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Belgrade Media Report 7 March


Rallies in support of Russia and Ukraine held in downtown Belgrade (Beta)


Two demonstrations were held in Belgrade's central Knez Mihailova Street on March 5 in response to the conflict in Ukraine -- while a rally organized by the Women in Black demanded "a halt to the Russian aggression," members and sympathizers of the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia called on the authorities to recognize the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republic. Several dozen activists of the Women in Black assembled in front of the Ruski Car restaurant where they unfurled banners reading "Stop the war in Ukraine," "Putin, keep your hands off Ukraine," and "Support to Russian and Belarusian deserters," while one protester held the Ukrainian flag. At the same time and only a few meters away, the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia assembled with flags of the Soviet Union, the League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia, and pictures of Joseph Stalin. While the Women in Black protest against the war in Ukraine was silent, members of the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia chanted "NATO, get out of Ukraine," and "NATO fascists won't pass."


Vucic, Johnson: Respect for territorial integrity is essential for Serbia (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic talked with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson and pointed out that respect for international law and the territorial integrity of states is essential for Serbia. 


"I have just finished a conversation with Boris Johnson, in which I pointed out that the principle of respecting the norms of international law is essential for Serbia, as well as respecting the territorial integrity of sovereign states," Vucic said in a post on the Instagram


On that occasion, Vucic invited Johnson to come to Serbia because, as he emphasized, the British Prime Minister had not visited our country for 42 years, and he received assurances from the British Prime Minister that he would visit us soon. 


"I also discussed cooperation in the field of energy, economy, but also all other bilateral issues concerning the United Kingdom and Serbia. I especially emphasized that Serbia will, at all costs, preserve peace and stability in the Western Balkans" said Vucic. He added that he thanked Johnson for the attention and respect that Great Britain shows towards Serbia. 


Vucic talked with the President of France, Macron welcomed Serbia's vote in the UN (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic talked on the phone with the President of France, Emanuel Macron. In a long, open and above all sincere conversation, President Macron confirmed the essential friendship between Serbia and France and most openly supported Serbia and the European integration of our country, the Service for Cooperation with the Media of the President of the Republic announced. 


Macron, as it is stated, welcomed the way in which Serbia voted in the United Nations. President Macron also gave personal support to President Vucic because of the way he is leading Serbia into the future. He unequivocally told President Vucic that, regardless of geopolitical changes in Europe and the world, Serbia remains a key priority and the first country to join the European Union. the union" the statement added. 


The two statesmen discussed the situation in Ukraine, and also discussed all bilateral ties between Serbia and France, especially economic cooperation, with the expectation that it will develop even more strongly in the future. 


In a conversation with his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic, French President Emanuel Macron welcomed the close cooperation between France and Serbia and the clarity of its position in international instances on the war in Ukraine and the necessity of respecting state sovereignty, the Elysee Palace said. "The president welcomed the close cooperation between France and Serbia and the clarity of its position in international instances on the war in Ukraine and the need to respect the sovereignty of states. He also reminded of France's friendship and personal support for Serbia," the Elysee Palace said in a statement. As it is stated, President Macron estimates that the war in Ukraine requires that the EU and all countries close to it, and especially those that, like Serbia, have a recognized European perspective, jointly consider ways and means to further strengthen their ties and build a common future for all Europeans. "The war in Ukraine should be an opportunity for European rapprochement. The President of the Republic and his Serbian counterpart will remain in close contact," the statement said. 


Presidents of Serbia and Turkey on bilateral relations, the situation in Ukraine (RTS)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, talked on the phone with the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The Service for Cooperation with the Media of the President of the Republic states in a statement that Vucic and Erdogan discussed bilateral relations between Serbia and Turkey. They confirmed their readiness for cooperation, noting that economic cooperation, especially in the field of infrastructure, is progressing well, the statement added. The two statesmen agreed to hold the next session of the High Council for Cooperation, considering that "this format gives a strong impetus to strengthening the ties between the two countries". 


President Vucic and President Erdogan discussed the situation in Ukraine, as well as the situation in the Western Balkans, and expressed their determination to contribute to maintaining peace and stability in the region.  


Vucic with Bocan-Kharchenko on Ukraine and geopolitics (RTS)

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, talked with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation, Aleksandar Bocan-Kharchenko, about the situation in Ukraine. President Vucic informed the ambassador about the positions of the Government of Serbia and the National Security Council, which include our country's commitment to respecting the norms of international public law. Vucic said that Serbia is carefully monitoring the changes in the geopolitical plan, noting that the challenges due to the events in Eastern Europe are growing. 

"Serbia will always be guided by its vital political and economic interests and will be committed to preserving peace and stability,” said President Vucic. President Vucic and Ambassador Bocan-Kharchenko also discussed bilateral relations between Serbia and Russia, it is stated in the announcement of the Service for Cooperation with the Media of the President of the Republic.  


What messages does the German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Annalena Baerbock, brings to Belgrade? (RTS, Tanjug)

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock will visit Serbia on Friday, March 11, Tanjug has learned. The main topic would be the war in Ukraine and the consequences in the Balkans. Germany is considering a "clear" perspective on EU membership for Serbia and the neighbourhood. Baerbock should visit Sarajevo and Pristina in the same tour. 


Baerbock has already spoken about the region this week: "Especially in the current situation, stability and the European perspective of the Western Balkans are Germany's main strategic priority," she said on the occasion of appointing her Green Party friend Manuel Sarrazin as Germany's first envoy to the Western Balkans. 


There is no doubt that the main topic of the visit to Belgrade will be the war in Ukraine and possible consequences for the Balkans. Serbia condemned the violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity, and joined the relevant UN General Assembly resolution, while refusing to join EU sanctions against Russia. 


