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Belgrade Media Report 10 September



Petkovic: The unwillingness of the Pristina side to negotiate key issues (RTS)

The last round of technical talks in Brussels between Belgrade and Pristina showed the absolute unwillingness of the Pristina side for dialogue and negotiations on key problems in the implementation and violation of agreements reached so far, said the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic


Besnik Bisljimi's messages, which come after the talks, are just a continuation of the policy of provocations and Belgrade will not turn to them, nor will it ever run away from the talks, as the Pristina negotiator ran away from all topics at the negotiating table, from the topic of the Community of Serb Municipalities, energy, justice, to the topics of freedom of movement and license plates. What is important is that progress has been made on the issue of the missing persons and that Pristina has finally recognized the existence of the KLA archives and agreed to open them, which will no longer remain hidden, said the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic. 


This is an issue that Belgrade has been insisting on since the very beginning of the negotiations, because we believe that the fate of the missing persons must not be a testing ground for any politicization, which is why we proposed clear mechanisms for cooperation in this field during the last round of negotiations. The families of the victims have the right and interest to find their loved ones, and Belgrade has so far made an immeasurable contribution in that direction by searching 22 locations and thus responding to all requests received so far, including the last Kizevak. 


That is why today's message from Pristina, that Belgrade is not serious in its requests for searching locations in Kosovo and Metohija is the culmination of cynicism and shows a one-sided approach to this important topic. Belgrade is ready to continue cooperation, and we expect that our expert teams will be able to search 9 locations for which there is well-founded knowledge that they are hiding the remains of Serbs. 


In response to the threat of a permanent ban on visits to Kosovo and Metohija, Pristina is sending a message that it does not care about dialogue. False accusations that I used hate speech or provocations during any visit are easily verifiable, because there are audio and video recordings of each of my speeches in Kosovo and Metohija, which Mr. Miroslav Lajcak was convinced of, but also Bislji, to whom I released an integral version of my address on laying the foundation stone in Kosovska Mitrovica. To such evident evidence, Besnik Bisljimi just fell silent. That is why such accusations serve exclusively for the purpose of pre-election campaign of the local elections, which Pristina is trying to run from Brussels as well, it is concluded in the announcement of the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. 


Schmidt commends continuous support of Serbian President Vucic to sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H (Tanjug, RTS)

In an interview for Tanjug, High Representative Christian Schmidt said that functionality of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is a necessary a factor to reach the level when the country will no longer require international supervision. Schmidt also commended continuous support of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. “I think it is very important for the IC representative to have good relations with Serbia, one of the most important countries in the region” said Schmidt.  


Commenting public statements by Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, Schmidt said he does not have issues with anyone in Republika Srpska (RS) and is of view people in the RS accept a dialogue. “I think it is very important that the three constituent peoples share the values we support. It is clear there should be a dialogue in B&H about the issues it faces and my role is to provide assistance when things become so complicated that it is necessary for the IC to engage” said Schmidt. Schmidt also said the three constituent peoples should work together on the values they share, but also on democratic principles. Schmidt concluded that the change of borders in accordance with ethnic groups is not possible, and that territory of B&H is not questionable. Schmidt stated that it is important that all sides in B&H jointly decide on state-level issues and that he will help if there is a need for activity of the international community. “My concern is that some people in the RS have a feeling that they are not accepted in a political dialogue. It is very important to emphasize that three constituent peoples in B&H have equal value and rights, so I believe it is good that all neighboring countries support the position of the international community and to overcome misunderstandings that sometimes exist in the region” Schmidt said. “It is clear that B&H must first and foremost discuss and decide on its own issues. I am not here to be above the authorities but to help if things get complicated to the extent that IC’s help is needed” stated Schmidt.  


Does Sarajevo have reason to be disappointed with Schmidt (Politika)

The daily reminded that German diplomat (and High Representative) Christian Schmidt noted several days ago that Sarajevo is dominantly a Bosniak city and that Bosniaks in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) are electing the Croat member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The daily wondered whether this was a blow to the civic B&H and noted that his statements caused a disbelief in Sarajevo although Bosniak representatives were already afraid that he might be “biased” in mediation in solving of election and constitutional reforms in B&H owing to his close ties with Zagreb.  


As for his statement on Sarajevo as a Bosniak city, the daily noted that this statement – although it probably was not Schmidt’s intention – is quite in line with findings of the International Commission on Sufferings of Serbs in Sarajevo which concluded that wartime events in Sarajevo, murders, banishing and numerous prison camps had elements of genocide. “However, in spite of Schmidt’s words, the engagement of the international representatives i.e. a part of protectors that might follow, as well as the one already imposed by former High Representative (Valentin Inzko) with regard to prohibition of genocide denial, could ultimately bring political benefits only to two people – Bosniaks and Croats – and again leave Serbs deprived” the daily noted and explained that representatives of Republika Srpska (RS) believe Inzko’s decision on prohibition of genocide denial will be used in political purposes and will be favorable only for Bosniaks who will continue to demand political concessions in years to come and will continue to create unfavorable image of Serbs worldwide.  


The daily went on to say that Bosniak elite is very well aware of the fact that Croats have been deprived of their rights and that they will have to somehow please Croat leaders who threatened with boycott of elections and, in addition to this, Schmidt advocates solving of the problem of outvoting of Croats so this might mean that Serbs will be the only ones without an advocate among the western representatives.  


