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Belgrade Media Report 30 November


Vucic isn’t sure if he signed Law on Referendum, which entered force (N1/TVPink)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told TV Pink he would have objections, if he had seen the Law on Referendum and that he thought he signed it. In the meantime, the Official Gazette published the Law on Monday, showing his signature on the same day the parliament passed it. “I can’t tell you, but I think that I signed the Law on Referendum, and I certainly did not sign the Law on Expropriation,” Vucic said on Sunday. Vucic added he would find objections “if I had seen the Law on Referendum and People’s Initiative, and about the number of signatures (against the Law) and everything else, but it is not an unconstitutional law. I have no right to return something I don’t like. My legal team will soon submit an opinion, or I’ll see how it goes. I don’t even know when I should sign, but in any case, I always get their opinion for each Law”, Vucic said on Sunday night. At Monday’s session of the Committee on Constitutional Issues and Legislation, the Committee’s head Jelena Zaric Kovacevic confirmed the Law came in force.

Vucic on Law on Expropriation: It seems to me that I will sign it (B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic commented on the Law on Expropriation. Asked if he had consulted with lawyers, he said “it seems to me that they will sign the Law on Expropriation”.

“I asked for the opinion of legal advisers and I will ask for more... It seems to me that I will sign it, but I’m not sure yet... Do you think I’m afraid of something? There are people whom you cannot threaten, because they are not afraid of anything. Except God and the judgement of history. I really don’t care about the protesters. I am accountable only to the people on the elections, I will not pander to the street thugs,” Vucic pointed out. Speaking about the demonstrations, President pointed out that he checked that the public opinion reacted very badly to the roadblocks and demonstrations for the weekend. He reiterated that no law has anything to do with Rio Tinto. He also reminded that the previous government signed contracts with Rio Tinto.

Selakovic: Support of Netherlands to Open Balkans an encouragement (Politika)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic talked on Monday in The Hague with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands Ben Knapen about Serbia's European path, the Open Balkans initiative, the situation in the region and deepening political and economic cooperation. After the meeting, Selakovic said that the significance of his visit to the Netherlands is multiple, considering that 14 years have passed since the last Serbian foreign minister visited The Hague, as well as because in 2021 we are marking 130 diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Serbia. He presented what Serbia has done so far in the field of economic reforms, reforms in the field of rule of law and strengthening the rule of law. The best proof of that is the number and volume of investments coming to Serbia. Investments will not come if the country is insecure, if there is no stable and predictable legal system, the head of Serbian diplomacy explained. He conveyed that the Netherlands is especially interested in the situation in our region, that the position of Serbia is important to it, and how Serbia is posing towards all the challenges that the region is facing. What is a great encouragement for us is the Dutch support for the Open Balkans initiative, and that was a special topic at the meeting, he pointed out and added that this initiative, which included Albania and North Macedonia, met with serious support. Selakovic reminded that the Netherlands was nominally the largest investor in the Serbian economy from 2010 to 2020, that Dutch companies invested €8.5 billion in that period, and that at the moment companies from that country employ more than 17,000 workers in Serbia.

Von Cramon: Berlin could change approach towards Belgrade (N1)

Viola von Cramon MEP told N1 on Monday that she hopes for a change in Berlin’s attitude towards Belgrade when her Alliance ‘90/Greens party takes over the German Foreign Ministry. She said that she hopes for a different approach towards the Serbian authorities when her party takes over the ministry under the coalition government agreement, specifying that she wants to see an approach based on rule of law with a more critical view of events and the results in implementing reforms. She added that the coalition agreement to form a new German federal government focuses on the Western Balkans to a great extent. According to Von Cramon, the difference in approach could be in whether Germany supports the opening of clusters in Serbia’s accession talks with the European Union. She voiced hope that a line will be drawn which shows that Germany will not jeopardize its European values. She said that European Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi’s latest report on Serbia’s progress undermined the principles of the European Commission. Von Cramon said that she was shocked by the way the Serbian authorities reacted to last weekend’s protest by environmental activists against the adopting of laws on referendums and expropriation, saying that everyone has the right to protest.

Brnabic: Von Cramon has double standards for Belgrade and Pristina (Tanjug/RTV/B92)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic commented on the statement of the EP rapporteur for Kosovo Viola von Cramon. “What does Viola tell us: 1. That we should shoot at people to show ‘full respect’, as in the case of Pristina? 2. That the rule of law in the case of Pristina is one thing, and in the case of Belgrade another? 3. That Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija do not have the same rights as citizens anywhere else? Sad and hypocritical,” Brnabic said on Twitter. “Case 1: ROSU, contrary to the Brussels Agreement, invades the north of AP Kosovo and Metohija. Serbs take to the streets to express a peaceful protest. ROSU shoots at them and only by sheer luck kills no one (Srecko Sofronijevic gets wounded). Viola von Cramon: that is the rule of law, Pristina’s reaction is for ‘full respect’. Case 2: Hundreds of people, without registering a rally, close international routes and ban all others to move freely throughout Serbia. The state decides not to use force. Viola Von Cramon: ‘I am shocked by the government’s reaction’, “The state’s countermeasures were extremely harsh and inadequate,” Brnabic added.

