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Belgrade Media Report 17 January 2022



RIK: 59.71 percent for constitutional amendments, 39.26 percent against



According to preliminary results of Sunday’s referendum on constitutional amendments, based on 98.79 percent of polling stations processed and 98.24 percent of votes counted, 59.71 percent of voters voted "yes" while 39.26 percent voted "no", the Republic Election Commission (RIK) announced on Monday. At a press conference, the head of the national statistical office Miladin Kovacevic said that, based on votes counted as of 11.36 am, 1,170,406 voters - or 59.71 percent - had voted "yes" while 769,481, or 39.26 percent, voted "no". Kovacevic said the results were still not final but were very close to being so and that no major changes were expected. He said 1,960,010 people, or 30.65 percent of eligible voters, had cast their ballots in the referendum and that the number of invalid ballots was 0.99 percent. RIK President Vladimir Dimitrijevic said the RIK was unaware of any major irregularities in the referendum and that no complaints had been filed with the body to date. He said the deadline for announcing the final referendum results was Friday 8 pm. RIK made a decision according to which voters from Kosovo and Metohija, since Pristina did not allow Serbs to vote in the referendum, will be able to use their right at polling stations in four cities in Serbia proper – Kursumlija, Raska, Novi Pazar and Vranje.


Dacic: Referendum held in democratic atmosphere (RTS)


Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic believes that the turnout at the referendum of about 30 percent is “quite a good result” and adds that Sunday’s vote was held in a democratic atmosphere. Speaking in for the Monday morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS), Dacic said that he was satisfied with the fact that the citizens of Serbia confirmed the parliament’s decision on constitutional changes in yesterday’s referendum. “We all talked about the need to change the Constitution, we all know that this topic is not among the top interests of citizens, that there are people who are politically active but did not have enough understanding of how important the referendum is, especially when one adds that there was misinformation that it is a dictate from the EU, and in the membership of the SNS and SPS, there were people allergic to this type of pressure,” states Dacic. “If we compare with the results of similar referendums in the world, these are some figures that speak of interested citizens,” Dacic said, adding that the referendum was held in a democratic atmosphere. He reminds that one of the segments of the agreement with the opposition was related to the referendum, because more than 16,000 controllers of voting were proposed. The deadline for objections to irregularities, he says, is 48 hours. “I think this is the first government to disempower itself,” Dacic said, noting that the constitutional changes would take effect the day after the official voting results were announced. He believes that the experts who worked on changing the Constitution took their work seriously and that they will work very responsibly in the second phase, i.e. on the changes to the law that should accompany the constitutional changes. Key laws in this area, such as the law on judges and the law on the High Judicial Council, will be harmonized with the Constitution within a year. Speaking about the upcoming activities of the parliament, Dacic says that after the proclamation of the Constitution and the constitutional law the parliament will be dissolved in order to slate the elections for 3 April.


Brnabic: Referendum major step in strengthening rule of law (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic on Monday thanked all voters who cast their ballots in Sunday's referendum on constitutional amendments, in particular those who voted "yes", and added that, thanks to the successful referendum, Serbia would get an independent judiciary and independent prosecutors for the first time. "I congratulate all Serbian citizens on the referendum success. We have taken a major step in strengthening rule of law and in further democratization of our society," Brnabic posted on her official Instagram profile. She said Serbia was continuing to strengthen its institutions and that it was only in the years to come that everyone would realize how great and important was the job done on Sunday, 16 January 2022. "I thank all who went out to vote in the referendum, especially those who voted 'yes', helping to make a very important decision for the future of our country," Brnabic added.


Vucic: Citizens voted in favor of constitutional amendments (Tanjug/RTS)


The citizens have voted in favor of the constitutional amendments and Serbia has sent a very positive picture to the world, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said after Sunday's referendum on amendments to the Serbian constitution that are related to the judiciary. Congratulating the citizens on a democratic atmosphere during the referendum, Vucic said that, based on results from 97.02 pct of polling stations, 60.48 pct of people had voted for the constitutional amendments while 39.52 had voted against, and added that there had been 1.01 pct of invalid ballots. Speaking at a press conference, he said 66.48 pct of voters in central Serbia had voted in support of the amendments while 33.5 pct had voted against. Vucic also said 60.3 pct of people in the Vojvodina province had voted in favor and 39.7 pct against, as well as that 45.4 pct of voters in Belgrade had voted in favor, with 54.6 pct against. "In total, that is slightly over 400,000 'yes' votes more than 'no' votes," he said.


