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Belgrade Media Report 18 November 2021



Selakovic: Serbia for lasting peace and stability in Western Balkans (


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said during the meeting with the Special Adviser to the UN Secretary General for Genocide Prevention Alice Vairim Nderitu that cooperation with the UN and all bodies of that world organization is one of our country’s priorities. Selakovic pointed out that Serbia is committed to cooperation in the field of genocide prevention and finding appropriate solutions for reconciliation and elimination of the consequences of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in conflicts anywhere in the world. He said that Serbia was committed to ensuring lasting peace and stability in the Western Balkans, adding that we are committed to improving relations and cooperation with everyone in the region, based on respect for international law and the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all UN member states. Selakovic said that Serbia is committed to all international norms, noting that it is important that all those who committed crimes be identified, brought to justice, and that it is the obligation of everyone in the region to face this issue with the same intensity, the statement of the Foreign Ministry reads.


Selakovic: Intense dialogue with high EU officials (Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic on Wednesday talked with Enrique Mora, the deputy secretary general and the political director of the European External Action Service (EEAS). Mora welcomed the hitherto level of Brussels-Belgrade cooperation in the fields of joint security and defense policy and underlined Serbia’s important contribution to EU missions and operations, according to a release from the Foreign Ministry. Mora also said that Serbia had to continue alignment with the policies and positions adopted by the EU in the field of joint foreign and security policies, in accordance with the framework for the EU accession talks. Selakovic said that intense dialogue between Serbia and high EU officials was very important. He also positively assessed bilateral political consultations between the Serbian Foreign Ministry and EEAS, held in Belgrade on Monday. Selakovic stressed that membership in the EU was Serbia’s foreign policy priority and its strategic determination, noting that the enlargement process should remain highly positioned on the EU agenda.


Popovic: Numerous bilateral agreements with Russian Federation being prepared (Tanjug)


Serbian Minister without portfolio in in charge of innovation and technological development Nenad Popovic talked on Wednesday in Moscow with Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov about the upcoming visit of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to that country and meeting with President Vladimir Putin. One of the main topics of conversation between Popovic and Borisov, who are also co-chairs of the Intergovernmental Committee for Cooperation between Serbia and Russia, was the issue of supplying Serbia with natural gas from Russia. The issue of gas supply and price is the most important topic for Serbia at this moment. We expect that our country will get the most favorable gas price and that we will ensure energy stability in Serbia in the long run, Popovic said after the meeting. He pointed out that, in addition to gas, several bilateral agreements were discussed, which will be signed next week in Moscow. He pointed out that the two sides are working on the preparation of numerous agreements in the field of infrastructure, transport, energy and innovations worth several billion dollars, emphasizing that these documents will open new perspectives for the development of cooperation between Serbia and Russia on strategic bases.


Drecun: Pristina playing games, EU should return mandate to UN (TV Prva/Tanjug)


If the EU is incapable of fully implementing the process of normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations, it would be fair if it said it is unable to do so, the head of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said on Wednesday. “The EU should return the mandate for the auspices over the dialogue to the UN,” Drecun told TV Prva after Pristina’s representatives in Tuesday's round of expert-level dialogue in Brussels refused to discuss the formation of a Community of Serb Municipalities in a direct meeting with a Belgrade delegation. He noted that the Prime Minister of the provisional Pristina institutions Albin Kurti had said he wanted to discuss the issue of missing and displaced persons, but that it could not be discussed as Pristina was unwilling to implement the part of the Brussels agreement relating to freedom of movement, energy, protection of property and the judiciary. “After pushing all that aside and making any kind of return harder for Serbs, Pristina purportedly wants to discuss the issue of displaced persons. They are playing games,” Drecun said. He also said Pristina was refusing to license two Serbian power companies and that there would have been no tensions over energy had it done so. “They want to make fundamental changes to what has been agreed in Brussels. Pristina is again making political maneuvers just to avoid any serious dialogue,” Drecun said. He said Serbia must not get into a position where it would be blamed for a potential failure of the dialogue, and added that an attempt should be made to put an introduction of compulsory military service for Kosovo Serbs in a so-called Kosovo army on the table in Brussels. “There will definitely be major tensions because, in all possible ways, they want to demonstrate that it is a multiethnic formation.” He said there was only a small number of Serbs in the so-called Kosovo army - around 40 - but that, in spite of that, the pressure on the Serb population was high. “That formation can threaten the security of our people,” he said. He said the formation was being organized as an army, with support from several countries. “The UK, the US, Germany and Turkey are key countries assisting the logistical formation of their so-called army,” Drecun said.


