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Belgrade Media Report 27 December


Brnabic: No alternative to implementation of Brussels agreement (Jedinstvo/Tanjug)

There is no alternative to implementation of the Brussels agreement - agreements must be fulfilled and a Community of Serb Municipalities formed, says Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic. In an interview to the Pristina paper Jedinstvo on Friday, Brnabic noted that the international community, in particular, the international factors that recognized Kosovo's unilaterally declared independence, must influence Pristina in a more efficient way to get it to return to the negotiating table. “If we want to hold negotiations about some other agreement on normalization, we must implement the first one first. I see no option whatsoever to go back to the period prior to 2013 to annul all agreements and all we have fulfilled because Pristina has not fulfilled anything, and to negotiate about a new agreement. There is no such possibility,” Brnabic noted.

Vucic about the referendum: I will invite people to vote, in order to raise awareness (TV Prva)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke on Friday for TV Prva about on the upcoming referendum, saying that it was especially important. He pointed out that he would invite people to come out and vote on referendum. The upcoming referendum on constitutional changes in the field of justice is very important, because it will ensure that politicians cannot elect judges, so they will be completely independent, said Vucic and called on citizens to go to the referendum and vote for changes to the Constitution. He said that the referendum is important because of further reforms in the area of the rule of law, and not because it will bring something to the ruling party, which, he says, has more of those against the changes voted on in the referendum.

Vucic told TV Prva that he would certainly invite the citizens to go to the referendum and vote, so that the reform of the judiciary similar to the one from 2009 would never happen again.

“Today, you have the reaction of the public to every decision in the judiciary, and when they don't like the decision, they say - Vucic is guilty, and when they like it, then they thank brave judges because they are against Vucic. We want 2009 to never happen again, when politics determined in a criminal way who will be a judge and who will not. Politicians will no longer be able to elect judges,” Vucic said. The judges will be absolutely independent, and then it is a completely different question whether someone likes the court's decision, he added. “It is also important for our European integration, and to change the awareness that the state can influence the judiciary,” said Vucic. When asked what if the referendum does not pass, Vucic answered that it would be very bad. “That would be very bad and we would say - great, then Vucic will be able today, someone else tomorrow, to appoint and dismiss judges, gaining complete control over the judicial system of Serbia,” said Vucic.

Vucic: Serbia will not support sanctions against anyone in RS and would not support sanctions against anyone in B&H

Vucic said Serbia would oppose sanctions against the Republika Srpska (RS) and anyone in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). “Of course, we will oppose that. People often have very unilateral approach to issues in B&H. I do not think that sanctions can resolve anything. And to be completely open, if sanctions were imposed against anyone in B&H, we would not support those sanctions, and of course we will not support when they are imposed against the RS or someone in the RS,” said Vucic. He went on to say he has had a relation of mutual respect with Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, “as with everyone else, I do not order anyone. But to influence someone, firstly, that man lives there, and I live here. He certainly knows the situation and who promised what to whom, who said what to whom and who signed what. I know that much less, and I do not even think to talk in that manner with him and with anyone else. Can the RS do without Serbia? No, it cannot, to be completely open, in almost every sense. But, does Serbia have the right to blackmail the RS in any way? I do not think so. I think that is the only fair relationship. I said we used to have the border and blockades on the Drina (River) due to conflict among the politicians. I do not need always to agree with President Dodik, but I do not want ever to talk about it in public, and I will never, in any way, attack the politicians in the RS, because I think that is bad, irresponsible, and that it brings catastrophic consequences for the survival of our people”.

