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Belgrade Media Report 24 March


Vucic: Serbia will never recognize Kosovo (RTV)


President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday that Serbia would never recognize Kosovo despite having made all kinds of compromises. Vucic accused Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti of abusing the Serbs, telling them they have no place in Kosovo and trying to destroy the unity of the Serbian people. “Serbian unity is not easily destroyed,” he told RTV


Speaking about the April 3 elections, Vucic said that the only option to organize the vote in Kosovo is by force which would lead the authorities in Pristina to deploy their special police forces. “Is it worth it?,” he said. Vucic said that some politicians have been making irresponsible statements. “Elections are not a game and the state is not a toy,” he said adding that he never spoke about any of his opponents unless he was asked about them. “My answers were mild,” he added. 

Quint countries greatly disappointed with Pristina's decision (Tanjug)


The Quint countries stated that they are very disappointed with the decision of Pristina to reject the constructive proposal made by Quint regarding the voting on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. In a joint statement, they assessed that such an attitude would "undermine Pristina's European aspirations". 


"France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States have worked intensively in recent months" with the governments of Pristina and Belgrade to find a "pragmatic solution" to enable Kosovo citizens to exercise their right to vote in Serbia's April 3, 2022 elections", Quint said in a statement published on the website of the U.S. Embassy in Serbia. 

According to them, Quint accepts the right of the Pristina government to "decide whether or not to vote in another state's elections" and appreciates "Serbia's availability in seeking a solution", but "welcomes with great disappointment the government's decision" in Pristina to reject "a constructive proposal" which was presented by Quint". With such a decision, Pristina, according to the five states, failed to "show its commitment to the principle of protection of civil and political rights of all its citizens, including members of minority groups." Such an attitude of the Pristina government is not in line with "our values ​​and principles and will undermine their European aspirations," Quint stated. 


They expect Pristina to adhere to key values ​​and responsibilities towards regional stability and to respect democratic processes, as well as to dedicate itself to protecting the rights of members of minority groups. Quint also expects the temporary institutions in Pristina to act in the interest of all its citizens, to work on reducing tensions and to constructively dedicate themselves to the dialogue on the normalization of relations with Belgrade, with the mediation of the EU. "This is crucial in order to make progress towards a comprehensive normalization agreement that will ultimately open the EU's perspective for Kosovo. We reiterate our strong call for Kosovo and Serbia to refrain from any actions and rhetoric that increase tensions and lead to incidents", Quint members announced. 


Radojevic asked the German ambassador for the protection of Serbs in KiM (RTS)


The president of the municipality in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, Milan Radojevic, told the German ambassador in Pristina, Jern Rode, to stand up with other international representatives and ambassadors of Quinta to protect the legally guaranteed rights of Serbs to Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). 


Milan Radojevic met with Jern Rode in Mitrovica and briefed him on current topics important for the position of the Serb community in KiM, emphasizing the position on key issues such as Pristina's refusal to hold elections in KiM, electricity supply, inability to exercise rights to personal documents, the right to freedom of movement, as well as the growing distrust of citizens in central institutions. 


"I pointed out that the refusal of the Government in Pristina to enable Serbs in KiM to exercise their right to vote in the upcoming April elections shows the true attitude of Pristina institutions towards the Serbian community, respect for basic human rights, but also their attitude towards the international community ignoring their clear calls and proposals in order to enable Serbs the right to vote," Radojevic said in a statement. 

He conveyed to the German ambassador that the municipality of North Mitrovica is an administrative, health and university center, and mentioned numerous problems that Serbs in KiM face every day. 


"Administrative obstacles in the process of obtaining personal documents, title deeds, excerpts from the central register, as well as the recognition of diplomas with institutional disregard for the law on the use of language, have reduced trust in central institutions to the lowest possible level," Radojevic said. He also conveyed the concern of the citizens due to the large number of unresolved cases of attacks on Serbs, their property, as well as on the property of the Serbian Orthodox Church, which lead to a violation of the security situation. 


He expressed hope that the German Embassy will provide stronger support to the Serbian community in exercising its rights, but also that conditions will be created for potential German investors in the future.  


A KFOR drone crashed in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica due to a malfunction (RTS)

A two-meter unmanned aerial vehicle crashed into the yard of a private house in the Bair settlement in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, and KFOR confirmed that the aircraft was theirs and that it fell due to a malfunction. Local media reported that the police blocked the wider area around the place where the plane crashed, comparing in the first instance the case with the recent drone crash in Zagreb. The KFOR mission soon announced that the drone was theirs and that it landed in a private garden in the Mitrovica area as a result of a malfunction. The drone did not cause injuries or material damage and was removed by police forces immediately after landing. 


KFOR further states that the drone performed a routine monitoring mission in support of their activities, and that they launched an investigation to find out the cause of this incident. "KFOR wants to thank the local population for their understanding and cooperation and for the immediate contact with the Kosovo authorities, who enabled the drone to be taken over immediately and remove any concerns about the incident. KFOR has already launched an investigation to determine the cause of the incident," said KFOR.


Vucic: I received information from the battlefield (Tanjug)


During his guest appearance, President Aleksandar Vucic referred to the situation in Ukraine, saying that he received information from the battlefield. As he stated, he saw data from the battlefield and did not listen to propaganda, but only read verified information. "I expect that the clash of great powers will be even harder, because Russian forces, as things stand, will probably take Mariupol," he said. Vucic said that he was afraid of tomorrow and that he hoped that peace would be preserved and that the conflict would not spread. 