America launches attack on Dodik and RS (Novosti, by D. Milinkovic, S. Misljenovic)


Counselor of US Department of State Derek Chollet met with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency members on Tuesday evening and delivered a letter of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to them. However, Novosti writes that the key messages of the letter were in fact intended for Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, knowing that Blinken warned B&H officials that any unilateral withdrawal from the state institutions and attempt to destabilize the Dayton Peace Agreement will be punished, which includes possible imposing of sanctions. Srdjan Graovac from the Center for Social Stability told the daily that this represents a part of the wider strategy of positioning of big powers, primarily of USA, ahead of crucial talks on B&H and Kosovo issue, which will obviously take place next year. “There will be enormous pressure on B&H to get reorganized from within and, parallel with this, a pressure to solve the issue of the Kosovo status,” Graovac said and argued that Americans are trying to weaken Dodik’s negotiating position from the start. However, Graovac argued that Dodik is not a naïve man and he has already defined a stance that is completely opposite to the US’ interests and he clearly said that he will not accommodate their requests and, in addition to this, he will even reinstate competencies that were taken away from the Republika Srpska (RS). Political analyst Vlade Simovic said that experience shows that any kind of interference of foreign factors in B&H is counter-productive and he argued that everyone should focus on reaching of compromise by domestic politicians. “The story on imposing of sanctions against the RS and its political representatives who were elected in a legitimate way is complete nonsense. Not a single institution of the RS is violating international standards so one might raise the question how sanctions would be justified, knowing that those would only result in even greater escalation of internal crisis in B&H,” Simovic concluded.




Chollet ends visit to B&H, says US and European partners will continue to sanction destabilizing conduct and put focus on corruptive networks (O Kanal/EurActiv/AP


US State Department Counselor Derek Chollet has ended his two-day visit to B&H, during which he published an article for EurActiv commenting on the current problems in B&H. Chollet stressed that common-sense reforms would greatly change the situation in B&H; they would ensure the right for all citizens of B&H to be candidates in the elections, make balance in distribution of powers and improve the environment for investing in B&H. Chollet concluded that the US and European partners will continue to sanction destabilizing conduct and put focus on corruptive networks. “None of this will be easy, but the US is committed to the work with B&H leaders on overcoming the political crises in order for B&H to meet the expected criteria. State leaders are responsible for the future of their country. The US supports prosperity of the two entities and Brcko District, but within single B&H. Unfortunately, instead of seeking for common good, some of the leaders of political parties undermine state’s functionality. Withdrawal from institutions at the state level, as threatened by the RS authorities, would lead to economic deadlock, weaken the rule of law and impair chances of the state for economic recovery,” Chollet assessed in his article. Chollet wrote that 26 years after the Dayton agreement, B&H is facing the most serious challenge and that three pillars of the state – division of power among three constituent peoples, protection of rights of all citizens and ability to use the Constitution to strengthen the institutions are currently being undermined. In an interview with Associated Press, Chollet said that USA pays a great attention to the political crisis in B&H and possesses tools which can be used against nationalistic officials who cause divisions in B&H and try to break it apart. He called on B&H political leaders to raise above their personal interests and try to see the wider interest of the entire country. “If leaders continue on the path toward divisiveness, disintegration, withdrawal from the central institutions, there are tools we have to punish that kind of behavior,” Chollet noted. He emphasized that Washington pays a great attention to B&H and that there is a lot of concern that for the first time in 26 years, the Dayton Peace Agreement is facing a very perilous moment. However, he noted, B&H still has not passed the point of no return. “We still believe that there is chance to stop all this ... and it is not just the United States, it is our partners in Europe,” he added. Chollet said it will take work to bolster Bosnia’s democratic institutions and direct the country toward a goal of eventually joining the EU. “There is going to be a lot of hard decisions that have to be made, but the United States is committed to do whatever we can to try to prevent the worst from happening and, more than that, try to achieve an even better outcome” by putting Bosnia “back on its path towards its Euro-Atlantic destination,” he said.


