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Belgrade Media Report 21 March 2022



Vucic: The days ahead of us will only get worse, our position is terrible (TV Prva)


President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, answered a number of questions concerning our country: How strong is the tsunami that caused the war in Ukraine? Which way will Serbia go next? Can our country stay on its feet? What does it depend on? What does the European Union ask of us, what does Russia expect? What are our vital national interests? Who and how can protect them?


At the very beginning, he referred to the current situation in Ukraine, saying that it would not be fair to say who asked us to impose sanctions on Russia. "I discussed other topics with the Austrian Chancellor. The essence is that Serbia is in a very difficult position. It is not only politics, but also the economy. I cannot hide that kind of concern even if I want to," the president said, adding that he does not deal with other problems at all. "We are so obsessed with saving the country. This latest decision of the OSCE is especially difficult for us because it concerns the import of oil, but not only that. It also concerns the possible import of chemicals that we need for refineries," Vucic was clear.


Apart from Aleksandar Vucic, Suzana Grubjesic (politician who served as the Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia from 2012 to 2014 under Ivica Dacic) was a guest in the "Prva tema" show, together with lawyer Milan Antonijevic. At the very beginning of Grubjesic's presentation, she stated that more has happened in these three weeks than in the last 30 years.

"We are witnessing the destruction of something that happened and the creation of something new, and Serbia cannot remain isolated there. There is no doubt that there is a lot of pressure coming from both the East and the West," she said.


Milan Antonijevic pointed out that Serbia can send much clearer messages and that the EU rightly expects the alignment of our policy with the EU. "The EU rightly demands that from Serbia, and the EU expects sanctions, and we need to see what is the possibility for Serbia to protect its interests there," he pointed out.


In his further presentation, the President of Serbia referred to 2013. "I could write a novel about those nights. They demanded that Albanian police officers be two-thirds in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and that we agree that Kosovo should join the UN," he said, emphasizing that he made a different decision on his own. "Then we refused and then great pressures started, but in the end they accepted that the Brussels agreement should be without both norms. Then I estimated that we could push it out. With all their threats, it was my rational assessment that we could do it," he said.


He added that today the situation is different. "Today, things are much harder than back then. Today, when you talk about the conflict in the former Yugoslavia, we always find the culprit in someone else. And I think that two are needed in a war conflict. And I say that Milosevic is not guilty, but it was his duty to calculate the consequences. I would say the same to Putin and Zelensky. It is up to you to accept that guilt - to be traitors, to lose the elections but to save the country.


He asked "whether anyone in Ukraine count on someone to intervene, and in the end they will sign the same agreement that they would sign now." "Only the country will be much more destroyed. Do you want an end to the war or victory - that is a question for both sides. I am afraid that everyone is waiting for victory. And if so, I can tell you tonight that it will only get worse and that the days, weeks and months ahead of us will only get worse", Vucic was clear.


He especially emphasized that "we are against the notion that we should choose whether we love Russians or Europeans because we have to deal with our difficulties. It is more important than being ideologically on one side or the other. In the last ten years, the Russians have always been on the side of Serbia, and you are leading us to lose the only ally we had in the Security Council," he said. Russia is the only one that has always been with us".


"You must not forget such things." To the accusations that he promised the West that he would impose sanctions on Russia after the elections, Vucic answered that "the only thing he said was that we guarantee peace as far as Serbia is concerned". "We will not support secession anywhere in the region. We will guard the borders, we want Serbia to move forward. You have my word, and then I added that I am not ready to provide guarantees (imposition of sanctions on Russia) for such a thing." "It is my job to protect the interests of the people." He emphasized that people do not understand what is happening at the moment and that he has never experienced this kind of pressure. "I don't know what tomorrow brings and we have the most difficult situation in the world since 1945. This is a children's game of what will happen when Mariupol falls." Suzana Grubjesic added to his words, saying that "I am under impression that we live in a pre-war age".


"Already on the third day of the war, the issue of nuclear weapons was raised. When Macron says that hunger is threatening - we all believe him, when Vucic says that - we do not believe," she said.


Antonijevic pointed out that "we need to find a way to formulate the policy of Serbia, by reaching for a compromise". "It is difficult to predict, the future of Europe, our region, Russia, is at stake in this game. China is also approaching these events with caution," he said, adding that he should be straightforward with the citizens and explain the current events in more detail. He stated that China is waiting for the Congress of the Communist Party, at which Xi is expected to be elected as a lifelong leader. "China will be careful and will not go along with the American matrix. I do not believe that Xi will do that."


Then he looked at the region. "Why is this happening in the region? Djukanovic, Kurti and Komsic. We all know what Komsic said in Brussels and no one from here answered him because we do not want to enter into conflicts. I did not say a word regarding Milo Djukanovic's interview," he said, adding that he "does not know what to talk to him about, because they do not have the same interests". "They are doing it today because they are sure they can harm Serbia." He pointed out that there are no values, principles and morals. "The problem is that we have to behave in a way that saves people's heads and we are stuck between the fact that there are no morals, values and principles, and on the other hand we respect the right of the stronger. The third thing is how to survive," he said. He pointed out that he doesn't know if we will endure everything because it is not known what will happen tomorrow. He especially emphasized that he would not allow them to attack Serbia. "I would never allow that." According to him, "Serbia and Ukraine can only say that they respect international public law, no one else can say that." "Much worse things had happened to Serbia than what is currently happening to Ukraine. That is why we should behave differently now," Vucic said. Commenting on the implementation of international public law, Grubejsic said that "judging by our example, it experienced a death sentence".


EU: No Plans for Introducing Sanctions against Serbia (FoNet)


There would be no sanctions of European Union (EU) against Serbia (over the decision not to introduce sanctions against Russia) nor there were such plans, it was stated by EU Delegation to Belgrade after the speculations in Serbia public regarding this topic. As FoNet news agency reported, the sanctions were directed against Russia and Belarus due to their responsibility for the war in Ukraine and with the goal to decrease their capacity for war. EU Delegation stated that they were in contact with Serbian authorities, so they could explain their concern that could refer to implementation of restrictive measures against Russia and Belarus.


No legal basis on the basis of which the EU could sanction Serbia (Tanjug)


The European Union announced its standpoint regarding Serbia's position not to impose sanctions on Moscow. “How the EU will react to Serbia's decision not to comply with European sanctions imposed on Moscow at the moment, and whether this will result in a slowdown in the accession process, depends in the first place on the decision of member states” the European Commission says.


Asked daily by Albanian journalists whether sanctions would be imposed on Serbia for non-compliance with EU measures against Russia, Brussels reiterated that candidate countries are obliged to "gradually" comply with EU policy and decisions within the Common Foreign and Security Policy during the accession process and within EU security policy.


However, they also explain that there is no legal basis on the basis of which the EU could sanction Serbia for not adopting sanctions against Moscow. "The decision on the next steps of the countries in the accession process, specifically on the opening of chapters and clusters, is in the hands of the member states. They make that decision based on the European Commission's report on enlargement," said EC spokeswoman Ana Pisonero. According to her, the EU is still making efforts with the candidate countries, but also with all other partners, to explain to them why sanctions were imposed and why it is important to reduce the strength of the "war machine available to the Kremlin".


According to the Negotiating Framework adopted by all member states, which is guided by the European Commission in the accession process, Serbia has no obligation to fully comply with the EU's foreign and security policy until its accession. At the same time, Brussels estimates that the current situation on the European continent is "unprecedented since the end of the Cold War" and that expectations from Serbia exceed the adopted legal norms.


This position is primarily advocated by member states that directly feel threatened by Russian actions, such as the Baltic states, but also by countries that previously had firm positions on the accession process. The working bodies of the EU Council are currently working on harmonizing the positions for the opening of cluster 3 with Serbia, and diplomatic sources note that if the situation in Ukraine does not change in the next few months, but primarily the position of Belgrade, some members could block the opening of the cluster expected in June. To this situation should be added the fact that the EU does not have excessive enthusiasm to accelerate the enlargement process, whether it is the Eastern Partners or the countries of the Western Balkans.


When it comes to Montenegro, which is 100% in line with EU foreign policy decisions, Brussels says that they "welcome and appreciate the clear position of Podgorica", but also emphasize that they expect to see in practice what Podgorica has committed to, and that is the application of sanctions towards Russia. "We very much appreciate the consistent and 100% harmonization of Montenegro with the EU foreign policy. Implementation is up to the national authorities, where we expect robust implementation and rapid adoption of relevant decisions in line with Montenegro's results so far and in line with their strong stance in defending international law and Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty", said EU spokesman Peter Stano.


When it comes to Turkey, which is a candidate country and has not imposed sanctions against Moscow, Brussels praises Ankara's engagement, stating that it has done a lot in the field of diplomacy and mediation in the Ukrainian conflict.


