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Belgrade Media Report 14 December


Vucic: Serbia to enter 2022 with healthy public finances, preparedness for challenges (Tanjug/RTS)

Serbia is set to enter 2022 with healthy public finances and a preparedness to deal with all challenges and what the future brings, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said at the opening of The Economist: World in 2022 conference on Tuesday. Serbia will embark on 2022 amid relatively favorable global macroeconomic conditions, a stable national currency, low rates of borrowing and a high inflow of investment, which allows for new fiscal space and control of risks and uncertainties, Vucic said. “Certainly, the year that is ahead will require new adaptations, both in the personal and the collective sense. The global trends impacting the entire world will also be reflected in our personal lives and, therefore, by strengthening our own resources, especially human resources, we will be prepared to deal with what the future is yet to bring,” Vucic noted. Serbia is clearly committed to tackling all challenges - the current ones or ones yet to be faced by mankind, be they a new pandemic or shortages of fuels, food or drinking water, Vucic said. The speed at which technology is developing and the fantastic access to information are changing our future in a way that was unthinkable just a decade ago, Vucic said, noting that the life of every person on Earth had changed in the past two years. Vucic said he disagreed with the narrative of a “great reset of humanity” because a “reset means a return to factory defaults”. “I have to say that the system of liberal economy as we have known it in the past has proved to be deficient. I am not saying there are political and economic systems that are much more efficient, more humane and better, but I am saying that the coronavirus has demonstrated empirically that humanitarian and economic disasters are difficult to overcome without state interventionism,” Vucic said. He said the coronavirus had threatened the fundamental freedoms - the freedom of movement of people, goods, capital and services - also claiming human lives and taking away jobs. Unfortunately, humanity has lost trust in political solidarity and multilateralism, he said. “Reflecting on last and this year, we can say that, amid the great uncertainty resulting from a health and economic crisis caused by the pandemic, the Government of Serbia has demonstrated a great sense of responsibility, supporting businesses as well as citizens directly with a comprehensive set of measures worth 8 billion Euros, or 17.4 percent of GDP,” Vucic said. He stressed that existing jobs had been preserved and new ones created and that production capacities in the country had been maintained, and said this was a clear signal to the world that Serbia was a politically and systemically stable country that was pursuing a responsible economic policy. He said Serbia would be a dependable partner to all relevant international institutions working towards creating harmonious relations among people.

“By that I am primarily referring to promotion of political and economic multilateralism, defined through current UN agendas,” Vucic concluded.

Brnabic: Opening of Cluster 4 important turning point for Serbia (RTS/RTV/Tanjug)

Following today’s Intergovernmental conference on Serbia’s accession to the EU, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated in Brussels that today is a very important date and a turning point for Serbia. Brnabic said that in line with the new methodology, Serbia has opened cluster 4 – Green Agenda and Sustainable Connectivity, and within cluster 4, four chapters have been opened. She underlined that this is a great success on which she wants to congratulate all citizens of Serbia and she thanked Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on the support and understanding he showed. An important segment of the new methodology is political management of integrations. What we have done in the mandate of the new government is that we manage, together with Serbian Minister for EU Integration Jadranka Joksimovic, the integration process and all reforms, first and foremost in the field of the rule of law, politically in full, and that yielded results, she said. She said that the opening of the chapters is a huge motivation for further reforms in the field of the rule of law, public administration and the economy. I would like to thank all EU Member States, as well as the European Commission, for their support and understanding. They have shown that they are open, that they are ready to see, to listen, to reward everything we have done and therefore this is a great motivation to continue, not even in the same way we have worked so far, but to go faster and to work better, she noted. Brnabic voiced hope that Serbia will open cluster 3 in 2022, which is ready, and that preparations for the opening of cluster 5 are on the agenda. She underlined that environmental protection is gaining importance and that this topic is increasingly present and important in Serbia. Regional stability, dialogue with Pristina and the economy also remain our priorities. I am satisfied, and we talked about that today, about economic results Serbia is achieving. I expect our growth this year to be 7.5 percent, Brnabic pointed out. She said that the degree of harmonization of Serbia with the foreign and security policy of the EU currently stands at 65.55 percent. Brnabic also thanked Slovenia for the successful EU presidency, she thanked EU Member States on their support, as well as the European Commission, European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

Joksimovic: Opening of Cluster 4 great success for Serbia (Tanjug)

Serbian Minister for EU Integration Jadranka Joksimovic on Tuesday said the opening of Cluster 4 in Serbia's EU accession talks was a great success and a good message to Serbia and the region, as well as the EU itself. "It means the new methodology (of accession talks) is alive and that, after the reforms implemented, concrete progress on the European path will follow," Joksimovic said in a statement after an EU-Serbia intergovernmental conference in Brussels at which Cluster 4 was opened. "Today we confirmed the EU was serious about its intent to boost the credibility, visibility and predictability of the process, as well as that we have worked seriously and prepared completely to respond to the demanding criteria under the new methodology," Joksimovic said. She said the opening of Cluster 4 was a result of coordinated efforts by the entire government and President Aleksandar Vucic. She said Serbia had received strong backing from EU member states for opening the cluster, which deals with the green agenda, a topic of interest to all Serbian citizens and the EU itself. "All we have done, as well as our roadmap for further progress together with the EU, strategically as well as financially, has been recognized," Joksimovic said.