"It is in Serbia's interest to take a clear position," Sarrazin said in his first interview after being appointed envoy to the region. "Ukraine is showing what can happen when you rely on Russian promises. I believe that is clear to everyone in Belgrade. It is important for the EU to clearly formulate the expectations we have from Serbia," Sarrazin added. As expected, Baerbock will "clearly formulate" expectations in talks with government representatives.  


It is still unclear whether other representatives of the opposition will be present at the same meeting, such as presidential candidates Zdravko Ponos and Boris Tadic


A fast lane for the Western Balkans? 


In recent days, the Western Balkans have been frequently mentioned in Germany in the context of Ukraine. On Thursday, Chancellor Olaf Scholz was asked on the public service what he thought about the requests of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova for an accelerated EU accession, but he said: "The decision on the issue of the Western Balkan countries and the prospects for their admission are on the agenda. This has been talked about carefully and for a long time," Scholz said. "As for other countries that are interested, it must be clearly stated that this has preconditions and that it is not being considered now." 


German Chancellor Scholz says clear stance must be presented to Western European countries which showed commitment to European perspective (Tanjug)

In an interview to German ZDF TV station on Thursday evening, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that the Western Balkans countries which showed that they are committed to their European perspective must get a clear promise on their European future. Scholz was a guest of a TV program dedicated to the Ukrainian crisis and the host asked him whether he agrees with the stance of President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen that Ukraine must be given a European perspective. Scholz replied by saying that Ukraine will get a chance for a discussion on its European perspective after the war is stopped and after the issue of admission of the Western Balkans countries is clarified. “You know how long this has been going on for some countries which started this process a long time ago, yet they still have not got a decision. Therefore, I want to say clearly right now that many decisions made with regard to the Western Balkans countries, meaning mostly former Yugoslav countries, are completely unacceptable. I support the idea of finally presenting clear stances to those countries that are engaged so much for their European perspective”, Scholz explained and added that there are still countries that are interested but they must be told that there are certain preconditions. The daily commented by saying that this reminds very much of stances of individual German and European politicians that the Western Balkans countries should follow the EU foreign policy if they want to become members, which represents a special challenge “for the Serb population in the Balkans, because they want European perspective and they respect territorial integrity of Ukraine, but they do not want to give up their relations with Russia”. 


Vulin: Kosovo’s Accession to NATO would represent an armed conflict threat for Serbia (VIP)


A potential accession of Kosovo to NATO would present a threat to Serbia with armed conflict, Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin emphasized. Kosovo Parliament enacted on Wednesday a Resolution that called the government to start negotiations about membership in NATO. However, this was very quickly followed by an explanation 

that this would be impossible, because several NATO members did not recognize Kosovo as an independent state at all. However, Vulin was persistent: “Violent introduction of Kosovo into NATO pact is not just a breach of procedures for accession to NATO and breach of UN Resolution 1244, but also an open threat to Serbia and another form of pressure on Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and this is something known to the countries that support Pristina’s membership in NATO”, Vulin concluded. 


Vucic: If Kosovo joins international organisations, Serbia will have surprising answer (Beta, N1)  


Aleksandar Vucic, Serbia's President, told reporters on Monday that if the process of Kosovo's joining any international organisation, "Serbia will surprise with its answer and efficiency." 


“The day when it (Kosovo) is accepted in any international organization will be the day of the violation of the Washington Agreement (signed between Belgrade and Pristina in the US capital by the end of President Donald Trump’s mandate). The names of the states that had withdrawn Kosovo’s recognition will be published on that day” Vucic told reporters. 


He added that due to the conflict in Ukraine, many saw a possibility to solve the Kosovo issue in such a global situation and wanted an urgent admission of Pristina in many international organizations. 


Vucic also said that Belgrade would not sent a protest to Ankara after he talked to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan who, as Vucic said, explained to him what he had said and what had been reported about the Turkish possible invitation for Kosovo to join NATO.  "We decided not to send a protest note to Turkey because I had a conversation with Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and he clarified to me what he said, what was reported," Vucic told reporters.


Speaking in the southern town of Leskovac, Vucic also said Serbia had decided not to impose sanctions against Russia after its invasion of Ukraine, despite pressures from the West. "How difficult that is on a daily level is not a concern for people. I won't burden them with my job… Running the country in such circumstances is not an easy task" Vucic said.


Commenting on social networks' posts about the possible lack of food and fuel in Serbia, he said it was easy to spread panic and do things against their own country. 


SPC Patriarch: We pray for peace in Ukraine, for talks to start as soon (FoNet)

The head of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC), Patriarch Porfirije, called on the faithful to pray for peace in Ukraine, hoping that instead of war "peace talks will take place as soon as possible because it has no price."


“Our memories, the memories of each of us, of the tragic wars and conflicts in the former Yugoslavia are still alive among us. And here is another war in Europe among our Christian brothers, Russians and Ukrainians” SPC’s press release quoted Patriarch as saying. He said the war in Ukraine produced suffering and division. Not only between “our Russian and Ukrainian brothers but threatens the whole world and Europe where we feel like a tragedy is coming. I remind myself and you and call on myself and you to have sympathy with those who need basic survival needs and, of course, with those who are already coming to our country as refugees” Patriarch said. He added the SPC has started collecting donations for the victims in Ukraine. 


Tadic: Government first spreads panic, then swoops in to the rescue (Beta)


Former Serbian president Boris Tadic said on March 6 in a statement on the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis on Serbia that the government had first spread panic among the people, then swooped in to the rescue. Tadic, who is president of the Social Democratic Party, said the election coalition to which his party belonged was carefully following what the regime in Serbia was doing, and that this behaviour was very dangerous. "You do that by 'starting a fire,' and then representatives of the regime come in as 'firefighters,' which is all very dangerous, because it raises tensions among the people," he said, stating that once again Serbian citizens were afraid of a war -- this time between what he described as the brotherly and friendly countries of Ukraine and Russia. He stressed that Serbia should take a principled 

position. "It's very important that Serbia maintain a principled position in this situation, too, and not support any break-up of a friendly country -- in this case, Ukraine, and oppose aggression, in this case by Russia against Ukraine and do everything that it can to preserve friendly ties with both countries," Tadic said. 