Sarajevo-based portal Istraga learned details of possible election reform and argued that it might represent some sort of favor to Croats. “Allegedly, the supervisor might impose solutions by which he would limit the election to the Presidency of B&H to maximum two mandates. Having in mind that (SDA leader) Bakir Izetbegovic and (Croat member of the Presidency of B&H and DF leader) Zeljko Komsic were elected to the Presidency of B&H twice already, while (SNSD leader and Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad) Dodik and (HDZ B&H leader Dragan) Covic were elected only once each, such solution might be accepted by Serbs and Croats but the problem might be caused by retroactive application of the rule” the portal explained.  


The portal also argued that Berlin opposed Inzko’s decision on prohibition of genocide denial and that the German Ambassador to B&H lobbied for the decision not to be imposed. However, the portal noted, even if all of this turns to be true, it will hardly be enough for Serb representatives to end their boycott in the joint institutions of B&H.  


The daily reminded that representatives of the RS in joint institutions threatened with peaceful dissolution if domestic talks on future of the country are rejected. Dodik’s advisor (and Spokesperson for SNSD) Radovan Kovacevic said: “The only law or decision that can be adopted in the joint bodies is a decision proclaiming Inzko’s law as invalid”. 


MEPs Platform on Election Conditions absolutely unacceptable for SNS, MP of that party says (Tanjug, VIP)

It is not just the opposition in Serbia that is displeased with the draft document of EU Parliament (EP) brokers on the improvement of election conditions, as the ruling Serbian 

Progressive Party (SNS) also voiced its discontent through its MP Vladimir Orlic who declared on Thursday that for the SNS, the proposed document is „absolutely out of question”. 


While leading opposition parties criticized the MEP proposal for not containing “clear mechanisms” to guarantee free and fair elections, the SNS MP described the document as an “opposition fantasy”. “The EP platform is nothing but a wish list of Dragan Djilas (president of opposition Party of Freedom and Justice) and, as far as we are concerned, this ‘paper’ is absolutely out of question, Orlic told Tanjug. He added that “nothing of what has been written” in that document as recommendation for improving election conditions had ever been sent to Serbia before 2021, while the SNS was in opposition. 


Serbian president and SNS leader Aleksandar Vucic declined taking a stance on the EP document on Wednesday, but said he believes that SNS members and officials “aren’t exactly thrilled” with the MEPs proposals. 


No consent around unrealistic demands, SPS caucus whip declares: We will be discussing the proposals of members of the European Parliament regarding improving election conditions, but I do not see how we can agree on something that is not realistic, caucus whip of ruling Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) Djordje Milicevic said. He believes that the presence of EP mediators “encourages individuals from the opposition to propose what they would never have accepted as ruling parties”.  


EP proposal falls short of minimum requirements, former opposition MP claims: Former opposition MP and editor of portal Nova srpska politicka misao Djordje Vukadinovic also voiced criticism towards the EP proposal, describing it as “diagnosis of a condition rather than a solution to it”. “This document is far below my already low and modest expectations, and I can understand all those who feel disappointed. This is a paper that cannot satisfy minimum conditions, and it was supposed to be a serious document” Vukadinovic said. He said opposition parties will nevertheless resume the dialogue with EP mediators and provide amendments to the proposed document, but added that they will do this “without major 

expectations that something might happen”. 


No time left for serious reform, head of NGO CRTA says: The EP document should have been adopted a year ago, immediately after the last election, but now there is no time left to implement serious reforms, program director of NGO CRTA Rasa Nedeljkov said on 

Thursday. “I would not be surprised by the adoption of thunderous solutions that would never be applied and that would only let down citizens” Nedeljkovic added. 


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


SDS leader Sarovic thanks President Vucic for wise and persistent policy on maintaining position of RS in accordance with DPA (BN TV)

SDS leader Mirko Sarovic thanked Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic for his “wise and persistent policy” of maintaining the Republika Srpska (RS)’ position in accordance with the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). “While individual political parties’ leaders from the RS do nothing to resolve the political crisis caused by (former HR in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Valentin) Inzko imposing decisions, and do everything to prolong the crisis, it is commendable to see the efforts made by President Vucic, who does everything to protect the rights of the Serb people in B&H” Sarovic was quoted as saying. 


PDP leader Borenovic says HR Schmidt can be factor that can resolve current situation; PDP remains committed to RSNA conclusions, but common primary goal should be overcoming current situation (BN TV)

After the session of the PDP Presidency held on Thursday in Bijeljina, PDP Leader Branislav Borenovic said that High Representative (HR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Christian Schmidt is reality and that messages from Schmidt’s meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic are clear. “He is here, a man who can be a factor that will resolve the current situation, and the message from Mr. Vucic is very clear, it is necessary to look for solution in order to overcome this situation. I see they all clearly stated it is necessary to talk, to look for a solution, accept something that is internal agreement, and that it not good at all to have any imposed solutions said Borenovic.  


Borenovic also said PDP remains committed to the conclusions adopted by the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA), however everyone’s primary goal should be overcoming the current situation as soon as possible. “We expect and we demand the authorities to give their opinion on the issue. If SNSD-HDZ B&H-SDA could reach agreement on B&H’s NATO path, on excise taxes, distribution of offices and different privileges, budgets, then they should offer solution for overcoming this serious political crisis”.  


