigning for the recognition or for the revoking of recognition. He announced that he would meet with the prime ministers of Albania and North Macedonia in Skopje on 28 and 29 July. "We work a lot and I believe in the economic progress of our countries. He has worked on three documents which we will sign in Skopje – on trade, work permits and mutual support in natural disasters, such as fires and floods," Vucic stated.

Twenty-two years since the murder of 14 Serb reapers (RTS/RTV/Tanjug

It is 22 years since the crimes against 14 Serbs in Stari Gracko, near Lipljan in Kosovo and Metohija. On 23 July 1999, while harvesting grain, 14 reapers, civilians, Serbs, were attacked and killed by KLA members in their fields. The crime happened about ten days after the arrival of international soldiers. Staro Gracko was under the control of British KFOR soldiers. To date, the perpetrators have not been found and punished, the Association of Families Kidnapped and Killed in Kosovo and Metohija reminds. “This is a topic on which we should all raise our voices. The crime that happened during the international mandate, it is known who committed it, but there is no epilogue,” the chair of the Commission for Missing Veljko Odalovic told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS). He says that this shows that those who came to Kosovo and Metohija did not complete their mission and did not provide security and safety. “Families meet the people who committed the crime. These days we should mention and not forget them. I will never give up fighting to find the missing. By digging up the graves of Serbs, people will start talking about Serbs. The essence is that the Kosovo society has not faced crimes that were committed against Serbs,” he said.

Serbia, Cyprus for strict respect for international law (Tanjug/RTV

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic pointed out on Thursday in a meeting with Ambassador of Cyprus Demetrios Teofilaktu that bilateral relations between the two countries are based on strong friendship, mutual solidarity and strict respect for international law. They expressed unequivocal and uninterrupted support for preserving the sovereignty and territorial integrity of both countries. Selakovic expressed strong support for the negotiation efforts aimed at resolving the Cyprus problem, while preserving the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Cyprus. He emphasized that Serbia is following the recent development of the situation in the area of ​​the northern part of Cyprus with great concern, noting that our country supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Cyprus. According to him, Serbia believes that all activities in the area of ​​the city of Varosha can be carried out only with the consent of the Cypriot authorities and with respect for international law and resolutions 550 and 789 of the United Nations Security Council. He said that Serbia expects other important regional actors to act in accordance with the basic principles of international law, in order to avoid the growth of tensions and the worsening of the security situation in the region. Selakovic said that Serbia and its citizens, faced with their problems and the need to defend their own national interests, believe that dialogue is the only possible mechanism for the peaceful settlement of disputes. Selakovic pointed out the necessity of refraining from all forms of unilateral activities that directly endanger the dialogue and the possibility of reaching a solution.

Joksimovic: Slovenia friend of Western Balkans region (Tanjug

Serbian Minister for EU Integration Jadranka Joksimovic stated today that Slovenia, by inviting partners from the Western Balkans and candidates for membership to attend the informal meeting of EU ministers, has shown that it is sincere advocate of enlargement policy. In her address to the press, Joksimovic expressed her gratitude to Slovenia for the invitation, assessing that it was a good initiative of the Slovenian partners. Slovenia has also shown that it is a sincere friend of the Western Balkans, and I am glad that they reaffirmed and in some way returned the topic of enlargement to the EU agenda, she stated. Speaking about the bilateral relations between Serbia and Slovenia, she pointed out that they are quite good, but also that they are constantly improving in the political and economic sense. According to her, concrete steps on Serbia’s further EU path are expected by the end of the Slovenian presidency, i.e., by the end of this year. Ministers and state secretaries for European affairs are attending an informal meeting of EU ministers today, and one of the main topics of the meeting is strengthening the EU’s resilience to crises that exceed the capacities of individual member states and therefore require a joint response.

Lutovac: Citizens have a right to rebel if there are no free elections (Nova/Beta

Democratic Party (DS) leader Zoran Lutovac has said that the opposition should call for protests, civil resistance or a rebellion if there are no conditions for fair and free elections.

Citizens have a right to resist and rebel in order to protect their fundamental rights, and only a united opposition can lead them, Lutovac told Nova. He said that the opposition was negotiating as if conditions for free and fair elections would be created but preparing as if they would not be created, i.e. for protests and civil resistance. In his words, for the DS social democrats and pro-European parties are natural partners but all the relevant opposition parties must work in a coordinated way on a change of regime, because the opponent is not burdened by morality, laws and justice. "They will defend the wealth acquired through crime and corruption to the very end - ours or their own," Lutovac stressed.



UN SC rejects resolution on closure of OHR proposed by Russia and China (BHT1 


The United Nations Security Council (UN SC) did not adopt draft Resolution on OHR in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). BHT1 reports that Russia and China voted for the draft Resolution and 13 remaining UN SC members abstained. On the occasion, First Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN Dmitry Polyanskiy said that in 25 years since signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement, the High Representative (HR) in B&H’s role was the one of the stabilizer. “Gradually, he has achieved a network of powers and competences even in accordance with the Bonn Powers. In essence, he has become a unilateral party. In the Post-Dayton situation, his role may have been justified. That situation has changed now,” said Polyanskiy. Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the UN Geng Shuang said: “The HR system with his Bonn Powers represented a special arrangement in a special period. It has been 25 years since the war in B&H ended and the situation has drastically changed during this period. Under new circumstances, different political parties in B&H have different views about the HR system. The HR system with Bonn Powers no longer reflects the real needs of the people in B&H”. At the session, Deputy Permanent Representative of the US to the UN Richard Mills said: “The Council has taken actions to confirm the appointment of Mr. Christian Schmidt. The decision of the UN SC is not necessary to confirm the appointment. Everyone agrees that the OHR should be closed down, and the requirements for that were clearly defined in 2008 with the 5+2 Agenda, and everyone, with the exception of Russia supported that. These requirements have not been fulfilled yet”. Russia and China expressed regret over the lack of support of the UN SC to their resolution. According to Russia and China, there is no real need for the HR and his presence in B&H calls sovereignty and integrity of the country in question. Polyanskiy said he regrets the UN SC did not accept the resolution on the High Representative in B&H, adding that in this way the appointment of Schmidt was not approved.  Polyanskiy warned that possible future steps of their colleagues aimed to avoid the UN SC in this procedure do not have legitimacy and are dangerous. Shuang stressed that this outcome of voting on the resolution means that candidate nominated by a relevant side did not get necessary approval of the UN SC and does not have legitimacy. Ambassador Shuang clearly emphasized that China respects sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of B&H. “We believe that people in B&H have ability and wisdom to solve problems. The international community needs to review a specific approach towards B&H in implementation of the DPA with an intention to make it suitable to real needs of peoples in B&H,” explained Shuang. On the other hand, Mills reminded that conditions to close the OHR were set in 2008 in agenda ‘5+2’ that got support of Russia. Mills underlined that closing of the OHR without implementation of this agenda would be a decision without precedent.   