Vucic: Ban on Serb voting in Kosovo to have far-reaching consequences (Beta/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Sunday that Pristina's ban on Serbs in Kosovo voting in a referendum would have far-reaching consequences, pledging that Serbia "stands with her people." He said there was a "deeper issue," and that was the opinion of some of the countries of the Quint (the U.S., UK, Germany, Italy and France). "I guess they take us for idiots -- and when I say that I mean it in the true sense of the word," Vucic said, adding that they were capable of urging ethnic Albanians to respect democracy and allow Serbs to vote, but if the ethnic Albanians refused, there would not be a single word of protest, alone an action or sanction. According to him, if Milorad Dodik, the Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, or Belgrade had done anything similar, to anyone in any way and at any time, "They would have been penalized and labeled bad guy troublemakers."


EU officials welcome outcome of Serbian referendum (N1)


EU officials welcomed the outcome of the referendum on amendments to the Serbian Constitution as an important step on the country’s path to the EU and improvement of the independence of the judiciary. EU Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi welcomed the fact that voters in Serbia supported the amendments to the constitution as an important step and commitment to the EU path. “In today’s referendum voters supported the change of the Constitution to reinforce judicial independence. I welcome this important step and commitment to EU path. We will continue to work with Serbian authorities on ambitious reform agenda, advancing EU integration,” the commissioner wrote in the post. Vladimir Bilcik, European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee Rapporteur for Serbia, said that decision to support the amendments moves Serbia forward on its European path. “Voters in Serbia decided to change the Constitution in order to improve the work and independence of their justice system. The substance and result of the 16 January referendum were about important rule of law reforms. This news moves Serbia another step forward on its European path,” he wrote in a Twitter post.


Gatherings in Kosovska Mitrovica, Belgrade on anniversary of Ivanovic murder (N1/Beta)


The anniversary of the assassination of Kosovo Serb opposition leader Oliver Ivanovic was marked with marches in his native Kosovska Mitrovica and Belgrade on Sunday. Family, friends and members of Ivanovic’s SDP Civic Initiative marched to spot in front of that party’s offices where Ivanovic was gunned down on January 16, 2018. In Belgrade, a number of political parties staged a protest in front of the Serbian Presidency building with some 200 people then marching to the RTS building and nearby St Marko church. In Kosovska Mitrovica family, friends, admirers and political parties organized two separate gatherings, laying wreaths and lighting candles in front of the SDP offices and calling the authorities to finally solve the murder and bring those responsible to justice. Ivanovic’s son Janko told the first gathering that the show of support means a lot to the family while local residents recalled that the authorities in both Belgrade and Pristina had not solved the murder even though some names of possible accomplices were released. The second gathering, organized by Ivanovic’s fellow party members, heard SDP official Ksenija Bozovic say that they were not backing down on their demand to discover his killers. She called Belgrade, Pristina and the international community to solve the political murder.


Dodik: We only want to return to the original constitutional order in B&H; RS will continue to mark its day (RTS