Nelson: US’ clear message that B&H must move forward and implement reforms (BN TV


US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson said that political leaders in B&H need to reach an agreement that will enable B&H to move forward. BN TV reminded that Nelson attended the meetings of the US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar and the Counselor of the US Department of State Derek Chollet with officials and political leaders in B&H. Nelson said that he, Escobar and Chollet see huge economic potential in B&H. Nelson pointed out that B&H is lagging behind other countries in the region because it is not making progress on its path to EU. Nelson said that the lack of functionality of B&H institutions and political blockades discourage investors. Nelson was quoted as saying: “Instead of dragging B&H back to the period of 1990s, all leaders in B&H have an obligation to work for the country to move forward and work diligently on that.” Nelson pointed out that Chollet arrived to B&H with a new letter from the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in which he outlined goals he believes are important to B&H, which he also stated earlier in 2021. Nelson was quoted as saying: “The message of the Secretary Blinken was that the country must move forward and that reforms need to be implemented, that leaders should participate in governing the country and reach consensus so the country can progress. Anything that hinders the country’s progress is something that needs to be removed and needs to stop existing. There should be focus on important issues and address them within institutions in the country, which are issues such as the COVID-19 pandemic, political crisis or economic issues. Counselor Chollet was very clear in expressing our support and in his message to leaders that they need to return to governing the state in government institutions in order for the country to move forward. If that does not happen, all the options are on the table”. Nelson said that political blockades and lack of functioning of B&H institutions discourage investors and prevent B&H’s progress. According to Nelson, sanctions for undermining the Constitution and every normal process in B&H are not impossible, moreover the sanctions are on the table and it is only a matter of time before they are activated.


Blinken’s letter calls on B&H Presidency members to commit to de-escalation of current political crisis in B&H and to get engaged in program of reforms (FTV


FTV carries that in his letter, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called on the B&H Presidency members to commit to de-escalation of the current political crisis in B&H and to get engaged again in the program of economic, electoral and constitutional reforms and reforms in the field of rule of law in B&H together with international partners. The letter further reads that this is of vital importance for B&H citizens for more prosperous European future. Another message Blinken conveyed to B&H politicians through US State Department Counselor Derek Chollet is that a different tone will be used in the future and sanctions will no longer be just on paper unless the crisis is stopped and the policy of threatening with secession is discontinued. Blinken also stressed the need for officials to turn to dialogue and reach a consensus that is necessary for the country to move forward. He stated that decisions to withdraw from B&H institutions that are one-sided or other attempts to destabilize the DPA will be met with actions, including sanctions. In his letter, Blinken stressed that the unblocking of institutions is key for the removal of discrimination in the election process and the USA will continue to insist on this.


RFE learns that Germany has launched issue of imposing sanctions against RS officials who endanger DPA (O Kanal/RFE


Radio Free Europe (RFE) learns from diplomatic sources in Brussels that Germany has launched in the EU bodies the issue of sanctions against the RS officials who endanger the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). Germany has asked the European External Action Service (EEAS) to draft a document with proposal of sanctions. This issue was discussed at a meeting of the Political and Security Committee of the EU Council on Wednesday. The initiative for sanctions against the RS officials was also supported by Czech Republic which also officially requested the draft document with proposal of sanctions. However, several sources confirmed that the initiative was decisively rejected by Hungary. The sanctions are expected to cover people who seriously endanger the security situation or undermine the DPA. It is in principle an empty list to which names should be added, in case the EU decides to do so, noted the presenter. One unnamed high official of the EU was quoted as saying: “If we agree, the first name on the list be the name of Milorad Dodik.”


Zakharova: Moscow is convinced that Maas’ biased assessment regarding internal crisis in B&H is disastrous (RTRS


Spokesperson for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday that Moscow is convinced that bias assessments of German Minister of Foreign Affairs Heiko Maas are devastating. Zakharova said that Maas exclusively made the RS guilty of the big, internal political crisis in B&H. She emphasized that in this way, Berlin self-initiatively named culprits. Zakharova said: “"We already hear threats of introduction of various sanctions against the legitimately elected leaders of sovereign B&H, who use legal political methods to protect constitutional rights affected by external voluntarism, which is increasingly reminiscent of colonial politics.” Zakharova said that it is unacceptable to blame only the RS for the current political crisis in B&H.


