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Belgrade Media Report 12 January 2022



Vucic in Priboj: We have to live together (Tanjug/B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic arrived in Priboj today. He first came to tour the factory Flex Academy, where he was welcomed by employees and citizens. Then he came to the Inmold factory. After visiting the factories, Vucic addressed numerous citizens regarding interethnic tensions. “Only together and united can we develop the country... All those who are responsible will be sanctioned, responsibility must be a key principle. We must teach children that we can and must live together. I know that we can and must do better,” Vucic told the citizens. “Everything is peaceful for a year and then there is a fight in every coffee shop... We should stop it and solve it with a nice word... We have to live together... It’s not a fairy tale, it’s real life. It can’t belong to anyone except to the people who live here. I am a Serb and the president and of course I love Serbs, but I cannot imagine Priboj without Bosniaks,” he added. “Priboj is a test whether we are humans or not, and it must not happen that children sing to someone shooting at mosques,” Vucic said, adding that as we respect our churches, icons and monasteries, we must respect our Muslim neighbors. Vucic said that this country is equally Bosniaks’ and Serbs’, as it is mine and as it belongs to all of you here. “If someone thinks they can and should destroy, they will have to deal with the state, and the state will have no mercy in preserving peace and stability,” he said.


SNS Presidency calls citizens to vote for the changes on referendum (B92/Tanjug/RTS/Politika)


A session of the Presidency of Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) was held on Tuesday. The session was chaired by President Aleksandar Vucic. After the session, the member of the Presidency Igor Mirovic addressed the audience. "We have made a decision, and that is to invite the citizens of Serbia to go to the referendum," said SNS Presidency member Mirovic. As he stated, there was a lively discussion on that topic, but they made a decision by a large majority.

According to the President of the Provincial government, he hopes that the citizens will respond en masse and support the Constitutional Amendments. "We expect the vast majority of citizens to go to the referendum. This is an opportunity to strengthen the independence of the judiciary, and these changes mean primarily benefits to the citizens of Serbia, meaning more efficient judiciary, primarily in the field of justice in the future and citizens' rights," he added. As he stated, they also discussed issues that are important when it comes to the elections in April. "We are facing presidential, parliamentary elections, and several local parliamentary elections. Today, we have clearly outlined those important political and social issues that we are proud of, as when it comes to the actions of the president, government, other levels of government. We can say that we are had significant results in all areas of life," he said. Mirovic added that this is a guarantee that he will come out with a program in the upcoming elections, which will offer new directions of development, and the continuation of the process that we have witnessed so far. "This month, we will go out once again, because we have yet to hold talks with coalition partners," said Mirovic. He added that they discussed many issues at the session today, and added that they were satisfied with the results that Serbia had achieved. "The results are visible and measurable, and we see that we will have continuity and even better results in the coming period," he said.


SNS unanimous in desire for Vucic to run for president again

Mirovic said late on Tuesday the SNS and a vast majority of voters in Serbia were unanimous in a desire for President Vucic to run for another presidential term and that Vucic's decision on this was due by the end of the month. Speaking to reporters after a SNS Presidency session, Mirovic said the topic had not been formally on the agenda but that, in their addresses, party members noted that Vucic must run for president again. "We are making no secret of our intent, desire and willingness to back him in the upcoming elections and I am confident he will accept our positions, accept to be a candidate and win in that fight," Mirovic said. He said that they had made the decision for the citizens to go to the referendum, and that the party's unity on that issue had been established. Speaking about the coronavirus, as well as going to the referendum, Mirovic states that the numbers are difficult when it comes to the number of infected, adding that the state will do its best to adjust the safest possible way of voting at all polling stations. "I am convinced that there should be no fear," he said.


Referendum – 16 January

The citizens of Serbia will vote on 16 January in a referendum on the Act amending the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia. The Parliamentary Committee for Constitutional Issues and Legislation decided that the question in the referendum would be - "Are you in favor of confirming the act on changing the constitution of the Republic of Serbia?" The answers offered will be "Yes" and "No". The referendum will be organized according to the new Law on Referendum and People's Initiative, so that for its success, it will not be necessary for 50 percent of registered voters to turn out.


Stefanovic: Kurti still dreams of sowing chaos (RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic points out that Albin Kurti’s statement that the so-called Kosovo army is “the dream of generations who gave their lives for freedom” is another disturbing statement that can bring nothing good to the Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija or the region. Stefanovic believes that such a statement shows once again that Kurti is preparing a new destabilization and that “stories about the readiness for the upcoming continuation of the dialogue are just a colorful lie”, the Defense Ministry said in a statement. “Kurti obviously still dreams only of new sowing of chaos and destabilization.” “We call on all international actors, both the EU and the members of the UN Security Council, to react to these attempts to destabilize not only our southern province but the entire region. We remind you once again that attempts to create a so-called Kosovo army are in contradiction with all international acts, and they also represent a mockery of the entire international community,” said Stefanovic. “We are convinced that our duty is to continue the dialogue and the policy of peace and stabilization, but we also have the obligation to never forget the suffering of the Serb people… We certainly won’t allow a repeat of the 2004 pogrom. We will know how to protect them,” he said.


Belgrade & Ankara: Solution for B&H only through dialogue (FoNet/Beta)


The Foreign Ministers of Serbia and Turkey, Nikola Selakovic and Mevlut Cavusoglu agreed on Tuesday that any solution to the political crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) should be found through dialogue, Selakovic’s office said in a statement. In a phone conversation, they discussed the current situation in B&H and said any solution should honor the Dayton Peace Agreement. Selakovic was quoted as saying that any attempt to unilaterally impose a solution has never brought anything good. The two also discussed holding the third session of the High Cooperation Council, scheduled for 18 January in Turkey. Selakovic pointed out that Serbia attaches great importance to the work of that council and that it is interested in signing as many agreements as possible during the upcoming session. He pointed out that the work of the High Council for Cooperation strengthened the partnership between Serbia and Turkey, which was visible after the second session during the visit of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Serbia in October 2019. Selakovic referred to the achieved level of bilateral relations between Serbia and Turkey, stating that they are at the highest level in recent history, which was greatly contributed by the exceptional personal and professional relations between the presidents of the two countries.


