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Belgrade Media Report 28 April 2022



Brnabic: Violence in Kosovo and Metohija cause for concern (TV Pink/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday she had told US officials Belgrade was concerned over Pristina's escalation of violence in Kosovo and Metohija. Brnabic met with US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried on Tuesday.

"Yesterday, too, we said clearly that we are extremely concerned over the escalation of violence in Kosovo and Metohija and that it is reflected in everything - in the fact that the number of attacks on Kosovo Serbs and their property rose by over 30 percent in 2021 and that the Visoki Decani monastery has been included in the list of the most endangered cultural and religious monuments, and it all culminated in the Serbs being denied their fundamental human rights by Albin Kurti," Brnabic said in an appearance on TV Pink, recalling that Pristina had banned Kosovo Serbs from voting in a Serbian referendum on constitutional amendments and then also in the 3 April Serbian elections. "Along with constant provocations, we are concerned over all that and we ask our partners in the EU and the US to take this seriously and help us preserve peace in the Western Balkans," Brnabic said.


Brnabic: Taking of transiting gas would be precedent (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday she had no concerns over supplies of Russian natural gas to Serbia via Bulgaria, but noted that mere mentions of the possibility of the natural gas being taken by Bulgaria while in transit to Serbia were inappropriate. "Even though everything is possible nowadays, I have no concerns over gas supplies through the Balkan Stream (pipeline) via Bulgaria. It would be a precedent on a scale never seen before. It would mean that there are no contracts, contractual obligations or rule of law, but a Wild West," Brnabic told reporters at the Jahorina Economic Forum when asked to comment on statements by Bulgarian officials about gas transit through Bulgaria following the country's dispute with Russia over payments for its own gas supplies. If the transiting gas were to be taken, it would mean that goods transiting on trucks could also be taken by someone, she said. That is "simply impossible" and it would mean that there is no certainty whatsoever for anyone in Europe and the world any more, Brnabic said. She noted that Serbia had invested over 1 billion Euros in the gas pipeline. "We have also paid for the gas, it is ours, and we have a contract with Russia on supplies of gas. It happens to be transiting via Bulgaria and they happen to have problems, but Bulgarian problems are not our problems," Brnabic noted. "What I am concerned about is how people live in Serbia, and any disruption in the EU would have a negative impact on the Serbian economy. The calmer and the more stable everything is, the better for us," Brnabic concluded.


Everyone in region can only benefit from Open Balkans (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated on Wednesday that our country had a total trade exchange of €2.5 billion with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Republika Srpska (RS) last year. At the final panel "Regional Cooperation and Economic Development" at the Jahorina Economic Forum 2022, Brnabic expressed confidence that the prospects for cooperation are much better because, in addition to Telekom, EPS now plans to enter as an investor through the Buk Bijela hydroelectric power plant with over €200 million as part of the hydroelectric power plant system, which also includes Foca and Pauci. We expect that the government in B&H will recognize this project as a job of special importance, because EPS enters this project like any other investor and should have such treatment, Brnabic pointed out. She added that EPS and Serbia will become the largest investor in B&H and RS with this project. Along with that project, there is also the construction of the Trebinje airport and other similar jobs in terms of importance and scope, something we have not had so far, which open the possibility for additional projects and cooperation, she emphasized. According to her, if the entire Western Balkans were included in the Open Balkans, we would increase GDP in the region by seven percent, which is unbelievable. I cannot understand that some partners from the Western Balkans do not want to be part of this project, but I expect that they will do so at the end of this and the beginning of next year when the benefits of cooperation between Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania are seen, she said. She expressed the expectation that the pressure of citizens from the region on politicians will be so great that they will decide to join, because, as she said, there is no harm from the Open Balkans, but only benefits. B&H’s accession to the Open Balkans was supported by Republika Srpska (RS) President Zeljka Cvijanovic and Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic, who are also participating in the panel.


