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Belgrade Media Report 23 February 2022



Putin: How is it different from Kosovo? (B92)


Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia would talk to the governments of the separated territories, while relationship would be made after the negotiations. He added that the use of the army outside the borders of Russia was signed, which means that it will help those republics militarily as well. Putin said that Moscow had talked with Western countries and the EU, and that the conflict was not being discussed.


"People living in Stevastopol have decided for themselves, I have said several times how different it is in relation to Kosovo" he asked. As he stated, no one forced people (in Ukraine) to secede the territories with a rifle, but they decided it themselves. "In the referendum, they decided what they wanted by voting, no one forced them to do anything with a rifle. Those who are proud to be democrats should recognize their decision because it is the highest expression of democracy - a referendum," Putin concluded. Asked about the Minsk Agreement, Putin said it no longer existed.


Speaking about sending the army to LNR and DNR, Putin said that he did not say that the army would march to those two republics, but that it would depend on the situation on the ground.


Putin pointed out that since Soviet times, Ukraine has had broad nuclear competencies.

"They have nuclear power plants and a strong nuclear industry. It would be very easy for them to develop nuclear weapons," he pointed out. Putin said that Ukraine only lacks the possibility to enrich uranium, but that is something they can easily solve. "What is the threat to Russia - if Ukraine develops nuclear weapons. Russia must count on Moscow to be within range of nuclear missiles, and that is a threat. That is why we must deal with it in this way," Putin concluded.


Vucic says will condemn Russia when Zelenskyy condemns NATO aggression against Serbia (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in Monaco on Feb. 22 that he would condemn the acknowledgement of the independence of the separatist regions in eastern Ukraine when the president of that country Volodymyr Zelenskyy condemned the NATO aggression against Serbia in 1999 on television. Vucic said this in response to Ukrainian Ambassador Oleksandr Aleksandrovych saying that Ukraine and the Ukrainian people expected Serbia to condemn Russia's recognition of the Donbas' independence.


"We are a small country and do not want to do away with the possibility of continuing our friendships with some countries and we do not decide in any way on Ukraine's fate. However, if it is like that I invite Mr. Aleksandrovych to call the president of his country Mr. Zelenskyy and ask him to condemn as early as this evening on television the horrific and tragic aggression against Serbia by the U.S., United Kingdom, Germany and other countries and I am sure that he will do so. As soon as he does this I will gladly accept his invitation and answer his pleas," Vucic told Pink TV in Monaco. Vucic reiterated that Serbia was militarily neutral, but that Serbian policies were not neutral and that he would not forgo traditional friendships. "Serbia has always supported Ukraine's integrity and there has been no change in that respect" he added.


Vucic: Every country thinks it has the right to demand something from us (RTS)


Commenting on the statement of the outgoing Ukrainian ambassador to Serbia, in which he asked for a clearer position of our country towards the latest events in Ukraine, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that he would accept his requests after he called on his president Volodymyr Zelenskyy to condemn the US aggression against Serbia. Britain, Germany and other western countries.


Vucic said that Ukraine supports the integrity of Serbia, as does Russia, and that Serbia supports the integrity of Ukraine, in which there were no changes. "However, he asked us to clearly condemn the Russian aggression and so on. I have a simple answer to that. We are a small country and we do not want to deprive ourselves of the opportunity to continue friendship with some. We do not decide the fate of Ukraine. "That's right, I call on him to call his president Zelenskyy and ask him to condemn the horrific and tragic aggression against Serbia carried out by the United States, Great Britain and other countries" Vucic said.


He added that he was sure that Zelenskyy would do that: "And, as soon as he does that, I will gladly accept Aleksandrovych's invitation and respond to his requests."


The President said that such statements show that every country thinks that it has the right to ask someone for something, without leaving him alone. "It is not a problem for me to be attacked by everyone, but I will save Serbia" said Vucic. When asked how much the words of small countries are measured now, he answered "that he thought that now was the time to slap us and hit us in the head every day, which, he says, is not the first time.


He said that Serbia's positions were clear. "We hope for peace, good relations with everyone. We are too small to threaten anyone. And we are the only ones who adhere to international public law in a very principled way and it is clear to everyone. That is why there is so much fear about Kosovo and Metohija and everything else" Vucic said. He reiterated that we will also react as soon as Ukraine condemns the aggression in which thousands of people died, many of our country, which was carried out by those countries that are helping Ukraine today. "That will not happen, because their interests in the West are completely different from ours. Our policy is towards the EU, but without spoiling relations with Russia and China. That policy has withstood severe temptations, and I am convinced that it will withstand those that are ahead of us" Vucic said.


Military neutrality is our permanent commitment 


Regardless of the pressures that are currently coming for Serbia to decide between the West or Russia, military neutrality is our permanent commitment, Vucic said.


Answering the question of how difficult it will be for Serbia to maintain military neutrality in this current situation in the world regarding everything that is happening around Ukraine on the West-Russia route, Vucic explicitly says that military neutrality is Serbia's permanent commitment. "Our military policy is to be militarily neutral, and our policy is to be on the European path, we continue cooperation with Russia and China, we will not give up our traditional friends, it is a permanent policy of Serbia and it must remain so" said Vucic.