B&H officials presented their expectations from UN SC’s session before session took place on Thursday; Sattler welcomes arrival of Schmidt (Nova BH 


Prior to the UN SC session, Nova BH noted that it is clear that this resolution will not receive support in the UN SC. It is explained that the ‘5+2’ Agenda was not fulfilled yet, and that closure of the OHR in B&H is not possible at this moment. Nobody expects this to happen, and many experts say the proposal will be rejected. “Believe me, I have no expectations. That resolution was drafted suddenly, or it is a way to seek leverage for some future moves that Russia, and China, want to make in our region. This resolution does not stand a chance, it will not be passed in any case; and I am surprised that China supported Russia in this. That might be connected to certain interests,” said Permanent Representative of B&H to the United Nations Sven Alkalaj.   

Alkalaj presented an opinion that separatist forces in B&H are eager to see the OHR closed. According to Alkalaj, the HR is an important factor as he can use the Bonn powers, due to which “these forces that want secession or a third entity” fear of him as they cannot achieve anything as long as the function of the HR and the Bonn powers exist in B&H. SDP B&H member Sasa Magazinovic said he is happy that this discussion will take place in the UN SC, as the result of the votes will show “which side the modern world will take”. He added that this will also show how things stand in B&H, i.e. who supports this resolution and who does not. Magazinovic said this will be another defeat of the “retrograde policies” in B&H. HDZ B&H members did not wish to comment the UN SC session, but they did reveal their stances on the OHR. HDZ B&H member Barisa Colak said it was time to begin a slow transformation of the High Representative’s role in B&H, and for the high representative of the EU to assume greater roles.   

EU Special Representative (EUSR) and Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Johann Sattler did not give importance to the resolution of Russia and China, but rather welcomed the upcoming arrival of the HR Schmidt. Sattler stressed that he is looking forward to cooperation with Schmidt, reminding that Schmidt is well-informed about the situation in the Balkans and B&H.   


Izetbegovic explains to Chinese Ambassador Ping why OHR is still needed in B&H (Nova BH 


On Thursday, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic met with Chinese Ambassador to B&H Ji Ping, and explained to Ping why the OHR is still needed in B&H. Izetbegovic informed Ambassador Ping about how detrimental closing of the OHR would be. Izetbegovic stressed that conditions to close the OHR have not been met, adding that presence of this institution in B&H is still necessary. Also, the Embassy of China in B&H issued a statement in regards to abovementioned issue. Among other things, the statement reads that since the DPA was signed, significant progress in several areas was achieved in B&H thanks to efforts of all of its peoples and citizens. It also reads that B&H is a sovereign country and they are convinced that B&H and its citizens have ability, wisdom and right to decide on their own about future of their country.     


Dodik says he will come to meeting with new HR to tell him that he is irrelevant for RS (FTV 


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik (SNSD) stated on Thursday that unless the UN SC confirms the appointment of Christian Schmidt as the new HR, he does not plan to accept the cooperation with him in any segment. Dodik said that he learned that Schmidt is supposed to visit the B&H Presidency on 3 August, noting that he will most likely attend this meeting and tell Schmidt that he is irrelevant for the Republika Srpska (RS). He added that “whatever they try to do will not be accepted in the RS” and that he will not hesitate from telling this straight forward to Schmidt given the level of distrust in the RS. Dodik also said they can cross paths or be seen on social events together, but he would never again attend an official meeting with the new HR. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that Schmidt will not be an acceptable collocutor for the RS until he gets support of the UN SC.   


High Representative in B&H imposes ban on genocide denial (N1)

Outgoing HR in B&H Valentin Inzko has imposed the changes to the B&H Criminal Code, which prohibit the denial of genocide and glorification of war criminals. The decision comes only a few days before Inzko leaves the office and hands over the duty to German diplomat Christian Schmidt. The law changes that the High Representative imposed among other things stipulate the prison sentence from six months to five years for the one who “publicly condones, denies, grossly trivializes or tries to justify a crime of genocide, crimes against humanity or a war crime.” Inzko introduced his decision recalling the special powers vested in the High Representative by Article 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement and expressing a deep concern “that prominent individuals and public authorities in B&H continue to deny that acts of genocide crimes against humanity and war crimes were committed during the armed conflict, that individuals and public authorities publicly question the legitimacy of judgements issued by the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia and the Court of B&H and that individuals and public authorities honor or praise convicted war criminal.” He also recalled that the UN Security Council repeatedly affirmed that the role of the international envoy in B&H, as a final authority in the implementation of the peace deal, includes the “authority to make binding decisions as he judges necessary on issues as elaborated by the Peace Implementation Council in Bonn on 9 and 10 December 1997.” “Conscious of the fact that there can be no reconciliation without the acknowledgement of crimes and responsibilities and that hate speech, the glorification of war criminals and revisionism or outright denial of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes established by final judicial decisions undermines the rule of law and represents a direct barrier to peace, reconciliation and trust-building and ultimately undermines the prospects for a secure, peaceful future for B&H.” The law that has been published on the official website of the Office of the High Representative will enter into force eight days after this publication and a day after it is published in the Official Gazette of B&H.


