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Belgrade Media Report 9 February


Brnabic, Peach: EU membership, stable region Serbia’s priorities (Tanjug/Politika)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic assessed on Tuesday, in a meeting with Stuart Peach, that cooperation in the region and all partners contributing to that cooperation is Serbia's strategic commitment to achieving stability, economic progress and prosperity in the Western Balkans. Brnabic said that EU membership and a stable, economically strong and well-connected region are Serbia's priorities. She stated that with good economic results and stability achieved by reforms, with continuous investment in infrastructure projects and attracting foreign investments, Serbia has shown that it is on the right track, but that building trust and stronger connections through regional projects is the way to a prosperous and strong region in the EU. She also recognized the great opportunities for cooperation in the Western Balkans in the implementation of the Green Agenda and the development of investments that will enable a green transition in the region. Also, she expressed gratitude to the British government, which supported the reform process in Serbia with projects such as digital transformation and strengthening e-Government, financed through the Fund for Good Governance. She assessed that the reform of education is one of the priorities of the government of Serbia and underlined the importance of the three-year program "Schools for the 21st Century" implemented by the British Council, thanks to the investments of the British government. Brnabic assessed that this project is one of the key ones for the future of our children and an excellent example of how the ties between the two countries are strengthened through digitalization. Peach emphasized that the British government is committed to the progress of the Western Balkans and support for the European integration of the region, which, as he explained, would enable the creation of a more prosperous environment for the survival of young and future generations.

Liberation Movement believes Peach should have been denied visit over his role in air strikes (Beta)

The Liberation Movement said on Tuesday that the British special envoy to the Western Balkans, Air Chief Marshall Stuart Peach, should have been denied a visit to Serbia over his role in the air strikes on Republika Srpska in 1995 and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999. In a statement issued before Peach’s meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, the Movement said the British envoy “commanded the bombing of the Bosnian Serb military units in 1995,” and in 1999, “from Vicenza, he commanded Royal Air Force (RAF) IX Bomber Squadron which was bombing Serbia, using cluster munitions, which are prohibited.” “Peach is definitely not coming to apologize or to pay tribute to the victims, but Aleksandar Vucic will welcome him with open arms,” Movement leader Mladjan Djordjevic said. He added that “this is not the first time the Serbian Progressive Party has in a perverse way welcomed those responsible for the crimes committed during the NATO aggression.”

Bulgaria will support Serbia on its EU path (Tanjug)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Prime Minister of Bulgaria Kiril Petkov said that Sofia and Belgrade are interested in a common gas and energy market, which would bring greater competitiveness to the economies of the two countries. At a joint press conference with Petkov, Brnabic explained that it would bring benefits to both countries because we could build more capacity from renewable energy sources. She said that at the meeting they also talked about Bulgaria's support for our country in the field of European integration, opening clusters, as well as organizing a specialized business forum in September in Pirot or Dimitrovgrad, where high delegations would present investment potentials. According to her assessment, maintaining quadrilateral among Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania and Greece would also contribute to a greater energy stability. The cooperation between the two countries can be even better in the field of trade, economy and joint investments, she stated and emphasized that we will work dedicatedly to that end. For the sake of regional stability of the Western Balkans, it is important for Serbia to see progress on the European path together with our partners in North Macedonia, Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina, she underlined and thanked Bulgaria for its commitment to resolving all outstanding issues so that everyone has a clear European perspective. She emphasized that 2021 was a record year in the economic relations between the two countries, with economic exchange amounting to €1.3 billion. The Prime Minister of Bulgaria expressed confidence that the Balkans, where 65 million people live, with the removal of borders and a common gas and energy market, could become the fastest growing region. For Sofia, regional connectivity is important as a condition for economic development, with an emphasis on energy connectivity. We are much stronger together and we are in negotiations with countries outside the region. Our "Greek connection" is a priority for Bulgaria so that we have direct access to liquefied gas, he explained. According to him, there is great potential for a single gas market, which means connections with North Macedonia, Greece, Serbia and Romania. Petkov said that Bulgaria is not only a friend of Serbia, but also its partner in the field of EU integration.

Vucic, Petkov discuss energy ties, economy (Tanjug/Politika/RTV/RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Tuesday met with Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov to discuss bilateral ties, strengthening of cooperation in the energy sector, as well as infrastructure and economic issues of mutual interest. Vucic said the Balkan Stream gas pipeline project was of substantial significance for cooperation and development in the region and that the start of construction of a gas interconnector in Dimitrovgrad would secure gas supplies and diversification of supply sources. The parties said the completion of the interconnector between Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece would further boost stability and energy security in the region. Vucic thanked Petkov for his sincere friendship and full commitment to development of close and good-neighborly relations between the two countries. Petkov proposed stepped-up cooperation between Serbian and Bulgarian businesses and IT experts, as well as establishment of Balkan startups. "Our markets are small so we need to work jointly on making better appearances in third-country markets, as well as think about creating a new Balkan center for IT," Petkov said.

Mihajlovic: Connecting with Bulgaria towards region's energy security (Tanjug)

Serbian Minister of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic talked on Tuesday with Minister of Energy of Bulgaria Alexander Nikolov about building a Serbia-Bulgaria gas interconnection, regional connections and intensifying cooperation between the two countries in the field of energy. At a bilateral meeting held as part of Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov's visit to Belgrade, Mihajlovic stressed that the construction of the Serbia-Bulgaria gas interconnector is very important for Serbia, expressing confidence that the project will be completed as planned.

The construction of this gas pipeline will contribute to the diversification of routes and suppliers of natural gas, and thus greater energy security, not only for Serbia, but also for the entire region, she pointed out. Nikolov reiterated that the Serbia-Bulgaria gas interconnector will contribute to greater energy security in the region, adding that the Southern Gas Corridor, with which this pipeline will be connected, along with gas from the LNG terminal, will be very important for diversifying gas supplies. The Minister also added that there is room for market integration, not only in the field of gas, but also in the field of electricity.