He points out that Serbia will adhere to that policy and does not want to be a "runner" to either side. "We are pursuing a policy that is serious and responsible and that is being pursued in the interest of Serbia and its citizens" Vucic said, adding that our policy was made for difficult times, not easy ones. He also said that the whole situation with Ukraine shows how important it is to be militarily neutral, and reminded that Ukrainian officials state that the country is on the way to joining NATO. "That is why it is important to be strong and strong enough and not to depend on anyone" said Vucic.


He announced that he would attend the signing of the agreement by which Serbia will buy two Spanish transport planes in Spain. This is important, because we will have more and more airports, we will be able to connect Kraljevo and Nis, and Belgrade and Backa and Banat and Pcinjski district, and that is very important in modern manoeuvres and in moments when you need to move your forces and move your units" Vucic said.


Vucic stated that Serbia is one of the few that adheres to international law. "Now the West is full of respect for international law, and when you ask them about Kosovo, they say they prevented genocide, and when you ask which genocide, they say they prevented a humanitarian catastrophe, because people fled from Kosovo. What a humanitarian catastrophe, when Kosovo "One month after the Kumanovo agreement, had more inhabitants than before" he asked. Vucic pointed out that there was no answer to any of these questions. He conveyed that the President of France Emmanuel Macron, had told him earlier that he is almost right about everything, but that the political reality was different. "I can accept an argument that we are small and some others are big, but you cannot convince me that you are right" Vucic said. He said that the policy of the right of the stronger prevailed.


Stano: The EU expects Serbia to comply with sanctions against Russia (RTS)


The European Union will react with sanctions to Russia's violation of international law, and it expects the countries in the process of accession to harmonize with the decisions of Brussels, and that also applies to Serbia, said EU spokesman Peter Stano.


"Countries in the accession process are expected to harmonize with EU decisions. Serbia is a candidate country and that is why it is expected to harmonize with EU decisions in the field of foreign and security policy" Peter Stano told the Voice of America.


The EU has previously decided on new sanctions against Russia, which puts more politicians and officials on the black list, bans EU investors from trading in Russian government bonds, as well as exports and imports to breakaway regions, after Russia recognized two self-proclaimed republics in Donbas, in eastern Ukraine.


US State Department: Belgrade should harmonize its positions with the West, including sanctions (Tanjug)


The United States believes that Serbia will stand side by side with the European Union in respect of international law in order to protect peace, prosperity and stability throughout the region, a State Department spokesman said. In response to a question from the Voice of America about the reaction the United States expects from Serbia when it comes to Russia's recognition of two self-proclaimed republics in eastern Ukraine, and whether Belgrade should harmonize its positions with the West, including sanctions. An unnamed State Department spokesman said "Washington welcomes Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's recent statement that Serbia understands the importance of respecting Ukraine's territorial integrity." He said that the United States is making great efforts to find a diplomatic solution. "If Russia really wants a negotiated solution, as it claims, there is a way to do it" a State Department spokesman said.


Both authorities and opposition ignore events in Ukraine (VIP)


That which is characteristic for the Serbian political scene is that both the leading parties of the authorities and those of the opposition have decided to, for the most part, make no announcements concerning the events in east Ukraine and thus attempt to avoid their evaluative determination towards the move of Moscow. On one hand, the official standpoint of all the relevant parties is that they respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine, since they also insist on this in the case of Kosovo. On the other hand, they do not wish to, with a reaction to Putin’s move, insult the voters who are in the majority on Russia’s side, and who see the moves of Moscow as a late reaction in the case of Kosovo and some kind of revenge on NATO by an older and stronger Orthodox brother. So, in the course of the day, Moscow’s move was for the most part commented on by parties of the constructive opposition, which have for a long time now served exclusively so that Vucic could take the comfortable position of a middle way and show the observers outside of Serbia that there are extremists on both the left and right compared to whom he is a moderate and slightly boring politician with whom there is no uncertainty.


Leader of the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina (LSV) Nenad Canak said that Putin was a totalitarian leader who had decided on an act of aggression, while the leader of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS) Vojislav Seselj, demanded that Serbia recognize the independence of Donetsk, Luhansk and confirm that Crimea and Sevastopol are an integral part of Russia. Leader of the party Oath keepers (Zavetnici) Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski said that the potential introduction of sanctions to Russia would jeopardize the Serbian state, economic and national interests, while the leader of the Liberation Movement

Mladjan Djordjevic said that Vucic should not intimidate the citizens with the brake-down of the up-to-now architecture of international relations since this was an order which “took away Kosovo (from Serbia), which is attempting to abolish the Republika Srpska and which is closing its eyes before the crimes against Serbs”


Liberation Movement: Vucic's anti-Russian address is excuse before Western sponsors (Beta)


The president of the Liberation Movement, Mladjan Djordjevic, has described the address by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic as "anti-Russian" and "an extensive excuse before his western sponsors." "Russia is a friendly country that has indebted Serbia a lot and it is truly unclear why Vucic has the need to make such statements," Djordjevic said in a written statement on Feb. 22. In his words, "Vucic's intimidation of the people of Serbia by mentioning the collapse of world architecture as we know it" is also problematic. He stated that "Vucic's pretending to sit on two chairs is obviously finished. He is now aligning Serbia completely with the West. That will bring about sanctions against Russia, as well as catastrophic consequences, such as the recognition of Kosovo (as independent) and the abolishing of Republika Srpska – everything that the Movement has been warning about for a while now" said Djordjevic.