Referendum question designed: Serbian citizens should provide answer to this question (RTS)

The Serbian parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Issues and Legislation decided on Monday on the question to be voted on in a referendum related to constitutional changes. According to RTS, the question is: “Are you in favor of confirming the act on changing the constitution of the Republic of Serbia?” The proposal was sent to the Republic Election Commission (RIK), which should give an opinion on it. Members of the Committee unanimously decided what the question that the citizens are voting on in the referendum should be, and the offered answers are ‘yes’ and ‘no’. As previously announced, the referendum on changing the Constitution should be held on 16 January 2022, and the Constitution will be changed in the part on justice. The referendum will be organized according to the new Law on Referendum and People’s Initiative, so that for its success, it will not be necessary for 50 percent of registered voters to turn out.

Part of opposition supports new environmental protest (Beta)

Party of Freedom and Justice president Dragan Djilas and People's Party vice president Miroslav Aleksic on Monday voiced support for the protests of activists and organizations against legislation on expropriation and referendums. Djilas and Aleksic told a news conference in front of the Serbian parliament that they would show their support on 4 December, when a new demonstration has been announced. Djilas said his party's members would attend the protests as private citizens, with no party insignia. Aleksic said the environmental protests were not the place to focus on who was there from the opposition and who was not. "This is an issue for all Serbian citizens and there are no divisions here. We're all the same, we're all equal and in this matter we will stand together with our people in the streets," he said. Djilas and Aleksic said the weekend's protests had seen brutal repression by the regime against the people and called for all who physically assaulted activists to be arrested.

Some 28,000 refugees in Serbia with unresolved status (Beta/Danas)

There are six to eight thousand people from Asia and Africa, and some 20,000 from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Croatia, currently in Serbia without defined status or the proper documentation, it was announced on Monday at a screening of the film What They Took with Them, produced by UNHCR. Head of the UNHCR office in Serbia Francesca Bonelli stressed that solidarity and access to the asylum system were key for the successful integration of refugees into society. Bonelli added that the most important thing for refugee integration was for the state to enable them to become active members of society. Vesna Velimirovic, deputy commissioner for refugees and migration, explained that the chief obstacle to integration of refugees was their unresolved legal status. She said over two thirds of refugees Serbia had taken in had integrated and that one in ten Serbian residents were originally from elsewhere, like Bosnia or Croatia.

Tanjug to join EU's European newsroom (Tanjug)

European Commission Vice-President Vera Jourova and Commissioner Thierry Breton on Monday announced the EU would set aside funds to establish a European newsroom of 16 news agencies, including Tanjug. At the European News Media Forum, Breton said the newsroom would enable journalists to report together on the EU and that it would also foster the spirit of cooperation. He said he was confident the project would strengthen the European information space and improve the citizens' access to high-quality information. The EC has said the project would include a multi-language website featuring selected news agency articles on EU-related topics. The project, coordinated by the German news agency DPA, will also involve the following news agencies: AFP (France), ANSA (Italy), Adjerpres (Romania), APA (Austria), ATA (Albania), Belga (Belgium), BTA (Bulgaria), EFE (Spain), Europa Press (Spain), FENA (Bosnia and Herzegovina), HINA (Croatia), MIA (North Macedonia), STA (Slovenia), Tanjug (Serbia) and TASR (Slovakia). The project will go ahead in January, with the newsroom due to start working in mid-2022. A source familiar with the EC's plans who wished to remain anonymous said the newsroom would be a hub for correspondents who would work together on covering EU-related affairs.

Disputes of ruling and opposition parties ahead of RS parliament session (Politika, by Mladen Kremenovic) 


Hardly any session of the Republika Srpska (RS) parliament - except perhaps the one five years ago on the referendum on the RS Day - aroused so much interest in the region and the world, as is the case with the session announced for next week, Politika reports. Plans for returning of the RS competencies in several areas will be on the agenda of the parliament session most probably on 10 December, shortly after the return of Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik from Russia and return of RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic from Israel. Head of the RS SNSD Caucus Igor Zunic stated that the RS parliament only continues the job, which started a long time ago, but was intensified in last two years. He argues that he regrets the fact that nobody, especially none of Bosniak representatives recognized this process, adding that they constantly warned about violations of the Dayton Peace Agreement and called for respecting of RS rights and Constitution of B&H, but instead of following RS activities, they rather stood and waited for foreigners to bring the solutions and refused any form of agreement with the RS. Politika reminded of the plan, according to which the representatives in the RS parliament will adopt four information (on judiciary, defense, indirect taxation and taken competencies), as well as declaration on constitutional principles and adoption of these documents should mark the start of the process of returning of the competencies. According to the plan the government would provide legal solutions for each of the sectors in the following months. RS PDP’s representative Jelena Trivic stated that opposition finds presence of foreigners in Constitutional Court of B&H and the Law imposed by Valentin Inzko to be very disputable, and she added that these are open issues which have to be solved through dialogue in B&H. “However, I do not see how the problem will be solved by withdrawing from the Armed Forces or indirect taxations. This that Dodik put on the agenda is not leading towards solving of the issues that present the true problem for the RS,” said Trivic. Politika noted that foreign officials, as well as the Bosniak ones, see these activities as “unilateral activities of the RS” and Bosniaks are of the stance that this is a barren effort, which will fail before Constitutional Court of B&H. this stance, daily comments, additional raises the temperature among the Serb officials, where work of the B&H CC is observed with especial disdain, being that B&H CC recently disputed the RS’ right to regulate the issue of ownership over forests and agricultural land.  Zunic said that they are convinced that it is high time to secure “our rights”, adding that they still call on partners in the other entity for dialogue and to clean up the mess stirred by “supervisors”. Opposition does not dispute the fact that RS competencies were transferred in illegal manner, but they deem that plan of representatives of the authority, concerning returning of B&H to constitutional and Dayton framework, is too risky. Ruling parties on the other side say that opposition “fears its own shadow” and call on them to stand by the side of entity leadership. Trivic said that the announced activities are nothing but “gambling with the RS” and added that there is no true intention to solve the true issues pressing the RS. She underlined that Dodik’s activities are “brining in question the Dayton mechanisms, which are the base and guarantee of our existence”.