Jovanovic calls citizens to say “No” to constitutional changes in referendum (TV Prva/Beta)


The presidential candidate of the opposition coalition NADA (Hope) Milos Jovanovic on Tuesday called on citizens to vote against the proposed constitutional changes in a referendum called for 16 January. Jovanovic, the Democratic Party of Serbia leader, told TV Prva that the NADA coalition was encouraging citizens to cast ballots in the referendum and say ‘no’ to the proposed constitutional changes. “It is not a solution to stay at home, all have to vote even if the sky is falling, not just snow,” Jovanovic said, adding that the easy way in which the supreme law of Serbia was being changed was disputable for the coalition NADA. Jovanovic stressed that “the Constitution protects us from the secession of Kosovo and Metohija. The supreme law of Serbia cannot be changed at an order from the outside which today is the case with the referendum scheduled for 16 January,” Jovanovic stressed. Asked whether the proposed constitutional changes would lead to an independent judiciary, Jovanovic replied negatively. “These changes would not reduce political influence on the judiciary. It can be achieved only by abolishing partocracy and reducing the power of the ruling parties which exert pressure on the judiciary,” Jovanovic noted.


CRTA claims did not receive answer to whether referendum is safe because of Covid (Beta/N1)


The program director of the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA) Rasa Nedeljkov said on Tuesday that the organization had not received a reply from any institution on whether holding a referendum for changing the Constitution on 16 January was safe from the standpoint of the coronavirus epidemic. Nedeljkov told the N1 that the Republic Electoral Commission had adopted several measures "which in some way stop the spread of the disease" but that it remained unknown what steps would be taken in response to the Omicron strain which had not peaked yet when the Commission adopted these measures. He said that this was another thing that "casts a shadow and practically proves that the referendum on the Constitution is not an important matter and not a political subject". "This speaks about the political structure and political maturity of the political system in Serbia. Imagine any developed democratic state in Europe and the world where the topmost legal act is supposed to be changed without having been the most important political subject for months and perhaps years prior. In Serbia, if we look at the media, the referendum is not a subject. The referendum is the last subject in a series of subjects, all other subjects are far more represented in the media," Nedeljkov said adding that this "is political irresponsibility".


Both ruling parties and opposition for defense of Serbs (Politika, by Dejan Spalovic) 


The ruling parties in Serbia and most of the opposition parties agree that Serbia should support the RS and act as a guarantor of the Dayton Peace Accords, Politika reports. However, there are different opinions on celebration of 9 January as Republika Srpska (RS) Day, since the holiday was contested by B&H Constitutional Court. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that Serbia will not interfere in internal matters of B&H. He reiterated that Serbia respects sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H, as well as integrity of the RS within B&H. He underlined that Serbia is one of the guarantors of the Dayton Peace Accords and fully respects it, and added that this policy will not change. Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin stated that Serbs in B&H are determined to preserve the RS which was created as a result of the efforts of the Serb people to make sure that genocide such as the one that took place in the Jasenovac camp in World War II does not repeat. He underlined that although Serb politicians can be sanctioned and attack, the RS can never be abolished. Vulin noted that for the past 30 years, the RS has been facing denial, abolition of its competences and demands for its abolition. He underlined that January 9 is a holiday for all Serbs who are proud of the freedom they won for themselves. Vulin also said that the latest political crisis in B&H was not caused by the RS, but by former High Representative Valentin Inzko who imposed amendments to B&H Criminal Code which threaten with prison any Serb who dares to say that genocide did not take place in Srebrenica. According to him, Inzko behaved like a German commander in World War II. Vulin also criticized B&H Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic who compared the celebration of RS Day to a celebration of the Kristallnacht by Nazis. In his opinion, Dzaferovic accused one million Serbs of being Nazis. Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic stated that all Serb politicians need to stand united and work to preserve peace. He underlined that the RS should not do anything that could jeopardize the Dayton Agreement. Dacic said that Serbia wants to preserve peace and stability in the entire region. DSS leader Milos Jovanovic stated that Serbs should be proud of the RS which is the most significant outcome of the 1990s wars. The POKS (Movement for Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia) also expressed its support to the RS and congratulated the RS Day, noting that Serbia has the obligation to protect the RS. Deputy President of Serb Radical Party Aleksandar Seselj stated that the Serb people should celebrate the 30th anniversary since its great victory in the battle for freedom. Vice President of the People’s Party Sanda Raskovic Ivic stated that the RS is the greatest achievement of the Serb people since World War I. In her opinion, celebrating 9 January is justified because this date is a historical fact. Leader of Dveri Bosko Obradovic stated that many young people gave their lives for the RS which is the greatest historical victory of the Serb people in the past 100 years. In his opinion, the RS needs to celebrate its holiday, and the Drina River should not be a border, but the backbone of the Serb people. Secretary General of the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina Bojan Kostres stated that the RS is an entity within B&H, and as such, it must respect all valid legal norms in B&H. He criticizes SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, noting that his nationalism is not going to bring any prosperity to the citizens. He expressed hope that there is enough political wisdom and good will in the region to preserve stability and peace despite tensions.