He condemned NATO "for causing instability in Ukraine" and for "the double standards of western power centers, which have violated every international convention in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, at the Serbs' expense, but are now calling on international law in the Donbas."


The arrival of Western diplomats in the Balkans - old players, new rules (RTS)


The security situation is not ideal for the Western Balkans, and the struggle for influence in the region has already begun. Experts say that is the reason why an increasing number of special envoys from Western countries are coming to the region. Old players, old pitch, new rules. This could describe the return of Western diplomats, seen in this area in the late 1990s, to the Balkans. Among them are, among others, Gabriel Escobar, James O Brian, Christopher Hill.


That means, explains the president of the Center for Foreign Policy, Suzana Grubjesic, that some issues in the Western Balkans remain unfinished, and that additional efforts are needed to "literally push" the region into European or Euro-Atlantic integration.


Journalist Ljiljana Smajlovic says that it may be the arrival of people who know the region.

"That policy in the West we remember it as bad. In the West, they look at it with some nostalgia, that it was a time when they successfully solved everything and that maybe when they came back, things would get better, points out Smajlovic.


Special envoys for the region have also been appointed by countries that have not had them so far. Experts say - because of the strengthening of influence. "You can see that the new German government has appointed, for the first time, a special envoy for the Western Balkans, and immediately before that a Bundestag envoy for the Western Balkans. It is also about the intention to reduce Chinese and Russian influence and all, as they call it, third parties actors in the Western Balkans, in order to make this whole area European" Grubjesic said.


The new US ambassador to Serbia will be Christopher Hill, close to President Biden's administration. He was one of the creators of the Dayton Agreement, special envoy for Kosovo and Metohija during 1998 and 1999. Former ambassador to Skopje.


However, Smajlovic points out that this is the second Christopher Hill, who as an ambassador to Iraq learned the lesson that there are limits to American power and that you cannot solve everything by bombing from great heights, occupying other countries or brutal interventions. The return of well-known people to the Western Balkans is not viewed with approval due to previous experiences. However, according to those familiar with the matter, we should wait for their first steps and, if possible, find a way to cooperate.


Serbia’s negotiator says Kosovo’s Bislimi refused to meet face to face (N1)


Serbia’s chief negotiator in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Petar Petkovic said that his Kosovo counterpart Besnik Bislimi refused to meet face to face, speaking through European Union envoy Miroslav Lajcak.


Petkovic, the head of the Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo, said that the latest round of the dialogue at technical level was not easy adding that it focused on the Community of Serb Municipalities which Belgrade insists on. The Community of Serb Municipalities is part of the 2013 Brussels Agreement and is meant to give the mainly-Serb municipalities in northern Kosovo wide-ranging autonomy.


Petkovic said the Community should represent a framework for collective rights. He said that Belgrade is prepared to move forward but that all obligations have to be met. He said that they also discussed electricity, adding that Belgrade is still waiting for licenses for two Serbian companies in Kosovo.


Lajcak: Belgrade-Pristina agreement on some documents is close (RTS)


EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak says that the delegations of Belgrade and Pristina in yesterday's dialogue came close to reaching an agreement on some documents.

"After 11 hours of intensive negotiations, yesterday we came close to reaching an agreement on some documents. As usual, the last step is the most difficult. The work continues" wrote Mirosav Lajcak.


Yesterday, the delegations of Belgrade and Pristina held another round of talks at the level of the main negotiators. After all-day bilateral consultations with EU mediators in the dialogue, the two delegations did not sit at the same table. The chief negotiator of Belgrade, Petar Petkovic, stated that the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities, energy and resolving the issue of the missing were discussed with Lajcak.


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Head of RS Representative Office in Russia Perovic: Recognition and sanctions were expected; Halt of Nord Stream 2 certification will cause biggest damage to people in EU (ATV)


Head of the Republika Srpska (RS) Representative Office in Russia Dusko Perovic, asked about the situation in Moscow after the recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, said the recognition was expected, as well as the sanctions by the West. “It is repeating of our situation, what happened in our former homeland. Actually, as they say, a copy of 'Oluja' (miliary operation launched by Croatian Army in 1995 to take control of the Serbian-occupied territory in Croatia) in Krajina was being prepared, i.e. Ukraine was preparing that towards these two regions, Donetsk and Luhansk regions” said Perovic. He added that the public in Russia supports official position of the Russian government, noting “it is the protection own people”.


Reporter reminded that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz confirmed the halt of the certification process for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Asked who could be damaged more by that decision, Europe or Russia, Perovic said: “The biggest damage will be caused to the people of the European Union (EU), not to Americans”. He went on to say that former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Tuesday that if Europeans want to pay “USD 2,000 per 1,000 cubic meters” that is not the problem, and that Russia has the market for its natural gas, oil and electricity. “We should not forget that Ukraine lives on the Russian gas and Russian electricity. God forbid if an action is launched, that natural gas pipe line will be cut off first” said Perovic. He added that, if that happens, Europe will be left without gas, that cannot be compensated by the US LNG carriers, taking into account huge amount consumed in Europe, particularly the industries in Germany, Italy and France.


