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Belgrade Media Report December 7, 2022



Vucic: It is good that Serbia participated in summit; Discussions we had on Tuesday were never more open and honest (RTS)


The EU-Western Balkans Summit was held in Tirana, Albania. Officials from 27 EU countries and the leaders of the Western Balkans countries gathered at the summit. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that it is good that Serbia participated in this summit and that the discussions they had on Tuesday were never more open, honest and honest than on this day. One of the topics was also the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. Support was given to the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell and the EU Special Envoy for Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak. As stated in the final declaration, Belgrade and Pristina are expected to reach an agreement and a comprehensive binding agreement on the normalization of relations. Borrell stated in Tirana that a new text of the French-German proposal was sent to both Belgrade and Pristina. Vucic commented by saying that they are ready to talk and that they are not rejecting anything beforehand, except for the limits that they clearly stated both verbally and in writing, which they cannot accept. One of the important topics was also the attitude of the Western Balkans towards Russia. The EU expects harmonization of their foreign policy with the EU’s foreign policy, especially when it comes to introducing sanctions. Vucic said that the final declaration primarily refers to Serbia regarding this issue, as Serbia did not introduce sanctions. Vucic repeated that Serbia will not introduce sanctions against Russia. Vucic also discussed issues regarding Kosovo with European officials. Vucic said that Serbia opposes imposing sanctions on Russia, noting that attitude towards sanctions is attitude towards citizens of Serbia, explaining that Russia imposed sanctions on Serbia in 1992, however Serbia has not and will not impose sanctions on Russia “due to respect for itself and what Serbia went through suffering from sanctions for nine years”. He also underscored it has been proven that sanctions bring nothing good and it is not natural for Serbia to participate in such policy. Vucic rejected claims that his country is too close to Russia. “Serbia is an independent country. If it is easier for someone to criticize us and say that we are close to Russia, that is only a feature used to criticize someone when you have nothing more to add. We are threading our own European path, and that will remain as such”, Vucic emphasized. Addressing the press conference, Vucic said that Serbia is willing to talk and does not reject in advance, except that “we put in unequivocally in written form what are our red lines and what we cannot accept”. "I cannot stand by that declaration because I did not write it. But I have nothing against them writing that we have not agreed to the sanctions and that we have not imposed them," Vucic said. He noted that he was unable to reveal everything he had said at the summit, but added that he had been very candid and straightforward and that everyone had thanked him for that. Commenting on destruction of energy infrastructure in Ukraine, Vucic said he had reminded his discussion partners at the summit that Serbia's energy infrastructure had been destroyed in the same way during the 1999 NATO bombing. When asked if he would still impose sanctions on Russia, Vucic responded the decision was not up to the EU. "The people of Serbia and the parliament and the government of Serbia will decide about that and, as president of Serbia and someone who has the greatest legitimacy of all elected representatives in the country, I will have a bit of a say in that, too," he said.


Vucic: New French-German proposal no improvement for us

Vucic said on Tuesday in Tirana a new French-German proposal sent to Belgrade and Pristina was no improvement from the previous one in terms of what was the most important for Serbia. "They did not honour the request that was made," Vucic told reporters in Tirana, where he attended an EU-Western Balkans summit. "We are ready to talk and we are rejecting nothing beforehand, except that we have made it clear in writing - not only verbally - what our red lines are and what we cannot accept. We are ready to talk, we are ready for compromise solutions and we will continue the talks." Commenting on a statement by EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak, who has said a new Brussels meeting between Vucic and Pristina's PM Albin Kurti was expected to take place in a few weeks' time, the Serbian president said: "A meeting between us is no problem - it is about whether we can reach a solution."


Vucic: We know what happened in Kosovo and Metohija, we'll wait for the report (B92)


Vucic commented on today's violent action by the Kosovo police ordered by Albin Kurti in North Mitrovica: "Today again, contrary to the Brussels agreement, armed police officers were sent to the North. As I said yesterday, you just wonder which day some new provocation will happen that can disrupt stability and peace. It is good that, at least according to the current data, there are no casualties, we believe that it will remain so. As for the timing, we do not know what is in the minds of those people who want to cause conflicts every week. It is not an easy period ahead of us, but it is important that we stay with our people and that we make agreement with the Albanians on everything it is possible for peace to be maintained and preserved. I also believe that Miroslav Lajcak will play an important role in calming the situation down."


About Osmani's statement

"Anyone who is not in favor of recognizing the independence of Kosovo yesterday is a man from the past, I guess for the future they are the ones who should do everything they want. The usual narrative. This comes as the nicest part of the story", said Vucic when asked about Osmani.


Interruption of broadcasting of Nova S and N1

"No one blacked out the channels for them, they did it themselves. If they say they have problems with freedom, it's a serious problem of the owner who doesn't allow them, because they don't fight for you. Why today - I can't explain to you how much it was an important topic and how much someone was shaken. I agree that media freedom should be discussed, especially in those media," said Vucic. "We are ready to talk. We have made it clear what our red lines are and what we cannot accept. We will continue negotiations," said the president. "The problem is not that we meet, but whether we can come to any kind of solution," said Vucic about the continuation of the dialogue with Kurti.