Vucic at SNS rally: I expect ‘strong, impossible’ pressure because of Kosovo (FoNet)


Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) leader and President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said that he is expecting “strong, impossible pressure” on the country in the coming period because of Kosovo, and not only that. The pressures on the country are increasing, said Vucic, adding that “they” will be blackmailing us in all possible ways, without specifying about whom he was talking about. Unrelated to Kosovo, “we will face much, much greater torment and problems,” Vucic said at the SNS rally in Raska. Vucic noted it is therefore necessary more than ever to be united, and “let others have their conflicts, while we need to avoid conflicts, regional, world and others.” It is important to be strong and united and to let those bad things in the world pass us by, Vucic said and added that Serbia needs years of peace. As he explained, in the “world of madness” we live in today, the rules are no longer valid, illogicalities happen, and “suddenly everything collapses before us.”


Rally in support of Ukraine in Belgrade: ‘The war has to stop’ (FoNet)


An informal group, which claims to bring together the Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian diaspora in Serbia, organised a rally in support of Ukraine in Belgrade on Sunday as well as a protest, as they said, against the dictatorship in Russia and Belarus. The citizens who gathered at the Republic Square conveyed a message saying that Russia must stop attacking Ukraine as soon as possible, in order to enable a peaceful life for the people in that country. It was also stated that respect for the territorial integrity of each state is important, but that the most important thing is to stop war and aggression.


“The country is devastated, over a hundred cities no longer have access to water and electricity, about 10 million citizens of Ukraine fell into a humanitarian catastrophe, more than three million people have fled Ukraine, about six million citizens of that country have been internally displaced, thousands are dead,” said one of them. Another participant in the gathering said that she speaks Serbian, because she is a Serbian daughter-in-law. "In 1999, I also sat in the basement with my ten-year-old child, I know everything that the Serbian people survived, so I don't want the Ukrainian people to experience the same thing, the war simply has to stop and we will build our own country, we simply want no occupation,” she said. Another participant in the protest, on behalf of the Belarusian people, said that the Belarusians stand with Ukraine and that they have always been and always will be. "Belarus is currently almost under Russian occupation, but still, we are fighting,” she said.


The organisers said that they asked local governments throughout Serbia to remove the symbols of aggression related to Ukraine, that is, to remove the murals of war criminals. Meanwhile, dozens of extreme right-wingers and fan hooligans organised a rally in the northern city of Novi Sad on Saturday night in support of Russia's aggression against Ukraine. They headed from the Freedom Square towards the building of the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina, where they shouted derogatory slogans, because that party hung the flag of Ukraine at the beginning of the Russian aggression, which still stands today.


Foreign services behind the report on the bombs on the Air Serbia flight (RTS)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, says that the flight "Air Serbia" Belgrade-Moscow "came out on his nose" and added that foreign services are behind the reports about the bombs. "Foreign services do that, they always work from some other territory, Ukraine, Poland, and in the end they will do everything like that and ban us from oil and gas. We de facto facing sanctions without having them," Vucic said.


Hungarian PM in Serbia: The best war is an avoidable war (Beta)


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on March 19 that the best war was one that could be avoided, adding that Serbia and Hungary, which have "many nice plans together," faced a serious challenge with regard to the war in Ukraine and needed to revise a lot.


Speaking at the launch of the Belgrade-Novi Sad stretch of the international Belgrade Budapest railway together with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Novi Sad, Orban said that many things had to be reimagined now that the world had become somewhat uncertain. He underscored that his country was feeling difficulties in the wake of the war being waged near Hungary's eastern borders. Regardless of all difficulties, I promise that we will keep the Hungarian-Serbian friendship alive. We will keep the peace, because war destroys, while peace builds. We will realize all plans with your president in this peace, Orban said.


The construction of the Belgrade-Novi Sad railroad for 200-kilometer-an-hour trains began late in 2017, and cost about USD935 million. Orban pledged that, though Hungary was currently a little behind on the project, the high-speed rail between Belgrade and Budapest would be completed by 2025.


This will further bring Serbs and Hungarians closer, Budapest will be reachable for two, two and a half hours. It is unbelievable what kind of connection it will be. I am overjoyed, this is history for us," President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic pointed out. "It's really unbelievable that we will be in Novi Sad in half an hour," Vucic added.


Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said she was too happy about this, adding this only shows how different Serbia is today. “I can only imagine how much it will affect the quality of life, when a student from Belgrade is able to travel to Novi Sad for classes. This is new Serbia,” she stressed.


Orban noted that the two countries and two capital cities are being connected today and that the life was made easier for the Serbs and the Hungarians. He also said that the friendship between the two nations has never been closer than it is today.


"Soko" reached Novi Sad in 33 minutes: More than 10.000 people gathered to welcome it. "The biggest challenge was that we were physically isolated from each other. We are now building a connection between the north and the south. Your president and I have invested a lot of effort to build friendship between Serbs and Hungarians," Viktor Orban said.


"Our history has not always been easy, but it is Viktor who changed everything with his energy. We can always count on his friendship and the friendship of the Hungarians," Vucic pointed out. When they arrived in Novi Sad, Vucic and Orban addressed the gathered people at the station.


"Dobar dan", Orban said in Serbian and received applause. "This is your great day and we Hungarians congratulate you on it sincerely. I have come to convey to you the sincere congratulations of my people. For the past 70 years we have connected countries east-west, and in the meantime we have forgotten how important it is to connect territories. It took many hours to get from Belgrade to Budapest and that is not a normal thing in the 21st century. We have made an alliance with your President Vucic and we want to change that situation and we will. And this is one proof for that", Orban said.


"As a result of cooperation, these two peoples are very close, friendship has never been as close as it is now. We are a little behind you, you have progressed faster, but I want to promise that by 2025 this line between Belgrade and Budapest will be operational", said the Prime Minister of Hungary.


"I can't describe to you how proud I am. After 60 years, we renovated the station," Vucic pointed out. "In just 33 minutes, you will be able to reach Belgrade. Part of our dreams are coming true. I am grateful to the citizens of Serbia that we had the strength to set out on the path of the future and be the engine of growth," he said. "I am grateful that Serbia has friends, just like it has in Hungary and Prime Minister Orban," he added. "Our high-speed railways were built by Chinese and Russian friends, they built the future of our country together with us. The supervision was performed by the Germans and the trains were provided by the Swiss," Vucic explained, adding that Serbia paid for it all.


"We are facing great turmoil and crisis, and we are aware of the importance that the railway has for the country," said the President of Serbia. "It is the safest, simplest system for land transport. If we continue, the whole of Serbia will be networked with the most modern railway," Vucic announced. "I think that the contours of the infrastructurally networked Serbia can now be seen," he emphasized. President of Serbia said that Serbia is going into the future in this way and that the railway is a symbol of our country's progress. "At the beginning of our journey, the paradigm about Serbia, which is constantly late, was a ghostly obstacle, and I am grateful to the citizens of Serbia for having the courage to set out on the path of the future. Serbia will be the driving force of economic development of this part of Europe," Vucic said.


He said that, while driving on the high-speed railway, he agreed with Orban that whatever happens in the next period in this difficult crisis, that Serbia will be the first to offer Hungary whatever it lacks, and that Hungary will be the first to offer Serbia what we might need. "That is how friendships are built and I am very proud of that," Vucic said in front of a large number of gathered citizens. "Thanks to you, we are building history today", Vucic told them.


The construction of the Belgrade-Budapest high-speed railway is the largest and most important infrastructure project in this part of Europe. The future high-speed railway to Budapest is part of China's global initiative "Belt and Road" for infrastructural connections between Europe and Asia, and when it is completed by train, it will take less than three hours to travel on that route.


Borrell: The Western Balkans is not our backyard, but our inner space (Tanjug)


After last week's visit to the Western Balkans, EU Foreign Minister Josep Borrell said that the EU was "firmly committed to supporting the region even more" and that it was "making progress towards its future in the European Union". After visiting Albania, Northern Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Borrell said in his regular blog that the war in Ukraine evokes "living memories" of the wars during the breakup of the former Yugoslavia and called on all countries in the region to continue close co-operation with the EU. and firmly on the road to the EU".  "The European Union is deeply engaged in the Western Balkans. We have worked to help heal the wounds of conflict, resolve remaining disputes and modernize societies and economies through the perspective of joining the European Union. The future of the Western Balkans obviously lies in the EU" because the Western Balkans is not in our backyard, but our inner space", wrote Borrell.


The head of EU diplomacy says that even before the start of the war in Ukraine, there was a worrying resurgence of tensions in the Western Balkans, putting the internal situation in B&H and the relations between Belgrade and Pristina in the foreground. He notes that "external interference" is also visible in the Western Balkans in order to destabilize the countries of the region and weaken the EU, highlighting, as he states, "Russia's insidious and well-documented disinformation campaigns."


"Putin's brutal attack on Ukraine is forcing all countries to make a choice. The choice between the rule of law and the rule of arms, between a rule-based order and a world of naked aggression. We are united with the countries I visited in an attempt to stop the unprecedented war in Ukraine. "We must continue to work closely together so that the Western Balkans are peaceful, stable and firm on the road to the EU," Borrell said.