Letter of Blinken sparks reactions; Dodik: In case of sanctions, our moves will be even more radical (ATV


ATV reported that the letter that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken sent to the B&H Presidency members caused reactions, primarily huge attention of the public in Sarajevo. Web portals with sources in Cabinets of Presidency members Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic published content of the letter. Although consideration of introducing sanctions is mentioned in just one sentence of the letter, which clearly reads that sanctions are possible only in case of violation of the DPA, portals and parties based in Sarajevo interpreted this as a threat to Milorad Dodik and RS officials. In his reaction, Dodik stated that such stance of Western politicians does not represent the power of countries they come from but rather represents cynicism and ignorance. Dodik added: “They are proposing introduction of sanctions against those who call for respect of the Constitution. My question for them is what they are doing in their countries? Do they refer to the Constitution or other documents?” Dodik added that “it is nice that Blinken is interested in the situation, but those letters are actually written by people who work here”. Dodik said that threats with sanctions are reflection of how the US is powerless and, in his opinion, the public in the Federation of B&H welcomed the threats, adding that the option that some countries introduce sanctions on a unilateral basis is not excluded. He added that the RS does not have any plans for secession and this is an accusation planted against them. Dodik also stated that they will not give up on the plan to solve issues with the judiciary, armed forces and indirect taxes in the RS parliament. Dodik also said that if the US introduces new sanctions against him and his associates, their moves will be even more radical. Dodik said: “I think their policy would be more successful, if they had said: you should agree, and if those who threaten with war launch any military activity will face military repercussions by the NATO or the US Army, they will be immediately bombed and that is thing that could calm the situation here.”

RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic also commented on the letter sent by Blinken which mentions the possibility of sanctions against B&H officials. Cvijanovic stated that letters are not the formula for success and that serious dialogue of all levels of authorities is necessary in B&H, primarily two entities and three peoples with constituent status. Cvijanovic underlined: “It is crucial that we, who are living in this country, determine our priorities.” Cvijanovic stated that whoever represents the international factor should understand that there are many problems in B&H; that there is readiness of the RS for solving and overcoming of these problems and that they are still in quite sensitive moment where some peoples – Croats and Serbs – struggle for what the Constitution of B&H gave them without being able to realize it in practice. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said that he is not afraid of sanctions from the Western countries and that he told this to the UK Ambassador to B&H Matthew Field during the meeting in Banja Luka on Tuesday. Viskovic said that he would not be in this profession if he was afraid. Viskovic added that he would not make any moves that would harm any peoples in B&H or would be against the B&H Constitution. Viskovic stated that they are not in favor of secession, war and damages to anyone, neither in the RS nor in the FB&H. Viskovic claimed that he wishes to other two peoples the same things he wishes for himself and his family. “If someone decides at some point that he should do sanctions, he will do it. What does it mean? Should we be afraid of that and surrender? I cannot do that, on behalf of the RS, on behalf of the people I represent, on behalf of the institution I represent”.


Sarovic says that people need to be convinced that they should not go into adventurism and endanger RS because they do not need any other agreement for B&H besides DPA (BN TV


Leader of SDS Mirko Sarovic stated: “I think that the price of adventurism and gambling approach without proper preparation will be paid by the RS, the whole society, the people. We have to think about it. That is why these days are very important, to clarify the issue in some way and to convince the people that, even if some demands are justified, it is not worthwhile to enter into adventurism, make unilateral decisions and endanger the RS, and it is in danger. We do not need any other agreement now, international or any other, for B&H. We just need to keep the DPA.” Meanwhile, according to leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic, it is logical that the RS PM Viskovic is not afraid of sanctions because the public is of the opinion that the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik agreed everything with foreign officials so that there would be no sanctions. Borenovic also claims that Dodik is giving up on returning competencies to the RS. Borenovic stated: “It is obvious that Dodik and SNSD are withdrawing. This has been seen many times. He trades only for the sake of his personal interests and wants to divert attention from the huge corruption for which he and his government and this ruling regime are most responsible. We see that there are none of those laws, neither in October, nor in November, nor until the end of the year, and the question is whether there will be a parliamentary session at all. This is a dangerous regime that only looks after its own interests, they are not interested in the RS. During these few months of the crisis, which they created without any clear goal, tens of thousands of people left, RS's debt is even higher, the economy is doing almost nothing, and the RS is in a kind of isolation. Everything negative is written in the world press about the RS. Dodik, who is the most responsible, bears the greatest responsibility for such a situation, and he is the biggest pest of the RS.” Leader of NDP Dragan Cavic said that sanctions are short-term measures that cost Serbs the most throughout the history. Cavic also reminded that many Serb officials were sanctioned in the past arguing that this brought no results.


