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Belgrade Media Report 23 November


Vucic accuses international community of hypocrisy (Beta/RTS/Tanjug/Politika)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic accused on Monday the international community of hypocrisy in its attitudes to Belgrade, asking European Parliament member Viola von Cramon why she had not reacted to the recent statements by the premier of Kosovo about creating a Greater Albania, as she voices an opinion on everything related to Serbia. "There's no issue related to Serbia that she hasn't voiced an opinion on... But she wouldn't think to criticize the Greater Albanian leanings and statements of Albin Kurti. That speaks to the extent of their lack of good intentions toward Serbia," Vucic said in Novi Sad after the groundbreaking on the railway to Kelebija. He said he had initially not reacted to Kurti's statements on the possibility for unification of Kosovo and Albania because he wanted to see if anyone else would. "I asked an ambassador I met what would happen if I made a similar statement about unification with another territory. Would they string me up in Washington, New York, Paris, Brussels, Berlin and would all media worldwide be abuzz about it and Greater Serbian hegemony? But Greater Albanian hegemony doesn't cause them fear and apprehension," he said. He added that Belgrade had a ready answer to any attempts Pristina might make to secure recognition from new nations or membership in international organizations. "I'm waiting for them to show the first country that will recognize them or sign a document seeking to enter an international organization. On that day they will get several postcards from Belgrade and other countries across the globe that will say whom they are recognizing and whom they do not," Vucic said.

Vucic nearly absolutely certain Spain will not change stance on Kosovo (Tanjug/Politika)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Monday said he was nearly absolutely certain that Spain, which does not recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, would not change its stance on the matter. “I am not someone who is in the Spanish government. I recently spoke with Prime Minister Sanchez in Glasgow and previously also with their king and I know our Spanish friends, I know how firm the Prime Minister is (on the issue), and I am certain they will not change their stance on Kosovo,” Vucic told reporters in Novi Sad. Asked by Tanjug whether a potential opening of a Spanish commercial office in Kosovo would lead to a change in Madrid’s position regarding Serbia’s southern province, Vucic responded that this was not realistic and not possible and that he was nearly absolutely certain Spain will remain firm in its respect of international public law, international legislation and norms prescribed by the UN.

Vucic: Relations with Holy See based on mutual respect, trust (Tanjug/Politika)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Monday received Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, the Secretary for Relations with States of the Holy See. Vucic said Serbia's relations with the Holy See were based on true mutual respect and trust and that Serbia had a commitment to advance them over the long term. He thanked the Holy See for the significance it attached to the relations with Serbia and for respecting Serbia's territorial integrity through its principled position of non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo. The president recalled a visit to the Vatican and the wise words of Pope Francis that convinced him that Serbia and the Holy See maintain identical positions on many significant regional and international issues. Vucic presented his views on the situation in the region and Gallagher said the Vatican had noticed the extent to which Vucic's work and statements were contributing to regional peace and stability. He said the region remained a priority for the Holy See and that the challenges the region was facing were clear to it. The parties also discussed what the Republic of Serbia can do for the Roman Catholic Church in the country, in particular in the process of property restitution, the presidential press office said in a statement.

Brnabic: Serbia committed to improving relations with Holy See (Tanjug/Politika)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic talked on Monday with Secretary of the Holy See for Relations with States Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher about bilateral relations, European integration of Serbia, and cooperation in the region. Brnabic pointed out that Serbia is committed to improving relations with the Holy See, recalling that the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations was marked last year. Serbia highly respects the interest and support of the Holy See in the region of the Western Balkans, she said and added that it is of key interest to achieve the most intensive cooperation in all areas. Stating that the European perspective is important for the stability and prosperity of the region, Archbishop Gallagher stated that the Holy See strongly supports the reforms that Serbia is implementing in the process of European integration. The Secretary of the Holy See pointed out that he is firmly committed to the preservation and protection of churches and monasteries in Kosovo and Metohija, which represent a strong historical and spiritual value for Serbia. Brnabic expressed gratitude for the support for Serbia's European integration and the principled position of the Holy See on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, based on respect for international law. Expressing concern over the endangerment of Serbian monasteries in Kosovo and Metohija, Brnabic stated that the monastery of Visoki Decani, which is also a monument of great historical importance not only for Serbia but also for European cultural heritage, is included in the list of one of the most endangered cultural heritage sites in Europe in 2021. She underlined that Serbia and the Holy See have the same attitudes towards universal issues of peace and security, human rights and environmental protection, and that these are important bases for further improvement of cooperation.

Gratitude to the Holy See for principled support on the Kosovo issue (Tanjug/Politika/RTS/RTV)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic stated on Monday that the bilateral relations between Serbia and the Holy See are stable and good and underlined that our country is determined to continue to cherish and improve overall relations with the Vatican in the spirit of dialogue and understanding. After the meeting with Archbishop Paul Gallagher, Secretary of the Holy See for Relations with States, who is on an official visit to Serbia, Selakovic expressed satisfaction with the intensification of stable and constructive bilateral relations between Serbia and the Holy See.