New round of talks on election changes starts, Palmer and Eichhorst meet with leaders of SDA and HDZ B&H; Palmer: We are not here to advocate for any plan (Hayat

A new round of talks on amendments to the Election Law of B&H began in Sarajevo on Monday. US Special Envoy for Electoral Reform, Matthew Palmer, and Director for Western Balkans and Turkey of European External Action Service, Angelina Eichhorst, arrived to B&H once again. During Monday, meetings were held at the EU Delegation (EUD) building in Sarajevo. Palmer and Eichhorst began their meetings on early Monday morning. They first met with High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt. After that, they held a series of meetings with B&H politicians. They addressed a press conference and shared some of the details that were discussed. Eichhorst said that time is running out, and that there is not much time left for making the necessary changes to the Election Law of B&H. Palmer reiterated the statement he made one month ago in B&H, saying that international officials are not coming to B&H with concrete solutions or proposals, that they will not impose any solutions, but only try and facilitate the talks, and support all the solutions that B&H leaders might adopt. Palmer underlines that the final solution should be aligned with European principles and standards. Palmer told reporters that they are here to support the process of reaching an agreement in regards to limited constitutional reform and the electoral reform. “We want to say that the US supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H. I want to say that we believe that electoral reforms, and limited constitutional reform, are very important – it is important for the functionality of the B&H institutions, on B&H’s path forward, towards European and Euro-Atlantic integration” Palmer said. Eichhorst said that they are aware of the circumstances under which these talks are held in B&H, but she pointed out that the important thing is to make sure upcoming elections are held in a fair and transparent way. She assessed that current crisis in B&H is “very deep”, but she hopes things will improve soon, and B&H citizens will once again have hope for a better future for their country. On late Monday evening, Palmer and Eichhorst started their meetings with leaders of ruling parties in B&H. The first in line of those meetings was with SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic. After that, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic arrived to the EUD building. While Covic refused to address members of the press, Izetbegovic gave a brief statement. Izetbegovic clearly emphasized that SDA will not give up on its proposals – which say that alongside the election of members to the B&H Presidency, the matter of the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (FB&H HoP) should also be resolved. What Izetbegovic also announced was that more talks will be held, and those talks will be lengthier than the one held on Monday. Izetbegovic told reporters in Sarajevo that the international officials did not threaten with any sanctions for B&H politicians, but they are exerting pressures onto all political actors. He, however, noted that “least amount of pressure is exerted over HDZ B&H”. “All in all, we will survive”, Izetbegovic said through laughter. Izetbegovic stated that “critical mass” was formed among pro-Bosnian parties that rejects anything illegal. He stressed that although representatives of the international community have not threatened with imposing of sanctions, pressure has been exerted on all political parties, adding that smallest pressure has been exerted on HDZ B&H. However, Eichhorst and Palmer denied such claims on Monday and underlined that everything agreed at the meetings hosted by them needs to be confirmed and adopted by B&H parliament. Asked to comment on numerous accusations on biased approach to the entire process, Palmer stated that he represents the US policy, US stances while Eichhorst represents EU stances and they have no personal plan or a solution that they impose to anyone. Eichhorst stated that they did not discuss any concrete proposals precisely because they aspire to the highest possible transparent and inclusive process that will include all relevant actors. Eichhorst stated that they will be at disposal for the next three, four days or even longer if necessary, in order to have intensive discussions with all relevant actors and all those who have the interest for the EU accession process. Eichhorst sent a message by saying that the time is running out and in order secure credible changes to the B&H Election Law, they should also take into account that this process is urgent.