Covic says sanctions have never been part of solution, he sees solution to current political crisis in amending Election Law of B&H (FTV


HDZ B&H leader and President of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) Dragan Covic stated on Wednesday that sanctions have never been a part of a solution and he is sure that sanctions will not be on the table during talks. He stressed that he sees the solution to the current political crisis in amending the Election Law of B&H, expressing belief that this issue will be resolved by the end of the year. Covic announced that dozens of talks in the upcoming days will be held with various international officials, but everything indicates that the agreement needs to be reached by local officials in B&H – primarily in the Federation of B&H, in a way to improve relations and return trust between Bosniaks and Croats. According to Covic, this is a key task for HDZ B&H and HNS, as well as for SDA and all other Bosniak parties in B&H.


Instead of talks, Sarajevo believes only in sanctions against Dodik (EuroBlic


The daily reminded that the EU Foreign Ministers did not state after their latest meeting that they would impose any kind of sanctions against Milorad Dodik. According to unofficial information, some of the ministers opposed this possibility, unlike German Minister of Foreign Affairs Heiko Maas and representatives of several other most influential countries who publicly advocated imposing of sanctions. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken wrote in his letter that the possibility of imposing of sanctions will be considered if withdrawal from the joint institutions of B&H continues. Chair of the Presidency of B&H Zeljko Komsic said in Germany that he hopes he will not be forced to defend B&H like he did in 1990s while Dodik argued that he is not threatening with a war and he is not doing anything that would be in violation of the Constitution of B&H. Member of SDA Presidency Adil Osmanovic said that it is high time the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H reacted because Dodik is violating the DPA and Constitution of B&H and, in case the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H does not have the strength to do that, then the international community should impose sanctions. Osmanovic told the daily that it is too late for talks with Dodik. “The only way we could launch talks is if he revoked everything he has done so far, meaning the laws that were adopted by the RS parliament or delivered to it. However, I do not think he would be willing to do that,” Osmanovic added and assessed that Dodik’s policy is arrogant. Chair of SNSD Caucus in the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac said that everything but acceptance of the real situation would be waste of time and energy and added that the smartest thing to do would be for everyone to “stick to the rules we currently have. This means that, instead of imaginary situations and competences of some foreigners, everyone should accept their constitutional competencies”.


Vucic says it is important for Serbia to preserve peace in B&H at any cost, sanctions do not bring good to anyone (FTV


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated on Wednesday that it is important for Serbia to preserve peace in B&H at any cost. He said that although the announced sanctions in B&H do not regard Serbia, they do not bring good to anyone because they will reject investors – among other things. According to Vucic, he understands what the RS authorities talk about regarding the seizure of the RS’ competences and this is all true, but it is also important that people in the RS understand that any kind of conflicts or serious problems are unnecessary and that peace is what brings prosperity to people in the RS and Serbia. Vucic assessed that those who aspire for sanctions do not have good intentions. Vucic expressed hope that Milorad Dodik will not be sanctioned and asked which investor will come to the RS and the Federation of B&H and invest his money in case of sanctioning of Dodik. Vucic also said raising tensions in any way and anywhere did not suit Serbia, and expressed willingness to come to Sarajevo and talk. Vucic stated that whoever wants sanctions against anyone does not understand politics or they react in line with their own emotions.