Borrell notes the increased fears of rising energy and food prices that are currently present "in the Western Balkans", as well as the frustration of the countries in the region due to the delay on the road to the EU. "We recognize the frustration in the region over the delays in progress towards the EU. The people of the Western Balkans are very firm in their determination to join the EU. It is in the clear strategic interest of the EU to move forward," Borrell concluded.


In his blog, the EU High Representative paid special attention to the situation in B&H and said that at a time when Europe is facing unrivalled challenges for its security, B&H leaders have "a special responsibility to protect the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of their country". "The EU is the path to the survival of European nations. Their engagement helps build the future of their countries as part of the European family: a Union of Democracies ruled by the rule of law," Borrell concluded.


Over 6.5 million voters registered voters (Beta)


The National Electoral Commission said in a press release on March 20 that the total number of voters in Serbia was 6,501,689, adding that the number had been established based on a resolution adopted by the Ministry of State Administration and Local Government, which adopted a unified electoral roll. The Commission has decided that the number of ballots that will be printed for the April 3 presidential election in Serbia must match the number of registered voters on the list. The Commission confirmed that the same number of voters was eligible to vote in the parliamentary election, so the same number of ballots would be printed for MPs. The Official Gazette in Belgrade began printing voter slips on March 20.


The final list of candidates for the parliamentary and presidential elections has been established. There are eight presidential candidates: Misa Vacic of the Serb Patriot Misa Vacic civic group, Biljana Stojkovic running on the We Must coalition's ticket, Branka

Stamenkovic running for the Sovereignist ticket, Zdravko Ponos, running for the United for the Victory of Serbia coalition, Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski for the Oath-Keepers, Aleksandar Vucic, nominated by the Serbian Progressive Party, Socialist Party of Serbia and League of Vojvodina Hungarians, Milos Jovanovic of the NADA coalition and Bosko Obradovic of the Dveri (Doors) party and the Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia coalition.


Monitoring: Vucic receiving 85 percent of total media coverage, opposition mostly being covered in specially designated programs (Beta)


According to a media monitoring program by the CRTA Election Observation Mission, the coverage of the ruling party in the first part of the election campaign has dropped from 85% to 72% while President Aleksandar Vucic still enjoys 85 percent of total media time.


“Aleksandar Vucic, as the head of state, the president of the Serbian Progressive Party and, lastly, a presidential candidate, is still dominating media programs and enjoys 85 percent of total coverage. Eighty percent of the reports on Vucic were neutral and the remaining 20 percent were positive. Yet the media coverage he has received since the beginning of the campaign has gone down from 92 percent before the campaign began," CRTA said in a release on March 18.


The other presidential candidates shared the remaining 15 percent. The most popular was Milos Jovanovic, who received 77 percent neutral coverage, 17 percent positive and six percent negative coverage. Zdravko Ponos was reported on negatively 72 percent of the time. After the mandatory special programs were introduced, the opposition is receiving more media coverage by TV stations with nationwide coverage, but regular news programs are still focused on the ruling coalition.


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Austrian Chancellor Nehammer pays official visit to B&H, says B&H and Austria need to work together on EU membership of B&H (FTV)


Chancellor of Austria Karl Nehammer paid a visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Friday and met with number of B&H political officials, as well as with High Representative Christian Schmidt. Following meeting with Chair of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija, Chancellor Nehammer said that B&H and Austria have good bilateral relations, adding that numerous citizens of B&H living and working in Austria contribute to it. Reporter noted that trade exchange between two countries is BAM 2.5 billion. Nehammer stated that B&H is part of the Europe, adding that it is necessary to intensify talks about B&H’s membership in the EU. He underlined that Austria has always been advocating territorial integrity and independence of B&H, adding that B&H has important role in joint platform in regards to issue of migrations and is important partner for the EU.


Reporter noted that Russian aggression on Ukraine caused problems at global level, adding that consequences of its are felt, especially in regards to price of oil derivatives and gas. Nehammer and Tegeltija stressed that since this can cause inflation, cooperation of all countries is priority. Chair of B&H CoM said that B&H is not too dependent on import of gas as some other countries in the Europe, adding that even if it faces lack of gas supplying, B&H will compensate it through electricity.


One of topics discussed by Nehammer and his collocutors was internal security of B&H. Collocutors discussed possibility of spilling over of crisis from Ukraine to the Balkans. Austrian Chancellor underlined that before visit to B&H, he met with Serbian officials in Belgrade, adding that he was informed on this occasion that preservation of stability in B&H is in highest interest of Serbia. “Europe is present in B&H through EUFOR and it is important for us to preserve peace and security”, explained Nehammer.


Reporter commented that Tegeltija presented Republika Srpska (RS) stances regarding anything that involves international community. Namely, he stressed that there is no need to engage additional EUFOR troops in B&H. Tegeltija went on to saying that the fact EUFOR troops have been patrolling in front of premises of public broadcasting system is unacceptable for him personally. He added that EUFOR should not be present at children’s playgrounds. Austrian Chancellor and Schmidt expressed support to B&H and called on to end blockade of work of state institutions.


High Representative Schmidt said that this visit means that the international community supports B&H. He stated that there is no danger of war in B&H.


B&H Presidency members discuss situation in B&H, successful cooperation with Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer (RTRS)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency members, Milorad Dodik, Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic, met with Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer and stated that the stances of Austrian officials who support the accelerated path of the Western Balkan countries towards EU membership are encouraging for B&H. The officials stated at the meeting that it is extremely important that EU enlargement remains high on the agenda despite other challenges facing the EU, noting that a clear European perspective is key to the security and stability of the entire region. During the meeting, the members of the B&H Presidency thanked Austria for the overall assistance and support of B&H at the bilateral and multilateral level, and pointed out that there are no open issues between the two friendly countries. They also talked about extremely successful economic cooperation and pointed out that Austria is one of the largest and most important trade, especially investment partners in B&H. Gratitude was expressed to Austria as evidently the largest investor in B&H, but also the belief that economic cooperation will be further improved.


Nehammer said that B&H and other countries in the Western Balkans should continue on the path of ensuring peace and stability in the region, in which Austria will provide them its wholehearted assistance. He pointed out that Austria is ready to be a bridge towards faster accession of B&H to the EU, and expressed readiness to personally, like his country, transfer experiences and help in mutual dialogue in solving internal problems. The meeting also discussed the Ukrainian crisis and how to mitigate the consequences for the economy and other areas of life, which are being felt in all European countries. Members of the B&H Presidency congratulated Chancellor Nehammer on his appointment to that post and expressed interest in successful cooperation with him.


Four-day negotiations on amendments to B&H Election Law end without agreement; HDZ B&H's Covic says there are absolutely no conditions to organize elections (Nova BH)


Nova BH reports that another round of talks on amendments to the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Election Law has failed. Namely, the four-day negotiations of B&H politicians with the mediation of international officials in Sarajevo have ended without concrete result, and both B&H politicians and international mediators are disappointed with the outcome of the talks. Nova BH stressed that while mutual accusations are pouring in from all sides, the foreign mediators are withdrawing from the negotiations, leaving behind a difficult situation but also the question of whether and how the general elections in B&H will be held.


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic said that in his opinion, there are absolutely no conditions to organize the elections "precisely due to the failure to implement the verdict of the Court in Strasbourg and all other issues." "Now there will be a lot of controversy about what, how, who is guilty, who is not," Covic said. Covic accused SDA of being responsible for the failure of the negotiations, claiming that from the very beginning, SDA did not care about reaching the agreement.


SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic said "today, unfortunately, (Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader) Milorad Dodik has reason to celebrate." Radoncic pointed out that he honestly hopes that the elections will be held. "Perhaps, we could try to do something in these ten, fifteen days on our own. But, key responsibility - in the most positive sense of the word - is on (SDA leader Bakir) Mr. Izetbegovic and Mr. Covic," Radoncic underlined.


Leader of People and Justice (NiP) Elmedin Konakovic confirmed that "the negotiations on any constitutional and electoral reform have failed." Konakovic pointed out that the model of electoral votes for the election of the B&H Presidency members was on the table. Konakovic stressed that this model indeed with high probability guarantees the Croat people that they will elect their representative. "But, at the same time, it leaves the possibility that it will be (Zeljko) Komsic on our part, for the Presidency of B&H to have three people regardless of their national and ethnic affiliation. To delete ethnic determinants at the level of the state HoP. That was perhaps one of the biggest things. Therefore, fifteen people in the HoP no matter what they are called or what people they belong to. That is all part of the final solution," Konakovic underlined.


After the completion of the negotiations on the B&H Election Law, Izetbegovic did not make statements or say what was going on behind closed doors. However, at the SDA rally held on Saturday, Izetbegovic accused Covic of disrupting relations with Bosniaks. Izetbegovic said that Covic created a problem because he angered Bosniaks. "Now, we cannot do what we need and what is normal for us to do. We have to improve relations with Croatia and Croats in B&H," Izetbegovic said, adding "his (Covic's) insistence will cost him."