About the Tirana's Declaration

"We decide on our future, not someone else. When you expect a meeting with Albin Kurti, what will happen if you reject this new Franco-German document? Do you have a new plan to offer, does it exist... There is no doubt that we will work seriously in the future to reach a compromise solution. The real question is not when and where I will meet with Kurti, I will do it when they propose to us from the EU. But the real question is the content of those talks and solutions, because we are getting various messages from various sides." "We should refrain from unilateral moves and actions, because it can harm us and we must not allow ourselves, we must be the guarantor of peace and stability in the region. It cannot have a time frame, it is frivolous, it means that you have to solve in three months something you haven't solved in 100 years... It is frivolous and irresponsible. We are not able to agree in 10 years to implement ZSO. They don't write deadlines, because they are wise and they are aware that it's impossible. It's important to talk, to save people's lives, that our economy moves forward and how and in what way we can change Serbia."


President responds to the journalists from Tirana about the Franco-German plan and the meeting with Kurti

"There is no doubt that in the future we will work seriously to reach a compromise solution. The real question is not when and where I will meet Kurti - I will do it when they propose to us from the EU. The real question is what will be the content of that compromise solution. We are receiving various messages from different sides about the content of it. We have a pro-Albanian, pro-Serbian side, that it was made of the teams of the French and German presidents. We made in advance some statement that we were supposed to deliver to the press, but we didn't do it. I can't say that I'm 100 percent against it or for it, we have to discuss that document and then we will see. We have to talk to each other, we have to refrain from unilateral actions, this is something that can harm the whole process, this is something that we cannot allow. We have to be guarantor of peace and stability in the region," said Vucic. ThePpresident pointed out that there cannot be a time frame. "There can't be any deadlines, you also heard Borrell today. How unreasonable it is that there is a time frame. To solve in three months something that we could not solve for 100 years and more. And if we don't solve it within 3 months, then what? Then we are writing amendments to St. Peter so that he extends the deadline by another three months. This is frivolous and irresponsible. When you hear that someone insists on deadlines for something, and we are unable to implement the ZSO for 10 years, because one party does not want it... The Community of Serb Municipalities must be implemented, so let's talk about something else. So what are the deadlines? Of course, it is not written, because people are wise enough and they are aware that it is impossible. But we have to find compromise solutions, in order to save the lives of both Serbs and Albanians, to save people's lives, our economy, so we could move forward. I think today's meeting was beneficial and healing in that regard," said Vucic. "Now it's calm and I'm waiting for the report from our hospital center in Mitrovica. According to the Brussels agreement, Kosovo police officers cannot enter the north without the consent of four mayors. None of the four mayors were consulted on this," said Vucic.


Vucic meets with a number of officials at the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Tirana (Novosti)


During the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Tirana, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Zeljka Cvijanovic. Vucic published a photo from this meeting on his Instagram profile along with a comment: “Dearest conversation. Of course, with Zeljka Cvijanovic.” Vucic also met with President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen. “Very good conversation with Ursula von der Leyen. I thanked for EUR 165 million of assistance to Serbia’s energy sector and discussed all current topics between Serbia and EU”, Vucic noted. Vucic said after a meeting with President of the EU Council Charles Michel in Tirana that Michel and he discussed all issues of the interest for Belgrade and Brussels. The meeting was followed by the meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron on the outskirts of the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Tirana. Vucic posted on his Instagram profile that he had a cordial meeting with Macron and added that they exchanged their opinions on current global issues, connections between the Western Balkans and EU and Serbia’s European path. Vucic met with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban: “An excellent meeting with friend Viktor Orban on joint plans and projects, global development of events and development of the situation in the region, with an agreement to meet again as soon as possible”, Vucic noted. After that Vucic met with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, on which occasion Vucic said: “I discussed the ‘Open Balkan’ initiative and our joint matters with friend Edi Rama”. Vucic also met with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. Vucic said after the meeting that he congratulated Meloni for the election victory and for assuming this responsible duty and he added that he used the opportunity to invite Meloni to pay a visit to Serbia. Vucic added that he pointed out that holding of the 4th joint session of the governments of Serbia and Italy would represent an excellent continuation of close cooperation of the two countries, as well as an additional encouragement to improvement of overall relations. Vucic emphasized that Serbia appreciates partnership with Italy and its strong support to the EU path of both Serbia and other countries of the Western Balkans. Vucic held meetings with Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.


Dacic says it was good decision to have Serbia participate in EU-Western Balkans Summit in Tirana (TV Prva/Politika)


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dacic told TV Prva that it was a good decision to have Serbia participate in the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Tirana because Serbia’s voice will be heard and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will not digress from Serbia’s stances by a single inch. Dacic also said that he discussed Serbia’s participation in the Summit with Vucic and they assessed that it is better if Serbia participated in it. “We have to carry out such policy so that nobody can accuse us that the situation is like this because of us”, Dacic assessed. Dacic also explained that Vucic’s original refusal to attend the Summit was a reaction to the EU’s statement in line with their cliché to single out both sides, which gave a silent consent to Kurti to continue with provocations. Dacic added that it is good that the Summit was organized in the region. “We have common interests with Tirana, regardless of our different stances on Kosovo, and we are defending those interests with North Macedonia in scope of the ‘Open Balkans’,” Dacic said and added that Belgrade and Pristina may reach an agreement on normalization of relations tomorrow already, but this solely depends on Pristina. Dacic assessed that the essence lies in the fact that Kurti is the main factor of instability in Kosovo, while the international community has turned into a firefighter who extinguishes fire caused by Kurti on a weekly basis. Asked whether the European integration will be accelerated at the Summit in Tirana, Dacic replied that he does not think this will happen and added that relations with Pristina are currently in the focus. “I do not think the European integration will be viewed in the proper context, i.e. how much progress we made in European integration, because this is in shadow of our progress in dialogue with Pristina. This is the main thing instead of our reforms and this is not good because it does not give perspectives to those who are working on the European integration”, Dacic stated.