Selakovic: Meetings in London good opportunity to represent Serbia (RTS/Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic stated that Monday’s meeting of the Western Balkans heads of diplomacy with UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss was an excellent opportunity to exchange views to represent the positions of Serbia on issues of importance for the stability of our region. Selakovic said that the meeting in London and the bilateral meetings he had were a chance to present Serbia’s views, but also to discuss the best results of reforms implemented in our country, primarily in the field of economy, but also in field of rule of law. He also conveyed that the progress that Serbia has made in the field of European integration was pointed out, but also the serious results in the field of economy, which were praised. According to him, the meeting was an opportunity to affirm the idea of ​​regional economic integration Open Balkans and to act in that direction for the first time together with the foreign ministers of North Macedonia and Albania. We are convinced that such a performance and paying great attention to the Open Balkans will be a great chance for the future of our region, he said. In addition to the plenary meeting, chaired by Secretary of State Trass with whom he had a bilateral meeting, Selakovic also met with US State Department's Envoy for the Western Balkans and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Gabriel Escobar and Special Envoy to the UK Prime Minister for the Western Balkans Stuart Peach. He also met with UK Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to the Western Balkans Martin Vickers and Minister for Europe and Americas at the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office Wendy Morton.

Botsan-Kharchenko: Pristina’s demand for Serbia to recognize Kosovo is nonsense; Russia advocates abolishment of HR in B&H (FoNet/RTV/Tanjug/NSPM/N1)

Pristina’s request for Belgrade to recognize Kosovo’s independence is “nonsense”, and everyone who understands the reality knew it is impossible, the Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko said on Tuesday. Addressing an online debate on the topic “Russian-Serbian Strategic Partnership and the Situation in the Balkans”, he added that the EU should pressure Kosovo to implement all provisions of the signed agreements, especially on the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), insisted on by Russia because that was the most important and only way to continue the dialogue. “We support dialogue; there is no other way. We are not satisfied with the state of the dialogue and the lack of progress,” Botsan-Kharchenko said. “Serbia in the UN comes on together with Russia and always supports it in preventing various resolutions that try to revise history, protects UN principles and does not agree with inventing rules made by several countries, that these rules determine international law and activities instead of the UN Charter. That friendly and brotherly cooperation is also on the issue of Kosovo,” he emphasized. Commenting on Serbia’s European integration, he stressed that no words or statements of opposition to that process had ever come from Russia. In contrast, messages from the EU often came that Russia was preventing Serbia’s path, the Ambassador said. He added that Russia supported the declared military neutrality of Serbia because that ensured stability and was firmly against membership in the Alliance, especially that of B&H. He also called for the abolition of the High Representative in B&H. Botsan-Kharchenko said the political relations between Serbia and Russia were more than satisfactory “because they have a strategic character”. The Russian Ambassador estimated that the trade between the two countries would soon reach the level before the pandemic outbreak – more than three billion Dollars, while the goal and the real possibility was four billion.

IRMCT again tells UN Security Council that Serbia should extradite Radicals Jojic and Radeta (Beta)

The International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) has again called on Serbia to extradite Serbian Radical Party officials Petar Jojic and Vjerica Radeta, accused of contempt of the Mechanism. Delivering his regular report to the United Nations Security Council in New York in the evening of 13 December, IRMCT President Carmel Agius stressed that the extradition was Serbia's international obligation. "The Mechanism again calls on Serbia to fulfill its international obligation to arrest and surrender Petar Jojic and Vjerica Radeta," Judge Agius told the Security Council. Speaking before the UN General Assembly in late October, Agius addressed the Serbian government and requested that Belgrade execute the arrest warrants for Jojic and Radeta. So far, Agius has reported Serbia to the Security Council three times for the country's failure to comply with the warrants. In 2012, the Mechanism accused Jojic and Radeta of influencing witnesses in its trial of Radical party leader Vojislav Seselj. Specifically, Jojic and Radeta, both members of Seselj's defense team, are suspected of threatening, blackmailing and bribing witnesses into altering their statements or refusing to testify. Since 2015, when the Mechanism issued its first arrest warrant for their arrest, the Serbian authorities have refused to apprehend and extradite Jojic and Radeta. On more than one occasion, Belgrade has offered to try the two in Serbia, but this solution was dismissed by the Mechanism, which insists that both Serbian and international law stipulate that the country is obligated to cooperate in matters of contempt, as it has done in the past.