"Every day there is more and more difficult news," he pointed out. The president also praised Jens Stoltenberg's statement regarding the non-spread of the conflict. He also referred to the statements of high officials. Emmanuel Macron, although I believe he will win again, said to the citizens of France to get ready for food vouchers. France is the strongest agricultural power. Imagine that I said like him: 'reduce heating, save', and they are incomparably stronger than us", he pointed out. Vucic pointed out that it is our job to keep the peace and that our economy is moving forward, as well as that people from abroad return to Serbia. 


EU top diplomat in Serbia: Energy has become one of most essential weapons (Beta)


The head of the European Union Delegation to Serbia, Emanuele Giaufret said on Wednesday that Russia's attack on Ukraine emphasised the importance of energy independence because "resources have become weapons" and that the Union would work with the Western Balkan countries to overcome those challenges. 


“We have to ask ourselves how Russia’s aggression will affect the economy, specifically gas exports to Europe. The question of diversification of energy resources is being raised because it turned out that even resources, i.e., energy, have become one of the most important weapons” Giaufret said. He told the ‘Circular Economic, Employment and Digitalisation in the Light of the Conference on the Future of Europe’ gathering in Belgrade that it was necessary to prepare for all possible risks and that the EU wanted to ensure energy supply.  “We will also work with the Western Balkans countries to deal with these risks” Giaufret said. According to him, the solution lies in renewable energy sources. "We will become independent only at the moment when we curb energy dependence on others," Giaufret said, adding that 3.1 billion euros have been invested in projects on digitalisation and renewable energy sources in the EU so far.


French Ambassador Pierre Cochard said the digitalisation and circular economy were "carriers of job creation and wealth and exceptional vectors for Serbia's integration into the European market." He added that meant the adoption of European norms in the phase of development and production, which would enable Serbia's companies to export more to foreign markets and create opportunities for EU finances. "The Western Balkans have been identified as one of the priorities of the French presidency. French President Emmanuel Macron has made this clear and said he would like the integration of the Western Balkans to be completed within a reasonable time," the French ambassador said. Cochard announced that a French-Serbian innovation forum would be held in April to highlight high technological value projects supported by EU funds in technology applied in agriculture and industry digitalisation. 


Serbia's Minister for European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic said the EU was Serbia's most important strategic and financial partner in the circular economy. "We have worked with the EU to support projects that will directly affect these important areas and reach every citizen of Serbia," Joksimovic said, adding that the circular economy will create 30,000 jobs. 


Vucic: We have no problems with food and oil (RTV)


President Aleksandar Vucic said that there are no problems with basic foodstuffs in Serbia, as well as with the procurement of oil, despite all the problems. Vucic pointed out for RTV that the price of oil rose again today, it was 118 dollars yesterday, and 122 dollars last night, while the price of gas rose by as much as 25 percent, as a consequence of Vladimir Putin's decision that the gas is paid in rubles. “It is a big problem for the whole world, as well as the decision about the ruble. Some believe that it is ingenious in the geopolitical game, to oppose the petrodollar, the yuan ... The Germans have already stated that this is the reason for terminating the contract. All that brings us a lot of problems, " Vucic said. He added that he was in talks with European partners in order for Serbia to provide sufficient quantities of oil. 


He explained that an additional problem is that oil cannot be easily transferred across the Black Sea, due to insurance companies and insecurities, and if there is a conflict around Odessa, it is only an additional problem. "We take oil through Omis, through Croatia, we have to solve it with the Europeans and I believe we will solve it. People should know that we are taking care of the things and doing everything that is possible," said Vucic. 


Vucic pointed out that he was already in talks with partners from the Middle East about the possibility of Serbia importing oil from them, as well as that it could be delivered to our country through the Albanian port of Durres. 


Vucic stated that he did not know how the problem with oil would end, ie whether Serbia and NIS would be exempted from EU sanctions against Russian companies. "I am already talking to our friends from the Middle East to import oil from them and I am looking for where to bring it. The best and easiest way is to get to Durres. Now we are looking at how to organize transportation from Durres, whether we have tanks and vehicles and other way to do it," Vucic said. He added that Serbia must import huge quantities of oil daily. He pointed out that none of the procurements of what Serbia needs can be found in a day, but it is all the result of constant and hard work. 


Kremlin: Serbia's gas concerns a priority for Russia (RTS)

Commenting on the statement of President Aleksandar Vucic, who said that Russia's decision for the gas to be paid in rubles would create many new problems for Serbia, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Serbia's concerns would be a priority for Russia. Peskov said that Moscow understands the position of the President of Serbia. This is completely normal. He is right. It can really be a problematic situation, because in this case Bulgaria has taken hostile steps towards us. That is why it will have to pay in rubles, whether it wants to or not, whether it likes it or not. "But at the same time, it does not apply to Serbia. It is a problem that needs to be solved. Of course, Serbia's concerns will be our primary priority," Peskov said, answering the question how the Kremlin views Vucic's statements, reports Sputnik


Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided that "enemy countries" will pay for gas in rubles in the future. As he said, "it makes no sense for Russia to deliver its products to the EU and the United States and to receive payments in dollars, euros and other currencies." The Russian president ordered the company "Gazprom" to transfer the contracts to the ruble. He said that Russia will continue to supply gas in accordance with the agreed quantities and prices. 


Serbia marks 23rd anniversary of NATO bombing (Beta)


On March 24, 23 years ago, the 11-week NATO began bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) over Belgrade policy in the then Serbia's province of Kosovo, which sought independence. According to sources, about 2,500 civilians and about 1,000 soldiers and police officers were killed. Infrastructure, businesses, health facilities, media houses and military facilities were severely damaged in the 78-day bombing. The central commemoration of the “Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the NATO Aggression” will be held in the central town of Kraljevo. 