Inzko explained: Why I decided to use the Bonn powers (OHR Press service)


HR Valentin Inzko introduced amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H today, sanctioning the glorification of war criminals convicted by final and binding judgments and the denial of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The amendments to the B&H Criminal Code aim to address the inadequacy of the currently applicable legal framework of B&H, which does not offer an adequate response to the issue of hate speech manifested through the denial of the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, even when those crimes have already been adjudicated with final and binding judgments reached by a number of domestic and international courts. The HR believes that “the lack of acknowledgment, accountability and redress for victims of mass atrocities and systematic abuses has devastating effects on society. Hate speech, the glorification of war criminals, and revisionism or outright denial of genocide and war crimes prevent societies from dealing with their collective past constitute renewed humiliation of the victims and their loved ones, while also perpetuating injustice and undermining interethnic relationships. All of this causes frustrations, makes the society chronically ill, and prevents the emergence of desperately needed reconciliation. Of course, all this prevents the building of a peaceful and prosperous future for B&H.”

The HR also recalls the fact that: 

“The citizens of B&H have waited many years for their elected representatives to legislate this very serious issue. However, every effort to do so was blocked! During that time, the situation has gotten worse, and is now getting out of hand! By advancing various conspiracy theories, some political leaders are openly praising the finally convicted war criminals, denying that the Srebrenica genocide ever took place, while some ordinary citizens are following their cues and narratives. I have long hoped for humanity and common sense to prevail, but, regretfully, we are witnessing an escalation of glorification of war criminals, the challenging of the final and binding judgments reached by the Criminal Court established by the United Nations. Apart from the fact that such behavior constitutes a mockery of the rule of law, I am deeply convinced that it is also sowing the seeds for potential new conflicts. Therefore, I believe that it is now necessary to regulate this matter with legal solutions.” The HR has felt the need to emphasize that his interventions in the criminal legislation have nothing to do with collective guilt, but instead they deal with individual responsibility, explaining that he would like to reject in advance any potential manipulations which might claim that these legislative amendments are directed against one of the three peoples. Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs are good people. “There are no bad nations. These are legislative amendments aimed at relaxing and relieving all peoples and citizens of B&H. Individuals convicted of such serious crimes should not be praised, should not have public spaces dedicated in their names or murals painted in their honor, regardless of for whom or against whom they fought. Recognizing the guilt of individuals allows people to unburden themselves from the weight of the past, and move on towards a more promising future. Young people born after the war have been robbed of a better future on a daily basis at the expense of the bloody past. Everyone becomes a victim of the verbal warfare over the interpretation of the past war, and this has to stop now! It is important to understand that without truth there is no justice, and without justice there is no much needed reconciliation.” Finally, the HR explains why, at the end of his term, he has reached for the Bonn powers to amend the B&H criminal legislation. “My conscience dictates that I have no right to end my term while the convicted war criminals are being glorified. I have no right to leave such a situation to the tormented citizens of this beautiful country and to my successor. I have no right to ignore the verdicts of The Hague Tribunal, which was established by the UN Security Council, and I am responsible for the civilian implementation of the peace process. Namely, since the final verdict against the architect of evil, Radovan Karadzic, I have been working intensively on the project of dealing with the war past, in order to reach the point where forgiveness would be sought and given through the process of facing the truth. All the way to the point where the entire society would be healed! According to my project, Srebrenica, which is already globally known for genocide, should be globally known for forgiveness too. I found the inspiration for this idea in mother Hatidza Mehmedovic, who lost all close members of her family in the Srebrenica genocide, both sons, husband, and 34 other family members, but she was ready to extend, and extended, her hand of forgiveness. Regretfully, when, earlier this year, I requested the RS parliament to withdraw the decorations awarded to three convicted war criminals, the RS MPs refused to do so by a majority vote, while confirming the correctness of the decision they made earlier. Almost all chances that I offered to the domestic authorities to distance themselves from war criminals were ultimately rejected. Therefore, as a moral obligation towards the citizens who suffered the horrors of the war, as well as a debt to the young people in this country who were born after the war, I have decided to use the Bonn powers and intervene in the criminal law, to the effect that no glorification of war criminals and no revision of historical facts will in future be possible with impunity. And this country is indeed entitled to enjoy the universal values of civilization.”


B&H prosecution announces case against anyone who denies genocide (N1)

B&H State Prosecutor's Office will form a case against anyone who denies genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, the institution said on Friday following the genocide denial ban that was imposed by the office of the international envoy in B&H. “After the High Representative in B&H, Valentin Inzko, passed the amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H, which prohibit and punishes denial of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, the Prosecutor's Office of B&H will form a case to monitor and record all publications by individuals, groups or associations, which express views on denial of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes made after these amendments to the Criminal Code enter force,” said the Prosecutor's office, adding that all necessary data will be collected in cooperation with partner police and security agencies.


Tegeltija: Inzko's decision is a revenge on the new HR (Srna)

The Chairman of the Council of Ministers Zoran Tegeltija stated that the imposing of changes to the B&H Criminal Code in connection with the denial of genocide is one in a series of wrong decisions of Valentin Inzko. He told reporters that Inzko supports only one side in B&H and that everything he has done lately was wrong, and that the new HR should try to fix everything that Inzko has spoiled in the previous 12 years. Tegeltija assessed that Inzko's latest decision was "revenge on the new high representative, which was his goal". "It is quite certain that this decision will provoke different reactions in B&H, and as soon as there are different reactions, it is not good. But Inzko found it necessary to, in my opinion, mostly deal with the newly arriving HR," Tegeltija said.