Brammertz: Genocide deniers still exist in Serbia (N1)

International war crimes prosecutor Serge Brammertz said on Monday that the mural of convicted war criminal General Ratko Mladic in Belgrade shows that genocide deniers are still present in Serbia. The one thing that the mural of Ratko Mladic and the publications by the extremist Rwandan diaspora have in common are that they show that there are still people, 25 years later, who denying and minimize court-established facts about genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, Brammertz, chief prosecutor of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, told the UN Security Council. Brammertz spoke after Mechanism President Judge Carmel Agius presented his report.

Germany asks from EU to impose sanctions against Dodik (Politika, by M. Kremenovic)

Chair of SNSD Caucus in the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac commented for Politika the visit of Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and Co-Chair of the European Parliament's Delegation for Cooperation with B&H and Kosovo Romeo Franz and member of the Delegation and MEP Thomas Waitz to B&H and said that this is the second time representatives of the Green came to talk to the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) in charge of preparation of changes to the Law on Elections of B&H. Novakovic-Bursac assessed that this is “utterly inappropriate format which is degrading for the parliament of B&H”. Novakovic-Bursac reminded that meetings with official representatives of the EU already took place and added: “If we continue in the same way, we might face the situation in which we will meet each of 705 MEPs one by one”. Apart from this, Novakovic-Bursac reminded that MEPs from the Green parties signed the letter which they sent to EU High Representative Josep Borrell “in which they presented incorrect and inappropriate qualifications related to processes in B&H. They suggested imposing of sanctions and demanded removals of elected officials, Dodik to be exact. I do not know why we should give any opportunity to such MEPs to present their stances in B&H as well that are equal to the policy advocated by Izetbegovic’s SDA and other Bosniak parties”. Novakovic-Bursac assessed as disputable the practice carried out by IAWG Chair Alma Colo who makes it possible “for almost everyone who announces their visit to talk to members of the IAWG, which is the practice one will certainly not encounter in some other parliaments”. Politika writes that B&H is trying to find a solution for changes to the Law on Elections of BiH and noted that the biggest misunderstandings exist between representatives of Bosniaks and Croats: “In spite of assistance of international representatives, they are not managing to find a solution for the problem of ‘legitimate representation of people’, which is something Croats insist on so that more numerous people will not be able to elect their representatives in institutions. Serb representatives in the FB&H are faced with a similar problem. There is also misunderstanding between Sarajevo and Banja Luka.”



German government calls on EU to impose sanctions against Dodik (FTV/BNTV)

The German government called on the EU on Monday to impose sanctions against Serb member of B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik for his secessionist policy and the decision on return the RS competences from B&H level. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock stated that the situation in B&H is worrisome and attempts for secession are unacceptable. “His attempts to secede are unacceptable, which also means that the current sanctions regime should now be used against Mister Dodik, which is what I advocated here (in Brussels),” said Baerbock.

FTV also reported that the EU leaders will discuss the situation in the Balkans on Wednesday.

Dodik: If Germany introduces sanctions, RS will respond (FTV)

Milorad Dodik announced on Monday that property issues will be first on the agenda after the latest session of the RS parliament on return of the RS’ competences, as well as that the RS will withdraw some 130 million Euros it allocates for the joint institutions in B&H when things are regulated. He also commented on possible sanctions against him and abolition of investments for the RS. “Someone will maybe mock this statement, but neither the RS will remain idle when it comes to countermeasures. If Germany imposes sanctions, we will respond. I am no blind not to know what the US and Germany are. However, my message is – you have gone too far. You have done everything to make us hate B&H, but not that we ever loved it,” Dodik stated.

Schmidt condemns conclusions passed by RS parliament (BNTV)

High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt reacted to conclusions adopted by the RS parliament at a special session on Friday. Schmidt said he strongly condemns the RS parliament acts adopted on Friday. The adopted conclusions oblige the RS authorities to take concrete legislative and other activities that would violate the General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP), warns Schmidt. “Radical political activities and rhetoric from the past few days are a threat to stability in B&H and undermine the perspectives of all citizens, including citizens of the RS. Leadership requires rationality and a willingness to engage in constructive dialogue. That is the essence of democracy, and that is what is needed for Dayton institutions to function in the interest of all citizens. I call for full respect for the General Framework Agreement for Peace. All parties must act within this framework in order to make legitimate decisions in a spirit of compromise,” Schmidt was quoted as saying.