Borenovic also warned the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) not to adopt decision on allocating additional BAM 60 million for the new building of the B&H Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA). “I repeat, the B&H CoM cannot, at any cost, adopt any decision in relation to procurement of the building for the ITA, because it was annulled by the Parliament’s decision over one month ago” said Borenovic. Borenovic also underlined that relevant institutions need to resolve the issue of transition to digital system for commercial broadcasting services, and discrimination should not be allowed. “We condemn perfidious, transparent game in an attempt to suffocate the freedom of the media in the RS, particularly in regard to BN TV that has achieved something that should be commended, i.e. attracted viewers with its editorial policy and content”. BN TV reports that the pre-draft of the program for the renewal of the RS, that will be the basis for PDP electoral campaign, was also discussed at the PDP Presidency session.  


RTRS comments that for the opposition in the RS, Schmidt has become a legitimate official. Borenovic said on Thursday that High Representative Schmidt is the reality and he is a factor that can solve the current situation. Reporter notes that this stance puts into question whether the opposition respects the conclusions adopted by the RSNA. Borenovic stated that former HR Valentin Inzko produced political chaos in B&H by unnecessarily imposing a law. Borenovic stressed that PDP Presidency assessed that it is very important to overcome that state of chaos as soon as possible. 


Dodik denies claims about meeting with Schmidt in Istocno Sarajevo (RTRS)

Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik stated for the RTRS that there was no meeting between him and High Representative Christian Schmidt in Istocno Sarajevo in the past several days. He denied this fact after certain media speculated about the meeting taking place. Dodik added that Schmidt was not elected by the UN Security Council (UNSC) and there is no need for them to meet. He assessed the claims about the meeting as an attempt to destabilize Republika Srpska (RS) and he does not want to give Schmidt significance that he does not have. Dodik stressed that he will not meet Schmidt as High Representative and if he does so, then he will give up on the side of the RS in the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). Dodik stressed that despite the pressure and criticism he faces, he did not stop acting in accordance with the conclusions. He added that he has information about cooperation between opposition leaders and foreign services. Dodik stated that he avoids situations in which there is room for speculations, reminding that he did not attend the recent Bled Strategic Forum in Slovenia as it was stipulated that B&H Presidency holds a panel together with Schmidt. Dodik added that he also rejected an invitation to attend the upcoming economic forum because Schmidt is supposed to attend this event, but that he will attend an event in Hungary on September 23-24 as Schmidt’s attendance was not planned. Commenting on Schmidt’s recent statement regarding the election of Zeljko Komsic as the Croat member of B&H Presidency, Dodik said that Sarajevo is irritated by the fact that a foreigner whose help Komsic counted on perfectly realized a trick by which Bosniaks nominated two members for B&H Presidency for the third time. 


SNSD's Mazalica: Schmidt is trying to soften Serb side in order to gain support for his mandate which was not given to him by UN Security Council (Glas Srpske)

SNSD MP in the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) Srdjan Mazalica believes that with his departure to Belgrade, but also with "attractive" statements, High Representative Christian Schmidt is only trying to "soften" the Serb side in order to gain support for his mandate which was not given to him by the UN Security Council (UN SC). "He is a diplomat, and not the High Representative and the authorities of the RS will continue to perceive him as such. One should not forget that Russia and China were against his appointment and if we want to respect international law, we cannot treat him differently," Mazalica underlined. 


‘United Srpska’ leader Stevandic says ruling and opposition parties in RS will have to define their stance on calls of opposition to hold meeting with Schmidt (EuroBlic)

Following the meeting of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic with High Representative Christian Schmidt in Belgrade, as well as calls of opposition parties who claimed that it is necessary to talk to Schmidt in order to try to overcome the existing crisis, leader of ‘United Srpska’ Nenad Stevandic said that the ruling and opposition parties in Republika Srpska (RS) will have to define their stance on this matter. “By calling to a meeting with Schmidt, colleagues from opposition parties are practically begging (SNSD leader and Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Milorad) Dodik to do it first. Experience taught us that we only mire each other in separate meetings so only a joint meeting with or without Schmidt would make sense in this context” Stevandic stated. 


Janjic: It would be inappropriate for Schmidt's mission to discuss ways to solve problem of Dodik in Serbia (Nova BH)

Nova BH noted that senior European officials are expected to visit Belgrade and meet with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in the coming days. But, before the visits of European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik will travel to Belgrade only three days after High Representative Christian Schmidt.  


Political analyst Denis Carkadzic stressed that it is completely clear that Vucic's task is to bring Dodik back to the B&H institutions one way or another. "I am not certain whether he will succeed. We will see. But, I believe that this is precisely the essence of today's (Thursday's) visit of Mr. Schmidt. What we saw in the statement roughly goes in that direction, and what was discussed and agreed behind closed doors, we usually learn that a few days later," Carkadzic underlined.  