Dodik: Inzko’s decision on genocide denial is the last nail in B&H’s coffin; RS has no other option but to start the process of dissolution (N1)

Milorad Dodik said the international envoy’s decision to impose the genocide denial ban means “the last nail in B&H’s coffin”, and he announced “institutional response” of the RS entity to that decision. Addressing a press conference hours after HR Valentin Inzko imposed Criminal Code amendments which prohibit the genocide denial and glorification of war criminals, Dodik said that the Serbs “must never accept this decision.” RS will have to give an “institutional response,” he stressed. “We will convene the session of the RS parliament,” he announced, adding that the RS has no other option but to start the process of dissolution. “As an official of the  RS,” said Dodik, who is actually the official of B&H’s state Presidency, he must not and will not allow this. “Genocide did not happen and that's a permanent assessment by all of us. We won't give in to the decisions that come from the HR,” he added.


Dodik: I am ready to declare independence next week (Nezavisne)

The RS parliament is rational and we will try to find a consensus with everyone. If they are ready to be with us, I am ready to accept all their initiatives, even to declare independence next week, so whatever may come, said Milorad Dodik today after Valentin Inzko imposed the law on genocide. He said today that there is a red line, which the SNSD will not cross personally, and that this requires a fierce answer. "We have suffered for 25 years, RS has corrected many of its attitudes and RS has suffered, which no one else would accept, in undermining its subjectivity," Dodik said. He added that RS should give an institutional answer and that a session of the RS parliament would be convened next week. The parliament will be asked to ban activities on the territory of RS of the Court, the Prosecutor's Office, SIPA and all institutions outside the Dayton Agreement. He called on all political parties in RS to act united, because this is an issue of RS and the Serb people.


Izetbegovic: Inzko is leaving B&H with dignity (Fena)

The speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of B&H and the President of the SDA Bakir Izetbegovic congratulated Valentin Inzko on his decision to impose the provisions of the Criminal Code of B&H which prohibit the denial of genocide. "It is a human and civilized decision in favor, in the first place of the families of genocide victims. With this decision, the High Representative helped the citizens of B&H, strengthened the authority of his successor, removed the genocide mortgage from the neck of the honorable part of the Serbian people and ended his mandate in B&H with dignity," said Izetbegovic.


Sarovic: Inzko's decision is an introduction to strengthening the OHR (Nezavisne)

The imposing of the Law on Denial of Genocide by the HR is an introduction to new impositions, Mirko Sarovic, the president of the SDS, told Nezavisne. He says that it is a pity that the resolution of Russia and China on the abolition of the OHR did not pass, and he claims that B&H has no future without the abolition of this office. His opinion is that Inzko did not make this decision in order to correct his biography, but that he did it on the instructions of someone else. He says that he blames the current government in the RS for strengthening the role of the High Representative. "By their actions and attitudes around some important issues, they in a way produced instability and all this, and they are therefore one of the culprits that we came to this situation," says Sarovic. He expressed hope that the new HR Christian Schmidt would not continue this practice, but added that RS had reason to fear what might happen. "I think we should approach this issue smartly and soberly and pursue such a policy in which RS will not be a black crow and a disruptive factor, but that we have a different and wiser approach, of course keeping all our rights and constitutions," he said.


Borenovic: A politically disastrous move by the outgoing High Representative (Srna)

PDP President Borislav Borenovic said that by imposing laws banning and punishing genocide denial, Valentin Inzko wants to turn off the light in this country, and assessed that this legal solution could lead to political chaos in B&H with unforeseeable consequences. "It has nothing to do with things that open wounds. This is a very harmful political attempt to impose a legal solution that will lead to political chaos in this country," Borenovic told reporters in Sarajevo. He noted that the outgoing HR is imposing a law that will be impossible to implement. "This law will be a political tool in the hands of individuals to deal with something that is sensitive and painful, with something that will be used to deal with political dissidents, with representatives of the Serbian people," Borenovic emphasized. He stated that the HR is amnestying and opening something that is catastrophic. "Imposing the law in that way, leaving B&H, deepens the political wounds and will only produce a counter-effect, strengthen retrograde structures and produce chaos with unforeseeable consequences," Borenovic pointed out. He says that he cannot fully understand the harmful move of Inzko, who is leaving B&H by turning off the last lamp in this country. "It is politically catastrophic," Borenovic said.


Niksic: Inzko's decision is correct and necessary for reconciliation in B&H (N1)

The President of the SDP B&H Nermin Niksic spoke on the occasion of the decision of Valentin Inzko, the High Representative in B&H, which imposed the Law on the Prohibition of Genocide Denial. "Restoration of trust is possible only on the basis of respect for the truth and established historical facts from the time of the aggression against B&H. The genocide in Srebrenica is a legal and historical fact, and its denial and minimization is a shame for those who do it and an insult to all victims," said Niksic. Niksic expects that the law will be effectively applied from the first day of its entry into force, because only by establishing an efficient rule of law can we build a healthy society in which truth is not taboo and falsifying history is a weapon in the hands of modern obscurantists pushing B&H into the past.

A civilizational act equal to denazification norms after the Second World War 

"The denial of genocide, which has been the main political mantra of nationalists in B&H for the past few years, the persistent rejection of SDP proposals to pass a law banning genocide denial, has resulted in the need to impose such a law by the HR," the SDP president said. Inzko's decision to amend the Criminal Code is a civilizational act equal to the denazification norms after the Second World War, says Niksic, because it creates a legal basis for the establishment of a different social system. "Therefore, criticism of this law is an anti-civilization act and a barbaric attitude towards the victims. The sooner we face the truth, the sooner we will turn to solving life’s problems. "Just as it is not true that Chetniks, Ustashas and domestic traitors were anti-fascists, so repeating statements that there was no genocide cannot change the historical truth," Niksic said.