EU strongly condemns negative, divisive and inflammatory rhetoric used by RS leaders during celebration of RS Day on Sunday (BN TV


The EU strongly condemns negative, divisive and inflammatory rhetoric used by the RS leaders during the celebration of the RS Day on Sunday, EU Spokesman Peter Stano reiterated on Tuesday. He stressed that the crisis in B&H needs to be solved - not prolonged or deepened by actions and support that was seen during the celebration of the RS Day that affects the regional stability and good neighborly relations. “We were also very clear about our regret to have seen some partners in the region supporting such actions, rhetoric and behavior. Those partners know who they are and there is no need to name them. It is not acceptable for the EU that the partners, including those in the integration process in our immediate neighborhood, in the Western Balkans, continue with such behavior, as this will reflect on their efforts to get closer to the EU,” Stano said. He stressed that concerning possible sanctions and instruments to be taken, they were referring only to actors in B&H and that would be the last solution in case that all EU efforts to return sides in B&H back to dialogue and state-level institutions fail. He reminded that until now the EU was conveying the message to all leaders in B&H urging them to engage to renew the work of state-level institutions, and the EU is ready to further facilitate the dialogue in order to solve the crisis. Stano noted that when and if all these efforts fail, then the member states will decide when is the right time to use the appropriate measures. He announced that the situation in B&H might be on the agenda of an informal meeting of the EU Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Brest next week or at the regular meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels on 24 January. Stano announced that the EU already has a framework to sanction those who undermine B&H's territorial integrity and sovereignty. However, EU members will decide on this issue separately. Stano also said that the EU condemns the inflammatory rhetoric witnessed from the RS last weekend. He added that countries in the region, such as Serbia, will not avoid consequences because they provided support to anti-constitutional action. The German Embassy in B&H issued a statement soon after the condemnation of rhetoric used by the leaders of the RS during 9 January celebration and EU's warning that it disposes of a set of measures, including sanctions and revision of assistance. "Aggressive nationalism and rhetoric of division stand in the way of cooperation between different parties. We call on political actors to return to dialogue in state institutions, in order to jointly solve the problems of this country. The emphasis should be on the necessary reforms on the path to the EU," the German Embassy in B&H stated.


Stano confirms EU countries discuss possible sanctions against individuals in B&H; Schmidt, Sattler condemn celebration of RS Day (O Kanal


Spokesperson for the European Commission Peter Stano confirmed that the EU members are discussing possible sanctions for legal and natural persons in B&H. Stano reiterated the EU's position condemning the negative rhetoric of divisions. While international officials are expressing concern, European analysts say the SNSD leader Milorad Dodik does not take the warning seriously. The events during the weekend in Banja Luka, as well as the rest of the RS, were condemned by the EU. Any negative rhetoric that provokes divisions and incendiary messages, the RS leadership has only further intensified tensions among the peoples of B&H and deepened the political crisis, according to the EU. Stano was quoted as saying: “Everyone must be aware this is not acceptable for the EU. If countries and partners in the acquisition process in our immediate neighborhood in the Western Balkans continue with such behavior, it will affect their efforts to move closer to the EU.” This is just a slightly harsher attitude and condemnation from international officials, added the reporter. A day later, the High Representative to B&H Christian Schmidt condemned the two-day celebration of the unconstitutional RS Day in B&H. Schmidt was quoted as saying: “We will not accept that the territorial integrity of B&H is put in question. I am working on gaining a lot of support for this.” The condemnation then came from the Head of the EU delegation in B&H Johann Sattler, with the message that such rhetoric and actions endanger the stability and prosperity of the country. Sattler soon received a response from the US organization, the Council for the Democratization of Politics. Kurt Bassuener responded to Sattler on Twitter: “I am sure that is why he is shaking in his boots. Especially when (the EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver) Varhelyi's package offers him what he and his ally (the HDZ B&H leader) Dragan Covic want. Words, words.”


Petkovic: No need for international sanctions, sharp reactions; Sokol: Chances to reach consensus about sanctions against Dodik is unreal (Nova BH


Deputy speaker of the RS parliament Milan Petkovic stated that there is no need for sanctions and for sharp reactions of the international community. Petkovic asked against who sanctions would be imposed, reminding that many ruling officials of the RS attended the ceremony in Banja Luka, as well as representatives of the opposition in the RS, but also Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church Porfirije, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov. The reporter noted that the framework for the EU sanctions implies travel prohibitions or freezing property but also the prohibition to persons and companies from the EU to directly or indirectly put funds at disposal to persons under sanctions. According to Nova BH, a small number of people believes that there will be consent within the EU for such a thing as some MEPs already announced stances of their countries on this issue. Croatian MEP Tomislav Sokol already said that chances to reach consensus about sanctions against Dodik is unreal. The reporter noted that EU leaders will discuss issues related to B&H at an informal meeting that will be held in the upcoming days as well as at a summit scheduled to take place on 24 January. Nova BH concluded by saying that there is no a single stance within the EU when it comes to sanctions that seem to be lying in a drawer just like the Bonn Powers of High Representative Christian Schmidt.


Linde: Sweden condemns inflammatory rhetoric used by RS leaders (FTV


Sweden's Foreign Minister Ann Linde said on the occasion of the unconstitutional Day of the RS that Sweden condemns the inflammatory rhetoric from the RS. Linde published a Twitter post which reads: “Together with partners from the EU, Sweden condemns the inflammatory rhetoric used by the RS leaders during the 9 January celebrations. All divisions and actions that provoke divisions must stop and be replaced by constructive moves forward that will be in the interest of the people of B&H.”


Izetbegovic says sanctions are just beginning and there will be more of them; Dodik responds (O Kanal/ATV


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic commented on the political situation. Izetbegovic stated while visiting Mostar on Tuesday that sanctions are just the beginning but that they are not enough. Izetbegovic stated: “Such bullying behavior that we have at this time from the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and the structure that accompanies him, requires much more decisive and much more effective sanctions. Sanctions will certainly intensify and other countries will join”. Izetbegovic said that he expects countries such as Germany, Netherlands, Italy, as well as Scandinavian countries, will join the sanctions. Commenting this statement, Dodik said that he will never be a loyal Serb or Izetbegovic’s counterpart in creation of a Muslim state. He added that there are no sanctions that will prevent dignity of a free Serb that demands freedom of his nation and well organized community that is not detrimental for any people. Dodik said that calls for sanctions, made by “president of the disintegrated SDA”, are just another proof that political representatives of Muslims do not want dialogue, or any type of agreement, but they want B&H to be a unitary, Muslim country.