Covic said that sending messages that one should settle accounts with someone, that someone should pay because one does not like his policy is the defeat of politics in B&H. Covic told media that they almost finished the job on Saturday, but once again SDA made a problem in a way to add some things to what they previously set as standards. He stated: “I am sorry. B&H has lost the most with this. I believe that the goal was clear and the same from the start; not to reach an agreement about anything and to stay in the status quo. SDA was doing nothing but this for the past nine months. I said this several times during the negotiations in Sarajevo, Neum and here.”


International representatives are withdrawing from negotiations on election reform in B&H (Nova BH)


After another round of talks on amendments to the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Election Law has failed, it is difficult to expect for the B&H leaders to reach the agreement on their own. International representatives are withdrawing from the negotiations on the electoral reform in B&H because they have exhausted all possibilities. International representatives who took part in the talks on changes to the B&H Election Law stressed that general elections have to be held in B&H in October regardless of the fact that that no agreement on the electoral reform in B&H was reached.


US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy said it is not wise to block the elections. Thus, according to Nova BH, Ambassador Murphy sent a message primarily to HDZ B&H and its leader Dragan Covic who repeatedly said that there are no conditions for holding the elections. "I will only reiterate that the US clearly believes that the elections should be held in October. That is the law of this country. If any party wants to boycott the elections, I will tell you that it is not very wise," Ambassador Murphy pointed out.


International representatives further said that this is a historic moment despite the fact that no agreement on changes to the B&H Election Law was reached. International representatives deem as important the fact that mechanism of unblocking in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) institutions was even discussed. International representatives expressed regret that no agreement had been reached, confirming that they are withdrawing from the negotiation process.


Addressing a press conference on Sunday, Managing Director at European External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina Eichhorst said that the biggest stalemate is around the competencies of the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP). "The EU stands by the provisions of the B&H Constitution and the Constitution is very clear and provides for holding of the elections. It is not too late to create conditions for holding the elections in October," Eichhorst underlined. Eichhorst said that now everything is up to the leaders in B&H who should continue reforms as much as possible, adding that the EU remains firmly anchored in B&H. "The disputed point was the issue of the competencies of the HoP, and this is related to the election of delegates in the FB&H HoP. There are clear disagreements between SDA and HDZ B&H on how to proceed there," Eichhorst stressed.


Murphy underlined that the United States stands firmly with Dayton B&H with three constituent peoples and other citizens. "Unfortunately, SDA and HDZ B&H failed to translate this into a reasonable compromise. They focused much more on symbols than on content, and content is exactly what the constituent peoples and the citizens of this country need. Rejection of reasonable changes that would improve the functionality of the FB&H institutions prevented the balanced agreement we tried to reach," Murphy underlined.


Izetbegovic: Negotiations did not fail completely; Progress was made in some matters; Elections will be held in B&H in October (FTV)


After four days of negotiations on changes to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), it was revealed on Sunday that the talks have failed and that the leaders were unable to reach an agreement. Izetbegovic was part of the negotiations and he shared his opinion of the entire process.


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic directly accused SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic of the failed negotiations. Covic said “five out of six political parties were in favor of an agreement” and only SDA was against. Izetbegovic corrected this, saying that SBB B&H and its leader Fahrudin Radoncic previously said they would support any deal that would be made between SDA and HDZ B&H – which has not happened this time around. Izetbegovic also says NES leader Nermin Ogresevic was against the proposed solution as he believed it was an asymmetric model, which was not acceptable. Izetbegovic was surprised that ‘People and Justice’ (NiP) leader Elmedin Konakovic was in favor of the proposal, and that Konakovic even spoke of some vital national interest.


While assessing the talks, Izetbegovic said he would not say that negotiations failed completely. “Progress was made in some matters”, he says, adding that this primarily refers to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) rulings. In addition to that, a model was established for the B&H Presidency, the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP), the integrity of the elections process – maybe the most important matter, was resolved, and a solution was offered for normal functioning of the FB&H. Izetbegovic points out that he has been insisting on this solution since the beginning of negotiations. He adds that even the international community (IC) was against this proposal, but it was accepted by B&H leaders and the SDA leader says it is a very good solution for the FB&H. “HDZ B&H also helped in this part, of course”, Izetbegovic says. He explains that this solution would resolve the matter of the FB&H Constitutional Court, appointment of the FB&H President, formation of the FB&H Government. “That is something we have been struggling with for years”, he emphasizes. Izetbegovic repeats that negotiations cannot be called “failed” as many important steps were made. “We reached around nine steps, and we need to reach the tenth as well, sooner or later”, Izetbegovic said. He was directly asked why the negotiations then did not yield positive results. Izetbegovic explains that he accepted a model in Neum, by which smaller cantons, cantons with Croat majority population, would be helped with a so-called “fixed supplement”. He said this would help the Croats to elect their representatives in the way they want. By that model, Izetbegovic says that he would not have been in the B&H Presidency in the years 2010 and 2014, while Covic would be a member of the state Presidency then. Izetbegovic underlined that even though he accepted the initial proposal on ‘fixed supplements’, HDZ BiH became greedy and wanted more. Izetbegovic emphasized that a bigger problem was created over the FB&H House of Peoples (FB&H HoP) since the proposed model implied that Croat representatives would not be chosen from certain cantons.


Asked about models proposed by the international community, Izetbegovic said one of such proposals referred to the model of electoral votes. This is a very similar model to the one that is established in the US. Izetbegovic said HDZ B&H asked for more to be added to this proposal, which was unacceptable for SDA, since the value of the vote would significantly drop. Commenting problems in the FB&H, the SDA leader pointed out that HDZ B&H fears it would come a time when Bosniaks would elect Croat representatives. By doing so, they would take one-third of the Croat Caucus posts in the FB&H HoP. Izetbegovic said that then there would be no way for Croats to block certain processes in the FB&H, which Croats find unacceptable and believe it would render them unimportant. Izetbegovic said they were willing to compromise, and raise the number of delegates in the FB&H HoP. However, SDA wanted Croats from all cities in the FB&H to be elected. We gave them all the solutions, but we said you can only protect yourself in the institutions, not block the entire FB&H and its normal functioning, Izetbegovic concluded. What has been happening for the past three and a half years, would no longer be allowed, he says.


Asked about the unity of the pro-Bosnian bloc in the negotiations, Izetbegovic said Radoncic is an experienced negotiator, and he had many useful proposals. When it comes to Konakovic, it was visible that these were his first, big negotiations. He approached the matter with much enthusiasm and positivity, wanting to find good solutions. However, at a certain point of the talks, Konakovic said NiP would be against a solution that referred to the vital national interest – which surprised many participants. Izetbegovic says Covic was positively surprised by this. “I believe he will give up on that, as I believe he did not understand certain things very well”, Izetbegovic assessed. The international mediators stated that this was the final round of talks regarding the Election Law, but Izetbegovic said work must be continued. He explains that a lot of effort should be exerted to improve the relations between the peoples. This worries and angers the citizens, Izetbegovic underlines, saying he is angry at Covic for “provoking the Bosniak political leaders” until the end of negotiations. Covic did not accept certain solutions that would be good for all people in B&H, Izetbegovic stressed. He named a few things that Covic did, which provoked people in B&H – Covic was against the ‘Inzko’ law, he continued to work with SNSD leader Milorad Dodik on things that only hurt the country, he made statements and moves that made Bosniaks quite nervous. Izetbegovic said he always promotes messages of peace and coexistence, and he believes Covic finally realized that this is the right way.


At the end of the interview, Izetbegovic was asked if elections will be held in B&H in October. He said elections will certainly be held and there is only a slim chance that Covic will boycott them. There is no chance that he could stop the elections, Izetbegovic emphasizes, adding that he does not believe Covic would dabble in such things.


Covic: Legitimate representation of peoples is the line below which there is no discussion (Vecernji list)


Vecernji list carried an interview with HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan Covic who was first asked what was the key reasons behind failure of the latest electoral reform talks, to which he replied by saying, among other issues, that ‘we’ (Croat negotiators) did more that SDA expected from them (Croat negotiators), “however, it was evident that their strategy was to ask for more”. “Their final goal was to seize control of the House of Peoples of the Federation completely. Of course, it was a topic we did not want to discuss, nor it is topic that can be on the table”, said Covic. He added by saying that five out of six negotiators accepted one model that covered four areas, stressing that “SDA then demonstrated it does not want an agreement, it only wants to maintain the status quo”. In this context Covic said that throughout the talks, SDA had been sending messages, threats, intolerance, which is unacceptable in the political language in B&H.


Asked by the daily how B&H can drag itself out of the political crisis that is obviously getting deeper, Covic said there are two directions, and one of them is to create formal-legal conditions for holding of the elections, which means that the issue of the Law on Elections would have to be resolved and make sure the Croats can elect their legitimate representatives into the House of Peoples (HoP) and the Presidency of B&H. “That would take care of the discussions if there are conditions for the elections, if somebody will boycott them or not”, said Covic.