Ponos: Serbia must not recognize Kosovo (Beta)


Gen. Zdravko Ponos, the presidential candidate of United Serbia, has said that no democratically elected government in Serbia could recognize Kosovo and Metohija as independent. Ponos told the March 4 issue of the Novi Magazin publication that Serbia must help all residents of its southern province, Serbs and ethnic Albanians, to live in peace and enjoy a higher quality of life. "The minute Aleksandar Vucic started to use Kosovo as a mechanism for currying favor with Western forces -- that's when things started going downhill. It is pretty obvious that he came to power by promising that he'd solve Kosovo in line with Western interests. He gave Pristina everything that he was asked, while Belgrade and the Serbs in Kosovo got nothing," he stressed. 


Ponos noted that the government had not even managed to get the Community of Serb Municipalities established. "And now he (Vucic) is complaining to the people that he was duped. A serious president would reassess, and say: 'Not only should I not run, I must remove myself since I allowed myself to be manipulated like that'," he stressed. He added that Aleksandar Vucic had used the Serb Ticket -- a subsidiary of Vucic's Serbian Progressive Party, to build his own voting machinery in Kosovo, using threats and blackmail. "The ministers in the Serb Ticket do not stand for the interests of the Serb people, they're swimming in murky waters," Ponos said. 


Serbian elections (VIP, B92, N1)


On Sunday the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) quite expectedly decided to nominate its president, Aleksandar Vucic, for a second term as president of Serbia. As stated by Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, after a session of the SNS Presidency, none of the members had any doubts about the question, because they believe that Vucic’s deeds show that he is by far the best candidate for president of Serbia that the party has. “Even though the elections will not be easy – it is our goal to make history and walk away with the greatest victory to day – in the first round, without underestimating any of the candidates or options,” Brnabic said. She stated that there are three reasons why this should happen, and those are Vucic’s results, the need to ensure stability in very trying times, and the fact that Vucic is a very “serious, dedicated and committed candidate.” “And today more than ever we need strength, seriousness and security,” she said.


Representatives of the opposition coalition Boris Tadic – Let’s Go People submitted to the State Election Commission (RIK) a ticket for Parliamentary elections, with more than 11,000 signatures of support, the media reported. The leader of the main member of the coalition – Social Democratic Party (SDS) – and former Serbian President Boris Tadic said that he would like to call all citizens to take part in elections in April and “vote primarily for them”. Tadic believed that his ticket was the best possible choice and that he was taking part in the elections “with clean face and looking in the eyes of all people in the country, having in mind what they have done in the past and what they are planning to do in the future”. 


The leader of Parliamentary opposition ticket of green-left coalition We Must, former mayor of Sabac and the leader of Together for Serbia party Nebojsa Zelenovic said on Sunday that solidarity was one of the most important elements of their politics, next to support to division between the three branches of the government. This was also confirmed by this coalition’s candidate for the President, Professor Biljana Stojkovic, who said that she would fight for “the rule of law and following of every letter of the Constitution, with real division between the three branches of the government”. “This is essentially important, so everyone in the state 

know what they should do and what is their duty”, Stojkovic said. 


The CRTA NGO, which has been involved in control and monitoring of the electoral process in Serbia for a number of years, on Sunday invited all the citizens to take to the polls on 3 April. CRTA also announced the beginning of the campaign for increasing voter turnout in the upcoming elections, with the message “That’s why – vote!” “There is only one certain way not to influence anything with your vote, and that is – not to vote,” said the organization. “We know very well how far Serbia is from optimal conditions for free and fair elections. However, by giving up on the elections we can contribute only to the further deterioration of democracy and the weakening of the institutions that are supposed to be the guarantors of rule of law. By deciding not to vote we give up yet another part of the power that belongs to us as citizens,” CRTA stated. 


President of the right-wing Serbian Radical Party (SRS) Vojislav Seselj on Sunday called on his supporters to vote for Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) leader Aleksandar Vucic in the upcoming presidential elections, but to vote for his SRS in the parliamentary elections. 


Marinika Tepic, head of the United for Serbia’s Victory parliamentary ticket, has stated that after the elections there will be no collaboration with the leaders of the Bosniak parties who were part of the regime or in coalition with the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). “There will be no collaboration with them, in any way – neither directly nor indirectly,” Tepic promised.  She added that after the elections she will urge for the adoption of a law on lustration, origin of property and a special anticorruption prosecutor, revision of all economic arrangements – primarily with China. 


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


B&H HoR discuses situation in Ukraine, 13 MPs from RS fail to attend session (O kanal)

At its special session held on Friday, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR) discussed crisis in Ukraine and positioning of B&H in regards to aggression conducted by Russia against a sovereign country. Reporter noted that since 13 out of 14 MPs from Republika Srpska (RS) failed to attend this session, it was not possible to adopt any document. MPs who attended the session underlined that due to its experience from 1990s, B&H cannot remain neutral to situation in Ukraine. Some MPs emphasized that B&H needs to stay on side of international law, truth and justice.  


Speaker of B&H HoR Denis Zvizdic underlined that in line with its capacities, B&H needs to provide assistance to Ukraine through humanitarian and financial aid. One of conclusions discussed by MPs was demand to the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) in B&H to exclude Russia from its work. Zvizdic said that this was demanded because Russia carried out aggression against Ukraine and it cannot decide about preservation of peace in B&H.  Zvizdic also commented that B&H HoR could not pass any decision due to absence of MPs from the RS, however the number of present MPs was sufficient to convey message about stance of B&H concerning Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Zvizdic added that he believes that a number of MPs from the RS have similar stances, but do not present them publicly due to fear of reactions in the RS.  