Komsic and Dzaferovic strongly condemn Russia’s recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk (FTV)


The Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency still has not taken a stance as an institution after Russia's recognition of the sovereignty of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. However, B&H Presidency members presented views that indicate that there is no a unanimous stance on this matter.


Chairman and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic strongly condemned "Russia's attack on the territory of Ukraine". Komsic was quoted as saying: "Violent actions by some countries that want to achieve their aspirations for the territories of other countries by military force must be met with strong condemnation and response from UN institutions and the civilized world. In that sense, I strongly condemn Russia's attack on the territory of Ukraine.” Komsic stated that the territorial integrity of UN member countries needs to be respected.


Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic also condemned Russian decision to recognize independence of two Ukrainian regions. Dzaferovic published a post on Facebook account, which reads: "I condemn the decision of Russia to recognize the two Ukrainian regions as states, which is a flagrant violation of international law.” Dzaferovic added that B&H respects and supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.


Dodik meets Kalabukhov; Dodik: It would be best if B&H remains neutral on matter of situation in Ukraine; Kalabukhov: This is historical day for Russia and people in Donetsk and Luhansk (O kanal)


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik met with Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov on Tuesday. On this occasion, Dodik said that the statements in which Chairman and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic jointly condemned the decision of Russia to recognize independence of Donetsk and Luhansk are not an official stance of B&H. Dodik noted that it would be best if B&H remains neutral when it comes to the matter of the situation in Ukraine. Dodik stated that Komsic and Dzaferovic rushed to side with Ukraine, which absolutely shows they did not take care of B&H and they do not represent B&H at that respect.


Kalabukhov welcomed the decision of Russia to recognize independence of Donetsk and Luhansk as historic both for Russia and the people in Donetsk and Luhansk. “For me, it is of special importance, because I am from Donetsk, and I think it is a historical day both for Russia and the people in Donetsk and Luhansk. Everything will be good” said Kalabukhov. Kalabukhov also said this is the right time to initiate real and serious negotiations to create security systems in Europe that will be safe for every country and people.


Addressing the media on Tuesday, Dodik said: “Their position (Komsic and Dzaferovic’s) can be considered as personal, or politically personal opinion. It is not the position of the institutions, and I think they only additionally abused that situation. As for us, the only thing B&H can achieve, and I call for that, is a neutral position on the issue”. Dodik also said the Western countries accusing Russia of violating the international law is frivolous, taking into account they have been doing that in B&H for 20 years. According to Dodik, Western countries have created unsustainable situation in B&H, protecting it by all available means, with own interest in mind, not the interest of constituent peoples. “Person with moral or intellectual integrity cannot but laugh at the story that Russia violates the international law, and they have done everything to violate the international law, the UK, the US, the West, to violated it in Kosovo, when they recognized Kosovo, to violate the international law. They have been violating the international law here in B&H” said Dodik.


B&H FM Turkovic: Russia is violating international law (Nova BH)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic reminded that B&H has diplomatic relations with Ukraine, emphasizing that Russia is violating international law. Turkovic stated that she believes that with its moves, Russia is causing escalation of the crisis.


SDP’s Magazinovic: Whole world will be affected by development of events in Ukraine, not just B&H (N1)


SDP representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Parliament Sasa Magazinovic said that the whole world will be affected by development of events in Ukraine, not just B&H. Magazinovic stated: “If the law of force is legitimized so that the one who is stronger can do whatever he wants, then we are in a much bigger problem than the problem called B&H”. And B&H must not be tied to the Ukrainian situation. That is why it must join Euro-Atlantic integration as soon as possible, added the reporter.


SDP’s Niksic: President Putin admitted there was genocide in B&H (Dnevni list)


According to, Russian President Vladimir Putin compared Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Ukraine by saying that genocide is being carried out in Ukraine just like it got carried out in B&H. SDP B&H President Nermin Niksic reacted to Putin’s statement by saying the parallel between Ukraine and B&H is inappropriate. “If we can take anything positive from the statement, it is the fact that he publicly stated there was genocide in B&H. Although it is completely clear that the situation in Ukraine cannot be compared to genocide in B&H at any level, admission of the genocide in B&H is unquestionable. Of course, the genocide has been confirmed by verdicts of the international court and nobody reasonable does not need a second confirmation, especially not us in B&H who witnesses it. That is why Mr. Putin’s statement does not serve as confirmation of legally confirmed facts” said Niksic.


B&H politicians react to EC’s decision on payment of EUR 600 million to B&H (Nova BH)


The European Commission (EC) has conditioned the payment of EUR 600 million to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) intended for financing important projects on Corridor 5c. European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi stated that this money will be paid only after return to full functioning of the B&H institutions, i.e. after representatives of Republika Srpska (RS) completely return to the B&H institutions.