Podzic launches proceedings against members of AF, Ministry of Defense who attended ceremonies marking of 9 January (FTV


The B&H Ministry of Defense initiated proceedings against members of the B&H Armed Forces who were at the celebration of 9 January, the unconstitutional Day of the RS. B&H Deputy Minister of Defense Mirko Okolic was present at the celebration in Banja Luka together with five other generals and brigadiers. B&H Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic ordered Head of the Joint Staff of the B&H Armed Forces Senad Masovic to initiate proceedings against them and establish the facts. Sanctions will be considered only after the Commission establishes the facts about the presence of members of the B&H Armed Forces at the celebration of the unconstitutional day of the RS. Masovic did not give a statement about how the procedure will take place, how long this process will last depend on who will be in charge of it, as well as what the final outcome will be. Judging by the cases so far, the consequences have been negligible, concluded the reporter. Podzic confirmed that he launched the proceeding against Okolic for failure to stick to the Article 239 of the B&H Criminal Code, i.e. to meeting obligations of the Constitutional Court of B&H. Podzic said: “Let us leave to competent bodies to implement this process until the end.” Podzic also requests sanctions for all Serbs from the Ministry of Defense who celebrated the RS Day in Banja Luka. Reporter noted that Minister Podzic requested launching of the process against Mirko Okolic, Gojko Knezevic, Radovan Ilic and Zoran Dunovic as well as against three brigadiers, two generals and one commander.


Cvijanovic: Destiny of B&H depends the most on behaviour of Bosniak political representatives and their policy; Turkovic is known for not respecting of Constitution of B&H, as she constantly makes decisions on her own (RTRS


The faith of B&H mostly depends on the behavior of Bosniak political representatives and their policies, said RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic. “If it is the absence of dialogue or constant hatred that overwhelms us, the usurpation of common institutions or violent centralization, then I do not see that there is any chance,” Cvijanovic was quoted as saying. Negative reactions which came from Sarajevo after the celebration of 9 January, the Day of the RS, Cvijanovic believes will not lead anywhere. She believes that Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks, and all other citizens in B&H can maintain good coexistence, and precondition for that would be an honest dialogue. Cvijanovic emphasized that the dialogue is the best option, and not any type of force or hatred. The RS President says this dialogue and coexistence will not be achieved if negative rhetoric and reactions constantly come from Sarajevo regarding the RS Day, which has been organized for years, and which was a parade of members of the RS Ministry of Interior (RS MoI). Claims of some Bosniak politicians that the parade caused fear amongst the Bosniaks, as the RS MoI members took part in it, and Bosniaks are unable to sleep well due to this fact, Cvijanovic actually believes serves the purpose of raising tensions in the country. Cvijanovic noted that the RS MoI members took part in the parade only on the occasion of marking the RS Day. “Those same MoI members are on the streets every day, protecting the RS citizens and their properties, and that also means the Bosniaks that live here and their property” the RS President emphasized. She assures that nobody from the RS institutions and the RS MoI made any distinction between citizens of the RS, and they will never do so. Cvijanovic believes people like Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic should be sanctioned as he compared the RS Day celebration with the anniversary of ‘Crystal Night’, and compared participants of the parade with the Nazi units. Cvijanovic says such statements are “serious insults” and they were made by someone that is “an irreparable extremist”. “Who were the Nazis and their helpers – that is known. Who was Dzaferovic in the past war, that is also known. He, after all that, in the most brutal way, offends members of the Serb people, and then expects us to all get along and live together,” Cvijanovic underscored. The RS President commented the protest notes that B&H Foreign Affairs Minister Bisera Turkovic sent to Serbia, Russia and China due to participation of representatives of these countries at the RS Day celebration. Cvijanovic called Turkovic’s move hypocritical. Cvijanovic underlines that Turkovic is known for not respecting the Constitution of B&H, as she constantly makes decisions on her own, even though her post does not allow her to create the country’s foreign policy views. Cvijanovic reminds that this is done by the B&H Presidency and Presidency decisions are just then forwarded by the B&H FM. Cvijanovic reminds that this is not the first time Turkovic has done something like this. While assessing protests that were held in Brussels and cities across Europe, Cvijanovic said those protests and the “ruckus from Sarajevo” are just an attempt to divert the international community’s attention, and Cvijanovic believes people that do this constantly, act in this way as this is “a tried and tested recipe”. Cvijanovic said that destiny of B&H depends most on behavior of Bosniak political representatives and their policy. Asked whether a solution can be found for B&H, Cvijanovic stressed that as far as it concerns her it is possible.


Majkic: Turkovic does not respect Constitution or laws in B&H; Kovacevic: Turkovic is always against those people that declare themselves Serbs in B&H (RTRS