Substantial bilateral cooperation with US in field of defense (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic met on Wednesday with Deputy Commander of the European Command of the United States Armed Forces Lieutenant General Michael Howard, who is in our country as part of delegation of US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Asia Karen Donfried. Stefanovic and Howard agreed that bilateral cooperation in the field of defense is meaningful, that it is on an upward path and that its effects are visible, as well as that it follows the strategic development of political and economic relations between the two countries. Stefanovic also recalled the KFOR Mission on our territory and underlined the good cooperation of the Army of Serbia with KFOR, which is of extreme importance to us, especially having in mind that the provisional Pristina institutions persistently avoid to implement internationally undertaken obligations. He expressed gratitude to the US for its continuous support to Serbia on its path to full membership in the EU, stating that this is our country's foreign policy priority. He also stated that Serbia respects international law in principle and supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine, but also that it has not imposed sanctions on the Russian Federation because it is guided by its own interests. Howard also assessed that the relations between our countries are progressing and expressed hope that bilateral cooperation will continue to rise in the coming period.


Vulin on Putin’s statement (Politika)


Reacting to comments coming from the region regarding Putin's statement that the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic became independent based on the precedent set by the International Court of Justice when deciding on Kosovo's independence, Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin says he does not think Putin's comment represents a change in Russia's position. According to Vulin, Putin merely continued to respond to the West with the same arguments and the same vocabulary that they used, when they explained the bombing of Serbia, the Minister's cabinet announced. "Russia could have changed its position before, but has not, and I do not believe that it will do that now. I am not satisfied that President Putin mentioned the response of the International Court of Justice to Jeremic's question in the context of the fake state of Kosovo, but I am satisfied with all his statements in the decades behind us regarding support for Serbia in the fight to preserve Kosovo and Metohija, for the Serb Republic, in defending the Serb people from a resolution proposed by Britain, according to which Serbs were to be branded the first genocidal people in history, I'm grateful for helping strengthen our Army, for customs privileges, preferential gas prices, and respect shown to Serbia and its President Aleksandar Vucic," said Vulin.


Drecun: Pristina’s goal to forcefully put under control north Kosovo and Metohija (RTS)


MP and journalist Milovan Drecun says for Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that Pristina is trying to acquire a lot of new weapons systems and that, when you look at the plans that are being developed within the so-called Kosovo Security Force, and when you look at the weapons that Pristina is looking for, “clearly that they have some aggressive plans towards the north of Kosovo and Metohija”. Milovan Drecun believes that Pristina is running a continuous campaign to intimidate the Serb people in northern Kosovo, while trying to station as many members of the special forces as possible. “They made a mask. Through the so-called border police, they formed some kind of intervention units, and there are special forces from special units in them,” says Drecun. He notes that there have been several strange attacks on the Kosovo Police Service in northern Kosovo and Metohija. “Fortunately, there were no injuries or casualties, but it was as if someone dosed those attacks just to cause incidents and nothing more. That was used by Pristina to bring in as many special forces as possible,” Drecun points out. He emphasizes that the capacity to destabilize the north of Kosovo and Metohija is raised by the announcement of the trial of 70 Serbs due to alleged civil disobedience, i.e., as it was said - endangering the so-called constitutional order. “Two days ago, if I’m not mistaken, the deadline began for them to be summoned for informational talks, and if they do not respond, they could be arrested. The Serb List said that it would oppose all means and that represents a serious potential for destabilization,” Drecun said. Milovan Drecun emphasizes that the rapid armament of members of the so-called Kosovo Security Force (KSF) can also be seen. “The new geopolitical situation at the international level is being used, because of the war in Ukraine and Pristina is trying to acquire a lot of new weapons systems. When you look at the plans being developed within the KSF and when you look at the weapons that Pristina is looking for, you see that they have some aggressive plans Kosovo,” warns Drecun. He says that the formation that should represent some future army of Kosovo is already integrated into NATO structures, because they participate in military exercises and are trained by NATO instructors, because the entire organizational structure is set according to NATO standards and because they receive weapons from certain NATO countries. “Then you realize that their only goal is against whom to fight? Against Albania? Against Northern Macedonia? Against Serbia? Of course not. Their only goal is to forcibly bring northern Kosovo under control, but they can’t do that with the existing special police units,” says Drecun. He points out that they noticed the intelligence activities of KFOR members in the north of Kosovo, where in talks with political representatives of the Serb people they are trying to find out how Serbs will react if members of the so-called Kosovo Security Forces appear there.