He added that Serbia and the Holy See are characterized by similar positions in a significant number of issues of international importance, such as the protection of Christian heritage and the promotion of Christian human rights, the issue of refugees and migrants, but also the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Selakovic expressed gratitude to Gallagher for the support that the Holy See provides to Serbia in the process of European integration and for its principled support on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, as well as for a serious approach in understanding the complex regional circumstances which the Western Balkans are facing, but the wider region too. The meeting also looked at the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina with the mediation of the EU, the problems we are facing in that process, as well as the endangerment of the Serbian religious, cultural and historical heritage in Kosovo and Metohija. Selakovic informed his interlocutor about the data that from 1999 until today, more than 150 Christian Orthodox churches and monasteries have been destroyed, devastated and desecrated in Kosovo and Metohija, and 256 Serbian cemeteries have been desecrated, of which 50 have been completely destroyed. Archbishop Gallagher said that the relations between Serbia and the Holy See are good, and that today's visit is an opportunity for the two sides to express their intention to further develop relations in the areas of mutual interest. He thanked for the respect our country has for the Holy See and the Catholic Church in Serbia. He recalled that the good relations between Serbia and the Holy See were confirmed by the signing of an agreement on cooperation in the field of education in 2014.

Vulin: Kosovo won’t be admitted to Interpol (Beta)

Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin said on Tuesday that he received confirmation that Kosovo's possible membership in Interpol will not be discussed at that organization’s General Assembly. Interpol is holding its 89th General Assembly session in Istanbul on 23-25 November. “The agenda has been adopted, the false state of Kosovo has not applied for membership in Interpol at the annual session of the General Assembly in Istanbul,” Vulin said in a press release. He said that the Interior and Foreign Ministries invested serious effort, visiting dozens of countries to inform their government about what he called the real circumstances about Kosovo.

Dacic: Law on referendum must be adopted now (RTS)

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic has told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that the Law on referendum will be on the agenda on Thursday. Serbian MPs are beginning today the debate on the draft budget for 2022. Part of the public is criticizing that there had been no public debate on this law and the question is why there is such a hurry for this.

“Because we have to adopt it now, because we can’t make constitutional changes. All these years, no referendum has been considered and that has not been a priority for anyone, since 2006, when that basic condition for the success of the referendum was changed, and that is that it is not necessary for more than 50 percent to turn out, but it is necessary for the majority of those who turned out to vote,” he explained. He pointed out that Serbia is in the process of constitutional changes, in the part of the constitution that concerns the judiciary. “This means that the election of all judges and prosecutors in the next period will be in the hands of court bodies, i.e. judicial bodies,” he says. As he announced, already next week, the draft text of the constitutional amendments will be on the agenda of the parliament. “If the law on the referendum is passed, then a referendum will be called for 16 January in order to get everything done in this convocation,” Dacic explained. “The referendum law comes into force immediately, because there is no time to lose. The position of the Venice Commission was awaited. We had very dynamic communication with the Venice Commission for the first time. We received a positive opinion on both the text of the amendment and the referendum law,” he said. He added that the Republic Election Commission must be formed, which will conduct the referendum and in which he must propose additional six members and six deputies from the ranks of the opposition, since they are the same bodies that will conduct the elections and the referendum.

I am certain that Pristina doesn’t even know who recognized them

Dacic also commented on the statement of the Prime Minister of the provisional institutions in Pristina Albin Kurti, who said yesterday in Vienna that Austria must help Pristina regarding five EU countries that have not recognized the self-declared independence of Kosovo and Metohija.

Dacic assessed that they are “complete outsiders”. “As things stand now, no one, not even Albania, believes in their good intentions, their intelligence, and the desire for peace in general. There are constant conflicts between them, attacks on Rama because of relations with Vucic, because of the Open Balkans,” said Dacic. He stated that there are more countries in the world that support Serbia’s position than those that have recognized self-declared independence. “We stick to negotiations, we stick to dialogue, we always have ready solutions. I am sure that at this moment, these people from Pristina do not even know who recognized them  and who withdrew recognition,” Dacic concluded.



Iancu sends letter to Tegeltija demanding urgent meeting with B&H Fiscal Council (FTV


The Head of the IMF Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Alina Iancu has sent a letter to B&H Council of Ministers Chairman Zoran Tegeltija demanding an urgent meeting with the Fiscal Council of B&H in order to discuss the implications of the Republika Srpska (RS)' withdrawal from the B&H Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA). The letter, which was sent on November 12, reads: “We are very concerned about the plans of the RS authorities not only because the ITA is the most important source of incomes for the RS, Federation of B&H (FB&H) and Brcko District.” It was further stated that the IMF would like to talk how timely servicing of the B&H foreign debt will be secured “including the debt towards the IMF, in case of dismantling the ITA or in case that the ITA is deprived of VAT payment”. “Leaving aside the legal issue that we are not in position to speak about, our opinion is that withdrawal of the RS from the ITA would have huge economic consequences for all.” The same letter was sent to Prime Ministers of the FB&H and the RS, entities’ and B&H Ministries of Finance, Governor of B&H Central Bank and Mayor of Brcko District.

Turkovic meets with OSCE Secretary General Schmid: Blockade of progress and arbitrary interpretation of DPA in B&H have raised concerns (FTV


B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic met with Secretary General of the OSCE Helga Maria Schmid in Sarajevo on Monday. The main topic of the meeting between Turkovic and Schmid was the current political situation in B&H. Turkovic and Schmid agreed that the B&H institutions have to work in full capacity so that it is possible to implement reforms.

"There is a high degree of concern about the destabilization of the situation both in B&H and in the region as a whole. The blockade of progress and arbitrary interpretation of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) in B&H have raised concerns in the wider international community," Turkovic told a press conference following her meeting with the OSCE Secretary General.