About the elections

Vucic said that he had many difficult and important state affairs ahead of him before he decided on his candidacy, and he commented on the traffic jam on the highways in Serbia. “We are looking to finish the road from Pakovraca in the next few weeks, which would save the people of Cacak from the crowds. We also have a lot of work around energy, railways to Novi Sad. We have a dozen more hospitals that we have to finish in the next three months. Somewhere around 15 February and 1 March, we will decide,” he said. Vucic said that there is a lot of research, and that he is only interested in what will be shown on 3 April. Three things are important. Elections are not a game, but too serious a thing. I say that because we had a touch of frivolous approach to the elections themselves. This is where people decide their future. We also have to decide our European path, and the referendum is in question. I call on people to come out and vote ‘yes’, he said. Vucic says that today the public reacts to every decision of the judiciary, and that the goal is for us to never repeat that politicians decide who will be appointed a judge like in 2009. The parliament will no longer elect them. That is much better than today, the judges will be completely independent. That is the essential thing. You have Vlado Djukanovic, who is a prominent member of the SNS, but he said he would vote against.” Vucic says it will be very bad if the referendum does not pass, and it would send a very bad message. He also commented on the people who were announced as candidates for president, from Vladeta Jankovic to Dr Nestorovic. “They say that as soon as I am not president, I will go to prison, and that they will persecute my family. If I do not go to the polls, then I voluntarily agree to be shot. Where is the logic? Those stories are told by people who are not responsible or serious,” he said. As for Nestorovic, Vucic said that he decorated him. “I do not agree with all his views, but I will not speak ill of him,” Vucic said. He emphasized that it will be an interesting match. “I think that people will vote for the future and that they want to vote for hard and diligent work,” he emphasized. He says he will not threaten anyone with shootings or the Romanian scenario, regardless of who the candidate is. Goran Markovic said that it was unlikely that the regime would fall peacefully, and that he hoped that Vucic had Ceausescu’s fall before his eyes, to which the president said that hypocrisy was at work. “What did they do? If I had said that, it would have been before the Council of Europe, the European Parliament would have been convened. The second they realized that what was done was bad, they expected me to insult or curse it. I did not say anything ugly to Goran Markovic. It never occurred to me to say an ugly word to him. And then you see that based on what the tycoon media is doing, a campaign is being launched against Darija Kisic. She is a woman who reacted to the most terrible unequivocal threat,” he said. He says that the worst attacks on Minister Kisic Tepavcevic started instantly, and that they insulted her. They simply don't let anyone think differently.

Vucic speaks with Putin, Serbia to have sufficient gas supplies this winter (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Saturday spoke on the phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who gave assurances Russia would adhere to an existing agreement and that Serbia would have sufficient gas supplies this winter. The two discussed an arrangement providing additional gas quantities to Serbia, the press office of the Serbian President said in a statement. They expressed readiness for further close cooperation between Serbia and Russia on a range of issues on the bilateral, regional and international agenda. Vucic and Putin noted that economic ties between Serbia and Russia were strengthening constantly and that possibilities for business cooperation remained largely untapped and that there was space for new joint projects. They also noted that they expected an agreement on strategic economic cooperation between Serbia and Russia to be signed soon and gave a positive assessment of an agreement signed by Serbia's HIP Petrohemija and Russia’s energy giant Gazprom. Vucic thanked Putin for a delivery of Kornet anti-tank missiles, adding that the Russian-made missiles were the best in the world and also the best addition to the arsenal of Serbia's land forces. In a follow-up to a Sochi meeting held a month ago, Vucic and Putin reviewed the energy situation in Europe and globally, the statement also said.

Godfrey: US striving to support Serbia in its developmental goals (RTS)

US Ambassador to Serbia Anthony Godfrey said on Sunday, the 20th anniversary of the USAID in Serbia, that the US strove to support Serbia in its developmental goals. “The goal of America is the same as that of Serbia. The US strives to support Serbia in its developmental goals to become a member of the EU and we are all focusing on that goal,” Godfrey told RTS. The US Ambassador said he was proud of what has been accomplished in the last 20 years, the partnership they had, and that America was helping Serbia develop in accordance with the developmental goals that it had chosen. “We want to help our partners develop in a democratically and economically acceptable way. I am very proud that USAID is not a partisan organization, but has the support of Republicans and Democrats. Our mission, especially in Serbia, has mostly remained the same, constant, and I'm proud of the results that we have achieved in Serbia,” the US Ambassador stressed.

Office for Kosovo and Metohija: Albanian hooligans won’t even let deceased Serbs rest in peace (Tanjug/RTS)

The desecration of eight Serb tombstones that were broken in the Orthodox cemetery in the ethnically mixed village of Kisnica, near Gracanica is disgraceful and devastating; six were completely destroyed and two were damaged, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija said. This mindless act was discovered by the locals who testified that the tombstones were intact only seven days ago, and they reported this case to the Kosovo police, the statement said. “It seems that it is not enough to openly demonstrate religious intolerance against the Serb people living in Kosovo and Metohija, but Albanian hooligans won't even let the deceased Serbs rest in peace. During that time, politicians from Pristina, led by the most outspoken advocate of anti-Serb policy Albin Kurti, are declaring that Kosovo and Metohija is an oasis of peace and harmony, while we witness ethnically motivated attacks and incidents against Serbs every day,” the statement said. The statistics are devastating, showing that “50 percent more ethnically motivated incidents have been recorded in Kosovo and Metohija this year compared the previous one, of which as many as 20 were attacks against the property of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC)”.

