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Belgrade Media Report 30 December 2021



Vucic: We will defend if Pristina uses violence (Tanjug/RTS/B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Wednesday said he had fears over a potential increase of pressure on Kosovo Serbs and possible violence against them by Pristina due to political frictions caused by problems with electricity supplies in the province. "I am worried because they have no electricity for eight or even ten hours a day, which is causing political frictions, and I am afraid they might start using violence. We do not have much choice there, we are cornered and the only thing we can do is to look after ourselves and protect and defend ourselves in terms of negotiations, in the physical sense and in every other sense," Vucic said at an end-of-year press conference, responding to a question from a reporter. There is no alternative in a situation like that, he said. "We need to be calm and composed and continue to be a factor of security and stability but, on the other hand, I am not sure we can expect that from them," Vucic said. "Pristina and Zagreb have already established a completely visible pact, from the media to the military-police, it is not a secret. Because there is no Serbia that would be small enough for them without being great," Vucic said. "I have never responded to the accusations from Sarajevo. I want to inform every Bosniak from the territory of B&H that there are no secret indictments," he said. "I call on Bosniaks to come to Serbia, there are no secret indictments, don't let them lie to you. We have done everything we need to do to stabilize and preserve peace," he said.


About Albin Kurti

"It is very devastating for me that they do not allow either Veljko Odalovic or Petkovic to enter Kosovo and Metohija, because they are behaving in such a way as to provoke an incident and then seek support," he said. "There will be no referendum in Serb communities, and I will ask the international organizations to answer whether they will support if Serbs refuse to participate in the elections in Kosovo and Metohija," he said. When asked by journalists about obstetric violence, he said that one should not speak in such a general way, but that such crimes require specific names and surnames and that such people must be arrested. He called on all citizens who have experienced this to report it and will see the quick reaction of the competent authorities.


Serbia purchasing arms as a deterrent

Serbia is no threat to anyone, but by strengthening our military, we are containing the threat others can pose to us, Vucic said, noting that he had been surprised by a statement by US Ambassador Anthony Godfrey in which the diplomat raised the issue of Serbia's arms purchases. "I have always considered him a fair man and a friend of our country, and that is why I was surprised by that statement," Vucic said at an end-of-year press conference. He said all of Serbia's neighbors except B&H, as well as all countries in the wider region, were NATO member states and were buying arms. "Hungary and Bulgaria, countries with which we have very friendly relations, are acquiring significant quantities of arms, but I find it interesting how the US ambassador to Croatia has not raised the question of how Serbia would react when the US gifts 16 Kiowa helicopters and Hellfire missiles to Croatia," Vucic said. He also said Germany had sold Panzer howitzers to Croatia but declined to sell even Heckler & Koch rifles to Serbia. By strengthening its army, Serbia has violated no regional arms treaty because it is mostly buying defensive weapons, he said. "That is why we now have 4th-plus generation fighter planes. We are close to making a final decision on purchasing additional fighter and fighter-bomber planes and additional anti-aircraft missile defense systems because that will be a deterrent to anyone who would consider threatening our country," Vucic noted.


I invite people to take part in the referendum

"I call on people to participate in the referendum. It is not a party and political referendum. I know how many problems we have because of that referendum and in my party because they do not want the state to be deprived of its competencies," he said. "Will we really try to have an independent prosecutor's office and judiciary?" he asked. As he said, regardless of who is in power, we can always be proud of the independent prosecutor's office, that is the essence of the referendum.


Questioning my responsibility for affairs is common phrase, Vucic says (N1)


In his New Year's address on Wednesday evening, Aleksandar Vucic listed what he said were his country's remarkable economic successes in 2021, but when asked whether he felt responsible for numerous affairs, he responded it was "a common phrase". The affairs an N1 reporter asked about included the wiretapping of him and his family members, polygraph testing he offered several times, alleged assassination plans, the Finance Minister’s plagiarized PhD thesis, accusations against Defense Minister… “All those are common phrases repeated constantly. There was no assassination attempt that I know about, and Sinisa Mali is the best finance minister in the entire region,” Vucic said. He added that the indictment for the wiretapping was almost done and that people involved will bear responsibility. Vucic said he had always been open to polygraph testing. "I'm surprised they did not call me. Don't forget that I took a lie detector test, while they who you (N1) protect refuse every time they are invited to take it." Vucic regularly accuses N1 of supporting his political opponents "from the former regime" and refuses an open invitation to give an interview to the TV channel.