Djurdjevic Stamenkovski: Interpretation of Putin’s statement on Kosovo aimed at confusing Serbian public (Beta/RTV)


The leader of Zavetnici Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski said that the interpretation of the statement of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the recognition of Donetsk and Lugansk as Russia’s recognition of Kosovo’s independence, aims to confuse the Serbian public and “undermine” the support and trust Russia enjoys in the Serbian people, it was announced from the party. “The attempt to present the statement of the President of the Russian Federation in which he referred to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice and the Kosovo precedent as allegedly giving up Russia from supporting Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity is part of a hybrid war waged intensively against Russia. The goal of such propaganda is to confuse the Serbian public and to undermine the support and trust that Russia enjoys in the Serbian people,” said Djurdjevic Stamenkovski after the meeting with Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko. She also said that she conveyed to the Ambassador the gratitude of that party for, as she stated, Russia’s principled position regarding Kosovo and Metohija and the RS, and reiterated the position that Serbia must preserve strategic relations with Russia, without sanctions and any restrictive measures.


Djukic: Putin’s comment on Donetsk, Lugansk supports independent Kosovo (Beta)


Srecko Djukic, a Serbian diplomat, said on 27 April that a comment by Russian President Vladimir Putin that the self-determination and independence of the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics were based on the precedent created in Kosovo, was in fact the recognition of Kosovo’s independence. At a 26 April meeting with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, the Russian President said that the two self-proclaimed people’s republics had become independent by analogy to a ruling by the International Court of Justice on Kosovo, which, as he put it, everyone supported. “Putin has effectively recognized the autonomy and independence of Kosovo, and everything Kosovo and its sponsors had done to make it happen,” Srecko Djuric, a former ambassador to Belarus and a member of the Forum for International Relations. “The move is probably Moscow’s most important step in recognizing Kosovo, which surely makes it easier for Washington and the West at large to handle the issue,” the Serbian diplomat said. Serbia, as he put it, has again chosen a path oblivious to the interests of the great powers, sitting blindly on two or three chairs in the pursuit of what has turned out simply to be a policy of 'sticking its head in the sand'.


Hill: We are very pleased with the meetings in Belgrade (Tanjug/RTS)


US Ambassador Christopher Hill described the results of the meeting that US officials Karen Donfried and Gabriel Escobar had in Belgrade with Serbian officials as excellent. “The previous and coming meetings are part of joint efforts to deepen and expand our relations,” said Hill, who participated in talks between US Assistant Secretary of State Karen Donfried and Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic in Belgrade. We are proud of the relationship we have built over the years and hope to improve on it even more in the future, Hill added. “The meetings are part of that and yes, we are very satisfied with them,” Hill told Tanjug when asked if they were satisfied with the meetings in Belgrade or if their expectations were higher.


EULEX: 1,620 still missing in Kosovo (N1)


The EULEX mission said on Wednesday that 1,620 missing persons have not been accounted for yet in Kosovo. A press release on Kosovo Missing Persons Day said that “the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) reaffirms its commitment to continue supporting the Institute of Forensic Medicine (IFM) in its efforts to shed light on the fate of 1,620 persons, who are still unaccounted for”. It said that EULEX is providing support to local authorities on field operations at several sites and is searching for new possible “clandestine graves” which could contain missing persons. Its experts are also reviewing remains at the Pristina mortuary, coordinated by a working group led by IFM forensic experts of the IFM. The review has resulted in the handover of the remains of seven missing persons from the massacre in Krusha e Vogel/Mala Krusa to their families. The press release recalled the EU mission conducted 684 field operations to find missing persons, including 181 exhumations with the remains of 477 people, including 332 missing persons, identified.




Escobar and Donfried meet with B&H Presidency in Sarajevo and express support to territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H (Al Jazeera Balkans/BNTV)


