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Belgrade Media Report 11 March 2022



EP Enacts Resolution Condemning Russia's Attempt to Destabilize Western Balkans (


European Parliament (EP) enacted a Resolution that condemned the efforts of Russia to use ethnic tensions in Western Balkans with intention to expand conflicts and divide communities, which could lead towards destabilization of the whole region, 

web portal reported. EP stressed its concern over the attempt of Orthodox Church in countries such as Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and especially in the entity of Republika Srpska, to promote Russia as a protector of traditional family values and further firm relations between the state and the church. EP warned that Hungary and Serbia were aiding China and Russia in achieving their geopolitical goals. Also, it is recommended to start a dialogue with civil society and private sector of Western Balkans in order to synchronize efforts in battle against disinformation in the region, with emphasis on research and analysis, as well as including of the regional knowledge and experience. MEPs have called European Commission to build necessary infrastructure in order to offer replies based on evidence to short-term and long-term threats in terms of disinformation in the Western Balkans.


Lavrov: Goal of West in Balkans was not to have too big states (Politika)


With the mediation of Turkey, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held a meeting in Antalya, with no progress made in regard to temporary ceasefire to evacuate civilians. Lavrov on Thursday pointed out opposing stances of the western countries and compared their recognition of Kosovo’s independence with their stance on the referendum on Crimea. According to Lavrov, the goal of the United Kingdom in the Balkans, especially when it comes to Kosovo, was to not have big or too big states in the Balkans. “They probably had the same goal when it comes to the Russian Federation”, Lavrov concluded.


Giaufret: Serbia's position specific, harmonization with EU policy still required (RTS)


The head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Emanuele Giaufret, said on March 10 that Belgrade's specific position regarding the war in Ukraine was clear, but recalled that Serbia, as any other EU candidate country, was expected to harmonize its foreign policy with that of the Union. "Naturally, it is clear that Serbia has a specific history and that it is in specific circumstances, and we are constantly talking with the government about the expectation of gradual harmonization with the EU policy," Giaufret said in an interview with public service RTS.


Giaufret said that the Union appreciated the fact that Serbia had supported the resolution on the aggression against Ukraine in the U.N. General Assembly, and its support to the territorial integrity of Ukraine. He added that it was "very important to preserve peace and stability in this part of the world. We see no reason why the people in the Balkans should pay the price of Russia's aggression, and that's why it is important for everyone to be safe and assured that peace and stability will be preserved," he pointed out.


Commenting on the new requests for EU candidacies, arriving due to the deterioration of the situation in Ukraine, and on Serbia's prospects, Giaufret said that the Union's stance on the Western Balkans had not changed. "We believe the Western Balkans are a part of the European family, including Serbia, and we want the countries of the Western Balkans to become EU members and Serbia to become a member, and we must improve efforts to work on reforms which will bring Serbia into the European family, where it belongs," said the head of the EU Delegation to Serbia.


Vucic: Serbia has no place in NATO, we must forgive, but we mustn't forget (B92)


President of Serbia and Serbian Progressive Party, Aleksandar Vucic, visits Majur near Sabac. "Many important things started from Majur, back in 2015, when we won for the first time. As Majur votes, so does the whole of Serbia vote," he said at the beginning of the rally. Vucic announced the asphalting of the main road in this city, as well as the Tabanovac road, which together costs around one million euros.


"We are building the Ruma-Sabac highway and thus connecting with Belgrade and Novi Sad. But perhaps the most important thing for you is the reconstruction of the Sabac hospital, and we will build a new hospital in Sabac, which will cost around 50 million euros," Vucic told the gathered citizens. He referred to the large investment in the roads of the Macva and Podrinje regions, all thanks to the regulated finances in Serbia. President points out that the position of Sabac is completely changing with these fast roads. "Many wanted to do it before us, but they didn't know how. They always ask me when we will build new roads. When you have all the infrastructure problems solved, sewage problems, investors will come. We have already secured that money. We only need 23 km in Majur for sewerage infrastructure. When you have all the roads, gas, infrastructure problems solved, then there is no difference between Majur and the Austrian villages", he said.


As he said, after that, Serbia will have more investors in Serbia, and the aluminum processing factory will employ about a thousand new workers. "Therefore, I ask you to take the elections seriously, because the state is not a toy, and to show your trust to those who are able to support all this. Serbia has developed the fastest in Europe in recent years. Pensions and salaries will have to grow, but only as much as the economy grows", he said. "It is important that we do not return to the past, I did not come to say a single ugly word about those who ruled in the past, they showed everything with their work, after all, just like us, and it is up to you to judge and evaluate," Vucic said.