Mihajlovic: Rio Tinto has no right to lithium exploitation in Serbia (Insajder/FoNet)


Serbian Minister for Energy and Mining Zorana Mihajlovic said late on Wednesday that Serbia did not have any contract with Rio Tinto except a non-binding Memorandum on Understanding from 2017. “(Rio Tinto) has no right to lithium exploitation,” Mihajlovic told Insajder TV channel in an interview. She added there was a study on lithium reserves showing how much of that chemical element Serbia had. Mihajlovic said that all the Anglo-Australian company had invested so far was its business risk and that Serbia would make no decision before the environmental studies were done.


Cadez: 2022 to be year of big opportunities (Novosti/Tanjug)


Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (PKS) President Marko Cadez says 2022 will be a year of big opportunities for the Serbian and regional economies thanks to implementation of the Open Balkan initiative and growing interest among European companies in investing and recruiting suppliers in Serbia. "If 2020 was a year in which the Serbian economy proved that it had the vitality to preserve companies and people in the toughest of circumstances and if 2021 confirmed its ability to develop and exceed pre-crisis results despite an unabating pandemic, then 2022 is a year of new opportunities for further growth," Cadez said in a New Year's interview for Preduzetnik, a business pullout of Novosti. He noted that the best way for businesses to seize those opportunities was to continue to work together "so that we implement agreements on the ground, ensure a bigger market to our companies, lift the remaining barriers to mutual trade, simplify procedures and cut costs". He said that, most importantly, Serbia's economic results in 2020 and 2021 had not been merely a temporary success. "When it comes to macroeconomic stability and economic growth, according to local projections as well as projections by international institutions, the long-term outlook of the Serbian economy is good as well," Cadez said.


Joksimovic: Referendum an opportunity that should not be missed (Tanjug)


Serbian EU Integration Minister Jadranka Joksimovic on Wednesday said she would vote "yes" in a 16 January referendum on constitutional amendments as it was an opportunity that should not be missed. "Of course it is important for EU integration, but the crucial part is that, for at least a decade now - or longer, the citizens have been expecting a more independent judiciary and a more efficient fight against corruption. Our obligation is to respond to those expectations and demands that the citizens have," Joksimovic told a Belgrade conference. She noted that, in the context of EU integration, all relevant surveys conducted over the past decade or longer had shown that, along with better living standards, rule of law and judicial reforms also aimed at fighting corruption more efficiently and ensuring access to justice to everyone were among the citizens' main expectations.


Professor of law advocates postponement of referendum on constitutional amendments (Beta)


Professor from the Faculty of Law of the University in Belgrade Zoran R. Tomic stated on Wednesday that the referendum on constitutional changes should be delayed until late spring – after the elections, and after an authentic professional debate has been held and the broad public informed about the text of the amendments. Tomic assessed in an interview to Beta that the referendum, the constitutional amendments and the elections in Serbia in 2022 represented a political whole. "The constitutional referendum has been scheduled at a bad time, and an active NO at the referendum would represent the defeat of the ruling nomenclature and its hastiness. The creators of the amendments were in the vice of a failed policy – whose proponents wish, at least, to partly clear themselves, through patching up the Constitution, of their flagrantly illegal doings to date," the professor has stated. "Political influence on the judiciary will not be eliminated by these amendments: there will always be judges and parliament-assigned so-called prominent jurists, who are loyal to the ruling nomenclature, as well as 'trusted' heads of the highest organs of authority, while 'appropriate influence' on judges in performing their judicial duty is not prohibited by the amendments and the minister for the judiciary and the supreme public prosecutor will still sit on the High Judicial Council," the professor explained.