SDA representatives stated that the condition from Brussels represents a clear message that the EU realized that the policy of blockade of the B&H institutions directly undermines the constitutional order in B&H. SDA's Adil Osmanovic said that those who are obstructing the state of B&H should be sanctioned and that they should be told clearly that the EU will not tolerate such policy. "I expect that this is only the beginning when it comes to sanctions that will come from the EU" Osmanovic underlined. DNS' Nenad Nesic, on the other hand, stressed that MPs from the RS will remain immune to sanctions. "The RS is not for sale" Nesic pointed out, adding that representatives of the RS will not return to the B&H Parliament until amendments to the BiH Criminal Code imposed by former High Representative Valentin Inzko are abolished. "I would like to tell Mr. Varhelyi and all other international representatives that instead of threatening, they should help establish dialogue in B&H" Nesic underlined. SDP B&H's Sasa Magazinovic said that he is glad that "voices from the European Parliament, as well as voices of certain EU member states that are moving in the direction of concrete action against individuals who are violating, inter alia, the sovereignty of the state of B&H, are louder than those who are calling for endless dialogue." Member of the Committee on EU Integration and Regional Affairs in the RS National Assembly (RSNA) Srdjan Mazalica said that there are indications that partial sanctions could be approved. Mazalica said it is difficult to introduce partial sanctions against the RS, without introducing sanctions against the whole B&H. Head of the SNSD Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac said that Serb representatives did not “go anywhere”, but only want to continue to follow the views of the relevant institutions from the RS. SDS’ representative in the B&H HoR Dragan Mektic noted that Dodik's moves are those of desperation. Mektic stated: "The fact that he says he will stop certain projects concerning the Federation of B&H shows that these are desperate moves that will bring nothing or contribute to resolving this crisis. Apparently, he is playing using these last twitches to save his own skin.” Advisor to the Serb member of the Presidency of B&H (Milorad Dodik) Radovan Kovacevic told the daily that the RS knew that no sanctions will be imposed because the RS has a number of allies in the EU. Kovacevic argued that those who advocate imposing of sanctions against Dodik or RS have been misinformed about the situation in B&H: “We heard that (EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep) Borrell said that it is necessary to protect B&H Constitution. Everything the RS does is the fight for preservation of B&H Constitution”. Kovacevic wondered why would anyone think that political matters should be solved by imposing sanctions and he added: “The RS is fighting for the constitutional order in B&H and this needs to be welcomed and not punished by sanctions. We are inviting all those who think in this way to come to B&H, listen to arguments of everyone in order to search for solutions through dialogue”.


Dodik on FAC meeting: There are still forces in the EU, primarily in Germany, which, in pursuit of their interests, do not shy away from anything (RTRS)


Commenting on the session of the EU Foreign Affairs Council (FAC), Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik said that there are still forces in the EU, primarily in Germany, which, in pursuit of their interests, do not shy away from anything. Dodik pointed out that European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi also said that to them in Banja Luka, that it is needed that B&H institutions make decisions and that it is impossible to realize projects without them. Dodik added that the discussion was only on that level and not the level of repression that some expected. Dodik said that political Sarajevo and Muslim Sarajevo looks forward to sanctions but he is amused by the situation in which they call for sanctions and when sanctions do not arrive, they just hope for next time


One day after the meeting, Dodik said it is clear who has caused the crisis in B&H. “Even yesterday, the Brussels administration said he does not have support. It is unbelievable. Who respects the international law here? It is clear the international law has been violated’’, said Dodik for the media on Tuesday. Commenting on the situation in B&H, Dodik said: “The situation is complex because the international interventionism has caused chaos in the past 20 years, and created unsustainable situation in, I will talk about B&H here, thinking that the chaos they crated in B&H, they need to protect with all means available”.  Dodik did not react to the EC's announcement on Tuesday, but he previously told the EU that Republika Srpska has mechanism of response to all sanctions coming from Brussels, such as the one that, through decision-making at the B&H level, it will not give consent for any development project from the Federation of B&H. "If they want to stop the whole of B&H, then it is at their disposal" Dodik stressed.


SNSD’s Prodanovic: FAC session demonstrated a well-balanced approach of EU officials to crisis in B&H, B&H must focus on reforms (Glas Srpske)


The daily carried an interview with member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives and Deputy Chair of B&H Parliament’s Joint Commission for EU Integration Lazar Prodanovic (SNSD) who commented the session of the EU Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) held earlier this week. Commenting the fact that FAC did not decide to impose sanctions against Republika Srpska (RS) officials, Prodanovic said that FAC acted in a rational manner because B&H needs dialogue to calm down political tensions and implement reforms which are necessary in order to make progress on the path to EU membership.


Commenting the statement of EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell who said that sanctions are the last option, Prodanovic said that this shows a balanced approach of the EU. Prodanovic noted that B&H political leaders have been urged to engage in dialogue and stabilization of situation in order to preserve territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H, and to create an atmosphere which will demonstrate clear and practical dedication to B&H’s European path. According to Prodanovic, focusing on reform processes, including the electoral and limited constitutional reform, would be positive for B&H. He noted that political partners in the Federation of B&H need to reach an agreement on this matter, which makes the situation easier for the RS. He emphasized that representatives of the international community need to take into account all aspects. According to Prodanovic, political blackmails and insisting that only the civic concept is a viable solution must not be tolerated.


He underlined that implementation of decisions of B&H Constitutional Court and European Court for Human Rights on electoral rights is necessary and serves the interests of BiH, but those who want more will end up getting nothing. He clarified that some political parties from Sarajevo constantly demand changes which exceed the implementation of court decisions. Going back to the FAC session, Prodanovic said that it is now clear that the stick cannot be constantly used against only one side, while the other side always gets the proverbial carrots, and underlined that there is no single culprit for the crisis in B&H.