The president responded to Ramush Haradinaj's threats that "Belgrade will be bombed". "Do you want to bomb Belgrade with two boilers or someone else will do it?" Vucic asked Haradinaj. It is important that we do not return to the past, among those who destroyed the country, as I believe that we speak about ourselves with our deeds", said Vucic and added that we should bring a little more respect and less hatred into political life. "They say never say never, and I say that Serbia should not be in NATO, and that Serbia should not forget Milica Rakic ​​and Sanja from Varvarin. Serbia has no place in NATO, we must forgive, but we must not forget", said Vucic at the gathering. He also referred to Russia's decision that Serbia was not on the list of enemy countries, and that the great effort of the state was behind that.


"On April 3, you speak up, thank you so much for all this support, long live Macva, Podrinje, long live Serbia," Vucic said at the end of the gathering. Although the party gathering and address was scheduled for 3 p.m., the citizens gathered in large numbers much earlier.


Dacic: Vucic as president, me as prime minister - this is the best for Serbia (Happy TV)


Socialist Party of Serbia president Ivica Dacic said on March 10 that he expected Serbian Progressive Party leader Aleksandar Vucic to win the presidential election as a joint candidate of the Progressive party and the Socialist party, in the first round and that it was logical for him to nominate himself for prime minister. "We want to demonstrate that we are ready to take responsibility. This would be in the best interest of Serbia, a victory for Serbia and patriotic principles, for Vucic to be president and me prime minister," Dacic told Happy TV. He said that being nominated for prime minister was the logical goal of anyone participating in parliamentary elections, but that this depended on the number of votes, therefore, the spot could not be taken by someone who won only a minor percentage of votes. "I want to play with open cards for everyone to know what our ambitions and our program are," Dacic said.


Democratic party leader: elections a question of survival (Vreme)


Democratic Party president Zoran Lutovac has said that it is time for people to "raise their heads and straighten their spines," a time "for change, for change starting from the roots."

"It is time to change the state and society from the roots. It is high time. This not a question of ideology or political program, but our very survival. It is high time that we transition from a pre-political community to an orderly democratic society," Lutovac said in an op-ed for the March 10 edition of weekly Vreme. He said that "the essence of this regime is to cultivate weeds." "Nothing is so detrimental to the state as a monopoly, the king of weeds. The fulcrum of all authoritarian rulers. The usurpation of the state and society, public resources, information, money and jobs," Lutovac stressed. "Elections are ahead of us, followed by purges. We need justice. Justice as the awareness that there can be no agreement with those responsible (for crimes), justice as the awareness that criminals will be identified and punished because without that there is no future. We made this mistake once and the past is exacting revenge upon us like a boomerang, only worse," Lutovac said.


Ponos: Vucic building unity based on fear (Nova S)


Opposition presidential candidate Zdravko Ponos said on Thursday that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is building unity based on fear of war. “The outgoing president is trying to portray himself as the father of the nation and build unity on fear of war … abusing events in Ukraine,” Ponos told the KTV station in the northern city of Zrenjanin. “If the electorate ignores these elections and these authorities remain in power for another five years, what happens to Ukraine will be completely irrelevant because we will get a destroyed Serbia as the biggest problem. We need a state administration, a job done by a group of delegated people as a joint activity. The corruption we have today was created by these authorities,” he said. He said he prefers giving local investors preference over foreign investors who are being given subsidies and added that he does not want to see public money spent on meaningless projects such as monuments, cable cars and a national stadium.


Opposition leader says not running in election, as promised (


People's Party president Vuk Jeremic has said that he is not running for office because he gave his word that he would not be a candidate. "I decided not to run because politics must not only be a race for office, but for a person to try to contribute to the public interest as best they can with their knowledge and skills," Jeremic said in a statement to website, which was quoted by the People's Party on March 10. Jeremic stressed that in the next several weeks, i.e. ahead of the April 3 election the authorities would try to "kill the idea that a campaign is taking place and that elections will be held at all." He said that "Serbian Progressive Party leader Aleksandar Vucic is 'causing a panic' to ensure that undecided voters

stay at home." "If people think that there is a direct danger of war, then they are not sure who to vote for and decide not to change anything, because they think that it is not the right time for that," he said, adding that Vucic's behaviour with regard to the Ukraine crisis had confirmed that the president of the Serbian Progressive Party would abuse any subject for the purpose of achieving short-term political goals without "thinking about the consequences."


Opposition candidate says will ban construction of settlements in Makisko Polje because of tap water in Belgrade (Novi Magazin)


The United Serbia coalition's candidate for mayor of Belgrade, Prof. Dr. Vladeta Jankovic, has said that if he is elected the new city authorities will not allow the planned construction of a business and residential settlement in Makisko Polje as this would leave Belgrade permanently without drinking water. Jankovic told the March 10 edition of Novi Magazin that the future city authorities would put an end to "Vucic's efforts" to subject life in the city to a "multiply problematic" project like the Belgrade Waterfront project, meaning that the capital's center would remain where it has always been. When asked what he as mayor would do to make Belgrade once again become a place for people to have a decent and cultured life, he said that depended on what he found in the city treasury and what the contracts that no one but the "ruling thieves" have seen, say. "After we establish what is truly achievable, we will have to make a list of priorities and in doing so the interests of regular citizens, both those in the center and suburbs, must precede the interests of newly rich investors, who are in fact laundering money through construction and urban bullying. Perhaps the top priority is air pollution and, understandably, the question of traffic," Jankovic said.