“The fact that these numbers continue to grow and that there is no adequate reaction and protection of the Serb population is additionally worrying. During this year alone, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija informed international representatives about the threat to SPC monuments and Serbian Orthodox cemeteries in Kosovo and Metohija, and this year the Office invested significant funds in rehabilitation, repair and maintenance of Orthodox cemeteries and chapels in Kosovo and Metohija, and will continue to rebuild what has been destroyed in response to the policy of hatred and intolerance,” said the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.

Can Inzko’s law be ‘fixed’ (Politika, by Mladen Kremenovic)

Politika reminded of the article published by The Guardian, which suggested that so called Inzko’s law (on prohibition of genocide denial) should be corrected or suspended, and carried NPS leader and representative in the RS parliament Darko Banjac who said that “there is nothing to suspend or correct here because nothing has been imposed in line with the Constitution and Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) in the first place”. Banjac added that, if international representatives truly care about B&H, then they should admit that the High Representative could not have imposed such decision and they should conclude that it cannot produce any legal effects because of it. However, Banjac added that he is not sure they would do that, having in mind their past practice. There is an additional problem which does not go in favor of those who advocate interventionism – the arrival of Inzko’s successor Christian Schmidt was not carried out in line with procedures stipulated by the DPA knowing that the UN Security Council did not support his appointment. Banjac said that international diplomats fail to understand that Inzko had no authority to impose the law by his decision because neither the DPA nor Bonn powers granted him this right: “In case the EU decides that Inzko could not have imposed the law, it will be clear that we are gradually returning to the frame of the DPA. At the same time, it would be a message that they want stability here.” Banjac also said that it would not be acceptable for the RS to have Inzko’s decision be sent to the parliament of B&H for the adoption and corrections, but he added that domestic politicians can independently discuss all solutions including those concerning stances on crimes.

UNPROFOR was ‘clay pigeon’ for Stuart Peach (Novosti, by Dragan Vujicic)

Former minister of interior of the RS Tomislav Kovac told Novosti that UK Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Stuart Peach “should have ended up before a war crimes court a long time ago” and he argued that Peach, as the chief intelligence officer of the UK Royal Air Force, guided NATO bombers in the area of Sarajevo to artillery positions of the RS Army: “While building his career in NATO, he did not mind the fact that UNPROFOR soldiers too were stationed around Serb positions.” Kovac added that it was expected that the RS Army will retaliate against UNPROFOR soldiers following the NATO strikes on positions around Sarajevo, but this did not happen. “General Michael Rose, then Commander of UNPROFOR, and highest-ranking commanders of French troops swore to us that they could not even imagine Peach will turn them into clay pigeons,” Kovac added and wondered how is it possible that a man who was willing to “kill his own soldiers” is sent again to the Balkans “to build peace”. Kovac also claimed that Peach is “the executor of the UK agenda from 1996, according to which a new, small and limited, war is needed in Bosnia in order to finish the architecture of this state”. Kovac went on to say that “people of Anthony Monkton, then top official of London MI-6 for the Balkans, told me about this new, small war and they told me everything was planned for the period of time between 2014 and 2018. They are obviously running late so they are improvising now”. Kovac also elaborated on UK intelligence “games” from 1990s in B&H and he reminded that Colm Doyle and Dole Santos were at the helm of a European monitoring mission at the time and they reported on the events in an unbiased manner. Kovac claimed that he still has a telegram signed by the two, related to an explosion in Sarajevo in which 26 people were killed and more than 100 severely wounded. Namely, the RS Army informed the two about “UK sabotage” in this case and the two replied in the telegram by saying: “We know and we believe your report that the explosion was orchestrated by Muslim authorities, but the policy of our governments is to have a different kind of truth”. Kovac concluded by saying that the UK sparked the war in central Bosnia by transporting Al-Q’aeda soldiers and soldiers of the Army of the Republic of B&H with their own vehicles to positions around Croat villages in the areas of Zenica, Busovaca, Lasva valley and Kiseljak. Kovac claimed that former High Representative Paddy Ashdown “cemented” the strong intelligence network of UK in B&H and he said: “I was requested to deliver Radovan Karadzic to them and, when I refused, I was banished from B&H by a decision of the High Representative.”