Serbia and US as partners in energy transition, energy infrastructure construction (RTV/FoNet/Tanjug)

Serbian Minister of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic talked today with outgoing US Ambassador to Serbia Anthony Godfrey about the development of energy infrastructure, regional connections, energy transition and the improvement of cooperation between the two countries in the field of energy and mining. Mihajlovic and Godfrey agreed that the two countries reaffirm their commitment to enhancing political and economic cooperation, especially in the areas of investment and infrastructure construction. She stated that everything that has been done in the past year in the relevant ministry has initiated changes in the field of energy and mining, especially in the part of strengthening Serbia’s energy security and independence. She voiced hope that cooperation between Serbia and the US will get improved in the coming period in the field of strengthening and modernization of energy infrastructure, and joint work is also planned in the process of energy transition and combating climate change. Mihajlovic underlined that our country is committed to attracting the best world companies, with the most advanced technologies, and added that American companies are welcome. We have done a lot, but we still have a lot of work to do and I hope we will improve our cooperation. The most important thing in energy and mining is investments, they are our priority. We want to establish cooperation, as we did in the previous ministry, especially when it comes to the Moravian Corridor, Mihajlovic pointed out. The meeting focused on gas diversification, regional connections and cooperation in the field of strengthening energy security, as well as the overall relations between Serbia and the United States. Godfrey thanked Mihajlovic and her team for the support he had in the implementation of numerous projects and stressed that there are many things they have done and can be proud of, adding that the leadership of the Minister in this area is good and important for the state, regardless of resistance to change. The US will continue to strongly support Serbia in the further development of the energy sector and in the process of decarbonization of the energy mix. The growth of the Serbian economy is the biggest change in the Western Balkans, and the fastest way to further economic growth is through the construction of various energy sources, as well as through joint engagement in strengthening energy infrastructure and partnership in energy transition and combating climate change, Godfrey said. Mihajlovic presented Godfrey with traditional Serbian products made by women as part of the “Employing 1,000 Women in Rural Areas” initiative, jointly implemented by the Ethno Network and the Coordination Body for Gender Equality, which she heads, according to a statement by the Office of the Minister of Mining and Energy.

Vucic, Slutsky discuss further development of bilateral ties (Politika/RTS/Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Tuesday received the chairman of the Russian State Duma committee on international affairs Leonid Slutsky to discuss further development of Serbia-Russia cooperation in various fields, including parliamentary cooperation. Slutsky presented to Vucic a gift from Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and conveyed the patriarch's regards to the Serbian president. Returning the regards, Vucic said he hoped he would meet with Patriarch Kirill during his next visit to Moscow. Vucic said Serbia-Russia relations were characterized by mutual trust and understanding, and thanked Russia for its firm and active support when it comes to defending Serbia's integrity and independence and its state and national interests. Slutsky said he was pleased with the progress of bilateral economic cooperation and noted that he was glad that joint infrastructure projects were helping Serbia's economic progress.

Vucic gave a very positive assessment of the work of Russia's RZD on a Stara Pazova-Novi Sad high-speed rail line and named other examples of successful cooperation in various fields that were contributing to Serbia's economic development, the presidential press office said in a statement. The parties said they expected a trend of frequent high-level contacts between Serbia and Russia to be continued. Vucic and Slutsky also discussed developments in the east of Europe.

Stano: Readiness of both sides necessary for specific progress (RTS/RTV/Tanjug)

EU spokesperson Peter Stano on Wednesday said Brussels was working on the agenda and the potential results of a next meeting in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, but noted that a readiness of the two sides to agree on specific positive progress was a precondition for a new round of dialogue. Welcoming Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's and Kosovo PM Albin Kurti's readiness to come to Brussels for a next round of high-level dialogue, Stano told Tanjug the EU was ready to host such a meeting as soon as both sides demonstrated a readiness to agree on specific positive results that would benefit the citizens and get the process moving. He said that, during meetings with the EU and the US special envoys, Miroslav Lajcak and Gabriel Escobar, Belgrade and Pristina had demonstrated a commitment to dialogue and a readiness to move forward, albeit at a slower pace than EU member states and the US wanted them to. He also said Brussels was working on planning talks at the level of chief negotiators as well as at the level of leaders.

Ponos: Serbian authorities manipulating people from Republika Srpska (Beta)

The United Serbia opposition group’s presidential candidate Zdravko Ponos said on Tuesday that the authorities are manipulating people from the Republika Srpska (RS) to get them to vote for the ruling party. Commenting reports of large numbers of people from the RS getting residence in Belgrade which would allow them to vote in the April elections, Ponos said that the authorities are “manipulating their hopes”. “Many of them will achieve their rights with those documents. They are hopeful but the regime will try to manipulate and abuse them. I hope that won’t be allowed,” the retired general said. Ponos recalled that people in the RS can achieve the right to Serbian citizenship in any consulate there and their right to citizenship should not be questioned,” he said. According to Ponos, residence is a different issue and should be viewed as an attempt at manipulation.

Lutovac: Votes stolen before elections in Serbia; We’ll defend people’s will (N1)

Zoran Lutovac, the Democratic Party (DS) leader, alleged on Tuesday that the regime was stealing votes before the April elections by bringing people from the RS to be registered in Belgrade to vote for the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). Lutovac told N1 that „goes on from one election cycle to another, but we did not have videos to prove that until now. Lutovac said the opposition would have enough people to control the voting process and said if there were attempts to rig the elections, "we are ready to defend the people's will together with them". Commenting on the authorities describing videos showing what Djilas talked about as "an insult to RS people," Lutovac said that it was "the transfer of the votes theft topic to the national issue." Lutovac called on people "blackmailed" to vote for SNS to report that to the opposition, "since it is a crime," and those who did should end up behind bars. He said he expected people who had abstained from voting so far to turn out this time, adding they "are fed up" with what was going on in the country.

Four thousand migrants in, some thousand outside reception center (Beta)

Slightly more than 4,000 migrants currently in Serbia were accommodated in asylum and reception centers, while around 1,000 were outside these facilities, Asylum Protection Center Director Rados Djurovic said. Djurovic told Beta that according to the Center’s figures, the largest number of migrants outside temporary reception centers were located primarily around border areas with Hungary, Croatia and Romania. According to Djurovic, people have been entering Serbia on a daily basis, noting that not even changed weather conditions or the winter have prevented them. He also said that “according to estimates, between 50 and 100 people have been entering Serbia from North Macedonia on a daily basis, while the inflow is somewhat higher from Bulgaria, which is a new trend”.