RS President Cvijanovic meets Serbian Foreign Minister Selakovic, they conclude preservation of peace and stability is joint interest of RS and Serbia (Nezavisne)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Zeljka Cvijanovic met with Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic, in Belgrade on Thursday. They discussed the current political situation in the region, global processes and their importance, stressing that preservation of peace and regional stability, as well as stronger economic integration of the Western Balkans represent joint interests of the RS and Serbia. They concluded that relations between the RS and Serbia develop continuously and that there is significant level of cooperation in all fields, reminding of the implementation of joint strategic projects such as the Hydropower Plant ‘Buk Bijela’, the Belgrade-Banja Luka highway and airport in Trebinje.


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


German FM Baerbock meets HR Schmidt; Schmidt: There can be no negotiations on borders of B&H; Baerbock: Those attempting to destabilize or divide B&H will be stopped (O kanal)


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Annalena Baerbock paid a visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Thursday and held series of meetings. Reporter noted that one of main messages conveyed on Thursday is that there will be no any talks about borders of B&H and that citizens of B&H can rest assured they will be living in peace. Following a meeting with High Representative Christian Schmidt, Minister Baerbock stated that the Government of Germany supports High Representative and work of the Office of High Representative (OHR), because B&H still needs the High Representative. The Foreign Minister of Germany underlined that it is obligation of the OHR to advocate peace, adding that the Russian Government brought into question this institution. She went on to saying that by her presence here, she wants to show Germany supports the OHR and High Representative Schmidt. Baerbock underlined that Schmidt and the international community deem that fair elections should be held in B&H.


Schmidt stressed that they share a stance that the EU integration is the future of B&H. He thanked to the German Government for supporting him. He also stated that B&H Parliament is an institution where decisions are made, adding that the Parliament should be passing decisions. Schmidt stated that B&H’s European integration is the only path to its future. “B&H's borders are non-negotiable. Everyone in this country can live where they want and how they want. In our discussion, we were united that the EU integration can be the only way to the future for B&H,” Schmidt said after the meeting.


Baerbock conveyed encouraging messages, including one saying that B&H is among priorities of Germany and one about importance of having general elections in B&H in October. She also reiterated strong support of Germany to the EU integration of B&H. Baerbock emphasized that those attempting to destabilize or divide B&H will be stopped. The German Foreign Minister stated that war in Ukraine, increase of tensions at global level and experiences from 1990s are arguments for more serious and intensive foreign policy course of Germany towards B&H. She stressed that this is why peace in B&H needs to be preserved, adding that it is important and it is necessary to stand against those jeopardizing it. Baerbock went on to saying that as biggest bilateral donor, Germany will support only those who advocate strengthening of B&H and not those who work on its destabilization.


Baerbock meets B&H Presidency members; Dzaferovic: Solution for current situation is to end blockade of B&H institutions; Dodik asks Barebock if she can affect Brussels administration to soften procedures for B&H so that it can get status of EU candidate country (O kanal)


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Annalena Baerbock paid a visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Thursday and met with members of B&H Presidency. One of main topics of this meeting was the EU path of B&H. German Foreign Minister stated that she will be working to make B&H one of priorities of the EU.


O Kanal reminds that although some B&H officials have been talking about secession and blocking work of B&H institutions, all three members of B&H Presidency asked about speeded up process of the EU integration of B&H. Member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik underlined that he asked Minister Baerbock whether in regards to new circumstances, including the situation in Ukraine, she can affect Brussels administration to “soften” procedures for B&H so that it can get the status of the EU candidate country. Member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic said that the solution for the current situation is to end blockade of B&H institutions, to end threats to integrity of B&H territory and to end activities reducing importance of conducted reforms, adding that he refers to decisions of the Republika Srpska (RS) RSNA concerning so called restoring of the RS’ competences.


Addressing the media, after the meeting, Dodik said: “We did not talk about my thinks, I do not care about their sanctions. My question was clear – whether she is willing, in the new circumstance caused by conflict in Ukraine and many other issues, to influence the Brussels administration to soften the procedure for B&H so that it is granted candidate status, and I think that is the most valuable issue we discussed”. Dodik assessed claims on destabilization of B&H as political spin, adding that there are no secessionist activities in B&H. Dodik said that the RS has no plans for secession but B&H cannot be built without respect for the entity’s constitutional position, and he also expressed gratitude for her interest in B&H.


Dzaferovic said: “This is a very important meeting for B&H, a very successful, constructive meeting. Germany is a great friend of B&H, and it wants to help B&H so that B&H overcomes the existing crisis”. Dzaferovic said that several conclusions were adopted, including one reading that threats to territorial integrity of B&H need to end. Dzaferovic emphasized that the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) needs to be respected and B&H should resume with NATO and EU integration process.