MEPs Franz, Waitz meet B&H Presidency members, members of IAWG to amend Election Law of B&H, RS reps boycott meetings (FTV)

Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and Co-Chair of the European Parliament's Delegation for Cooperation with B&H and Kosovo Romeo Franz and member of the Delegation and MEP Thomas Waitz met with B&H Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic and Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic, in Sarajevo on Monday. Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik did not attend the meeting. Franz and Waitz also met with members of the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) to Amend the Election Law of B&H later on Monday, but members from the RS boycotted the meeting. SNSD’s Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac explained that representatives from the RS decided not to attend the meeting because Franz and Waitz came with stances that were defined in advance. Addressing the press conference after the meetings, Franz said that the crisis in B&H caused by ethno-nationalist leaders in B&H is not ethnic but security crisis and these leaders only move focus from true problems that B&H citizens face. He stressed that the international community must clearly name those who are responsible for the current crisis in B&H and impose sanctions against all those who pose threat to peace, security and stability in B&H. He stated that he is sorry for the fact that politicians from the RS did not attend the meetings with representatives of the European Parliament's Delegation for Cooperation with B&H and Kosovo, but that he still calls on them to joint talks with them at any time as all stances are important. The MEPs warned that the current system that favors segregation and discrimination will not bring B&H to the EU future. They concluded that it is necessary to start the fight against corruption in B&H and partial constitutional and electoral reform as soon as possible, in a way to prevent further ethno-nationalist divisions and with a goal to implement all rulings of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

Truss reiterates UK's commitment to protect democracy and freedom in region (Al Jazeera Balkans/BHT1/O Kanal/N1)

UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss met with the ministers of foreign affairs of the countries of the Western Balkans in London on Monday. Meeting participants discussed strengthening stability, democracy and the rule of law and the fight against corruption and crime in the region of the Western Balkans. One of the topics of the meeting was also the political crisis in B&H. The meeting in London was also attended by EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak, UK Special Envoy to the Western Balkans, Sir Stuart Peach, and US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar. The UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office confirmed that the region was also discussed at the G7 meeting. Truss reiterated the UK's commitment to protect democracy and freedom in the region. Truss stressed that tensions have risen and that the international community needs to react to protect the hard-won peace. Truss pointed out that the UK, together with international partners, is working on combating the threat to stability in B&H. B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic participated at the meeting of the Western Balkan Foreign Ministers in London on Monday. Truss stated that the UK will not move its focus from the developments in B&H while Russia plants seed of division and malevolent actors threaten to destroy this proud country, calling on friendly countries to support BiH. Turkovic concluded that these were very important talks. Turkovic was quoted as saying: “The UK remains firmly in support of B&H and the progress of our country. We reviewed the latest developments in B&H and the region.” Turkovic held a separate meeting with Lajcak with whom she talked about the situation in B&H and the region. Turkovic expressed concern with the blockade of the country’s European path and endangering of the Dayton agreement. Turkovic posted a message on Twitter in which she said that B&H is expecting a strong response from the international community to the RS parliament’s decisions regarding taking away the competences from the state.

Komsic and Dzaferovic discuss current security and political challenges in B&H with representatives of B&H Generals’ Association (Nova BH)

Chairman and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic met at the B&H Presidency building in Sarajevo on Monday with representatives of the Association of B&H Generals. The two Presidency members and the association representatives discussed the current security and political challenges in B&H, with regard to the threats and unilateral moves from the entity of the RS. Collocutors emphasized that, in the first phase, a response to the security threat to the state of B&H should be institutional. B&H generals underlined that they are putting themselves at full disposal of the B&H institutions, especially the B&H Presidency.

Kovacevic says Komsic and Dzaferovic are thinking about war due to their meeting with Association of Generals of B&H (ATV/RTRS)

Advisor to the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Radovan Kovacevic said that the meeting of Zeljko Komsic and Sefik Dzaferovic with the representatives of the Association of Generals of B&H is proof that they are thinking about war again. Kovacevic was quoted as saying for ATV: “These are not generals of B&H, they are officers of the former so-called Army of the so-called RB&H, an army that existed during the war and was one of the three warring parties in the bloody civil war”. Kovacevic reminded that those who invited them to the B&H Presidency on Monday were part of those formations. ATV stressed that the abovementioned Association is, as they say for themselves, voluntary, non-partisan, non-governmental, non-profit, so the question remains on what basis the members of this Association can be made available to any institution. ATV noted that the members of this Association are retired generals of "the so-called Army of B&H", and one of them is Sakib Mahmuljin, who is being tried again before the B&H Court.