Sattler hosts working dinner for Dodik, Covic, Izetbegovic and US, EU representatives for election reform in B&H (RTRS


The Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler hosted in Sarajevo on Monday evening a working dinner. Leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik, leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic and leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic attended the dinner along with representatives of the US and the EU for the election reform in B&H Matthew Palmer and Angelina Eichhorst. The reporter noted that the statement of Izetbegovic to “go for all or nothing” in the process of election reform was introduction into the working dinner in the residence of Sattler, while HDZ B&H remains firm in their stance that they will not accept anything less than legitimate election of a Croat member of the B&H Presidency and election of delegates in the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP). According to RTRS, this leads us to the conclusion that the problem of the election reform is in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and not in the RS. Dodik previously said that the RS will accept everything that partners in the FB&H; i.e. representatives of the Bosniak and the Croat peoples agree, but they will insist on legitimate representation of Serbs from the FB&H in the Serb Caucus in the FB&H HoP. During one of the previous visits of Palmer and Eichhorst to B&H, citizens of B&H heard the idea on elimination of ethnic characteristics in the process of election of members of the B&H Presidency but Covic and Dodik refused this. According to the reporter, they refused it because this undermines the essence of B&H that is based on the constituent status of the peoples in B&H.


Palmer and Eichhorst meet with representatives of opposition parties in FB&H, opposition insist on fair elections (BN TV

A new round of talks on amendments to the Election Law of B&H began in Sarajevo on Monday. Matthew Palmer and Angelina Eichhorst talked with representatives of the FB&H opposition parties. SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic told reporters that no concrete solutions were discussed. He added that they once again talked about removing the ethnic prefixes from the B&H Constitution. Niksic said that proposals of the opposition were very well received by the international officials. He explains that these proposals say that the FB&H opposition will only support solutions of the ruling parties in B&H if the election process is made fair and transparent. ‘Our Party’ (NS) leader Edin Forto explains that these changes include video surveillance of the entire election process, and for polling station committees not to be changed before the elections. Forto says things that make the entire process fair and transparent are the basis, and without those amendments, the opposition will not discuss anything else. He believes the FB&H opposition presented a united front, and clearly presented their views on the necessary changes. SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic emphasized that the process must be led “like a highway, in three lanes”, where one lane would address the methods for having fair and transparent elections – meaning raising the election standards, the other would refer to the Houses of Peoples, and the third connects to the election of members to the B&H Presidency. Speaking on his behalf, he said that the problem does not lie with the opposition, but the problem is “the secret policies of all three leaders, whose hostages today are the citizens of B&H”. Member of ‘Justice and People’ (NiP) Dejan Kovacevic agrees with other opposition members and says the most important thing is for the election process to be fair and transparent.

Palmer and Eichhorst meet civil sector and B&H CEC members (Hayat

Matthew Palmer and Angelina Eichhorst first met with members of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H and representatives of the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that deal with the election process. They unanimously advocate fair and transparent elections in B&H because the citizens deserve such a thing. B&H CEC President Zeljko Bakalar said they informed the foreign officials about all technical issues that could occur in the B&H CEC if amendments are not adopted in time. Bakalar agrees that amendments must be adopted soon so that the B&H CEC is able to prepare elections, complete all the necessary procedures, in time. Member of the ‘Pod lupom’ Coalition Vehid Sehic pointed out that amendments to the B&H Election Law must be adopted very soon. He reminds that the B&H CEC is scheduled to make a decision, at the beginning of May, regarding the holding of 2022 General Elections. Sehic says that all participants of these talks know very well that amendments to the Law should not be made during an election year. Sehic explains that amendments also cover the B&H CEC activities, which could then create unnecessary problems in 2022. “The final deadline should be January” Sehic concluded. Sehic said that there was no paper or concrete model that they discussed and the officials are trying to find a joint solution. Bakalar said that they highlighted organizational issues that would be caused by the postponement of the adoption of a new election law. He stressed that all changes need to be adopted as soon as possible. Bakalar and Sehic said that the elections will be held at any cost. Bakalar stated: “Given the political climate in B&H, the international representatives are also looking for ways to convince B&H politicians of the need for changes, first to the Constitution and then to the Election Law, based on the constitutional changes that should follow.” Sehic said that there is no such paper to suggest that the international representatives came with a prepared plan. Sehic said that there are attempts at dialogue in order to find a common solution. Director of Transparency International B&H Ivana Korajlic said that the process of negotiations for the changes to the election law does not give any reason for optimism and time has run out. She said that it is questionable and how and when any agreement will be reached.

Dodik: I will not succumb to threats of western sanctions, sanctions and abolition of EU financing will only force me to accept investment offers from China, if West introduces sanctions, Russia and China will support RS (RTRS/The Guardian


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated in an interview with The Guardian that he will not succumb to threats of western sanctions. Dodik said that sanctions and abolishing of the EU financing would only force him to accept investment offers from China. Dodik said that he was not elected to be a coward and that discontent of Washington, London and Berlin will not discourage him and according to his announcement, he will inform Russian President Vladimir Putin about this during this week. Dodik claims that if the West introduces sanctions, Russia and China will support the RS. According to Dodik, he does not want dismantling of B&H and he believes in the Dayton. Dodik emphasized that he does not want failure of B&H or conflicts. He argued that existence of B&H is possible but only with full respect to the Constitution of B&H. In his opinion, balance of the Dayton Agreement was ruined since the mandate of the former HR Paddy Ashdown. Dodik stated: “No, I do not want B&H to fail. I just want it to exist based on the Constitution. If this is impossible, why should it exist anyway? I am wrongly presented as someone who wants conflicts. However, the fact is that ‘delicate balance’ of the Dayton Agreement was ruined and ‘the worst offender’ was former HR Paddy Ashdown.” Dodik pointed out that four foreigners – who were not elected – have created all the problems. In his opinion, the foreign factor – that was not elected – usurped the Dayton Peace Agreement and via the position of the HR, it imposed around 140 laws without democratic mandate. However, Dodik said that the RS continues to believe in the Dayton Agreement. In his opinion, foreigners in the Constitutional Court of B&H work as a coordinated criminal enterprise against the constitutional order. Speaking about the war events in Srebrenica, Dodik stressed that he will not challenge verdicts of individuals and that no one is denying that crimes were committed there. “But it is also true that the story that was told is not the whole truth. An almost identical number of Bosniak Muslims and Serbs were killed. There is no decision there that says genocide was committed by the Serb people,” Dodik pointed out.