The FRY Government and many legal experts described the bombing as illegal aggression because it was not approved by the UN Security Council but by the General Assembly. It followed unsuccessful negotiations held at Rambouillet, France, on resolving the Kosovo crisis, during which Pristina accepted the conditions while Belgrade rejected them. The bombing ended on June 10, with the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1244, followed by the withdrawal of the Belgrade army and police from Kosovo and the arrival of the NATO-led international military troops and the European legal mission. 


UNHCR has said that 230,000 Serbs and Roma left Kosovo since the arrival of peacekeepers while 800,000 Albanian refugees have returned. 


Vucic on NATO aggression: They should be ashamed of themselves (Tanjug)

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, attended the ceremony of unveiling the monument to Lieutenant Colonel Veljko Radenovic in Krusevac. Vucic said that Radenovic was one of the greatest heroes who protected our children when it was most difficult. At the unveiling of the monument, he mentioned that the family was surprised that their Veljko Radenovc received the Sretenje Order of Merit for what he had done for his country. 


"Today, as a country, we are in one of the most difficult historical situations, we do not know what night brings and what tomorrow brings. But we know very well that our policy must be a policy of peace, stability, we have never asked for anything but to be on our own. We will have enough wisdom and courage to defend what is ours", Vucic said. He added that it is up to the citizens of Serbia to believe in themselves, to be wise, smart and that we should not be ashamed to say that we will be stronger. "Not that we would attack someone, but that it would never occur to anyone to attack this country again. We have something to protect and guard," he said. 


Vucic will also lay a wreath at the monument to the fallen fighters of the 125th Motorized Brigade, the president's office for the cooperation with the media announced. A member of the Ministry of the Interior, Lieutenant Colonel Veljko Radenovic, was posthumously decorated this year on the occasion of the Statehood Day. As the Ministry of the Interior stated on that occasion, he is one of the greatest heroes of the Serbian police in the conflicts in Kosovo and Metohija. During the conflict in Kosovo and Metohija and the NATO aggression on FR Yugoslavia in 1999, the 125th Motorized Brigade was part of the Pristina Corps, and 94 of its members were killed during the conflict. 


Serbia only wants the victims of the NATO aggression in 1999 to be remembered and the crimes not to be forgotten, said President Aleksandar Vucic today on the occasion of the anniversary of the NATO aggression on our country and told everyone who took part that they should be silent instead of proud, that they should be ashamed. 


"They can't convince us, I've seen some of them today triumphantly talking about their successes from 1999. My message to them is that it's better to keep quiet. I'm talking about foreigners who took part in that terrible aggression against our country and to be a little ashamed and to find a place to pray to God for all those wonderful people and numerous children they killed here", Vucic said. In a statement for Pink TV, he said that he referred to Wesley Clark and many others. 


Institute for European Affairs: Record low support of Serbia – NATO cooperation (FoNet)


Belgrade Institute for European Affairs' latest public opinion poll on relations between Serbia and NATO show a record low average grade of cooperation and an increasing number of respondents who oppose Serbia's membership in the Alliance, an Institute's press release has said on Thursday. 


Its seventh annual opinion poll was conducted this year from March 4 to 14 on a representative sample of 1,228 respondents. The average assessment of the relations between Serbia and NATO on a scale from one to five is two, which is below the average. The press release has added that this was the lowest average assessment of the relations between Serbia and the Alliance in the past seven years. 


Ten percent of citizens support Serbia's membership in NATO, while 82 percent are against, mainly oldest men, with secondary education, from all regions, except the northern province of Vojvodina. The results show that eight percent are undecided. 


As for the reasons for the NATO bombing in 1999, most citizens cite the US and the West's military and political interests, the support of Kosovo's independence, the policies of then-head of state Slobodan Milosevic and the destruction of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 


The majority of respondents believe that more than 5,000 people died in the NATO bombing - 36 percent, and a similar number of respondents say more than 2,000 people were killed. Five per cent of the respondents said that 754 people were killed, while 24 percent could not declare themselves. A third of the polled would accept the Alliance's apology for the bombing, while 57 percent would not, and 14 percent were undecided.


The apology would be more accepted by men over the age of 45, highly educated and respondents from suburban settlements. Sixty-three percent of the polled believe that Serbia cannot benefit from NATO membership, while 18percent think that benefits are possible, similarly to previous surveys. 


Regarding the support of cooperation between Serbia and the Alliance, 61 percent of respondents are against, while 27 percent favor, and 13 percent are undecided. Almost half of the respondents, 44 percent, believe that even after 23 years since the bombing, it is still not time for reconciliation, while 37 percent favour reconciliation and 20 percent do not have a clear position. Reconciliation is supported by a slightly higher percentage of men over the age of 45 and respondents with the lowest and highest level of education from urban areas. 


Vucic: Opposition will never win, I’ll step aside myself (Pink TV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, also the Serbian Progressive Party leader, said on March 23 that the opposition knew there would be no election rigging, and that the ruling coalition would win “five to one, at least.” “I told them (the opposition) a million times that they would never win, but that I would step aside instead, and do it of my own accord. I’ll also let Serbian citizens know when I’m stepping down and why, and I’ll do it by myself at some point. I don’t think they can win without a platform, a plan or policy,” Vucic said in an interview with the Pink TV. The president said that the opposition would need to admit that the government’s campaign was the purest possible, and that “not a single name came up during the campaign.” In a comment on a statement by the lead candidate of the United for Victory coalition, Marinika Tepic, that the coalition would have 23000 controllers across Serbia, Vucic said that “representatives of the former authorities will surely have more controllers than the Serbian Progressive Party.” 