Politicians in FB&H: A great day for B&H (N1)

International envoy's decision to impose law changes that prohibit the genocide denial in B&H has sparked mostly positive reactions among the officials and politicians in FB&H, who assessed the High Representative's ban as the “right decision” and the day when it was made a “great day” for B&H, Europe and rest of the world. Sefik Dzaferovic, the Bosniak member of B&H Presidency, said that genocide denial in B&H has been tolerated for years and the only result of that was “more and more toxic environment in B&H, where the victims’ families could simply not live in peace.” “The HR made the right decision,” he added. Zeljko Komsic, the Croat Presidency member also elected by voters in the FB&H, said it was about time to prohibit the genocide denial. “Also, this is a clear message to all those policies that build their narrative on the glorification of genocide and spreading of inter-ethnic hatred among the citizens of B&H, that such activities are not acceptable and will not go without adequately being punished,” he underlined. MP Denis Zvizdic also welcomed the High Representative's decision, adding that this will calm the tensions down in the years ahead and build the foundations for the future. He believes that negative reactions will not last for too long and that the law will contribute to the change of overall situation in the country. Inzko would have passed the law changes a long ago, but he needed a “green light” of the world and European states, according to MP Sasa Magazinovic. “This is something that will make this society at least a little bit better,” he added. Elmedin Konakovic, the leader of the People and Justice party, assessed the decision as a “chance for the Serb people to give up on individuals and groups who ordered and committed genocide and other crimes.” “This is a great day for B&H, a great day for Europe, a great day for the whole world,” he added.


US Embassy welcomes HR’s decision: Srebrenica genocide is historical fact (N1)

Genocide denial and war criminal glorification are unacceptable and undermine the mutual trust needed to bring B&H forward on its EU path, the US Embassy said commenting on the genocide denial ban imposed by international envoy Valentin Inzko. “The outgoing HR’s action demonstrates the gravity he places on this issue as a matter of B&H stability and underscores the continuing imperative that all in B&H contribute to reconciliation. The criminal code amendment is a starting point for more concrete debate and steps by local actors when it comes to practical implementation” the embassy said. “We must underscore that the genocide at Srebrenica is not a matter of debate, but of historical fact. It is likewise important to emphasize that these terrible crimes are not a reflection or condemnation of an entire people” it added. The US Embassy also said that the “glorification of war criminals by any party or disrespecting the suffering endured by each community in B&H dishonors the memory of the victims and undermines reconciliation. It is time to truly turn to a future based on peace and mutual trust.”


Weber: I think it's a personal decision of Inzko, it will not yield expected results, a deeply counterproductive move (N1)

Political scientist and analyst Bodo Weber believes that imposing amendments to the B&H Criminal Code that prohibit and punish denial of genocide and glorification of war criminals will not yield the expected results. Weber told N1 B&H that, according to the information he has, outgoing HR Valentin Inzko made this decision personally without major consultations or instructions from Western powers. "Apparently, as far as I know, this is a purely personal decision of Inzko. It was expected that I am ambivalent towards this decision, I absolutely understand Inzko and support the goals of this move, however, since there is no basis in the judiciary, I think this will end up as a deeply counterproductive move. Imposing the law is not part of the West's strategy, the OHR has been paralyzed for the past 15 years due to the disunity of the West, and Inzko's authority has collapsed. A precondition for the exercise of the Bonn powers is the return of the authority of the OHR. We have the destruction of the judiciary in B&H and the issue of the implementation of that Law will end as the decisions of the Constitutional Court end. In this field, I think it will do more harm and will not contribute to the implementation of this deeply moral move,” Weber said. Weber primarily argues this with the inefficiency of the B&H judiciary, but also with other reasons and circumstances. "Inzko is obviously deeply dissatisfied at the end of his term, not with his responsibility, but primarily because of the members of the PIK, i.e. because of their disunity. In the moment of his departure, to make that decision, which is without strategy and plan… I am afraid it is counterproductive. "Even if the law were implemented and the denial of crime was openly stopped, political elites would still have the opportunity to continue to use the recent past below the surface," Weber said.


HDZ B&H presents its proposal of amendments to Election Law of B&H focusing on election of B&H Presidency members from FB&H and formation of FB&H HoP (Hayat 


HDZ B&H submitted to the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) for Amendments to the Election Law of B&H its proposal of amendments to the Election Law of B&H. Namely, the proposal refers to the manner of election of members of the B&H Presidency and formation of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples (HoP). When it comes to election of members of the B&H Presidency from the FB&H territory i.e. the Croat and the Bosniak members, HDZ B&H proposed forming three ad hoc constituencies in the FB&H that would be marked as A, B, and C, all of which would be formed based on the results of the census of population in B&H from 2013. According to the proposal, the ad hoc constituency A would include all basic constituencies where more than two thirds of Bosniaks reside. The ad hoc constituency B would consist of all basic constituencies inhabited by more than two thirds of Croats. All of the remaining basic constituencies would form the ad hoc constituency C. The proposal also defined the manner of forming the FB&H HoP. In this regard, HDZ B&H defined a model according to which the number of delegates would also be adjusted to the 2013 census. The model defined that the FB&H HoP would consist of 17 delegates from the rank of Bosniak people, 17 delegates from the rank of Croat people, 17 delegates from the rank of Serb people, and seven delegates from the rank of ‘Others’. The Bosniak delegates would include four delegates from Sarajevo Canton (SC), four from Tuzla Canton (TC), three from Zenica-Doboj Canton (ZDC), three from Una-Sana Canton (USC), one from Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC), one from Central Bosnia Canton (CBC), and one from Bosnian Podrinje Canton (BPC). The Croat delegates would consist of five delegates from HNC, four from CBC, three from West Herzegovina Canton (WHC), two from Canton 10, one from ZDC, one from Posavina Canton (PC), and one from TC. The Serb delegates would include four delegates from SC, three from Canton 10, three from USC, two from TC, two from ZDC, two from HNC, and one from CBC. The delegates from rank of ‘Others’ would include three from SC, two from TC, one from ZDC, and one from USC. Commenting on the proposal, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic pointed out that he is certain that the Election Law of B&H will be amended during this year. Covic noted that the local elections in Mostar took place, and a solution that ensured these elections was reached through “certain modifications”. Covic added: “A similar situation refers to the matter of election process for the B&H Presidency and the HoP. I am certain that we will be able to adopt this.” The HDZ B&H leader reiterated his expectation that the Election Law will be passed in 2021. However, he pointed out that B&H currently faces “a major institutional crisis, which is precisely caused by failure to respect the Constitution of B&H”. Covic stated that regardless of criticism from other parties, all rulings of the ECHR and decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H on legitimate representation of the three constituent peoples in B&H will be implemented through the Election Law of B&H, stressing that all amendments included in HDZ B&H’s proposal ensure this.  