Vucevic: A single spark is enough to provoke clashes (TV Prva)

Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic stated that the atmosphere in Kosovo and Metohija is so flammable and tense that one match is enough to set everything on fire and move in an unwanted direction. "That shouldn't surprise us because Pristina is always taking a series of moves aimed at destabilizing the situation, not a single concluded agreement is adopted. Plus, it's a clear message to the Serbs that they are unwelcome and that shouldn't be wrapped in cellophane," Vucevic told TV Prva. According to his words, it is clear that the goal of the provisional institutions in Pristina is to cleanse Kosovo of the few remaining Serbs. "It is very difficult to control the situation, people are electrified, this pogrom has been going on for a long time, making every dialogue meaningless," Vucevic added. He adds that it is Kurti's administration's terror and policy aimed at ethnically cleansing the territory of Kosovo from Serbs. "It is a very difficult situation. It is easy for us from Belgrade, Nis, and Subotica to say what needs to be done. It is not easy to explain to the Serb community in Kosovo and Metohija how important it is to remain calm, not to fall for provocations, and on the other hand, not to be further humiliated, disenfranchised. We must also understand their reactions, they do not have the same environment and life as other citizens of Serbia," said the Minister. Yesterday's actions, as the Minister said, when the representatives of the Municipal Election Commissions tried to enter the premises of the Municipal Election Commission, in which they were prevented by a group of citizens, are also aimed at harassing and scaring the citizens. "They had some story that they were occupying the Municipal Election Commissions. They allegedly found some explosive things. What kind of explosive things? The only thing they had were their weapons and what they used, and they demonstrated some force, they slipped through the windows and threw some people out," Vucevic said and added that he believes that the explanation will be that they are preparing elections for 18 December. "Of course they will explain to you that they are preparing elections for 18 December, but we don't know who will participate, 10 of them to choose the mayor, and this is not to intimidate Serbs to go to the elections, but to leave Kosovo and Metohija," said the Minister.


Increased presence of EULEX and KFOR (Kosovo Online/B92)


First of all, it was announced that the members of the election commission, accompanied by the so-called Kosovo Police, forcibly entered the building of the Zubin Potok Municipality, accompanied by Kosovo Police and this has led to the outbreak of rebellion by some citizens. Then came the news that the same action was carried out in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica. According to the media, members of the police, accompanied by members of the municipal commission, forcibly entered the premises of the municipality in Zubin Potok, broke down the doors and replaced the locks, before leaving the building. The members of the municipal election commission in North Mitrovica, accompanied by the special Kosovo police, broke into the premises used by the MEC during the previous elections, and cannon shots and sirens are heard in the city, reports Kosovo Online.


An ambulance was dispatched to the bridge in Mitrovica

After the sudden raid of the so-called Kosovo police and representatives of the Central Election Commission on the building of the Municipality in Zubin Potok, Albin Kurti ingloriously ended his madness, the goal of which was to physically force the Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija to participate in his fake elections. Namely, after they failed to achieve their intention, because they were prevented by a group of gathered citizens as well as municipal security in Zubin Potok, the representatives of the CEC and KP moved away towards southern Mitrovica. The police officers were in two Toyota Landcruiser armored all-terrain vehicles, and CEC representatives in two jeeps. However, not long after this action, which re-ignited tensions in our southern province, ambulances were dispatched to the main bridge on the Ibar and the multi-ethnic settlement of Three Solitaires in Kosovska Mitrovica. The demining team of the Kosovo police neutralized an unexploded hand grenade in the premises of the Municipal Election Commission in North Mitrovica, according to Kosovo Online. According to police officers who secured the scene, the device was destroyed in a controlled explosion and the withdrawal of EULEX, KFOR, police officers and the demining team from the scene was under way. According to Kosovo Online, a strong detonation was heard during the intervention. The second hand grenade that was located near the premises, according to the authorities, also exploded.


Validity of vehicle registration with license plates of Serbian cities in Kosovo and Metohija extended (RTS)


At yesterday's session, the Serbian government adopted the Regulation on special conditions for the validity of registration of motor vehicles with license plates of cities and municipalities in the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija, which comes into force today. With the adoption of this regulation, all vehicles with the license plates KM, PR, GL and the names of other Serbian cities in the area of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija will have their registration extended from now on. These vehicles will be able, as before, to move freely in traffic, with the possession of a mandatory insurance policy and proof of the technical inspection of the vehicle, not older than one year. The government made this decision in accordance with the regulations on the registration of motor vehicles of the Serbian competent authorities, as well as the agreement reached within the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina on preventing the escalation of the situation and continuing the search for a permanent solution to the issue of license plates of motor vehicles in the area of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija. Yesterday, the government also adopted the Conclusion on the adoption of the report on the talks held on 23 November in Brussels with representatives of the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina, with the EU mediation.