MP Adil Osmanovic stressed that people in B&H understand what Ukrainians are going through. MPs from the RS stated earlier they will not attend this session, because discussion on situation in Ukraine would just additionally deepen divisions and conflicts within B&H. Some of them stated that B&H Parliament should not be dealing with this topic, but B&H Presidency. Also, MPs discussed possibility for accelerated EU path for B&H due to new global developments. MPs from opposition parties emphasized importance of fulfilling 14 priorities set by the European Commission.  


Dodik says emergency session of B&H House of Representatives was waste of time (ATV)

Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik said that Friday's emergency session of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) was only a waste of time. Dodik stressed that there are no decisions regarding the crisis in Ukraine, nor will there be any in the B&H Parliament. Dodik added that this was an attempt of the MPs from the Federation of B&H to act like some western countries when it comes to Russia. "They can shout there, whine, spread out, bark, whatever they want they can do, but there is no decision of that kind and there will be no such decision. The fact that they today (Friday) used public space is not significant at all," Dodik said. Dodik stated that he opposes the satanization of the Russian people and the seizing of property by using sanctions. He said that public space was used for unnecessary outrage since no decisions were made. Dodik said that B&H is not in the position to decide who can and cannot be part of an institution. He added that the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) does not exist anyway and it is a self-appointed organization that was not elected by anyone. Dodik said that the seizing of property of Russians by USA and the west reminds him of the times when fascists seized the property of Jews and Serbs. He stated that he is waiting for calls to form concentration camps against Russians. 


Dodik: We are not ready to introduce sanctions and to make Russians target of persecution; Dodik says Schmidt’s stance is not important (ATV)


Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik claims that the stance of Republika Srpska (RS) is well known in B&H when it comes to, as Dodik said, the Ukrainian crisis and that the RS is principled. Dodik commented on the statement of, as the presenter said, the German diplomat Christian Schmidt, who said Dodik is better off keeping quiet when it comes to Ukraine. Dodik was quoted as saying: “Schmidt is a man whose stance is not important”. Dodik stated: “We have proposed to take a stand on the Ukrainian crisis, and we think it is good for Muslims and Croats and Serbs, to be neutral. Both the Ukrainian and Russian peoples are peoples close to us. We cannot make any differentiation here. As far as we are concerned, the only thing we should say is what we have already said, and that is that we respect territorial integrity, we call for peace but we are not ready to impose sanctions and we are not ready to make the Russians, wherever they are, the target of persecution as some in the West do by showing their fascist manners”. 


Dodik’s Advisor Kovacevic condemns Komsic’s decision to send instructions to diplomatic and consular network regarding Ukraine (ATV)

The Cabinet of the Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik issued a statement which reads: “The fact that the Chairperson of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic sent an alleged instruction from B&H Presidency to the diplomatic and consular network regarding the crisis in Ukraine, without the consent of the other two members and without the Presidency's decision, is huge violation of the B&H Presidency Rules of Procedure, the B&H Constitution and the Dayton Accords”.  


Advisor to the Serb member of B&H Presidency Radovan Kovacevic said: “That, to say the least, represents a direct coup attempt in B&H”. Kovacevic stated that once they take into consideration that Komsic was assisted by SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic’s staff, as well as by the RS opposition and SDS leader Mirko Sarovic’s staff, that it is clear to them how a conspiracy against the Constitution, Dayton Accords, the RS and Serbs and Croats as constituent peoples, functions. 


At this moment, B&H is probably the only country in the world that has no official stance on the situation in Ukraine. Even though Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik asked for an official stance on this matter to be established, during the last B&H Presidency session, the other two Presidency members rejected this. In fact, B&H Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic sent instructions to the diplomatic and consular missions of B&H in the world in which he ordered them to follow the practice of western countries. In addition to that, Komsic’s instructions were sent to ambassadors across the world by Ljubo Grkovic, Assistant for Bilateral Relations at the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Grkovic is a SDS member, which raises the question if this move was officially supported by SDS – and if this means that SDS supports Komsic’s unconstitutional instructions. Dodik calls Komsic’s move “another one of his tricks”, adding that these instructions are just Komsic’s stance and not B&H’s official position on the situation in Ukraine.  


Dodik says that the only thing that had to be done was to say that B&H respects the territorial integrity of Ukraine, that B&H calls for peace, but that it is not ready to impose any sanctions against Russia, or to “put targets on the foreheads of many Russians that live across the world”. Members of the Cabinet of the Serb member of the B&H Presidency say that Komsic’s move violates the Rules of Procedure at the state Presidency, as well as the B&H Constitution and the Dayton Agreement. They add that this move can also be perceived as an attempt at a coup d’état. Radovan Kovacevic, Dodik’s adviser, said Komsic was advised to do this by members of SDA and the opposition from the RS. Kovacevic said this was a conspiracy against the Constitution, the Dayton Peace Agreement, the RS and the Serb people.  


Head of EUD to B&H Sattler: All countries in region, including B&H and Serbia, were right to support UN resolution condemning Russian invasion of Ukraine (N1)

Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Johann Sattler, commenting on the disagreement between B&H Presidency members regarding the official stance of B&H on the war in Ukraine, stated that this is not just some crisis or security incident, but what is going on now is the war with thousands of victims, launched by a nuclear power against a sovereign and peaceful country. He said that B&H and Sarajevo can understand very well what does this mean given that they experienced nearly four years of war, stressing that he is very grateful for support the citizens of B&H and Sarajevo expressed to Ukraine. Sattler assessed that the war in Ukraine is a massive and unprecedented blow to the international order and it needs to be stopped immediately, reminding that the EU acted in a swift and unprecedented way because for the first time in history all member states unanimously agreed to allocate half billion EURs from the EU budget for the military support to Ukraine. He expressed satisfaction with the fact that even at the global level 141 countries voted in favor of the UN resolution condemning Russia’s attack on Ukraine at the latest session of the UN General Assembly. He reminded that all countries in the region, including B&H and Serbia, were right to support the resolution condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As for possible spread of the crisis and war in Ukraine to the Western Balkans and B&H, Sattler assessed that he does not believe there is a direct danger of the conflict spreading across the region, but that as long as there is the slightest risk – precaution measures have to be taken. “It is not just a coincidence to see some of the high-ranking officials of the EU mentioning some other locations, including B&H, which might be problematic. Therefore, I am pleased that we were able promptly deploy the additional EUFOR troops in B&H”, Sattler asserted. 