Komsic: HDZ B&H’s proposal of Election Law is twilight of democracy, its ultimate goal is to block holding of general elections in 2022 (Hayat 


Chairman and Croat member of the B&H Presidency and DF leader Zeljko Komsic reacted on Thursday to HDZ B&H’s proposal of amendments to the Election Law of B&H, which defined formation of three ad hoc constituencies for election of members of the Croat and Bosniak members of the B&H Presidency and the model of formation of the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) that is based on the 2013 census of population. In his reaction, Komsic stated that this proposal refers to “dreams of HDZ B&H and (HDZ B&H leader Dragan) Covic”. Komsic warned that this proposal does not define implementation of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)’s ruling in the case of Sejdic-Finci vs. B&H or any other ECHR ruling for that matter. According to Komsic, the proposal is based on discriminatory ethnic principle of forming ad hoc constituencies and it is “a twilight of democracy”. In his opinion, the solution for amending the Election Law of B&H lies in abolition of the ethnic prefix, instead of introducing additional ethnic discrimination that he considers is advocated by HDZ B&H. He concluded that HDZ B&H’s ultimate goal is to block holding the general elections of 2022. Komsic reminded that according to this proposal, 400,000 votes would vote only formally and their votes will not have any influence, which represents twilight of democracy.  


Mahmutovic: HDZ B&H’s proposal of amendments to Election Law of B&H   

tricks key international obligations of B&H to implement ECHR rulings and creates new type of discrimination (FTV 


Member of the IAWG to Amend the Election Law of B&H Dzevad Mahmutovic (SDA), commented on HDZ B&H’s proposal of amendments to the Election Law of B&H submitted with the IAWG to Amend the Election Law of B&H. Mahmutovic reminded that HDZ B&H's amendments refer to introduction of new areas of three separate constituencies in the election of B&H Presidency members from the FB&H. He explained that these three constituencies would include the area A in which Bosniaks would make two-thirds of population according to the 2013 population census, the area B in which Croatia would make two-thirds of population and the area C would refer to other municipalities. Mahmutovic stressed that the 2013 population census as a referent point is disputable for SDA given that such census is a consequence of the aggression, crimes and genocide in B&H and is unacceptable as such. He said that such proposal actually tricks key international obligations of B&H to implement the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, especially the ruling in the Sejdic-Finci case, and creates new type of discrimination. Mahmutovic reminded that according to HDZ B&H’s proposal, the current nouns ‘Serbs, Bosniaks and Croats’ for members of B&H Presidency would be replaced with attributes such as the ‘Serb, Bosniak and Croat’ members of B&H Presidency and everyone can be nominated for these three posts. According to Mahmutovic, it is a matter of human rights for someone to freely declare their ethnic affiliation and it is absolutely unacceptable for SDA to suggest someone which ethnic affiliation to choose in the 21st Century. He assessed that such a proposal will not be supported by majority in the IAWG to Amend the Election Law of B&H. Mahmutovic concluded that HDZ B&H’s model would lead to creation of new ethnic divisions in B&H and therefore SDA will certainly not vote in favor of such proposal. He added that HDZ B&H’s model means that votes of large number of voters, especially those from disputable areas when it comes to Bosniaks such as Stolac, Gornji Vakuf and Prozor, would be totally unimportant regarding the election of the Bosniak member of B&H Presidency. Mahmutovic also said that SDA does not have an official proposal of amendments to the Election Law of B&H or the constitutional changes, but the party has defined principles of amendments to the electoral legislation. He stressed that critics of certain opposition parties against these principles are unfounded, reminding that none of the opposition parties has submitted any official proposal of amendments to the Election Law of B&H but they only criticize proposals that are not acceptable for them. When it comes to SDA’s principles, Mahmutovic stated that SDA will support proposals and solutions in which all rulings of the ECHR and the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H will be implemented equally and solutions that comply with European standards, that will be given positive opinion by the Venice Commission and will be supported by two-third majority in B&H House of Representatives. He concluded that SDA will not give up on elimination of asymmetric solutions in the FB&H, the RS and at the state-level in B&H regarding the House of Peoples.  