Ristic: I didn’t take a single Euro from Pristina (Danas/Beta)


Member of the “United” in the Serbian parliament and former president of Zubin Potok Municipality Slavisa Ristic said that he is close to the decision to sue the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic because he claimed on several occasions that he received hundreds of thousands of Euros from Pristina institutions. “Aleksandar Vucic, for the safety of me and my family, as well as my friends from the Fatherland movement, if something happens to us, you will be responsible for inciting it,” Ristic told reporters in the parliament. He recalled that the President of Serbia said at a parliamentary session that Ristic received 120,000 Euros from Pristina, while at a conference he mentioned that it was several hundred thousand Euros. “I, as the president of the municipality of Zubin Potok, did not receive 120,000 or hundreds of thousands of Euros, I did not receive one euro from the so-called Pristina institutions for the simple reason that Slavisa Ristic, as the president of the municipality, was not on the payroll of the so-called Republic of Kosovo, and I have proof of that,” said Ristic. He said that he could not have received that money because the Pristina institutions did not consider him an employee because he does not have Kosovo documents, an identity card and a bank account. Ristic added that Vucic will have to prove his claims in court and that in consultation with his lawyer, he will file a lawsuit against Vucic because he believes that his safety is threatened. “Not only for damage to reputation and for some mental pain, because I know it’s a lie, but above all that in this way my safety and the safety of my friends in Kosovo and Metohija are being threatened just because we criticize, just because we said all these years ago that it was a mistake to join the so-called Kosovo institutions and that with the Brussels agreement we lost the state of Serbia on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija,” said Ristic. He stated that in 2016, his house was shot at and a bomb was thrown on election day, because, according to him, he criticized the government and the Brussels agreement during the campaign, which he considers “fatal”.




Von der Leyen: We are the union of prosperity, but we are essentially the union of values; Von der Leyen hopes that B&H will get EU candidate status (N1)


The reporter notes that European perspective for the Western Balkans was in the focus of the EU-Western Balkans Summit held in Tirana on Tuesday. Chairwoman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic represented B&H, and senior officials from the European Union (EU), leaders of the 27 EU Members States and the Western Balkans countries participated in the summit. “This was an opportunity to reaffirm the crucial importance of the partnership between the EU and the Western Balkans, a region with clear European perspective’’, it was stated earlier from Brussels. According to the press release issued by the EU, organization of the Summit is a clear sign of the EU’s strong commitment to the Western Balkans and their path towards the EU. Addressing the present, President of the European Commission (EC) Ursula Von der Leyen said: “Yes of course, we are the union of prosperity, but we are essentially the union of values. We really have a strong impression that in this crucial month – also the times of transformation for the EU – we feel both in the EU and the Western Balkans that movement of transformation towards future and that our directions are the same. You can see that through the economic transformation, but also in a way we deal with energy crisis”. Addressing the joint press conference after the summit, Von der Leyen stated: “For us it is important that, with our friends from the Western Balkans, we address this energy crisis together to mirror whatever we do in the EU also in the Western Balkans. For example, the fact that households and businesses struggle as much in the Western Balkans as in the EU. For us is important to give similar solutions. Therefore, we announced this EUR-1-billion of energy support, which is split in two parts: It is EUR 500 million of direct budget support, which gives the opportunity to support in a targeted manner the vulnerable households and the vulnerable businesses. And the second half, EUR 500 million, in infrastructure to make sure that we have the investment already in the energy of the future. The energy of the future is of course renewable energy”. When it comes to B&H and the possibility of its EU candidate status, von der Leyen pointed out that she hopes that B&H will get the EU candidate status. Von der Leyen was quoted as saying: “Let me assure you that we unreservedly support the EU enlargement process and regional integration. The past year was really successful. An agreement was reached between Albania and North Macedonia. This is finally a new momentum in the process and it is a historical event. The Commission made a recommendation for candidate status for B&H and we are looking forward to the decision that the Council will make”. Von der Leyen stressed that the EU sincerely supports the expansion process and integration of the region into the union. She stressed the importance of a joint regional market and everything that has been achieved until now. Von der Leyen stressed that the funding of energy sources and infrastructure in the region are part of the broader investment plan of the EU. She added that the EU is working more intensely in the region and hopes that B&H will receive the EU candidate status.


Michel: I think the integration process is key to stability (N1)


At the press conference of the EU-Western Balkans Summit held in Tirana, President of the European Council Charles Michel also commented the candidate for B&H. “I do not want to anticipate, but a clear proposal is on the table and that is very good. On the other hand, we are working hard to prepare the next ministerial meeting on this issue. Behind the scene, we support all necessary efforts, but I do not want to predict nor make those talks more difficult. I certainly hope that a good signal will be sent in following days but let us see what the decision will be at the ministerial level”. Michel stressed that the region will be safer when all countries are part of the EU. Michel stressed that progress in the fight against corruption is necessary as well, while the EU needs to focus on the Western Balkans more. He assessed the agreement on roaming as a step forward that will help tourism. Michel was quoted as saying: “The future of our children will be safer and better when the countries of the Western Balkans become part of the EU. I think the integration process is key to stability. All sides will have to do a lot, ensure the rule of law, prevent corruption, and we as the EU will do our part and be committed to the process”. Michel said that this is an important summit that writes history itself because this is the first time that leaders of the EU and the Western Balkans are sitting together at one table, while both sides must do many things. Michel underlined the importance of progress in fight against corruption and respect for the rule of the law while the EU should continue its commitment towards the Western Balkans. “We will improve the visa policy, that is a concrete step. We know that the decision is yet to be made in the following days and weeks. I am optimistic and certain that you will be able to make step forward so that we together overcome this situation,” said Michel.