Covic says Dodik is not bluffing (RTL/RTRS)

HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic stated for RTL that Milorad Dodik is not bluffing and that Dodik is a serious politician who emphasizes the problems of B&H that need to be solved through conversation. Covic was quoted as saying: “B&H cannot be divided, especially peacefully, and we have a political mandate, a mission, to keep the peace to the end. There will be no division, but we must look for solutions to many issues that are open.” Covic added that the basis for action is the Constitution and Dayton Peace Agreement.

Dodik is threatening, but Schmidt is not waking up (Oslobodjenje, by Edin Barimac)

The daily carried an interview with the speaker of B&H House of Representatives and Vice President of People and Justice Denis Zvizdic. He commented the latest developments with emphasis on conclusions adopted by the RS parliament and stresses that he does not understand “what else needs to happen for OHR, representatives of the most powerful countries of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H to react”. “Dodik’s goals are clear: through the intention to form the RS army, he wants to permanently stop NATO path of B&H; with abolition of the ITA he wants to end all B&H’s connections to IMF, World Bank, EBRD, EIB, etc. from which B&H received billions of Euros of investments and grants and to have all financial, credit and investment funds of the RS entity, direct towards Russia and China; with undermining of HJPC he is trying to stop the fight against crime and corruption. These are his true goals, not the fight for citizens of the RS entity, as he is trying to present. Because, if this is true, he would be fighting for peace, legal stability, new jobs, better living standard, for safe and prosperous ambient for young people,” said Zvizdic. Speaking about his recent visit to the USA, where he participated in the inter-parliamentary, intelligence- security forum in Washington and where he met with US congressmen, representatives of B&H diaspora and other significant people, Zvizdic said that the most important message from these meetings is that the USA will never leave B&H and will always stand firmly behind territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H and will not allow anyone to unilaterally annul the peace and progress made in last 26 years. Asked about last session of PIC and statement of High Representative Christian Schmidt that sanctions for those who undermine institutions, are still on the table and author asks what needs to happen for actions to be taken, Zvizdic said that in the current situation, when the RS parliament adopts conclusions which present beginning of undermining of constitutional-legal order of B&H, the biggest damage is inflicted by words which are not followed by action. He noted that this especially refers to statements of the international representatives, who have obligation and power to react, adding that there is a series of the laws that were breached in this process and Prosecutor’s Office of B&H is obliged to react and sanction the perpetrators. “Besides, I want to believe that determined support that leaders of G7 countries, expressed to territorial integrity, sovereignty and unity of the country, work of the EU Special Representative and EUFOR’s Althea operation and High Representative Christian Schmidt and NATO HQ in Sarajevo, also presents a determined readiness to concrete actions with a goal to stop the anti-constitutional activities, which is led by ruling majority in the RS entity and preventing of conflicts as realistic option,” said Zvizdic. He noted that he deems that it is high time for certain international representatives to change their rhetoric and call the things their real names.

Disband House of Peoples of parliament of B&H (Dnevni list)

The daily carries a statement issued by Our Party (NS), which reads that taking into account the current political and security situation in B&H and the need to undertake concrete, Constitution-approved moves as response to the crisis, NS is calling on the Presidency of B&H to dissolve the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) without any delays in order to create conditions for unblocking of the B&H HoP. According to NS, the Constitution of B&H and the Rules of Procedure of the Presidency of B&H are clear and explicit, namely the B&H HoP can be disbanded with votes of two members of the Presidency of B&H and it is not subjected to the vital national interest protection. NS stressed that instead of everyday appeals and similar declarative steps, there need to be essential measures, underlining that the B&H HoP disbandment would take away the control package that SDA gave to Milorad Dodik almost three years ago, which SNSD has been using to take down all key laws. NS also noted that during a recent session of the HoP, conclusions undermining legitimacy of the High Representative were adopted, and that conclusions also called for putting out of force the law in ban on genocide denial.

RS CC’s VNI Protection Council rejects Bosniaks’ motion for VNI protection (Nova BH/BNTV)

The Vital National Interest (VNI) Protection Council of the RS Constitutional Court (CC) rejected on Monday the motion of the Bosniak delegates in the RS Council of Peoples (CoP) for discussing violation of VNI of Bosniaks in the case of adoption of the Law on Medicines and Medical Devices of the RS. Namely, this law defined a possibility of forming the RS Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices by which the state competence would be transferred to the RS’ level. Legal prerequisites have thus been created to publish the law in the RS Official Gazette. The law is set to enter force six months after being published in the Official Gazette. The Council concluded that the request is not acceptable, given that the allegations from the explanation of the decision on initiating the procedure for protection of vital national interests indicate violation of constitutional values guaranteed by the B&H Constitution.