Schmid said that her message is clear. "Stop the rhetoric of divisions, engage in the implementation of the necessary reforms in the interest of all citizens of this country and make a step forward in the reform of the electoral process," Schmid emphasized. Turkovic stated that reform of the Election Law of B&H cannot be justification to block all other reform processes. She underlined that reforms conducted over last 26 years led B&H one step away from being the EU candidate country. Turkovic emphasized that they expect the international community will efficiently stop attempts of dissolution and enable continuation of positive processes in B&H.

Schmid stressed that adoption of amendments to the Election Law of B&H is important precondition to harmonize this law with international standards, but also to restore trust of citizens to electoral process. Schmid stated that it is important that B&H institutions again work in full capacity, because citizens of B&H pay high price of internal instability and economic stagnation. Turkovic said that they expect the international community, including the OSCE, to use mechanisms to efficiently stop he attempt of the dissolution of B&H. Schmid assessed the meeting with Turkovic as successful and said that they discussed the current political situation as well.

Schmidt meets US National Security Advisor Sullivan; Sullivan expresses US support to HR and mandate to oversee civilian implementation of DPA (Dnevi avaz


High Representative Christian Schmidt met with Jake Sullivan, US National Security Advisor to President Joe Biden. The statement issued by the White House reads that Sullivan underscored US strong support to the High Representative, his office and its mandate to oversee civilian implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement. The statement reads that Sullivan and Schmidt emphasized their shared commitment to B&H’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. “They discussed the importance of functioning institutions to deliver services, ensure stability and the rule of law, and provide the basis for peace and economic opportunity for all the people of B&H. They also agreed on the need to counter corruption and support civil society,” reads the statement.

OHR forming working group of experts to assist in drafting law on management and use of state property in B&H (FTV


The Office of the High Representative (OHR) is forming a working group of experts to assist in drafting the law on management and use of state property in B&H. The working group of experts will draft the proposal of law on state property, while it will be up to the B&H institutions to adopt the law and thus fill this "Dayton gap", which has been creating problems for years. Expert on state property Muharem Cero stressed that this should be a broader working group in which domestic and foreign experts would participate. "But the bearer of all activities should be the institutions of B&H, the institutions of the entities, so that they could, through joint work, get closer to finding a solution," Cero underlined. FTV reminded that the issue of state property has not been resolved since the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). In 2005, the international community imposed a protective measure banning the disposal with state property in B&H, and a working group was formed, but the Constitution was not changed. However, in 2010, the RS parliament passed the Law on the Status of State Property, by which all property on the territory of the RS is owned by the RS. The then High Representative Valentin Inzko issued an order suspending the law passed by the RSNA, and in 2012, the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H ruled that the property of the former Socialist Republic of B&H belongs to the state of B&H. The RS has rejected the decisions of the B&H CC. Following the September decision of the B&H CC that forests on the territory of the RS are owned by the state of B&H, a message was sent from the RS that the 2005 decision must be changed and that the RS owns the land within its territory.

Dodik: OHR does not exist as legal category (ATV


Commenting on announcements from the OHR and Christian Schmidt about the formation of a team of experts for a law on the protection and the way of use of the B&H state property, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik has said that it is again their game and that the OHR as a legal category does not exist. “There is only a High Representative, who is not there, so this is yet another of their games. If Schmidt declares himself a humanitarian, sent there by a group of countries, we may talk to him” said Dodik. He added that the OHR turned into a monster which devalued the entire Dayton Agreement. “This is the stance of the RS about them. The one who stirred everything up, should resolve it. We have no intentions to appear in the B&H Parliament or discuss this,” said Dodik. He added that delusion cannot be a serious policy and always ends up in a crash, which is how the policy of the OHR and of the international community in B&H is ending now. "I have no idea what they intend to do, but we certainly maintain that the High Representative has not been appointed by the relevant Security Council resolution and as such does not exist here in B&H," Dodik emphasized.

Dodik, Kalabukhov, Jefrem visit construction site of Serb-Russian church; Dodik: Big and powerful Russia, which witnessed signing of DPA, is still here to ensure its implementation (ATV