As a part of their official visit to B&H, US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar and US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried met with the B&H Presidency members in Sarajevo on Wednesday. On this occasion, Escobar and Donfried underlined that B&H politicians are obliged to ensure conducting of fair elections, and they expressed the support to territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H. According to Escobar and Donfried, all those who undermine B&H’s Euro-Atlantic perspective should be held responsible for their actions. The US Embassy to B&H stated that they hoped that agreement on the electoral reform would be reached for the sake of improving quality of elections for the citizens. “However, HDZ B&H and SDA did not have the courage to reach compromise,” reads the statement. The US Embassy also tweeted Donfried’s video message in which she said that the US is not seeking to abolish the RS entity, but that the US would not stand by silently "while the current RS leadership seeks to break up the state". In her statement, Donfried reminded of an obligation of political representative in B&H to timely ensure the free and fair elections in B&H. She stressed that the US is committed to sovereignty, territorial integrity and multiethnic character of B&H. “The United States wants to see B&H as a functional, efficient and accountable state in which leaders of all parties participate in good faith. We also want to see functional, efficient and accountable entities within B&H that provide citizens with the democratic and prosperous future. This means that B&H must refocus its attention on restoring the functionality of state institutions, and on reforms needed to move the country forwards on its Euro-Atlantic path. I made it clear today that boycotts, blockades and attempts to undermine the state are destabilizing and dangerous, and they should stop. The US does not seek to abolish the RS, but the US will not remain idle while the current RS leadership seeks to dismantle the state. Leaders at all levels of government have responsibility to govern inclusively and with respect for all of B&H citizens, and to work collaboratively to support reforms and investments that benefit everyone. The US will continue to call all leaders to account for corrupt of destabilizing acts that threaten this country’s stability and Euro-Atlantic future,” Donfried said in her statement.


Dodik: Escobar and Donfried share stance that there is HR in B&H while RS’ stance is that HR lacks legitimacy (ATV)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, alongside Chairman and Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic, met Gabriel Escobar and Karen Donfried in Sarajevo on Wednesday. Addressing media after the meeting, Dodik said that one of the topics they discussed at the meeting was the issue of the High Representative (HR) in B&H. In this regard, Dodik specified that Escobar and Donfried share a stance that there is a HR in B&H, while he reminded that the RS’ stance is that the HR lacks legitimacy and that his (Christian Schmidt’s) efforts will not be respected. Dodik said that collocutors agreed on many things, but there are certain issues their stances differ. The Serb member of the Presidency noted: "The statement that B&H should preserve its territorial integrity and external sovereignty is absolutely not disputable as far as we are concerned, if that means that B&H is composed of two entities and three constituent peoples. In that respect, I see that the US side supports that concept of B&H, and primarily that peace and security should be preserved here, which is important to us as well." Dodik also said that he informed Donfried that "B&H is a safe environment and there are no challenges that could lead to B&H being destabilized in terms of some riots or something like that".


B&H HoP convenes to discuss HDZ B&H’s proposal of changes to B&H Election Law; Bosniak Caucus invokes mechanism of vital national interest protection (BHT1)


At its session held on Wednesday, the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) expressed support in an urgent procedure to the proposal of amendments to the Election Law of B&H submitted by HDZ B&H. Majority of delegates from Croat and Serb Caucuses voted in favor of this proposal. Bosniak delegates decided that the proposed amendments and the urgent procedure are detrimental for the Vital National Interest (VNI) of Bosniak people. The Bosniak Caucus in B&H HoP claims that this proposal is unconstitutional, that it does not eliminate the existing discrimination and that the urgent procedure does not allow submitting of the amendments. A proposed method of election of a member of the B&H Presidency from the rank of the Croat people is also disputable for the Bosniak delegates, as well as the method of filling in of the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP). Delegate Asim Sarajlic (SDA) addressed the B&H HoP on behalf of the Bosniak Caucus and said that the proposed amendments are completely unacceptable for the Bosniak Caucus. He added that it is unacceptable because it ignores the fact that despite of long-lasting efforts of domestic and foreign actors, a political agreement to change the Election Law of B&H and the Constitution of B&H has not been reached. “This is a unilateral and unconstitutional proposal”, stressed Sarajlic. On the other hand, HDZ BiH’s Dragan Covic stated they decided to demand the urgent procedure for this law after the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H stated that at one of their upcoming sessions, they will declare the election process open and define a date of general elections 2022. “Since we have been saying there are no legal-formal conditions to hold the elections, we had to react and only reaction could be the urgent procedure”, explained Covic. Covic stated that the proposal was sent to the commission formed by representatives of the Croat, Bosniak and Serb Caucuses in B&H HoP for harmonization, and in case that they fail to harmonize their stances on the proposal within five days – the Constitutional Court of will have a two-week deadline to decide on constitutionality of HDZ B&H’s proposal. Covic added in case that B&H CC decides that the vital national interest of Bosniaks on this issue is undisputable, the B&H HoP will discuss the proposal in the urgent procedure and forward it to the House of Representatives (HoR). SNSD’s delegate Dusanka Majkic underlined she is aware of the SDA’s intention to turn B&H HoP into a house of the parliament of B&H that will be able only to protect the VNI. “You are aware of opinion of other two peoples that it will never happen,” emphasized Majkic.