Vulin: Very powerful centers are working to ensure that RS is not guarded and preserved (Nezavisne


Serbian Minister of Interior Aleksandar Vulin stated in Istocno Sarajevo on Monday that very powerful centers are working to ensure that the RS is not guarded and preserved. "They are doing that, among other things, so that we go back to a time when we talked about our fraternal relationships, but we could not say why we were brothers," Vulin stressed. Vulin added that as long as Aleksandar Vucic is in power and leads the Republic of Serbia, the RS will be preserved, and political stability in Serbia will be preserved.

B&H House of Peoples holds session about current blockade of B&H parliament (BHT1


The B&H House of Peoples (HoP) held an emergency session about the current blockade of the B&H parliament. This was the first session of the B&H HoP after a four-month blockade. The Serb delegates also participated in the session, noted the presenter. Three views of the problem could be seen during the session and there were several calls for dialogue, added the reporter. The discussion resulted in adoption of two conclusions from the Croat Caucus of the B&H HoP regarding urgent harmonization of the Election Law and call for dialogue. None of the six conclusions from the Serb Caucus of the B&H HoP were adopted and they were sent to further harmonization. All of the members of the Serb Caucus attended the session despite certain predictions, added the reporter. Delegate in the B&H HoP Dusanka Majkic (SNSD) explained why did five Serb delegates come to the session. According to Majkic, the withdrawal of the law on genocide denial imposed by former High Representative to B&H Valentin Inzko and departure of foreign judges from the Constitutional Court of B&H remain conditions for return to normal functioning. The five delegates who initiated the session see the participation of Serb delegates as a change for the better, added the reporter. Delegate Denis Becirovic (SDP B&H) said: “If anyone in B&H sets out to make unilateral decisions outside the competent bodies provided for in the Dayton Peace Agreement and the Constitution, we are all embarking on an unprecedented adventure. That is why it is good today that we have gathered to express our views and to return to the framework of legality.” Delegate Zlatko Miletic commented: “This is a place where we have to talk about every issue, even at the cost of sitting here every day.” Calls for dialogue ran throughout the discussion and everyone agreed that they should talk, but they blamed the other side for the stagnation in the dialogue, commented the reporter. Deputy speaker of the B&H HoP Bakir Izetbegovic said that the damages can be measured in BAM billions, in hundreds of thousands of emigrants. “I am afraid that we will be surprised in ten years, if this continues, what was done in this country in 2020, 2021, when the country lost its biological substance, when young and healthy people left and in 2030, we will wonder who will earn us a pension”. Speaker of the B&H HoP Dragan Covic stated: “Today, when we are discussing a bit, and again we have very skillfully tried to talk about some things from the Rules of Procedure as to whom it suits, from the Constitution as to whom it suits, we have even taken the Annexes from Dayton (Peace Agreement) as to whom it suits.” Delegate Mladen Bosic (SDS) said: “I assume some are surprised that RS delegates came. I see that the tone of the session is such that mostly everyone is talking ‘with a handbrake' and that is why I think that this session will not bring anything”. Delegates, each from their position, insisted on some irreconcilable views, some on the powers of the B&H HoP, others on the Election Law and status of constituent peoples, and the third on the departure of foreigners from the Constitutional Court. The fact is that even at this session there was no agreement on all the proposed conclusions, noted the reporter. The arrival of the delegates from the RS does not mean an end to the blockade of B&H institutions because the delegates from the RS said that the crisis will be solved only when Inzko’s law is withdrawn and when the foreign judges leave B&H Constitutional Court. Delegate Asim Sarajlic (SDA) stated: “We need to keep talking. There should be dialogue. I respect your legitimacy and I respect what the RS parliamentmbly ordered you to do, but you have to hear the other side as well, because dialogue is a two-way street.” Majkic commented: “Many times, for all these years, we have invited you to a dialogue and many times you have explicitly said no. 'We will not negotiate with anyone', firmly believing that you will be able to create a state on your own, in fact not you, you did not have the capacity to do so, but that the foreigners will make you a state”. Delegate Marina Pendes (HDZ B&H) said: “We need to go back to the main cause and the reason why someone thinks that the conditions may not have been met. I think this is a good topic to discuss about why we do not go about changing the Election Law. Why do we not start changing the Election Law in such a way that the Croat people in this country are truly constituent (people)”. Serb delegates said they attended the session in order to propose the conclusions of the RS parliament. Five out of the six conclusions were adopted in the B&H HoP. The B&H HoP did not adopt the conclusion of the Serb Caucus which calls the B&H HoP to say that there is no HR, as a representative of the sides, signatories of the Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement, because Christian Schmidt’s appointment was not confirmed by the UN Security Council. B&H HoP deputy speaker Nikola Spiric (SNSD) explained the other five conclusions that were adopted. One says that crisis in B&H was created over the decision of former HR Inzko. This decision refers to imposed amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H. Spiric said Serb delegates demand those that made this decision to withdraw it. He also said that if the decision is annulled, then the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) would be charged with drafting a legislative solution that would address this matter, and one which would be discussed in the state Parliament. Delegates that asked for this urgent session asked for an explanation on the legal basis behind the decision to halt work in the state-level institutions. They say that such legal basis does not exist, as the Dayton Peace Agreement says that blockades cannot be created in the B&H institutions. Izetbegovic believes the blockades happen due to stubborn and persistent policies that are detrimental to B&H and its citizens. Izetbegovic says that regulations must be adopted so that any further blockades are prevented in the future. Bosic said that crisis in B&H has been going on for the past ten years, and it was only deepened by Inzko’s decision. He believes that things in B&H only change based on the wishes of politicians, and not based on the real needs of citizens. He did not see any of the sides being willing to compromise, and Bosic does not believe political situation in B&H will improve by next elections. In line with conclusions of the RS parliament, all Serb delegates demonstrated a single stance during the session scheduled at the initiative of the Bosniak Caucus. MPs from SNSD and SDS – jointly with colleagues from HDZ B&H – adopted conclusions despite of the will of the Bosniak Caucus that among other things, annul the so-called law that former HR Inzko imposed.