Guest of RTS central news on Friday was Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik. On Friday, Dodik and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke of the current situation in B&H. Amongst other things, Vucic called on Dodik, and all political forces in the Republika Srpska (RS), to take part in the work of joint institutions of B&H, and thus protect the interests of the Serb people and the RS in the best possible way. “The care that the Serbian President shows is, of course, very important to us, and we understand the context in which this was said. I will, of course, return to Banja Luka and speak with, I already spoke with all my partners, primarily in the ruling authorities, but also in the opposition, I will inform them of all the elements of this (request) and we will speak about that,” Dodik confirmed. He said Vucic himself expressed the wish to speak about this matter with other political representatives from the RS. Dodik said this topic will be discussed in the next several days. He went on to remind why the RS politicians decided not to take part in the work of B&H institutions. This happened the moment when former High Representative Valentin Inzko imposed changes to the Criminal Code of B&H, by which denial of genocide and other war crimes was prohibited. Dodik stressed that Inzko did not have the right to change this law, which is why RS officials reacted. Dodik said next session of the RS parliament will be held at the beginning of February, and the MPs will discuss this topic once more. Commenting the reactions that came after marking the Day of the RS on 9 January in Banja Luka, Dodik emphasized that official Sarajevo and a part of the international community probably have a problem with anything that is done in a legal and normal way. He pointed out that this celebration was organized in line with all the rules and regulations, there were no incidents, and legal police forces, i.e. members of the RS Ministry of Interior (RS MoI), took part in the parade. He said no one should have a problem with the RS MoI participation as these are police officers that do their jobs every day, and they do it in line with the law. Dodik assessed that the parade passed in a very peaceful way, and many citizens came to see the ceremony. Dodik believes that official Sarajevo does not like the fact that around 30,000 people from the RS came to the parade, gathering in a spontaneous way, and they came because they wanted to celebrate the RS Day and to be part of that celebration. Dodik says that Sarajevo officials have a problem with peaceful RS Day celebration, and they keep a blind eye regarding the incidents that happened in Buzim where people are trying to form the ‘Zelene beretke’ (Green Berets) unit once again, to mobilize and arm themselves. Dodik also reveals that people that were convicted of crimes at the Syrian battlegrounds were actually arrested near Doboj and Banja Luka, because they had a plan of causing trouble during the RS Day marking. In conclusion, Dodik said the RS Day passed in a peaceful manner, in Banja Luka and across the RS, and the point of the celebration was to show how dedicated people are to the RS. He added that the RS was formed on January 9, 1992, and they will continue to celebrate this day. Dodik said five or six years ago, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic submitted a motion with the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H and he asked for the RS Day celebration to be banned. The B&H CC ruled in favor of Izetbegovic and forbid the marking of this holiday. Dodik said that the RS will continue to mark this day and Izetbegovic will not be someone that will order someone not to celebrate something. Dodik said this is not done out of spite but that it is a fact that the RS was formed on 9 January 1992. Assessing B&H and the current situation in which it finds itself, Dodik said this country is “a big trouble” and retrograde policies are being led in it. He said the RS insists on return to the original Dayton Peace Agreement, while officials from Sarajevo accuse the entity authorities of trying to break up the country. Dodik said this is absurd. We are just trying to regain the competencies, i.e. everything that we had when the Dayton Peace Agreement was signed, Dodik says. He said the RS had all these things before, and now, it wants to have all this again. Dodik sees a problem in the fact that only Serbs are not allowed to have anything, and all their goals and plans are cut down at the very beginning. They never wanted to work with us, so that we all are able to develop and make progress together, Dodik said. He believes problems in B&H occurred when the IC introduced the role of the High Representative. Dodik says they made all the wrong decisions and ruined B&H’s chances at a better future. Dodik reiterated that Christian Schmidt was not legally appointed as his appointment was not confirmed in the UN Security Council (UN SC). The Dayton Agreement says so, Dodik adds. Commenting the US sanctions against him, possible EU sanctions and the fact that B&H did not receive financial assistance from the EU, Dodik said he does not feel responsible in any way. He said the EU assistance that comes to B&H is always given under some conditions, and it is always “politically motivated”. Dodik said if certain conditions are met, B&H will probably receive the EU funds. We are not hampering that process, he stated. B&H needs to return to its original constitutional order, and not this one – the para-constitutional order that currently exists, Dodik said. “People, we want the Constitution. Read the Constitution, that is all we want, nothing more,” Dodik pointed out. He believes that the foreigners want certain policies to be implemented in B&H and not for the country to return to the original Dayton Agreement. Those policies lean towards centralization of B&H, Dodik concluded.




Sarovic: Dodik leads RS, Serbia into difficult situation, Vucic is forced to solve crisis Dodik causes (BN TV


SDS leader Mirko Sarovic criticized Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. Sarovic was quoted as saying: “Milorad Dodik, as we pointed out, brought the RS into a difficult situation, and obviously Serbia as well, whose president Aleksandar Vucic, with all the problems and challenges our motherland faces, must solve the crisis that Dodik stirred in B&H and threatened the RS and its institutions. In recent months, and we have done this before, we have warned Dodik that the policy of conflict he is pursuing is leading the RS to an abyss and that the RS is emerging weaker from the crises that are being produced and with more and more enemies. We spoke very clearly, and in the language of reason we warned Dodik that he is gambling with the RS and its institutions, which he destroys, and abuses the legislative and executive power in both the RS and B&H. Dodik embarked on adventurous campaigns only to survive in power and preserve his dirty capital, not taking into account either the RS or the Serb people, let alone Serbia. Dodik's false ‘Serbization’ and false patriotism have resulted in the increasingly poor RS and its citizens, which in recent years has survived on loans and financial assistance from fraternal Serbia. The sooner Dodik leaves the political scene, the better for the RS and the Serb people.” Sarovic and PDP leader Branislav Borenovic discussed Vucic's messages on Jahorina on Friday. They believe that it was confirmed that Dodik has dragged not only the RS but also Serbia into a very difficult situation thanks to his adventurous moves.