Reinforcements for ALTHEA mission arrives in B&H in form of armoured vehicles and trucks; French fighter jets will perform training flights over Western Balkans including B&H as of Monday (O kanal)

After sending additional 500 troops to the EUFOR mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), reinforcements for the ALTHEA mission arrived in B&H on Sunday in the form of armoured vehicles and trucks. O Kanal reminded that it was announced on Saturday that in light of the deteriorating security situation internationally and as a precautionary measure, the Operation ALTHEA Commander has accepted a voluntary national contribution from France to conduct fast-jet training flights over B&H over the coming weeks. The Charles de Gaulle Aircraft carrier is currently conducting operational training in the Mediterranean Sea and, from Monday, March 7, its Rafale aircraft will conduct overflights of the Western Balkans including B&H.  


“You have no reason to be nervous if you see more and more EUFOR members in B&H”, the EU Delegation to B&H tells the B&H public, adding that it is a matter of prevention. After an additional 500 troops on land, the European Union's military decided to increase its presence in B&H’s skies. There is no need, they say, but if there is, an additional 2,000 EUFOR members could be sent to B&H.  


Earlier, the EU Delegation to B&H said that this was to be expected, especially in places where incidents had been reported earlier. Seven days ago, the first of 500 troops began arriving, reinforcements for the current EUFOR force in B&H. “These extra 500 soldiers have actually doubled the strength we have had so far, and I would say that means they are really serious. The EU is really serious when it comes to B&H. It does not mean that peace is endangered, but it means that we are very careful. So, this is a precaution. To ensure that there are no unwanted events”, explains Head of the EU Delegation to B&H, Ambassador Johann Sattler.  


EUFOR wants to increase its presence and visibility, the B&H Minister of Security said. He says in addition to observation, the current EUFOR force can be used to accept new forces. “With all these forces, with the current 600 people, with an additional 500, EUFOR can be an objective observer at best. The number of people who can see and report more objectively, on what is happening in B&H at various points, is increasing, if these events are of interest to the EU and the countries that sent those forces”, Selmo Cikotic, B&H Minister of Security told N1


Stoltenberg: NATO must support countries at risk (Nova BH)


NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg stated in the press conference on Friday that NATO works on preventing possible conflict to spread outside of Ukraine. Stoltenberg added that NATO must support countries that are currently at risk. “The Kremlin’s ambition is to recreate a sphere of influence. And deny other countries the right to choose their own path. So, ministers discussed the need to support partners who may be at risk. Including Georgia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)” he said. Stoltenberg stressed that NATO has provided support to Georgia, B&H and other partners for many years. He added that they did not make any final decisions, underlining there is a broad agreement that NATO needs to do more to support these countries. “And this is partly about scaling up things we already do on strengthening their defense and security institutions, reforms, training, but also potentially adding more activities in support of these countries”, said Secretary General of NATO.  


Head of EUD to B&H Sattler: No further activities in electoral reform talks are possible without initial step made by HDZ B&H and SDA (N1)

Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Johann Sattler, asked to comment on the electoral reform talks in B&H and influence of international mediators in the process of reaching an agreement between B&H political leaders, said that international mediators are ready to help but it is necessary to see certain progress in this process, i.e. some true steps forward coming primarily from HDZ B&H and SDA as the two main factors in the process. However, he stressed that the amendments to the Election Law of B&H need to be approved by B&H Parliament in the end, which is why all political parties should be involved in the process. He reiterated that no further activities in the electoral reform talks are possible without the initial step made by HDZ B&H and SDA.  


Sattler thanked the leaders of SBB B&H and NiP for playing an important role in the electoral reform talks after the Neum negotiations, adding that owing to their engagement many people have realized that a problem cannot be resolved if it is being ignored. “What represents the main problem is five rulings of the ECHR that need to be implemented, as well as the issue of discrimination and the fight against corruption. Creation of equal conditions for everyone and ensuring integrity of the electoral process for all political parties is also necessary”, Sattler reminded, adding that political leaders have discussed these topics over the past three weeks.  


Commenting on the announcements coming from the Croat Peoples’ Assembly (HNS) of B&H that they will boycott the October elections in case that the electoral reform talks fail and the allegations on possible postponement of the elections in case that stances of the parties in the negotiation process get closer, Sattler stated that the rule of law is very important in B&H and the Western Balkans in general and when it comes to the elections, things are pretty clear. He stressed that political parties need to respect the Constitution of B&H and the current Election Law of B&H that stipulate holding of the general elections in October regardless of the outcome of the electoral reform talks. However, Sattler concluded that political leaders in B&H need to make efforts to focus on the current talks and use a chance they have to reach an agreement on amending the current Election Law of B&H. 


Spokesperson for EU Delegation to B&H Koenig says there are no legal grounds to bring holding of 2022 elections in question (Dnevni list)


The daily reported that there is no official information on talks of political parties on the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and limited changes to the Constitution of B&H but, according to unofficial information, certain consultations are underway and experts of the international community are taking part in those. NAP portal reminded that the time is running out and added that the Global Financial Framework from 2022 to 2024 was not adopted due to blockades by SNSD and its leader Milorad Dodik, because of which the budget of B&H institutions which is supposed to finance the general elections was not adopted either.  