MPs disagree on whether Inzko’s decision on prohibition of genocide denial should be revoked before politicians try to reach agreement on changes to Criminal Code of B&H (EuroBlic

The blockade of institutions at the level of B&H is still underway and RS politicians maintain their stance that the blockade will continue until disputable decision of Inzko on prohibition of genocide denial is revoked. Serb politicians argue that the crisis can be solved only in two ways – either the OHR will change its decision or domestic politicians will agree on an acceptable text of the law but only if Inzko’s decision is put out of force before that. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic reiterated that Inzko’s decision must be put out of force so that relevant domestic political structures can adopt the Criminal Code in the parliament of B&H. The daily noted that other RS politicians share a similar stance but Bosniak politicians argue that this is unacceptable. Namely, most of Bosniak politicians suggest that the Criminal Code should first be adopted and only then changed. Chair of SNSD Caucus in the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac said that she doubts any kind of an agreement will be reached. “The latest law is only a drop in already full glass. We think that the key problem in this story lies in the very fact that someone got an idea to impose the law aside of institutions which have the task to do that. The second problem is that a part of political public and players in B&H accept this kind of practice. One might raise the question what do we need the Parliament for if a foreigner can come to the country and impose a law and then have someone accept something like this,” Novakovic-Bursac said and argued that the fact the law was imposed is problematic for Serb politicians while the contents of the law is secondary. Representative in B&H HoR Predrag Kozul (HDZ B&H) too said that ‘Inzko’s law’ must first be put out of force and then a dialogue in the parliament of B&H on changes to the Criminal Code of B&H must be launched. Kozul added that he is against any kind of imposing and argued that domestic politicians must be let to reach agreements.  Representative in B&H HoR Zlatan Begic (DF) disagreed and said that it is shameful to even present such a request in order to unblock the work of B&H institutions. Begic reminded that courts already decided that this was genocide and added that the society has reached its bottom if there is anyone who opposes prohibition of genocide denial. Begic concluded by saying that he disagrees with revoking of ‘Inzko’s law’ because domestic politicians showed that they are not mature enough to decide on this matter on their own.


Bosniak media and politicians attacking US’ and EU’s envoys for not supporting their agenda (Vecernji list


The daily notes that that “the Bosniak media, politicians, international lobbyists and mercenaries”, when they run out of arguments, use accusations against US Special Representative for Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar by saying that Escobar has given up on values supported by the US, against Angelina Eichhorst by saying she is HDZ B&H’s representative and against Matthew Palmer by saying he is married to a Serb woman. The daily argued that the Bosniak parties are imposing a false narrative that proposals of electoral reform are leading towards ethnic changes, which in daily’s opinion is not true. Instead they would lead towards overcoming differences among the three peoples by means of respecting their legitimate political will. The daily also notes that “one of most influential politicians from ruling SDA” Semsudin Mehmedovic heavily criticized Escobar for saying that Croats must feel comfortable in B&H. Namely, Mehmedovic called Escobar a supporter of project of Greater Croatia and a man who buried the Dayton agreement. According to the daily, it is ‘political Sarajevo’, i. e. Bosnia parties and politicians, who are particularly nervous and who have made many accusations against Palmer, Eichhorst and European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi in last few weeks, accusing them of support the Croats’ requests and acting outside official policy of Washington and Brussels.