Political and media Sarajevo reacted to the glorious marking of the 30th birthday of the RS, in an almost choir mode, and they use lies when commenting the anniversary, commented the reporter. Warmongering messages, as well as unfounded insults, were sent by politicians from Sarajevo. B&H Foreign Affairs Minister Bisera Turkovic sent protest notes to Serbia, Russia and China due to participation of representatives of these countries at the RS Day celebration. RTRS noted that her behavior and moves were unconstitutional. Turkovic’s party colleague and Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic compared the RS Day celebration with the anniversary of ‘Crystal Night’, and compared participants of the parade with the Nazi units. Due to all this, a sharp reaction came from the RS. RS politicians seek Turkovic’s resignation, and some announce they will be filing a criminal complaint against Dzaferovic. Deputy speaker of the RS parliament Milan Petkovic reminds that the parliament adopted a new Law on the RS Day, and no one can claim that the ruling of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H was violated by organizing the RS Day celebration in line with the new Law. SDA members were those that attacked the RS and its officials the most, saying they had no right to mark the RS Day or the 30th birthday of the RS. SDA members, Dzaferovic and Turkovic, were loudest in their comments and actions. While Dzaferovic compared for media in Germany the RS Day celebration with the anniversary of ‘Crystal Night’, Turkovic made an unconstitutional decision and sent the mentioned protest notes. Serbian officials commented the matter, saying Turkovic’s move is an unprecedented arrogance. Diplomats say that Turkovic’s protest notes will not be taken seriously, but her moves, which are unconstitutional, have brought her in a situation in which her resignation is necessary. SNSD delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP) Dusanka Majkic said that Turkovic does not respect the Constitution or the laws in B&H. Majkic asks Turkovic if she can work, as a state Minister of Foreign Affairs, only by the orders of her party leader, Bakir Izetbegovic (SDA). Majkic assessed that Turkovic stopped, a long time ago, doing things in B&H that are for the good of all three constituent peoples. Adviser to the Serb member of the B&H Presidency, Radovan Kovacevic said Turkovic is always against those people that declare themselves Serbs in B&H. Kovacevic called policies of Turkovic and SDA hypocritical, and said that such stances cannot lead to a successful coexistence of all peoples in B&H. Commenting Dzaferovic’s statements, DNS leader and party representative in the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Nenad Nesic said he plans to submit a criminal complaint against Dzaferovic. Nesic pointed out that Dzaferovic used hate speech when he compared members of the RS Ministry of Interior (RS MoI) with Nazi units. Such behaviour is unprecedented, Nesic emphasized, and he said this is direct insult aimed at the RS institutions. Nesic pointed out that Turkovic cannot send any notes to anyone without the decision of the Presidency of B&H, calling on Chairman of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H Zoran Tegeltija to initiate proceedings to remove Turkovic. "Turkovic is neither the state nor the Presidency, and such actions are absolutely unacceptable and contrary to the Constitution of B&H," Nesic underlined. United Srpska leader Nenad Stevandic accused Turkovic of trying to introduce apartheid to B&H. Head of SNSD Caucus in the B&H HoR Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac said Turkovic is intensively destroying both B&H and relations with great powers such as Russia and China. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that Turkovic and her party colleagues have been doing everything they can to spoil relations with the three abovementioned countries for years, and that they are not doing it only for their own account. Cvijanovic emphasized that Turkovic does not respect the Constitution and the fact that the Minister does not create foreign policy positions, but the Presidency of B&H does, and the Minister only implements them. The President of the RS assessed that Turkovic, as an exponent of one policy, is living proof of the reasons for the failure of B&H. Ana Trisic-Babic, advisor to Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, pointed out that Turkovic has been acting illegally for a long time and making illegal diplomatic moves without the consent of the B&H Presidency, as is the case with sending protest notes to the Russian, Serbian and Chinese embassies in B&H. According to Trisic-Babic, these "so-called notes" do not produce effect in diplomatic circles and are being treated as if they were not delivered at all. "Turkovic has a long history of abuse of office and attempts to act illegally. We believe that the current attempt will contribute to the accumulation of grounds for appropriate action by the competent disciplinary, administrative and judicial bodies of B&H," Trisic-Babic said.


Pandurevic reacts to Turkovic’s protest notes to Serbia, Russia and China (N1


The opposition from the RS is demanding the removal of B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic, who, they say, arbitrarily sent protest notes to Serbia, Russia and China. Everything is happening because of the celebration of 9 January, a holiday that was disputed by the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. In her protest notes, Turkovic warned diplomats of “disrespect for the institutions of B&H and the verdict of the B&H Constitutional Court”. She described it as an act of gross interference in the internal affairs of B&H, and stated that it could disrupt friendly relations. SNSD stated that Turkovic is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of only one nation, as well as that she acts contrary to the Constitution of B&H, which clearly states that the Presidency conducts foreign policy. SDS agrees with that, but they also state that “Serb national team is not coping well in Sarajevo. “Turkovic could not have done that without the Presidency, because according to the B&H Constitution, the Presidency conducts foreign policy exclusively, and by consensus. This is not unusual and it is not the first time that she is stepping away from her powers, she is acting as the head of state, as the head of the Presidency of B&H”, pointed out member of the SDS Main Board Aleksandra Pandurevic. Pandurevic also says that no one can forbid Serbs to celebrate their day, at the cost, she points out, of sanctions.


Vulin: Diplomatic note to embassies of Russia, Serbia and China is arrogance of Sarajevo (ATV


Serbian Minister of Interior Aleksandar Vulin said that diplomatic notes sent by B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Embassies of Serbia, Russia and China due to presence of their representatives to ceremony of celebration of the RS Day is pure arrogance. Vulin underlined that 9 January is a holiday of Serbs, regardless of where they live. Vulin was shocked by the fact that B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic tried to “teach” Russia and China on what they should do. “Imagine those Serbs that send a protest note to the Americans, and I do not know, the British, because they came to the celebration day in Sarajevo, which we believe is not some great joy, in times when Serbs were killed, but that is their right, fine. Imagine that,” Vulin stated for media.


Banja Luka Mayor Stanivukovic reacts to protest note issued by Croatia for unveiling memorial plaque to JNA Major Milan Tepic (BN TV


On the occasion of the RS Day and the 30th anniversary of existence of the RS, a memorial plaque honoring national hero and Major of Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) Milan Tepic was unveiled in the street named after him in Banja Luka on 8 January. Tepic got killed when he blew up a weapon warehouse in the military barracks in Bjelovar in Croatia in 1991 and thus prevented its occupation by Croatian military forces. Croatia issued a protest note for unveiling a memorial plaque to Milan Tepic in Banja Luka. Banja Luka Mayor Drasko Stanivukovic reacted to this protest note by saying that unveiling a memorial plaque to Major Milan Tepic in Banja Luka was not directed against Croatian people or anyone, reminding that Banja Luka is focused on joint living, understanding and tolerance. He stressed that Banja Luka City works on legalization of all religious buildings and it has extended great support to ‘Caritas’ and the Catholic Grammar School but Croatia has not sent a support note for that. “Why should we all together put focus on things that connects us” Stanivukovic wondered. He also said that it is well-known that everyone sees historical events differently and there are probably streets in Zagreb or Croatia the names of which are disliked by people in the RS, but that Banja Luka as a city does not have ambition to tell its neighbors how to mark the remembrance of their people from the past. He glorified Milan Tepic, concluding that he was bright example of a Serb. SNSD’s Radovan Kovacevic stated that Tepic was and always will be a hero for the Serb people, and noted that Serbs and Croatians have different views on the past war. SPS also stated that Tepic is a hero who saved numerous Serbs with his sacrifice. PDP’s Perica Bundalo stated that parliamentarians from the RS should demand removal of B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic for taking Croatia’s side on this matter. Director of the Information and Documentation Center ‘Veritas’ Savo Strbac stated that there are numerous streets in Croatia named after members of the Ustasha and Croatia celebrates convicted war criminals. He noted that in 1991, the Yugoslav People’s Army was the only legitimate military force in the region, and Tepic acted responsibly as its officer.