Schmidt: I am waiting to see what will happen; Bonn powers are at my disposal and they are not just about removing somebody from position (Face TV/N1


The USA has recently imposed sanctions against several officials in B&H, as well as businesses, including the private TV channel ATV Banja Luka. N1 analyzed the effects of these sanctions and what can be expected from other countries. High Representative Christian Schmidt gave an interview to Face TV in which he said that if he does anything, he will do it before he announces it. He added that it can be expected that certain decisions will be inevitable, but who will make those decisions and how is not up to him. Schmidt said that he is waiting to see what will happen and if B&H institutions are unblocked or not and if the RS Law on Medicines will be withdrawn. He added that if nothing happens, something will happen. Commenting on the fact that the RS does not recognize him as a High Representative, Schmidt said that when it comes to Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, he does not need his recognition. Schmidt noted that despite of the fact that he does not want to talk to him, Dodik continues to talk about him during his press conferences. He stressed that he is not insignificant to Dodik after all and he offered him a meeting wherever he wishes. Schmidt stressed that this is not a game or a kindergarten, peace and prosperity of the country are at stake. He commended Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic because he pressured Dodik during their recent meeting in Belgrade. Schmidt also noted that the control of use of public funds is necessary. N1 notes that ATV suffered consequences of the sanctions, since their YouTube account was shut down after they were imposed. The reporter reminds that ATV was considered as an independent channel, until the change to the ownership structure in 2018 and since then it is ties to the Dodik family. Director of ATV Srdjan Kevac said that the claims are nonsense and they consider the suffocating of one media outlet an issue. He reminded that they denied any ties to the Dodik family and they are surprised by claims of US officials that they were not sanctioned as a media company. US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson said that ATV is a corrupted business subject controlled by Dodik and his family. He added that Dodik directed public calls to his children and ATV. Nelson explained that the sanctions are not the judgement of journalists, but the judgement of corruptive business. The HR, asked about the issue of state property, said that he has been trying to put the spotlight on the issue of ownership of the state property for quite some time and the fact it has not been resolved for 26 years of B&)’s existence with current setup is inexplicable. He claims that it is practically impossible to determine the ownership of each and every piece of state property and it is necessary to engage in talks. He pointed out that he was hesitant to get involved but shortly before he took over as the HR he decided to do so and made few recommendations which were rejected by SNSD leader Milorad Dodik with explanation that all state property located in the RS belongs to him and the RS. He underlined that the state property in the RS does not belong to Dodik and this issue has to be legally resolved but the interests of both the RS and the Federation of B&H (FB&H) must be taken into account. He reminded that one of former HR’s has imposed a ban on use of state property if the ownership rights are not defined while Germany solved its issue of state property after unification by putting the ownership of all property in a newly formed from which the ownership was later assigned to the levels that are using it. He underlined that it is necessary to engage in talks where all sides will reveal their demands but he will remain firmly opposed to strict policies and unilateral decisions to claim any piece of state property. He added that he will persist in keeping the issue of state property in the spotlight because its registration is among requirements for B&H’s accession to the EU and a number of the decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H (B&H CC) are waiting to be implemented. Asked about possible separation of the B&H AF into entity armed forces and possible renewal of armed conflict in B&H, Schmidt argued that the purpose of the DPA was to end the war in B&H and prevent the situation from moving in the wrong direction but although he sees no immediate threat to peace, tensions and divisions among common people are growing. He warned that the international community cannot afford to overlook anything regardless of how insignificant it may look as minor events can escalate into a true crisis. However, Schmidt underlined that no one is interested in further escalation of ongoing crisis and current situation but Milorad Dodik must know how any decision that may pose a threat to B&H’s territorial integrity will be universally rejected. He claims that the separation of the B&H AF into entity armed forces is also unacceptable and it makes him wonder if B&H has no other issues to address. He deems that whether sanctions are a helpful instrument or not is less important at the moment than getting everyone to “pull the rope from the same side”. He added that the international community should move on and stop thinking that decency and kindness are enough to talk Dodik into doing something but it is not as if Dodik was not given many opportunities to do the right thing and sadly he wasted them all. He stressed that he is truly grateful to Vucic but also to Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and other officials of neighbouring countries for their help regarding B&H. He said that any future measures against individuals in B&H have to be uncomfortable for those individuals and he believes that his report to the UN Security Council has helped put B&H in the spotlight again. He explained that B&H is not seen as a high priority by the international community but the interest in in stability and presence of EUFOR and other international forces is growing while the UK has appointed its special envoy for B&H Stuart Peach in order to stay accurately informed. He underlined that B&H citizens should trust the international community more because it will not look away from B&H no matter what. Asked about the initiative Open Balkans, Schmidt explained that potential candidates for the EU membership must work on their relations and cooperation with neighboring countries and former German Chancellor Angela Merkel decided to launch the Berlin Process in order to somewhat help prepare these countries for the accession to the EU. He claims that he can understand the purpose of ‘Open Balkan’ if it will contribute to integration in the region but he is not sure if it will overlap with the Berlin Process in certain areas. As to possibility of B&H joining Open Balkans, Schmidt said that B&H will not be excluded from other processes if it does join the initiative and he sees it as preparation for the EU membership.