Right-wing presidential nominee: I’m running to unite Serbian lands (Politika)


A right-wing candidate for Serbian president, Misa Vacic, said on March 23 that he was running to present a strategy to unite Serbian lands and awaken national awareness, but also to right the wrongs done to the Serbian people. “The strategy will win, sooner or later, in 12 years if necessary. We’ll go one step at a time, stone by stone – a Greater Serbia,” Vacic said in an interview with the Politika daily. Vacic said that he was the only presidential candidate with a clear ideology, while the others were into “calculations.” “No one else is talking about the liberation and unification of Serbian lands, but I have, since I joined politics. The Serbian right wing wants all the Serbs in a single state, similar to what (Serbian interior minister, Aleksandar) Vulin is calling ‘a Serbian world’, but he’s never as specific and open as I have been,” Vacic said. He also explained that he had invited the Oath Takers, the Democratic Party of Serbia, the Serbian Radical Party and the Sovereigntists, including the Enough is Enough, Healthy Serbia and I Live for Serbia, to run together with him, but no one had responded to the call. 


Seselj: Radicals are steady advocates of Serbian-Russian brotherhood (Beta)


The Serbian Radical Party leader, Vojislav Seselj, said on March 23 that his Radicals were unwavering advocates of brotherhood between Serbs and Russians. “Russia is our greatest ally, and Serbia must not join the European Union. Only with Russica can we secure the economic prosperity of our Serbia, and protect the Serbian lands,” Seselj said. The party quoted the leader as saying that the Radicals would never betray “the Russian brothers,” but work with them to “protect the freedom of our people, too.” “A vote for the Serbian Radicals is a vote for Serbian unity and the power of the people,” the Radical leader said. 


People’s party: Vucic is blackmailed, can’t make decisions for the benefit of the state (Nova S)


A vice-president of the People’s Party, Miroslav Aleksic, urged all the citizens of Serbia on 

March 23 to go to the polls to “liberate” Serbia. “I trust the people will realize how important their vote is,” Aleksic said in an interview with the Nova S. Aleksic, third on the list of candidates nominated by the United for the Victory of Serbia, underlined that “all arguments are in favor of the opposition,” adding that “the truth always finds its way.” “Everything the authorities say is easy to challenge, and it takes minutes to make people realise that they have been lying and deceiving them for ten years,” Aleksic said, adding that “the regime is trying to keep voters with lies.” The Serbian Progressive Party knows full well that its ratings are plummeting, and it’s doing everything it can to keep the party’s voters, aware that it can’t get a single new vote, Aleksic explained. 


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Dodik on Dzaferovic’s visit to Brussels: This visit is private visit, it is not supported by B&H Presidency (ATV)

Chairman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic travelled to Brussels on Wednesday where he will meet EU officials in the upcoming days. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik sent a letter to EU officials, saying that Dzaferovic pays a private visit and not an official one. He called on EU officials to use their authorities and act responsibly by rejecting a discussion on the situation in B&H with one of two Bosniak members of the B&H Presidency. Dodik also said that they need to refrain from adopting any decisions as this will be seen as invalid. He said that the EU officials need to respect their own procedures and to refrain from decisions that would be seen as legally invalid. He explained that Dzaferovic does not represent the B&H Presidency with his visit and every violation of procedures represents undermining of the B&H Constitution and Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). Dodik said that this would apply to Dzaferovic and his collocutors, regardless of the position they are in. He stressed that everyone will equally carry the consequences and guilt of the further undermining of the constitutional status of B&H and the deepening of the crisis. He asked the EU officials to consider the statements and activities of Dzaferovic as a private gesture. Dodik said that Dzaferovic took over Chairmanship over the B&H Presidency three days ago and immediately left for Brussels without the approval of the B&H Presidency. He stated that last week during their joint visit to B&H, Dzaferovic complained about Dodik and Republika Srpska (RS), which is likely to happen again. Analysts believe that the trip of Dzaferovic is an attempt to fix the mistakes from last week. Political analyst Filip Matic said that the discussion between Dzaferovic and Dodik ended badly in the European Parliament, as Dzaferovic failed to prove his point against Dodik. He believes that last week’s visit gave different results than expected and Dzaferovic did not want them to hear the other side, which is why he went again to repeat the false story Bosniaks are trying to present to Europe. 


HNS President and HDZ B&H leader Covic writes letter to PIC SB members and European officials informing them of recently held negotiations on electoral reform (N1)

HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan Covic wrote a letter to numerous international officials addressing the issue of failure to amend the B&H Election Law. In his letter to international officials, Covic once again called out SDA, or, as he put it, “those whose ultimate goal is the creation of a Bosniak nation-state”. According to Covic, HDZ B&H showed a wish to reach a compromise, while the other side offered to equate the House of Peoples (HoP) of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) Parliament with the Republika Srpska (RS) Council of Peoples (CoP), which this party considers to be a gross violation of the Washington Agreement and Dayton Peace Accords and thus seriously threatens peace. The HDZ B&H leader is also concerned that the SDA's request was not condemned, but partially supported by some actors of the international community (IC).  


At the end of the letter, he concludes: "The Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) has committed itself to initiate all legal procedures and political steps for the new institutional and territorial organization of B&H on the principles of federalism and consociational democracy, which will ensure full constitutional equality of all three constituent peoples within the framework of our homeland B&H and its Constitution, if the process of de-constitution of the Croat people continues.”  