Political analyst from Belgrade Dusan Janjic said that it would be inappropriate for Schmidt's mission to discuss ways to solve the problem of Dodik in Serbia. Director of the Center for Regionalism from Novi Sad Aleksandar Popov said that Vucic, by holding the meeting with Schmidt, gave the legitimacy to the new High Representative but this does not mean Dodik will do it too because Vucic and Dodik often “play a double game”. Popov speculated that this might be “one of scenarios” in which Vucic plays a constructive role towards the international community which supports Schmidt, while it is possible that Dodik will maintain his position according to which he does not accept the High Representative. “When Dodik organized the referendum on the Republika Srpska (RS) Day and came to Belgrade, Vucic acted as if he was angry and asked him ‘why did you come to ask me for an opinion if you already made the decision’. The referendum was held in the end and Vucic was against it. Therefore, this was a double game, Vucic presented himself as a constructive partner while Dodik maintained his policy which is indirectly supported by Serbia and sometimes it even gets its direct support through statements of officials like (Serbian Minister of Interior) Aleksandar Vulin” Popov concluded.  


Political analyst Darko Trifunovic stated that Germany is actively engaging in the ‘Three Seas Initiative’ and that Schmidt’s appointment should be viewed in light of that fact. He believes that Dodik, as representative of Russian interests, has brought the RS into a tricky position and he will be under constant attacks which will force him to make different concessions. Referring to Dodik’s first election as RS Prime Minister which was aided by SFOR, Trifunovic said that a person who climbs from NATO tanks onto a Russian platform is not guided by ideology, but by interests. 


Dodik will have to humbly recognize Schmidt’s legitimacy, Komsic finds himself in role of person responsible for radicalization of political situation in B&H, Bosniak politicians will face their failure because Merkel will not visit B&H (Dnevni avaz)

High Representative Christian Schmidt met on Thursday with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Patriarch of the Serb Orthodox Church Porfirije, and these meetings send a clear message to SNSD leader and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Milorad Dodik. According to the daily, Dodik will have to humbly recognize the legitimacy of Schmidt and walk back on his previous insults aimed at him. The daily notes that Serbian media already speculate about Dodik’s upcoming meeting with Schmidt which will force Dodik to face reality.  


At the same time, media reported details about the conference on B&H held in Germany and attended by Schmidt, as well as Speaker of German Bundestag Wolfgang Schauble and B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic. On this occasion, Schmidt said that Komsic is Croat member of Presidency, but he was mostly elected by Bosniaks. Schmidt’s statement was met by criticism of the leading Bosniak parties and Komsic himself. According to the daily, the surprised Komsic suddenly found himself transformed from a player who is part of the solution to someone who is responsible for radicalization of political situation in B&H and unjustifiable attacks B&H’s friends in Germany. Furthermore, Komsic found himself in the paradox situation when he is criticizing Schmidt and Dodik is commending him. The final blow came with the announced visit of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to the Balkans as part of her farewell diplomatic tour. Merkel will visit only Serbia and Albania, and according to the daily, this fact clearly shows where the key centers for unravelling of the Gordian know of Balkans are. It also uncovers the self-isolationist policy of Bosniak political leaders in the past 30 years.  


According to the daily, Bosniak political leadership spent the last three decades fighting secular opposition forces within B&H instead of fighting to maintain existing ones and gain new friends of B&H in Europe and the world. According to the daily, the results are visible today – B&H’s traditional allies in Germany understand what Serb and Croat politicians are saying much better, and they are no longer willing to listen to the “self-proclaimed Bosniak and pro-Bosnian spokespersons who, after 30 years in power, have turned into replicas of the sad whiney Kalimero from the cartoon” (Note: Kalimero is a cartoon character who constantly yells “This is injustice”). 


Komsic: I did not expect Schmidt to make such a rookie mistake at the very beginning (FTV)

Four days ago, in Germany, High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Christian Schmidt made a statement that sparked many reactions in B&H. This statement also mentioned Chairman of the B&H Presidency and DF leader Zeljko Komsic, which is why the B&H Presidency Chairman was amongst the first to react. Schmidt commented Komsic’s election to the B&H Presidency and said he was elected through mostly Bosniak votes. Schmidt said Croats must be given the opportunity to feel like they have a voice and that they have their true representatives at the highest posts in the country. Komsic said that Schmidt made a statement, for whatever reason, which is contrary to the Constitution of B&H. “All that he said there is contrary to some basic democratic principles, which are respected in the country from which he originates” Komsic reminds. He added that Croats are present in the B&H institutions in a ratio prescribed by the Constitution and the laws. “I believe that he mixes HDZ B&H with Croats. Croats, majority of them, do not even vote for HDZ B&H”, Komsic underlines. He says less than 50 percent of Croats in B&H vote for HDZ B&H.  


Komsic said that when the Dayton Peace Agreement was made, the participants probably thought about the Constitution of B&H and the need to maintain the principle in which opinion of citizens is more important than opinions of constituent peoples. Komsic assessed Schmidt’s statements and said he made a mistake at the very beginning by taking one side in B&H, and that decision will probably burden all his other activities, as many will doubt his intentions and goals. “I did not expect him to make such a rookie mistake at the very beginning” the B&H Presidency Chairman said. Komsic pointed out that the Constitution of B&H is part of the Dayton Agreement and cannot be changed in a way in which Schmidt would impose some solution. The Constitution can only be changed in the B&H Parliament, Komsic emphasized. Komsic still believes that Schmidt does not know B&H and things that happened in this country well, that he has not been properly informed about any of this, and that he made some statements without reviewing all the data and facts. He says Schmidt might change his rhetoric and realize that things are not as they seem, or as some people try to present them.  