Lawyer: Those who want to see Serbia in Europe rather than “Serbian world” will vote “yes” in referendum (Politika/Beta)


Milan Antonijevic, a lawyer, has underlined that the Constitution of Serbia is the oldest of all constitutional acts in the Western Balkans, but that “all other societies in the region have found the courage to reform their constitutions, leaving Serbia well behind, festering away, just like in other aspects”. “A unique political momentum has been created to move things forward, however slightly, but definitely in a good direction. The train has left the station,” Antonijevic said in a feature article he wrote for Politika on Wednesday. According to Antonijevic, “any delay would be a disaster for Serbia’s EU accession, wasting many more years of our lives.” “It is therefore necessary that anyone wishing Serbia well, who wants to see Serbia in Europe, instead of “a Serbian world,” to appeal to Serbian citizens to vote in the 16 January referendum and circle ‘yes,’” Antonijevic said in his article.




Komsic: Dodik tells people what they want to hear (O Kanal)


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic commented on statements made by Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik in a recent interview for HRT. Namely, Dodik told HRT that Komsic is the pioneer of everything anti-Croat and everything that goes against Croat interests. Komsic said that it is well known how Dodik appears in the public and he says what the people he is talking to wants to hear. He said that Dodik is like this and he adjusts his rhetoric to those he talks to. Komsic said that Dodik talks differently to President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan and to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, as well as Russian President Vladimir Putin. He assessed this as a rural mentality whose only goal is to steal.


USA will not hesitate (Oslobodjenje)


Last week, Oslobodjenje daily carried an interview with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The daily asked the US Department of State for a comment on Lavrov’s statements from the interview. The US State Department reiterated the USA’s undoubted support for territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H, as well as the dedication to the common goal of a democratic, inclusive and prosperous B&H on its path to full Euro-Atlantic integration. The State Department warned that a fragmented state is not economically viable and it would not allow a faster EU integration which the citizens desire. “We support citizens of B&H in their aspiration for change which will allow prosperity. This includes reforms for improvement of the rule of law and economy, electoral and limited constitutional reform which are necessary for progress towards the status of EU membership candidate. The United States will not hesitate to use sanctions or other instruments to send a clear message to the corrupted actors or actors which are destabilizing the state. Local leaders must work for citizens instead of working for partisan or personal interests. The USA and EU believe that our common interests and interests of aspiring states are best served by strengthening of democratic norms, rule of law and cooperation based on shared values and common future. Contrary to that, Russia is using disinformation campaigns, malicious cyber activities and other tactics in the entire region in order to undermine democratic institutions and discourage the public from demanding transparency and rule of law,” stated the US State Department.


If FB&H does not give up, crisis will be solved with breakdown of B&H (Nezavisne novine, by Dejan Sajinovic)


The daily brings the interview with leader of the United Srpska Nenad Stevandic. Asked to comment on interrogations in the B&H Prosecutor's Office about the special session of the RS parliament, Stevandic stated that he heard that they will try to accuse them as some criminal enterprise and if they do this, they will only speed up breakdown of the B&H judiciary. According to Stevandic, he will not use his right to immunity as a RS MP. He said: “As a MP, I have a right to vote for abolition of B&H and if this is my political stance, the Constitutional Court can later or assess is this in line with the Constitution or not, but I cannot bear consequences for my political stance. We will achieve the biggest victory so far that should not end with defeat of the FB&H but with opening of negotiations. The RS must win (…).” According to Stevandic, some people were paid to insult the RS calling it genocidal and criminal and in this regard, he mentioned a network of web portals coordinated by Sarajevo intelligence-political underground and the so-called bloggers that presented lies and were convicted for that and para-intelligence officials are protecting them. Stevandic said that they will soon be prosecuted for that in B&H and in Serbia. According to Stevandic, he and RS Minister of Interior Dragan Lukac were victims of this persecution and this is why the RS must urgently restore judiciary. Asked how the crisis in B&H can be solved, Stevandic said that the best scenario is that the FB&H gives up on maximalist requests. He added: “As you can see, the RS is not mentioning a secession that would be a maximalist request. I do not know how come then they do not give up on taking away our property and institutions. We should make an agreement. If they do not give up, the crisis will be solved with downfall of B&H and I would like to wish everyone a more peaceful and a better new year.” In his opinion, the international community in B&H is divided not because of B&H but because of the geo-political situation in Europe and in the world. In this regard, he mentioned that there are no more orders that come from Brussels while China and Russia are on the side of the RS in the UN Security Council which is a big surprise. In his opinion, the only solution is to reach an agreement and if Bosniaks wait for the US or if Serbs wait for someone else, it will only deepen crises and conflicts but the problem is that calls for talks and anti-war paroles only come from the RS while war paroles and calls for conflicts come from the other side. Speaking about Croats in B&H, Stevandic said that Croats know that the solution in which they have no legitimate representatives will mean that they will be the biggest victims and this is why they search for allies on all sides and in his opinion, this is a wise policy while Serbs should also lead wise policy not to depend on anyone. In this regard, he mentioned preserving institutions of the RS, independency in reaching of decisions, return of property and competences as the only ways to survive. Speaking about announcements on sanctions, Stevandic said that there is no question that sanctions are on the table and we are yet to see whether the sanctions will be applied. Stevandic added that as someone who is struggling for interests of the RS, he is ready to be sanctioned. He underlined: „We should bear the sanctions if this means that the RS will keep its status.“ In his opinion, Serbia is an absolute regional leader and it got outside of the framework that someone set on how much Serbia should be strong in terms of economy and military but Serbia is managing to survive despite of attempts for its destabilization. In his opinion, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is one of the guarantors that “they will also exercise their rights”.