Serb member of the B&H Presidency, Milorad Dodik, Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov and His Grace Bishop of Banja Luka Jefrem paid a visit on Monday to the construction site of the Serb-Russian church in Banja Luka. The Serb-Russian church is important for the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC). That is why the RS government will do everything to complete the works in the optimal time, Dodik emphasized. “A Serb-Russian Orthodox center is being built here, and the temple is a replica of a church that was once built in the Kremlin in Moscow. I am glad to see that the construction is going well and we intend to send everything necessary for the works to be completed in the optimal time,” Dodik told reporters while visiting the construction site. Dodik thanked the Russian Orthodox Church, which provided the project of the church from the Kremlin for free. “This church will be built according to the original project and that is why the preparations took so long. I believe that now the construction part will go smoothly. All necessary material was obtained and delivered,” Dodik added. Kalabukhov pointed out that he was extremely pleased to be in Banja Luka on Monday, when the Days of Russian Spiritual Culture begin in B&H. “I am extremely grateful to the RS government and Bishop Jefrem of Banja Luka for the decision to build this temple, and I think that we will now be even more connected when we have a part of old Moscow in the center of Banja Luka” the Ambassador said. Kalabukhov said that they are working on connecting the Serb and the Russian people and developing the economy, but that life cannot be built without faith and spirituality. The Serb-Russian church and spiritual-cultural center in Banja Luka are being built in honor of the Romanov family, and the former Temple of the Miracles of the Archangel Michael, built in 1358, which was located in the Kremlin and was destroyed after the October Revolution, was chosen as the prototype of the future temple. Dodik stressed that the fact that the Russian Federation remains committed to preservation of peace in B&H 26 years after the DPA was signed proves that Russia is a loyal partner for the RS not only on economic plan. Dodik reminded that this was also proven by Russia’s move in the UN Security Council (UNSC) to accept and publish the RS’ report submitted with the UNSC. He again announced that he plans an important trip to talk about return of the RS' competence, but he did not specify where he will travel.  Dodik stated that the RS is developing good partnership with the Russian Federation. Dodik added that “big and powerful Russia”, which witnessed the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), is still here to ensure its implementation. Dodik emphasized that frequent meetings with Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov and Russian President Vladimir Putin also testify to the good relations between the RS and Russia. “We are grateful to the Russian Federation for its engagement in B&H, via its Ambassador, as well as for everything they are willing to do in the UN Security Council, accepting our report which is completely different from the things that the High Representative writes,” Dodik underlined. Dodik noted that the RS is cooperating with the Russian Federation. “We are small partners for the Russian Federation, very small, but attention that they give to the RS is not small,” Dodik pointed out. Kalabukhov stressed that Russia received consent for the opening of the office of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Banja Luka.

Vucic denies that he and Dodik will travel to Russia together (ATV


President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic told reporters that he will meet Milorad Dodik, maybe on early morning of Tuesday, or Wednesday, ahead of his visit to Sochi. Their meeting would be organized in Belgrade. On Thursday, 25 November, Vucic is expected to meet Russian President, Vladimir Putin, in Sochi. They will discuss further deliveries and transport of Russian gas to Serbia. They should also touch upon the current situation in the region, focusing on the matters in Kosovo and in B&H. While addressing members of the press, Vucic said he will meet Dodik in the coming days, and they will hold a short meeting ahead of his visit to Russia. Asked by journalists if he and Dodik will travel to Russia together, Vucic answered: “We have no such plans. Whether he will later on travel on his own, I do not know, that is his thing, and he represents another country.” Vucic emphasized that they are most certainly not travelling to Russia together. Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic stated on Monday that energy sources will not be the main topic at the meeting between Vucic and Putin, but that they will discuss Kosovo and pressures on the RS as well. Head of the RS Representation Office in Russia Dusko Perovic told the daily that all meetings at which real goals of the RS will be presented are important and he argued that the RS openly said that “it is not going anywhere but is only fighting for what international laws gave to it”. Perovic noted that the RS only wants to have a guaranteed position within Dayton B&H and Russia insists international laws to be respected “and not daily politics and stances that are opposite to it”. Advisor from the Institute for International Policy and Economy from Belgrade Dragan Petrovic said that several sources already reported on topics that will be discussed by Vucic and Putin and he reminded that, apart from B&H and RS, the topics will also be the status of Kosovo, economic cooperation between Serbia and Russia and armament. “Russia is monitoring the situation in a positive way because not all signatories treat this Agreement in the same way. United Kingdom and USA advocate changes to the detriment of the RS. France is not showing much interest while Germany, which had several High Representatives, is oscillating but it is usually not much inclined towards the RS. Russia advocates preservation of the original Dayton and it is refreshing to see a stronger influence of China, whose stances are similar to Russia’s,” Petrovic concluded.

Opposition leaders still have not responded to Dodik’s invitation to meet and discuss restoration of competences (Nezavisne


Leaders of the RS opposition parties still have not responded to Milorad Dodik who invited them to a meeting on restoration of RS’s competences. The daily reminds that the EU and US officials have threatened all RS politicians with sanctions if they support the transfer of competences, and notes that it is still unknown how the opposition parties are going to act. According to unofficial sources, EU and US diplomats are pressing local politicians to find a solution for the amendments to B&H Criminal Code prohibiting genocide denial, and in return, the RS representatives will return to the state institutions. An unnamed Western diplomat told the daily that the special session of the RS parliament on restoration of RS’s competences will be cancelled, and that the opposition leaders are expected to display a responsible attitude to this situation and not gloat. Opposition leaders were not available for a comment. Head of SDS RS Caucus Miladin Stanic stated that he supports Dodik’s idea to meet and talk, and he also believes that party leaders should reconsider the special session of the RS parliament in light of the most recent developments. Asked if he expects sanctions against RS politicians, Stanic said that SDS is against any sanctions against anyone as a matter of principle. He noted that for SDS, amendments to B&H Criminal Code prohibiting genocide denial are unacceptable, as well as recent decisions of B&H Constitutional Code. Stanic underlined that SDS agrees with the ruling coalition that competences of the RS must be restored, but SDS does not agree with the methods of the ruling coalition. Head of PDP Caucus Perica Bundalo stated that PDP Presidency will decide on possible meeting with Dodik. RS parliament deputy speaker Milan Petkovic (’United Srpska’) stated that RS parties need to talk. He confirmed that there is no news about possible date for the special session of the RS parliament.