Stoltenberg: We respect Serbia's decision not to join NATO (TV Vesti)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Tuesday night that the alliance absolutely respects Serbia's decision not to join it. Stoltenberg said that NATO has never forced any country to join NATO, and in that sense he especially stressed that NATO strongly supports and respects Serbia's decision not to join the alliance. "That is a sovereign and independent decision of Serbia and NATO absolutely respects it, as it respects the decisions of Sweden and Finland, which are our close partners, but have not joined NATO," Stoltenberg told TV Vesti. He added that the key role of NATO in Kosovo and Metohija is to support political dialogue and enable free movement for all, stressing that the alliance absolutely respects Serbia's decision not to join. Stoltenberg said that the alliance has an important role in maintaining peace and preventing conflicts, as well as finding a political solution when it comes to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and that in that sense it supports the EU, which helps in that dialogue. "The key role of NATO in Kosovo is to support political dialogue and to ensure freedom of movement of all communities in Kosovo," he stressed. Speaking about the alliance's presence in the Balkans, Stoltenberg said that NATO has offices in Sarajevo, KFOR forces in Kosovo and Metohija and an office in Belgrade, and recalled that Montenegro and North Macedonia have joined NATO, emphasizing the alliance's role in preventing new conflicts in the Western Balkans. He also said that his ten-year term at the helm of NATO ends this year, on 1 October, and that he will take over as governor of the Central Bank in Norway at the end of the year. Stoltenberg added that he highly appreciates his position as NATO secretary general and the cooperation he achieved with Serbia during his mandate.

There is no document on non-expansion to East

NATO is strongly engaged in finding a political solution with Russia. "There is no document on our non-expansion to the East," NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said last night. "We've presented concrete proposals to Russia in written documents, stating that we are ready to talk about arms control, measures for transparent military activities, missiles and other problems," Stoltenberg said. He also said that they invited Moscow to attend meetings of the NATO-Russia Council, where they could express their concerns, in order to find a political solution to the situation which, he said, was created by the amassing of the Russian troops.

Asked if there was a signed document that NATO would not expand to the East, which Russia constantly insists on, Stoltenberg said that such a document had never been signed. "On the contrary, we, as an alliance of 30 countries, have always emphasized in our documents that the door to join NATO is always open for countries in Europe that meet NATO standards," he stated. Asked to comment on Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's statement that NATO cannot be considered as a defensive alliance given its military operations in Yugoslavia, Libya and Afghanistan, Stoltenberg said that NATO "is a defense alliance, but in preserving peace it follows the principle that an attack on one provokes the response of all other allies". He stressed that NATO has managed to preserve peace among allies for more than 70 years, and that the very role of the alliance is not to provoke conflict but to prevent it. "I work with many generals and my experience is that they are very aware of the importance of preventing war, because they know how terrible and destructive it can be. For that reason, NATO is a political military alliance that is always looking for a political solution," Stoltenberg said.

Restoration of Nazi collaborator’s house in Kosovo halted (N1)

The UNDP and the EU said on Tuesday that the restoration of the house of a Kosovo Albanian Nazi collaborator had been put on hold following a number of statements expressing concern over the project. “UNDP together with the EU, have put on hold the work at the site. We are in contact with all parties involved and re-assessing our role and contribution, including the possibility to use the current controversy as a timely opportunity to openly address the past through open discussions and consultations of all relevant communities,” a joint statement said.

“The UNDP in Kosovo and EU have been closely listening to concerns following the announcement of the restoration of a cultural heritage site in Mitrovica associated with previous owner Xhafer Deva, whose past as a Nazi collaborator has been much commented on over the last few days,” the statement said. It added that the project was meant to contribute to social cohesion by using cultural heritage as an instrument for inter-community dialogue and by claiming back cultural heritage for community use. “UNDP and the EU express our strong regret for any unintentional offense caused when announcing the initiating of works while omitting the historical background of Xhafer Deva,” it said, adding that the UNDP and EU “strongly condemn anti-Semitism and xenophobia ... including rising intolerance and bigotry towards ethnic minorities and vulnerable communities”. The project was also condemned by Viola von Cramon MEP who warned against "whitewashing" the Nazi collaborator's past.



Draft Law on RS HJPC on agenda of RS parliament session; Representatives of ruling majority in RS say they see nothing controversial in adoption of Law on RS HJPC (BHT1

A regular session of the RS parliament) began in Banja Luka on Tuesday. The agenda of the  session is extensive, but what is in the focus of the public is the law regarding the return of competencies from the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) to the RS, i.e. the Draft Law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of RS which was put forward by a group of MPs from the ruling coalition. Representatives of the ruling majority in RS stated that they see nothing controversial in the adoption of the Law on RS HJPC, claiming that one is not destroying the constitutional order of B&H because competence in the judiciary is not provided for by the state but by the RS Constitution as an entity competence. Representatives of the ruling majority in the RS stressed that in this way, one is contributing to the creation of a better and more efficient judiciary which, according to them, no one in B&H is satisfied with. RS parliament deputy speaker Milan Petkovic reminded that the conditions when the consent on the establishment of the B&H HJPC was given that the entity influence is retained in the HJPC and that the seat of this institution is in Istocno Sarajevo were not met. "Those are conditions that have not been met and it was said in the then consent of the RS parliament that if these conditions are not complied with that return of that competence will be requested," Petkovic underlined. The RSNA is expected to discuss the Draft Law on RS HJPC on Wednesday.

Leader of United Srpska Nenad Stevandic said that since the visit of the then EU High Representative Catherine Ashton every government, international group and Ambassadors “focused on the judiciary as a problem. If the judiciary is the problem, let us organize it from the entity to the state level. The law on the RS high judicial and prosecutorial council (HJPC) will regulate judiciary at the level of RS. The Ministry of Justice proposes budget for all courts and prosecutor’s offices in RS. They receive their salaries from the RS. There are many European practices, that we can compare, that those who pay, have the Ministry of Justice, have law on courts, should have the HJPC at the level of RS”. Stevandic also said that the Law on the HJPC of RS does not undermine the constitutional order of B&H. “On the contrary, it strictly respects it, and the same goes for the Law on Immovable Property,” Stevandic noted, and presented an opinion that the HRs’ decisions and decisions of foreigners in the B&H CC is what created the confusion in the legal order. Spokesman for SNSD Radovan Kovacevic said on Tuesday that the judiciary falls under competences of the entities, namely RS and Federation of B&H (FB&H). He said that the RS Constitution clearly states that the RS has a High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of RS. Kovacevic stressed that the procedures for the formation of this institution are in accordance with the law and the B&H and RS constitutions. He stressed that it is clear from the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) that the judiciary is under competence of entities. SNSD responded to SDA and SDS accusations in regards to the draft law on the RS HJPC underlining that judiciary is in jurisdiction of RS and FB&H and that the Constitution of RS clearly reads that there is the RS-level HJPC, while the Constitution of B&H does not define existence of the HJPC of B&H. Kovacevic called on SDA and SDS to read the DPA and if they find that it defined that B&H has the competence over the HJPC, then SNSD is willing to withdraw it from procedure. “Such part of the DPA does not exist. It is clear that this procedure in the RSNA is entirely democratic and in line with the Constitution”, Kovacevic noted. He added that SNSD and its partners will take into account all constructive proposals that come from the RS opposition.