Asked to comment on the daily’s remark that the international mediators have made their contribution and what can be expected from them, Covic said the international community (IC) has exhausted its energy. “But as soon as tomorrow (Monday) I am having a meeting with the American Ambassador, representatives of the French Embassy. We will try, of course with friends from the European Union who helped us, to try and find that minimum of communication. Had it not been for that addendum regarding the House of Peoples and decrease of its constitutional competences, we would have probably reached an agreement. Maybe we can manage to extract something that could stabilize relations in B&H. Otherwise a big crisis is coming. Majority of parties said representatives of the authorities in Republika Srpska (RS) will use this”, said Covic.


Asked to comment on the issue of reduction of the HoP’s competence and who proposed it, Covic said it was only SDA that requested the reduction of the HoP’s competences, whilst part of the Bosniak parties were against it, saying that they do not want to turn the Federation of B&H (FB&H) into the RS. Covic went on to say that “as far as out negotiating positions are concerned, they are clear”. “When it comes to the House of Peoples, we clearly said that elements in the Constitution of the FB&H cannot be touched, it is not subject to talks, nor can there be compromise about it. We can talk about all other issues”, added Covic. In this context Covic said that “there is a line below there can be no discussion, namely the issue of legitimate representation of constituent peoples”.


Asked what the next steps will be, Covic said: “I will inform our public and the HNS (Croat People’s Assembly) and take a position on how to proceed. I think that some local agreement has to be reached. If there is no (local agreement), we will clearly have to politically return to the HNS’ conclusion and see how to carry it out”.


Dodik: Failure of talks on electoral reform showed RS is not problem (RTRS)


Commenting on the failed electoral reform talks, Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik stated that the failure to reach an agreement on amendments to the Election Law of B&H clearly shows what represents a problem in B&H and that this problem is not Republika Srpska (RS) or Milorad Dodik. Dodik stressed that such an outcome of the electoral reform talks can be welcomed only by Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic (DF), because he naively believes that his electoral theft concept has future. He reminded that the fact that the electoral reform talks were mediated by representatives of the Brussels and the US’ administration conveys an important message to political actors in B&H and international mediators that the only true agreement in B&H is the one reached independently by those who have election legitimacy. Dodik pointed out that period of political instability will resume, because one of three constituent peoples – Croat one in this case – is not content with its position and feels humiliated. Dodik emphasized that a problem of one people is a problem of all three constituent peoples.


Kovacevic: Bosniaks never accepted DPA and Dayton-organization of B&H (RTRS)


Spokesperson Radovan Kovacevic stated on Sunday that SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic’s thesis that it is necessary to prevent Milorad Dodik-Dragan Covic duo from being elected to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency is yet another direct proof that Bosniaks have never accepted Dayton. He stressed that the essence of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) stipulates that the constituent peoples in B&H elect their representatives by themselves, adding that they also have political mechanism of protection to prevent adoption of decisions that are negative for the constituent peoples. Kovacevic said that this means that Bosniaks should not interfere in the election of Serb and Croat members of the B&H Presidency. Kovacevic stated that this is a matter for the Serbs and Croats to decide. He also highlighted that Serbs and Croats never interfered with the election process of a Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency, unlike the Bosniaks. Kovacevic said that the main associates of Izetbegovic in the project of undermining the Dayton-structure of B&H are Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Republika Srpska opposition.


B&H CEC members underline that they are preparing to call elections, noting that they will do it in accordance with the existing Election Law (Nova BH)


Members of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Central Election Commission (CEC) told Nova BH that they closely followed the outcome of the negotiations on changes to the B&H Election Law, stressing that it is now clear that no changes will be agreed upon. Members of the B&H CEC underlined that they are preparing to call the elections, noting that they will do it in accordance with the existing Election Law. B&H CEC President Zeljko Bakalar said that the elections will be called in early May and that there are no obstacles to that. Bakalar reiterated that there are certain obstacles when it comes to the funds for the elections that have not been secured yet, but stressed that all those problems will be overcome. Bakalar emphasized that the holding of elections in October has not been called into question at all. Bakalar stressed that as far as the law and regulations go, there are no obstacles for conducting the elections.


Hungary proposes change to EU sanction framework which block sanctions against Dodik (ATV)


The EU prolonged the timeframe of adopting sanctions against individuals in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) until March 31, 2024 due to the situation in B&H. This decision was altered with a demand of Hungary, which proposed that decisions on sanctions against individuals in B&H are not adopted with strong majority, but unanimously. This means that due to previously known stances of Hungary and Croatia, the EU based sanctions against Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik are not possible. These changes to the sanction framework were adopted on Friday.


Analyst from Brussels Tobi Vogel said that EU member countries conceded to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and changed conditions for the sanctioning. Vogel that this means sanctions are unlikely to ever happen and this is why the EU does not understand why their policy towards the Balkans is not taken seriously. Other EU member countries opposed sanctions against B&H officials as well, including Croatia, Slovenia, Greece, Cyprus and many others. There is information that France was against sanctions as well. ATV notes that this decision is a severe blow against those who lobbied for sanctions against Republika Srpska (RS) officials in the EU, primarily Bosniak political representatives.


Ambassador Kalabukhov argues his statement about B&H’s path to join NATO should be taken as warning rather than threat (Face TV)


Guest of Face TV was Russian Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Igor Kalabukhov who spoke about armed conflicts in Ukraine and implications on the security situation in B&H and the Western Balkans. As to his earlier statement about B&H’s path to join NATO, Ambassador Kalabukhov clarified that his statement should not be taken as a threat whatsoever. He dismissed claims that Russia does not respect B&H’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, adding that it is solely up to B&H to decide whether or not to join NATO but B&H has to be responsible and its decision has to be based on reality. He said that Russia has no problem with B&H joining NATO and reiterated that his earlier statement should not be taken as a threat but rather a warning. He claims that internal security and stability is among the main reasons why most B&H politicians want B&H to join NATO but NATO is not a mechanism that can ensure this and the best way to do this is to have an internal agreement, compromise and tolerance. He noted that B&H has the right to choose what it wants but people in B&H first must agree on this. “Let us say B&H has become a member of NATO and NATO (HQ) in Brussels decides to station nuclear missiles there with Moscow as their target. What would Russia have to do (in that case)?”, Kalabukhov said and added that in any case, Russia has to strategically assess whatever the situation may be.


He underlined that he personally thinks the solution is not in NATO but in single European security system. He argued that his statement gained attention due to different interpretations but he made it clear that B&H has the right to join any alliance and Russia will respond to any threat. He stated that those who ask about what exactly would be deemed a threat by Russia might be meddling with Russia’s internal matters. He noted that simply put, B&H will make its own decision and do what it wants or act upon orders from Brussels, after which Russia itself will decide what to do next. He deems that the accession to NATO might guarantee security to B&H but it makes no difference to NATO and the public is focused on NATO membership solely due to the feeling of safety because NATO membership has nothing to do with the economy or culture. Furthermore, he argued that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will represent a clear example of conflict of interest when he steps down as NATO Secretary General and takes over as the governor of the Norwegian central Bank while warnings coming from the US Embassy to B&H about widespread corruption are pointless given that there would be no corruption without funds and B&H’s economy is not strong, therefore foreign investments are the only source of corruption. He said that Russia did not disclose its plans and no one knows if these plans include actions against NATO member states in Russia’s neighbourhood, namely Croatia, Poland and Bulgaria. However, he explained that Russia’s plans are against NATO as a whole and they are based on assessment of geostrategic situation at the moment and potential threats.


He claims that he is glad to see that many people in B&H, including those in favour of B&H’s accession to NATO, do not perceive Russia as an existential threat and the public should focus more on the essence of his statements rather than headlines because his statements are often misinterpreted. He dismissed allegations that certain EU member states countries, in particular Scandinavian countries, and even Switzerland are reconsidering accession to NATO due to fears of Russia. He reminded that NATO promised it will not expand to the East and to aim its missiles at Russia, adding that NATO did not keep its promises and it has been gradually expanding towards Russia while constantly lying to Russia. He stated that NATO keeps telling Russia not to be concerned with NATO’s expansion and presence of its forces alongside Russian border but it is difficult to explain to the general public in Russia how is it possible for NATO to hit Moscow with a missile three minutes after its launch. Ambassador deems that international sanctions against Russia represent an assault although they had no impact on Russia’s finances and European countries will suffer the consequences of cutting off all ties to Russia and their growing dependence on the US.


He underlined that Russia as a guarantor of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) fully respects B&H’s territorial integrity and sovereignty and Russia wants B&H to truly be the state of three constituent peoples and two entities with all their constitutional competences. He stressed that everything else in B&H is a matter of internal agreement and questions about the situation in B&H should not be addressed to him but to people in B&H.