Izetbegovic: We are doing everything so that Croats in B&H feel relaxed, Dodik constantly insults B&H, sometimes Croats and international community (HRT1)


HRT1 carried an interview with leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic. Asked is there a political solution without a war since leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik practically announced launching of secession of the RS from B&H, Izetbegovic stated: “Milorad Dodik did not announce the secession of the RS from B&H, although he may have such plans, he wants the reforms to go back 20 years backwards. To make a state within a state. To be the state of the RS within the state of B&H again. There are, of course, solutions to give it up on this because it is certainly a ‘dead end’ from which the (Office of the High Representative) OHR or the Constitutional Court (of B&H) will return him. I believe that this primarily serves him for the election campaign. He will aim to abolish the judiciary at the level of the state of B&H because he fears of the judiciary for a reason. He wants to bring it back to where it is under his control, to the level of the RS.”

Commenting on the fact that High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko failed to use his right to remove officials who undermine the Constitution and BIH and whether he should have done this, Izetbegovic said that the RS parliament was very careful on how to set some things as MPs reached conclusions and not decisions. Izetbegovic stated: “They reached conclusions, they did not reach decisions. So there is still no reason to go very ‘hard’ and he keeps this last measure for the latest activities and for which the RS parliament has instructed the government; to really head into an unconstitutional and anti-Dayton movement in May and June. If it really happens that he begins to undermine reforms, to work against the Dayton and the Constitution, then we will have to react.” Asked to comment on statement of Dodik that “B&H is malignant”, Izetbegovic said that Dodik constantly insults B&H, Bosniaks, sometimes he insults Croats, he insults representatives of the international community. He said: “He is making everything for it to be an unsuccessful story but the RS is far more unsuccessful part of this story.” Speaking about claims that Serb separatism and Bosniak unitarism are equally dangerous for integrity of BIH, Izetbegovic stated that he does not see this when it comes to Bosniak unitarism and they are doing the best for Croats to feel relaxed. Izetbegovic argued that despite of the fact that the number of Croats in B&H is small, they enjoy equal status with other peoples when it comes to their participation at the state level and at the level of the FB&H which is way bigger than the Constitution guarantees them. Asked to comment on the fact that the Croat side says that Bosniaks insist on a civil model while Croatia observes this as violation of the Dayton, Izetbegovic said: “In what way we insist? Can you give me an example, where? These are virtual stories. There is no concrete manifestation of that. These are actually attacks on Bosniaks, joined attacks with Dodik, because Croats want to change the Constitution and the Election Law so that a member of the B&H Presidency comes from HDZ. I would like to hear and see some examples where there are attempts of that domination and where there are those attempts to impose the civic principles. This is impossible to do in B&H.” Commenting on the fact that Croats really want that no one else elects their representatives and asked would he accept that Croats or some other peoples elect a Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency, Izetbegovic said: “We were ready for this thing twice. Through the package that (founder of SB&H) Haris Silajdzic and (HDZ B&H’s) Bozo Ljubic fought for and through the direct election that (leader of HDZ B&H) Dragan Covic ruined. It was the SDA's help to the Croats to relax their position through the implementation of the Sejdic-Finci verdict. To give everyone the theoretical right to run and to make it really based on the will of the three constituent peoples, i.e. the majority of voters from those constituent peoples. We are still ready to work on it.” Commenting on the fact that the official Zagreb supports integrity of B&H and the road to the EU under the condition that the election will of Croats and the three constituent peoples is respected and asked is there room for further political talks based on that, Izetbegovic answered: “Absolutely. We were twice ready to do a favor to Croat representatives, but this time we are asking for the removal of the blockades created in the meantime by Croatia, i.e. HDZ and the HNS. As I said, we have been suffering a blockade in the FB&H for the third year now.”