Brnabic comments sanctions issued against RS officials: I believe this is very incorrect (RTRS)


Sanctions that were introduced for representatives of the RS are incorrect and irrational, assessed Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic. She says Serbia keeps with its principled policy, the same as the RS does, and this connects to the “defense of the Dayton Agreement and the Constitution of B&H”. Brnabic told reporters during the Jahorina Economic Forum that it was important for her to be in the RS now and to show that she and Serbia always stand in support of the RS and its officials. She primarily showed support to RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik – due to sanctions issued against them. “I believe this is very incorrect; that there is no rational reason, in my opinion, for such a decision of certain sides, and I want to, with my presence here and constant communication and dialogue, show that support – no matter what that might bring afterwards, and what it might cost me in the future,” Brnabic stated during press conference. Cvijanovic thanked Brnabic, and also Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, for their support and understanding of the situation in B&H. She emphasized that not many see the fact that the RS and Serbia have a balanced relationship, but that does not change the fact that it is truly balanced. Cvijanovic said the RS will always find ways for communicating with Serbia and achieving goals that are in the best interests of the RS.


Dodik, Kalabukhov discuss political situation in B&H (RTRS)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik spoke on Wednesday in Istocno Sarajevo with Ambassador of Russia to B&H Igor Kalabukhov about the current political and economic situation in B&H. Dodik and Kalabukhov pointed out the importance of respecting the Dayton Peace Accords and the B&H Constitution, and the fact that B&H is made up of two entities and three constituent peoples, says a press release from the Office of the Serb member of the B&H Presidency. They also exchanged opinions on the Ukrainian crisis. Dodik expressed the hope that the conflict will end soon and that peace will be established through dialogue.


Kosarac votes against Russia expulsion from UNWTO (Oslobodjenje)


B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac (SNSD) attended the session of UNWTO General Assembly and voted against expulsion of Russia. Kosarac underlined that at the very beginning of the session, Russia informed the UNWTO members that they are leaving the membership. Kosarac noted that even after this the UNWTO General Assembly decided to continue with the discussion towards suspension of Russia, which Kosarac called incomprehensible.


Blinken: USA seeks alternative solutions for international mission in B&H (FTV)


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated on Wednesday that countries in the west are researching alternative solutions to ensure the presence of an international mission in B&H, in case of Russia placing a veto on the renewal of the EUFOR mandate in B&H in November of 2023. He stated that the USA is doing everything to ensure the mission remains in B&H. Blinken said that they are cooperating with different actors on a plan for unexpected situations in case the UN Security Council (UNSC) is not in the position to renew the mandate.


Dodik: ALTHEA that was invisible is the best guarantee of security (N1)


Speaking about the ALTHEA mission, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said on Wednesday that he himself was for that mission when voting took place last year, but that he was not for this type of mission where “soldiers travel across B&H, are in front of schools, kindergartens and public institutions, primarily in Banja Luka”. “The commander of ALTHEA himself said that B&H is safe, but because of the noise here, primarily from Sarajevo, 500 additional soldiers suddenly appeared. I said that ALTHEA can continue, but that it cannot carry out activities without the consent of the Presidency of B&H. The ALTHEA that was invisible is the best guarantee of security,” said Dodik.


Campara and Wessely discuss cooperation (Avaz)


EUFOR delegation, led by Commander, Major General Anton Wessely met with the FB&H Minister of Interior Aljosa Campara. Wessely expressed satisfaction by the high level of cooperation between EUFOR and FB&H MoI. Campara welcomed strengthening of European military forces (EUFOR Althea) in B&H and activities that EUFOR undertakes toward defending stability in the country.