Minister Radulovic meets with MEPs in Brussels (Gov. Press service


Minister of Foreign Affairs Djordje Radulovic met with Member of the European Parliament and Vice-Chair of Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) Zeljana Zovko in Brussels. Montenegro has shown exceptional readiness for reforms. Its foreign policy is consistent and fully harmonized with the EU's foreign and security policy, said Radulovic. Assessing that the revised accession methodology could, on the one hand, strengthen the political dimension of the negotiations, and play an important role in accelerating the process and dynamics of fulfillment of obligations, he pointed out measurable results achieved in the previous period, and that Montenegro is already making progress in the field of corruption and organized crime. In that context, he emphasized that we are interpreting the Report of the European Commission as guidelines and incentives for the continuation of reforms. Also, Minister Radulovic pointed out Montenegro's strong commitment to minority rights, emphasizing that the Government will additionally work on their improvement. Zovko said that the enlargement policy is an indispensable part of the EU agenda. In that sense, she encouraged Montenegro to implement reforms that lead to full EU membership. In addition, she pointed out the importance of preserving minority rights and freedoms as one of the foundations in the EU. The meeting with the MEP and the European Parliament's Rapporteur for Kosovo Viola von Cramon pointed out the importance of maintaining a dialogue between the EU and the countries of the Western Balkans in order to achieve the goals from the European agenda. At the same time, the readiness of the Government of Montenegro to work even harder on the fight against organized crime and corruption was reiterated. Viola von Cramon pointed out that Montenegro's future is undoubtedly in the EU, but in order to become a member, Montenegro must intensify the fight against organized crime and corruption. Only a state that is determined to tackle all forms of corruption, especially the one at the political level, can become a member of the EU, she emphasized.


Djukanovic: I believe we’ll be first next EU member (CdM


I believe that Montenegro will be the first next member of the European Union, said the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic after the meeting with the President of Poland Andrzej Duda, who is on an official visit to Montenegro. Duda said that it is quite natural for Montenegro to join the EU. “This is the first visit of the President of Poland to Montenegro since the restoration of independence, which gives the visit additional significance. Our relations are very friendly, the cooperation is very open and fruitful. Montenegro is grateful for the understanding of our Euro-Atlantic integration,” said Djukanovic. According to Djukanovic, Montenegro is grateful that Warsaw understands the importance of European stability, in terms of continuing the enlargement policy. “Montenegro is a country that is ahead of other countries aspiring to join the EU. That is why I believe that Montenegro will be the first next member of the European Union. It is important that we are firm in the belief that there is a sign of equality between the stability of our region and integration. We believe that the path to more reliable stability is the path of adopting European values. That is why we insist on that policy,” Djukanovic pointed out. He talked to Duda about the regional aspect and they reached a high degree of agreement. Poland is interested in continuing cooperation in the fields of economy, defense, education… “Our relations are good, and the potential for their improvement is very inspiring,” Djukanovic added. Duda said that Poland absolutely supports Montenegro’s EU integration. Djukanovic stressed that there is a fear of Russian hybrid action. “It is not precise enough to say that there is a fear of hybrid Russian action in the Western Balkans. We have been living this for at least six years. The goal of Russia’s hybrid influence is to thwart the EU and NATO integration of the Western Balkan countries. Over time, that pressure increased, as did the repertoire. That front has been strengthened in the meantime, so it is supported by certain influential institutions in the region itself. Montenegro was the first in that coup and it resisted that pressure,” said Djukanovic, recalling the coup attempt. “The first visit of Poland at the highest presidential level in Montenegro is a strong confirmation of excellent and allied relations between our countries and continued support of Poland to the key strategic goal of Montenegro – full membership in the EU,” Djukanovic tweeted.


Djukanovic: We’ll support every initiative for government removal; goal is not for it to be launched, but to be successful (CdM


The Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) will support any initiative for the removal of the current government, says DPS leader and President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic.

“It is clear to you that we will support any initiative for its removal, it is clear to you that it should have been done yesterday, and not a few days later. When will such an initiative be processed formally? Just like you, yesterday I heard the announcement of one oppositionist. Our goal is not just to launch an initiative, our goal is for that initiative to succeed. That is why we will additionally design the initiative in the coming days,” says Djukanovic, answering the questions of journalists in Cetinje.