Cvijanovic comments on EU-Western Balkans Summit: I am more optimistic that B&H will be granted EU candidate status mid-December (RTRS)


Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic, commenting on the EU-Western Balkans Summit, said the summit allowed the opportunity, during bilateral meetings and plenary sessions, to hear commitment to approach the Western Balkans in a more realistic way that it has been the case so far. “General position is there is no EU without the Western Balkans, unclear formulations about the European perspective must be abandoned and more concrete steps must be undertaken and of the concrete steps will follow - and they expect it - granting the candidate status’’, said Cvijanovic. She went on to say she was glad to hear that the EU officials talked about the injustice towards the Western Balkans, “but primarily towards B&H”. Cvijanovic also said that another topic discussed at the Summit was the issue of illegal migrations and the EU officials expressed desire to enhance cooperation with the Western Balkans through the clearly defined strategies and their implementation. Referring to granting B&H the EU candidate status, Cvijanovic expressed her satisfaction over the EU officials “much more realistic approach compared to the past’’, reminding of the 14 priorities from the Opinion of the European Commission (EC) and B&H being required to achieve significant progress within each priority, followed by eight priorities. “Today, they said they are extremely satisfied with the fact that we held elections, and we started serious talks about the authority formation”, said Cvijanovic, and added that she informed the EU officials about the progress in talks on the issue both in Republika Srpska (RS) and the Federation of B&H (FB&H), as well as in talks about the authority formation at the state level. “Another thing they said was sufficient to grant the candidate status is the fact that we are in the final stage of establishing the point of contact with EUROPOL”, said Cvijanovic, noting that Strategy on managing illegal migrations the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) is expected to adopt, “and they are very much interested in that (…) I would say we have never been closer to the candidate status. We deserved to get the candidate status years ago, but clearly the new geo-political circumstances (…) are things that accelerated their activities to approach the Western Balkans in a more organized, responsible and better way”. Cvijanovic also said she discussed the projects in B&H with the EC representatives, and on the occasion, said “it is high time that no one blocks anyone’s problems”, and the EC representatives showed willingness to unblock projects in the RS. Asked if there were pressures in terms of the Western Balkans aligning their foreign policy with the EU with regards to sanctions against Russia, Cvijanovic said aligning foreign policy with the EU’s is a constant, “however there were no pressures in that regard”. Summarizing all discussions during the Summit, Cvijanovic said: “It was in a good spirit. We will see what will happen, but I am more optimistic that B&H will be granted candidate status mid-December.”


Cvijanovic discusses B&H’s EU path with Nehammer, Borrell (N1)


Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic held a number of meetings on the sidelines of the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Tirana on Tuesday. Cvijanovic met with Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer to discuss the cooperation between the two countries in different areas and B&H’s EU path. It was underscored at the meeting that Austria is one of the biggest and most significant economic partners to B&H and that numerous Austrian companies conduct successful business operation both in the FB&H and RS. Cvijanovic also met with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, where they discussed B&H’s European integration process with the focus on B&H being granted the EU candidate status in December. Cvijanovic held a number of meetings on the sidelines of the summits, including the meeting with Borrell, Nehammer, Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Cvijanovic also met with Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic. During her meeting with Anastasiades, Cvijanovic said that she hopes B&H will obtain the candidate status by the end of the year and that it will have the support of Cyprus on the path to this goal.


Becirovic, Sattler meet, discuss EU path, candidate status of B&H (Dnevni avaz)


Member of the Presidency of B&H Denis Becirovic met with Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Johann Sattler (on Tuesday). Focus of the meeting was on the process of European integration of B&H, and upcoming session of Council of the EU which is expected to reach decision on EU candidate status for B&H. Becirovic stressed that the authorities must focus on resolving priorities from the EC’s Opinion for B&H’s candidate status. Ambassador Sattler said that the EC’s recommendation for granting the candidate status to B&H is a strong impetus to all stakeholders in B&H to intensify work on realization of necessary reforms, and an encouragement to the citizens that the European perspective is visible and possible.


EC: Western Balkans countries to introduce visas for citizens of third countries (Dnevni avaz)


Members of the European Commission held a meeting on Monday, summarizing the results of monitoring of visa-free regime between EU and Western Balkans countries. EC concluded that Albania, B&H, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, have undertaken all measures to answer the recommendation from the previous report that the Commission proposed and that they continued to meet the conditions for visa regime liberalization. However, it is underlined that all countries need to continue to undertake further measures for solving of different issues concerning the fight against organized crime, financial frauds and money laundering, as well as solving of the high-level corruption and irregular migration. To ensure a well-managed migration and security environment, and to prevent irregular migration flows to the EU, the assessed countries must ensure further alignment with the EU's visa policy. This means that most notably, Western Balkans countries are expected to abolish visa-free regime for citizens of the so called third-countries. EC Vice President Margaritis Schinas, said that that visa alignment is mandatory and that it is unthinkable and unacceptable that ‘our’ partners in the Western Balkans have visa-free regime with third countries, whose citizens use legal loopholes to get to the EU territory.