Komsic still supports Schmidt and his work in B&H, and hopes the High Representative will help B&H leaders in making important and good decisions that will lead to B&H’s further development. “I expect him to bring some European values to B&H” Komsic said. He added that he hopes Schmidt will not make any moves and decisions that will be detrimental for B&H’s future.  


On Wednesday, Komsic attended a meeting with the ambassadors of EU member states to B&H. He informed them of the current situation in B&H and they revealed the official stances of their countries. Komsic calls this a very good and productive meeting. Komsic concluded that B&H leaders are yet to see if stances of EU ambassadors and HR Schmidt are similar regarding the amendments to the Election Law of B&H, or if they are completely opposite.  


Asked what Germany’s stance in the matter is, Komsic said his diplomatic sources contacted the Office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, asking if Schmidt’s statements are connected to a changed policy of Germany towards the B&H Election Law issue. Komsic reminds to a statement of German government from May this year, that said any talk on legitimate representation and HDZ B&H’s idea would be a step back for B&H. Komsic said a response came in which German officials confirmed they remain faithful to past principles and stances, and Schmidt’s statements do not have anything to do with Germany changing its opinion in the matter. “They absolutely stand behind stances they presented on May 6”, Komsic confirmed.  


When asked about his support to civic model in B&H, Komsic said he does not believe this will be achieved in the near future, but eventually this will be implemented.  


Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlic Radman asked Komsic to resign his post in the B&H Presidency, blaming him for not respecting the principle of constituent peoples in B&H. Komsic said he could not place Grlic Radman anywhere, calling him a Croatian version of Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin. Vulin is pawn of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Komsic pointed out, adding that it is yet unclear whose pawn Grlic Radman is. “He is really the ‘Croatian Vulin’, and it is really not up to me, from this position, to make any comments to such stupidities” Komsic underscored.  


Commenting amendments to the Election Law, Komsic said he does not believe changes will be made by the next election cycle. He said B&H leaders took the wrong approach which will lead to a failure. When asked if Schmidt will impose a solution, Komsic said he can do that but he probably will not. In case he actually decides to do that, Komsic says that Schmidt will bare all the consequences of that decision. In his comment on the blockade of Republika Srpska (RS) officials in the state-level institutions, Komsic said all recent statements of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik prove that he is ready to return to normal work and decision making. Komsic added that blockade will end soon and work on the state level will continue as before.  


Komsic said the fact that Vucic met Schmidt on Thursday in Belgrade proves that Vucic is trying to create a situation in which Dodik would be able to end the blockade and return to work under the explanation that he has Serbia’s support. That would be a way for Dodik’s “honorable return” Komsic concluded. “Vucic will make this kind of a gentleman move, helping Dodik return without being humiliated, primarily in the RS” Komsic assessed.  


Asked if request of Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic, on Dodik’s removal from the Presidency, could be implemented through Schmidt’s usage of Bonn Powers, Komsic said this will not happen as time for such moves has passed. Schmidt was probably told, prior to his arrival to B&H, that he should turn to usage of Bonn Powers only in the most extreme situation, Komsic concluded.  


HDZ B&H's Covic: Schmidt is not taking anyone's side; Legitimate representation is a precondition for B&H’s survival (O kanal)

HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan Covic said that “legitimate representation is a precondition for B&H’s survival”. Commenting the recent statements of High Representative Christian Schmidt, Covic emphasized that Schmidt only protects B&H and its three constituent peoples. Covic told reporters that Schmidt, as a High Representative, does not take any sides. “When he (the HR) discussed the change of legitimate representation, he talked about the protection of B&H, because, if there is not that, there will be no B&H. He only protects B&H, and all three peoples and all citizens of B&H. The Constitution must become functional. What I heard in the statements by Mr. Schmidt, in the two official talks we have had since his arrival and at this conference, is primarily giving a chance to B&H to start functioning as a normal state, and while the Constitution is like this, we will blindly support it”. Covic added that those who advocate the civic organization of B&H are its greatest enemy. Covic said that the “Constitution and laws are framework for our behavior”. “I see everything else as destruction of B&H. All those from Sarajevo who loudly say today that Croats are over-represented are biggest destroyers of B&H” said Covic. 


SDA’s Izetbegovic comments Schmidt’s statements regarding insufficient representation of Croats (O kanal)

SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic commented the statements of High Representative Christian Schmidt regarding insufficient representation of Croats, saying that Schmidt’s advisers were supposed to prepare precise data for him before he made such comments. Izetbegovic claims that Croats hold double the number of management posts in the state-level agencies and institutions then it is prescribed by the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The SDA leader emphasized that he does not believe Schmidt will impose amendments to the Election Law of B&H. 




28th Anniversary of Grabovica massacre commemorated (Hina)


The 28th anniversary of the massacre committed by the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina against 33 local Croats in Grabovica was commemorated in that village north of Mostar on Thursday. The families of the victims and other participants in commemorative events underscored that the remains of 17 victims, including a four-year-old girl, had not yet been found even after 28 years since the atrocities were committed. So far, partial remains of 16 of the 33 victims have been identified, while the remains of the other 17 victims have not still been found. The families also point out the command responsibility of senior officers of the Bosnia and Herzegovina army. 


To date, five members of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina have been sentenced for the murders of the Zadro and the Mandic families, however, although we have presented plenty of evidence, no one has been held responsible for this massacre, based on command responsibility, said a representative of the families of the Grabovica victims. 