Asked whether talks should be stopped and general elections held in line with the existing Election Law of B&H, Spokesperson for the EU Delegation to BiH and Office of the EU Special Representative Fedinand Koenig replied by saying: “A sustainable and permanent agreement on the constitutional and electoral reform in B&H, which would remove discrimination in line with rulings of the European Court of Human Rights, strengthen the integrity of the election process and improve functionality of institutions would be an important step forward for B&H. There is still time to reach an agreement in line with the European standards and values, which would get the necessary number of votes in the Parliament of B&H. We encourage participants from B&H to finalize the agreement while it is still possible before the general elections in 2022”.  


Asked to comment on the attacks on the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H, whose legitimacy has been disputed by HDZ B&H and SNSD, Koenig said that there are currently no legal grounds to conclude that the appointment of any of B&H CEC’s members was not in line with the Election Law. “We expect the general elections in B&H to be held in October this year and we call all interested sides to make sure those are financed in line with the Election Law and successfully carried out in a free and fair manner”, Koenig added. Koenig also noted that the existing legislation, in line with which 2018 general elections were held, is still in force for 2022 elections: “Therefore, there are no legal grounds to bring holding of 2022 elections in question”. 


Izetbegovic says agreement on Election Law of B&H will be reached once Croats unblock FB&H (Srna)

SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic said that an agreement on changes to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) will be reached once the Croat side shows readiness to unblock the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and he argued that Croats must show readiness to make agreements and accept models offered by the international community. Izetbegovic argued that the models offered by the international community are certainly not against (HDZ B&H leader) Dragan Covic and Croats and he claimed that HDZ B&H practically blocked the FB&H.  


Asked to comment on an incident during the marking of anniversary of 105th Buzim Brigade, when participants of the gathering carried wartime flags of the Republic of B&H Army, wore military uniforms and shouted ‘Allah akbar’, Izetbegovic said that he does not think this was any kind of a major incident. “Things happened, but I do not think this is any kind of danger. I know some of those people, they will not cause problems”, Izetbegovic said. 



Grlic Radmna talks to Secretary Blinken about electoral reform in B&H (Vecernji list)

Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman met with the US State Secretary Antony Blinken and the meeting took place on the sidelines of NATO Ministerial Conference in Brussels. Daily noted that the Conference was dedicated to crisis in Ukraine and it was once again, underlined that there is a danger for the crisis to spread on Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H).  


Following the meeting, Grlic Radman told daily: “We cannot allow outvoting of Croat people in B&H. this is why it is necessary to continue the talks on electoral reform until the agreement is reached and not to leave the space for new misunderstandings”. Speaking about his meeting with Blinken, Grlic Radman told daily that he warned him about the situation in B&H and necessity of electoral and constitutional reforms, adding that Croatia is interested for the situation there because of the longest border and because it is signatory of the Dayton Agreement, as well as because of Croat people there. He told Blinken that B&H can become stable and functional, which is not the case now, if necessary electoral and constitutional reforms are carried out, which would remove all forms of discrimination in line with the ECHR judgements, but which would also secure legitimate representation of constituent peoples.  


“I have told Mr. Blinken, that backbone i.e. foundation of stability of B&H depends of agreement between Bosniaks and Croats”, said Grlic Radman, adding that he asked Blinken for assistance and paying of more attention to this situation. Article noted that the proposal of Resolution on BiH, which was sent to the US Senate, also confirmed the importance of electoral reform, “which is completely opposite to expectations presented by unitarist politicians and public from Sarajevo, whose goal is to maintain status quo and try to carry out elimination of Croat form the authorities in the upcoming elections, which would drag the country into the new spiral of instability, blockades and crisis, whose consequences, because of new violation of DPA, would be difficult to stipulate”. Author noted that Resolution calls for electoral reform, noting that this shows the understanding of the danger of new crisis in the country, which is under the burden of security and political jeopardy.  


Article noted that during their first meeting, new US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy and Head of EU Delegation Johann Sattler underlined importance of partnership on the issues “such as electoral reform and returning to productive decision-making process in B&H institutions”. 


Escobar says Election Law reform is possible and necessary (HRT1)

Speaking for HRT1 Central News on Friday evening, US Special Envoy for Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar stated that political compromise on reform of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Election Law is necessary in order to make sure that the 2022 General Election is held under best possible conditions. According to the daily, this message demonstrates USA’s willingness to continue playing a constructive role in the process of negotiations between Croat and Bosniak political representatives.  


The daily notes that EU and US mediation already resulted in the Mostar Agreement, which unfortunately has not been fully implemented yet. However, Escobar’s messages can be interpreted as important contribution to calming down tensions in B&H. The daily notes that Escobar’s words can also be interpreted in the context of latest situation in Ukraine, which is the main reason why Western Balkans is now strategically more significant for the USA and EU, and why the West wants to see B&H moving towards EU integration. However, the EU integration of B&H will depend to a great extent on stable political relations within the country.  


Escobar also spoke about strengthening of US-Croatian strategic partnership, and the daily notes that it is important also for B&H, because it will have an impact on the status of the Croat people in B&H which is the strongest advocate of B&H’s EU integration and which represents the connective tissue in the context of complex political relations between Sarajevo and Banja Luka. B&H Croats receive full support of Croatia for their role of “carriers of European values” who are putting their efforts into helping B&H realize its full potential of a modern, multi-ethnic state which protects equality and the principle of constitutional status of its peoples, notes the daily.  


The daily also argues that Croatia is the main advocate of B&H’s EU integration, but it is also aware that changes to B&H Election Law need to secure legitimate representation of peoples. The daily claims that constant efforts of the international community to mediate in negotiations on electoral reform is a result of Croatia’s lobbying, and concludes that B&H Croats play a constructive role in this process. 