Dodik on announcement that ‘Zelene Beretke’ will recruit new members: While we celebrate peace, radical elements in FB&H call for revitalization of paramilitary units (ATV


Member of B&H Presidency from the rank of Serb people Milorad Dodik said that the RS observed its day in a dignified manner, adding that legal and legitimate formations and organizations took part in central ceremony of marking of the RS Day. Dodik commented the announcement of “Muslim paramilitary organization ‘Zelene Beretke’ (Green Berets) that gathers volunteers from the beginning of the civil war in B&H” that they will recruit new members. Dodik stated that unlike the Federation of B&H, where radical elements call for revitalization of paramilitary units, the RS celebrated its day by celebrating peace. “Attempts to kill the historic fact that the RS was formed in peace, before the civil war in B&H, are doomed to failure, because such falsifying of history will not be accepted,” Dodik was quoted as saying. He said this was also proven by the behavior of RS citizens, which marked this day with dignity, through song, and they did not offend anyone.


Izetbegovic on B&H Election Law: In order for change to happen, everyone has to give something in order to get something (FTV


Discussion about the B&H Election Law returned to the table and there seems to be no lack of optimism, commented the presenter. After his meeting with the Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic in Dubrovnik on Monday, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic was in Mostar on Tuesday and said that in order for change to happen everyone has to give something in order to get something. Izetbegovic said it is imperative to improve relations between Bosniaks and Croats, but also between B&H and Croatia. He also told Plenkovic that and he also pointed out the positions of Croats in B&H. Izetbegovic stated: “Croats are frustrated by one position, that of a member of the (B&H) Presidency, but in at least 100 positions, from ministerial to heads of governing boards, Croats in B&H have more than what the Constitution guarantees them”. Izetbegovic said that this shows the story of the endangerment of Croats and that Bosniaks dominate them is not valid. Izetbegovic added that SDA has fewer positions than HDZ B&H in authority structures, even though SDA has two and a half times more votes. Izetbegovic added that when it comes to changes of the Election Law of B&H, both sides need to make concessions in regards to legitimate representation and competences of the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP). Izetbegovic stated that the House of People needs to protect the vital national interest and mechanisms to remove blockades need to be established Izetbegovic said that he is not an optimist in terms of reaching an agreement within a month, but he is optimistic nonetheless and he will do everything to improve the relations with Croats. Izetbegovic also said that Plenkovic is someone with whom people can talk. Izetbegovic argued that when it comes to changes to the B&H Election Law, there can be a solution that would satisfy both the Croat and the Bosniak sides. Izetbegovic held a meeting with Plenkovic and that Plenkovic posted on Twitter after the meeting that they discussed open issues between B&H and Croatia and the relations between Bosniaks and Croats. They pointed out the need for finding consensus for the election reform and removing blockades in the functioning of institutions.


Izetbegovic: It's imperative to mend relations between Bosniaks and Croats (Hina


It's imperative to mend relations with Croats and Croatia because the current tension is harming both peoples and countries but Croats in B&H hold more management positions than guaranteed by the constitution, Bakir Izetbegovic said in Mostar on Tuesday. The leader of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA), the biggest Bosniak party in B&H, spoke with the party leadership in Herzegovina after meeting with Croatia's Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic in Dubrovnik on Monday, when they discussed the situation in B&H and the election reform in that country as well as preparations for a joint meeting of the two governments. The current situation in relations between Croats and Bosniaks and Croatia and B&H is unnatural, said Izetbegovic after meeting with SDA officials in Herzegovina. "I will do everything for this unnatural state, where we have once again spoiled relations with Croats, we with Croats or Croatia with us, or we with Croatia, for that situation to be mended because it is very damaging for B&H as well as for Croatia" underscored Izetbegovic, who is the deputy speaker of the House of Peoples, the upper chamber of B&H's parliament.


Election law 

Prime Minister Plenkovic is a "very good collocutor", said Izetbegovic and warned that Croatian President Zoran Milanovic inappropriately calls Bosniaks "abusers of Croats in B&H". The talks in Dubrovnik focused on the need for election reform to relieve the tension between the two peoples seeing that Croats in B&H are constantly warning of being outvoted by the more numerous Bosniak people when electing the Croat member of the B&H Presidency and deputies to the House of Peoples. Izetbegovic believes that Croats in B&H are unhappy about one office, that of the Croat member of the B&H Presidency, underscoring that given their number, they are overrepresented in state institutions. Croats in B&H are in at least a hundred leading positions in ministries, directorates, management boards and they hold more posts than the Constitution guarantees to them so allegations about their being threatened are not true, he said. These things have not been presented and leaders in Croatia should be aware of that, he said. Izetbegovic advocates that the electoral reform to guarantee Croats the possibility of electing their legitimate political representatives should at the same time redefine the role of the House of Peoples which in that case would cease to be an equal parliamentary chamber and would decide only on matters that are of vital national interest. Izetbegovic is not optimistic that an agreement will be reached on the electoral reform over the next month as claimed by HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic, who has announced that talks will be stepped up next week already with the mediation of the USA and EU.



Izetbegovic said that during the talks with Plenkovic they agreed that it was necessary to react to the construction of the Upper Horizons energy project that authorities in the RS entity are planning in eastern Herzegovina to redirect some tributaries of the Neretva River, which flows through Herzegovina and southern Croatia, to the Trebisnjica River. "That would turn that part of Herzegovina into a desert," Izetbegovic said.