Asked to comment the stances expressed by Croatia regarding B&H, Prodanovic said that Croatian policy towards B&H is constructive, because Croatia demands equality of constituent peoples but does not question B&H’s integrity or its European path. Asked if he believes that the political atmosphere in B&H can be improved in the upcoming months, Prodanovic said that B&H has a turbulent period ahead, with the election coming up and many political conflicts ongoing. However, he underlined, it is necessary to focus on reform and the obligations that B&H took.


SDA leader Izetbegovic sends letter to EU HR Borrell asking him to avoid mentioning disintegration of BiH in his public statements (FTV)


SDA leader and Deputy Speaker of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Peoples (HoP) Bakir Izetbegovic sent a letter on to EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell on Tuesday. In his letter, Izetbegovic wrote that he appreciates the EU’s efforts to support B&H's European path, as well as Borrell's involvement during the crisis sparked by attacks by Republika Srpska (RS) authorities on B&H's constitutional system. However, in his letter, Izetbegovic asked him to avoid mentioning the disintegration of B&H in his public statements, because this creates a narrative that such a thing is possible. “The disintegration of B&H is not possible and will not happen” concluded Izetbegovic. Izetbegovic further noted that concerns regarding Milorad Dodik’s politics, are justified, but it cannot jeopardize peace and stability, adding that B&H citizens, just as US and EU, invested much in preservation and establishing of this peace and stability.


RSNA Committee for Constitutional Affairs: Request of Bosniak Caucus is direct violation of constitutionality of B&H (RTRS)


The Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) Committee for Constitutional Affairs has determined that part of the Bosniak Caucus in the RS Council of Peoples (CoP) does not have the possibility provided by Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitution to initiate proceedings to review constitutionality of Law on Non-Application of High Representative's Decision Amending B&H Criminal Code. The statement also said that the Constitutional Court of B&H does not have the authority to expand its jurisdiction contrary to the strict limits set by the Constitution of B&H and that decisions made outside the jurisdiction are not valid.


RSNA Committee for Constitutional Affairs established a response to the Constitutional Court of B&H, regarding the motion for assessment of constitutionality of the Law on Non-applying of Decision of the High Representative, which imposes Amendment to the B&H Criminal Code, which was launched by seven delegates in Bosniak Caucus in RS Council of Peoples. Committee deems that Bosniak Caucus does not have procedural possibility for filing of such motion, underlining that RS CoP does not represent separate House of the RSNA. Or the separate legislation body, or even special body for protection of vital national interest of any of constituent peoples. Committee underlined that filing of this motion is contrary to Constitution of B&H and B&H CC has no constitutional grounds for discussing this motion and is obliged to reject it. It is further underlined that B&H CC has no authority to expand their competences contrary to strict borders set by Constitution of B&H.


Committee noted that this motion is groundless and can result in direct endangering of integrity of B&H institutions and RS bodies, as well as their competencies, which is nothing but violation of B&H Constitution and Dayton Peace Agreement. Response reads that seven delegates of Bosniak Caucus directly endanger the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and order it established, arguing that it remains unclear what is the goal of the mentioned motion whether to secure constitutionality and legality or to confirm High Representative as institution of B&H, which is contrary to B&H Constitutions and DPA.


Meeting on changes to B&H Election Law cancelled due to absence of representatives of Bosniak parties (Nova BH)


Nova BH reports that the meeting on changes to the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Election Law which was supposed to take place in Mostar on Tuesday was cancelled. Namely, as Nova BH said, no one came to the meeting although HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic announced last Saturday after the session of the Croat People's Assembly (HNS) that representatives of Bosniak parties would attend the meeting in Mostar.


Daily notes that NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic stated earlier that a joint meeting of leaders of parties will not be organized, announcing that expert teams of the Croat and the Bosniak parties could meet in order to try and bring the positions closer. HDZ 1990 leader Ilija Cvitanovic expressed conviction that the international representatives will not give up on reaching agreement between Croats and Bosniaks, adding that “I believe that in the next seven days a meeting will be held that will be moderated by international representatives”. According to the daily, SDA said they were not even invited to the meeting, and at the same time SDA could not reject possibility of meeting at the level of experts.


EUD, OHR call for continuation of dialogue on electoral reform; EUD: We expect general elections to take place in October (Oslobodjenje)


Oslobodjenje daily reminded that the talks on electoral reform were announced for Tuesday in Mostar, but none of political representatives appeared at the meeting and reminds that day earlier HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader, Dragan Covic sent a letter to international representatives, elaborating the conclusions of the Croat People’s Council (HNS), which mention territorial reorganization.


In statement to the daily, Spokesperson of the EU Delegation to B&H and EU Special Representative (EUD/EUSR), Ferdinand Koenig stated: “We expect from all political stakeholders in B&H to cooperate in good faith, in order to help the country to achieve progress in achieving of higher level of functionality of institutions, prosperity and better future in the EU. Threats with unilateral moves toward new institutional and territorial organization of B&H, are not helping in reaching of progress in the current talks on constitutional reform and they further deepen mistrust between the political parties and do not serve interests of B&H citizens”. Koenig reminded that when it comes to the elections, the current legislation framework is still in force: “We expect general elections in B&H to take place in October and we call on political stakeholders to secure that elections are successful, free and honest. Even though legality of holding of elections in October 2022 is not questionable, there is still a chance to secure that 2022 elections are held in improved, non-discriminatory framework, in more transparent way, with strengthened integrity, which will in the end, increase citizens trust in their democracy. We call on our partners in B&H to secure that the revised electoral framework is adopted in time, before announcing of general elections”.