As to Russia’s support to Serb member of the Presidency of B&H and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, Kalabukhov said that the media should ask Dodik if he will secede Republika Srpska (RS) or declare its independence and what will happen next. However, he urged the media and general public to put themselves in Dodik’s position and adopt his point of view before judging him. He reminded that Dodik clearly told the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs that the RS is not interested in secession whatsoever, adding that Russia has no hidden intentions in Ukraine and especially not in B&H and Russia is open to communicate with everyone in B&H.


He said that B&H and Serbia are not in Russia’s list of enemy countries because they did not join in on international sanctions against Russia. He explained that in case B&H does join in on sanctions against Russia, Russia’s response will be to completely suspend free trade with B&H and any trade exchange will have to be approved by the Russian authorities but no further action will be taken. He added that he hopes B&H will not join in on sanctions as this would not be in B&H’s best interest but it is up to B&H authorities to decide.


As to claims of High Representative Christian Schmidt that Russia might be expelled from the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), Kalabukhov said that there are no legal mechanisms for this and his advice to Schmidt would be to resolve the issue of his status, present his agenda to the UN Security Council and request to be given the mandate to implement this agenda. He underlined that he will not leave B&H in case he is declared persona non-grata and there has to be some kind of legal procedure for this but in any case, he does not expect this to happen. However, he proceeded to clarify that he did not say he will not leave B&H and Russia will assess the situation if he is indeed declared persona non-grata in B&H.


Officials react to statements of Kalabukhov about NATO accession of B&H (N1)


Russian Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Igor Kalabukhov was guest of Face TV central news on Friday. In this interview, he explained his recent statements that said how Russia will react if B&H joins NATO. Kalabukhov said that he did not issue a threat, but an explanation for those who connect the war in Ukraine with B&H. B&H Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic said that NATO is responsible for B&H and has the possibility to intervene in B&H. He explained that all demands made by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy towards NATO are ones that are already allowed in B&H. Kalabukhov said that if B&H decides to join NATO, Russia will support this. He listed a hypothetical case in his interview for Face TV, saying that it is possible for B&H to become a NATO member and for NATO to decide and deploy nuclear missiles in B&H which will target Moscow. Kalabukhov asked then what Russia should do.


Asked whether Russia would bomb B&H in this case, Kalabukhov said that they will assess the strategic situation and he believes that the way out is no in NATO, but a European security system. Certain B&H officials asked for the removal of Russia from the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) and Podzic said that he would declare Kalabukhov as persona non grata. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik opposes this, saying that Kalabukhov will not be declared persona non grata because this depends on the B&H Presidency and he is not ready for this. He said that he is not ready to join the hysteria and rage against Russia.


RS Minister of Interior Dragan Lukac said that their goal is to ensure peace and security in B&H and all messages coming from the RS are going towards this direction. Lukac said that it is not realistic to draw parallels to the events in Ukraine, since B&H is undergoing a political process which has its roots. Analysts reminded that despite the increase of numbers of EUFOR troops in B&H, the narrative of the majority of RS officials is pro-Russian.


Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov implies that Russia has plans against Croatia (Face TV)


Russian Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Igor Kalabukhov is again making threats and serious statements. Recently, he threatened that Moscow would react if B&H tried to join the NATO. On Friday evening, while a guest of Face TV, Kalabukhov made a statement that implies that Russia also has plans against Croatia. This is what he said when the reporter told him which countries are NATO member states in the region, and which are close to Russia, asking Kalabukhov why Russia has no problem with their NATO membership: “No, we do not say that. How do you know we have no plans against Croatia, against Poland, against Bulgaria? As NATO member states”. The reporter, with a serious look on his face, asked the Russian Ambassador if Russia really has plans against Croatia. “We have plans against NATO. I do not know that with certainty, and that is why I say that we assess every situation, every time, the geostrategic situation, and we decide where the threats are made against us”, Kalabukhov said.




Croatia condemns statement of Kalabukhov about special plans against this country (HRT)


HRT1 comments that Russian Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Igor Kalabukhov is again making threats and serious statements. Recently, he threatened that Moscow would react if B&H tried to join the NATO. On Friday evening, while a guest of Face TV, Kalabukhov made a statement that implies that Russia also has plans against Croatia. This was commented by the Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. Its representatives say this should be viewed as a threat, but not something that should cause concern. Secretary of State with the Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs Frano Matusic emphasized that Croatia is ready, with its partners in Europe and the NATO, to avert any attempt of aggression or enemy activities. “We, as a state, should not be worried because we really have a good cooperation, and we have the NATO alliance framework, which guarantees our freedom and sovereignty, and the country itself was also able to defend itself from a similar aggression in 1991. Our experiences from the 1990s are also significant”, Matusic stated.


During his interview for Face TV central news, Kalabukhov was asked about the fact that many countries that border Russia are already NATO members. To this, he posed the question of how do they not know whether Russia has plans for Croatia, Poland and Bulgaria. Matusic said that these are veiled threats and Kalabukhov brought up “special plans” for NATO. He assessed that these claims are the proof of the totalitarian regime in Russia. Matusic reminded that Croatia condemned the Russian aggression against Ukraine alongside EU, NATO and UN member countries in various resolutions.




Djenero: Dilettante and unintelligent moves of Krivokapic’s cabinet (CDM)


The outgoing Prime Minister, Zdravko Krivokapic, interrupted the session of the government on Thursday, which was supposed to verify the decision on imposing sanctions against Russia. The entire case was followed by Montenegro’s international partners. In a statement for the CDM portal, the Croatian observer, Davor Djenero, assesses that the move of Mr Krivokapic’s cabinet was dilettante. He adds: “Montenegro has made a political decision on sanctions and is therefore on the Kremlin’s list of enemy states, and non-implementation of these sanctions may affect some oligarchs who have time to take their property out of Montenegro. However, in political terms, it means nothing. That’s why the totalitarian regime in Moscow and Vladimir Putin do not perceive Montenegro differently, no one will achieve any benefits in Moscow from such unintelligent behaviour.” Mr Djenero also underlines that everyone’s clear with the fact that no rational democratic decision can be expected from PM Krivokapic’s government, which has been exercising executive power technically, without the parliamentary legitimacy.


Stano: EU expects Montenegro to implement restrictive measures against Russia (RSE)


The European Union (EU) expects Montenegro to implement restrictive measures against Russia in line with the EU’s decision to impose sanctions on Russia in response to the aggression in Ukraine. EU spokesman Peter Stano recalls that Montenegro has so far had a 100% degree of harmonization, which, according to him, the EU highly values. “Implementation of restrictive measures and decisions is the responsibility of national authorities. We expect their rapid implementation by the Montenegrin authorities”, Stano has said. The statements of the Brussels spokesman come after the Montenegrin government did not confirm the sanctions against Russia in accordance with the EU policy.


DF: We are entering the final phase of the DPS's return to power (RTCG)


The Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) wants to return to power in a fraudulent way and beyond the electoral will of the citizens, believes one of the leaders of the DF Andrija Mandic, with the assessment that we are entering the final phase of that process. He assessed at the press conference that last night's interview of the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic on the Public Service "abounded in a series of dangerous formulations, even subterfuges", and especially, as he said, "in connection with a fake coup".


"Milo Djukanovic informed the public that there is no free lunch, not even free support for the minority government, and that he will not back down from saying that those with 29 mandates keep any other word than the main one," said Mandic. He states that it is important for them to hear in the Civic Movement URA that they are intended for the same role as Positive Montenegro. "Djukanovic's dangerous interview is a message for all of us, and the message is especially important for those who make decisions, such as the SNP, such as URA. We are entering the final phase of the DPS's return to power," Mandic pointed out.


PzP President Nebojsa Medojevic said that the DF would do everything to prevent the citizens' electoral will from being changed. "There are no European and Euro-Atlantic processes with the mafia," Medojevic said, stating that Djukanovic in the interview continued with the divisions in Montenegro.


Jokovic: I can’t give precise answer about government composition (Vijesti)


The leader of the Socialist People’s Party (SNP), Vladimir Jokovic, says that the principles on the minority government have been agreed, but that he can’t give a precise answer about its composition. He says that the Agreement condemning the genocide in Srebrenica was not signed, and that it was not precise information. “We have agreed on the principles, it is up to the prime minister-designate to present the composition and request a parliamentary session. The SNP has made a decision that it can start talks on joining the minority government, which would consist of URA and minority parties”, Jokovic has told reporters after the session of the parliamentary Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget, reports Vijesti.


Abazovic: EU to accelerate accession process of countries who wish to join it (Pobjeda)


Deputy Prime Minister of the outgoing Montenegrin government and Prime Minister-designate of the new one, Dritan Abazovic, has called on the European Union (EU) to accelerate the process of the candidate countries’ accession to the Union in order to avoid the Ukrainian scenario in other regions of Europe. On the side-lines of the Antalya Diplomacy Forum held last week, Mr Abazovic said that the panel discussion over the accession of the WB countries to the EU was very interesting, particularly in the light of the current Russia-Ukraine conflict. Concerning the encounter of the foreign affairs ministers of Ukraine and Russia in the Forum, DPM Abazovic expressed hope that such an event would encourage the promotion of peace and civilisational values.