Sanctions against Milorad Dodik 

Asked about the sanctions against Milorad Dodik, Izetbegovic said that his conduct required resolute and efficient sanctions. Izetbegovic said that he also expected some European countries to introduce sanctions against Dodik, like Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and some Scandinavian countries, thus following the example of the USA.


Abazovic: Political retirement for those infected with ‘90s virus (MINA


The departure of Milo Djukanovic from the head position in the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) is not a precondition to form a minority government, but it would significantly facilitate communication and relations between the parties, Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the URA Civic Movement Dritan Abazovic said. In an interview with MINA, Abazovic said that establishment of a minority government and Djukanovic's political departure are not compatible processes, and that the minority government is just one way out of the political crisis that no one favors or rejects in advance. Asked whether his earlier announcement of Djukanovic's departure was supported by specific information, he answered that he stands behind his words. "Time will tell whether it was substantiated or not. For now, everything that was said has happened," Abazovic said. He said that people "with the virus of the 1990s" should slowly retire politically, because, as he stated, the challenges of the 21st century are not compatible with the perception of democracy from that period. "Whoever doesn't understand that message, I wish them good luck. On the other hand, the international community will have certain activities in Montenegro and the region, and I am looking forward to a stronger return of the American administration," Abazovic said. According to him, Montenegro has chosen its path, and cannot go to the West with the old political patterns. "Those standing in our way, better understand it themselves and move away, and also not sabotage our path, if they can't help. I speak in the context of all parties," Abazovic said. Asked whether the departure of Djukanovic from the leading position in the DPS was a precondition for the formation of a minority government, Abazovic said that these were not compatible processes. "However, it would definitely be a new political moment that would significantly facilitate communication and relations between political parties," Abazovic said. He said that the Civic Movement URA cannot link its political program to the DPS. "The DPS was an obstacle to Montenegro's Europeanization, and it was defeated. As far as I'm concerned, the end has been put on it. Anyone who appears as an obstacle to that will be our political opponent," Abazovic said.


Vesovic: Relations with govt will get better once Krivokapic is not a prime minister (CdM


Even though Prime Minister Krivokapic turned the institutional culture and public debate into a mere pub discussion, and with a risk of getting even more primitive reaction of himself or his associates, it’s unacceptable not to react to his statement that he won’t cooperate with the main city’s administration until the local government is changed, said Caslav Vesovic, the President of the DPS’ Main board in Podgorica and Deputy Mayor of Podgorica. Krivokapic was speaking on Twitter on Sunday and when asked “how is he going to fix the communication with the Capital, having in mind that it barely exists”, he said – “We’ll fix it by changing the power”.

“In any civilized political system, the entire public would harshly criticise such a view, but it didn’t happen in our country,” Vesovic noted. According to him, his bad manners directly impact the implementation of capital investments and other citizens’ needs, and the capital’s administration must not stay silent.


Joanikije: SPC and government of Montenegro are harmonizing details of the Fundamental Agreement (RTCG


The Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral Joanikije told the RTCG Portal that negotiations regarding the harmonization of the final text and all the details of the Fundamental Agreement are taking place between the future contracting parties, as legitimate signatories of the agreement. "Negotiations on the harmonization of the final text and all the details of the Fundamental Agreement are taking place between the future contracting parties as legitimate signatories of the agreement, namely the Serbian Orthodox Church and the government of Montenegro. All questions regarding the details of the negotiations, including the specific question you asked me, regarding the answers that can be obtained at this stage of the negotiations, must be addressed to the responsible persons of future parties (Patriarchate of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the government of Montenegro)," said. Joanikije. The government of Montenegro confirmed that it received a letter from the Serbian Patriarch Porfirije on 4 January on the harmonization of the Fundamental Agreement, and that, as they say, they will respond to it in a timely manner next week. The Government announced that the Government will send a response to a specific letter from the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Porfirije, on the occasion of harmonizing the draft Fundamental Agreement between Montenegro and the SPC, at the beginning of next week. "In order to achieve the desired agreement, to the mutual satisfaction," said the government. Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic said on Sunday night that he was ready to "sign the Fundamental Agreement with the SPC tomorrow". He explained that, however, it depends exclusively on the SPC Synod. He stated that he is looking forward to signing that document very soon. Earlier, the media reported that Porfirie sent a letter to Krivokapic in which he was interested in the Fundamental Agreement between Montenegro and the Serbian Orthodox Church.


Srzentic and Escobar: USA and Montenegro friends and allies (CdM


The United States (USA) and Montenegro are not only friends, but also allies, and digital transformation and new technologies will provide great opportunities for the country's progress and through numerous programs will create good chances for young people to stay in Montenegro. Minister of Public Administration, Digital Society and Media Tamara Srzentic met with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar to discuss the future of Montenegro and how to make it more stable and prosperous on the path to Euro-Atlantic integration. "We know that digital transformation and public administration reform provide a handful of new opportunities for the progress of the entire country, so we in the Government have set digital transformation and public administration reform high on the list of priorities. Escobar and I share the view that the introduction of new digital services based on the principle of "once only" and agile practices, "big data" or management of large amounts of data, interoperability and strengthening leadership and digital skills, create space for progress. "We can make Montenegro more competitive in the region and the EU," Srzentic said. Escobar supported the initiatives presented by Minister Srzentic, aimed at strengthening leadership and digital skills, increasing the availability and transparency of public administration services, introducing new digital services and strengthening the ICT sector in Montenegro through cooperation with leading IT companies in America and beyond. "I emphasize the importance of strengthening economic cooperation between Montenegro and the United States, as well as countries in the region, especially the importance of joint work of working groups within the Economic Dialogue, which opens space to expand engagement and strive for new economic, trade, investment and commercial opportunities," said Escobar. Srzentic said that she once again heard clear support for Montenegro and its Government in all reform processes, especially in efforts to strengthen the business environment, media freedoms and the fight against corruption, and it was recognized that young and progressive leaders give new strength. "The United States gives special support to our efforts to strengthen media freedoms, so I talked with Escobar about the protection of journalists, criminal policy, increasing hate speech and misogyny, and we concluded that the United States can be a partner in creating policies and strategies that will reduce forms of violence, with a special emphasis on gender-based violence," Srzentic said. She pointed out that people from Montenegro are successful everywhere in the world, but that the task is to make young people stay in our country and make it more successful, so we in the government of Montenegro, through numerous programs, in cooperation with the US and others partners, to create development opportunities in order to achieve that.