The letter states, among others, that the “substantial failure’’ in reaching an agreement occurred the moment when there was an attempt to use the implementation of the rulings by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) to amend the Washington Agreement and the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). Covic warned of the intention to reduce Croat people to the status of a national minority with the negotiations on electoral reform.  Covic accused SDA of attempting to use the negotiations, whose goal was to implement verdicts of B&H and international courts, to change the competences of the FB&H House of People (FB&H HoP), which has no connection to the verdicts. Covic explained that with the lowering of the competences of this institution, the constituent status of Croats would be abolished. He said that HDZ B&H will not agree to this and assessed it as a malicious intent towards Croats. Covic hinted that Croats will launch formation of a federal unit if attempts to reduce them to the national minority continue. 


SBB leader Radoncic: Elections must be held, otherwise B&H will face an even deeper crisis (Dnevni list)

SBB leader Fahrudin Radoncic stated that he does not agree with HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)’s claim that elections cannot be held. Radoncic warned that without elections, B&H will enter an even deeper crisis. Talking about the last week’s round of negotiations on electoral reform which yielded no concrete results, he stated that several important issues were resolved, such as implementation of several rulings of the European Court for Human Rights and B&H Constitutional Court and important issues regarding the House of Peoples. In his opinion, the last week’s negotiations represent a good foundations for continuation of talks. According to Radoncic, the last week’s negotiations can be considered a failure only because everybody insists that either everything is agreed, or nothing is agreed at all. He warned that the situation in B&H is very bad because of separatist policies of SNSD leader Milorad Dodik. He underlined that the Federation of B&H needs to be strong in order to be able to respond to this challenge. He expressed hope that Croats will not boycott the elections in October. 


EU representatives to submit package concerning integrity of election process in B&H into parliamentary procedure; Colo: This proposal refers to integrity package that contains provisions on financing of elections in case that budget is not adopted (FTV)


FTV reports that EU representatives will submit a package concerning the integrity of the election process in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) into parliamentary procedure, but that the date on which this will happen is unknown. N1 reported that amending of the Election Law remains the most important political issue in B&H, but its fate is uncertain. Political leaders, who are expected to reach agreement on its amending, have been exchanging accusations against each other. Meanwhile, SDA announced that technical amendments to the Election Law should soon be discussed in the B&H Parliament. EU representatives should send the proposal to the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) for Amendments to the Election Law.  


Chairwoman of IAWG Alma Colo (SDA) said for N1 that this proposal refers to the integrity package that contains provisions on financing of elections in case the budget is not adopted, and in that case the funds for elections are allocated through a decision of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). Colo added that it also contains provisions on polling station committees to prevent trade happening in these committees, as well as changes regarding introduction of new technologies. Reporter noted that the proposal also includes a more precise definition of hate speech, transparent financing of campaigns, as well as an important recommendation regarding the harmonization of the number of mandates with the number of voters, which has not been resolved in B&H. Reporter added that the package does not include the proposal that the HDZ B&H insisted on, regarding the election of the BiH Central Election Commission (CEC) members, or SNSD's request to abolish voting via mail.  

Bakalar: B&H CEC demands from B&H CoM to adopt special decision which would ensure that funds necessary for implementation of election process are secured from accumulated surplus revenue from previous years (FTV)


FTV carries that there are louder and louder announcements of possible blockades of elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). According to FTV, one of them is non-adoption of the B&H budget because of which there is no money for ensuring the election process. At the same time, B&H Minister of Finance Vjekoslav Bevanda (HDZ B&H) is not offering a solution to the problem of non-adoption of the B&H budget although according to the law, elections must be held.  


President of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) Zeljko Bakalar said that members of the B&H CEC demand from the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) to adopt a special decision which would ensure that funds necessary for the implementation of the election process in the amount of BAM 11.7 million are secured from the accumulated surplus revenue from previous years. However, the B&H CEC's proposal first has to get a positive opinion of the Office of Legislation and then Bevanda himself. The Office of Legislation has given a green light for the CEC's proposal, but one is still awaiting the opinion of the B&H Minister of Finance. "According to our information, there are funds in the budget, there are more than enough of them," Bakalar underlined.  


FTV stressed that there are funds in the budget, but that there is a lack of political will because HDZ B&H's Bevanda is at the head of the B&H Ministry of Finance. FTV reminded that HDZ B&H is of the opinion that there are no conditions for holding elections and that the current convocation of the B&H CEC is illegitimate.  


FTV reminded about the letter in which Bevanda explained why funds for the elections have not been secured yet. "Legal provisions on the issue of temporary financing are unambiguous and apply equally to all institutions at the level of B&H. There is no legal basis for any exception and privileged status for anyone, including the CEC," Bevanda stated in the letter.  


However, FTV stressed that for years, one has been allowing HDZ B&H to have a privileged status, adding that HDZ B&H has mechanisms to stop process, but also to unblock them both at the Federation of B&H and B&H level. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic said that it is pernicious thinking that the B&H Finance Minister is responsible for something when it comes to the budget. "The Finance Minister proposed the budget for last year a year and a half ago," Covic said, reminding that under the Constitution, the formal proponent of the B&H budget is the B&H Presidency. "We do not have global fiscal framework. That global fiscal framework is not adopted by the minister," Covic underlined.  


FTV reminded that all international officials have clearly said that there can be no postponement of the elections, noting that this is very clear to those who make decisions in B&H always at the last minute because it is a priority to first exhaust all mechanisms of blackmails and blockades.   




Covic informs Plenkovic about electoral reform talks failure: Final part of talks was obstructed by SDA (Dnevni list)


HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan Covic met with Croatian Prime Minister (PM) Andrej Plenkovic in Zagreb on Wednesday. According to the daily, formal cause behind the meeting was the adoption of the Strategic Compass at the level of the EU Foreign Ministers and the EU Defense Ministers. According to a statement issued by HDZ B&H, the document in question is a strategic document for the EU Member States and that the document clearly specifies the constituent peoples in B&H, stressing that the document recognizes the umbrella constitutional principle of constituent peoples. Statement issued after the meeting reads that Covic informed Plenkovic about the four-day talks on the electoral reform, which recently took place in Sarajevo. “Final part of the negotiations was, unfortunately, obstructed by SDA which wants to completely change the constitutional architecture and competences of the House of Peoples”, reads the statement. It further reads that harmonization of relations between the Bosniak and the Croat people in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) should be resolved through just and rational solution to the Law on Elections, which should be free of all unconstitutional anomalies that allow discrimination and imposition of political representatives.  