Dodik obstructs adoption of all agenda items at B&H Presidency Session (O Kanal/BHT1)

The B&H Presidency held a session in Sarajevo on Thursday, but Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik obstructed adoption of all agenda items. These items even included the decision on financing of the cross-border cooperation of B&H and Serbia for which the EU was willing to provide nearly 2 million Euros. Adoption of this decision is required by December 31. Another agenda item that Dodik rejected was the decision to engage the B&H Armed Forces (AF) in helping with setting up a platoon bridge in Istocna Ilidza. Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic confirmed that Dodik voted against all decisions in the sessions including the decisions that “would be beneficial for the people living in the RS”. Dzaferovic commented: “Today’s session of the B&H Presidency showed that the blockade of the work of B&H institutions continues. Milorad Dodik voted against items of the agenda that are in the interest of people who live in the territory of the RS entity.”

Dodik addresses press conference in Istocno Sarajevo after he votes against all items on agenda of session (BNTV)

Dodik addressed a press conference in Istocno Sarajevo on Thursday following a session of the B&H Presidency held earlier during the day. During the session, Dodik voted against all items on the agenda including the ones that refer to material assistance to institutions in the RS. Dodik explained his move by saying that he respects conclusions of the RS parliament according to which representatives of the RS will not take part in decision-making processes in the joint institutions of B&H unless interest of the RS is in danger. The reporter noted that in this way, Dodik prevented the hospital in Bijeljina to get a new medical vehicle and he failed to support activities of the B&H Armed Forces in reconstruction of a bridge following the recent floods in Istocna Ilidza. BN TV reported that Dodik obviously ignored part of the conclusion that refers to taking part in decision-making processes in the joint institutions of B&H unless the interest of the RS is in danger and now, the RS parliament will have to vote against this and decide that help to municipalities and institutions in the RS is not detrimental for vital interest of the RS. The reporter argued that despite of the fact that Dodik again humiliated the RS parliament, he sees nothing disputable in that. Addressing the press conference, Dodik stated that the RS parliament will decide about this and added that he can invoke protection of the vital interest in the second round and then, the RS parliament will schedule a session and decide. Dodik said: “Sometimes, the RS parliament supports what I say and sometimes it does not. We will see.” Dodik also announced new decisions on the alleged return of competences of the RS and at the same time, he called for preservation of B&H. Dodik, warned on Thursday in Istocno Sarajevo that it is impossible to maintain B&H based on the violence of part of the international community and the arrogance of Bosniaks, which, as the most numerous people, they show towards Serbs and Croats. He says today’s generation of politicians has a chance of preserving B&H, but only through respect of the Constitution and the Dayton Agreement. In his comment, Dodik said he can invoke the mechanism of protection of the vital national interest in these matters. He also emphasized that he is strengthening the position of the RS by doing this. He said the RS parliament is the last instance where decisions are made, and the B&H Presidency is the “passing station” on that road. Dodik said Serbs and Croats in B&H do not share the vision of Bosniaks regarding the way B&H should look and be organized. He said Bosniaks are trying to impose their views onto others. Dodik spoke of two conflicting concepts – one is the Unitarian concept, by which certain politicians wish to make changes to the B&H Constitution and the Dayton Peace Agreement, and the other concept is trying to preserve the Dayton Agreement in its original form. “The first one (concept) directly destroys B&H, and the second one is trying to preserve it”, Dodik told reporters in Istocno Sarajevo. Dodik called Bosniak and Croat leaders to talks on future of B&H. He called the EU, and countries of the EU, to stop viewing B&H as “an experiment”. If crisis in B&H is not resolved, Dodik says, B&H will probably fall apart, and the RS will continue on, on its own, he assures. Dodik expressed concern over the fact that B&H ruined relations with Croatia, Serbia and Hungary. Relations were also ruined with Russia, which B&H politicians often blame of alleged malignant influence in the country. “We believe that such B&H is not sustainable. That it is necessary to normalize relations as soon as possible, with Serbia, with Croatia, with Hungary, with Russia, with China, and with other countries that present their stances”, Dodik underlined.

Dodik: Foreigners who cause disorder in B&H represent problem (Die Welt/RTRS)