While Chairman and Croat member of BiH Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Dzaferovic came out with accusations against the RS, i.e. the conclusions of the RSNA, Dodik offered concrete solutions, including B&H’s path to EU. It is necessary to make a neutral legal analysis of the situation in B&H and this is the outcome of Baerbock’s meeting with the members of B&H Presidency, added the reporter. Dodik said that there was an agreement to make a completely neutral legal analysis of the situation in BiH under the auspices of Germany, which would listen to and consider all sides, i.e. those representatives of the peoples represented in B&H under the Constitution. Dodik stated: “I said that the future of Europe cannot be built by dismantling some individual countries. Thus, B&H cannot be built if the constitutional position of the RS is not respected. I think that we have some agreement to make a completely neutral legal analysis under the auspices of Germany, without political connotations and adding to the wishes of what it should be. And that a brutal legal analysis be made about what has been done and what the situation is in B&H, and that we can talk on the basis of that document. It seems to me that the Minister understood that and that it could happen in the future, if someone does not break it down”.


Komsic and Dzaferovic accused Croatia and Serbia of meddling in B&H’s internal affairs in front of foreign diplomats once again without any grounds, added the reporter.  They also tried to present the situation in B&H as unstable, which Dodik says is not true, which was confirmed by EUFOR's security assessments in B&H. Although the Federation of B&H media claimed that Baerbock is one of the advocates of sanctions against Dodik, this was not discussed on Thursday. (High Representative to B&H) Christian Schmidt and his position in B&H was not discussed either, concluded the reporter.


Baerbock meets B&H FM Turkovic; Turkovic: if further destabilization of B&H and blockade of state-level institutions is allowed, there is fear of threat to Europe’s stability and security (O kanal)


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Annalena Baerbock paid a visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Thursday and met with B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic. Turkovic stated on this occasion that a security and political threat in B&H caused by secessionist activities and conclusions of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) aimed to undermine state institutions still has not been eliminated. She added that escalation of the situation in Ukraine and consequences it caused in the EU have just made the situation in B&H more complex.


Following meeting with Minister Baerbock, Turkovic stated that it is necessary to stop all retrograde processes in B&H and prevent implementation of conclusions of the RS National Assembly (RSNA), adding that it will open door to implementation of reform processes in B&H. Baerbock also stressed that this visit is a signal to strengthen institutional capacities of B&H so that B&H can resume with the EU integration process and deal with possible unconstitutional acting and deterioration of security situation. She emphasized that Germany will be more present in B&H and the rest of the Western Balkans than it was before, adding that this is why it appointed a special envoy for the Western Balkans countries Manuel Sarazzin. During meeting with Baerbock, Turkovic submitted a motion demanding the EU to discuss granting the status of the EU candidate country to B&H in shortened procedure.


Baerbock meets with members of Collegium of both Houses of B&H Parliament (BHT1)


During her visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Thursday, German Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock also met with members of the Collegium of both houses of B&H Parliament, and the focus of those talks was 14 priorities from the opinion of the European Commission. Baerbock also visited the B&H Parliament, and among those who welcomed her, were the ones who, last night, “again left the session with disapproval that was not to their liking”.


Following meeting with Baerbock, Speaker of B&H HoR Denis Zvizdic said that Germany once again demonstrated support to European path of B&H. He noted that he underlined, during the meeting, importance of reconciliation and removing of language of hatred from public space. In this regard, Zvizdic underlined importance of amendments to Criminal Code imposed by former High Representative.


Baerbock meets Mayors of Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Mostar, they visit religious sites in Sarajevo (BN TV)


During her visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Thursday, German Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock met Mayor of Sarajevo Benjamina Karic, Mayor of Banja Luka Drasko Stanivukovic and Mayor of Mostar Mario Kordic. First, they visited the Old Serbian Orthodox Church in Sarajevo. Stanivukovic underlined the importance of the visit to the church adding that this was a chance to inform Baerbock about cultural heritage of their people. Baerbock and the officials also visited other religious sites in Sarajevo.


Zvizdic: Germany conveyed clear message of support to EU path of B&H; lack of activities of B&H CoM is part of plan to present B&H as dysfunctional (O kanal)


Speaker of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR) Denis Zvizdic. asked about the meeting of delegations of B&H HoR and B&H House of Peoples (HoP) with German Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock that was held on Thursday, said that German Minister conveyed clear message her country strongly stands behind the EU integration of B&H and that it sees entire Western Balkans as part of the EU family. He added that Baerbock also conveyed strong message of support to sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of B&H. Zvizdic explained that German Foreign Minister emphasized that architecture of borders in the Balkans is complete. Zvizdic stated that German official Baerbock stressed her country is interested to resume with significant investing in B&H if this country manages to provide sufficient level of rule of law and legal security for investors. He added that Germany advocates the EU integration of B&H, while implementation of reforms is ahead of B&H.