Other B&H politicians comment on HDZ B&H’s proposal (BHT1 


HDZ B&H submitted to the IAWG for Amendments to the Election Law of B&H its proposal of amendments to the Election Law of B&H. BHT1 reports that SDA members refused to comment on the HDZ B&H’s proposal, while for SDP the said proposal deviates from the civic model of the state. IAWG member Sasa Magazinovic (SDP) said for the media that the purpose of the said proposal is “that everyone says what they think about it and oppose it, and the second one they have on stand-by is the true proposal”. BHT1 reports that RS representatives of political parties have a single position on the amendments to the B&H Election Law. IAWG Deputy Chair Sredoje Novic said: “Everything Bosniaks and Croats in the B&H agree upon in regards to the election of the Presidency member is acceptable for the RS. We are of the view it is democratic that the RS directly elects one (member). All who live on the RS territory have the right to run for the office”. IAWG member Borislav Borenovic said: “I think it is the best that we observe and support every agreement and to call for agreement if possible to be made within the FB&H, and not to go with proposals that may cause distancing of political positions”. SDA’s Halid Genjac stated that the proposal does not implement the rulings of ECHR in Strasbourg, which is one of the European priorities and B&H’s goal. He added that the proposal is also very discriminatory for B&H citizens, assessing that HDZ B&H’s approach to put issues of its importance and interest on the agenda and to solve them in way suitable for HDZ B&H does not lead to any solution. SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic stated that HDZ B&H’s proposal leads to discrimination of several groups of voters, which is why it is unrealistic option.  


DF submits its proposal of amendments to Election Law of B&H into procedure defining elimination of all discriminations related to ethnic affiliation, place of residence and value of vote (Hayat 


DF, led by Chairman and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic, submitted its proposal of amendments to the Election Law of B&H into procedure on Thursday. According to DF, this political party’s proposal aims to eliminate all discriminations related to ethnic affiliation, place of residence, and value of vote. DF defined its proposal in a way that everyone’s vote is worth equally. DF’s proposal has been announced as a legislative solution that implements all rulings of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), which means that every citizen of B&H will have the equal rights to run in the elections. In DF’s proposal, the ethnic prefixes are removed when it comes to the election of the B&H Presidency. DF confirmed that its proposal clearly defines the role of the House of Peoples (HoP) with exhaustively listed issues of vital interests. This political party assessed that HDZ B&H’s proposal of amendments to the Election Law advocates cementing the ethnic concept of running in the elections, and the same applies to the voting process. The party added that HDZ B&H’s proposal is not in line with the ECHR rulings, and concluded that implementation of the ECHR rulings is B&H’s international obligation which needs to be fulfilled in order for the country to move forward on the EU path.  


Sattler: EU will support amendments to Election Law that fully and adequately implement ECHR rulings (Hayat 


EU Special Representative and Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler reminded that the EU will support all amendments to the Election Law that fully and adequately implement the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Sattler noted: “I reiterated many times that 2021 is a year that should certainly be used for making steps forward. There are developments and the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) that has been meeting to discuss various proposals.” Sattler underlined that the EU has provided all mechanisms of support to amending the Election Law, but the final decision needs to be passed by the B&H parliament. He concluded that the EU’s focus is on ensuring respect of the ECHR rulings and introducing adequate election standards.  The reporter wondered whether failure to reach an agreement on amending of the Election Law will jeopardize general elections in 2022. Sattler said that he believes process is going forward, adding that there is the IAWG and that different proposals have been discussed. He underlined that all parliamentary parties have been participating in this process, adding that the EU has been providing assistance.   


OSCE Mission to B&H: Amending Election Law of B&H is necessary in order to ensure integrity of election process and remove previously identified shortcomings (O Kanal 


The OSCE Mission to B&H told O Kanal that amending the Election Law of B&H is necessary in order to ensure the integrity of the election process and remove previously identified shortcomings. The OSCE Mission to B&H stated that debates leading to amendments must unfold in an inclusive manner, expressing belief that there is a need to timely end the debates that would make possible for B&H citizens to have their democratic right to elect their representatives in the upcoming elections.  


Dodik: I will advocate implementation of ‘Serb World’ idea, which is very attractive (FTV 


Commenting on the idea of the so-called ‘Serb World’ that has been in the public focus lately, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik (SNSD) stated on Thursday that he does not hide that he supports this idea as it has nothing to do with territorial pretentions but it only stipulates that the Serb community promotes Serb values and the way of life. He added that Serbia does not have any kind of territorial pretensions, but that this country “has the right to protect constitutional internationally guaranteed rights of the Serb people.” He concluded that he will advocate implementation of the ‘Serb World’ idea, which is very attractive. Dodik stressed that the RS does not have a single reason to trust the HR no matter where he comes from and especially when he comes from that part of the world. Dodik explained that that part of the world caused irreparable damage to Serbs in the World War I and II, adding that Germany was a generator of break-up of former Yugoslavia. Dodik went on to saying that he understands Bosniaks who believe that everything happening within Serb corps is aimed against them, adding that it is not true. He stressed that once again, Serbia and its strength are again problem for them, as well as very existence of the RS and its vitality. Member of B&H Presidency explained that Serb World idea implies that Serb communities around the world promote values of Serb way of life.  


International Independent Commission on Suffering of All Peoples in Srebrenica Area from 1992 to 1995 concludes that there was no genocide in Srebrenica (ATV 


ATV carries that the International Independent Commission on the Suffering of All Peoples in the Srebrenica Area from 1992 to 1995 concluded that there was no genocide in Srebrenica. According to the Report of the Commission for Srebrenica, a good portion of the alleged victims of genocide were soldiers of "the so-called" RB&H Army or armed civilians of whom many were killed before 1995. The Report of the Commission for Srebrenica further states that a maximum of 3,000 prisoners were executed and that the largest number of Muslims in Srebrenica died in combat and during an attempt to reach the territory under the control of the RB&H Army. The report on the suffering in the Srebrenica region during the war in B&H states that a war crime took place in that area. "Although the Commission does not consider killings that took place around Srebrenica to be genocide, it acknowledges the fact that thousands of people, mostly prisoners of war, were killed in the most horrific manner and that those responsible for these heinous crimes should be punished," Report of the Commission for Srebrenica reads. ATV noted that the RS authorities have accepted what independent experts have determined. That is why, according to Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, the word genocide cannot stand in front of Srebrenica. "We accept that report. It is not at all easy for the Serb side either. It is stated there in which way Serbs, i.e. irresponsible individuals committed those kinds of crimes. A crime really happened there," Dodik said, adding that each and every Serb who was recorded as having a role in Srebrenica was tried either before The Hague Tribunal or the Court of B&H. "Therefore, in that respect, it is a finished story for us," Dodik pointed out. ATV stressed that international experts have also obtained data according to which there were malversations with the number of victims in Potocari.   