Serb member of B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik said in an interview for the German daily Die Welt that foreigners who cause disorder in B&H represent a problem, adding that B&H is the only colony in Europe. He reminded that there is no national but a joint level in B&H as defined in line with the Constitution of B&H, stressing that the only thing the RS wants is for this to be respected. He explained that according to the Constitution of B&H, the joint level does not have competences for the army, taxation system or judiciary, but entities are responsible for that. Dodik emphasized that the RS has the constitutional right when it comes to army as stipulated by the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), reminding that the RS Army existed until 2005 “when foreigners lied that it would be better for B&H to have a joint army and it is clear now that this was wrong”. He also noted that the RS does not want a Muslim army. Asked to comment on German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock’s calls for sanctions against him, Dodik stated that he knows what the start of mandate means and that Baerbock as the new Foreign Minister has her ambitions as she represents a party that is not the biggest one in Germany. He said that by calling for sanctions against him Baerbock shows that “she does not have a clue about our life because she has never been here”, adding that he proposes dialogue with Baerbock. According to Dodik, Baerbock’s requests are biased, imposing sanctions is not in line with German democracy and the question is why Germany or any other country should govern B&H. He explained that no one plans secession in B&H, but that the RS only fights for constitutional order. Asked to say if the fact that he does not recognize Christian Schmidt is because of Schmidt himself or his function of the High Representative, Dodik said that Schmidt should have been appointed by the UN Security Council (UNSC) and that the RS should have also had its say about it.

Cubrilovic, former RS parliament speakers, speakers of both Houses at B&H parliament sign joint statement on non-acceptance of violation of DPA (O Kanal)

Speaker of the RS parliament Nedeljko Cubrilovic, former RS parliament speakers and speakers of both Houses of the B&H parliament from the RS signed on Friday a joint statement on non-acceptance of the violation of the General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP) in B&H, and defending democratic principles of parliamentarianism in B&H. O Kanal reports that Cubrilovic said the signatories expressed concerned about the current political processes in B&H.  “We highlight that the imposed laws and decisions by the High Representatives, the international community according to which the competences were transferred from the entity level to the level of the B&H institutions were adopted unconstitutionally, without referring to the constitutional basis, Article 3 paragraph 5a, prescribed by the B&H Constitution, and contrary to the will of the RS citizens,” said Cubrilovic for the media on Friday. The joint statement reads that, 26 years since the beginning of implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), it is time to enable B&H to function independently, without the international interventionism and impositions. The statement was signed out of concern over the current political processes in B&H. Signatories of the joint statement underlined that all possible changes to the internal organization of B&H can be acceptable only if they are a result of internal agreement in constitutionally defined procedures rather than through external imposition. Signatories assessed that the previous forms of interventionism of international representatives are unacceptable, because they undermined the internal organization and democratic relations within B&H. The statement rejects the consequences of such interventionism as expression of illegal and undemocratic activity. Signatories once again called for a dialogue on all open issues, and they underscored that the new HR for B&H was not appointed by the UNSC “as the only authorized body”. They urged a consistent adherence to the DPA and improving the election legislation system that would unable authentic representation of will of voters in line with principles and provisions of constitutional organization of B&H. Speaker Cubrilovic urged the international actors “to come to their senses” and realize the reality of political life in B&H. Deputy speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Nikola Spiric warned that two constituent peoples – Serbs and Croats – are dissatisfied with their position in B&H. “International interventionism has practically produced a huge dose of political parasitism, especially in Bosniak political structures who do not want to talk to the other two peoples to come to a solution that meets everyone’s demands,” he noted.

EC warns RS officials of consequences if RS Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices is established (O Kanal)

O Kanal reports that Deputy Director-General of the Directorate General Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) of the European Commission (EC) Maciej Popowski wrote a letter to the most senior RS officials in which he stated: “Suspend all activities on the establishment of the RS entity agency for medicinal products and medical devices, that will lead to market disruptions and affect patients and health care.”  O Kanal reports that the letter was sent several days ago to RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic, RS parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic and Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija. “Establishment of the agency would create legal uncertainty in the medicinal product market with inevitable harmful effects on citizens and the economy while undermining the single economic space in the country,” reads Popowski’s letter. Cubrilovic commented the letter and said he did not receive it and learned about it from the media. Cubrilovic claimed that there are solutions if someone starts to block treatment of citizens. Cubrilovic added that the thesis is reversed because no one calls out people who call the other two peoples genocidal, among other things.

IZ B&H Assembly adopts resolution on need to preserve peace in B&H (BHT1)

The Assembly of the Islamic Community of B&H (IZ B&H) adopted a resolution on Sunday on the need to preserve peace in B&H as well as state sovereignty and integrity. President of the IZ B&H Assembly Safet Softic stated that the resolution was adopted unanimously and it represents an expression of concern over the situation in B&H. Softic called on all responsible actors to prevent threatening the peace in B&H. Softic said that situation in B&H is truly complex, which is why Head Office and Head of IZ B&H Husein Kavazovic proposed a text of the Resolution.