Zvizdic reminded that B&H HoR adopted on Wednesday two important laws that make this country credible to get status of the EU candidate country. Talking about political engagement of Germany in B&H, Zvizdic said that Germany is one of leaders in the EU, adding that its advocating of the EU accession of B&H represents strong encouragement that can wake up optimism in B&H. He reminded that Germany launched Berlin initiative, and along with the UK it was at helm of initiative that enabled progress of the EU integration process of B&H. Speaker of B&H HoR emphasized that as B&H’s key partner in the EU, Germany can contribute a lot to progress of BiH towards the EU. He went on to saying that Germany will attempt to “return political situation in B&H to normal framework”, adding that if these attempts face failure, it will be completely justified from them to impose sanctions against those jeopardizing peace and stability of B&H or Euro-Atlantic integration of B&H. Zvizdic deems that imposing of sanctions can be expected, because behaviour of those who have made B&H their hostage over last 2.5 years has not changed. He added that evidence for his claim is the fact B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) and B&H Parliament have not had any significant activity over last 2.5 years. “This is part of political project aimed to present B&H as dysfunctional and it is preparation for further processes of secession and division of B&H”, explained Speaker of B&H HoR. He underlined that sanctions are realistic and maybe best mechanism democratic world has at disposal to return to normal framework or remove from political scene anti-B&H and anti-European political factors. Asked to comment situation in Ukraine and whether it can affect situation in B&H, Zvizdic said that unfortunately the world and the Europe have not learnt much from aggression on B&H that occurred in 1990s.


Zvizdic believes that Russia and entire world are surprised with heroic resistance in Ukraine. He went on to saying that although Russia will inflict damage to Ukraine, it will lose this war, adding that in moral sense, it has already lost it. He added that the world imposed sanctions against Russia because it thought it has right to violate international law. Speaker of B&H HoR emphasized that Milorad Dodik still dreams of secession of Republika Srpska (RS), adding that he is pawn of Moscow. Speaker of B&H HoR stated that the Europe and the world have woken up and democratic world will not allow such processes in B&H.


Asked to comment work of current convocation of authorities at B&H level, Zvizdic said that practically B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) has not been working at all. He reminded that coronavirus pandemic has been declared almost three years ago and B&H CoM still has not prepared and sent to parliamentary procedure set of measures aimed to help entrepreneurs to recover from consequences of the pandemic. “They do not have any vision and do not feel any responsibility towards citizens”, emphasized Speaker of B&H HoR. He went on to saying that work of institutions at B&H level is in some way detrimental for B&H, because they have been led by people who are part of political project aimed to show that B&H is dysfunctional. He concluded that anti-B&H forces will definitely be defeated.


Opposition in B&H HoR says HoR adopted on Wednesday two remaining laws that are important for acquiring EU candidate status for B&H (N1)


Representatives of the opposition parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR) held a press conference in Sarajevo on Thursday. The opposition also expressed satisfaction with the fact that certain laws included in 14 priorities the EU set before B&H were also adopted by B&H HoR on Wednesday. B&H HoR Speaker Denis Zvizdic (NiP) reminded that B&H HoR adopted the two remaining laws that are important for acquiring the EU candidate status for B&H, including the law on prevention of the conflict of interest and amendments to the law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H. Zvizdic said that having in mind the fact that the law on public procurement was adopted earlier and forwarded to B&H HoP, all the three laws that are of key importance for the EU path of B&H are now in the parliamentary procedure at B&H HoP.


The European Commission welcomed the adoption of the Law on Conflict of Interest and the Law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council, which, along with the Law on Public Procurement, are crucial for obtaining the status of the EU candidate. The EU Delegation to B&H stated on their Twitter account: “The EU welcomes yesterday's adoption of key legislation in HoR. Calls for expedited candidate status must be matched with reforms on 14 key priorities, including conflict of interest, HJPC and public procurement. If HoP swiftly acts clear progress towards candidate status.”


Meanwhile, US Embassy to B&H issued a statement on their official Twitter account, calling on the B&H House of Peoples to adopt as soon as possible, the laws supported by B&H House of Representatives. This concerns the laws on conflict of interest and HJPC. “Pleased to see action by B&H Parliamentary HoR members on their commitments to advancing the country’s EU path with adoption of important Conflict of Interest and HJPC legislation yesterday. We urge the HoP to review and approve these bills at the earliest opportunity”, reads Twitter post.


Dodik arrives in Antalya to participate at Antalya Diplomatic Forum 2022 (RTRS)


Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik will participate at the Antalya Diplomatic Forum 2022 on Friday and that his meeting with Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was planned for Friday morning. Dodik’s bilateral meetings with EU Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, EU Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi and Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor were also announced. Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic and B&H Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic will also participate in the event, the same as Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.