NBS objects to Croatia’s intention to put Tesla on Euro coins (Hina 


Putting Nikola Tesla's image on the national side of euro coins if Croatia joined the Euro zone would "represent appropriation of the cultural and scientific legacy of the Serb people," said the Serbian Central Bank (NBS) on Thursday. “The famous scientist declared himself as Serb by descent and birth,” the NBS said, adding if his image ended up on the Croatian Euro coins, “appropriate action would certainly be taken at the relevant EU institutions.” Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic announced on Wednesday that Tesla’s image will appear on 50, 20, and 10 cent Euro coins when Croatia joins the euro area. Both Serbia and Croatia consider Tesla as their own, as he was an ethnic Serb who was born and spent his youth in Croatia. Tesla was born in the Croatian village of Smiljan, then a part of the Austro-Hungarian military frontier. His father was a priest of the Serbian Orthodox Church. After receiving an education first in the Croatian towns of Gospic and Karlovac, and then in Graz, he moved first to Budapest and later to Paris, before leaving for New York, where he became a naturalized US citizen. Tesla himself is widely quoted as saying he was “proud of his Serb origin and Croatian homeland.”  


Pisonero: Professional education system in Montenegro’s interest (RTCG 


It is in Montenegro’s interest to have a professional, depoliticized, efficient and high-quality education system, which enjoys the trust of the public, says European Commission spokeswoman Ana Pisonero Hernandez, commenting on the current appointments in educational institutions in Montenegro. Pisonero points out that in the context of negotiations on Montenegro’s accession to the EU, the Union continuously monitors the country’s progress in the field of public administration and the education system. Asked to comment on the recent appointment of a person who glorifies war criminals as the headteacher of one of the primary schools, and whether it is in line with EU principles, Pisonero says that the EU rejects and condemns any denial of genocide, revisionism and glorification of war criminals, which is contrary to the most basic European values.  


Medojevic: Protests should prevent unprecedented betrayal and voter fraud (Pobjeda 


The leader of the Movement for Changes Nebojsa Medojevic says in a statement for Pobjeda that the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) returned to parliament to save, as he says, the illegitimate government of Zdravko Krivokapic and the illegitimate parliament of Aleksa Becic. He adds that the street is an option if this unsustainable situation continues. “Protests are, of course, a democratic and legitimate means by which only this unprecedented betrayal and voter fraud can be prevented, and the DF has proven to everyone and shown that we are always ready to defend the will of voters,” Medojevic says. According to him, the protests are the only solution if “Becic and Krivokapic continue to rule with the help of the DPS”.  


North Macedonian, Albanian and Serbian Presidents hold virtual meeting (MIA 


North Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zev announced on 22 July that he had held a virtual discussion with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama on preparations for an upcoming economic summit, which they are organizing together next week in Skopje. Zaev wrote on Facebook that, "I had a productive meeting on preparations for an economic summit on regional cooperation along with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama in Skopje on 29 July. We are forging even more connections to make life even better and easier for our citizens. This is a new, European Balkans," North Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said.   


Vucic wants to rename the Mini Schengen initiative (Republika 


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced that the so-called Mini-Schengen initiative for regional cooperation will be renamed, since it has little to do with EU’s Schengen treaty.  

Vucic and Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama are jockeying for a dominant position in the group that has Macedonia sandwiched between Albania and Kosovo on one side and Serbia on the other. Vucic spoke with Rama and Zoran Zaev before the coming regional economic forum in Skopje.  


Parliament will discuss the “red lines” resolution next week (Republika 


The members of parliament overwhelmingly agreed to discuss the proposed resolution on the negotiations with Bulgaria next week. The resolution is proposed by VMRO-DPMNE, and it calls for the establishment of clear “red lines” kin the talks, that will prevent the PM Zoran Zaev regime from negotiating away key identity benchmarks. SDSM initially rejected the proposal, then agreed to it, and finally said that it can’t support the resolution because it is proposed under the name Republic of Macedonia. Zaev’s party is now expected to submit an amendment to change the name of the country in the text, and replace it with the imposed name “Republic of North Macedonia”.  


Ruling majority gives up on its attempt to push ahead with the identity cards bill (Republika 


The proposal to amend the law on identity cards was postponed today at the Political System Committee. VMRO-DPMNE protested the proposal, and accused Speaker Talat Xhaferi of abusing his position to advance the bill. After a heated debate, the ruling majority was forced to give up in its attempt, but announced that the law will be re-submitted at a later point.  


Rama, Vucic and Zaev meet online, ''This is the new Balkan'' (Radio Tirana 


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, his North Macedonian counterpart Zoran Zaev and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic held a virtual meeting on Thursday. The meeting focused on preparations for the Economic Forum for Regional Cooperation, which will be held on July 29 in Skopje. The news was announced by the Macedonian Prime Minister, Zoran Zaev, who also published a photo from the meeting through his social network Facebook. "This is a new, European Balkans" he wrote. The Economic Forum for Regional Cooperation, in which the countries of the region will participate, is being organized in the framework of the creation of the "Mini Schengen". According to some well-known American and regional experts, the European Union has lost the battle for the Balkans. Experts propose that in the absence of EU membership, the best way for the region is to create a "Balkan Union". Meeting at a conference on the future of the Balkans hosted by EurActiv this week, US analyst George Friedman and former Bulgarian Foreign Minister Solomon Passy proposed boosting co-operation and creating a common Balkan market as an alternative for the countries of the Balkans.