In statement to the daily, representatives of the OHR assessed that it is good that there is a clear intention to keep the dialogue ongoing. “However, dialogue between all interested parties, has to be open, honest and must not have negative impact on functioning of B&H institutions and political processes. We expect political leaders to fulfil the promise and continue the talks and achieve solution on limited constitutional changes and changes of Election Law, which is acceptable to all. We expect from all stakeholders to work together on finding of good solution” stated OHR.


Head of EU Delegation to B&H Sattler meets B&H HJPC President Lagumdzija, says RS’ plan on RS HJPC is unacceptable (Dnevni list)


Head of the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Johann Sattler met with President of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H Halil Lagumdzija. Sattler expressed the support of the EU to B&H HJPC as a body for all citizens of BIH, as well as strengthening of independence of judiciary and rule of law. “A good discussion at the meeting of Heads of Missions of the EU with HJPC President Lagumdzija. EU fully supports HJPC as a body for all citizens of B&H, strengthening of independence of judiciary and rule of law. Plans of the Republika Srpska (RS) leadership on the RS HJPC are unacceptable and would weaken justice in B&H” Sattler noted.




Croatia wants March EU Summit to discuss Bosnia (Hina)


EU general affairs ministers began in Brussels on Tuesday to prepare the agenda of the next EU summit due in March, and Croatia has requested that the summit discuss Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). "Croatia has pointed out that it would like to see a European Council debate on B&H" said the state secretary at the Foreign Ministry, Andreja Metelko Zgombic. She said the dangerous Ukraine situation should not overshadow the situation in B&H, which is at a key moment of talks on electoral reform aimed at eliminating all forms of discrimination in the election process and ensuring the right of the constituent peoples to elect their representatives.


EU foreign ministers have discussed the Ukraine situation, which will be on the agenda of the spring summit on 24 and 25 March. "I reiterated on Croatia's behalf the condemnation of Russia's recognition of two Ukrainian regions outside government control and supported the prompt adoption of a set of sanctions," said Metelko Zgombic.


EU foreign ministers are discussing sanctions against Russia at an extraordinary meeting in Paris. Before it started, Croatian Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman condemned Russia's recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. "We call on Russia to revoke the recognition and to return to Normandy Format talks. I'd like to reiterate Croatia's full support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine" he said.


Opposition proposes dissolution of parliament (HRT)


Seven left-liberal opposition clubs have called for the dissolution of Parliament and early elections. The MOST club has done the same while also demanding the resignation of three government officials whose names are linked to scandals - Boris Milosevic, Tomislav Coric and Josip Aladrovic.  lthough in separate initiatives, they say the same thing - the Government is compromised by scandals, and under such a burden, it cannot resolve key problems. The opposition is also calling on parties that back the Croatian Democratic Union to join them and show that they are not merely puppets. We need a stable and functioning government, said the opposition. “And what do we have? We have a group that every day waits for someone to knock on their door in the morning. It is completely clear that the government has lost all legitimacy. That legitimacy cannot be returned with a cabinet shuffle” said Social Democratic Party leader Pedja Grbin. Grbin added that legitimacy can be restored in only one way, and that is to return their mandate to the citizens.


The Social Democrats are also demanding elections. “Here we have a government that has sunk into corruptive deeds, and therefore this is our only path, to demand through parliament for the cards to be shuffled again” said Ivana Posavec Krivec. Since Andrej Plenkovic took over the government, ministers have changed as if on a tape, said Sandra Bencic from the Green-Left Bloc. “It is a fact that the reason was always the same, corruption, nepotism and clientelism. Besides all this, they are guilty even if they didn't do anything. And I believe the only salvation for this country is, for a very long time, for the Croatian Democratic Union to go into the opposition, if not from the political scene altogether,” said Bencic.


MOST party leader Bozo Petrov called for support after his party put its request for the dissolution of the Parliament into procedure. “The government can't go on with such a burden and such incriminated people. The only correct thing is early elections. If there was honour and respect, then I would expect the governing majority to do this. Especially those that support this government, from the Croatian Social Liberal Party to national minorities and so on” said Petrov.




Konatar: We agreed to elect parliament speaker at first next session, Bulajic won’t derail the work of parliament (CDM)


Following the meeting of Montenegro’s parliament speaker, URA MP, Milos Konatar, said there was absolute agreement that the proposal for the selection of new parliament’s speaker and the Law on Local Self-Government should be part of the agenda of the first next meeting of the parliament. He also pointed out that Strahinja Bulajic, who has been presiding over the parliament, won’t derail parliament’s work. “There are different opinions over the date of the session. URA thinks that it should be held on 1 March. Bulajic committed to informing the heads of the caucuses on the date. He also said he wouldn’t derail the work of parliament” Mr Konatar told the press.