Croatian President Milanovic accuses SDA of being responsible for failure of negotiations on changes to B&H Election Law (Dnevni list)

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic commented on the negotiations on the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Election Law and said that some Bosniak parties were constructive during the process, but SDA is responsible for the failure of these negotiations. He said that the same story is repeating and it is predictable by now to have SDA participate in negotiations and undermining them at the end. Milanovic said that Croats are looking for rights that have been taken away. He added that it is possible to have a conversation with representatives of Serbs. Milanovic stressed that Croats demand stolen rights and that Serbs can be talked to" Milanovic underlined. 


Grlic-Radman: Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin is a war criminal (Hina)


Croatian Foreign Minister, Gordan Grlic-Radman, on Wednesday described Russian President Vladimir Putin as a "war criminal," expressing hope that "the Russian autocratic regime would not last long" and claiming that Croatia "would know how to respond if Russian threats were to become a reality." 

Speaking in an interview with state radio, Grlic-Radman said that he did not consider threats by the Russian ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Igor Kalabukhov, as realistic, describing them as “a form of intimidation.” A few days ago, Kalabukhov warned that Moscow had the right to respond to B&H’s potential membership in NATO, asking the interviewer: “How do you know we do not have plans also against Croatia, Poland, and Bulgaria as NATO members?” 


In an unlikely scenario of the threats becoming a reality, Croatia “would know how to respond” with its allies, said Grlic-Radman. “The ambassador’s threat concerns not only Croatia but the entire EU, and if it were to become a reality, it would activate Article 5” of the North Atlantic Treaty, which says that an armed attack against one member state is considered an armed attack against them all, Grlic-Radman said. 


“That would cause a new escalation of the conflict, which is in no one’s interest and I am certain it will be avoided, and ways would be found to negotiate with the Russian president,” Grlic-Radman said. He added that Putin “has already committed war crimes, but one must negotiate in war.” Putin will “not have any choice because he has not accomplished what he wanted – to conquer Ukraine,” said Grlic-Radman. 


Two months after his official visit to Moscow, where he said that “good relations with Ukraine really do not rule out good relations with Russia,” Grlic-Radman said that he was referring to the Russian people. “The regime and the people are not the same thing. People stay, policies change. I hope this autocratic regime will not last long,” he stressed. 


Grlic-Radman said that the EU had pursued a two-track policy towards Russia, with sanctions as well as an open diplomatic channel with Moscow, and that a number of EU ministers had visited Russia before the invasion of Ukraine to advocate de-escalation. He said that five Croatian nationals were still in Ukraine and that anyone who wanted to leave the country had done so. More than 9,000 Ukrainian refugees have arrived in Croatia and the number keeps growing, he said. 


Milanovic to represent Croatia at NATO's extraordinary summit (HRT)


On Thursday Brussels will host an extraordinary summit of NATO leaders, as well as a G7 summit. The inter-governmental political forum, which is comprised of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, will also focus on the war in Ukraine. Also on Thursday, US President Joe Biden will address EU leaders at a meeting of the European Council. 


Speaking ahead of Thursday’s extraordinary NATO summit, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the alliance will continue to strengthen its military capacities and provide military aid to Ukraine, in a bid to protect all allied member states: “There are now hundreds of thousands of Allied troops at heightened readiness across the Alliance. One hundred thousand US troops in Europe. And 40,000 forces under direct NATO command, mostly in the eastern part of the alliance. All backed by major air and naval power. Including five carrier strike groups in the High North and in the Mediterranean. At the Summit tomorrow, we will make further decisions. I expect leaders will agree to strengthen NATO's posture in all domains. With major increases to our forces in the eastern part of the Alliance. On land, in the air, and at sea.” 


He went on to say that this would include the deployment of four new NATO battle-groups, in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia. Along with existing forces in the Baltic countries and Poland, this would mean that NATO will have eight multinational battle-groups along the eastern flank, from the Baltic to the Black Sea: “We are determined to do all we can to support Ukraine. But we have a responsibility to ensure that the war does not escalate beyond Ukraine, and become a conflict between NATO and Russia. This would cause even more death and even more destruction.” 


Stoltenberg then said that NATO leaders will also address China's role in the situation: “Beijing has joined Moscow in questioning the right of independent nations to choose their own path. China has provided Russia with political support, including by spreading blatant lies and disinformation. And Allies are concerned that China could provide material support for the Russian invasion. I expect leaders will call on China to live up to its responsibilities as a member of the UN Security Council. Refrain from supporting Russia's war effort. And join the rest of the world in calling for an immediate, peaceful end to this war.” 


He concluded that the planned security reinforcements would require major investment into the defense sector. Representing Croatia at the NATO summit, will be President Zoran Milanovic




Bilcik: Outgoing Govt. didn’t have credibility to fulfil its obligations to EU (Pobjeda)


The outgoing government has talked a lot about European integration, but in fact has not made any step forward, and Montenegro has lost almost two years when it comes to European integration, says Vladimir Bilcik, Chairman of the European Parliament Delegation to the Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee (POSP). 