B&H Prosecutor’s Office confirms indictment against 10 people for incident in Dobrovoljacka Street (N1)


After confirming the indictment in the ‘Dobrovoljacka’ case, concerning the wartime May 1992 events from then Dobrovoljacka Street in Sarajevo, the Prosecutor's Office of B&H published on Wednesday the names of ten defendants in the case. The list includes Ejup Ganic, Zaim Backovic, Bahto Hamid, Hasan Efendic, Fikret Muslimovic, Jusuf Pusina, Bakir Alispahic, Enes Bezdrob, Ismet Dahic and Mahir Zisko – B&H wartime officials and military commanders. “The accused are charged with planning, inciting and attacking an undefended mixed convoy of soldiers and civilians employed in the former JNA (Yugoslav People's Army), accompanied by UN peacekeepers, within their functions and powers in military, police and civilian structures, together with their subordinates, and they failed to prevent the killing and wounding of soldiers and civilians, failed to punish the perpetrators of murder and wounding, tortured and inhumanely treated captured soldiers, failed to prevent or punish the perpetrators, and assisted the perpetrators after the crime was committed”, reads the indictment. The indictment refers to the events of 3 May 1992, and the collected evidence is related to the deaths of eight victims with established identities, including civilians and medical personnel, wounding of 24 people, capturing of dozens of soldiers and civilians who were tortured and abused, according to the B&H Prosecutor's Office. The Prosecutor's Office also said it carried out an investigation together with the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) as well as the RS Ministry of Interior (MoI), hearing hundreds of witnesses, including surviving soldiers and civilians, families of killed and wounded victims. as well as a large number of event participants. “In addition to the indictment, the hearing of 277 witnesses was proposed, as well as several experts, and more than 500 pieces of material evidence supporting the allegations of the indictment were attached,” the Prosecutor's Office said.


Cvijanovic lacks confidence that justice will be served in ‘Dobrovoljacka’ case (ATV)


RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic reacted on Wednesday to the news that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H issued an indictment against 10 persons for the events in Dobrovoljacka Street in Sarajevo in early May 1992. In her reaction, Cvijanovic said she does not have confidence that justice will be served, adding that such processes often served in defense of biography of accused individuals. Cvijanovic stated: “I do not trust because I have seen many times so far that such processes serve as washing machines for the biographies of those who should be punished most severely, so I expect that it will be this time as well.”


Abazovic officially proposes government composition; Djurovic elected speaker (CdM)


Based on the submitted Work Program of the 43rd government of Montenegro and program commitments, Prime Minister-designate Dritan Abazovic has officially proposed the structure and composition of the government, which will be decided by the MPs at today’s session in Cetinje. The government will have 18 ministries, 4 DPMs and 2 ministers without portfolios.

Abazovic has pointed out that the new government will be based on two main pillars – the rule of law and economic development. In his exposition, Abazovic has said that Montenegro, above all, needs political and social stability. “Its citizens, in addition to peace and affirmation of all other values ​​we can be proud of, expect their representatives to make a much greater contribution to reconciling and removing artificial tensions, behind which are always the interests of individual circles or the desire for small political profits. The task facing this generation of politicians is to work on a compromise on the general social interests, for the benefit and not to the detriment of our citizens”, the exposition states. The MP of the Socialist People’s Party Danijela Djurovic was elected today as the speaker of parliament of Montenegro. A session of the parliament is being held in Cetinje today, at which, in addition to the speaker, the 43rd government of Montenegro should be elected. The voting was secret and out of 48 MPs, 45 voted for the election of Danijela Djurovic. After the election, Djurovic took the oath.


Donfried: Intergovernmental conference delayed for too long, Macedonia fulfilled difficult tasks, deserves rapid progress (Republika)


We strongly support your Euro-aspirations and we want the intergovernmental conference to be held as soon as possible. Its holding has been delayed for too long. You have accomplished difficult tasks, you have accomplished reforms, and you deserve to make rapid progress. Macedonia’s future is in the EU, said US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried after today’s meeting with Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani. At a joint press conference with Osmani at the Foreign Ministry, Donfried stressed that the country’s accession to the EU will bring greater stability in the Balkans and greater prosperity in Europe. The United States praises Macedonia’s efforts for a Euro-Atlantic future. We strongly support your Euro-aspirations and we want the intergovernmental conference to be held as soon as possible. Its holding has been delayed for too long, Donfried stressed. She also praised the country for its clear position on the Russian-Ukrainian dispute. You are defenders of democracy and rule based on rules. You stood together with the international partners in support of the Ukrainian people. You know how important freedom is and you have proven many times that you are a stable partner. This is a time of challenges and opportunities Macedonia has shown that it is capable of defending human rights. You need to keep up the pace of reform, but you have shown that you can handle the challenge, she said. She added that the United States appreciates the role of our country in the OSCE troika, and that they are looking forward to our presidency.