VMRO-DPMNE: Zaev composed the next government and DUI will have a commanding influence over it (Republika


“Zaev composed the next government and DUI will have a commanding influence over it. The government that is being proposed by new SDSM party leader Dimitar Kovacevski was put together by Zoran Zaev and will be controlled by DUI,” said VMRO-DPMNE in a statement. SDSM and DUI are preparing for a vote next week on a cabinet that includes many new faces on the SDSM side, including a new Prime Minister, but according to the opposition, it is being managed by Zaev from the background. Zaev’s pawn Kovacevski accepted the list submitted by Zaev without any questions. It includes Oliver Spasovski as Interior Minister after he brought us to the top of international rankings in crime and corruption, Ljupco Nikolovski, whose main achievement was to seize a box of expired butter, Spasovski’s deputy Slavjanka Petrovska and Fatmir Bytiqi who, along with Kovacevski, is among those most responsible for the economic crisis. The government will be ran by DUI and the mafia, with LDP, DOM and DS supporting it in exchange for several director posts, VMRO-DPMNE said in its statement.


The session for electing a new government on Saturday (


The President of the Assembly Talat Xhaferi will convene the session for election of the new composition of the government on Saturday, 15 January 2022, at 11 am. Xhaferi stated this to Prime Minister-designate Dimitar Kovacevski at the meeting when he submitted to the parliament the proposals for the composition of the new government and the work program.

“The prime minister-designate for the composition of the new government of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, Dimitar Kovacevski, officially submitted to Xhaferi, the Draft composition and the Draft Work Program of the new government. He indicated at the meeting that he expects the election of the members of the government and its program to be approved without delay” the parliamentary press service said. At this meeting, Xhaferi informed Kovacevski that he would convene a session to elect the new government on Saturday.


Rama: The political situation in Albania is critical (Radio Tirana


For the Prime Minister and the leader of the Socialist Party Edi Rama the political situation in the country is very critical, after the violent developments in the opposition camp. In a communication to the media after the meeting of the Presidency of the Socialist Party, Rama says that this situation will make it difficult to adopt laws that require the votes of the opposition. He predicted that both Basha and Berisha will not be legitimized at the head of the DP. "This is to cry and laugh, but I cannot cry about the dramatic situation where the DP is, but sometimes we even laugh. It does not appear to me members of the presidency to take this building by force and we have not made fortifications. We are all together in a process. We are not in a process of fighting for self-interest, such as the two corpses of the Democratic Party that took the Democrats hostage. SP is for solving the problems of the country, while PD is for solving the problems of the individual. You are here in the service of the people, not for political squabbles and self-interest. I wish the Democrats to get out of this situation by overcoming these two corpses and move forward," said Rama. Commenting on the role of the state police, Rama did not spare the maximum assessments for the police force and the professionalism shown on January 8, after the request for intervention from the DP leaders. "Never before has the State Police had the challenge to enter the yard of a party for him. He exercised this duty calmly and professionally to be admired. In fact, the State Police could have been notified in advance to protect the building and there would have been no violence," he said.


Basha's message for future of Albania (ADN


Democrat leader Lulzim Basha has made a promise regarding the future of the Democratic Party (DP). Basha says that together we will bring a better future for the DP and for Albania. "There will be a better future for the DP and for Albania. We will bring it together!” Basha writes. The Democratic Party has announced the meeting of the College of Chairmen will take place this Wednesday. This meeting comes two days after that of the leadership of this party which in response to the violent protest in the blue headquarters where part of its premises was destroyed, took punitive measures against 28 members of the Re-establishment Commission of the DP. Together with Berisha, 8 other names were expelled from the DP, including former President Bujar Nishani, as well as MPs Flamur Noka, Edmond Spaho and Albana Vokshi.


Berisha excluded by Democratic Party forever (ADN


The headship of the Democratic Party decided in the early hours of this Tuesday to exclude forever by the party its historical leader Sali Berisha. The meeting that started at 19:00 on Monday lasted over 8 hours. So far, Berisha was excluded by the party's parliamentary group until the clarification of USA decision that banned him and his family entering the States. But the last decision that came after protests at DP Headquarters leaves him out of the party forever. Just three days ago, Berisha and his supporters protested in front of the party trying to oust Basha out. But they faced resistance and protest turned violent forcing police to intervene.


Meta in official visit in North Macedonia, meets with his counterpart Pendarovski (Radio Tirana


Albanian President Ilir Meta was received in a meeting by his counterpart, the President of the Republic of North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski, with whom he had an open conversation. The two Heads of State praised the great potential that exists for the deepening of very good neighbourly relations between our countries, in all areas, for a more brilliant future. Expressing the unwavering will of Albania and North Macedonia for the protection of Euro-Atlantic values, as two NATO member countries, Meta and Pendarovski, in the framework of aspirations for membership in the EU, noted the need to unblock the process. and the rapid start of EU membership negotiations, which they say will make a positive contribution to overall prosperity, consolidating peace, stability and security in the region. Meta and Pendarovski assessed that only comprehensive initiatives, in particular the Berlin Process, which guarantees the strengthening of bilateral cooperation between all the countries of the Western Balkans, provide great assistance in this regard. Also, Meta stressed that the election of Albania as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for the period 2022-2023, will serve to consolidate the achievements so far in the region. Meta, noting that the Albanians in North Macedonia in recent decades have been not only committed to the stability of the country, but also a guarantor of its Euro-Atlantic integration, underlined that respect for all their freedoms and rights, according to the most advanced European standards, it is essential.