Lorer: 14 December unrealistic date as deadline for resolving dispute between Sofia and Skopje (Republika/BTV/Tribuna


Daniel Lorer from the winning party in the elections in Bulgaria “We continue the change” in a telephone statement to BTV radio said that the date of 14 December is unrealistic as a deadline for finding a solution to the dispute between Bulgaria and Macedonia, reports Tribuna. He underlined that the rights of the Macedonian Bulgarians are of paramount importance for Bulgaria and announced a meeting with their representatives. Both sides have understanding for the respect of the rights of the Macedonian Bulgarians. We are facing negotiations in which we will state our positions based on the facts, and not on speculations, if those rights were violated. We will talk to the representatives of the Macedonian Bulgarians to build a common position with which we will move forward together, Lorer said.


Brussels should not play with feelings of citizens, there should be a date for negotiations (Republika/Telma TV


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski in an interview on the Telma TV, commenting on the statements on obtaining a possible date for the start of negotiations with the European Union in December, as well as the statements of Nikola Dimitrov on obtaining a date in January, said that he insists on getting a date to happen in December because the citizens of Macedonia deserve to get that long-awaited date, emphasizing that Brussels should not play with the feelings of the citizens. “It cannot be in January. It may be in December and I insist it be in December because the people and citizens of Macedonia, regardless of Macedonians, Albanians, Turks, Vlacs, Serbs, Bosniaks, etc., have done enough in the past 30 years to get that desired and deserved date, and we deserve, as a people, as citizens, to start this process. Because if someone continuously plays with the feelings of this people, the citizens of Macedonia, then we will always find some way to obstruct it. But I think that this time it is necessary for Europe to finally stand behind the interests of this people, who many times in the past stood behind the interests of Europe and European values ​​and to give that long-awaited date for the start of negotiations. Then let them leave us to equip ourselves, to start negotiations with the European Union because we deserve it,” Mickoski emphasized.


Draghi: We fully support the EU integration of Albania (Radio Tirana


The Prime Minister of Italy Mario Draghi stated that Italy is close to Albania in every inch of its foreign policy regarding Albania's entry into the European Union. At the joint press conference at the Palazzo Chigi in Rome with Prime Minister Edi Rama during his official visit, Italian Prime Minister Draghi said that Italy will give full support to Albania. The process of Albania's entry into the EU would not only happen, but also considering the entry of other Balkan countries. "The cooperation regarding the judiciary is also going very well. "There are various initiatives on which the two countries will work and this afternoon Prime Minister Rama will sign at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the participation in the Joint Economic Committee between Italy and Albania," underlined Draghi. Thanking Rama for the extraordinary signal of solidarity and closeness that he and Albania have given to Italy during the darkest period of the pandemic, Draghi said that the relationship between Italy and Albania does not need many words, it is very ancient and strong, a successful relationship that does not need much words, but only reinforcements. According to him, the Italian and Albanian communities in Italy are very large and very well integrated. "Albanian students are many and attend our universities with great benefit," declared Draghi.  Emphasizing the economic development, the Italian Prime Minister said that "Italian enterprises in Albania are really many, there are thousands like those with only Italian ownership and those with joint ownership". "Cooperation with Albania is exercised in the field of agriculture, tourism and now also in that of ecological transitions," added Draghi.


Foreign Minister of Italy, Di Maio: Albania a close partner of Italy (Radio Tirana


In a joint statement with Prime Minister Edi Rama, Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio confirmed support for Albania's path to EU integration. "I confirm our support for Albania and the Albanian people on the road to the EU. We support the opening of negotiations. The exchange we had today in the committee has been very fruitful, now we have the objective to realize the ideas in the coming months. We support the opening of membership negotiations before the end of the year. "This would send a message of confidence to the entire Balkan region." Di Maio stated that in the coming months will be concretized commitments in all sectors and specifically in infrastructure and ecological transition. According to him, Italy is the first supplier of Albania. "The exchange we had today in the committee has been fruitful. We have an objective to have operational ideas in the coming months and today we agreed on an action plan for all the commitments we have undertaken in all sectors, infrastructure and ecological transition. Italy is the first client of Albania, this makes us proud. The topic of the ecological transition and the intervention made by Italy, the presence in the Albanian market and the perspective through the interconnection line Albania-Montenegro lead us in this direction. "Italy and Albania can have a leadership plan in the region."