MPs adopt interpellations for dismissal of Bratic, Stijovic and Radulovic; Prosecutorial Council members elected (CdM)


The parliament of Montenegro has supported the interpellation initiatives to discuss issues in the conduct of the government’s policy in the field of agriculture, education and foreign affairs by Ministers Aleksandar Stijovic, Vesna Bratic and Djordje Radulovic. URA MP Milos Konatar welcomed the DF vote and said that he hoped that this was a “step forward”. Parliament has adopted the proposals for Sinisa Gazivoda, Borivoje Djukanovic, Milos Vuksanovic and Filip Jovovic to be elected members of the Prosecutorial Council. Stevo Muk has been elected a member of the Prosecutorial Council from among prominent lawyers representing NGOs.


Abazovic with Pope Francis in the Vatican (


Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic met on Wednesday with Pope Francis in the Vatican.

Abazovic was the guest of honor at the General Audience held by the Head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis. After the ceremony, Pope Francis stepped down from the podium to greet the guests, and on that occasion he had a short conversation with Deputy Prime Minister Abazovic. During the conversation, Abazovic invited him to visit Montenegro and in that way fulfill the will of Emilije Ognjanovic, his spiritual father from Argentina, who was of Montenegrin origin. Because of Father Ognjanovic, I am also Montenegrin, the Pope replied.

After the conversation, Pope Francis presented a modest gift to Abazovic and other members of his Office. After the ceremony, Abazovic visited the Embassy of Montenegro in the Vatican, where he talked with the Chargé d'Affaires at the Embassy to the Holy See Gojko Celebic.


Cabinet adopts National Employment Strategy until 2025 (


The Montenegrin Cabinet, at Wednesday's session, adopted the National Employment Strategy 2021-2025 with the Action Plan for 2022. The strategic goal of the employment policy until 2025 refers to stable and sustainable employment growth, which is based on equal opportunities for access to the labour market, decent work, further development of knowledge and skills and greater social inclusion. The vision of this document is to establish an inclusive and functional labour market. The strategy defines four operational goals, the first of which is the achievement of employment growth, investment in high-quality and safe jobs, through the improvement of the business environment. The second operational goal is to create knowledge and competencies for the labour market in the digital age; this goal refers to the improvement of the labour supply and qualifications, addressing structural weaknesses in the education and training system, especially bearing in mind the new approach based on digitalisation. The third goal is to improve the position of the unemployed people in the labour market through the efficiency of services and active employment policy measures and to strengthen social inclusion and reduce poverty. The efficient functioning of the labour market, as the fourth goal, will provide the necessary flexibility for employers in terms of rapid adaptation to economic and labour market changes. It is very important to ensure the rights of employees and social protection, as well as a healthy and safe working environment. Strengthening labour market institutions is crucial to achieving this goal.


Pendarovski gives Kovacevski the mandate to form the next government (Republika)


President Stevo Pendarovski awarded the mandate to form the next Government to the newly appointed SDSM party leader Dimitar Kovacevski. In his brief remarks, Kovacevski said that he begins the forming of the next government, a process which he is bound to complete in 20 days. The times call for stable and responsible people. We need efficient, honest and responsible governance. My personal pledge is to restore trust in the institutions, Kovacevski said.