RS parliament opposition harshly criticizes draft law on RS HJPC (N1

Although representatives did not discuss it in the first part of the session, the Law on the HJPC of RS was one of the key topics of the RS parliament representatives’ comments. The RS opposition considers that the Law on the HJPC of the RS is a farce with the goal of collecting points before the upcoming general elections, while the RS Government members consider it to be a crucial issue for the public. This matter sparked a heated debate among the RS parliament representatives. RS SDS Caucus’ representative Nebojsa Vukanovic made a remark saying that, since SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic were invited to the last session of the RS parliament “due to obvious rule that they have to be asked about everything”, he would first want consent from Cabinets of Izetbegovic and Covic for adoption of the Law on the HJPC of RS. “Let us not humiliate ourselves every six months,” noted Vukanovic. RS PDP’s representative Jelena Trivic asked why the RS government still has not withdrawn consent it had given for formation of the HJPC of B&H. “The adopted conclusion reads that the RS Government will submit the Law on the HJPC of RS in procedure in six months, while today we have the law in agenda,” Trivic added. Responding to the RS opposition’s criticism, RS Minister of Justice Anton Kasipovic stated: “Following the decision of the RS parliament and the decision of the RS government, the Ministry of Justice has been working on the draft law all this time. The RS parliament representatives provided their signatures on the decision to send this concept of the law into RS parliament procedure, in line with the Rules of Procedure.” RS SDS MP Davor Sesic said that he believes that the only goal of the parties of the ruling majority is to score political points. MPs of the Coalition 'Together for B&H' emphasized that adoption of the law and formation of RS HJPC represents a direct attack on the constitutional and legal order of B&H which, according to them, primarily the OHR must react to. RS MP of the Coalition 'Together for B&H' Senad Bratic (SDA) said that such behavior in the constitutional and legal system of B&H must not be allowed. "Introduction of some parallelisms, an attempt at unilateral transfer of competencies from the state level to the entities can cause unforeseeable consequences," Bratic warned.

Schmidt: Establishment of single, state-level HJPC was pivotal consensual reform to modernize B&H judiciary in accordance with European and international standards (BHT1

High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt issued on Tuesday a statement regarding the Draft Law on the RS HJPC. "The establishment of a single, state-level HJPC was a pivotal consensual reform to modernize the B&H judiciary in accordance with European and international standards, fostering professionalism, transparency and efficiency in the judiciary while advancing impartial, independent and effective administration of justice throughout the country. The state of B&H and both entities as well, have agreed in March 2004 unanimously to establish the single HJPC for B&H. The offensive adoption of another – RS HJPC violates this agreement. It threatens the influence of judiciary and the primacy of rule of law. A professional judiciary free from political pressure and influence is key to developing a fair and democratic society and indispensable to B&H aspirations to become part of the European Union," the HR said in the statement, adding that he will discuss this issue and its consequences with the Ambassadors of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) Steering Board.

European Commission: HJPC RS is undermining of European standards (AJB

The European Commission commented on the regular session of the RS parliament on Tuesday. They said that the adoption of the law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of RS would represents undermining of European standards. Spokesman for the European Commission Peter Stano said that the B&H HJPC has the key function to guarantee independence, integrity and responsibility of judiciary in B&H. He added that the establishing of the HJPC RS would go against the constitutional and legal order of B&H. Stano said that they expect the leadership of the RS parliament and RS to refrain from one-sided decisions and to solve all relevant issues in the B&H parliament and B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). The EC also stated: “These are activities that undermine the constitutional order and allow corruption to flourish. Now is the time to work on the transparency and accountability B&H needs to make progress. Adoption of this law in the RS would be an unacceptable interference in the independence of the B&H judiciary, and would result in the country falling behind European standards.”

US Embassy deems moves of RS parliament representatives as violation of constitutional and legal order of B&H (BHT1

The US Embassy to B&H deems the moves of the representatives in the RS parliament as violation of the constitutional and legal order of B&H. "We call on all leaders to reject actions, such as the draft law (on the RS HJPC) being debated, that undermine the constitutional order and allow corruption to flourish. Now is the time to work on the transparency and accountability B&H needs to make progress," the US Embassy in B&H stated in a press release. “Threats with withdrawal from state institutions and the establishment of parallel institutions in the RS entity are hampering the stability and progress of B&H to the detriment of all its citizens,” reads the US Embassy’s statement.

German Embassy reacts to draft law on HJPC: Solutions for problems are to be advocated and found within state institutions (Oslobodjenje

Answering the inquiry of the daily, representatives of German Embassy to B&H commented the developments at the RS parliament session and a draft law on forming the entity high judicial and prosecutorial council. Representatives of the Embassy stated that they are monitoring the developments in RS with great concern and they are in close contact with partners in the international community. “Together with them we advocate the stance that solutions for problems of the state have to be advocated and found within the state institutions. Therefore, it is urgently necessary for political stakeholders to return to these institutions and to work with determination there on solving of all issues, but also to first of all, contribute to progress of all reforms, necessary for getting B&H closer to the European Union,” stated Embassy.