Izetbegovic at public forum in Brussels: B&H has sent too many its warriors all over the world (Dnevni list


Addressing a public forum in Brussels on the occasion of 25 November, the Statehood Day of B&H, SDA leader and deputy speaker of the B&H House of Peoples Bakir Izetbegovic said that B&H is a source of life and that B&H has sent too many its warriors all over the world. “We will never wage wars for anyone, except for B&H. You should know that we will always be strong enough to defend it” added Izetbegovic. The SDA leader further said that the SNSD President and his policy have caused the situation in B&H reach a boiling point and dangerously threat peace, stressing that there can be no more two armies, two border polices in B&H anymore. According to Izetbegovic, there will be no new conflicts in B&H, however everyone must do their job, including the international community and the state institutions. The SDA leader went on to say that each people in B&H will have the right to defend their vital national interest and that important meetings will take place next week when things will be decided. “What I can promise to you is that there will be no giving in. If they want to get some things, they will have to give something,” said Izetbegovic. Izetbegovic mentioned changes to the Law on Elections of B&H and election legislation and he said, among other things, that “room will have to be created in houses of peoples for 60% of pro-Bosnian forces”. Independent representative in the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H Damir Arnaut said that “pro-Bosnian forces” are those who would never hand over the control in the House of Peoples to SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic “which automatically eliminates Mr. Izetbegovic”. Arnaut argued that Izetbegovic is calling to strengthening of ranks on ethnic grounds, which has nothing to do with patriotism. Arnaut also claimed that the easiest way to stop the abuse of the House of Peoples would be by turning the Parliament into a single-house parliament, where caucuses would be in charge of protection of vital national interests but they would not be able to block laws which reduce privileges, abolish severance payments etc. “Of course, this would be in the interest of Croat people, but HDZ B&H counts on SDA to deliver them additional mechanisms of blockade so that their future leaders, just like the current ones, can reach retirement preconditions while sitting in the parliament and gain the right to severance payment amounting to BAM 30,000. At the same time, they would not make a single step towards the EU and they would sell all of this as the supreme form of patriotism,” Arnaut concluded. MP Zukan Helez (SDP B&H) said that “if Izetbegovic thinks pro-Bosniak equals pro-Bosnian, then this is not it”. Helez argued that everyone who loves B&H is welcome to the bloc and he added: “As for the houses of peoples, I know that Bakir Izetbegovic and SDA cannot do much about it because their lists are single-ethnic.” Helez argued that SDP B&H and other multiethnic parties are the most competent in this matter because their lists include candidates from all three constituent people and Others. Dzenan Djonlagic (DF) assessed that it is possible to secure 60% of pro-Bosnian forces, but he argued that it is necessary to define a strategic goal: “In my opinion, this is an interest above parties. This should be a matter of strategic interest for functioning and strengthening of institutions.” Djonlagic explained that it is necessary to prevent any political party, primarily SNSD and HDZ B&H, to block the work of B&H institutions. Political analyst Tanja Topic said that this is a very interesting issue, knowing that SDA gave an additional vote in the House of Peoples of B&H and “wind in the back of SNSD”. Topic added that the practice showed that single-ethnic parties function perfectly when it comes to formation of authorities, distribution of posts and mutual support in campaigns. Topic added that it is very hypocritical to have someone asking others to act as pro-Bosnian forces “while that someone always functions only in line with ethnic-national principle”. Topic concluded by saying that the election campaign has already started so all statements must be viewed in this context.

Dodik criticizes Izetbegovic’s statement that B&H citizens were one people a few centuries ago (ATV


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stated that B&H citizens were one people, “good Bosniaks” a few centuries ago, and that nations were formed in the 19th and 20th century. Commenting on this statement, SNSD leader Milorad Dodik has stated that Izetbegovic has moved his schemes and lack of seriousness from the area of politics to the area of history. Dodik said: “During the last few days we have been listening to the lectures of the one whose family members were good Serbs, but not because Milorad Dodik claims this, but because Izetbegovics used to declare themselves like that. We do not know when he became a good Bosniak from a good Serb just as we do not know where Bakir Izetbegovic receives such history phantasies from.” Dodik sent the message to Izetbegovic that Serbs are an autochthon people on the territories of both B&H for centuries and there are historical sources about this accessible to all. Dodik concluded: “If the situation in B&H has been less burdened with serious problems and tough topics, that history unfortunately also often dictates, this history calls by Izetbegovic would serve to make jokes at moments of idleness.” Dodik called Izetbegovic’s statement a “simple prank” and something that should not be taken seriously. “It is not enough for them to desecrate Dayton (Agreement), but now history as well” says Dodik. This is not only a lie, but also a great insult for all of us, and Izetbegovic is best proven wrong by the fact that only the Diocese of Zahumlje-Herzegovina is celebrating 800 years of existence this year, says Dodik. As he says, “a lie is not an incidental thing to them, but everything they say in a political sense is false”. Dodik concluded by saying Izetbegovic’s statement is not based on historical facts, and the SDA leader probably talks in this manner only to reach his voters in B&H and Diaspora.