Djukanovic: ‘Russian World’ in Balkans equals ‘Serb World (CDM)


Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic said on Monday that the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) was a disruptive factor in both Montenegro and the region and that the 'Russian World' in the Balkans equalled the idea of Belgrade's 'Serb World.' In an interview with the Greek newspaper Kathimerini, he added there were “many” causes for the war were “many” and that „the reason could be found in almost every country“.


Djukanovic said that, besides “unresolved issues” from the period of former Yugoslavia’s disintegration, the Balkans was “suitable ground for destruction and stagnation in European integration of the entire region in recent years”, and that „in Montenegro, we have been pressured by Greater Serbia and Russia into a political crisis with no end in sight.“


He added that “throughout the Balkans’ history it had never been a problem to find a reason for a new war and that the ‘Russian World’ project in the Balkans “is called ‘Serb World” Montenegro has been considered it’s natural part”.


"I think that today both those ideologies and their promoters can be easily seen. The coup attempt in Montenegro in 2016, which we resisted without anyone's help, was just a hint of Ukrainian horrors. Russia is renewing its historical fullness, bringing together the Russian world in its entirety of Russians, Belarusians and Malorussians - as Russia's war campaign against Ukraine these days sees one of the promoters of its imperial ambitions," he said.


Djukanovic added that "SPC Metropolitan Joanikije at the same time says the events in Ukraine are the consequences of atheism" and that "Montenegro is projected to be a small Ukraine." "Following the Russian Church, which unreservedly supports the invasion of Ukraine, SPC priests on social networks shout 'three times cheers' to Chechen President Kadyrov, who sent his special forces to Kyiv. Pro-Russian forces in Serbia, Montenegro, in Republika Srpska organise rallies in support of (Russian President Vladimir) Putin and celebrate the 'feats' of the Russian army. With great financial support for such actions, the region's media infrastructure has long been set up. The centres are in Belgrade and Banja Luka." Djukanovic told the Greek daily.


He added that "the leader's cult is the same as enjoyed by Milosevic." Djukanovic said it was "interesting to look for answers to how Russia entered into the concept of Balkan great power projects from the 1990s thirty years later, without learning anything from the mistakes of others.


North Macedonia 


Foreign Minister Osmani meets with EU counterparts to discuss Macedonia’s stalled EU accession (Republika)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani attended a meeting of EU Foreign Ministers in Brussels, to which he was invited by Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias. The meeting will be focused on Macedonia, whose EU accession process remains stuck, currently due to the Bulgarian veto. Osmani will also address the AFET Committee of the European Parliament and will meet with the “friends of Macedonia” group in the Parliament.




Rama: NATO to hold an extraordinary, unscheduled meeting (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama stated on Saturday that the crisis caused by the Russian attack on Ukraine is not known how long it can last, while calling for resistance. Rama announced that he will take part in an urgent NATO meeting to be held on Wednesday. "For the first time, NATO will hold an extraordinary, unscheduled meeting. We will go on Wednesday, we'll see what happens "said Mr. Rama." We wish there is a ceasefire, but there may not be. Negotiations continue, but there is no ceasefire so far, "said the Albanian Prime Minister." It may take months, but it may take much longer! We do not know! We must be mentally and psychologically prepared to resist," said the Albanian Prime Minister.


OSCE for the March 6 elections: For the first time the elections were not contested! (Radio Tirana)


For the first time in 30 years of pluralism, elections in Albania have not been contested by political parties. This was the conclusion made in the reaction of the OSCE representative office in Albania for the by-elections on March 6, which took place in 6 municipalities of the country. According to the OSCE, a significant development was achieved for the elections in Albania, which showed the professionalism of the Central Election Commission. "An important milestone for the elections in Albania was reached today. For the first time in the 30-year history of pluralistic electoral processes, the election result was certified without any contestation. The OSCE Presence congratulates the election administration and political parties on this significant development, which reaffirms the professionalism of the Central Election Commission. We are confident that they will preserve this important achievement, as Albanian citizens deserve elections where every vote is respected. As Commissioner Celibashi said, there is still much to be done to increase the integrity of the electoral process and to guarantee international election standards. "The OSCE stands ready to contribute to electoral reform and remains the CEC's key partner in efforts to achieve better elections," the OSCE said in a statement.


Soreca: I am confident that I am leaving Albania on the eve of the opening of negotiations (Radio Tirana)


Ambassador Luigi Soreca, in a communication to the media from Erseka said that Albania's integration into the EU and justice reform have been the main objective. He stressed that the justice reform has made progress, and that today, thanks to progress, there is talk of consolidating justice institutions.


Excerpts from the interview:


The two main objectives have been Albania's integration into the EU and justice reform. No progress in Albania's integration, but no tangible evidence in justice, how do you feel? 


When I arrived in Albania and when I started my job you probably remember that it was necessary for Albania to meet certain criteria, requirements that had to do with the rule of law, the fight against organized crime and the fight against corruption. Albania made the right progress in this area and for this reason on March 24, 2020 the European Council took the right decision for Albania, so that was the decision on this issue and the whole process of opening negotiations and of course Albania to become a member state.


Last year in June, it was again the European Council that decided that Albania had taken all the right steps, something that had not happened in 2018. It was exactly the visit of the EU High Representative and during that visit he stressed the fact the opening of negotiations with Albania was very important, the whole region is very important for stability and security, and this is because of the threat that comes to us from everything that has happened in Ukraine.


I am confident that I am leaving Albania on the eve of the opening of negotiations, possibly in June. Justice reform has progressed in such a way that we are already talking about consolidating justice institutions. I know the judiciary, and because of my previous work and these things take time. Things are going well, we have justice institutions, the work is already being done, the vetting process will continue and only 2 days ago we had the appointment of the other judge in the constitutional court. Things are moving, they are not as before.


Does the EU have a concrete aid plan for the Western Balkans and mainly Albania? Given that the consequences of the war are causing a serious crisis? 


I am fully aware of the concern of Albanians for the increase of basket and fuel prices, it is very important to protect families and small businesses, but as you said, it comes to you because of the war and not the sanctions that have been imposed, the EU will continue to stand by Albania to help it as it has done during the two crises that Albania has gone through during the last 4 years such as the earthquake or the pandemic. You probably know that the EU has given 250 million euros to Albania for the country's economic recovery for the pandemic. Should the war continue, the EU will continue to provide assistance.


You are leaving Albania in conditions when the DP is in deep crisis! What is your comment? 


I continue to stand by the opinion not to comment on internal developments within the parties in Albania, we continue with the principle of non-interference. I am sure that my successor will cooperate with the political forces in Albania, we will support integration.


The meeting was held in appreciation of the work done by the EU, given that Soreca will leave for Brussels, appointed a new task.


Any EU delay is read as weakness (ADN)


The Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs of North Macedonia, Bojan Marichic, who paid a visit to Tirana and attended the Conference under the topic: “Balkan Dialogues Initiative – EU Integration Perspectives of the Western Balkans in Times of Crisis” held on 16-17 March 2022, had an exclusive interview with ADN at the end of his two-day stay in the Albanian capital.


The Deputy PM dwelt on many issues including the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the EU integration process focusing on the start of the first intergovernmental talks of North Macedonia and Albania with the Union which was a key point of the meetings with senior Albanian officials. He also touched open the Open Balkans initiative seeing in it a positive move towards fostering regional cooperation.


"We have no open issues between our two countries. We have common interest in the opening of the accession negotiations and we can do a lot for exchanging experience on this institutional transformation and reforms that are a must for the integration," said Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs of North Macedonia, Bojan Maricic in the following interview:


In the first place, thank you Mr. Deputy Prime Minister for this opportunity to have you as a guest of honour in Albanian Daily News, which is an occasion to learn some details on the Conference under the topic: “Balkan Dialogues Initiative – EU Integration Perspectives of the Western Balkans in Times of Crisis” held in Tirana on 16-17 March 2022? 


I thank you so much for the opportunity because it is good to share views and this is an occasion to inform Albanians what we do. I was also visiting Tirana to attend the Conference under the topic “Balkan Dialogues Initiative – EU Integration Perspectives of the Western Balkans in Times of Crisis”. It was a very good conference with the participation of honourable guests. It was opened by Prime Minister Edi Rama.


I had the chance to speak at the panel with the US Ambassador, Secretary General of the Regional Council. It was also present the special representative of Germany on the Western Balkans. It was discussed about the current context of the war in Ukraine and the perspectives of the WB countries in their drive for EU integration and the Balkan cooperation through the Open Balkan initiative but also through the Berlin Process.


How do you see the situation in Ukraine and what is the feeling of the people in your country towards the official stance on the war? 