SDS Presidency holds session; Sarovic: Adopting Law on RS HJPC would cause chaos and will be used to cover up crime of current authorities (BN TV

SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said that if the law on the RS HJPC is adopted, it will create chaos. After the session of SDS Presidency in Banja Luka, Sarovic said that only the current authorities will benefit from this law. SDS asked the following questions: “Did experts in the field of constitutional law participate in the preparation of the RS HJPC law? How is it possible that the law will enter into force within a year from the day of its adoption in the RS parliament? Why is this issue so unknown and is it perhaps the SNSD’s platform for general elections? We are in favor of transferring competencies, but not in a way that will create additional chaos and deepen the crisis in B&H, which such a law would cause.” Sarovic said that they believe the law on RS HJPC is of low quality, that it serves only one policy and one party, that RS will not benefit from that law, and if it ever enters into force, that it will only serve to conceal crime and corruption of the current authorities when they have their own HJPC. Sarovic said that SDS will not be an accomplice in this story and added that the stance of SDS did not change when it comes to work of the B&H HJPC, about which, as Sarovic said, he still thinks the worst. Sarovic added that the government wants to use the Law on RS HJPC to show to the public how they are the ones fighting for the return of RS competencies. If it so, why is the law not adopted by urgent procedure and enters into force immediately, asked Sarovic. Sarovic commented that these authorities consist of manipulators. “They do it for themselves. To secure another four-year term”, said Sarovic. SDS also had harsh objections to the law on state property, which was discussed at the RS parliament session, noted the reporter. They consider it shameful that RS parliament representatives received materials for this law only a few hours before the beginning of the session. This is the law that should define solutions to the decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H in the case of the Law on Agricultural Land and Forests, added the reporter. Asked whether it was true that the US had influenced SDS not to participate in the work of B&H institutions, Sarovic said that he would not allow anyone to call out SDS and reminded that SDS had been under US sanctions for years and that SDS does not call for sanctions against anyone.

Dzaferovic and Komsic: Draft Law on RS HJPC is attempt to take away competences of state judiciary and is part of secessionist project led by Dodik (N1

N1 carries that the activity of the RS parliament on restoring competences from the level of the state onto RS’ level caused a series of reactions. B&H Presidency members Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic warned that this is an attempt to take away the competences of state judiciary and is a part of a secessionist project led by Presidency member and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik. According to Dzaferovic and Komsic, the Law on the HJPC of RS is a much more dangerous story than the one about the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices.

SDA comments on RS parliament’s decisions; Osmanovic calls on HR and international community to react (Hayat

The SDA Caucus in the B&H parliament commented on the decisions of the RS parliament and assessed them as very dangerous. They pointed out that formation of the RS HJPC would result in a degree of legal uncertainty, which could escalate into chaos. SDA Representative in B&H parliament Adil Osmanovic said that the session of RS parliament on Tuesday, whose agenda includes items on the Law on RS HJPC and immovable property, is the harshest attack on the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) so far. Osmanovic commented: “State competence cannot be transferred to the entity because there is no constitutional basis for that, and this is clearly stated in the decision of the Constitutional Court. Once the entities agree and the B&H parliament adopts it, the procedure is completely clear.” SDA Representative in B&H parliament Alma Colo pointed out that only B&H parliament has the competence to discuss the mentioned law on immovable property.  Colo stated: “According to the decision of the Constitutional Court, state property is property that is immanent to the continuity of the state of B&H. It stems from the continuity of the state of B&H. You know that the Agreement on Succession between the republics of the former Yugoslavia stipulates that all immovable property located on the territory of a certain republic belonged to that republic. So, B&H, like all other republics of our former common state, has become the titular of immovable property on its territory, which means that the entities cannot be the titular of that property according to their own law.” Colo explained that this law must be adopted by B&H parliament. Osmanovic added that a reaction from the High Representative Christian Schmidt is necessary when it comes to these events. Osmanovic said that it is time for Schmidt to move from words to deeds and sanction those that need to be sanctioned. Osmanovic stated: “If there is no reaction here, first of all from the High Representative and the international community, we will enter anarchy. It turns out that those who are not ready to abide by the Constitution and the law can do anything when it comes to this state. This must not be allowed. We expect reactions from representatives of the international community and, of course, reactions from the B&H Prosecutor's Office.”

SBB B&H comments draft law on HJPC: Defending of state of B&H has no alternative and SBB will act in this direction (Dnevni avaz

SBB B&H issued a statement warning the authorities in smaller B&H entity and representatives in the RS parliament to give up on anti-constitutional activities and provoking of further tensions in B&H. “We called on them to stop the attempts of undermining of state of B&H and to give up on the adoption of the so called HJPC and other agencies at the entity level. This that Milorad Dodik’s authority is trying to do at the RS parliament session and what the RS government already did with adoption of the Draft law on entity HJPC, will provoke additional problems in our state and judging by everything the only one to pay the price will be the citizens of both the smaller entity and entire B&H. If they continue with undermining of the constitutional order of B&H, the authority of Milorad Dodik, who is already under the sanctions of the US, leads RS in a very dangerous direction. We are conveying a message to everyone that defending of state of B&H has no alternative and SBB will act in this direction. However, we trust that the international community in B&H will react accordingly and prevent the secessionists with additional sanctions,” reads SBB B&H statement.

DF: We believe that all given activities of seizing competences from the state of B&H are in function of creating conditions for secession, which is obviously supported by Vucic (N1

N1 carries the DF statement, which reads: “We believe that all the given activities of seizing competences from the state of B&H are in the function of creating conditions for secession, which is obviously supported by the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic.” DF also stated that Vucic is violating obligations that Serbia has under the DPA and behaves like a sponsor to Dodik in taking away the state competencies. “From this moment, SIPA and the Office of the High Representative (OHR) will be responsible for the consequences and legal uncertainty,” reads the statement by DF.