Dodik’s son announces lawsuit against Nelson (FTV


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik’s son Igor Dodik announced a lawsuit against the US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson for the accusations levelled against them. Igor Dodik was quoted as saying: “Nelson will have to offer any evidence of directing public money to Dodik's children via ATV”. Meanwhile, the largest video platform YouTube has blocked ATV's account. The explanation states that the reason is a violation of the YouTube Community Guidelines. The presenter reminded that the US imposed sanctions against ATV.


German government has decided, there will be sanctions against Dodik (Dnevni list


HR Christian Schmidt said that “we must work on future of B&H going without Dodik” and that he has the Bonn powers at his disposal. According to HR Schmidt, first results of the US sanctions are here, and that “Dodik should not be bought, instead he should assume the responsibility”. The daily also carried German Bundestag’s rapporteur for the Western Balkans Adis Ahmetovic who said, among other issues: “Dodik cannot undermine the state and be involved in corruption for 15 years, and then return to the Presidency without sanctions! No way! Check-mate, he is done! Germany is preparing a strategy for solving the situation in B&H. The strategy has five parts and the sanctions are the main part.” According to the daily, judging by Schmidt’s and Ahmetovic’s clear messages, it would appear that Vucic’s plea to Dodik to return to the institutions was late because the German government has already made its clear decisions and is now communicating them to the European public. Daily added by saying it is clear that many other EU Member Countries will follow Germany, which is why the collective EU sanctions are not even necessary.


B&H parliament members from RS: Centralization of B&H is not acceptable, key to end of political crisis is dialogue (EuroBlic


The daily reports that B&H is facing the greatest political crisis since the end of the war, and notes that the crisis is caused by the fact that Bosniaks openly advocate some kind of centralized civic state, and they rely on the international community to help them achieve this goal. They insist on centralization and ignore the fact that neither Serbs nor Croats want it. Two decades of constant attacks against the RS culminated with the decision of former High Representative Valentin Inzko to impose amendments to B&H Criminal Code prohibiting genocide denial, and the decision of B&H Constitutional Court declaring agriculture land and forests in RS state property. The daily notes that the public in the RS already had a negative opinion on B&H Constitutional Court, mainly because of its ruling declaring the RS Day unconstitutional holiday. As a result, the RS representatives launched a boycott of state institutions, and the RS embarked on the difficult path to restoration of its competences which were forcefully taken away and transferred to the state level in the course of the past 20 years. Leader of ‘United Srpska’ and member of B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Nenad Stevandic stated that anything that is being imposed by force, including centralization of the state, will be met with resistance that could have devastating and far-reaching consequences. Therefore, he underlined, the only way forward for B&H is decentralization and dialogue. He reminded that every attempted of forced centralization in B&H’s past resulted in conflicts, such as in 1915, 1941, 1945 and 1992.

B&H HoR member Snjezana Novakovic Bursac (SNSD) stated that attempts of forced centralization of B&H led to the dysfunctionality and lack of trust. In her opinion, the RS is merely reacting to legal violence. She noted that the complex composition and the historical context of B&H require a highly decentralized constitutional organization of B&H. B&H HoR member Mira Pekic (PDP) stated that it is necessary to remind of the beginning of the current crisis which started with Inzko’s decision and decisions of B&H Constitutional Court. She underlined that the RS is not causing any conflicts and that no imposed solutions are acceptable. In her opinion, the Dayton Peace Agreement provides a good enough framework for functioning of B&H and that the key to solution of problems lies in dialogue. She underlined that war mongering cannot bring anything good to anyone.


Dodik announces talks in RS on return to work in B&H institutions (BN TV


Milorad Dodik stated that he will talk with all partners in the RS authorities and in the opposition on return to work in institutions of B&H. According to Dodik, they will return to the RS parliament at the beginning of February and discuss this topic. Speaking about his meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Dodik said that his care is very important and he understands the context to which Vucic meant when he called on Serb representatives to return to institutions. Dodik reminded that Serb representatives left the institutions when former High Representative Valentin Inzko imposed changes to the law that prohibit denial of the genocide.