‘United Srpska’ believe that Izetbegovic’s behavior is just continuation of implementation of SDA’s ‘Islamic Declaration’; Other reactions (ATV


Members of ‘United Srpska’ believe that SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic’s behavior is just continuation of implementation of SDA’s ‘Islamic Declaration’, which was initiated in the time when late Alija Izetbegovic was at the head of the party. ‘United Srpska’ members say that current SDA members are just changing ways in which they wish to implement this document. They have their myths, we have science and history, says ‘United Srpska’ Vice President Sinisa Vidovic. Vidovic called Bakir Izetbegovic’s behavior “pure stupidity”, proposing for B&H politicians to “besides taking drug tests, to also visit physiatrists”. Certain members of the RS opposition parties believe Bakir Izetbegovic is having a crisis of identity. That does not mean he can change historical facts, says DNS leader Nenad Nesic. President of the Associations of Serbs in the Region Miodrag Linta stated that Izetbegovic is presenting lies and spreading hatred against Serbs in order to achieve his father’s goal of B&H without Serbs. Linta noted that Izetbegovic family descends from a Serb who converted to Islam and whose surname was Zivkovic. Nesic stated that Izetbegovic suffers from an identity crisis and that he needs to learn that he is not B&H. Nesic also underlined that Serbs are not aggressors, and that the Dayton Peace Agreement defined the las war as a tragic civil conflict and not aggression.

Croatian Embassy: Izetbegovic presented numerous unacceptable thesis (ATV


The Croatian Embassy in B&H said that SDA leader, Bakir Izetbegovic, presented numerous unacceptable thesis at the tribunes in Germany last weekend, calling into question the national identity of the constituent peoples in B&H. “The B&H Constitution is based on historical experience and contemporary reality, and clearly recognizes the three constituent peoples in B&H,” the statement emphasizes. The statement says that “politicization and tendentious extraction from the historical context, as well as daily political abuse of historical terms, are part of a recurring political plan aimed at identity dissolution and rough assimilation of the identity of constituent peoples, especially Croats as the least numerous constituent people in B&H”.


HNS criticizes Izetbegovic’s statements, saying that he made warmongering statements and denied war crimes of B&H Army, continuing to promote B&H as SDA’s bey-land (Vecernji list


Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) fiercely condemned the statements of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic who denied that B&H Army committed crimes during the war, denied that Serbs and Croats lived in B&H, arguing that those were ‘Bosnjani’ and that pro-Bosnian parties have to have majority in House of Peoples after implementation of electoral reform. The daily reads that the talks on electoral reform should have continued last week, but they were postponed for the end of November because of Izetbegovic’s tour in Germany, Austria and Belgium, during which “he made several inflammatory statements”. “If these statements are an attempt of strengthening of some negotiating position- we underline that blackmails are not something that can intimidate the unity of Croat people.  If this is a pre-election, mythomaniac gathering- then by all means, do continue to deceive your own people” stated HNS. HNS deems that Izetbegovic falsified the history, made warmongering statements and denied war crimes of B&H Army, continuing to promote B&H as SDA’s bey-land.  HNS underlined that such statements, made in multi-ethnic society, only deepen divisions and lead society in additional insecurity. The statement reads that legitimate representation of constituent peoples is not something that can be given or not to someone, but is an obligation confirmed in all judgements of European Court of Human Rights and Constitutional Court of B&H.

Ljubic: Problem in B&H is disrespect for principle of constituent peoples (HRT1


The political crisis in B&H is not subsiding but is intensifying, noted the presenter. All parties in B&H remain firm in their positions, especially when it comes to changes to B&H Election Law. Although many expect the US and the EU to resolve the political crisis in B&H, the US diplomats Derek Chollet and Matthew Palmer continue to seek an agreement between the political leaders of the three constituent peoples in B&H. According to many, key negotiations should take place at the end of November. President of the Main Council of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) Bozo Ljubic stated: “We are on the threshold of decisive negotiations on amending the Election Law and I believe that the outcome of these talks, positive or negative, could determine the future, functionality and even the sustainability of B&H”. In his letter to US and European diplomats, Ljubic cites the reasons for the failure of reforms in B&H due to, as he said, disrespect for the principle of the status of constituent peoples as the basis of B&H's constitutional provisions. “For a long time now, two extreme, essentially hegemonic projects have been on the scene in B&H - on the one hand a unitarian project on the part of political Sarajevo, on the other hand separatist on the part of Banja Luka,” said Ljubic. The Serb member of the B& Presidency Milorad Dodik claimed: “The RS does not have any plan for the secession of RS, as they want to attribute to us, but in RS it is talked about, as it is talked about in B&H and the whole region.” The sanctions are being talked about more and more loudly, commented the reporter. The US pressure on B&H politicians to find a solution to the Election Law changes is growing, while Germany is advocating sanctions against Dodik in Brussels. Two decades ago, the international community imposed laws and passed solutions in B&H, said Sarajevo political analyst Adnan Huskic. After a long time, as Huskic said, this is a serious attempt by the US and the EU to resolve the crisis in B&H. “For the past ten years, various diplomatic initiatives have been tried here, so I often say about B&H that it is not only a cemetery of diplomats, but also a cemetery of especially diplomatic initiatives, i.e. the people who wanted to have their legacy of something they did in B&H,” stated Huskic. What legacy the current US-EU diplomatic offensive in B&H will leave will be clearer by the end of 2021, concluded the reporter.