Kavazovic posted on social networks on Sunday night, noting that “genocide deniers in B&H and in the region and those who support them, most frequently claim that organized and systematic crimes against Bosniaks have happened, but there was no genocidal intention”. He stated that at the same time, this ideological milieu produces statement such was the one of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. “Elimination can go from the genocide, as we saw in Srebrenica to taking away of any kind of political sovereignty and legitimacy to them as the people or the state in which you live, which is now attempted to carry out with supporting the separatist politics which aims towards dissolution of state of B&H and introducing of apartheid into its political and social life,” wrote Kavazovic.

Turkovic sends letter to EU officials regarding Orban’s claims on Muslims in B&H (BHT1)

B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic sent EU High Representative Josep Borrell and other EU officials a letter related to statements of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban that integration of B&H with two million Muslims represents a challenge for the EU. Turkovic emphasized that political positions behind these kinds of statements threaten to undermine not just the role of the EU in B&H but also the idea of Europe as progressive and open environment that respects human rights, humanity and values of everyone.

Cvijanovic says letter of Turkovic to EU officials is aimed to exert pressure (Srna)

In a statement for Srna, RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that everything political Sarajevo has been doing is in function of exerting pressure – this time in Brussels. Cvijanovic proposed it in sarcastic manner to Bosniak politicians to go to Brussels and to expel from the EU all members unsuitable for them and to dictate to Brussels which countries need to become members of the EU.

Schmidt urges limited constitutional reform and changes to Election Law (AJB)

The OHR issued a press release on Thursday, which reads that the High Representative Christian Schmidt recalled that the essence of the now 12-year-old European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruling in the Sejdic – Finci case is clear: all citizens in B&H should have equal rights. The Sejdic-Finci ruling is not the only ECHR ruling that B&H authorities continue to disregard - the authorities must also take the steps ordered by the ECHR in the Zornic, Pilav and Slaku cases, as well as the most recent Pudaric case, which would end discrimination based on ethnicity or residence. Statement reads that the Annex 4 of the Dayton Agreement, which is the Constitution of this country, says that B&H shall be a democratic state, which shall operate under the rule of law and that the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and its Protocols shall apply directly in BiH and have priority over all other law. Schmidt stated that having this in mind, it is time to offer equal treatment to every citizen of B&H as stated in the Sejdic-Finci ruling: “The Council of Europe has shown great patience for 12 long years. Both the spirit of the Dayton Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights are a good basis for their judgment. At the same time, this judgment is not intended to undermine the inclusion of the three constituent peoples in the state foundation. Until decided otherwise by relevant authorities of B&H these remain in place. What is needed now as a matter of urgency is to eliminate discrimination in the electoral process related to the Presidency and the House of Peoples of B&H so that all citizens are given equal rights of participation in the 2022 General Elections compliant with the ECHR ruling. In this sense, I urge the limited reform of the Constitution of B&H and changes to the Election Law to strengthen the fundamental principles and transparency of elections in B&H.”

Who is Mister Schmidt representing in B&H? (Oslobodjenje, by Vildana Selimbegovic)

Oslobodjenje carried an interview with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who was first asked to comment on the daily’s remark that B&H is a small country and that one could often hear that B&H is a victim of global Russian-American relations. Lavrov replied by saying, among other issues, that Russia does not resolve its problems at anyone’s expense and that Russia does not give its partners “an absolutely false choice ‘you are either with us or against us’”. At the same time, continued Lavrov, Washington has been avoiding to talk to Moscow about B&H and the Balkans lately, which triggered Lavrov to say Russia hopes the Biden administration will find enough political will and reason not to turn the Balkans into another front of anti-Russian confrontation, otherwise it will create fatal consequences for Europe as a whole. Asked what is Russian interest in the Balkans, Lavrov replied by saying Russia’s main interests are peace, security and stability in the Balkans, and that there is no need for looking for a hidden agenda in the Russian policy. According to the Russian FM, the myth about Russia’s ‘malign influence’ has obviously been fabricated in order to poison the atmosphere of cooperation in the region. He went on to say that the will of the citizens is often ignored on purpose, stressing that Montenegro was literally dragged into NATO against the opinion of the majority, which triggered Lavrov to wonder “why violently promote the Euro-Atlantic agenda?”. Asked to comment on the daily’s remark that there is a perception in B&H that Russia in favoring one part of B&H, namely forces that strive towards secession, to be exact the RS and Presidency of B&H member and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, who claims he enjoys support from Russia, Lavrov said he has to disagree with thesis that Dodik’s initiatives are threat to the peace. According to Lavrov, Russia acts responsibly towards its obligations and Russia is concerned with lack of inter-ethnic dialogue and trust in the country, which is in Russia’s opinion connected with attempt to change the Dayton architecture and centralize BiH to detriment of the constituent peoples and the entities. “That policy is extremely dangerous for the situation in the country, the region and Europe as a whole (…)”, said Lavrov. Lavrov further stated that the internal political atmosphere was made worse by former HR Valentin Inzko with his irresponsible behavior related to changes to the Criminal Code of B&H, stressing it was unserious to allow one such provocation literally before his resignation. According to Lavrov, this has shown that the foreign protectorate in the form of the HR has become obsolete and has turned into creator of problems. Asked why Russia is so categorical in terms of new HR Christian Schmidt, Lavrov said that the role of the UNSC regarding appointments of the HR has no alternative, which is regulated by Annex 10 to the Dayton agreement. According to Lavrov, “candidacy of mister Schmidt” did not get the support of the constituent peoples in B&H and from the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board. This triggered Lavrov to wonder “Who is mister Schmidt representing in this case? Maybe ten or so Ambassadors in Sarajevo? (…)”. Lavrov added by saying Russia cannot recognize Schmidt as the HR because of all this, adding that Russia respect Schmidt as a well-known politician from Germany.