Beginning of February could bring chance to unblock work of B&H institutions; Sarovic: RS parliament should decide on possible return of RS representatives to B&H institutions (BHT1


Following the latest initiative of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on return of the RS representatives to B&H institutions, Milorad Dodik announced that the RS parliament will hold a special session on this issue at the beginning of February and that talks will be also held with representatives of the ruling structures and the opposition in the RS. The work of B&H institutions might be thus unblocked at the beginning of February, when a session of B&H House of Representatives (HoR) is expected as the first test for B&H parliamentarians. Representatives of the RS opposition commented that before return to B&H institutions, Dodik needs to explain what has changed in the meantime, ironically asking if the law banning the genocide denial in B&H imposed by former High Representative Valentin Inzko was annulled and if the agricultural land and forests were returned to the RS, as well as if foreign judges left judicial institutions in B&H. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic stated that the RS parliament should decide on possible return of the RS representatives to joint institutions at the level of B&H, stressing that SDS will not be resolving the crisis it has not caused in the first place. He added that Dodik’s policy was proven to be dangerous and without clear goal. According to ‘United Srpska’ leader Nenad Stevandic, the most important thing is to keep alive the goal of protection of the RS institutions, return of the RS’ competences and the dialogue with partners in the FB&H on B&H’s future, while it is less important if the RS representatives will return to joint institutions at the level of Bi& or not. SDA's Adil Osmanovic accused SNSD members of B&H parliament's Collegium Nikola Spiric and Nebojsa Radmanovic of obstructing the process of convening joint sessions of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) and the House of Representatives (HoR). Osmanovic stressed that the SDA Caucus in B&H HoR will certainly participate in the work of B&H parliament. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic commented the decision by Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik to return to the institutions of B&H on his Twitter account: “What a collapse of the ‘noisemaking’ policy! After five months of boasting, strong words, and even stronger announcements and initiatives, comrade Mile is humbly returning to comrade Bakir (SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic) in Sarajevo. The anger has passed, as said by the latter, but the embarrassment, never bigger, remains, his! And the conclusions of the RS parliament and the Inzko’s decision?!’’.


Varhelyi denies allegations on his agreement with Dodik: Bosnian Serbs should return to B&H institutions (BN TV


EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi said that it is not true he supported the secession of the RS from B&H institutions. Varhelyi was quoted as saying: “Our expectations from the Bosnian Serbs are that they will return to B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), the parliament and the Presidency. B&H, and even the RS, have no interest in segregation, which prevents the work of institutions. I made that clear to (the Serb member of the B&H Presidency) Milorad Dodik as well.” Varhelyi made a statement for the first time after members of the European Parliament (MEPs) called for an investigation against him for helping Dodik. Varhelyi said it is a lie that he is helping Dodik, stressing that B&H is in a difficult phase and that the country is neglected due to domestic political activities. Varhelyi pointed out that all three peoples in B&H must work together to move forward. He also touched upon the 9 January celebration, saying that nationalist celebrations do not contribute to B&H's path forward.

Varhelyi stated on Twitter that he talked on the phone with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic about the return of RS representatives to B&H institutions and securing of their full functionality.


New round of talks on electoral reform in B&H will be held this week; HDZ B&H, SDA partially optimistic regarding possible agreement, which is not case with opposition leaders (BHT1


Special Envoy on Electoral Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Matthew Palmer and European External Action Service (EEAS) Director for Western Europe, Western Balkans and Turkey Angelina Eichhorst will arrive in Sarajevo this week to start a new round of talks on the electoral reform with B&H political leaders. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic are partially optimistic regarding a possible agreement on amendments to the Election Law of B&H, which is not the case with the opposition leaders. According to Covic, the meetings within the electoral reform talks are supposed to be completed by January 25. “Final talks on amendments to the Election Law of B&H with representatives of the US and EU administrations are supposed to be held from 23-25 January, in line with implementation of the Mostar Agreement”, Covic stressed. Izetbegovic stated that compromise is necessary, but in order to ensure for Croats to be able to elect their legitimate political representatives, at the same time the role of the Houses of Peoples all together should be the protection of vital national interests. He stressed that both SDA and HDZ B&H need to make compromise in order to reach an agreement. SDP B&H’s Sasa Magazinovic assessed that nothing has changed since it was concluded at the end of December 2021 that the electoral reform talks cannot be on the agenda until some other issues are resolved, such as the normalization of work of B&H institutions. NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic stated that Covic's statements on legitimate representation in which he mentions the Croat member of B&H Presidency and both Houses of B&H Parliament are rather interesting and maximalist theses. He said that now Izetbegovic needs to explain what was that he promised to Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic to cause approval by the Croatian public and HDZ. Political analysts deem that leaders of political parties are not so ready for compromise, but that there are also some positive signals such as the fact that international officials will again come to B&H and that SDA and HDZ B&H leaders held consultations with Plenkovic. Representatives of the international community in B&H conveyed a message in Mostar on Wednesday that this round of negotiations is the last chance to reach an agreement on the electoral reform, stressing that there is no alternative to holding the general elections this year. US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson said that it is high time to reach an agreement on what HDZ B&H and SDA expressed over 18 months ago as their commitment regarding B&H Presidency and implementation of rulings of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler stated that improving the relations between Bosniaks and Croats is very important and there is ongoing devoted work to achieve this. He added that the bottom line is to ensure possibility for all citizens of B&H to realize their right to be nominated for the high-ranking posts.