Commissioner Varhelyi: Free and fair elections have to take place (Dnevni avaz)


European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi stated that free and fair elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) have to take place in October as it was stipulated. “Fair, free and inclusive elections must take place in October, as scheduled. The Ministry of Finance needs swiftly to put the required budget at the disposal of the Central Electoral Commission to organize the electoral procedures”, said Commissioner.




Bozinovic: Military service in Croatia has not been abolished, but frozen (HRT)


Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic said that military service in Croatia has not been abolished, but frozen, and that all decisions on the security situation around the war in Ukraine would be communicated within the forums, institutions and organizations of which Croatia is a member.


“Military service has not been abolished, it has been frozen. We pay a high level of attention to security. The budget of the Ministry of Defense has increased from 4.5 billion kuna to 7.2 billion kuna through the purchase of multi-role fighter aircraft, decisions on the integration and purchase of Bradley combat vehicles and a number of projects through the homeland security system,” said Davor Bozinovic. Bozinovic recalled that there is a system voluntary training through which future professional soldiers are recruited and in which reserves that are part of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia are activated. He also emphasized that the security situation was being discussed and that all decisions that would be made in the future would be "communicated".


“Everyone is following everything that is happening in Ukraine. Croatia is a member of NATO and the EU and everything that is done is coordinated within the forums, institutions and organizations of which it is a member,” said Bozinovic after a meeting of the government's Interdepartmental Working Group for Acceptance and Care of Refugees from Ukraine. Bozinovic pointed out that intensified measurements of radioactivity were being carried out, which they regularly report on, but he assessed that there was no danger. He added that the former Institute for Radiological and Nuclear Safety is integrated into the Ministry of the Interior and that local self-government units are responsible for shelters, according to the 2015 law.


Croatian MPs approve sending 70 soldiers to join Nato battle group in Hungary (Hina)


Croatian MPs on Thursday supported the decision to send "up to 70 Croatian troops" to Hungary to be stationed there as part of NATO forces, with some saying that this is required by the current situation in Ukraine and also that sending soldiers is Croatia's obligation to its allies.


Before the vote, senior Defence Ministry official, Zdravko Jakop, said that the current security situation in the east of Europe was “one of the most serious threats to Europe’s security in the past decades.” “The attack on an independent, peace-loving, democratic country is a bitter reminder that freedom, peace, security, and stability cannot exist if we are not prepared to defend them,” Jakop said. He also said that in recent months NATO had decided to create additional rapid reaction groups, deploying additional forces in Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania, while consolidating pre-existing forces in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Croatia would spend 38 million kuna (€5 million) to send these troops to Hungary.


Currently, Croatia has 181 soldiers serving abroad as part of various UN-led and Nato-led peace missions. The majority of these – 141 – are part of the KFOR mission in Kosovo. “We must show solidarity, we must respect our obligations, this is the defence of peace and international order, MPs of both the ruling coalition and opposition parties said during the debate,” state agency Hina summarized the debate.


“That is the only guarantee that we will preserve what we had gained because we live in a crazy world, with crazy leaders that will stop at nothing to launch armed conflicts,” said MP Rade Simicevic (HDZ). “It is important to send a message that participation in NATO does matter, the message that in the event of a threat we are prepared to act together,” said leader of the Social Democrats (SDP), Pedja Grbin.


MPs also wanted to know if the Defence Ministry was considering bolstering the number of troops under the Armed Forces command, “considering the instability in Croatia’s neighbourhood,” probably referring to Bosnia and Herzegovina, where NATO recently deployed additional troops. “There is a possibility of supplementing the existing armed forces with reserves, and the law also provides for civil-military cooperation,” Jakop said. MP Marijana Petir (Independent) asked if additional NATO forces would be needed in Croatia. “That option is not being considered,” Jakop said, adding that the security situation in the neighbourhood and in Southeast Europe was being monitored and that for the time being there was no reason for concern.




Abazovic: I will announce the composition of the government soon, I am asking Bulajic to schedule a session, I believe that many in the DF see that this is a done deal (Pobjeda)


Prime Minister-designate Dritan Abazovic will soon be ready to present the composition of the new government to the deputies, and he expects Chairman Strahinja Bulajic to schedule a session. The president of the SNP, Vladimir Jokovic, says that it is too early to talk about the distribution of departments, and that the most important thing for them is for Montenegro to get out of the crisis.


The mandatary for the composition of the new government believes that he will soon be ready to appear before the public with the names of the new ministers. "This is something that is the impression of my talks with Mr. Jokovic, but also with representatives of minority parties and other parties, that in the very near future, I would not like to be enslaved by some dates, but that we will be ready to appear before MPs in a short time," said Abazovic. Whoever becomes the Minister of Finance, says the Prime Minister, will take on a huge burden. "The goal is to enter into an arrangement for our foreign debt," Abazovic added. He did not rule out the possibility of some of the existing ministers in the new government. He said that all parties have their right to the agenda, but that the government will deal with current affairs.