Botsan-Kharchenko: Biggest obstacle in facing political crisis and for stabilization of B&H is outdated institution of HR (Glas Srpske)

Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko has assessed that the biggest obstacle in facing the political crisis and for stabilization of B&H is outdated institution of the HR and that closing down of this institution is a task that need to be handled first. Commenting on the accusations from Sarajevo that Serbia and Russia are to be blamed for the newest institutional crisis in B&H, because of their support to Dodik, Botsan-Kharchenko said that one does not need a magnifying glass to see that it was not the Serb leadership that caused the crisis in B&H, let alone Serbia and Russia. He noted that the crisis is most notably caused by international officials who should be responsible for overcoming the current issues. “It was the High Representative Valentin Inzko, right before he voluntarily resigned, who flagrantly interfered in internal state matters,” Botsan-Kharchenko underlined. He further noted that the situation took a serious turn for the worse when the west nominated Christian Schmidt for the next HR, without consensus and without approval of the UN Security Council, or even approval of all sides in B&H. “We deem there is only one way to overcome all artificially created challenges. All sides in B&H need to join the dialogue again about how to overcome all the problems and differences on their own. With this, they will secure applying of Dayton Agreement from 1995, secure sovereignty of B&H and wide competencies of two entities, as well as equal rights of three constituent peoples,” Botsan-Kharchenko concluded.


Milanovic: Quite a vibrant democracy is functioning in Kosovo (HRT1)

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic arrived in a two-day official visit to Kosovo on Thursday. Given that his visit to Kosovo comes after the cancelation of his visit to B&H, Milanovic was asked by reporters about the reasons for canceling his visit to B&H. "I did not go to B&H for security reasons, without specifying. I can say that I did not go for security-organizational reasons," Milanovic was quoted as saying. The Croatian President further said that "the depth and breadth of ignorance of the situation in Kosovo, and especially in B&H, at the highest level of political power in the democratic countries of Western Europe and the EU, is astonishing". "Those people, without judging them for that, have other things to deal with and instead of them, people of the second and third category deal with this region. We have been seeing this in B&H for 20 years where a semi-colonial administration is being created and I do not want that on no one," Milanovic pointed out. Milanovic stressed that Zagreb will continue to advocate Pristina in Brussels. "When it comes to Kosovo, I will say that it is not only a country dear to us, dear to me, without an intention to offend anyone else. I am not here to offend Belgrade or any third party. Namely, Kosovo is a country that is predictable. Quite a vibrant democracy is functioning here," Milanovic emphasized. Milanovic pointed out that Croatia will be an advocator of Kosovo's Euro-Atlantic path. Milanovic also advised Kosovo authorities to learn from the mistakes other countries had made on their paths towards EU membership so as to avoid repeating others’ mistakes and illusions and to focus on their own interests.


Nikolic: Election of Prosecutorial Council members without broader agreement would block European path (Pobjeda)

If members of the Prosecutorial Council are elected without the agreement with the opposition, as certain announcements say, it’d mean a total blockage of further European path of Montenegro, an attempt of politicization of prosecution and harsh criticism of Europe, Milos Nikolic, MP and spokesperson of the DPS, has said. He recalled the adoption of the amended Law on State Prosecutor’s Office, which was the basis for the announcement of public competitions for members of the Council. Nikolic also pointed out that “we’re witnessing an absurdity in which political parties are almost publicly lobbying for their candidates, which leads to an unprecedented politicization of the Prosecutorial Council, i.e. the State Prosecutor’s Office in general.” According to him, “our ruling majority is catastrophic and is leading Montenegro to even bigger crises.