RS parliament discusses Law on Immovable Property; Bratic: This law is attack on DPA; Entities cannot be owners of property (RTRS

RTRS reported that the RS parliament has started restoring its competences from the state level, and this applies to the Law on Immovable Property used for functioning of public authorities that was discussed at the session in Banja Luka on Tuesday. The law defined that waters, forests, and agricultural land are immovable property that based on the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) belongs to RS. According to RTRS, the DPA does not define that B&H has its property. The proposal of the law reads that immovable property owned by RS is its property. This is restoring of competences to RS that, according to the RS officials, were taken away through the decision imposed in 2005 by former HR Paddy Ashdown, who enacted the Law on the Temporary Prohibition of Disposal of State Property of B&H. Acting Director of the RS Administration of Geodesy and Property-Legal Affairs Dragan Stankovic noted that this refers to the immovable property where entities of public authorities carry out their activity. “That property represents potential for economic development of RS, the local self-government units, and all citizens,” Stankovic noted. He added that this applies to “common goods, public goods and goods in general use”. RS SNSD’s representative Dusica Solaja stated that the DPA defined that the entities dispose with property and said that B&H cannot have its property. RS SDS’ representative Darko Babalj noted that forests and waters belong to the entities. “No one in the RS will allow anything other than that to happen,” Babalj added. On the other hand, RS representative of the Coalition ‘Together for B&H’ Senad Bratic (SDA) presented an opinion that this law is an attack on the DPA, and stressed that the entities cannot be owners of property. Bratic reminded that B&H is the owner of former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia’s property on the territory of B&H, and anything contrary to that represents a direct violation of the international agreement ratified by B&H. “The question is who does the state belong to? Of course, it belongs to the state. Is Vojvodina the owner of state property, agricultural land, forests, or waters in Serbia? Of course, it is not. Or, is it Serbia? Of course, it is,” said Bratic. Babalj responded that the RS will never accept that. “Not so long ago there was a conflict over these things you are talking about today. Neither you, nor I have the ownership over B&H. But, encroaching on RS will not be good. Forests and waters are owned by the RS,” said Babalj.

Vucic: DPA needs to be respected by everyone; DPA defines that forests and land belong to the RS (ATV

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated on Tuesday that the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) needs to be respected. He added that he did not receive any answer as to why the USA imposed sanctions against President of SNSD Milorad Dodik. Vucic assessed that the issue is that foreigners invoke the DPA only when it suits them, but when they violate it, they say it is not in accordance with what the goal for B&H was. He stressed that the best example for this is the fact that they took away the forests and agricultural land from the RS and when he asked what the RS will get back in accordance with DPA, the foreigners say in six months. Vucic said that it is absurd that it takes six months to return something that was taken within one day. He stressed that he asked foreigners why it was allowed for the DPA to be violated before and they only defend it now. Vucic stated that the DPA defines that forests and land belong to the RS. Vucic said that ahead of the 2022 General Election, the biggest problem in B&H are going to be the Bosniak-Croat relations. He emphasized that he is willing to talk to everyone, including SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic. He noted that he is willing to talk to Izetbegovic even “in a restaurant in Sedrenik” (a residential district in the Sarajevo Old Town). Vucic also noted that when it comes to sanctions against Dodik, they never produce results, adding that the latest sanctions against Dodik and his associated will not produce results. “I always say to the foreigners that I do not understand why they do it,” added Vucic.

Dzaferovic: Vucic’s statements on B&H state property represent interference in internal matters pertaining to sovereignty (Glas Srpske

B&H Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic accused Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic of contesting the decisions of B&H Constitutional Court on state property. According to Dzaferovic, Vucic’s statement on state property represent direct interference in B&H’s internal matters which pertain to the sovereignty of B&H. In this way, said Dzaferovic, Vucic violated Serbia’s obligations under the Dayton Peace Agreement. Dzaferovic underlined that someone who respects the Dayton Peace Agreement needs to respect B&H Constitutional Court and its decisions as well. Dzaferovic also said that the ongoing attempt of the RS authorities to take over the ownership of the state property by using an unconstitutional law represents a direct attack on the constitutional order and Dayton Peace Agreement.

Dodik: Dzaferovic’s attack on Vucic comes at the time when Dzaferovic knows Komsic is visiting ‘Kosovo and Metohija’ contrary to B&H Presidency’s decision (Srna/RTRS

In a statement to Srna on Tuesday, Milorad Dodik commented on the statement of Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic. In his comment, Dodik said that Dzaferovic’s attack on the Serbian President comes at a time when Dzaferovic knows that Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic is visiting “the southern Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija” contrary to the B&H Presidency’s decision. “The fact is that Komsic is going there as if he were visiting the state,” Dodik noted, adding that this provokes Serbia, RS, and the whole Serb people and “is not in the spirit of good neighborly relations”. He concluded: “I wonder who Muslims want to live with in B&H and whether this is the good-neighborly policy they are falsely advocating.” Dodik noted that by visiting Kosovo, Komsic is “poking Serbia, the RS and the entire Serb people in the eye”. He also underlined that President of Serbia has the right to ask why the provisions of Annex 4 of the Dayton Peace Agreement are being violated.

RS parliament discusses amendments to Law on RS Administration which envisages establishment of RS Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices (BN TV

The RS parliament finished the discussion on the RS government's bill on amendments to the Law on RS Administration which envisages the establishment of the RS Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices. Explaining the proposed act, the RS Minister of Administration and Local Self-Government Senka Jujic stated that this law prescribes that the Agency is an independent RS administrative organization with the status of a legal entity. Jujic said that the proposed law harmonizes the Law on the RS Administration with the RS Law on Medicines and Medical Devices. Jujic stated: “The Law on Amendments to the Law on RS Administration has three articles. The first article regulates the establishment of the RS Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices. Article 2 regulates the activities of the RS Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices, and Article 3 regulates the entry into force of this law”. The RS PDP representative Jelena Trivic said that it was Milorad Dodik who participated in the establishment of the B&H Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices. Trivic reminded that the consent for the establishment of the B&H Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices was signed by Dodik who was the then Prime Minister of the RS, the then Prime Minister of the FB&H Mustafa Mujezinovic and the then Chairperson of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Nikola Spiric. Trivic stated: “The SNSD voted for each transfer of competencies”. She said it was a very verifiable fact. Commenting on the authorities' statement that the RS Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices is being formed to save lives, Trivic reminded that the mortality rate in the RS during the pandemic was four times higher than in the countries of the region. According to Trivic, those who run healthcare institutions in the RS are mostly those who do their job dishonestly. The Representative of the RS SDS Caucus Nebojsa Vukanovic asked during the session whether the newly formed RS Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices would be able to buy medicines from world companies that are procured according to special procedures, without the B&H Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices. He pointed out that they cannot because they need special permission from the suppliers who export it. Vukanovic stated: “Our role that we have done in the Assembly is to unmask you. Everyone sees the capitulation. There is no army, no blockade of the barracks, no Armed Forces, no transfer of authority.”