Hatred and genocide denial have to stop (Oslobodjenje)

Upon concluding his eight-day visit to B&H, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence Fabian Salvioli expressed his concern because of increased speech of hate, glorification of war criminals and denying of genocide and war crimes in B&H. Salvioli welcomed the efforts that B&H has made, with assistance of the international community, to rebuild the institutions and solve certain aspects of wartime heritage, especially through processing of war crimes and search for missing persons, but he also underlined that he is disappointed with significant slow-down in these efforts in the last decade.

UN B&H issued a statement, which reads that Salvioli expressed concern with insufficient progress in meeting of obligations in securing full compensation for the victims of the conflict, meeting of rights of returnees, adoption of guarantees for non-recurrence, especially in the education, as well as because of inefficient actions towards speech of hatred, denying of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, as well as glorification of war criminals.

Bosniak lobbyists advocate sanctions (Glas Srpske, by Veljko Zeljkovic)

In the last few days, several US Senators commented the situation in B&H and argued that the USA needs to strengthen its presence in B&H and that RS officials who allegedly undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement should be sanctioned. All of them belong to the Congressional Caucus on Bosnia, and the NGO ‘Advisory Council for Bosnia and Herzegovina’ has a list of some 15 US Congress and Senate members on its website, describing them as friends of B&H. According to the daily, these Senators and Congress members mostly work for the Bosniak side. Senator Chris Murphy recently wrote on Twitter that the USA should use the ‘carrot and stick’ tactics in B&H. Another member of the Congressional Caucus on Bosnia is Congress member Eliot Engel, a known advocate for independent Kosovo. During her recent visit to USA, B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic met with US Senator Ben Cardin who also announced that he will soon join the Congressional Caucus on Bosnia. The Head of the RS Representation Office in Washington Obrad Kesic stated that Bosniaks have embarked on a grand diplomatic offensive in Europe and USA through different NGOs and lobbyists. Their goal in the USA is to gain influence in the White House, however Kesic believes that they will not be successful. He noted that the Serb side is also active, and that there is some balance, which is why the activities of Bosniak lobbyists represent no cause for concern.


Plenkovic: Croatia does not wish to see any separatist and secessionist tendencies within B&H (HRT1)

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic paid an official visit to B&H on Monday. HRT1 reported that Plenkovic’s visit took place at the time of the biggest post-Dayton political crisis in B&H as well as on the same day when HR Christian Schmidt strongly condemned the RS’ latest decisions regarding the RS’ competences, which are the decisions that violate the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and threaten peace in B&H. In Sarajevo, Plenkovic held meetings with Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija, members of the Collegiums of both Houses of the B&H parliament, and representatives of religious communities. Plenkovic also laid wreaths at the memorial of the first victims of the besieged Sarajevo. After the meetings, Plenkovic told media that he decided to pay a visit to B&H, which he referred to as Croatia’s friendly and partner country. Plenkovic stressed that B&H does not have a biggest friend and advocate of its EU integration in the EU countries than Croatia. “I am here to send a message of integrity of B&H and equality of all three constituent peoples”, the Croatian Prime Minister stressed. However, Plenkovic assessed that there has been a practice of elections since 2006 that hinder normal functioning of institutional relations between B&H and Croatia. Plenkovic stressed that legitimate representation of constituent peoples, where he particularly emphasized Croats, should be ensured through the electoral reform. Commenting on the internal political crisis and attempts of authorities of the entity of the RS to separate themselves from the constitutional-legal order of B&H, Plenkovic said that Croatia does not support “any separatist tendencies”. He noted that Croatia wants for the Dayton framework of the system to be respected, and added: “We want for this country to always function. We want it to function well. That is our permanent stance.” Speaking about economy, Plenkovic emphasized that Croatia is willing to increase economic cooperation and trade with B&H. “We should resolve all infrastructure issues, ensure a more quality transport connecting, as well as to increase cooperation in the energy sector,” Plenkovic noted. Plenkovic touched on Croatian President Zoran Milanovic’s recent comments on Srebrenica, and said that some statements undergo media spinning and he added that Milanovic’s previous statements left no dilemma that he recognizes that genocide happened in Srebrenica.