"If he is formed and I will be the prime minister, it will not be a taboo topic. Put all the issues that burden Montenegro on the table, but let's not make a drama out of it. The Fundamental agreement should be signed by Montenegro, in accordance with the Constitution. List? I can't believe what we're trying to make a problem of. "If the government can prepare everything in accordance with the standards, I don't see why we can't solve every issue," he said.


He stated that he did not discuss the minority government with the Serbian Patriarch Porphyry during his visit to Belgrade, but that he needed to explain his views so that part of the society would not be radicalized in the context of political relations. "Some (political entities) wanted to manipulate to cast a shadow over what we are doing," he said.


And when the Government will finally be formed does not depend on the prime minister-designate, but also on the parties that will be part of the executive power, but on Strahinja Bulajic. "I would beg him if we get into a situation to form a government, even though we call for him to schedule that session. If he refuses to do that, I think that another vice president who has the same powers as him can do that, "Abazovic added. He believes that many people within the DF understand "that this is a done deal" and that some people do not look with great regret at the deviation from the current government. "I recommend friends not to go into destruction, it pushes you to recognize yourself as an element that is not capable of leading certain institutions of the system," Abazovic added.


Asked about Bulajic's secret meetings with Russian agents, Abazovic said that it was not a secret meeting, and that the activities on the expulsion of that diplomat started much earlier, and that they have nothing to do with Bulajic. He said that the worst thing that could happen is that Montenegro will face a global crisis without a government and without an executive that will be able to respond to the challenges ahead. Abazovic believes that the decision of the SNP and the earlier signing of the memorandum is a good foundation for future political relations in Montenegro. Speaking about the priorities of the new government, Abazovic points out, European integration, economic stability and electoral reform.


The president of the SNP, Vladimir Jokovic, believes that it is too early to talk about the distribution of departments, and that the most important thing for them is for Montenegro to get out of the crisis. "We were determined to talk about the minority government because of the blockade of all institutions, divisions in society, the economic situation and everything that every citizen would like improved for Montenegro. If we came to a situation where the Krivokapic government was given a vote of no confidence, a solution had to be sought. It could have been without the SNP. After consulting with the relevant addresses, we made a decision that was one of the most difficult. "Many may have voted against their personal convictions with reason - that the time has come for Montenegro to move towards democracy, European integration and, most importantly, serious economic reforms," ​​said Jokovic.


Abazovic after meeting with Lajcak: New European government ready to implement reforms in Montenegro (CMD)


The European Union should help the countries of the Western Balkans on their European path as soon as possible, especially after the events in Ukraine. I informed EU Special Envoy Miroslav Lajcak that the process of forming a European government is nearing completion and I was convinced that the support for Montenegro is really strong. The European Government will implement reforms in order to unblock our integration path as soon as possible, "said Montenegrin Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic in a conversation with Lajcak in Antalya, the day before the Antalya Diplomatic Forum.


Lajcak pointed out that Brussels has high expectations from the new government and that Montenegro can count on its support. "I am glad that some EU countries, which have been sceptical about enlargement so far, are starting to change their position on this issue after the events in Ukraine," Lajcak said. The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister points out that before the official meeting, Abazovic and Lajcak had a tête-à-tête conversation.


Speaking about Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Abazovic said in a conversation with Lajcak that it was a "brutal violation of international law and violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Ukrainian state." "Montenegro, as a future member, follows the EU's foreign policy and joins the restrictive measures adopted by the EU against the Russian Federation." "Our intention is, as a NATO member, to be an example of peace and stability in the Western Balkans," Abazovic emphasized.


Montenegro's integration into the European Union is in our common interest, now more than ever, said EU Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Miroslav Lajcak after talks with Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic in Antalya. "I emphasized that Montenegro's integration into the EU is in our common interest, now more than ever. "We must move forward together - especially because Montenegro is at the forefront of negotiations," Lajcak wrote on Twitter.


The economic war between the EU and Russia will also affect Montenegro (RTCG)


The Montenegrin economy will be indirectly affected by the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, while the total economic war between the European Union (EU) and Russia will have an impact on the entire economy, according to financial analyst Oleg Filipovic.


"Montenegro cannot be affected directly, but indirectly. Primarily because Montenegro has built institutions in line with the EU and is dependent on the European market. The total economic war between the EU and Russia will affect the entire economy, first, the monetary system and tourism. We are most exposed due to the position of public debt", Filipovicsaid.


Recalling that the price of energy is increasing on the global market every day, Filipovic says that this affect Montenegro, as well. "This is already being felt in the constant rise in the price of fuel and basic groceries," he said. Asked what measures the economic authorities should take in order to mitigate the consequences of the crisis, Filipovic explained that parallelly a radical economic approach must be taken.


North Macedonia 


Kovacevski-Norman: Quick response by Macedonia regarding situation in Ukraine commended (Republika)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski and the Canadian Ambassador to the country Giles Norman during their meeting on Thursday assessed that bilateral relations between the Republic of Macedonia and Canada are friendly and strong and continue to develop in that direction, and actively cooperate as two NATO member states.