Covic meets Plenkovic, Milanovic, stress importance of reaching agreement on electoral reform (Vecernji list


Vecernji list daily reads that talks are being intensified prior to what seems to be the final round of negotiations about the electoral reform in B&H. According to the daily, all important authorities are involved in the talks, including the ones who want an agreement to be reached and the ones who want to undermine the whole process, which could drag the country into a new political and potentially security chaos. Daily further reads that HDZ B&H President Dragan Covic met with Croatian Prime Minister (PM) Andrej Plenkovic in Zagreb on Saturday to talk about, among other issues, the changes to the Law on Elections and protection of all three constituent peoples. According to the daily, Covic’s main message after the meeting was that B&H needs to urgently be stabilized through changes to the Law on Elections, arguing that “the status of constituent peoples and their equality is foundation of functioning of B&H”. He added by saying that the legitimate representation should be achieved in both Houses of Peoples (B&H and FB&H) and in the Presidency of B&H. The Croatian PM stressed that cohesion and synergy of the three constituent peoples and Others is crucial in order for B&H to be a functional state and move forward. Plenkovic added by saying Croatia supports an agreement on changes to the Law on Elections of B&H that would achieve equality and legitimate representation of all three constituent peoples in most senior institutions of B&H. Daily further reads that Covic also met with Croatian President Zoran Milanovic on Saturday to talk about the crisis in B&H and the necessity of resolving the electoral reform. It was stated by the office of the Croatian President that the Dayton agreement enabled sovereignty of B&H that is based on the legitimate representation of all constituent peoples.


Montenegro needs a stable government and it doesn’t have it now (Pobjeda


For Montenegro’s progress on the road to the European Union, EU, it needs to have a stable government with a clear majority in the parliament, and right now, it doesn’t have it. Both the government and the parliament exist but don’t operate efficiently, while the solution to this problem is in the hands of the Montenegrin politicians, the Chair of the Stabilization and Association Council and Rapporteur to the European Parliament Vladimir Bilcik noted. “We are closely monitoring the situation and expect something to be solved in the coming months. It, again, depends on Montenegro’s politicians and they know well what their options are. The point is that the status quo is unsustainable,” Bilcik. In his opinion, the best option would be any one guaranteeing the solution to stability of the government, that is, the government which would enjoy a stable support in the parliament for carrying out reforms that require constitutional majority, as such decisions may accelerate the country’s progress on the road to the EU.


SNP: MPs of parliamentary majority to launch a vote of no-confidence (CdM


The Socialist People’s Party, SNP, stated that they backed DPM Dritan Abazovic’s and the Democratic Front’s statements aimed at resolving the current political crisis. According to them, a vote of no-confidence against the government would be of paramount importance. If the prime minister, they say, doesn’t want to launch a no-confidence vote in the parliament, then MPs of the parliamentary majority should submit that proposal. Members of this party believe that the status quo is unsustainable, as the previous days and months proved the current crises should be solved as soon as possible. Deputy Prime Minister and URA leader Dritan Abazovic says he thinks that it would be good to make a statement to see whether the Government has the support of parliament or not. He has told reporters that he had informal meetings with the leaders of the parliamentary majority in the previous days. “We are communicating and I hope we will find the best solutions. I am optimistic that these solutions can be found to the satisfaction of all citizens” he has added. Abazovic has confirmed CdM’s writing that two days ago he met with the SNP leader Vladimir Jokovic and that they discussed current topics. He adds that he also did that with the leaders of other parties of the parliamentary majority.