Plaque commemorating Croatia and Slovenia's cooperation in 1990s war unveiled (Hina

The scars and traces of the 1990s war and Slobodan Milosevic's insane policy are felt even today, Croatian PM Andrej Plenkovic said in Slovenia on Monday, at the unveiling of a memorial to the cooperation of the governments of the two countries at the time of their struggle for independence. The memorial plaque in Otocec Ob Krki was unveiled by the two countries' current prime ministers, Janez Jansa and Plenkovic, and their prime ministers of 30 years ago, Franjo Greguric of Croatia and Alojz Peterle of Slovenia. "We remember all the horrors that happened during the Great Serbian aggression of the Milosevic regime, and the crucial role in it of the then Yugoslav People's Army (JNA), both in Slovenia and in Croatia," said Plenkovic. As of mid-1991, there were no longer JNA troops in Slovenia's territory, while a part of Croatia's territory was occupied until 1995 and the military and police operations Flash and Storm, Jansa said. "We suffered the consequences of that aggression practically throughout the 1990s, and the scars and traces of that period and Slobodan Milosevic's insane policy are unfortunately felt to this day," Plenkovic added. Jansa said that "it is important to have a good neighbor in difficult situations" and that Croatia and Slovenia were good neighbors to one another at the time.

Greguric said that understanding and cooperation made it possible for businesses to reopen despite the war, for trade to function as well as transport, which to us was very important because there were de facto major barriers to transport connectivity due to the war in Croatia, not only with Serbia but the Eastern Bloc as well. "Our customs and police services agreed very quickly and there were no impediments to the transport of any goods and services between Croatia and Slovenia. To us it was very important to have a free passage and a corridor to the West," the former Croatian PM said, thanking Slovenia for taking in a portion of Croatian refugees, and Plenkovic and Jansa for their successful cooperation. Slovenia's six-month EU presidency is nearing the end and Slovenia has been a partner to Croatia on its journey to accession to the Schengen and euro areas, said Plenkovic.

Macron to visit Croatia: Rafale purchase agreement, support for Schengen and the Eurozone (HRT

French President Emmanuel Marcon is the first head of the French state to officially come to Croatia. Therefore, it is expected that his visit on Wednesday and Thursday is extremely important for official Zagreb, which will receive Paris support for entry into the Schengen regime and Eurozone and finalize the agreement on the purchase of fighter aircraft. “This is a visit that fits into the strategic goals of Croatia for 2022, which are Schengen, the euro and strengthening defense capabilities with Rafale fighter jets. Therefore, talks with Emmanuel Macron on Schegen are doubly important, both from the point of view of France as one of the EU's core members and in light of the fact that France has the presidency of the Council from 1 January,” announced a source from the Croatian government. He added that, of course, France's support for joining the euro is also expected. Croatia expects that the legal process of making a formal decision to join Schengen could begin in December this year during Slovenia's EU presidency, and a final decision made during the French presidency in the first half of next year.

Macron will pay a two-day visit to Croatia on Wednesday night, where he will be formally hosted by Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. “The reason for this lies in the fact that the French President, in line with his vast powers in the semi-presidential political system, is one of the few heads of state sitting in the European Council where they are mostly prime ministers. As such, Macron is a formal counterpart to prime ministers of other states,” said the source.

The first visit of a French president 

On Thursday, Macron will first be received with all state honors by Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, and then by Prime Minister Plenkovic at the government building. There, in addition to topics related to bilateral relations, the Western Balkans, the Eastern Partnership with an emphasis on Ukraine and Belarus, the strengthening of the European Union's strategic independence and global issues will be discussed. France and Croatia already have a strategic partnership, but the new agreement will expand and deepen it to a number of new areas. It will be a framework for further strengthening relations with that country, they say in the government. The first visit of a French president is also considered important in light of the fact that France is the European Union's top military power, the EU's only nuclear power and the only permanent member of the EU Security Council. Plenkovic and Macron will sign a new Strategic Partnership Agreement at the government building, and then two defense ministers, Mario Banozic and Florence Parly, will sign a contract for the procurement of the Rafale.

Croatia never safer 

The purchase of the Rafale, "the most modern next-generation aircraft for the least money and with the fastest delivery," gives Croatia a huge leap in defense security, "to a level it has never had," the government said. Croatia gets the most powerful aircraft in the area between Germany and Greece, in the "soft belly of Europe". This will also increase Croatia's geopolitical importance because there are no aircraft nearby that can compete with the Rafale. They should come into Croatian hands at the end of 2023, and then "for the first time, Croatia will have the opportunity to control its entire land and sea and Exclusive Economic Zone territory," the source emphasized. In May, official Zagreb announced the purchase of 12 Rafale fighter jets to modernize its armed forces, deciding on the largest procurement of weapons since the war for independence, according to an announcement by AFP. In September, Prime Minister Plenkovic said that "the procurement of Rafale fighter jets is strategically changing Croatia's position in the military, defense sense, in terms of strength towards international partners, security alliances and coalitions". "Of course, the acquisition of the Rafale multi-purpose fighter jet gives a new dimension to relations so far," a government source said on Monday.

Clear French support 

The document on the new strategic partnership to be signed by Plenkovic and Macron highlights France's clear support for Croatia's entry into the Eurozone and the Schengen area. It also supports Croatia's membership in the OECD, Croatian sources say. The idea of the new strategic partnership is also for "Croatia to become a privileged partner of France in this part of Europe", says the source. Other elements of the partnership relate to economic relations, cultural, scientific, academic and administrative cooperation. The French President will end his visit to Croatia with a lunch organized for members of Croatian public, cultural, scientific and sports life, and then he will travel to Rome on Thursday afternoon, where he is expected to sign a strategic partnership with Italy, and on Friday be received by Pope Francis in the Vatican.