Zivkovic: We are to elect parliament speaker on 1 March in Cetinje, I believe Bulajic will convene session (CDM)


On the initiative of the parliamentary majority caucuses, the Collegium of the Parliament Speaker was held yesterday. We discussed the dynamics of work of the parliament and considered that a session should be held on 1 March, comprising two agenda points – the Law on Local Self-Government and the election of the Parliament Speaker,” Head of the DPS caucus, Danijel Zivkovic, stated. “There’s a high degree of agreement that the session should be held in the next few days. I believe that the Chair will convene it,” Mr Zivkovic said following the session of the Collegium of the Parliament Speaker.


Radunovic: DF soon to block Montenegro, part of parliamentary majority urges session to elect new parliament speaker (CDM)


Collegium of the Parliament of Montenegro didn’t agree on the date of the session when a new parliament speaker should be named. Following the meeting, head of the DF caucus, Slaven Radunovic, stated that a part of the parliamentary majority proposed 1 March as initially suggested by the opposition. It’s the reason why the DF is going to block Montenegro, he said. “Unfortunately, today we figured out that all the conditions for blocking the streets of Montenegro due to treason have been met” Slaven Radunovic told.


According to him, the Collegium discussed the program of work of parliament. Mr Radunovic also urged the SNP, particularly their main board, to remain committed to the ones who voted for them on 30 August 2020. The Collegium was attended by Danijel Zivkovic (DPS), Rasko Konjevic (SDP), Ivan Brajovic (SD) and Ervin Ibrahimovic (BS).


The meeting was held on the request of the opposition, aiming to discuss the election of a new parliament speaker and amendments to the Law on Local Self-Government. Representatives of the parliamentary majority met before the Collegium.


North Macedonia 


Kovacevski is negotiating about the Macedonian language and nation with Bulgaria, Republika has learnt (Republika)


Bulgaria is pressing its full, maximalist demands in the on-going negotiations with Dimitar Kovacevski, Republika has learnt. According to its sources, the two sides are negotiating about the Macedonian language and national identity, contrary to frequent denials from the Kovacevski Government. The Bulgarian demands, which Kovacevski has allegedly accepted, are that the Macedonian nation is declared as a recognized nation since its entry into the Yugoslav Federation in 1945, and the Macedonians prior to that will be considered to have been ethnic Bulgarians. The treaty will not specify what language was spoken in Macedonia prior to 1991 – laying stake for another Bulgarian claim – that the Macedonian language is at most a dialect of the Bulgarian.


Bulgaria also maintains its demand that Macedonia amends its Constitution and adds the Bulgarian minority in its Preamble. Even though Kovacevski has asked for more time on this, given that he doesn’t have the votes in Parliament to amend the Constitution, Bulgaria continues to press for a quick decision on this matter. Kovacevski has apparently offered that Macedonia and Bulgaria submit a statement to the European Commission, committing Macedonia to make this amendment before it can join the EU. This will amount to Macedonia agreeing that at least one of the Bulgarian demands is made a condition of the EU accession process and its implementation would be demanded by the entire EU.


VMRO-DPMNE, which is the largest party in Parliament and can block changes to the Constitution, demands guarantees from the European Union that if this change is made, it will be the last bilateral issue that will block Macedonia’s EU accession.


Mickoski: We also demand, from Brussels and official Sofia, a guarantee for the Macedonian language, people and identity (Republika)


Petkov would ask Brussels for guarantees for the inclusion of the Bulgarian minority in the Macedonian Constitution. Then, we also demand, from Brussels and official Sofia, a guarantee for the Macedonian language, people and identity. Guarantee that until the day Macedonia joins the EU, no other member state will have a problem with these same things, wrote the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski on Facebook.




Minister of Justice Manja met with Croatian counterpart Ivan Malenica (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Justice, Ulsi Manja, held a meeting with the Minister of Justice of Croatia, Ivan Malenica. Minister Manja and Minister Malenica signed today the cooperation agreement between our two countries in the field of justice and judiciary in criminal and civil matters that will bring harmonization of Albanian legislation with that of the EU in the framework of European integration and modernization and digitalization of the judicial system and promotion of electronic justice.


Another key point of the agreement is assistance from the Croatian side in writing, drafting and managing projects in order to maximize the absorption of EU funds in the field of integration, justice and anti-corruption.


At the joint press conference, Manja said that, "today with the Croatian counterpart we signed a memorandum of cooperation between our two ministries and that paves the way for Croatian assistance in the field of integration". "With this memorandum of cooperation, our two ministries will be two joint working groups, that on the day when Albania will sit at the negotiating table with the EU, we will have the assistance and experience of Croatia," said Manja, who added that "Croatia is the last country to join the EU."


This memorandum added Manja, “does not only include the negotiation and integration process, but we will have concrete cooperation regarding the modernization and digitalization of the judicial system and the promotion of e-justice. We will have an exchange of best practices of probation service and improvement of activities in the field of penitentiary system administration. We will also have concrete cooperation regarding the education and training of the staff of the Anti-Corruption Directorate and the Integration Directorate ".  "This memorandum of cooperation also includes the assistance and assistance of the Croatian MoJ in designing and managing projects aimed at absorbing EU funds in the field of integration, justice and anti-corruption" concluded Manja.