Tegeltija confirmed that he spoke with Plenkovic about a possible gas supply of B&H through LNG Terminal on Krk Island, stressing the importance of having diverse gas supply sources. Tegeltija noted that B&H and Croatia have good economic and political relations, which have been developing throughout the years. In terms of the Election Law, Tegeltija said: “All peoples should freely and safely be able to elect their legitimate representatives rather than for someone else to elect their representatives.” Plenkovic visited Mostar where he met with the representatives of the Croat People's Assembly (HNS). Plenkovic said that there is political consensus of Croats in B&H on the Dayton framework of B&H, once again stressing the importance of legitimate representation of Croats, as the least numerous people in the authorities. Plenkovic stressed that Croatia will continue to call for an internal agreement in B&H and advocate B&H's European path. "In that regard, I believe that the talks we conducted today (Monday) contributed both to calming tensions and to a constructive approach. I came here today as the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, but in two days I will be someone who sits in the European Council where all current foreign policy topics will be discussed and I will with pleasure inform my colleagues about my visit and the impression of what the current situation in B&H is and how much all of us at the level of the EU have to be focused on the events here and help," Plenkovic underlined. Plenkovic pointed out that he is pleased to hear that the political representatives of Croats in B&H have a unanimous position and that they have the same opinion when it comes to the essence of functioning of B&H and wishes about how the country should develop further. Plenkovic stressed that Croatia is B&H's friend, calling for deepening of the cooperation between Croatia and B&H. Plenkovic noted that due to the very long border it shares with B&H, Croatia is very interested in the stability of B&H. Plenkovic emphasized that he is leaving B&H more optimistic, after all the meetings he had in Sarajevo and Mostar. Following the meeting with Plenkovic, HNS President and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic told a press conference that the Constitution of B&H very clearly defined the position of constituent peoples and that the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H resolutely responded to many motions, saying that constituent status constitutes the umbrella category of the Constitution of B&H. "That is a non-negotiable topic, i.e. there is no room on our part for some agreement or compromise. We ask not to go negatively towards that, but to supplement and that is the part of the element of upgrade of the Constitution of limited character to comply with all the verdicts of the Court in Strasbourg. In that sense, we have offered both when it comes to the House of Peoples and the Presidency to add that besides the representatives of Croat, Serb and Bosniak people, we also have representatives of those who do not declare themselves as representatives of the constituent peoples," Covic emphasized.


Krivokapic: Resignation only if we don’t implement budget by June; $20m squandered to overthrow government (CdM)

Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic has said, after opposition MPs withdrew the no-confidence motion against the government, that this was another victory for his government. He adds that the government can only resign if the planned budget is not implemented by June next year. “If we take a look of today, we can see another frivolity of those who submitted this initiative. If you want to be successful, then fulfil your promises. Promise – a crazy belief. It is a game of those who tried to gain a golden vote through political corruption,” Krivokapic has stated at the press conference. He sees the reasons for withdrawing the opposition’s initiative as transferring the ball to someone else’s yard. “This is where the DF’s response should be expected. It is a frivolous game, but everyone can play as they please. I would like such a scenario to happen so that the DF and the DPS could create the preconditions for a new political game in Montenegro. I think that would be the best gain for everyone in Montenegro,” Krivokapic has concluded.

Krivokapic's Op-Ed: Honor and shame live forever (

Try to imagine a scenario in which political corruption took place in Montenegro yesterday, after winning freedom on 30 August. Which of the members of the parliamentary majority would be ready to call personal integrity into question and tarnish the family's reputation, which is sacred in Montenegro? Who would take the risk, as an individual, to provoke protests across the country and mass expression of dissatisfaction due to the betrayed will of the citizens? I believe and hope that there is no such MP and that there won't be one in the parliamentary majority. Otherwise, if (for the umpteenth time) political corruption would be legitimized, it would mean that Montenegro does not need elections. The recipe would be clear and implicit: we have lost the election and we are missing one mandate? No problem - we'll buy it.  Is that democracy, and does such "democracy" make sense? US President Joseph Biden once said: "Corruption is a cancer, a cancer that eats away at a citizen's faith in democracy, diminishes the instinct for innovation and creativity". After (another) political corruption, could we ever restore the faith of our citizens in democracy? This Government, which various political structures have been trying to overthrow since it was formed, is the first in Montenegrin history to give a chance to young, innovative and creative people to finally show their knowledge and skills. To show their love for Montenegro. And the love for Montenegro is not shown by stealing it, by bid rigging, wasting and exploiting its resources. Love for Montenegro is expressed when you save the country from bankruptcy and protect it from currency risk, reduce the budget deficit many times over, significantly increase the minimum and average salary, increase health care salaries by 30%, organise record drug seizure, return the property to the citizens and the state, provide over 1.3 million vaccines, provide child allowance for children up to 6 years of age and free textbooks for all primary school children. That is why I am convinced that there is neither an individual, nor a parliamentary group from the ruling majority, who is interested in destroying the achievements made so far and reviving the previous state. The state in which Montenegro was a state of affairs. A country of political blackmail, pressure and party membership book, where unnatural divisions were incited and criminal clans regularly clashed. We do not want that Montenegro. We want Montenegro of happy and satisfied people. Montenegro of the future. Because the one/those who would dare to change the path of this beautiful country by using political corruption, would write their names, permanently and irreparably, on the pages of the history of political dishonesty. They could never get out of that basement of shame and walk the Montenegrin streets, boulevards and sidewalks again. But others would. Smiling, proud and free. Just like in January 2020.