Thus, Nihad Vlahovljak, Sead Karagic, and Haris Rajkic were given 13 years each for the Grabovica atrocities, whereas Enes Sakrak was sentenced to ten years and Mustafa Hota to nine years. In 2007, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia acquitted General Safer Halilovic, former Deputy Commander and Chief of the Main Staff of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, of charges pertaining to his alleged command responsibility for murders committed by Bosnian Army troops in the villages of Grabovica and Uzdol in the Jablanica and Prozor areas of Herzegovina in September 1993. In July 2014, the Bosnian State Prosecutor's Office indicted two former members of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) - Rasema Handanovic and Elmedin Causevic- who were members of the Zulfikar special unit, for torturing a Bosnian Croat married couple in the village of Grabovica in 1993. 




Picula: It’s worrying that new Govt. isn’t fulfilling what it promised (Nova M)


The European Parliament’s rapporteur for Montenegro Tonino Picula has told Nova M that a year after the parliamentary elections, they cannot be satisfied because Montenegro is showing elements of a deeply divided society. He also says that all foreign embassies and international organizations in Podgorica warned in time what could happen when it comes to the enthronement of Metropolitan Joanikije, which, as he points out, is an event that went beyond religious frameworks. He does not rule out Serbia’s interference in everything we could see in Cetinje. “The enthronement of Metropolitan Joanikije has outgrown its religious character, but it is not an isolated case but a part of a process that has been going on for some time” Picula has said. However, he adds, it is especially worrying that a year after the parliamentary elections, the new government did not fulfill everything it promised. 


Whoever threatens the European path of Montenegro does not have the support of URA (RTCG)

Any individual or group, no matter who it is, who tries to endanger the European path and the future of Montenegro, cannot have the support of the Civic movement URA, said the vice president of URA Milos Konatar. "For the Civic Movement URA, European, ecological and civil Montenegro has no alternative. Any individual or group, no matter who it is, who tries to endanger the European path and the future of Montenegro cannot have the support of the Civic Movement URA" Konatar said. 


He says that there is no trade and negotiations with them when it comes to the protection of national interests, which is certainly the European path of Montenegro. 


"The security sector, especially the Ministry of the Interior and the Police Directorate, have achieved impressive results in this short time that bring us closer to the EU and that we should all be proud of, especially in the fight against corruption and crime. By banning cigarette smuggling in the Port of Bar, arrests of (the members) of criminal clans, corrupt politicians and businessmen close to the former government, citizens could be convinced that the security sector works exclusively in the interest of the state of Montenegro. The crown of the work so far was the seizure of 1.4 tons of cocaine, which is the biggest blow to smuggling ever in Montenegro" Konatar said. 


Most important of all, as he said, the security sector, as well as the Police Directorate, have preserved civil peace in Montenegro, which has no price, he said. 


"Having in mind the results of the security sector coordinated by Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, citizens should not have the dilemma that any attack on people at the top of the security sector is motivated either by the intention to manage the sector from outside of Montenegro and for the interests of other countries, or attempt to stop the fight against smuggling and crime, or the intention to divert Montenegro from the European path. The Civic Movement URA will not allow something like that. There are no negotiations with us about the national interests and European future of Montenegro" Konatar said. 


Abazovic: It is not impossible that we will have a new prime minister (Vijesti)

The Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dritan Abazovic, stated that he was in favor of holding the enthronement of the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, Joanikije, but not at any cost. He says that he will stop supporting the Government if he thinks that they are doing something that is unfair. It is not impossible that we will not have a new Minister of the Interior, but it is not impossible that we will have a new Prime Minister, says Abazovic. He pointed out that there were two scenarios until midnight between Saturday and Sunday. 


"The first meant that 300-400 people, including protected persons, should be in the Cetinje monastery, and scenario number two, that the police tell them that there are no conditions for that. I advocated that the enthronement be held, but not at any cost" said Abazovic for TV Vijesti. He added that there were "threats" that the church would start liturgies again in protest if they were not given the right to enthrone. 


"It is easy to pretend to be a general on Facebook. If we had a dead patriarch, if we counted the wounded, they would ask me if this or that decision was the right one. That is why I stand behind the decision of the Minister of the Interior. "National security and the Police Directorate did not want to put people at risk and therefore should not bear responsibility" Abazovic added. 


"It is not impossible that we will not have a new MUP minister, but it is not impossible that we will have a new prime minister. After that, I will overthrow the government, I will stop giving support to the government if I think they are doing something unfair" Abazovic said. 


He says that he promised the citizens that the mafia would no longer rule the country, and that all groups of the mafia were attacked. "All the things that happened, that I thought were fair and that I stand for, as well as the events in Cetinje, for everything that I think is justice, I will stand behind it, regardless of any cost. But this has now begun to be indicative, if someone thinks that the Montenegrin police should be managed from Belgrade - that will not happen. Not over my back" said, among other things, Abazovic. 


The Deputy Prime Minister said that the original request of the church was that there would be a nationwide assembly during the enthronement in Cetinje, but after several talks and explanations of the overall climate, the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral accepted the correction. "We came to the situation of taking 300, 400 people in a convoy to Cetinje and enabling them to return safely. Things got complicated because Cetinje was barricaded on September 4" Abazovic emphasized.  