Kovacevski plans to propose the government cabinet around 10-11 January (Kanal 5)


SDSM leader and Prime Minister-designate Dimitar Kovacevski plans to propose the Government cabinet around January 10-11 next year, ie in a shorter period than the constitutionally provided. In an interview with Kanal 5, Kovacevski added that the principle of responsibility will be a feature of the government. The technocratic way of governing is usually associated with a strong hand of government, but for me it means a merit system of governance, where everyone who performs a certain public function, should responsibly and honestly perform their tasks, in accordance with the set goals. Everyone, through personal example, should work in the interest of the citizens and to be held accountable in case of inaction, said Kovacevski. He added that the work of the new government can be expected to be a strong commitment to economic reforms in the country, a strong commitment to tackling the most pressing issues, namely the challenges of the global energy crisis, corruption, rule of law, and continuing the EU path.


Mickoski: I expect nothing new from Kovacevski, only the continuation of Zaev’s failed policies (Republika)


I expect that the new SDSM leader Dimitar Kovaceski will continue Zoran Zaev’s policies of failure and lack of strategy, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski. I heard Kovacevski’s interview and it was sterile, I literally could not recognize a single statement that denotes leadership or policy that I would be able to comment on. That is why I expect him to continue to policies and nothing more, Mickoski said during his visit to the Butel municipality in Skopje. Mickoski added that Pendarovski was wrong not to consult VMRO when he awarded the mandate to Kovacevski. “We are the largest political party with the most members of parliament and the most mayors. Still Pendarovski chose to give the mandate to a person who did not participate in the elections, never sought the trust of the public and was given no legitimacy from the people”. Kovacevski is preparing a government of Zaev and Zaevism, he has already put all his people around him. Kovacevski repeated the same phrases of Zaev that we have been hearing for 5 years, and there is nothing positive about that for the country. Everything that Kovacevski promises now, Zaev promised 5 years ago and did not fulfill, Kovacevski will not fulfill it either, said VMRO-DPMNE on Wednesday. The people around Kovacevski are Zaev’s people, there is Sanja Lukarevska, who was the director of the PRO who tolerated Zaev’s companies that regularly appear on the list of debtors of this institution.  Kovacevski cannot do anything new with Fatmir Bytyqi, who is deputy prime minister during Zaev’s time, and who, in addition to Kovacevski himself, is to blame for the inflation and energy crisis the country is facing. The losers Petre Silegov and Stefan Bogoev, who have left nothing behind but crime, cannot be the future. Andrej Petrov and Igor Ivanovski cannot be the future either, who, apart from teaching Kovacevski how to lose the parliamentary elections, cannot teach him anything, nor can they contribute with anything else, said the opposition party.


A year ago Bulgaria made two unacceptable demands, Foreign Minister Osmani reveals (Republika)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani revealed that Bulgaria offered to lift its veto against Macedonia’s EU accession talks, if Macedonia accepts that the Macedonian language originates from the Bulgarian, and that the Macedonian nation stems from the period of liberation struggle against the Ottoman Empire. During a briefing with the press, Osmani said that the proposal was made a year ago by Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva. Both demands were rejected by Macedonia, and the veto remained in place. Bulgaria is eager to use its veto power in the EU to pressure Macedonia into accepting demands that would portray the Macedonian nation as derived from the Bulgarian. Once accepted, these demands will have to be imposed on the Macedonian public and especially the children, through rewriting of Macedonian history books. The Zaev government hid these demands from the public, and continued to conduct secret negotiations with Bulgaria, which are still on-going and are actually being intensified after the elections of a new government there.


Kurti: We thank Rama for the support! (Radio Tirana)


Kosovo officially declared on Wednesday a state of emergency due to the energy crisis. The decision of the government was voted in the Assembly of Kosovo today with 57 votes in favor, none against and no abstentions. Let us remember that Albania has guaranteed assistance to Kosovo in these difficult days, especially for the holidays. Prime Minister Kurti thanked Rama for his readiness. "We thank Prime Minister Edi Rama for his support. Our Minister of Economy has made such a request to Albania. We have power plants, they have hydropower plants. It is about 2 days that are important because we have the change of years and then we will also have the opportunity to help them in case of need next summer," Kurti was quoted as saying.