North Macedonia has strongly condemned the Russian aggression against Ukraine being one of the first countries from the Western Balkans to join the EU sanctions against Russia. We made a strong choice to stand together with our partners in the EU and with the NATO allies as a member of the Alliance and candidate country for the EU. We made a clear choice and it was not only in line with our interests but it was also a moral choice supporting Ukraine and condemning the Russian invasion. We all are feeling the negative consequences of this aggression in the field of economy, energy, food supply and other aspects.


Primarily we stand on the side of Ukraine for reasons of values and solidarity. I can tell that we have offered to host some refugees if that is necessary and according to our capacities. We hope this situation will be over as soon as possible.


The majority of the population in North Macedonia is standing on the side of Ukraine and there were even some public manifestations of solidarity and support for Ukraine and for us as a government. There is a clear good understanding particularly because we live in a region that has fresh memories of the wars of the 90s and this is why this war and the severe relations in the 21st century in the soil of Europe seem unimaginable for us. So, the vast majority of our people stand on the side of Ukraine showing solidarity towards its people. Of course, the Russian propaganda is harming the relations and promoting the positions of the Russian government, but I think that definitely all the flow of information and transparency by our side helps citizens understand and support the people and the government of Ukraine in these difficult moments.


Has there been any effort to build a common approach of the WB countries regarding this situation? As a matter of fact, there is not a concerted stance because, for example, Serbia is not supporting the sanctions? 


We are only responsible for our position and we also welcome all the other countries of the region that have joined the sanctions and that have voted in favour of Ukraine in the United Nations. Each country in the WB is speaking on their choice and making their own choice on how to set the position towards Ukraine and the Ukrainian war. But even Serbia, regardless of exemption from the sanctions, voted in favour of Ukraine at the UN. That is a positive sign meaning that there is a general understanding regarding the negative complications of this war. But we would not interfere in the right of any country to define its own position. Our position and solidarity with Ukraine are respected and perceived by everyone as our sovereign choice.


Isn’t the stance of the WB towards Ukraine a sort of a test regarding the common values of the Open Balkan initiative? 


The initiative of the Open Balkan is about how to make the borders of the region less solid and how to help the free movement of goods, people, and services across it easier than now. So, it has a very pragmatic and practical aspect in the sense of how to improve the life, possibilities and opportunities of the people of these three countries and of course the other three which are not in the initiative but they are invited. Certainly, the war in Ukraine put us in the position for everyone to take a side because it is a severe case of aggression and as I said Serbia also voted in the UN in support of Ukraine which I think is a good sign for all of us. I do not see that so far the Open Balkan Initiative is at risk by all means. On the contrary, we are trying through the case of the supply of wheat and corn to demonstrate in practice solidarity and also functionality of the mechanisms of the Open Balkan in this time of crisis. Therefore, I think that the initiative can only be strengthened in times of crisis and help provide everything that is needed for our citizens in the three member countries when we witness a huge increase in prices.


As North Macedonia we have insisted on keeping the doors of the initiative open to all the regional countries. We have already talked to all the other three countries- Montenegro, Kosovo and Bosnia – Herzegovina, and I think that some of these countries, Montenegro in particular, are already considering the possibility of joining. We will be very happy to see all the six regional countries in this initiative because its purpose is to move the region forward based on the principles of the common market of the EU and for improving the living conditions and business opportunities and not discussing bilateral disputes that burden the relations of the region. We have an understanding for the complexity of the open issues in the region and we have always been careful and cautious regarding this. But we would like to see everyone in it because this a pragmatic initiative that is only improving the way how the people can live better and move easier across our region.


In the meantime, could you please share with ADN’s readers some of your activities in Tirana? 


I had a very good and busy day that started with the opening of the Conference “Balkan Dialogues Initiative - EU Integration Perspectives of the Western Balkans in Times of Crisis”, which was opened by premier Edi Rama and I participated in the panel which opened the event. I had a chance to visit the deputy PM, Arben Ahmetaj, then the Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka and also, I met Ambassador Zef Mazi, Albania’s chief negotiator with the EU. I also had a chance to have a working lunch with the Special Envoy of Germany to the Western Balkans.


All these meetings, particularly those with the Albanian officials, were very friendly and very open, given that we have been together in the past in the package of the decision on the start of the negotiations with the EU. We had a lot to discuss. We have also been together with the Albanian government in other technical meetings in Brussels which dealt with the preparatory phase of the opening of the talks. And now as the time goes by and the possibilities for the opening of the negotiations are coming, I think we should work even more. So, we have established connections for good cooperation in the area of EU integration negotiations. We have no open issues between our two countries. We have common interest in the opening of the accession negotiations and we can do a lot for exchanging experience for this institutional transformation and reforms that are a must for the integration. I think that if we open the negotiations this year, we will have to establish a joint team for cooperation in order to exchange experience and to work together in advancing the process.


As a follow up, what do you think of the future of the integration process having in mind the Bulgarian veto on North Macedonia? 


North Macedonia has been in the waiting room for 17 years. We have had the candidate status since 2005 together with Croatia. And Croatia has been a member state for more than 8 years, while we are still waiting to start. Given the context of the region and the war in Ukraine we think that this is the exact moment to start the negotiations and for the EU to show leadership in the Western Balkans. We think that this is an opportunity.


Speaking about the relations with Bulgaria, I think that there was a serious deterioration of the relations in the past couple of years because of the open issue of the veto. But since January, since the new government took office in both countries, PM Kiril Petkov and PM Dimitar Kovacevski have established a very intensive agenda for cooperation and communication. They have met three or four times in the past two months. They formed five working groups in different areas like trade and economy, infrastructure and transport, culture and education, European integration and green agenda and the historic commission. All these commissions are producing new projects, new ideas and new initiatives on a weekly basis. This means that we have diversified the topics, we have changed the atmosphere between the two governments and it is much more pleasant to discuss the open issues. We are working in intensive communication directly with the Bulgarian government and we hope that this new approach will produce better and tangible results in the near future so that we can achieve a solution. That does not mean that is guaranteed, but it means that there is a good context for us to finish all the open issues in a comprehensive document that will have a clear impact on the opening of the negotiations.


There is talk that Albania could go ahead with the negotiations if Bulgaria insists on the veto towards North Macedonia? 


That is not for us to decide. Of course, we would like to go together to start the negotiations with Albania because it would be much easier. Serbia and Montenegro are negotiating at the same time, and we can do that with Albania. I think that can be beneficial for both countries. But it depends on the course of events regarding the issue with Bulgaria and how long such a situation will persist. However, it is up to the member states to decide whether one can go and one can stay. We are not lobbying against any of our neighbours and we will never do that. We are interested in starting the negotiations as soon as possible for both countries.


We are very much aware that waiting is not the strategy that can bring us a better position. This is why we are doing our best to try to solve this issue, of course if we can find a dignified solution based on European values and a solution that can be sustainable on both sides of the border.


After the veto of Greece in 2010, we have resolved the issue ten years later. But those ten years were not very right for the region and North Macedonia. This is why I think it is not a good strategy to wait but we need to have a fair and dignified solution based on European values. This is the only way to resolve this issue. This is why we are not wasting time and we are negotiating in the effort to find a solution.


What do you think of the ‘fatigue’ of some EU member countries regarding the WB enlargement? 


We fully understand the complexity of the EU and it is not an easy system that makes decisions easily; sometimes it looks like they need more time to make decisions. Having the full understanding we hope that they understand the complexity of the situation in the WB. We have addressed Brussels and its institutions urging them that the best way to show EU’s leadership in the region is to start the negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia and to make a step forward for all the countries in the region in direction of full membership. We are sure that Brussels institutions and most of the member states understand this very well and we hope that in the context of the war in Ukraine they will get even more aware of how important it is to act in the area of the Western Balkans. Every postponement or delay of the negotiations might definitely be read as a weakness or might be used by third countries to interfere and to increase their level of influence in the region. This is why I said that the only way for the EU to show leadership and interest in the region is to push all the countries a step forward towards full membership.


In conclusion, Mr. Deputy PM, what can you tell us on the situation in your country and the relations between the ethnic communities? 


North Macedonia is a success story in terms of managing ethnic communities and ethnic and cultural differences particularly in the last five years. Our coalition government has taken a policy of one society for all and is trying to implement all the policies that are reform policies but that are also policies of complementary and cooperation and inclusion of the ethnic communities. I think that this has become a model of cooperation in the government but also of the society which is much more important. So the inter-ethnic incidents and provocations belong to the past proving that the political atmosphere has been quite different in the past five years.


This is why we are very careful in our relations with all our neighbors and this is why we try to be equally close and equally outreach to all our neighbors. Our government is very stable. We have a clear program until 2024 regular elections. Our program is focused on managing the crisis of the energy, Covid and economy, and on top of all to work a lot on pushing European integration forward. Of course, it is not an easy time for anyone but the government has taken all measures and maintains a responsible stance to show solidarity within the society, particularly with those who are in need at these difficult times of crisis.