Congratulations were expressed to Prime Minister Kovacevski for taking office and it was announced that the Government’s efforts to deal with the consequences of the global crisis are visible, such as the package of economic measures adopted yesterday. It was also reported that the policies and quick response of the Republic of Macedonia regarding the situation in Ukraine are commended, which are in line with NATO policies. Prime Minister Kovacevski said that for our country Canada is a true friend and assessed that there are opportunities to enhance cooperation in the field of investment.


Kovacevski: Price hikes are result of Russian-Ukrainian crisis, our prices are lowest in the region (Republika)


Five years ago, 4.25 minimum wages were needed to cover one consumer basket, and today the basket can be covered with two minimum wages, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski on Monday. According to him, the increase in food and energy prices is a result of the imbalance caused by the Russian-Ukrainian crisis. However, as the Prime Minister noted, the country has the lowest energy and food prices compared to other countries in the region.


We have stable economic policies even in times of crisis, Kovacevski tells “Euronews” (Republika)


The Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia Dimitar Kovacevski in an interview with Euronews spoke about current issues, the maintenance of economic stability in the country and the progress and strategy of the Government for full EU membership, emphasizing the new energy in dialogue with Bulgaria, which will help overcome the challenges and start negotiations with the European Union.


The fight against crime and corruption has yielded results by improving our position in Transparency International reports. We have now become a country with democratic conditions, while in the past there were shortcomings in the country’s democratic procedures, and we are very happy with this improvement, Kovacevski told Euronews. He added in the interview that the macro-financial assistance of the European Union has helped a lot, not only from the perspective of pure financial assistance, but also from the aspect of continuing with the reforms we have started in the field of public financial management and other areas.


This also gave a clear signal to other international financial institutions and donors with which we cooperate, that we have a stable economic policy in times of crisis, said Prime Minister Kovacevski, referring to the regular coordination with EU institutions in order to strengthen public institutions in order to properly implement the necessary reforms.


Prime Minister Kovacevski also told Euronews that Macedonia has a clear strategic goal to become a full member of the Euro-Atlantic associations. He stressed the benefits of NATO membership as the 30th member state, adding that the new dialogue with his Bulgarian counterpart Kiril Petkov is aimed at restoring trust between the two countries to boost the country’s EU bid.




Protest escalates as citizens block Tirana main roads (ADN)


Protests against the rise in prices in Tirana have escalated as police clashed with protesters and accompanied them with force at station. Citizens gathered in front of the prime minister's office were dispersed in the capital's key roads, where they initially blocked the Small Ring Road on both sides. It is learned that some of the protesters will go to 'Zogu i Zi' square where they will block the main entrance to the capital.


The citizens are not convinced by the words of Prime Minister Edi Rama, who stated that starting Friday the state will intervene in the oil trading companies in the country, to set a very small profit margin, in order to avoid abuses and to protect consumers.


In the area near 'Ish Blloku', citizens sat on the street and blocked it with garbage cans, obstructing the circulation of vehicles, while the police intervened. "Citizens have decided to escalate the protest," said one of them. Meanwhile, police called on them to disperse, as road blocking constitutes a criminal offense. The protesters used the same scenario as last Wednesday night, after protesting and giving speeches in front of the Prime Minister they were scattered in the streets of Tirana. The drivers of the vehicles seem to have agreed with the protesters by turning off the cars and becoming part of the movement.


PM Rama responds to citizens as protest continues (ADN)


Prime Minister Edi Rama spoke about the energy crisis in the country, while on the Boulevard, outside the Prime Minister's office citizens were protesting. Rama spoke about managing the sale and purchase of energy in the market, referring to what happens with Hydro Power Plants in the country. He said that they are building Skavica hydro power plant, to have an opportunity to store excess water to have it in dry weather. According to him, the division into facts makes us disoriented and enter into a divisive brawl.


“"The fact is that we sell energy in rainy weather and when we sell it in rainy weather, we have to either sell it or throw it away because energy cannot be stored in the closet or in the fridge. Of course, we sell it cheap because in autumn and winter, its price drops, demand is lower. We are buying it expensive because in summer we do not have rain, the level of our HPPs falls and we definitely have to enter the market. That is why we are building Skavica, to have an opportunity to store excess water to have it in dry weather. They all require time. We cannot be divided by the facts. Dividing into facts causes us to become disoriented and enter into a divisive brawl.


The fact is that 1 megawatt per hour that last year costed 52 euros, today is bought for 550 euros. We have been committed to protecting the family consumer and small business since a few months ago when I came out and warned of a crisis on the horizon and a rumour started that this was a fabrication. What reason a prime minister has to come out and fabricate crises and news that worries people, I do not know where they find this reason. The fact showed that this was not a game and the crisis escalated. And when I spoke about the crisis, no one even had the idea that Europe would go to war," Rama stated.