Saranovic: If a part of parliamentary majority launches a no confidence vote, it’ll represent a deal with DPS (CdM


They’re trying to trick us again. If a part of the parliamentary majority accepts the order of the DPS and their supporters and negotiators, and launches a vote of no-confidence against the government, it’ll represent a deal with the DPS, the DPS MP Danilo Saranovic noted. He said this in response to the statements of DPM Dritan Abazovic, the Democratic Front and the Socialist People’s Party suggesting that it’d good to see whether the parliament backs the current government. The SNP stated that MPs should launch a vote of no-confidence against the government if the prime minister doesn’t do it. “Previous negotiations over overthrowing the government didn’t prove fruitful, so the negotiators now seek secret models for overthrowing it, after which they’re going to form the parliamentary majority with the DPS,” Saranovic says.


Radulovic: The state trapped in an invisible coalition between two populisms (Vijesti


Montenegrin Foreign Affairs Minister Djordje Radulovic said that he would have resigned if he had violated the law or misused his position as was presented in the public. In an interview for Vijesti daily, he pointed out that he didn’t take the interpellation adopted by the Democratic Front and opposition’s MPs in late December, urging his dismissal, personal. “I look forward to seeing a new political moment – joint cooperation of the DF and the DF – both voting for a minister’s dismissal. It’s a new political moment. If any other civic party or any other party in general had done it, they’d have been accused of a political corruption – “betrayal of the people’s will”, he notes.


The government of Kovacevski was elected, he called on the opposition to cooperate (


After a two-day debate, in which there were not as fierce performances as in previous such cases, the Parliament elected the new Macedonian government, whose prime minister is Dimitar Kovacevski, and in which besides SDSM along with the coalition around him and DUI, Alternative entered. 62 MPs voted for the new government, while 46 voted against. There were no abstentions. Prior to the vote, Prime Minister-designate Kovacevski had a short address to lawmakers in which he called on the opposition to work together on key issues of the country. "I sincerely believe that the opposition will be constructive in passing the laws," Kovacevski said. He responded to criticism of legitimacy by himself and the new government: "Legitimacy is undisputed. "There will be elections, but in 2024," he said. Kovacevski announced that the resolution of important issues related to the energy crisis will begin at a government session. He announced that each minister and the entire government as a whole will have a precise plan for working with deadlines and indicators to monitor implementation. The Prime Minister said that he was looking forward to the meeting with the Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov on Tuesday, and that he would meet with the German Minister for Europe, Anna Lirmann, who will come to Skopje. "A new time is coming. A better time is coming," concluded Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski. In the new government, the Minister of Defense will be Slavjanka Petrovska, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani, the Minister of Justice Nikola Tupancevski, the Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski, and the Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bojan Maricic.


Kovacevski took over the post of Prime Minister from Zaev (


The newly elected Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski this morning took over the function and cabinet of the current Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. The handover of the post of Prime Minister took place in the Government. The new government led by Kovacevski was elected in the Parliament with 62 votes "for", 46 "against" and without abstentions. In the speech before the MPs, Kovacevski said that the focus of the government program is on the citizens, the economy and dealing with the consequences of the pandemic and the energy crisis. He pointed out that no new elections are needed, announcing an increase in pensions and an increase in the minimum and average wages, as well as reforms in education. Speaking about the dispute with Bulgaria, Kovachevski said that the talks would continue and be intensified without endangering the identity of the people. Kovacevski's government has 21 members - from SDSM 11, DUI six, Alternativa three and one minister from LDP. The new government cabinet has one member more than the previous one, a minister without portfolio, a position that after the formation of the new parliamentary majority belonged to Alternative.


Erdogan in Albania / Here are the 7 important agreements to be signed in Tirana (Radio Tirana


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is paying a visit to Tirana on January 17 in Albania.

Meanwhile, the agreements that the Albanian government will sign with the Turkish one, in the framework of the visit of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in Tirana, have been disclosed.


  1. Cooperation agreement between Anadolu Agency and the Albanian Telegraphic Agency.
  2. Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of law enforcement training between the Government of Turkey and Albania.
  3. Cooperation Protocol between the State Archives Directorate of Turkey and the General Directorate of Archives.
  4. Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Field of Youth and Sports between the Ministries of Turkey and Albania.
  5. Memorandum of Understanding between the Turkish and Albanian Foreign Ministries for cooperation in the field of protocol.
  6. Cooperation protocol between the General State Directorate of Ballet Opera and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey and the Albanian Opera and Ballet and Folklore Ensemble.
  7. Memorandum of Understanding in the field of Disaster Management between the Directorate of Emergencies and the Ministry of Interior of Turkey.