According to Bilcik, the country must move forward, so he believes that the minority government must take the chance to make a move. “Time is really lost, but what is not lost is – a chance for the right things that would lead Montenegro to the EU. And I think that at a time when we are facing Russian aggression in Ukraine, it is increasingly important that everyone thinks about Montenegro’s future as a country that is serious in its intention to implement reforms”, Bilcic points out. “I believe that the war in Ukraine will have consequences for the Balkans. The European perspective of the Balkans is becoming a much clearer issue and we are ready to work with all those who will not only talk about Europe, but also work on the European path. That is why harmonization with sanctions against Russia is so important. That is a clear political signal. This is a war that is happening in Europe, and which side you are on in this war will strongly define the relations between the country and the European Union in the coming period”, he says. 


German envoy for the Western Balkans: We are waiting for the outcome of the formation of the government in Montenegro, NATO membership is the best guarantor of stability (RSE)


Failure to join the sanctions of the Western Balkan countries against Russia due to the aggression against Ukraine does not mean neutrality, but support for Russia, the special envoy of the German Government for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, told RSE


Bearing in mind that Montenegro is in a phase of political instability, where attempts are being made to form a government and obstruct the parliament, but also that there is a strong ethnic Montenegrin-Serbian division, with visible Russian influence in decision-making positions, Sarrazin believes that NATO membership is Montenegro the best guarantor of stability. 


"In Montenegro, we are currently waiting for the outcome of domestic political processes related to the formation of the new government. "In general, I am deeply convinced that the path of EU enlargement and a strong commitment to NATO are the best framework for stability in the region and Montenegro," Sarrazin said. Sarrazin emphasized that the United States, as well as some European officials, are calling for the acceleration of Euro-Atlantic integration of the Western Balkans, in order to prevent reflections on the war in Ukraine. 

"However, the processes should be accelerated by meeting the criteria as quickly as possible, but as well as possible. For this, we need more credibility on the European path on both sides. "First, the EU must open accession negotiations with Northern Macedonia and Albania," Sarrazin said. He also adds that a credible reform process is needed within the enlargement countries on the ground. "The EU common market and the unity and integrity of European values ​​and the adoption of EU law are two sides of the same coin," Sarrazin concluded. 


Commenting on the fact that the reactions of Pristina and Belgrade are contradictory in the case of current events, and that Serbia is against sanctions against Russia, while Pristina joined them, Sarrazin said that harmonization of the Western Balkans with the EU on this issue is crucial. "In the foreign policy environment as it is now, the state cannot be successful by" looping "or playing roulette. The situation is different now than it was before. But, at the same time, this is a good situation to explain a clearer course towards the domestic audience ", said Sarrazin. According to him, in the light of the Russian war against Ukraine, Europe must remain united. "Precisely because of that, the foreign policy harmonization of the Western Balkan countries with the EU is of key importance on this issue, and that harmonization includes joining sanctions. We welcome the fact that most countries in the Western Balkans have already done that, but we expect Serbia to do the same. It is not possible to stand aside on this issue. "Non-accession to sanctions does not mean neutrality, but means support for Russia." 


Djukanovic: We’ll be the strongest list in Berane, this is a struggle between pro-European and nationalist politics – the first leads to Brussels and the second to The Hague (CDM)


The leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, spoke last night at the final convention in Berane and pointed out that he was speaking at the promotion of the winning list, which, as he stated, would achieve the best election result in Berane. President Djukanovic stated that Montenegro has gone through two stages of state development since 2006. “The first stage, from 2006 to 2020, was marked by a period of constant strengthening of stability, interethnic harmony, a time of intensive investments and continuous international affirmation of our country”, he said. Unfortunately, he added, the second phase occurred in early 2020 when nationalism flourished – not only in Montenegro, but in the region and globally, which led to retrograde policies and the complete collapse of stability and values that have been affirmed in Europe after the Second World War and those values that we inherited in Montenegro, especially after 21 May”, President Djukanovic said. “The clero-nationalist government has lost confidence in parliament and we are now probably in the final days of consultations on electing a new government. Whatever that government is, no decision in the state of Montenegro will be possible without the parties that present themselves here tonight.” 


North Macedonia 


Macedonia has never been more humiliated (Republika)


The latest set of demands linked to the dispute Bulgaria is imposing on Macedonia have raised the already high bar of humiliation for the country. Macedonia is expected to amend its Constitution and include the Bulgarian minority in it – without the right to ask for some kind of reciprocity from Bulgaria. It also needs to stop complaining about the Bulgarian demands and comparing them to, say, Russian historic claims against Ukraine, even as Bulgarian officials freely use comparisons and allusions to the war in Ukraine to denigrate Macedonia. 


The latest new call comes from Petar Kolev, the head of the GDU party that is establishing itself as the voice of Bulgarians in Macedonia. Kolev wants this minority group to be represented in the negotiations between the two countries and to more directly put forward their demands. Meanwhile, President Stevo Pendarovski was openly rebuked by Bulgaria for merely meeting with representatives of ethnic Macedonians from Bulgaria. 


June was set as the month when the dispute will be overcome – at least in the early optimistic days after the election of Kiril Petkov as Prime Minister of Bulgaria. But with the more recent developments, and the tone and demands coming from Sofia, this is now looking very unlikely. 


After the government signed the agreement with Bulgaria, the problem with the identity arose, and we had cooperation in other fields before (TV 24)


If we allow ourselves to enter a contest of power, a contest of age as nations, then we run away from the basic law of international relations that every country is equal in the international legal order if it is recognized by the United Nations, Stefan Andonovski, Secretary for International Cooperation of VMRO-DPMNE said on the show “Analysis 24” on TV 24


The problem with our representatives is that we do not know the positions of Macedonia and what we want from these negotiations with Bulgaria, nor what is the goal of our Macedonian side. We have a problem with identity issues with Bulgaria, and the cooperation in other areas existed before the good neighbourly and cooperation agreement from 2017, but without any request from Bulgaria to the Macedonian language and history, said Andonovski. 