Donfried also announced the strategic dialogue between the two governments to be held in Washington. Now is the time for the EU to fulfill its part of the task and unblock our accession process by adopting the negotiating framework and holding the first intergovernmental conference during the French presidency, said Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani after meeting with Donfried, who is visiting the country. Osmani warned that the lack of progress in the European integration process will have serious consequences for our country and the Western Balkans, but opens, as he noted, space for harmful influences from third countries due to which “acceleration of European integration processes is a significant geopolitical interest for our partners as well”.

According to him, the EU enlargement process is also a security policy and hence, the region’s membership in the Union is essential for regional and European security and stability. None of us, emphasizes Osmani, has time to lose. Macedonia is a European country and a loyal partner with significant progress in the reform processes. Although still a candidate country, Macedonia is fully or 100% in line with the EU’s common foreign and security policy, as well as with all restrictive measures stemming from Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine. We believe that now is the right time for the EU to fulfill its part of the task and unblock our accession process by adopting the negotiating framework and holding the first intergovernmental conference during the French presidency. It will be a great encouragement for other countries in the Western Balkans. The credibility of the EU will be confirmed and the processes for overcoming differences and reconciliation in the region will be encouraged. Although stable, the region is burdened with numerous issues that create space for directed instability enhanced by external influences from centers of power in whose interest is not the stability and prosperity of the region, said the Minister. He reiterated that the country supports and shows solidarity with the Ukrainian people, as well as that it clearly condemns Russian military actions in the country. The war in Ukraine demonstrated a clear need for new dynamics in the European integration processes of the Western Balkan countries, Osmani said. At the press conference, the Minister emphasized that as a NATO ally, Macedonia undertakes the obligation to actively contribute to regional stability. In this sense, the United States, as well as other NATO allies can count on the country as a stable and credible partner in addressing all open issues in the region. It is our obligation, but also our direct interest to be part of a safe, stable and prosperous region surrounded by neighboring countries that share our European and Euro-Atlantic future, said Osmani.


Varhelyi: No time to waste to speed up procedures, Macedonia is part of Europe (Republika)


We are committed to continue our efforts to start the negotiations before the end of the French EU Presidency in a crucial time, said European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi after Wednesday’s meeting with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski. Started my visit to Macedonia with PM Kovacevski. Macedonia is part of Europe! No time to waste to speed up the procedures!, Varhelyi wrote on Twitter. Earlier during the meeting with Kovacevski in the government building, the two interlocutors agreed that the European integration of the country and the region is necessary for the countries in the regional framework, but also for the EU itself. Now is the time to unblock the European integration of the Republic of Macedonia, which otherwise may remain an open question for a long time, and it is not in favor of either side, Kovacevski and Varhelyi stated together. Kovacevski stressed that he remains committed exclusively to the principles of respect for European values and talks based on respect and dignity, as agreed with Prime Minister Petkov in establishing dialogue and building relations on this basis. Our country has fulfilled its obligations and continues to act fully in line with the policies of the European Union, which once again showed that it is a worthy partner of European countries and deserves the final holding of the first intergovernmental conference with the EU, said Kovacevski.


Mickoski–Varhelyi meeting: EU talks to start immediately without additional conditions (Republika)


Negotiations with the EU should start immediately, without additional conditions from either side, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski at Wednesday’s meeting with EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy Oliver Varhelyi, who is visiting the country. At the meeting, Mickoski stressed that the country has made numerous concessions to achieve its strategic national interest in membership in the European Union. Negotiations with the EU should start immediately, without additional conditions from either side. VMRO-DPMNE will not accept the denial of the Macedonian identity, language, historical continuity and uniqueness, reads the statement from the press service of VMRO-DPMNE. Mickoski and Varhelyi also discussed the current political and economic situation in the country as well as the dynamics of implementation of projects funded by IPA funds in some municipalities. The meeting was also attended by the party’s vice president Vlado Misajlovski and international secretary Stefan Andonovski.