Abazovic in Germany: We want to change the image of the Western Balkans (Gov. Press service


Our mission is to change the image of the Western Balkans as a region that is synonymous with high corruption, organized crime and nationalism. The region needs new politicians who will not be burdened with the virus of the 1990s, Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic pointed out during his working visit to the Federal Republic of Germany. Deputy Prime Minister Abazovic pointed out that Montenegro has all the predispositions to be extremely good at promoting European values and good regional policy in the Western Balkans, especially bearing in mind that it is leader in the negotiation process. In that sense, Abazovic emphasized that it is important for the EU to continue to support the enlargement policy, especially for the countries of the Western Balkans. It is necessary for Montenegro to focus on high-quality ideas and the future, which it will build with new people, good and positive energy, as well as innovations in all sectors, said Abazovic in his lecture at this year's Salon Diplomatique. The Salon Diplomatique gathered eminent guests and representatives of the political, economic, cultural and scientific community of the Federal State of Baden-Wurttemberg.


TRAGEDY: 46 dead in a Macedonian bus fire in Bulgaria (Republika/MIA)

A Macedonian bus returning home from a trip to Istanbul caught fire overnight, while crossing through Bulgaria. Almost all of the passengers were killed in the tragedy. Most of the killed are Macedonian citizens, but reportedly there are also Serbian citizens among them. Initial reports are that 46 people died – 12 of them minors. Six survivors are being treated in Sofia with non-life-threatening injuries. Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that most of the victims are young people who were returning from a field trip in Istanbul. The accident happened on the Sofia – Dupnica highway. We still don’t know whether the fire broke out because of a traffic accident. It’s a major tragedy, we feel pain for the families of the victims. May God rest their souls said Zaev who is going to Sofia. Bulgarian President Rumen Radev and caretaker Prime Minister Svetlan Stoev spoke with Zaev overnight. Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani is also heading to Bulgaria. Zaev, who left for Sofia overnight together with Health Minister Venko Filipce and Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani told MIA that one of the survivors has said a loud explosion was heard prior to the accident that claimed at least 45 lives at a motorway in Bulgaria. “I am in contact with the Prime Minister Stefan Janev who has already visited the people. I had the opportunity to talk to one of the survivors. He explained that they were sleeping on the bus when a loud explosion was heard. They managed to break one of the windows and save several people. Unfortunately, others didn’t succeeded. It is a terrible tragedy because most of the victims are young people – 12 children are under 18 years old, and the others are young people around 20-30 years old. Most of them are our citizens, but there are also Serbian citizens among them,” Zaev told MIA. Osmani told Bulgarian media that more than 40 people had been killed in the horrific bus accident in Bulgaria. As far as I know, the travel agency is from Skopje, and I believe that most of the citizens are from Skopje, Osmani said. Asked by reporters whether they know the age of the victims, Osmani said that according to unconfirmed information, more than 10 of the victims are minors, while the other persons were young couples who took advantage of the extended weekend. The leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski extended his condolences to the families of those killed in the bus accident on the motorway in Bulgaria early on Tuesday. There are no words that can express grief in such moments. Condolences to the families of the victims. This is a great tragedy for Macedonia, he said.


Albania and Kosovo conclude negotiations for the recognition of social security (Radio Tirana)

Albania is concluding the process of drafting and approving the agreement in the field of social security with Kosovo. Last week, Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy Besart Kadia and General Director of the Social Insurance Institute Astrit Hado held the second round of talks on a draft bilateral agreement in Pristina. For the Kosovo side, the negotiations were led by the head of the Division for Labor Relations, Social Dialogue, Safety and Health at Work, Leonora Ahmeti, in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Finance, Labor and Transfers, Ilir Kapiti. At the end of the meetings it was agreed to deepen cooperation, as well as to finalize the full agreement on the coordination of social security schemes, in accordance with European legislation. The object of this agreement are the benefits from the Albanian compulsory social insurance scheme which include cash benefits for maternity leave for employed persons, self-employed persons as well as for employers, cash benefits for accidents at work and occupational diseases for employed persons, as well as old-age, disability and family pension benefits for employed and self-employed persons, as well as for employers. Albania currently has agreements in the field of social security with: Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, North Macedonia, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Austria, Turkey and Belgium. So far, 3,100 Albanian citizens living and working within the country have benefited from bilateral agreements. These bilateral agreements provide social protection for Albanian citizens living in these countries.

Bulgarian veto / US ultimatum to Sofia: You have 40 days for Albania and North Macedonia (Radio Tirana/VoA)

The Bulgarian veto on North Macedonia and Albania has caused serious concern in the US Congress. The two congressmen officially addressed a letter to the Bulgarian ambassador to the United States, asking it to change its position, to lift the veto. "Bulgaria must finally resolve the dispute with North Macedonia in order for Skopje to start negotiations for membership in the European Union by the end of the year," reads the letter from two members of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee, Republicans William Keating and Claudia Tenny have sent to Bulgarian Ambassador to Washington Tihomir Stoychev. Keating is also chairman of the subcommittee responsible for the region. The letter was published by VoA in Macedonian and gives the Bulgarian government 40 days to reflect. "We hope that you will put aside the differences and support the full political integration of North Macedonia and Albania into the European Union," reads a letter from the bipartisan congressional group to Bulgarian Ambassador to Washington Tihomir Stoychev, asking to resolve the bilateral dispute with North Macedonia, so that the country can start negotiations with the European Union by the end of the year. So, within 40 days, the new Bulgarian government must resolve this issue. The letter added that further delays in the progress of North Macedonia and Albania towards the EU would call into question the efforts of Western leaders and open the door to anti-Western political influence in the region, particularly from China and Russia.