Medojevic: Proposed budget is anti-government and treacherous, but I don’t want to destroy unity of DF and parliamentary majority (Pobjeda)

In a statement for Pobjeda daily, the Leader of the Movement for Changes and one of the leaders of the Democratic Front, DF, Nebojsa Medojevic, says that the proposed budget is an example of an anti-government and treacherous relations of ministers and the government, because, according to him, instead of applying a state-oriented, reform and responsible approach in foundations of public finances, they’re placing a bomb of social demagogue and populism.

Concerning the budget, he notes that the DF members didn’t agree with his views so he didn’t want to undermine the unity of both the DF and the parliamentary majority. The leader of the Movement for Changes believes that new elections are the only solution. “Formation of any kinds of ad hoc governments is just an attempt of extinguishing flames with gasoline, a waste of time, resources and may only bring to the escalation, as well the political, security, economic and social tensions. When you board a wrong train, every station is wrong. This government, set up contrary to citizens’ will, is a wrong train, and there’s no help,” Medojevic concluded.

Zivkovic: Krivokapic a political grandmaster compared to DF; Radunovic: We control government (CdM)

In the parliament of Montenegro, there was a discussion between the MPs of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) and the Democratic Front (DF) about the fact that this political alliance supports the government, whose work it criticizes on a daily basis. The head of the DPS caucus Danijel Zivkovic said that Minister of Finance and Social Welfare Milojko Spajic will not be responsible if the Europe Now plan fails, but that those who voted for the budget in parliament will bear the greatest responsibility. He pointed out that the DPS would be politically irresponsible if it proposed a minimum wage of €650 or if it supported the DF’s amendment. DF MP Slaven Radunovic states that this party is not proud to support the government’s decisions. “Everything we do here we do because you are even worse. We do not want to risk the possibility of you coming to rule. We control these people. We can get rid of them whenever we want. The deadline is not long for them, it is as clear as a day”, said Radunovic.

Ibrahimovic: Political events confirm correctness of our idea of a minority government (Pobjeda)

Political events and the crisis of the current majority have confirmed the correctness of the concept proposed by the Bosniak Party (BS) immediately after the 2020 elections, which is the concept of a minority government consisting of minority parties, URA and Democrats, says Ervin Ibrahimovic, the leader of the Bosniak Party and deputy speaker of parliament.

Ibrahimovic also stresses that before signing the Memorandum of Cooperation with URA, SNP and CIVIS, representatives of minority parties met several times with DPM Dritan Abazovic. However, as he points out, personnel issues and BS’s participation in the current government were never discussed, but a way to preserve the civic concept of the state and European integration. Currently, the vast majority of citizens are visibly disappointed and dissatisfied with the moves and actions of this government, and it is only a matter of time when they will express their dissatisfaction publicly, Ibrahimovic says.


Oliver Spasovski resigned as Vice President of SDSM (Republika)

Oliver Spasovski resigned as Vice President of the SDSM party. The Interior Minister has been one of Zaev’s most loyal lieutenants and today he briefed the press that he will not remain in the leadership under Dimitar Kovacevski. The Central Board of SDSM meets this evening and Kovacevski is expected to announce the new leadership of the party before seeking the mandate to become Prime Minister. Only Fatmir Bytiqi could remain Vice President from the current roster that, besides him and Spasovski, also includes Mila Carovska and Venko Filipce.

Almost half of the deadline for Pendarovski to give the mandate has passed (Republika)

The ten-day deadline for President Stevo Pendarovski to give the mandate to a candidate who would form the next government is ticking on. It started on Thursday, when Zoran Zaev resigned as Prime Minister following his major defeat in the local elections. It is widely expected that Pendarovski will give the mandate to the new SDSM party leader Dimitar Kovacevski on Tuesday or Wednesday. But that depends on the outcome of the meeting of the SDSM party on Monday evening, when Kovacevski will appoint his new leadership. SDSM and DUI do not have majority in parliament and are forced to court parties such as the Alternative and a half dozen smaller coalition partners, all of whom have increased appetites. And Kovacevski must keep all the SDSM factions in check – in one example, a member of parliament from Ohrid yesterday threatened not to support the government unless the local SDSM party boss is removed.