Osmani: If dispute between Skopje and Sofia is not resolved now, it could turn into “frozen conflict” (BTV/Republika)


Now is the right time to resolve the outstanding issues between Bulgaria and Macedonia, if that does not happen in the near future the dispute could escalate into a “frozen conflict,'” Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said in an interview with Bulgarian television BTV. I think that in the future there will be less and less strength and energy and courage for any politician to deal with this topic bravely. That is why I am afraid that in a month or two this will turn into a frozen conflict that will last for years, with all the consequences that will arise from our relations, our internal policy and the opportunities for the region. I am convinced that in the second half of this year we will not have the same strength to be fully committed, with all the energy of the government, to resolving this issue, as we are doing now, Osmani said. According to him, if this opportunity is missed, constructive work will continue on this topic, but he also emphasizes that in that case the government will have to deal with other issues in our country. In the BTV interview, Osmani also referred to the event in Bitola regarding the opening of the club of the Bulgarian association “Vanco Mihajlov”. Asked whether due to the name of the club in Bitola and the reactions of the public, the relations between the two countries were disrupted, he said that there was a decline in trust, assessing that work should be done to restore it. When you enter the Bulgarian club in Bitola, there is a large sign at the main entrance with a quote from Vanco Mihajlov, which reads: “The efforts of the so-called Macedonian people to lie to the world are in vain.” This is a great insult to our citizens, this is a great insult to the people I represent. This is considered a provocation in our country, said Osmani in the interview. Osmani says that he does not believe that the Bulgarian authorities were present in Bitola because of this message from Mihajlov, but also pointed out that if the club did not bear this name, the state leadership of Macedonia would be present at the event in Bitola.


Leader companies of the energy trade meet in Tirana (Radio Tirana)


An important meeting related to the energy market has started in Tirana. The meeting is important, given that the participants are leading companies in the field of energy from the US and the EU. The news was initially reported by Prime Minister Edi Rama himself, who commented that American companies and those from EU countries are ready to be included in the plan to transform Albania into a net exporter of energy. "The Palace of Brigades, a group of leading companies in the energy market in the US and the EU, with the readiness to be involved in the implementation of the ambitious plan of transformation of Albania into a net energy exporter and Balkan champion for energy," says Rama. The Prime Minister, in his speech, said that with the ongoing projects of Albania, it aims to become an exporting country and energetically independent. "As the youngest player in this room, although the tallest, thank you for participating. I am happy that such a powerful meeting is being held in Tirana. Thank you for proving your interest to jointly implement the program of change for Albania, the program of change for the region. A few days ago I visited President Aliyev, and with pleasure I felt the high interest he has in getting involved in the Ionian-Adriatic pipeline, which could be a major energy power for Europe, to gain as much independence as possible from Russian gas. I am very pleased to see the work for the transformation of the Vlora TPP into an energy processing plant. A lot of work is being done on wind energy. But also the long dream of the Skavica hydropower plant, which will give us a big boost of energy independence. All these show a concrete potential to transform Albania, within this decade, into an energy exporter. A few years ago we had to take over a bankrupt system. OSHEE's debt amounted to 5% of our GDP as a state. But we see the future with a smile," said Rama.


Balluku: Albania, a contributor of energy security in the region (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Energy Belinda Balluku, at the conference attended by strategic investors from the US and the EU in the field of energy, unveiled the project for the connection of the TAP pipeline with the floating port LNG in Vlora, through the Fier-Vlora pipeline. In her speech, Balluku said that Albania will become the center of gas supply in the region. "Dependence on Russian gas has left many countries in the region and Europe exposed, threatening energy security. Our project, where one of the main components is the connection of the TAP pipeline with the floating port LNG in Vlora through the Fier-Vlora pipeline, has attracted attention Until recently, the injection of liquefied natural gas from Vlora into TAP would have been met with great skepticism. Today we will develop a project that will transform our position, will position our country not only as a center of gas supply, but as a contributor to the energy security of the region, and why not of Europe," said Balluku.