Croatia buys 12 Rafale fighter jets, Serbia responds by announcing a similar purchase (TCN

Croatia announced it will purchase 12 used French Rafale fighter jets for almost a billion EUR. The country cited tensions in the region as the reason why it must establish military deterrence. “This will not only give us the ability to avert those who have any aspirations toward our territory but also to become so-called exporters of stability,” Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic responded to this announcement by saying that Serbia also strengthen its military and hinted at a major procurement of his own. “Those who like to act as if they are the strongest, they still don’t know that something is coming to Serbia soon, and will arrive much sooner than what they are announcing,” Vucic responded.


Opposition’s proposal: Reasons for voting on no confidence in Krivokapic’s governement (CdM


Opposition MPs have submitted a proposal to vote on no confidence in the government of Zdravko Krivokapic to the parliamentary procedure. The Initiative, which CdM had access to, lists a number of reasons why the current government should be given a vote of no confidence.

Among other things, it is stated that the Prime Minister and the government have lost their legitimacy in the parliament long ago, since the government does not have majority support, which has been announced to the public several times by a large number of “parliamentary majority” MPs. Also, one of the reasons for voting of no confidence to the government is the area of European integration which best reflects the failure and the collapse of the government of Zdravko Krivokapic, during whose mandate Montenegro received the worst annual report on joining the EU. Among the reasons for the vote of no confidence in the government are the economic and epidemiological crisis, the clericalization of the public scene, but also the institutional blockade, the persecution of dissidents, and the destruction of the civic concept of the state. A total of 40 opposition MPs have submitted an initiative for a vote of no confidence in the government of Montenegro for the parliamentary procedure. Social Democratic Party leader Rasko Konjevic has tweeted that “they expect the support of the strong majority of MPs”.


Zaev-Gashi meeting ended with agreement for cooperation, consultations on government positions underway (Republika

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and Alternative leader Afrim Gashi met Monday at the MPs’ Club in Skopje to discuss the prospect of Alternative joining the government and the parliamentary majority. At the meeting, an agreement was reached on the program part of the possible future cooperation expressed through the political and executive participation of Alternative in the government. The interlocutors agree that the reform and European course for which the citizens and the state are determined must continue and that in these moments the most important is the stability of the state institutions that serve the citizens. This will provide the best solutions to the biggest current challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the global energy crisis. Talks on taking and sharing responsibilities in the interest of the citizens and the state began, exchanging views on possible personnel solution, ie taking up positions, ministers, deputy ministers and other officials within the central government. In the following days, consultations in the parties will continue, followed by a new working meeting between Zaev and Gashi with their teams, the government press service informed.

Dimovski: Grubi can stop Zaev’s resignation (Republika

Zoran Zaev’s resignation can be stopped. I say what Grubi and Osmani have repeated several times in recent days, that they do not agree with the resignation, says former MP and member of VMRO-DPMNE Ilija Dimovski. According to him, so far everything that Grubi said about Zaev, turned out to be true. “We have already spent a month and more since the local elections, in which there is no operative political power of the central government. This government formation will take more than a month. It takes a long time for SDSM to regulate its intra-party relations and the need to bargain with Alternative. That will cost the state 4 months,” Dimovski said.


Lajcak: EU should accelerate integration process of Western Balkans (Radio Tirana

The EU Special Envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and other Western Balkan issues Miroslav Lajcak says there is no alternative to the Western Balkans other than integration. He expressed concern that Europe could lose the Western Balkans if the enlargement process is not accelerated. "The only alternative is the full membership of these countries in the EU,” Lajcak said on Saturday at the Balkan Integration Forum being held in Podgorica. The European Union, he added, must be sure that new members do not bring additional problems to the bloc. "What I fear is that we may lose the Western Balkans, which is committed to our values," Lajcak said, adding that in the absence of alternatives, instead of creating states governed by the rule of law, independent media, civil society and depoliticized judiciary, there is a risk of strengthening illiberal authoritarian tendencies. "This is why we need to speed up the enlargement process. "We need to see things realistically and how strong positive signals the region is sending to the European Union," Miroslav Lajcak told the Balkan Integration Forum in Podgorica.

Ambassador of Croatia: Open Balkans legitimizes 'Serbian World' (ADN

Ambassador of Croatia to Tirana Zlatko Kramaric, asked about the Open Balkans initiative, noted that it is very important to recognize, in time, until it is too late, all possible political consequences behind the 'innocent' phrase: 'Serbian world', which is slowly but surely legitimizing itself through the Open Balkans initiative and with international support. The Ambassador was worried that the current political situation in the Balkans is not good and the region is still a barrel of gunpowder. On the other hand, according to him, the international community, as a rule, is late with its reactions, and even when it does react, that reaction is inadequate. "Balkan politicians like to repeat all the mistakes they have made many times throughout history. And they are very persistent in these activities," said the Croatian Ambassador to Albania, Zlatko Kramaric in the following interview:

ADNLos Angeles Times wrote on July 10, 1991 under the headline: “Yugoslav Foes Seem Not to Want Peace: Balkans" Serbia, largest of the republic, snubs attempts to defuse the crisis. Thus, the time bomb keeps ticking.” According to it, Croatia has given grudging endorsement to the European peace plan, but Serbia has refused it. It wrote quoting you that clashes between Serbs and Croats have taken 90 lives in the republic over the past three months. What can you tell us now about what was happening and how did you handle the war situation when you were 36 years old if I am not mistaken?