Andonovski stressed that if the EU made more serious political pressure to resolve these issues and Macedonia to start negotiations with the EU, then this percentage of anti-Western sentiment in Macedonia would be lower, because we would directly see the benefits. 


MEPs with high recognition for Macedonia’s alignment with EU foreign and security policy (Republika)

During his working visit to Brussels, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia Dimitar Kovacevski met with members of the European Parliament, members of the parliamentary group of the Social Democrats. The meeting, attended by Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bojan Maricic, focused on the situation in Ukraine and Macedonia’s full compliance with EU foreign and security policy, condemning the military aggression in this country, as well as in relation to sanctions against the Russian Federation. 


MEPs also showed interest in the challenges facing Macedonia in dealing with the consequences of the war that caused the economic and energy crisis. The anti-crisis measures and policies of the Government regarding these issues were recognized as progressive and developmental, and as measures that protect the standard of citizens. 


Prime Minister Kovacevski also met with the chair of the group of social democratic parties in the European Parliament Iratxe Garcia Perez, where strong support for our efforts to establish a meaningful dialogue with Bulgaria was expressed. That commitment, it was assessed, is a testimony to Macedonia’s commitment to European values and the European vision of the country as the only way that will bring a dignified solution in the interest of the citizens of both countries. 




Death of Madeleine Albright/ Rama: The woman who oversaw Kosovo's path to freedom (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama has reacted after the sad news of the death of former Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright. Through a message, Rama emphasizes that Albright was the woman who oversaw the path to freedom in Kosovo. "Sad news, the death of the Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, the woman who oversaw the path to freedom of Kosovo Respekt", writes Rama. 


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Olta Xhacka, has joined the reactions to the death of former Secretary Madeleine Albright. Through a message, Xhacka emphasizes that Albright was an amazing woman and an inspiration to millions of girls and women around the world. "It's sad to hear that Secretary Albright died. An amazing woman and an inspiration to millions of girls and women around the world. Eternally grateful for her role in ending the Kosovo War and stopping Milosevic's criminal war machine. Rest in peace, Madam Secretary!", writes Xhacka. 

Albania-Croatia, cooperation in the field of integration and economy (Radio Tirana)


The Deputy Speaker of the Assembly, Ermonela Felaj, received the delegation of the Friendship Group with Albania of the Croatian Parliament. On behalf of the Albanian Parliament and Speaker, Lindita Nikolla, Deputy Speaker Felaj thanked the Chair of the Friendship Group, Ermina Lekaj Prljaskaj, for the visit as well as the promotion of parliamentary cooperation with the Assembly and bilateral cooperation with Albania. 


Felaj underlined that the parliamentary cooperation between the Albanian Parliament and the Croatian Parliament will continue to promote bilateral relations between the two countries, aiming to increase economic and trade cooperation to the level of excellent political cooperation, which has been strengthened after the signing of the Strategic Partnership in 2018. Speaker Ermina Lekaj Prljaskaj, as well as the Croatian MPs present at the meeting, underlined that they are working to intensify parliamentary cooperation with the Assembly and promote bilateral cooperation with Albania, especially in the economic field, investments and the European integration process. 


The President of the Republic, Ilir Meta awarded with the high title "Knight of the Order of Skanderbeg" the prominent politician and Albanian MP in the Parliament of Croatia, Mrs. Ermina Lekaj Prljaskaj: “In appreciation of the valuable contribution given over the years in strengthening and consolidating the excellent relations between Albania and Croatia. With state gratitude for the continuous support and promotion of the best values ​​of our culture, history and traditions, which unite Albanians in all lands, as well as for their valuable contribution towards the preservation of the Albanian language and our national identity in the diaspora.” 


Addressing the Croatian MPs and those present at the solemn decoration ceremony, the Albanian Head of State said that the life and contribution of Mrs. Lekaj Prljaskaj is inextricably linked to the Albanian nation and factor in Croatia and the region. 


The Head of State stressed that at the same time, her parliamentary engagement has given a new and appreciated dimension to the Albanian factor in the ranks of Croatian politics, increasing her profile and at the same time helping to identify and solve some problems, faced by minorities. 


Mayor Veliaj hands over the ''Key of Tirana'' to EU ambassador Luigi Soreca (Radio Tirana)


The Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj handed over today the "Key of Tirana" to the head of the Delegation of the European Union, Luigi Soreca, who after 4 years of service in our country, will take a new position in Brussels. Veliaj expressed his gratitude to Ambassador Soreca for the contribution given to Albania's rapprochement with the European family. 

"Many young people who move freely in Europe today do not know that you have been one of the main contributors to visa-free travel. I am convinced that even in your next job, you will be a friend of this city, in which you will always find an open door ", said Veliaj. Ambassador Soreca said that Tirana is his second home. 


The new president / Balla announces when the election process will take place (Radio Tirana)


The head of the Parliamentary Group, Taulant Balla stated after the meeting of the Socialist Party that the process for the election of the new president will be on May 24. 


"You have to understand that Article 88 of the constitution has determined the time when the process of electing the president begins. The procedures start no later than May 24. We still have a few days available until the procedures start. It is a procedure that takes 5 rounds of voting in the Assembly of Albania. This process must be given proper time. The process ended last time on April 27th. In our case the process should end on May 24th. This is a day that has had a certain historical context. We will have the new president of the Republic. I want to say that even today in the conference of mayors we will not have a calendar for this issue", declared Balla.