Plenkovic: EU leaders are calling on Vucic to join sanctions against Russia (Hina)


Several European leaders at the EU-Western Balkans summit called on Serbia's President, Aleksandar Vucic, to align Serbia with the EU's foreign policy and join sanctions against Russia. In response, Vucic said that Belgrade had condemned Russia's aggression on Ukraine and that it respected Ukraine's territorial integrity, Croatia's state news platform Hina said on Tuesday, citing Prime Minister, Andrej Plenkovic, as saying. Plenkovic is attending the EU-Western Balkans in Tirana. He sent Croatian media a press release in which he said that the meeting helps accelerate the pace of EU accession for Western Balkan countries. First such meeting was held in Zagreb in 2000, followed by summits in Thessaloniki in 2003, in Sofia in 2018, in Zagreb in 2020, in Brdo in 2021, and this year’s in Tirana, the capital of Albania. “For the first time the declaration after the summit did not use the euphemism of ‘European perspective’ but ‘the perspective of membership of the EU,’ which is a more specific phrase that shows greater commitment to the enlargement,” Plenkovic opined. Plenkovic also said that “a number of leaders” at the summit had called on Serbian President Vucic to align Serbia with the EU’s foreign policy and its sanctions against Russia over its ongoing invasion of Ukraine. “He keeps telling us about internal matters concerning their relations with Russia, but then Vucic also said that they (Serbia) condemned Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and that they respect Ukraine’s territorial integrity,” Plenkovic said. Serbia and Belarus are the only two European countries who did not join sanctions against Russia. At the summit, Plenkovic said that Croatia was “a regional energy hub” and was prepared “to help countries of Central and Southeast Europe.” He also supported granting Bosnia and Herzegovina the candidate status already at the European Council next week, and he welcomed the visa liberalization for Kosovo, whose President Vjosa Osmani announced formally applying for EU membership next week.


Plenkovic: Croatia supports approving status of EU candidate to B&H as soon as possible (HRT1)


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said that Croatia supports approving the status of the EU candidate to B&H as soon as possible, i.e. already in December. Plenkovic said that we will see whether preconditions for this were met, adding that they expect formation of institutions, continuation of constitutional and election reforms, implementation of reforms from the Opinion of the EC, equality of all constituent peoples especially Croats and all other who live in B&H According to Plenkovic, Croatia is ready to help in this processes. Plenkovic also assessed that now is not the time for ‘Serbia to sit on two chairs’ and that, if it wants to join the EU, it will have to harmonize its standards with European foreign and security standards, i.e. with the package of sanctions imposed against Russia.


Picula categorical: Varhelyi partial to Serbia, country not respecting some of fundamental EU values (CdM)


In the light of the announcement of the initiation of an investigation into the activities of the Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi, the rapporteur of the European Parliament for Montenegro and former Croatian Foreign Minister Tonino Picula says in an interview for CdM that the Commissioner’s very often overbearing attitude towards Serbia cannot be ignored, which often provokes criticism of a biased attitude towards a country that deviates, not only from the EU’s common foreign policy, but also does not respect some other fundamental values on which the EU rests. The Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament wants to launch an investigation into the activities of the European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement of the European Union, Oliver Varhelyi, the member of the European Parliament, Tis Reuten, posted on Twitter. “An investigation will be launched due to allegations that Varhelyi is deliberately undermining reforms in the area of democracy and the rule of law in EU candidate countries,” Reuten tweeted. Speaking for CdM about the political situation in Montenegro, Picula says that the institutions of Montenegro, due to many realignments, changes and problematic moves, have been brought to a state of blockage, so it would be most useful to hold snap elections. According to Picula, this parliamentary convocation is no longer able to adequately articulate policy and elect a stable government. He underlines that the Venice Commission, in charge of constitutional issues and the operation of democratic institutions, together with the European Union, has urged Montenegro to immediately elect judges of the Constitutional Court. When commenting on the Law on the President, Picula says that “the unconstitutional Law on the President should be withdrawn and that the Constitutional Court must be urgently unblocked. The Constitution is the foundation of the rule of law and all legislative decisions must be harmonized with it. Because when the institutions are compromised, it opens up space for malignant influences, and ultimately damages the reputation of Montenegro as a leader in the regatta of European expansion”, warns Picula. He adds that Montenegro will not be able to get out of the crisis unless a compromise is reached between the government and the opposition. “I believe that without such an agreement, we are sliding into an even deeper crisis, which would then have serious repercussions not only for the political life of Montenegro, but also for its European path and ambitions. Both the government and the opposition must be aware of their historical responsibility for the further progress of Montenegro”, Picula points out. He is categorical – Montenegro has a legitimately and legally elected President who has the right to exercise his powers prescribed by the Constitution. “Unconstitutional questioning of his powers, such as the recent amendments to the Law on the President, have been clearly criticized by the EU institutions. Precisely because of the upcoming presidential elections, it is necessary to unblock the work of the Constitutional Court”, he stresses. Picula says that he is afraid that it is impossible to conduct serious negotiations and carry out structural reforms without a stable government and without elected officials who at the same time bear political responsibility precisely for conducting negotiations and implementing reforms.


DPS calls on meeting to discuss election of Constitutional Court judges (CdM)


Head of the DPS caucus Danijel Zivkovic sent a letter to heads of caucuses inviting them to a meeting to tackle the current political crisis and the election of judges of the Constitutional Court. The meeting will be held at 5 PM. In a letter, Zivkovic says that he believes that the meeting of heads of caucuses would be a good way to continue dialogue and find the solution to the political crisis. “Having in mind that at the last meeting organized by the parliament speaker we got a confirmation from the leaders of political parties that they were ready to reach the agreement, I believe that the meeting would be a good way to continue dialogue and find solution to the political crisis,” the letter suggests. On 12 December, MPs are supposed to declare on the election of judges of the Constitutional Court.