Turkovic meets with Stoltenberg in Brussels; says B&H citizens are concerned that political crisis caused by anti-Dayton actions is increasingly turning into security crisis (BHT1

B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic met with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels on Tuesday. Turkovic and Stoltenberg discussed the situation in B&H and in the region of the Western Balkans. Turkovic conveyed to Stoltenberg the concerns of B&H citizens due to the fact that the political crisis caused by anti-Dayton actions is increasingly turning into a security crisis and causing fear, especially among returnees in the RS, but also in other parts of B&H. It was stated during the meeting that B&H and the Western Balkans are key to the stability of Europe. Turkovic and Stoltenberg discussed the progress in the relations between B&H and NATO, as well as current political issues. Strong support to B&H's territorial integrity and stability was expressed on this occasion, but interlocutors also expressed concerns about rhetoric and activities on undermining state institutions. They concluded that B&H the Western Balkans are key to the stability of Europe, and that the NATO presence is continuous.


Bilcik & Picula: Time must no longer be wasted; new government must be formed and parliament speaker appointed (CdM

Montenegro needs a predictable and stable parliamentary majority and a pro-European government that will allow the country to make progress on its path to the European Union, says a joint statement by Tonino Picula, European Parliament rapporteur for Montenegro, and Vladimir Bilcic, head of the European Parliament’s delegation to Montenegro. Picula and Bilcic have urged Montenegrin leaders to speed up efforts to form a new government and elect a new parliament speaker. “We are constantly monitoring the development of political events in Montenegro and we would like to commend the recent peaceful transfer of power in accordance with the Montenegrin Constitution. We call for continued respect for democratic processes, norms and standards in these times,” they say.

Krivokapic says he will make decisions and adds he isn’t interested in technical mandate (Pobjeda

Outgoing PM Zdravko Krivokapic said at the cabinet meeting held on 2 February that he was not bound by the “legal category” of the technical government and that his cabinet would continue to make decisions in full capacity until a new government is elected, Pobjeda reports.

DPM Dritan Abazovic and Minister of Foreign Affairs Djordje Radulovic left the cabinet meeting on 2 February, immediately after its opening, while legal experts and the opposition warned Krivokapic not to make important decisions in the Government’s technical mandate.


Minority government to have 3 DPMs, ministries and non-party-affiliated persons (CdM

The prime minister designate for the composition of the new government will almost certainly be the URA leader Dritan Abazovic. In the coming days, the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic will hold consultations with the representatives of caucuses. As CdM finds out, there are plans to have three deputy prime ministers in the minority government. According to the agreement in principle, the minority government will have 18 ministries. It is clear that the ministry headed by Vesna Bratic will be recomposed, the departments will be separated, while some new ministries are planned as well. CDM has learnt that two to three ministries will be assigned to non-party-affiliated persons. According to CDM sources, all three deputy prime ministers will have related ministries. The public mentions that one of the positions in the new government will be offered to Aleksandar Damjanovic, who until recently headed the Revenue and Customs Administration. It is also certain that some of the ministers in the government of Zdravko Krivokapic will remain ministers in the minority government.

SD: Ready for talks, all models are on the table (RTCG

The Social Democrats still prefer elections as the most democratic way out of the political crisis, but we are always ready to discuss potentially other models, to see if there is a possibility to overcome the period before the elections in a more adequate way, said SD MP Boris Mugosa.

He said in the show on Radio Montenegro that our country is also in a great institutional crisis, and that the question is whether the elections would change anything in terms of constituting a new government. "We would probably lose three or four months in elections and negotiations, and we are stagnant on the path to EU integration. All models are on the table, and serious political entities should consider all options," Mugosa said.

Djukanovic & Mitsotakis: WB needs Greek support to protect region from third-party malignancy (CdM

“Montenegro is absolutely convinced that the only way to establish reliable stability and development in the Western Balkans is through European and Euro-Atlantic integration. In the Western Balkans region, we desperately need Greece’s help and support in protecting our region from the malignant influence of third parties,” said Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic at a meeting with Prime Minister of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Athens. Djukanovic thanked for the support in the protective equipment provided to our country by Greece in the first phase of our fight against the coronavirus infection. “You and I had a very detailed and very open conversation on regional issues and showed absolute agreement on these issues, and I do not see the need to repeat any of that in this format, except for two sentences. The first is that Montenegro is absolutely convinced that the only way to establish reliable stability and development in the Western Balkans is through European and Euro-Atlantic integration. And the second sentence is: in the Western Balkans we really need the help and support of Greece, especially in talks with EU and NATO partners to overcome the lack of intensity in EU enlargement policy and to be more effective in protecting our region from the malignant influence of third parties,” Djukanovic pointed out. Mitsotakis said that, during the talks with President Djukanovic, exceptional bilateral relations were confirmed, but also “the perspective on cooperation that is opening up to us, especially when it comes to business and economy”.


EU hasn’t fulfilled its promise, but N. Macedonia should remain committed to EU goals, says the Council of Europe (MIA

The EU’s unfulfilled promise to open accession talks with North Macedonia has fuelled political instability, uncertainty and disappointment, but encouraged authorities, the opposition and civil society to remain committed to their European goals and to continue working with the Council of Europe, the rapporteurs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) said in relation to the post-monitoring dialogue with N. Macedonia in their report published these days in Strasbourg. In the revised note published as part of the post-monitoring dialogue with N. Macedonia, Liz Christoffersen (Norway, SOC) and Zsolt Csenger-Zalan (Hungary, EPP / CD) say that there is still a “strong consensus” in the country that is in benefit of the European integration process. Despite several traumatic events in 2021, N. Macedonia has shown resilience, interethnic relations have remained stable, and the emergence of new political parties shows a lively political scene, said the co-rapporteurs, assessing the latest developments, MIA reports from Strasbourg. According to them, the country has made “a lot of efforts to improve its standards” in recent years, but this progress “needs to be consolidated and the law fully implemented”, and “the prospect of EU integration can be a strong factor in encouraging reforms, improve norms and ultimately improve living conditions”.


Rama speaks from Kruja about on Albania's European journey (Radio Tirana

Prime Minister Edi Rama again commented alongside the EU Ambassador to the EU Luigi Soreca on Albania's European journey. Rama said that the integration of Albania is also a hostage of bureaucracies. The Prime Minister said that the day may come when our country will leave "Brussels to continue with its bureaucracies". The fight with the bureaucracy, the fight with the deadlines, with all the challenges that the projects have, where the harmonization of many forces is required, is daily, everywhere, in Tirana, in Brussels. But for now we have chosen to become part of the EU according to Brussels. Rama spoke from Kruja, where the project of the Ethnographic Museum, as well as the EU grant for the residents and the Revitalization Bonus of the old houses, in function of the family economy and tourism was presented. "A new financial support for every family that will invest in turning the old traditional houses into an economic hearth," said Rama.