Milatovic and Kordic in Brussels: EU membership is Government's strategic priority (

The Montenegrin delegation, led by Minister of Economic Development Jakov Milatovic, participated in the fourteenth meeting of the Accession Conference with Montenegro at Ministerial level. I am pleased to lead the Montenegrin delegation today, which will have the opportunity to inform partner countries and members about everything that has been done in the past year by the Government regarding the improvement of the rule of law, the fight against corruption and organised crime, the acceleration of structural reforms in the economy, but also public administration reforms, all with the aim of improving the living standards of our citizens and accelerating the European integration process of Montenegro, said Minister Milatovic.

Chief Negotiator with the EU Zorka Kordic pointed out that this is a great opportunity for Montenegro to reiterate its geostrategic commitment to EU membership, to emphasise a clear vision and plans in the field of rule of law, and to underline other important elements for the overall progress of our country in this process, including the measures of economic recovery. What is especially important is that we have strengthened the political dialogue with the EU Member States, said Kordic. Minister Milatovic said that he would present the Action Plan adopted by the Government last week, which deals, above all, with addressing the key priorities mentioned by the European Commission in this year's Progress Report, all with the aim of making the next one as good as possible in order to further accelerate the process of Montenegro's accession to the EU. Political intergovernmental conferences are an opportunity to strengthen political dialogue between candidate countries and EU Member States.

Minister Radulovic meets with US Deputy Assistant Secretary Escobar in London (

The fight against corruption, organised crime and social inclusion of all its citizens is the guiding idea of all progressive forces in Montenegro. Going towards the EU, our country is becoming more democratic, stable and prosperous, said Minister of Foreign Affairs Djordje Radulovic to the US Deputy Assistant Secretary overseeing policy towards the countries of the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar, during the Foreign Ministers' Meeting in London. Minister Radulovic noted that Montenegro had drafted a document committing itself to progress in the areas of protection and freedom of the media, anti-corruption measures, improving cooperation with NGOs, and electoral framework and digitalization of judiciary and public administration. US Deputy Assistant Secretary overseeing policy towards the countries of the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar once again expressed support for Montenegro's commitment to European integration and reform processes. He expressed satisfaction with the successful first visit to the region, and announced a new one at the beginning of the year. Minister Radulovic welcomed the fact that the US Government keeps the focus on the Western Balkans. The meeting expressed expectation that the plan of the First Economic Dialogue, which is a great success of Montenegrin diplomacy, will proceed as planned through the formation of working groups and concrete steps in the dialogue, as extremely important initiative for overall bilateral and economic cooperation between Montenegro and USA. Minister Radulovic pointed out that the Montenegrin Government appreciates the recommendations of the State Department's report on the investment climate in Montenegro, adding that our country is committed to finding credible investors and to eradicating corruption and improving the rule of law. He expressed belief that cooperation will be further strengthened with the renewed US engagement in multilateralism, which is reflected in the joint membership in the UN Human Rights Council in the period 2022-2024. He also confirmed that Montenegro and the United States share the same system of Euro-Atlantic values through a strategic alliance within NATO, and reminded that our country stands with its ally in the global efforts to protect democracy and human rights.


No support in the EU to let Albania go ahead with its accession talks without Macedonia (MIA)

The MIA news agency reports that there is no support among EU countries to split Macedonia and Albania in their accession talks bid. This means that Albania will not be allowed to advance alone, ahead of Macedonia, as Bulgaria continues to veto Macedonia’s accession talks. Ahead of the European Council, that takes place on Tuesday, Bulgaria repeated its position that Macedonia does not meet the requirements to open its accession talks. All other countries, and the European Commission, see Macedonia as ready to finally begin the talks, but the fact that any single country has veto rights means that Macedonia will almost certainly be denied again. Bulgaria demands that the other EU countries agree that honoring the 2018 Zaev – Borisov treaty is made an integral part of the accession talks. This means that Bulgaria would be able to raise dozens of various objections, over historic narratives or national identity issues, through the course of the negotiations, with the backing of all EU member states.

Osmani thanks Escobar on US strong support for start of EU accession talks (Republika)

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani met with Gabriel Escobar, United States Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs and Western Balkans Special Representative, at the sidelines of a Western Balkans ministerial in London on Monday. Thanks for the strong support from the United States for starting accession negotiations with the European Union. We remain committed to further strengthening the strategic partnership and joint efforts for freedom, security and democratic prosperity in the region, Osmani wrote on Facebook. Escobar paid an official visit to the country last Monday, expressing strong support for Macedonia’s fast European integration and stressing that the United States is working with European partners to ensure that this happens soon.