Djukanovic: Maybe now we can vote for the election of one judge of the Constitutional Court (CdM)


Maybe now we can vote for the election of one judge, which would make the Constitutional Court functional, whereas the joint list of candidates comprising three judges would be set up later, the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic told the press in Tirana following today’s EU-Western Balkans Summit. Recall, the head of the DPS caucus called on all heads of caucuses to discuss the issues determined by the DPS in the justification of the initiative for postponement of the proposal for the election of judges of the Constitutional Court. Djukanovic said it was a logical and responsible move. “We said we wanted to talk about the date of snap parliamentary elections, whether it’s possible to halt the adoption of laws which violate the constitution and legal order of Montenegro. In this context, we’re ready to discuss the election of one judge of the Constitutional Court and thus unblock its work and create conditions for legitimizing the election process, hoping that it would happen soon.” He also says that we definitely may expect the presidential elections in March or April, but they first want snap parliamentary elections so that the country may step out of the “institutional blockage and danger in terms of the economic sustainability and public finances”, and that Montenegro may get a responsible government which would continue to lead the country on the European path. “Our primary proposal was clear – let’s get back to the beginning of that process and we’re ready to talk about the election of four judges. If there’s a need to ensure a two thirds majority, then it’s logical that both the government and opposition should discuss it at the Constitutional Committee.” The President also added that “maybe now we can vote for the election of one judge of the Constitutional Court”.


Nikolic: Prosecutor’s office started political persecution upon the order of Dritan Abazovic (CdM)


Spokesperson and the DPS MP Milos Nikolic states that the Special State Prosecutor’s Office (SDT) has started investigation into certain members of the Democratic Party of Socialists upon the order of Dritan Abazovic. Namely, the SDT sent a request to the parliament speaker Danijela Djurovic, urging her to allow prosecution of the DPS MPs Predrag Boskovic, Dragica Sekulic, Suzana Pribilovic, as well as the Social Democrats (SD) MPs, Ivan Brajovic and Damir Sehovic. “The prosecutor’s office, which is unable to ensure elections in one polling station and which has been pretending to be dead for almost a year over the purchase of IDs in Ulcinj, the one which finds nothing strange in the communication of the Skaljari gang’s brother Abaz with representatives of crime gangs, which must not arrest the URA officials for taking part in cigarette smuggling, and was dismissed like the government of Zdravko Krivokapic, now reacts quickly to the criminal charge filed by Abazovic, although it stays silent on more than 70 complaints submitted by the Democratic Party of Socialists over the previous two years,” assesses Nikolic. According to him, the pre-election persecution has officially started.


EU-Western Balkans Summit: Joint management of energy crisis effects (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski took part Tuesday at the first panel discussion of the EU Western Balkans Summit in Tirana dedicated to the energy crisis and the energy support package aimed to ensure energy stability of the Western Balkans but also Europe in general. Discussion participants noted that energy stability of the Western Balkans is equally important as energy stability of the EU, the government said in a press release. Leaders highlighted the efforts to overcome the challenges of the energy crisis, saying the EU will support the Western Balkans in resolving all problems related to the energy crisis. The Republic of North Macedonia has successfully managed the energy crisis and ensured energy stability, with all electricity production capacities put into operation, whereas the state is also implementing a multiannual green transition strategy, investing in renewables that would result in energy independence. Kovachevski is also taking part at the panel discussion on the European perspective of the Western Balkans – ensuring democracy, peace and freedom, reads the press release. Kovachevski on the sidelines of the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Tirana met briefly with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. “Constructive talks always about the European future of North Macedonia with the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, our biggest supporters,” Kovachevski said in a Facebook post. He said during the Tirana summit they discussed current processes in North Macedonia as regards the ongoing screening process as well as the challenges the country is facing and addressing. We also discussed the energy crisis, current developments in Europe and the war in Ukraine,” Kovachevski wrote on Facebook.


Kovachevski says country committed to screening process, expects constitutional changes soon (TV Sitel)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski told the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Tirana on Tuesday that North Macedonia continues to be committed on the screening process while expecting the constitutional changes to be made soon, “once again demonstrating the highest degree of democracy and observance of fundamental human rights.” Kovachevski took part in the second panel discussion at the Summit dedicated to the region’s perspectives, joint commitments for democracy, peace and stability in the region and the whole of Europe, as well as mutual support in the management of the economic and energy crisis, the Government said in a press release. The PM said peace and stability on the Balkans represent a prerequisite for peace and stability in Europe, adding that the entire area should work on the accomplishment of this goal. “By working together for this important goal, countries of the Western Balkans, as trusted EU partners, ensure a safe future for citizens, economic development and prosperity. North Macedonia and Albania launched the EU accession negotiations and are committed to the screening process with all of their capacities. In addition, North Macedonia expects to soon make the constitutional changes, demonstrating once again the highest degree of democracy and observance of the fundamental human rights,” said Kovachevski. According to him, the region needs to closely cooperate especially in the energy sector, with a focus on finding alternatives for stable and continued electricity supply but also renewable energy sources. Kovachevski also highlighted the need for support through grants and favorable loans for the planned projects, along with drafting of effective plans for just transition through best practices. PM Kovachevski is heading the government delegation also including Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj and Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani, reads the press release.