Kramaric: It's time. July 1991, when the European Community became involved in resolving the crisis. But her attempts were ineffective. Moreover, the Brijuni Declaration calls for Croatia and Slovenia to suspend their decision on independence for three months in order to find a reasonable political solution during that period. Meanwhile, the Yugoslav army, along with Serb volunteers from Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro and local Serbs, is taking military action by attacking Croatian towns with the intention of overthrowing the democratic government in Croatia, or amputating those parts of Croatia that it considers 'Serb lands'. Therefore, it is ridiculous and frivolous to talk about the war in Croatia in the categories of 'civil war'. It is a classic imperial war for foreign territories. The Serbian narrative at the time was contaminated with the myth of territory. In this context, it is very important to recognize, in time, until it is too late, all possible political consequences behind the 'innocent' phrase: 'Serbian world', which is slowly but surely legitimizing itself through the Open Balkans initiative. And with international support. As it is wrong to reduce the role of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro to the issue of religious freedom. Unfortunately, some of my colleagues tend to simplify these dangerous political-religious processes. I repeat, it is very important to correctly detect phenomena in society. At that time, I am doing everything I can to sensitize the world public and acquaint them with the real state of affairs.

ADN: During the commemoration of November 18, 2021 many Croatians were quoted as saying that the Vukovar tragedy is not over because the perpetrators have not been punished yet and wounds are still open. What can you say about this, Mr. Ambassador?

Kramaric: Unfortunately, that is true. Those who took part in the aggression on Vukovar did not experience catharsis, do not want to face the past, do not admit the evil they committed, consciously manipulate the historical facts. Simply, their actions are dominated by mythical consciousness. In such non-historical activities, they are fully supported by all those who still cannot come to terms with the fact that Yugoslavia no longer exists.

ADN: There are differences regarding the emotions on occasions of such commemorations in anniversaries like the latest one between Croatia and the EU officials. Which is the gist of the differences and how should the common saying “Forgive but not forget!” be considered?

Kramaric: Commemoration is not an ordinary ritual. It is an act by which we show our respect for the innocent victims of certain historical events, when we remember their tragedy. But there is also a conflict within memory. Of course, one should always seek and strive for a balance between forgiveness and keeping the memories of the victims, and so it is very difficult to achieve if the perpetrators still do not want to show that they repent for the evil they have committed. They destroyed a beautiful city, systematically destroyed it for three months, killed a mass of civilians during the siege, and after the fall of the city killed the defenders without any trial. About the phenomenon of commemoration, about the victims it would be advisable to read the book by the French philosopher P. Bruckner “The Temptation of Innocence”!

ADN: Now let me turn, please to the present time as 30 years are not too far from the Yugoslavia wars in 1991. The conflict between Serbia and Kosovo goes on, the troubled situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina is aggravating, and disputes between Croatia and Serbia continue. Are you worried about the current situation in the region, and according to you, what lessons should the people of the region remember from the past bloody wars?

Kramaric: In one of my last interviews for ADN, I said that the political situation in the region is not good. And all the events after the games around Kosovo, the absence of continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Dodik's performances in Bosnia, the confusing situation in Montenegro, which is additionally contaminated by the political activities of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the resignation of the Prime Minister of Northern Macedonia Z. Zaev after his failure parties, but also DUI, the largest Albanian party in North Macedonia, which is the most important coalition partner of the Macedonian Social Democrats, in the local elections (interestingly, Albin Kurti's party also failed in the local elections) show that my statement was more than correct. That doesn’t make me a happy person. The region is still a barrel of gunpowder. Balkan politicians like to repeat all the mistakes they have made many times throughout history. And in these activities, they are very persistent. The international community, as a rule, is late with its reactions, and even when it does react, that reaction is inadequate. Finally, all the agreements, both the Kumanovo one, the Ohrid one, and the Dayton one, did not solve the fundamental problem, which led to the conflict, but left it open. All these agreements offered only partial solutions to the problem, by stopping military activities, but all other problems remained, from unresolved inter-ethnic relations to undefined political-social relations. They allowed each of those involved in their own way, interpret these agreements. Instead of unambiguity, we have a real cacophony of opposing, irreconcilable political voices, attitudes …

ADNTo conclude, Mr. Ambassador, do you think that the role of the EU and the US should increase for peace and stability to be established in the Balkans rather than let events deteriorate and then say: “too little, too late!?”

Kramaric: - Sometimes I have a feeling that the international community has still not been able to get rid of the syndrome of endless concessions to 'little dictators', who, if not stopped in time, can cause a catastrophe on a global scale. This was also the case in the 1930s, when European leaders yielded to unreasonable demands on Hitler, and then in the 1990s the international community did not recognize in time the ultimate consequences of Milosevic's policies (for this occasion various African and other dictators such as Saddam Hussein, not to mention). So, the time has come for the international community, America and the EU to be more actively and effectively involved in resolving the Balkan crisis so as not to say that we are late and that too little has been done. Let the personnel solutions (PalmerHillEscobar ...) in the new American administration be a hope that all is not lost, as well as the arrival of Schmidt to Bosnia!