Escobar on the situation in B&H: Dodik does not want independent RS, he wants to protect corruption (HRT1)

Guest of HRT Central News was US special envoy to the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar. Asked whether it was possible for Russia to recognize Republika Srpska (RS) now, Escobar said he had heard nothing about it. He underlined that any step to destabilize Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) would be catastrophic. He also stated that B&H is now in the process of conducting electoral and limited constitutional reforms that will enable B&H to fulfil its aspirations and become a member of the EU. He added that he was of the opinion that all BiH leaders do not share this common vision, and that the reasons are not political but rather stem from their wish to protect corruption.  


Escobar said that he does not see the RS as an entity seeking independence, but SNSD leader Milorad Dodik wants to get rid of all state-level courts and investigations that would stop his corruption. Escobar stated that the new sanctions against Russia differ in that they target Russian oligarchs, and that they only have to look at the current state of Russia to see how much the sanctions have affected it.  


Asked to express his opinions on the upcoming General Election in B&H in October, Escobar said that it is necessary to find a compromise before the election and that all parties must be quick and make sure that this year's election is held under the best possible conditions. Escobar said his next step in the region is to host a US-Croatian dialogue in Washington to discuss a US-Croatia strategic partnership. 


Rallies in support of Ukraine held in Zagreb and other cities (HRT)


Protests against the Russian aggression on Ukraine took place in several European cities today. Rallies were also reported in Moscow, but were banned, so the opposition called for dissatisfaction to be expressed through social media. In Croatia, the largest antiworm rally was held at Zagreb's central Ban Jelacic square. "We gathered to express solidarity with the Ukrainian people and their suffering," it was said at the square. The Ukrainian ambassador to Croatia, Vasily Kirlich, visibly shaken, called on NATO to close the skies over Ukraine and thus save the lives of Ukrainians. 


The gathering on Ban Jelacic Square was organized by the Croatian Helsinki Committee and the Association of Ukrainians of the City of Zagreb in support of Ukraine - a victim of Russian aggression. An emotional speech was given by the Ukrainian Ambassador to Croatia Vasily Kirilich, who burst into tears and said that there is no time for thoughts and statements, and that it is time for action - because war becomes genocide. 


“Besides this cry, there must be action. We must ask; I ask the world, I ask Europe, I ask NATO, to halt this devil, to halt him in Ukraine so he doesn't need to be stopped in Eastern European countries,” said Ambassador Kirilich. Kirilich then made a plea “For us to together call upon NATO to close the skies as a manner of saving Ukraine.” 


Every speech ended with the greeting Slava Ukraini or Glory to Ukraine, which was warmly repeated by those gathered. A minute of silence was also held in memory of all those killed. 

The rally was supported by ambassadors of European Union countries to Croatia, and French ambassador Gael Veysierre, whose country currently holds the presidency of the Union, said that he was speaking on behalf of the entire Union. "We condemn the aggression and we want a halt to war. We want it immediately," said Ambassador Veysierre. 


Also speaking were former Ukrainian minority representative in Croatian parliament Boris Graljuk, Member of European Parliament Tonino Picula, government representative Radovan Fuchs and parliament representative Zdravka Busic. In the name of the Croatian Helsinki Committee, Ivan Zvonimir Cicak said that in Ukraine, freedom, democracy and humanity are being defended and that a war between good and evil is taking place. In the end he thanked everyone for being united with Ukraine and said “Slava Ukraini!” 


Jandrokovic: Croatian people are compassionate to Ukrainian suffering in this “insane” attack (HRT


Croatian Parliament Speaker, Gordan Jandrokovic said during a video meeting with the Ukrainian Parliament President and other Parliament Speakers from EU member states, that the Croatian people are compassionate and in solidarity with the suffering of Ukraine in the “insane attack” by Russia,” said his office in a statement.  


“We are witness to the unprovoked aggression of Russia against Ukraine. The pictures of the horrors of war arriving to us from Ukraine, evoke painful memories of the Homeland War in Croatia 30 years ago,” said Gordan Jandrokovic in his address. “Because of this the Croatian people feel deep compassion and solidarity with our friends in Ukraine that are going through suffering in this insane attack,” he added. 


At the invitation of European Parliament President Roberta Metsola, Jandorkovic participated in a video meeting with the President of the Ukrainian Parliament Ruslan Stefanchuk and other parliament speakers from European Union member countries, said his office. In his address, Jandrokovic said that Croatian Parliament adopted a Declaration on Ukraine condemning Russia, calling for a halt to military operations and supporting the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. He also said that Croatia supports and will support Ukraine’s European path, said the statement. 




Abazovic talked to Escobar: We’ll monitor the situation with Russian oligarchs, sanctions may be expanded (CDM)


Deputy Prime Minister of the outgoing government and PM-designate, Dritan Abazovic, and US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, exchanged opinions over the previous events in Ukraine and the potential future activities concerning sanctioning Russia’a aggression in Eastern Europe. Both sides agree that it’s of paramount importance that the Western Balkan countries now demonstrate their determination in the defence of civilisational values and stay united with their EU and NATO Allies. 


“Montenegro is ready to expand the scope of its sanctions against Russia in order to fully follow the EU’s foreign policy. We will be monitoring the situation with the Russian oligarchs and undertake all measures in line with law if they are to arrive in Montenegro,” Abazovic underlined. 


Russian diplomat declared persona non grata (CDM)


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has declared the diplomat of the Embassy of the Russian Federation accredited in Montenegro a persona non grata, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stated. The Ministry has said that a formal note on this decision, which specifies the 72-hour deadline for leaving the territory of Montenegro, has been handed over to the Ambassador of the Russian Federation. 


Russia declares Montenegro an enemy state (CDM)


The Russian government has made a list of enemy states, including Montenegro. Among the enemy countries, besides Montenegro, are the USA, Ukraine, the European Union, as well as Australia, Albania, Andorra, Great Britain, Iceland, Canada, Liechtenstein, Micronesia, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Republic of Korea, San Marino, North Macedonia, Singapore, Taiwan, Switzerland, Japan.


We remind you that Russian President Vladimir Putin previously signed a decree requiring the Russian government to compile a list of countries that are taking “hostile actions” against Russia in the next two days. These “hostile actions” include imposing sanctions on Russia and its companies and people 


A rally in support of the Russians and Putin was organized again in Niksic (Pobjeda)


As a few nights ago, on Shaka Petrovic Square, about 50 Russian admirers and President Putin gathered in Niksic again. Veselin Djokovic said that they had gathered to support the Orthodox brothers of Russia and to pay tribute to them for standing up in the 21st century to protect the Orthodox population in Ukraine. Djokovic said that everyone knows that the war was imposed on the Russians by the NATO pact, the EU and criminal groups that deal in drug trafficking. "The Russians could not watch the people suffer in Donbas and Lugansk, where 14,000 people have been killed since 2014, including 500 children," said Djokovic, emphasizing that these people can never forget what NATO did to them. Shouts of support for Russia and Putin were heard. 


Miso Sekulovic said that Montenegro has historical centuries-old ties with Russia. "Montenegro and the Empire of Japan knew how to declare war in order to support fraternal Russia. "The Russian people have been oppressed in Ukraine for years," Sekulovic said. 


The DPS delegation strongly condemned the senseless act of Russian aggression against a sovereign, European state (CDM)


The DPS delegation consisting of Vice President Jevto Erakovic, Secretary General Aleksandar Bogdanovic, head of the MPs' club Danijel Zivkovic, and members of the Presidency: Aleksandra Vukovic, Nikola Rakocevic, Andrija Nikolic visited the Ukrainian Embassy in Montenegro, the political party said. 


DPS members visited the Ambassador of Ukraine to Montenegro Natalija Fijalka, and on that occasion expressed full sympathy, support and solidarity with the citizens of Ukraine, as well as support for the independence, unity and sovereignty of that country. The DPS delegation strongly condemned the senseless act of Russian aggression against a sovereign, European state. "Members of the delegation expressed admiration and great respect for the people of Ukraine and the leadership of that country, who together defend the right to freedom and territorial integrity of Ukraine, while preserving the fundamental values ​​of modern European civilization," the statement said. 


During the meeting with the Chargé d'Affaires of Ukraine in Montenegro, N. E. Natalija Fijalko also exchanged information on Ukrainian refugees arriving in Montenegro, whose number is growing day by day, and on the modalities of assistance to the endangered population.  


"Montenegro and its citizens have repeatedly shown humanity and solidarity with people who have been forced to flee their homes, providing refuge in difficult times of war destruction, just as they show understanding for the suffering of the Ukrainian people today", the DPS announced. The political party said that it would strongly advocate that Montenegro and its state institutions help the global efforts of the democratic world in defending the freedom and independence of Ukraine, so that the citizens of that country could resume normal life in peacetime as soon as possible.  


Pajovic: Importance of Montenegro’s membership to NATO now clear to everyone (Pobjeda)


According to the former Montenegrin diplomat, Darko Pajovic, “non-diplomatic activities of certain diplomatic representatives of the Russian Federation in Montenegro” are not surprising at all. In a statement for Pobjeda daily, Mr Pajovic commented on the Montenegrin decision to expel a Russian diplomat noting that “there were attempts to make impacts from various addresses over the past period, and those same attempts exist today as well. The reason behind them is clear to everyone – to undermine Montenegro’s membership to NATO.” 


North Macedonia 


Macedonia out of view as new potential EU members step up (Republika)


Recent statements from France and Germany indicates that the European integration is shifting focus toward the east, to Ukraine, as well as to Serbia, and older candidates like Macedonia are dropping out of view. Ukraine’s request for urgent EU membership was received with a very warm welcome in Brussels, even though it’s clear that the obstacles remain huge. And French President Emmanuel Macron recently told Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic that his country will be the first to join in the future. No mention is made of Macedonia which has been a candidate for far longer than Serbia. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz insisted that enlargement focus will remain on the Balkans, but did not name any countries. Meanwhile, Moldova, Georgia as well as Bosnia are trying to receive candidate status as well. Macedonia is candidate since 2005, but still hasn’t been allowed to open its accession talks, because of the Greek, then French and now the Bulgarian blockade. 




Fuel price reaches record high (ADN, Tirana Times)


Fuel prices have reached historical levels this Saturday morning in Albania. As never before, Albanians are buying today a litter of oil or gasoline with an average of ALL 220-230, while a litter of gas costs ALL 90-95. Prices have increased by about ALL 45 for only during the last week due to the uncertainty that the war has brought to the markets, but also how it can be the opposite of the greed of traders to take advantage of any such event. On the other hand, Albania has a strong tariff on fuel, where the current price is estimated that Albanians pay an average of ALL 120-130 in taxes for each litter of diesel or gasoline they buy. 


Prime Minister Edi Rama, in a conversation with his followers on social networks, regarding the increase of fuel prices, said that the government does not intervene in the increase of prices.  


"What is happening to the price of oil and flour?" How is it possible that there is no control over these things? It is not fair to raise prices every second. "You have to have a solution for this," the commentator asked the prime minister. 


But the head of government, in his response, writes that the government has not been able to control prices in private businesses. 


"There is a war, a real war, a war with bombs and with casualties and extraordinary wounds, this is happening and if it were possible for the government to control prices, there would be a government in Europe where prices are rising even more terribly. that here, while electricity is not rising here yet, precisely because the state that sells and buys electricity, unlike oil and flour and all the others that are sold and bought by private individuals, is holding it with its teeth when they say the word exactly to make family life a little easier! That this is not fair is not discussed, but there can be no alarm in these conditions in all markets and with sanctions against Russia, which is the largest exporter of gas, oil and wheat in Europe, but on the other hand there is no way we cannot take together with all the others, a part of the burden of the war of the Ukrainians against a military aggression on their sovereign and democratic state, because history has taught us more than once that who he closes his eyes when the war comes to the other in his house, very soon he has the war in his house", Rama responds to the commentator.