Achievements of Albania have been approved by 27 EU countries, minister Xhacka underlined (Radio Tirana

The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka stated that Albania's achievements have been unanimously accepted by 27 EU countries, while she said that the objective of the MFA for 2022 is “to hold the first Intergovernmental Conference in the shortest possible time”. Xhacka made her statements at the meeting of the National Council for European Integration held on Monday, where the progress of the European integration process was discussed. Xhacka stated that, "The December conclusion of the EU Council is to hold the first Intergovernmental Conference as soon as possible". "Our achievements have been unanimously accepted by 27 EU countries" said Xhacka, while expressing regret that "Albania continues to remain a collateral damage of the Bulgaria-North Macedonia dispute". The Minister insisted that "we have done our 'homework' in implementing the comprehensive reform program". She underlined that, "the report of the Commission states that Albania has met the conditions" and that it has proven itself as a reliable partner of the EU".

Mazi: EU member states agree with the negotiating framework for Albania, the membership process will be difficult! (Radio Tirana

Albania's chief negotiator with the EU Zef Mazi has expressed dissatisfaction with the integration processes of the Balkan region over the past year, but said that all 27 countries agree with the negotiating framework for Albania. Mazi made his statements during the meeting of the National Council for European Integration, where he spoke about the preparation for the holding of the First Intergovernmental Conference with the EU. "The year we left behind has not been good enough and we must be completely honest in this Council," said the Albanian chief negotiator, while warning that the process during the membership negotiations will be difficult.

Mazi recalled that “Negotiations were not opened for Albania and Macedonia through the First Intergovernmental Conference. Visas were not   liberalized to Kosovo. Montenegro went through a serious government crisis until the government fell in recent days. Bosnia is in the biggest political conflict since the Dayton Accords. While Serbia benefited from the opening of the fourth cluster, after making some small Constitutional reforms, on which experts think that they will remain more on paper rather than become a reality," said Mazi. He said that regarding the negotiating framework for Albania, "The approval of the EU negotiating framework for Albania is expected today. I have had close communications with a number of ambassadors of the Union countries in Brussels, throughout the process of elaborating this framework. I inform the Council that all 27 countries agree with the negotiating framework for Albania. The discussion is closed and we expect formal approval," insisted Mazi. Because is it formally approved, which some countries of the Union do not advise, then the Union, the Council, can approve the date of the First Conference. So both are related. But for us it is closed. Everyone agrees. We have prepared our negotiating framework for the First Intergovernmental Conference. This document has gone through lengthy consultations, between my group, between the MFA, and the negotiating team as a whole. This document is almost ready, said Mazi. Mazi stressed that, the current situation today is not very promising, despite the signs of a rapid progress. "While the new Prime Minister of North Macedonia is talking about the closure of bilateral negotiations with Bulgaria in 4-5 months, the President of Bulgaria says it is not a matter of months, but a matter of doing the right thing."

Schutz: Judicial reform decisive for the accession into EU (Radio Tirana

The director for the Balkans at the German Foreign Ministry, Susanne Schutz, reacted via a twitter post on the constitutional changes in the country regarding the extension of the mandate for the vetting bodies. Schutz, also a former ambassador to our country, writes that it is the joint responsibility of the government and the opposition to enable the extension of the mandate.

"Judicial reform is a decisive element for clearing Albania’s path to EU accession. The vetting of judges and prosecutors is key in this process and should be completed as soon as possible. "It is the joint responsibility of the government and the opposition to enable the extension of the mandate," she wrote.

Joint press statement of the EU delegation to Albania and US Embassy in Tirana (Radio Tirana

The EU Delegation to Albania and the US Embassy in our country have issued a joint statement seeking the approval of the extension of the vetting bodies by evaluating the results of the Justice Reform. "Over the last few years Albania has made significant progress on EU accession reforms. Among the most difficult but essential steps has been the adoption and the implementation of the justice reform. We are at an important moment as justice reform is showing results. The vetting of judges and prosecutors is a fundamental element of the justice reform. In order to allow the vetting institutions to accomplish their mission, it is necessary to amend the constitution, to extend their mandate for a limited period. The vetting commission confirmed that the proposed extension is in line with European standards and is necessary to ensure the equality in law and legal certainty. The proposed vetting extension is supported by Albania's friends who wish to see Albania in the EU as soon as possible. This is not a partisan issue. We want all members of the parliament regardless of party affiliation, will see this as a national interest and vote accordingly just as they always have supported the European path of Albania. The vote for vetting extension is a vote for the future of Albania," reads the statement.

German Ambassador: It is important that Vetting's mandate be extended (Radio Tirana

The Ambassador of Germany in Tirana Peter Zingraf through a statement said that it is very important for Albania that the mandate of the Vetting bodies be extended, so that the verification process for prosecutors and judges is completed as soon as possible. Zingraf writes that the process of reforms in the justice sector is crucial to Albania's aspirations regarding EU membership. "The process of reforms in the justice sector is crucial for Albania's aspirations regarding membership in the European Union. Verification of judges and prosecutors is a key element in this context. Therefore, it is very important for the country that the mandate of independent and responsible vetting institutions, which ends in June, be extended, so that the verification process is completed as soon as possible. The government and the opposition have a common responsibility to increase the rule of law, thus enabling Albanian citizens to move further on the path to the European Union," said Zingraf. The extension of the Vetting deadlines is one of the main political issues of this parliamentary session. Parliament is expected to rule on the issue in two days, on 10 February.

British Embassy: We encourage the Assembly to support the extension of the Vetting (Radio Tirana

The British Embassy encouraged the Albanian parliament to support the proposed extension of the Vetting. In a statement during the evening, the British Embassy in Tirana stressed that "the implementation of justice reform is essential for an independent and efficient justice system and for the future of Albania". "We encourage the Albanian Parliament to support the proposed extension of the vetting. The re-evaluation process of all judges and prosecutors should be done fairly and equally. "This will affect the further consolidation of the reform and in general the increase of trust in the justice system", reads the statement of the British Embassy in Tirana.