EU-Western Balkans Summit Tirana Declaration, 6 December 2022 (Radio Tirana)


We, the leaders of the European Union (EU) and its Member States, in consultation with Western Balkans leaders, and in the presence of regional and international stakeholders, today held this Summit for the first time in the Western Balkans region and concluded the following:


  1. Russia's escalating war of aggression against Ukraine is putting European and global peace and security at risk and underscores the importance of the strategic partnership between the EU and the Western Balkans region.
  2. The EU reconfirms its full and unequivocal commitment to the European Union membership perspective of the Western Balkans and calls for the acceleration of the accession process, based upon credible reforms by Partners, fair and rigorous conditionality and the principle of own merits, which is in our mutual interest. It welcomes the progress made by the Western Balkans Partners on their respective EU paths since the EU-Western Balkans Summit at Brdo in October 2021. In particular, the EU welcomes the holding of the first Intergovernmental Conferences with Albania and North Macedonia.
  3. The EU welcomes the Western Balkans Partners' resolve to uphold core European values and principles, in line with international law. The EU also welcomes the restated commitment of the Western Balkans Partners to the primacy of democracy, fundamental rights and values and the rule of law, including separation of powers. It underlines the need for sustained efforts in the fight against corruption and organized crime, strengthened support for good governance, human rights, gender equality and the rights of persons belonging to minorities. The credibility of these commitments depends on the meaningful implementation of the necessary reforms, and on building a solid track record underpinned by clear and consistent public communication in the interest of their people. An empowered civil society and independent and pluralistic media, with full respect for the freedom of expression, are crucial components of any democratic system and we welcome and support the role these play in the Western Balkans.
  4. Standing together with the EU is a clear sign of Partners' strategic orientation, now more than ever, as Russia escalates its war of aggression against Ukraine. A common vision of the future involves mutual responsibilities and shared values. As we deepen our cooperation with Partners, we urge them to make swift and sustained progress towards full alignment with the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and to act accordingly, including on EU restrictive measures. We commend those Western Balkans Partners that are already demonstrating their strategic commitment in this regard by fully aligning with the EU CFSP and encourage those that have not done so to follow suit.
  5. The EU remains the region's closest partner, main investor and trading partner and principal donor. The exceptional scale and range of this support should be made more visible and reflected proactively by the Partners in their public debate and communication, so that citizens can appreciate the concrete benefits of the partnership with the EU.
  6. Building on the revised methodology, the European Council has invited the Commission, the High Representative and the Council to further advance the gradual integration of the region already during the enlargement process itself in a reversible and merit-based manner.
  7. The EU recalls the importance of continuing reforms, both for the benefit of citizens and as a basis for continued EU support, notably in the area of rule of law, and in particular those reforms related to the independence and functioning of the judiciary and the fight against corruption and organised crime.
  8. The EU continues to fully support the Western Balkans Partners’ commitment to inclusive regional cooperation and strengthening good neighbourly relations, including with EU Member States. Implementing bilateral agreements in good faith and with tangible results, including the Prespa Agreement with Greece and the Treaty on Good Neighbourly Relations with Bulgaria, continues to be important. Decisive further efforts are still required to foster reconciliation and regional stability, as well as to find and implement definitive, inclusive and binding solutions to Partners' regional and bilateral disputes and issues rooted in the legacy of the past, in line with international law and established principles, including the Agreement on Succession Issues, and the remaining cases of missing persons and war crimes issues. The EU also calls on Partners to guarantee the rights and equal treatment of persons belonging to minorities.
  9. We continue to fully support the efforts of the EU High Representative and the EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkan regional issues and expect concrete progress by the two Parties towards a comprehensive legally binding agreement on normalisation of relations between them. This is critical for the stability and development of the whole region and for ensuring that the Parties can continue on their respective European paths. We reiterate our strong expectation that all past agreements are fully respected and implemented without delay. We urge both Parties to engage constructively to resolve all their bilateral disputes and refrain from unilateral and/or provocative action that could lead to tensions and violence and rhetoric that is not conducive to the Dialogue. We remind both Parties of their shared responsibility to ensure peace and stability.
  10. We welcome the successful first meeting of the European Political Community, which took place on 6 October 2022 in Prague. The meeting provided a platform for political coordination and an opportunity for in-depth exchanges on pressing issues concerning the entire continent. We look forward to the next meeting to be held in the Republic of Moldova in the first half of 2023. Tackling together the negative impact of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine and building a robust economic foundation for the future
  11. Russia bears the sole responsibility for the current energy and economic crises. The EU will continue its support for the Western Balkans Partners in tackling the negative effects on their economies and societies.
  12. The EU's new Energy Support Package, worth EUR 1 billion in grants that can bring EUR 2.5 billion in investments, will help the Western Balkans mitigate the impact of the energy crisis and accelerate the energy transition in the region. The Package is funded via the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III) and includes immediate, short and mediumterm measures to provide help to citizens and businesses in the Western Balkans. EUR 500 million in grants will go to immediate support for vulnerable families and SMEs. Another EUR 500 million in grants will be dedicated to investments supporting the energy transition and energy independence, to fund improvements to gas and electricity infrastructure and interconnectors including LNG, as well as new renewable energy projects, energy efficiency measures, upgrades of energy transmission systems, district heating and schemes to improve the energy efficiency of old apartment buildings.
  13. We recall our decision to open the common purchases of gas, LNG and hydrogen for the Western Balkans, call for rapid operationalisation of this platform and encourage Partners to use this opportunity. The REPower EU Plan will help to reduce the EU's and the Western Balkans' dependency on Russian gas. Through the Energy Community, the EU is opening its electricity market, including in renewables, to the Western Balkans, subject to regulatory reforms.
  14. