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Belgrade Media Report 8 March


Escobar “applauds” Western Balkans countries for their support for Ukraine (N1)


Gabriel Escobar, the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State welcomed on Tuesday the support that the countries of the Western Balkans have showed for Ukraine. “I applaud them for standing firmly with the European Union and the free world,” Escobar said in a written statement. “The people of this region know all too well, the havoc raised by conflict. We must not let Russia use its war of choice to hold back the progress of the countries of the Western Balkans. 


Russia is not looking out for the best interests of these countries. Your economies are tied to Europe. Your biggest trade partners and investors are in the European Union. And your future is in Europe as full-fledged members of the European Union”, he wrote. “There is much work to be done here in the Western Balkans. Work to integrate the region economically. Work to find durable compromise and lasting solutions for unresolved border disputes. Let us use this crisis to ensure future generations here in the Western Balkans live in countries fully integrated into the European Union, in a Europe whole, free, and at peace”, Escobar continued. “ 


We must use this example to redouble our efforts to reach a compromise agreement between Kosovo and Serbia, and to stop actions threatening stability and progress in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Liberty, democracy, and human dignity are forces far more powerful than fear and oppression. In the contest between democracy and autocracy, between sovereignty and subjugation, make no mistake: Freedom will prevail. Europe and the Western Balkans will emerge even stronger”, Escobar concluded. 


Stano: EU welcomes Serbia’s support of UN resolution on Russia (N1)


The European Union welcomes the fact that Serbia vote in support of the UN General Assembly resolution condemning Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, European Commission spokesman Peter Stano told N1 on Monday. 


“We welcome that Serbia has supported UN General Assembly resolution deploring in the strongest terms the aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine. We take note of the Serbian authorities position in support of Ukraine’s territorial integrity” Stano said in a written reply to N1. He said that Serbia has shown its strong commitment to EU values by aligning with the UNGA resolution on Ukraine on 3 March. “We expect Serbia to continue to show this commitment. Candidate countries like Serbia are expected to progressively align with EU’s decisions and positions in foreign and security policy matters,” Stano said. 


Giofre: The relationship between Serbia and the EU is a two-way street, Brussels needs a clear signal from Belgrade (RTS)


The relationship between Serbia and the European Union is a two-way street and it is necessary for Brussels to receive a clear signal from Belgrade in order to jointly and clearly follow that path, said the head of the EU delegation in Serbia Emanuel Giofre at the 29th Kopaonik Business Forum. We need a clear picture, "it is a two-way street and it is important for Serbia to decide where it wants to go and to take a clear path," said Emanuel Giofre at the "Future of Europe" panel, which also discussed the related situation with the Ukrainian crisis.  


Giofre emphasized that it is important to talk about EU support in Serbia, as well as for the business sector and all other social factors in the country to promote integration. "There is no doubt that the Western Balkans have a place in the EU, there is no alternative to that," said Giofre. He added that he believes that a lot of frustrations have appeared in recent years, that a lot has happened, but that one should not be upset. "We have opened grants for infrastructure projects, and that is all part of the investment plan of 30 billion euros in non-refundable funds," he said, adding that the funds were being invested, among other things, in the construction of the Nis-Belgrade high-speed railway. He reminded that the EU is a key trade partner of Serbia, that the exchange amounts to more than 60 percent, and foreign direct investments from the EU 70 percent. 


"All topics are relevant, but the history of February 24, when Ukraine was attacked, is accelerating and it is being read in the EU," the ambassador said, adding that the Ukrainian crisis is an unprecedented crisis that will certainly affect how Europeans observe their environment, the climate, climate change, the neighbourhood. The geopolitical context is important now, said Giofre and reminded that the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Layen, also said that this would be the first time that the Commission would deal with geopolitical issues. The geostrategic compass helps us determine the threats and determine the course, the ambassador said, and reminded of the position of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine on the issue of EU membership. 


Yet another carrot from Europe (Vecernje Novosti)

The daily claimed that messages from the European Union (EU) that the Ukrainian crisis might represent a chance for the accession of the Western Balkans to the EU “is a smoke screen” made with the goal to give some kind of hope to the Western Balkans countries and not push them into the arms of Russia. The daily assessed that it is not realistic to expect that the Western Balkans countries will see an accelerated “exit from the limbo” of the EU regardless of tectonic geopolitical shifts.  


Suzana Grubjesic from the Foreign Policy Center reminded that geopolitics did play an important role when former members of the Warsaw Pact became members so there is a possibility that geopolitics will play a role this time as well, but it remains to be seen what time ahead of us will bring. On the other hand, Grubjesic assessed that Ukraine is not able to count on an accelerated admission to the EU, as this would require changes to all existing rules on the admission of new members in the EU.  


Diplomat Zoran Milivojevic too assessed that it would be realistic to expect a progress to be made with regard to the EU integration: “For example, to have Serbia open the cluster 3, to launch talks with Albania and North Macedonia and to put Bosnia and Herzegovina into a positive context of European perspective. However, I think this would be a maximum step and that expectations on an accelerated admission to the EU are not realistic”. 

Serbian Interior Minister Vulin comments Schwarz Schilling and Inzko’s claims about Serbia posing a threat to region: Serbia is threat to those who want to expel Serbs (Nezavisne)

Serbian Minister of Interior Aleksandar Vulin reacted to the claims of former High Representatives Christian Schwarz Schilling and Valentin Inzko who stated that Serbia is a threat to the entire region. Vulin stated that Serbia is a lasting and direct threat to anyone who believes that they can turn Serbs into refugees, and turn Serbia into a territory rather than a state. He added that Serbia does represent a direct threat to anyone who wishes to repeat the pogrom of Kosovo Serbs, or ‘Oluja’ military operation, or ‘Jasenovac’ concentration camp.  


Commenting Schwarz Schilling and Inzko’s claims that the idea of Greater Serbia is still alive, and their bringing the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) in connection with the recent developments in Ukraine, Vulin said that he does not understand who threatens B&H. “Who is B&H threatened by? By Serbs who were born and who live in B&H? I remember the narrative from the beginning of the civil war about Serbs committing aggression. But how was aggression committed by someone born in B&H”, said Vulin.  


Commenting Kosovo’s request for immediate NATO membership, Vulin stated that if Kosovo is admitted to NATO, it will pose direct threat of armed conflict for Serbia. In case that Kosovo is accepted as NATO member without meeting any standards and thus violating all charters and agreements, Prisina will have the opportunity to attack Serbs and provoke Serbia to the point when Serbia will have no other choice but to react. 


Vucic in Leskovac: The state is not a toy - we have had enough wars (B92)

The president of the Serbian Progressive Party, Aleksandar Vucic, addressed a large rally of that party in Leskovac. A large number of people greeted Vucic with applause and shouts of support. More than 7.000 citizens gathered at the rally. "Thank you, dear friends, for the magnificent welcome," said Vucic. "It is difficult to come to Leskovac and speak calmly because our support is great here and passionate people live here", he said. "Today I will surprise you, I will not say big slogans, I came to say what awaits us. "Today we are in a terrible situation in the world that has not been the case since the Second World War. I want to invite you to think about yourself and your country above all. To preserve peace and stability because there is nothing more important than that". "I know you have many objections, I know you are not satisfied, but we are here to work for you," he said. "Tonight, I came to tell you about what awaits us. Elections are not a child's play, the state is not a toy," Vucic said. 


"It is not a question of whether you like the way someone speaks. It is a place where you decide on your future and the future of your children. It is a question of whether Serbia will manage to preserve its peace and stability, the future of our children. Today, Serbia is on the European path, but Serbia alone is not on the list made by the Russians, on the list of their enemies, only Serbia is not there. Such a policy is very difficult to pursue. It is necessary to work well. We do not say anything bad about our opponents, because in the end you can see the work and the results. When I was here two years ago, there was empty space in the industrial zone, now there are 3 factories, and there will be more. That is our job. To have that, and sewerage and water supply, we must have stable finances and keep the peace. I invite you to be together to take care of ourselves, to protect the country, we have had enough of wars. I do not want to be president which will return the children to the mother in the coffin. This country is our mother that gives us the most beautiful children in the world that we must not give to anyone, that we must keep," said Vucic. 


"Only Leskovac has reduced unemployment by 2.041 people, is that enough - it is not, but it is better than it was. We have to work better and that is why we need your support," he said. 

"For us, the campaign will last about twenty days. Our job is to take care of Serbia and what will remain behind us. We will also take care of the Lake Vlasina," Vucic announced. 


"When we brought Teklas, some protested, and now they employ thousands of families. It's easy to criticize, it's always easy. But, as Roosevelt said, fame belongs to those in the ring who are fighting, not to those who stand aside and comment. That is why I am asking you to change yourself and society, to build roads, museums and theatres... Please set aside 15 minutes on April 3 for this serious job with which there are no jokes, it is for the life of your children. Until couple of years ago, we did not have our own national airline, fast trains, roads, highways, Milos the Great. It is our job to build, and those who want to demolish, let them say that they will demolish. People know how to recognize who wants to work. Thank you for your great support and for all the love. We need to win together and more convincingly than ever, to win the south of Serbia, long live Serbia", concluded Vucic, and those gathered greeted him with applause. 


Opposition presidential candidate says Serbia not a democratic country (FoNet)


Opposition presidential candidate Zdravko Ponos said on Monday that Serbia is not a democratic country because the authorities are dividing people into theirs and others. He told a campaign gathering in the northern city of Zrenjanin that the authorities are not respecting the law and are destroying institutions. “I am running to be the democratically elected president of Serbia. This is a semblance of democracy in Serbia today,” Ponos told the gathering. He said he was also running because “the bad election system needs to be changed” because the seats in parliament are filled by people representing parties not the people. According to Ponos, the country needs a combined election system to make sure MPs represent the people not parties. Ponos said that he hopes he will be the last president of Serbia elected under the existing system. 


Ponos, also said that he advocated the combined voting system for parliamentary elections. “A combined election system is necessary, so that not representatives of parties, but rather of the people should be present in parliament”, said Ponos, retired general and former Serbian army chief-of-staff. In Serbia a pure proportional election system is used, as if the entire country is one election unit. Ponos said that he also hoped that he would be “the last president not to be elected by parliament”. “The president should be elected in parliament, but in a parliament which would rightly be called the peoples”, he said.


Serbia’s nationalist: People should opt for return of kingdom and dignity (Politika)


Bosko Obradovic, the leader of the nationalist Dveri movement and the presidential candidate of the Patriotic Bloc for Restauration of Kingdom, said people in Serbia should not vote either for the current authorities led by President Aleksandar Vucic or for the return of the former regime of Boris Tadic


“We have never been in power; we have no affairs; we have not participated in robbery and betrayal of this nation” Obradovic told the Belgrade Politika daily. He added his goal was „the return of the national dignity and the kingdom and after the restoration of the constitutional monarchy to elect the royal government of Serbia.” 


“During my mandate, we’ll start a public debate about the advantages of the monarchist over the republican state system and suggest the people return to the family of monarchies which are the best-organised countries in Europe with the highest level of democracy and living standard” Obradovic said. 


DS Official: United Serbia bloc will have controllers at all polling stations (VIP)

The opposition bloc United Serbia, rallied around the Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP), will have controllers at all the 8,900 polling stations at the elections on 3 April, said the official of the Democratic Party (DS) Srdjan Milivojevic on Monday. The coalition - which will appear at the elections under a modified name United for the Victory of Serbia - will pay special attention to the control at the polling stations on the territory of Novi Pazar, Sjenica, Tutin, Priboj and Prijepolje, with a significant share of Bosniaks in the population, as well as in the municipalities with a majority Hungarian population, in the north province of Vojvodina, Milivojevic said. As the voting for voters from Kosovo will be organized in the municipalities of Raska, Vranje, Kursumlija and Medvedja, the bloc will also have controllers at these polling stations, he added. Milivojevic said that, so far, there wasn’t any cooperation with the other opposition coalitions and parties concerning the organizing of controllers at the polling stations, but that he was expecting that cooperation would soon be established in this respect with the We Must coalition. 


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


EUFOR increases its presence in B&H; EUFOR specifies that this is all happening in the light of deteriorated international security situation and as precautionary measure (BHT1)

EUFOR confirmed to BHT1 that all 500 soldiers and the equipment have been deployed in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). According to BHT1, Strengthening of the EUFOR forces in B&H in recent days contributes to security but also causes concern of the citizens. The EUFOR forces in B&H have nearly doubled in size quickly after the Russian attack on Ukraine occurred. EUFOR deployed additional 500 soldiers, and armoured and other vehicles intended for ALTHEA operation in B&H have arrived, as well. In addition, EUFOR announced that training flights of French jets will soon take place above B&H.  


In a statement issued for BHT1, specified that this is all happening in the light of deteriorated international security situation and as a precautionary measure. “"The deployment of these forces is a precautionary measure taken to strengthen stability in B&H by positioning a sufficient number of capable forces in the country to support B&H institutions in maintaining a secure and stable environment”, reads the statement.  


In light of the deteriorating security situation internationally and as a precautionary measure, the Commander of the Operation ALTHEA accepted France's offer to conduct fast-jet training flights over B&H over the coming weeks. The reporter notes that, at the same time, the citizens encounter increasing number of EUFOR personnel in the streets, and the arrival of armoured vehicles has been reported. EUFOR vehicles and personnel were seen on Monday in several locations in Sarajevo, and the fast-jet training flights over B&H are expected to start. Ahead their arrival the EUFOR issued a press release that, among others, stated: “At this time when the security equilibrium in Europe is shaken, EU demonstrates its continuing commitment and resolve to support a safe and secure environment in B&H and the Western Balkans”.  


High Representative Christian Schmidt has stressed that strengthening of military forces in reserve confirms the international community’s commitment to preserve integrity and stability of the state of B&H and its institutions, based on the Dayton agreement. 


Sattler: These are precautionary measures; Tegeltija believes there was no need for increased EUFOR presence in B&H; Lukac appeals to RS citizens to calmly accept increased presence of EUFOR (RTRS)

Due to the deteriorating international security situation, EUFOR accepted France's offer to have their military planes fly over Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). At the same time, additional military troops with heavy armoured mechanization were deployed. Increasing EUFOR's military presence is in line with the UN Security Council mandate. However, analysts asked why is EUFOR raising the level of readiness in the midst of the Ukrainian crisis, while, at the same time, the B&H Armed Forces remain on a regime of regular activities. French jets Rafale from the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle in the Mediterranean Sea are cruising the skies of Republika Srpska (RS) and the Federation of B&H (FB&H) as of Monday, noted the reporter. Brussels has already deployed an additional 500 soldiers from Austria, Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia in B&H.  


Head of the EU Delegation in B&H Johann Sattler was quoted as saying: “This does not mean that peace is endangered, but it means that we are very careful, so this is a precautionary measure, purely to ensure that there are no unwanted events”. Chairperson of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija believes that there was no need for additional deployment of EUFOR soldiers in B&H. “What is encouraging from the letter submitted by the EUFOR commander is their assessment that there are no security or political threats in BiH that would cause insecurity among the citizens”, claimed Tegeltija. Professor of international relations Srdjan Perisic commented that jets in the sky, combat vehicles and military forces on the ground are in the function of putting pressure on the RS, which is characterized as a pro-Russian bastion in the Balkans. Perisic believes that this is an open threat to the RS to stop returning the revoked constitutional competencies, and that the changed security circumstances in Europe have been used to accumulate troops in B&H. Perisic said that they are using the war in Ukraine to threaten and intimidate the RS.  


Coincidentally or not, with the decision on an additional EUFOR military engagement, German lawmakers who come from the region are spreading panic and fear of an alleged war in B&H, commented the reporter. The media is speculating where additional troops will be deployed. The Brcko District, the entity line of separation, but also the border with Serbia were mentioned. Sattler was quoted as saying: “Ultimately, it will be the decision of the EUFOR commander with whom I am in daily contact. I believe that they will strive for locations where there were tensions before”.  


Political analyst Dzevad Galijasevic asked what EUFOR is guarding and providing in B&H “at a time when the RS shows that it is not ready for any provocations, nor are there secret agendas for destabilizing B&H”. With the arrival of new troops, EUFOR forces have 1,100 troops, and the maximum number within the ALTHEA mission is 3,500. The increased presence of combat equipment and personnel is visible on the roads and in the cities. The RS Minister of Interior Dragan Lukac said there is no need to raise tensions and upset citizens. Officially, no one from B&H, primarily the Presidency in charge of defense issues, asked for increased engagement of EUFOR, especially since the B&H Armed Forces announced that they were not in increased measures of combat readiness, concluded the reporter.  

RS Interior Minister Lukac: Security situation in RS and B&H is good, there is no possibility of a conflict (BN TV)


Republika Srpska (RS) Interior Minister Dragan Lukac said the security situation in the RS and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is “absolutely favourable”, and that reports of certain European bodies and officials – which say that there could be a conflict in B&H – are unrealistic. In regards to the situation in Ukraine, Lukac said that EUFOR has a mandate and the possibility to, in line with its own estimates, distribute forces in B&H. Lukac says that it is completely understandable that all people in Europe are thinking about their safety, given the fact that the security situation was shaken in light of the recent conflict. “The Armed Forces (AF) of B&H do not have any need for making some manoeuvres or moves, nor there is any type of danger on the territory of B&H, but EUFOR, in line with its mandate, can strengthen the forces, increase the security. I see no problem in connection to that. I call on all citizens to absolutely accept that, in a peaceful manner; that there is no kind of psychosis or need for raising any tension”, Lukac told reporters. He added that citizens should not be alarmed by EUFOR’s increased presence, or by their activities in the RS and B&H. He assures citizens that they should not feel anxious or afraid.  


“I am sure that none of the citizens of B&H wants this to happen to their children again. As for all political entities in B&H, I call on them to work here on reconciliation and peace, and not for instilling fear among the people, raising tensions or any war options. The war options have never brought a solution on the territory of B&H and will not in the future”. Lukac said that the stories that someone will try to destabilize B&H and drag it into a conflict are unfounded and malicious. But there are more and more such stories, added the reporter.  


After Russia put Montenegro on the list of enemy countries, the former Minister of Defense of Montenegro Predrag Boskovic said that the Western Balkans are Putin's next target. Boskovic stated: “We have destructive factors that are directly linked to the Kremlin. It is indisputable that Mr. (Milorad) Dodik is one of the main players of the Kremlin in the Balkans”.  

State Department: Russia instigates tensions in B&H; Congressmen ask for increase of diplomatic efforts in Western Balkans (Dnevni avaz)

US State Department stated on Monday that the USA continues to be absolutely dedicated to completing the process of the European integration of the Western Balkans countries. The statement reads that unjust and unprovoked war of Russia against Ukraine speaks of increasing urgency of this task for Transatlantic Alliance. To inquiry of the Voice of America about how much the US is concerned about the possible expansion of the crisis on the Balkans and whether they plan to be more active to stand against Moscow’s narrative,  


Spokesperson for the State Department stated that Russia represents a destabilizing factor in the Balkans. “For the long time, Russia has been a destabilizing force and source of misinformation in the Western Balkans, for instance by giving the support to attempted coup d’etat in Montenegro in 2016 and current efforts to instigate tensions in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)”, stated the unnamed source. He reminded that media monitoring organizations criticized Russian state media Russia today and Sputink because of deceiving articles and spreading of misinformation. The article reads that EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission Josep Borrell stated in February that Brussels fears that the crisis caused by Russian invasion of Ukraine, could expand to neighbouring countries, including Western Balkans, Moldova and Georgia. Also, article reads, 19 members of US Congress signed last week a letter, which calls on Administration of President Joe Biden to increase diplomatic engagement in the Western Balkans in context of Russian invasion of Ukraine. The letter, sent to US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, the Congressmen called for doubling of efforts to consolidate the democracy and promote the integration of the Western Balkans.  


The Congressmen especially expressed their concern for B&H and reminded of past tensions because of which USA imposed sanctions against individuals in B&H, including Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik. “A full integration of the Western Balkans in the trans-Atlantic community should be US’ priority, while we are trying to strengthen alliances through Europe and oppose expansion and influence of autocratic regimes, including the influence of Russia and China”, the letter of the Congressmen noted. 


Escobar: We need to use crisis to stop actions which endanger stability and progress in B&H (Oslobodjenje)

US Special Representative for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar stated that Russia must not be allowed to exploit the war they chose, to stop the progress of Western Balkans countries and he underlined that people in this region are best aware what kind of chaos is caused by the conflict. “Russia is not paying attention to best interests of these countries. Your economies are tied to Europe. The biggest trading partners and investors are in the EU. Your future is the full-pledged membership in the Union”, said Escobar. He added that it is necessary to work on economic integration of the Western Balkans and finding of permanent compromises and solutions for border disputes. “We need to use this crisis to secure that future generations, live here in the countries, fully integrated in the EU, free and in peace. USA want to be your partner. We need to use this example to double efforts for reaching of compromise between Kosovo and Serbia and stop the actions that endanger stability and progress in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, said Escobar.  


Reps in B&H HoR from FB&H adopt conclusion requesting suspension of Russia from PIC, IFIMES’ Becirovic says this is not so easy (O kanal)

Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR) from the Federation of B&H (FB&H) adopted a conclusion requesting suspension of Russia from the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), at a session on Friday. However, representatives in B&H HoR from Republika Srpska (RS) parties who did not attend the session replied that these conclusions have no legal effect.  


NS’ Damir Arnaut commented that any of the PIC member states can launch request to suspend Russia from the PIC, but such a request officially coming from some of BiH institutions would convey much stronger message. He stressed that B&H Foreign Ministry should react and launch such an initiative regardless of B&H Parliament. Analysts deem that B&H’s immediate accession to the EU and NATO is priority and that this is the course on which B&H politicians should insist. International Institute for Middle-East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES) Director Zijad Becirovic stated that suspension of Russia from the PIC is not so easy having in mind that Russia had the largest number of victims in the WWII. He stressed that this the reason why Russia has a role of the permanent member state of the UN Security Council. Becirovic noted that B&H cannot influence relations between the West and Russia. 


EP to hold debate on situation in B&H on Tuesday; EU says situation in B&H is concerning and EU will use all instruments in order to overcome current political crisis (O kanal)

The European Parliament (EP) will hold a debate on the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) at its plenary session in Strasbourg on Tuesday. The EU has assessed that the situation in B&H is concerning and the EU will use all instruments, including sanctions, in order to overcome the current political crisis. EU Spokesman Peter Stano said on Monday that the EU is currently unanimous and clear in its call for all actors in B&H to end the political crisis and to ensure functioning of B&H and its institutions. “We were also very clear in condemning all secessionist steps that deprive unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. Decision on possible sanctions is up to the EU member countries and there will be no speculations until the final decision is passed”, Stano stressed.  


Stano stated that the Brussels institutions are very concerned for the situation in B&H. Stano underlined that the EU condemns all unilateral moves that undermine integrity of the country and urges all actors to behave in a constructive manner. “In January, the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) discussed B&H and it was stated on that occasion that the EU is ready to apply all instruments, including sanctions, in order to overcome the political crisis and unilateral secessionism that certain actors are undertaking. However, for any sanctions, it is up to the member countries to decide with a consensus. We never comment on these discussions, until a decision is made”, Stano specified.  


RS Mission in Brussels sends letter regarding RS positions ahead of discussion of European Parliament on situation in B&H (RTRS)

The European Parliament will discuss the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) again. Ahead of the session on Tuesday, Republika Srpska (RS) Mission in Brussels sent an open letter to all Members of the European Parliament (MEP) in which they explained the RS’ political positions. Among other things, it was stated that the RS respects the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), as well as the competencies of B&H, which were exclusively given by Annex 4. The letter mentioned illegal and unconstitutional behaviour of B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic. The letter rejected and condemned the information that political representatives from the RS are striving for secession.  


The Head of the RS Mission in Brussels Mario Djuragic stated: “There is a lot of misinformation circulating in the media and in the statements of various political actors in the EU itself, how the RS is a destabilizing factor, how its politicians want secession, how they are those who do not allow B&H further European path and so on. Therefore, our obligation is simply to send messages that reflect the real situation and the positions of the RS on the current political processes in B&H before every important meeting”. 


USC MoI police inspector Adi Crncevic posts photo of him in camouflage uniform holding machine gun in hands on Facebook, calls to war in B&H in his post (EuroBlic)

Police inspector of the Una-Sana Canton (USC) Ministry of Interior (MoI) Adi Crncevic called to a war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) by publishing photos on his Facebook profile, because of which a report was filed against him with the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) of B&H. A source told the daily that he knows Crncevic well and that he saw a photo on Crncevic’s Facebook profile at which Crncevic was wearing a camouflage uniform, holding a machine gun and he was calling to a war in B&H. The source explained that the emoticon usually means ‘Allah is great’ and added: “By this message, he practically wrote that he hopes he will be fighting in a war this summer”. The source also noted that comments to Crncevic’s post were both disturbing and very dangerous, knowing that many of his friends expressed support to his stance on the war and one of his friends also posted his own photo in a camouflage uniform while holding a machine gun. “This is a police officer who is supposed to protect citizens, yet he is sending this kind of messages. How will Serb or Croat citizens feel if he stops them”, the source said and noted that he got an impression that B&H SIPA officer who answered the phone did not take the matter seriously and was reluctant to even take the report against Crncevic: “Then he told me that I should have reported this matter to the USC MoI so that they can launch a disciplinary procedure”. The source argued that this is the criminal act of provoking national, racial and religious hate and intolerance and not some kind of petty misdemeanour and added that he doubts B&H SIPA will do anything about this case.  




PM: If you are on Russia's list, you've pursued a good policy (Hina)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Monday commented on a list of enemy countries released by Russia, which includes Croatia, and added that "if you're on that list, then you've pursued a good policy, you can be proud of that". He said that 1.8 million people had fled Ukraine to date and that according to estimates, the number would be higher and higher. 

Plenkovic reiterated that he supported Ukraine's EU path, adding that the method of accession required some time. "I understand that political desire, Croatia will definitely be a voice of support," he said, expressing some doubt whether all of that was realistic "in such a short time." 


He also pointed out that the stability of Southeast Europe, especially Bosnia and Herzegovina, was in Croatia's interest. "The most important thing is that a political agreement is reached between the constituent peoples on just changes to the electoral law which will stop the long-term practice of electoral engineering," he said. 


The Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) leadership also discussed the government decision on cushioning fuel price hikes. "Our basic tasks will be to ensure energy supply, security, which has gained a new dimension, and we will try to reduce the impact on the citizens' standard of living," Plenkovic said, adding that the circumstances were such that they required intervention from the state. 


Croatia extends rights to Ukrainian refugees (HRT)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Monday that some 2,600 Ukrainian refugees - mostly women and children - have arrived in Croatia to date.  In the eastern city of Osijek, a sports hall has been converted into a refugee center, and another one is currently in the process of being converted to accept even more people. Plenkovic cited projections from the International Organization for Migrations which said that about 1.8 million people had fled Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion. As in the rest of the EU, Croatian authorities will grant refugees with most of the rights befitting regular citizens. 


"On the basis of these decisions and the activation of these legal decrees, they will have the right to stay here, a personal identification card, basic needs for life and housing, health coverage, elementary and secondary education, work without landed immigrant status, and confirmation of being registered to work, the right to reunite families and the right to freedom of religion," said the prime minister. 




SNP willing to join minority government (CDM)


The executive committee of the Socialist People’s Party (SNP) has voted for the party to enter the minority government. A total of 97 SNP committee members voted for the entry of the SNP into the minority government, 32 members were against, and 2 abstained. The SNP leader Vladimir Jokovic believes that the negotiations with Dritan Abazovic will begin soon. He adds that the party is ready for them as of tomorrow. Jokovic says that it is not important for the party if and how many ministries will be headed by its staff. 


“We support the decision of the SNP’s executive committee to participate in the 43rd Government of Montenegro”, the URA Civic Movement has stated. “Montenegro does not have time to wait. We have important decisions ahead of us that will unblock the institutions, strengthen the fight against crime and corruption, bring about electoral reform and reconcile Montenegro”, URA has tweeted. 


Nikolic: Montenegro is a small country but won’t stay silent over destruction of an independent European country (CDM) 


A member of the DPS presidency and MP, Andrija Nikolic, is adamant – Montenegro is a small country but has a character and won’t stay silent about Ukraine’s destruction and deaths of its people. It’s what he said in a statement for CDM after Russia proclaimed Montenegro an enemy state. 


Among the enemy countries, besides Montenegro, are the USA, Ukraine, the European Union, as well as Australia, Albania, Andorra, Great Britain, Iceland, Canada, Liechtenstein, Micronesia, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Republic of Korea, San Marino, North Macedonia, Singapore, Taiwan, Switzerland, Japan. 


According to Nikolic, a serious and consistent approach means the alignment with a foreign security policy of the EU, having in mind that we want to be a part of them. 

Picula: Security services should thwart attempt to destabilize Montenegro (CDM)


Montenegro has been joined by Putin’s regime on the list of other countries that have decided to impose sanctions on the Russian Federation due to the aggression against Ukraine. So, this is not a procedure that “Montenegro decided on in a legal-political vacuum, but Montenegro’s contribution to ending this unjust conflict as soon as possible. We can say that Montenegro has found itself in the honourable company of those who adhere to the principles of the international order based on peace and international agreements”, the European Parliament’s rapporteur for Montenegro Tonino Picula has told CDM. He points out that Putin probably did not expect such a wide bloc of countries that oppose his aggression. 


Asked whether this could mean increased activities of Russia to destabilize Montenegro and the region, Picula says that it is ungrateful to predict further developments. However, in a statement for CDM, he emphasizes that he hopes that Montenegrin security services and political actors will do everything in their power to thwart attempts of such activities, as they did last week by handing out a note declaring a Russian embassy diplomat as a non grata person in Montenegro. 


Ambassador Maddocks: Your best defense is to build a resilient state (CDM)


The fact that the Russian government has made a list of enemy states, including Montenegro, British Ambassador Karen Maddocks sees as just another attempt by Vladimir Putin to intimidate countries opposed to his invasion of Ukraine and to divert attention from what he is doing in Ukraine. 


In a statement for CDM, Maddocks says that Montenegro is in a good company when it comes to this list. This list includes all European Union and NATO countries, including, of course, the United Kingdom. 


“This is not a special threat to Montenegro. But you are right that, now, as before, you are watching the hybrid threat posed by Russia. We have been saying for some time that Montenegro is a country that is subject to influence outside its borders. Your best defense is to build a resilient state, with strong institutions (such as independent media, civil society, police and judiciary), where inappropriate influences and misinformation can be investigated and challenged”, she says. 

Vujovic: Russian aggression broke the fog called Open Balkans (CDM)


The Secretary General of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), Ivan Vujovic, said that the Russian aggression "broke the fog" called the Open Balkans. "The Open Balkans Initiative is allegedly in line with the EU, although its founder, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's Serbia, does not follow the EU policy regarding Russian aggression. Northern Macedonia and Albania are enemies for Russia, while Serbia is probably a friend. Any comment is superfluous", stated Vujovic on Twitter


North Macedonia 


MFA hands over a note of protest to Russian Ambassador Bazdnikin (Sloboden Pecat)


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs held Monday a meeting discussing Russia, and immediately afterwards, the Russian Ambassador to the country, Sergey Alexandrovich Bazdnikin, was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 


As sources in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Sloboden Pecat, representatives of the ministry handed over a diplomatic note of protest to the ambassador in relation to a statement of the Russian Embassy made two days ago referring to “Russophobes” in Macedonia. Representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs pointed out to the ambassador that the statement was inappropriate, threatening and that it was outside the diplomatic communication. 


Osmani: EU enlargement in the region is becoming a security issue (Republika)


There is a growing perception among EU member states that the issue of enlargement is becoming a security issue. We have always warned that this is not just a matter of political completion of this EU political project, but a matter of security consolidation of the continent, which is now proving to be a weak point in conditions when the EU should play a more important geopolitical role, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said on Monday. 


Regarding Bulgaria, Osmani pointed out that we are communicating with the Bulgarian Government on a political level. The last round of political talks, he added, took place in Munich, and the proposal is to define the issues for unblocking our accession process through a comprehensive protocol. The elements of that comprehensive protocol, he informed, should be determined in the coming period. 


Asked whether the EU accepts Bulgaria’s demands, Osmani stressed that the EU is not a party in the process. This is a bilateral dispute, we decide whether something will be accepted or not, and therefore I think that this should not be considered from the perspective that the EU and Bulgaria can agree on something without us. We are deciding, Bulgaria is deciding, we have entered into dynamic talks in order to overcome these issues in the interest of the European perspective of the region, which I consider to be of strategic importance to Bulgaria, Osmani said. He hopes that by June we will succeed if a solution is found so that a decision can be made to start negotiations with the EU, without setting deadlines. 


Huge blow to citizens’ pockets – fuel prices hit record high (Republika)


The price of petrol as of midnight have been raised, the Energy Regulatory Commission has decided Monday. The decision comes on the heels of a record-breaking surge in all oil derivatives on markets worldwide. The Commission said decisions, if necessary, will be made on daily basis. According to the President of the Energy Regulatory Commission Marko Bislimoski, there are enough oil derivatives, but the problem is the high price, which is not only the case in our country, but also in Europe. 


Five years ago, 4.25 minimum wages were needed to cover one consumer basket, and today the basket can be covered with two minimum wages, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski on Monday. According to him, the increase in food and energy prices is a result of the imbalance caused by the Russian-Ukrainian crisis. However, as the Prime Minister noted, the country has the lowest energy and food prices compared to other countries in the region. 


Russia put Macedonia on its list of “unfriendly countries” (Republika)


Russia put Macedonia on a list of unfriendly countries, that will allow it to impose economic sanctions against them. The list includes about two dozen countries, and the whole of the EU. It has Ukraine, the US, Montenegro, Switzerland, Japan, Australia, Canada… 

According to Russian media, this will allow Russian entities to pay companies from these countries in rubbles instead of harder currency. Future contracts with companies or individuals from these countries, such as purchases of real-estate in Russia, will be subject to special approval. 




Rama: Europe is at war, we must get prepared for any scenario (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama said that Europe is at war, an economic war and we must get prepared for any scenario. Rama announced the establishment of a Special Committee to manage the consequences of the war in Ukraine in the country and the impact it will have on the country's economy. 


"At the same time, as a result of the discussion about the dependence on Russian gas, which accounts for 40% of all supplies in Europe, while the major countries of the Alliance face growing criticism that they are financing the war by buying gas. But this means that the oil and gas boycott would be a tectonic shift with consequences of predictable difficulties in the short term. In this context, Albania is no exception, it is directly affected just like other countries. On this occasion I want to clarify once again that the discussion on the price of oil in Albania which as in any other country is directly influenced by the market, not by government decisions is partial because it is not taken into account in the price structure. 


The sum of the expenses of those who consume oil is the same, quite the same. Just take and make the tax calculations they pay in other countries outside the price of oil, turnover, carbon. With a change in this case in favor of those who consume less who pay less, while in other countries it is fixed, regardless of how much it consumes. There is no other change. I want to emphasize very clearly and once again, the price of oil does not depend on the government. It is not the government in the free market, in the market economy that lowers prices or raises the prices of consumer goods, it is the market and of course the market is very sensitive. Europe has entered the war, militarily the war takes place between an aggressor and a country under aggression, while in all other aspects, where the economic aspect is fundamental, the war takes place between all countries that reject aggression and the aggressor. This means being aware that in war there is no opportunity to seek the same things we sought before the start of the war and that we must get prepared for every scenario. No one knows how long this war will last. Which means we are in the same unknown conditions as with the pandemic, when we did not know their duration, developments and dynamics and when we prepared for some scenarios. The same thing is today. We prepare for the same scenario. We have decided to set up a special committee. "And we have been sitting since the first day of this catastrophe to prepare the scenarios", said Rama. 


He further stressed that the goal is to protect Albania from escalating aggression to military. All these developments that I wish do not turn into real sacrifices of an economic nature, have a purpose to protect life, health, which is more important. We should protect Albania from escalating aggression to military one, as part of these countries that are making the same effort. The goal is to protect ourselves," Rama said. 


Basha: We will adopt the resolution condemning the Russian occupation (Radio Tirana)


The leader of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha has said that they will adopt the resolution condemning the Russian occupation of Ukraine. He said that Kosovo was in a similar situation, but at that time, thanks to NATO intervention, the former Yugoslavia disintegrated. He demanded that a draft resolution proposed by the DP be adopted, that the government launch a diplomacy campaign with NATO member states in order to recognize Kosovo and pave the way for its full membership in NATO. 


"The comparison between a unique humanitarian operation such as the intervention in Kosovo to save children, women from massacres, as an excuse to return the Soviet Union rearmed with the same force by attacking a sovereign country trying as an aspiring country of the security organizations of remove non-existent parallels. NATO's war side by side with Kosovo forces was a humanitarian act that disbanded the Yugoslav federation. There is one Ukraine for Albania, and this resolution is addressed to the Ukrainian people wherever it is. It is a moment to adopt with the same responsibility the draft resolution that the DP has proposed to the Assembly, which has to do with the shedding of conflict toxins in the region, which is the only country in the region that has opposed sanctions against Russia. It is our duty to ask the Albanian authorities to approve the draft resolution that will be passed in the coming days. 


Given the Russian aggression on Ukraine, appreciating the fact that we are a temporary member of the Security Commission, we will ask Kosovo to join the United Nations, in United Nations organizations as soon as possible. Undertake more active diplomacy to convince the 4 NATO member countries that have taken this step that the recognition of Kosovo is currently an important contribution to peace with a direct impact on the security of NATO member countries. To influence through our membership in NATO to strengthen cooperation, taking every necessary step for Kosovo to become a member of the partnership for peace and to pave the way for its full membership in NATO ", said Basha. 


President Meta welcomes the unanimous adoption of the resolution against aggression in Ukraine (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Republic, Ilir Meta welcomed the unanimous adoption of the Resolution against the unprovoked and unjustifiable aggression of Russia against Ukraine, by the Albanian Parliament. Meta stressed that "we express full solidarity with the people and democratic, legitimate institutions of Ukraine in their heroic efforts for freedom, national dignity and European values." 


"I welcome the unanimous adoption of the Resolution against the unprovoked and unjustified aggression of Russia against Ukraine, by the Albanian Parliament! As a NATO member country, EU candidate country, non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, and with the aim of prevailing peace, security and stability in Europe, the region and beyond, we express our full solidarity with the people and democratic and legitimate institutions of Ukraine in their heroic efforts for freedom, national dignity and European values!", said Meta. 


The Assembly adopted in plenary session with 123 votes in favor, none against and no abstentions, the resolution in support of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and the protection of the principles of international law and European security. 


SP wins 5 mayoral by-elections over divided opposition, Berisha candidate wins Shkoder, Basha’s DP slips to third place (Tirana times)


Albania’s ruling Socialist Party won five out of six mayoral by-elections on Sunday, with a deeply divided opposition losing everywhere except in its stronghold of Shkoder, which was won by the candidate of the House of Freedom faction, part of a trend of humiliating defeat for the Democratic Party faction led by Lulzim Basha, which slipped into third place overall in the elections.  


The Socialists took Durres, Vore, Rrogozhine, Lushnje and Diber. 


As public opinion polls had predicted, Sali Berisha's House of Freedom candidates secured significantly more votes than the candidates of the Democratic Party faction led by Basha everywhere except in Rrogozhine, indicating which faction has more support among DP voters. 


In Shkoder, Bardh Spahia of the House of Freedom coalition will be the next mayor, making it the only large city in Albania managed by the opposition. Shkoder, one of the most persecuted cities under the communist regime, has never voted left of center for its mayors since the fall of communism.  


House of Freedom is the coalition of the Sali Berisha-led faction of the Democratic Party working with the Socialist Movement for Integration and the small Christian Democratic Party.  


Vore was the municipality where the official result was announced first because electronic voting took place. SP candidate Blerim Shera secured 69.9 percent of the vote, compared to 24.3 percent received by Lulzim Vrana of Freedom House and 6.29 percent for Democratic candidate Ymer Marku


A combination of factors, including resignations, decriminalization law filters and the death of a sitting mayor had left the seats empty, necessitating by-elections. Mayors elected in March will only serve for a year, as normal local elections are scheduled to take place in June 2023. 


Calls grow for Basha to resign 


The by-elections were also a test for factions of the deeply divided opposition. The two factions of the Democratic Party – which ran separate candidates – have been given an answer which one has more electoral support, with the Berisha faction clearly outvoting Basha.   


Asked whether he would now resign, Basha told the media he had not lost the elections as the low turnout showed opposition voters had not expressed themselves, but he faced fury and calls for resignations from MPs that had until now been loyal to him at a party meeting that ran late into the night on Monday. 


A divided opposition 


Two groups within Albania’s main opposition Democratic Party are vying for control. Delegates representing a large portion of the Democratic Party convened in an assembly Dec. 11, voting to sack the party’s incumbent leadership and approving changes to the party’s constitution. The delegates represented supporters of the former Prime Minister Berisha and others who say they want change in Albania’s main opposition party, following a string of electoral and political defeats. 


Incumbent Chairman Basha and his supporters say the Dec. 11 assembly was illegal and that his mandate has three more years to go. They held a rival assembly on Dec. 18. They purged all critics from key posts. 


Election loss and Berisha designation 


DP has seen months of internal turmoil following the loss of the April 25, 2021 general elections for an unprecedented third time. 


Moreover, the U.S. State Department in May publicly designated Berisha as an official banned from entering the United States due to involvement in "high-level corruption.” Under pressure from U.S. officials, Basha announced in September that Berisha would be expelled from the DP parliamentary group. 


The decision led to Berisha launching a comeback movement within the ranks of the Democrats against Basha, but Berisha has been unable to legally dislodge the incumbent from the party's office. An attempt to do so by force turned into ugly scenes of violence earlier this year.