He pointed out that the Democrats prevented the formation of the Prosecutorial Council and that they are bearing a part of the responsibility, stating that they knew that the enthronement, a potentially critical event, would take place on September 5. Answering the question of the TV Vijesti journalist why the police allowed the erection of barricades, the Deputy Prime Minister said that the police decided to concentrate larger forces around the Cetinje Monastery. "Tactically, it took possession of the property on Friday morning. The first incidents already happened on Saturday morning. From this aspect, it was a good assessment, says Abazovic. Abazovic stated that proceedings were being conducted against 68 people for actively resisting and happening at the barricades. 


Democratic Montenegro: Abazovic stabbed us in the back (CDM)

Democratic Montenegro has accused Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic of "fickleness and political hypocrisy". This statement came after Abazovic said that he would overthrow the Government if the Minister of Police, Sergej Sekulovic, is replaced. 


The party of the President of the Assembly, Aleksa Becic, estimates that Abazovic "stabbed a knife in the back" to all those with whom he was in the coalition and who were his superiors, and that he continues "in his recognizable style". They add that Abazovic "thinks that with unprecedented media hysteria after September 5, he will cover up the truth, hide his fickleness, hide the fact that he is constantly trying to sit on ten chairs". 


"You are outplayed, Abazovic, everyone saw who you are, Montenegrins, Serbs and members of minority nations, because they see that you don't have a shred of sincerity. These days, people are disgusted by how aggressively you are trying to deal with the prime minister and you buy the credit for the successful action on September 5, and you were against that action, against the enthronement and all the time you performed a solo act, so that the DPS would take over power and control over Cetinje and Montenegro", the Democrats said in a statement. 


They stated that Abazovic "got the most of all in the Government", and that tonight he "attacked the other 37 MPs who do not have any members of the Government and threatens to overthrow it". "Go ahead, overthrow the government if you have the guts. You don't, of course, and you're just bluffing to try to trade like many times before" the Democrats said. The party denied Abazovic's allegations that they were an obstacle to the election of the Prosecutorial Council and told that he forgot to say that the previous Prosecutorial Council had ceased to exist and was implementing its intentions by the decision of the President of the Assembly. They pointed out that anyone can agree with them on the election of an independent and professional Prosecutorial Council, but not the one who "thinks he will appoint party members to the council". 


North Macedonia 


Pendarovski: At this moment I do not know if there is a basis for moral and political accountability (Republika)


President Stevo Pendarovski told reporters in Tetovo on Thursday that according the information he has received from authorities, so far there are no indications that the fire that erupted in the modular hospital was intentional. However, I say, it is the information I have at this moment and of course the competent public prosecutor will inform about the findings in the coming days, he said, adding that their report that will determine the cause of the fire and whether it was intentional. Regarding accountability for the tragic event, Pendarovski says that we should wait and see all the findings of the investigation. It is still early, it’s only been less than 24 hours after the fire. I always insist on having moral and political and subjective and any accountability, but at this moment I do not know if there is a basis for such responsibility. What I know is that the investigation should be launched as soon as possible and determine the cause of the fire, said Pendarovski. 


Hajredini: The result of the expert analysis does not exclude or reduce the moral responsibility of the minister and the director (Republika)


The result of the expert analysis, whatever it is, does not exclude or reduce the objective and moral responsibility of the minister and the director, but also of Zaev and Teuta. We are witnessing that in the civilized world, even for not so tragic cases, officials resign, ex-minister Xhevdet Hajredini reacted after the press conference of the Minister of Health Venko Filipce who did not resign after Wednesday’s fire at the covid center in Tetovo which claimed the lives of 14 people. Earlier, the political analyst demanded accountability from the authorities, sarcastically commenting that it was enough for them to request a “full, deep and swift investigation”. 


After the catastrophic fire in Tetovo, prosecutor Ruskoska reportedly investigating the crony contract to build the container hospitals (Republika)


Organized crime prosecutor Vilma Ruskoska has required to review the documents from the procurement contract to build modular Covid hospitals, reported. A total of 19 such units were built earlier this year, mainly located next to general hospitals in larger cities, to provide spill-over capacity. The modular hospital in Tetovo burnt down on Wednesday evening with tragic loss of life – 14 patients and visitors were killed. The contract was awarded to a company owned by Koco Angusev, PM Zoran Zaev’s former Deputy Prime Minister, which prompted criticism about cronyism and the lack of transparency. 




Berisha Expelled from PD Parliamentary Group (Tirana Times)


Democratic Party Leader Lulzim Basha decided that Sali Berisha is to be expelled from the 

Parliamentary Group of the Democratic Party, effective immediately. In a 10 minute long live 

transmission, the leader of the DP stated that although this decision was a difficult one, it was 

nevertheless, one that needed to be taken in order to further the interests of the Albanian people and the Democratic Party. As per Basha’s statement, Mr. Berisha is to be expelled until his ongoing dispute with US State Secretary Blinken is resolved. 


Berisha immediately responded to Basha’s declaration. Berisha stated that Basha’s decision 

signified the end of the sovereignty of the Democratic Party and that such decision risks turning the DP into a vessel party of the socialist Government. 


The former Prime-Minister further stated that it would have been better for Basha to resign 

rather than expel him from the parliamentary group. In a live-call with a popular news show, 

Berisha further clarified that he will do anything in his power to restore the sovereignty of the 

Democratic Party by any means necessary. Various analysts argue that any action pursued by 

Berisha will either lead to a schism within the Democratic Party or lead to the creation of a new political party headed by Berisha. 


Edit Harxhi, a prominent member of the Democratic Party stated on live television that Basha’s decision was taken in contravention to the statute of the Democratic Party, given that the general assembly was not gathered to approve such a decision. The statute of the Democratic party does not contain a provision enabling the chairman of the party to expel one of the members of the parliamentary group due to their being banned from entry in a foreign country. Although questions remained as to Basha’s stance on whether Berisha would be expelled from the DP’s parliamentary group, as per the request of the US Ambassador, sources within the DP had confirmed in recent days that such a decision to expel Berisha seemed extremely unlikely. Berisha too seemed to implicitly confirm this version of events, but stated that several sources had informed him of the fact that lately Mr. Basha was under immense pressure and had been threatened and coerced into taking such a decision. 


Although Berisha was reluctant to mention specific names, the former Prime-Minister stated that their identity was self-evident. Further elaborating on this point, Berisha stated that during his time in office Basha had been threatened by former US Ambassador Donald Lu, and that the former ambassador had given Berisha a case-file of information on Basha which proved his involvement in corruptive affairs. Mr. Berisha is expected to appear in parliament tomorrow. 


US Embassy: Basha's decision deserves respect (Radio Tirana)

After the decision of the chairman of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha, for the expulsion from the parliamentary group of the former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, after the latter was declared non grata by the USA, comes a reaction from the American embassy in Tirana. 

The US Embassy has congratulated Basha on the decision, while emphasizing that the DP has the courage to break away from the past to build the future. 


Reaction of the US embassy 


The difficult decision announced yesterday by Mayor Lulzim Basha deserves respect. This decision demonstrates that, as happened 30 years ago and at other critical moments in the history of Albania, the Democratic Party has the courage to break with the past in order to build the future, to help lead Albania forward. The United States has had a special relationship with the Democratic Party since its inception, and we look forward to working more closely than ever with President Basha and the Democratic Party to strengthen US-Albania relations. 


Last night, the leader of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha stated that Sali Berisha will not be part of the parliamentary group of the Democratic Party, until the full clarification of the State Department decision, where the whole truth will be clarified. Basha said that DP is the most pro-American and most pro-European party, talking about the State Department decision for former Prime Minister and former DP leader Sali Berisha and the request of US Ambassador Yuri Kim. On the other hand, yesterday in a press release Berisha confirmed his participation in the Assembly. 


Berisha: Basha should have considered to give his resignation (ADN)

The historic leader of the Democratic Party, Sali Berisha commented the decision of the actual head of the Party, Lulzim Basha to exclude him by the Parliamentary Group after USA decision to declare him 'Non Grata'. According to Berisha, this decision is out of any law or party's statute and cannot be taken by the party leader. 


"I do understand the extreme pressure that Basha had recently, but despite this pressure, I do believe that first he should have considered first his resignation before giving up from DP's sovereignty. I am sure that Basha was threatened with sanctions, I am sure of that. The DP can never be a political force, where its deputies are chosen by another country, because this is where it all ends. The reason why DP is in this position is due to the great pressure that Edi Rama and his corrupt lobbying have exerted on Basha, but he should never accept this situation" said Berisha. According to him, Basha before taking this decision should have called in a meeting the DP Congress, to change its statute. 


Sweden: Albania and N. Macedonia met criteria; EU talks must begin (ADN)

Albania and North Macedonia have fulfilled the conditions for the launch of European Union accession negotiations and should start talks immediately, has underlined Thursday the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Ann Linde. She made this emphasis during a joint press conference with her counterpart, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Jakub Kulhanek, where they emphasized that the priority for Sweden and official Prague during the EU presidency will be the Western Balkans and the progress of the countries in the region with reforms. 


However, the Czech Republic will hold the presidency of the EU from July 2022, while Sweden will hold the presidency in January 2023. 


"I would like to hear promises at the EU-Western Balkans summit during the Czech presidency, to hear promises for concrete dates, to say Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia should join the EU" Kulhanek told a joint news conference with Linde. On her part, the Swedish Foreign Minister stressed that it depends on the progress of reforms that should be towards respecting European values ​​in those countries. "The Balkans are important. Albania and North Macedonia met the conditions for the start of talks and should start talks immediately" said Linde. Minister Kulhanek reminded that the EU has been promising a European perspective to the countries of the Western Balkans for several years and is unable to fulfill those promises. 


German Embassy has revealed details from the visit of Chancellor Angela Merkel on September 14 in Albania (Radio Tirana)


The German Embassy has revealed details from the visit of Chancellor Angela Merkel on September 14 in Albania. According to the official announcement, Merkel will have her first meeting with Prime Minister Rama. Afterwards, there will be a meeting with the heads of government of the six Western Balkan countries, where regional cooperation issues will be in the foreground. Chancellor Merkel will also meet individually with the heads of government of Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and North Macedonia. 


Chancellor Angela Merkel will visit Albania on Tuesday, September 14th. In Tirana, she will initially meet for a conversation with Prime Minister Edi Rama. Talks are planned related to economic policy issues and bilateral relations between Albania and Germany, but also issues related to approximation with the EU. In subsequent talks with the heads of government of the six Western Balkan states, issues of regional co-operation will come to the focus. Bilateral talks are also planned with the heads of government of Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and North Macedonia.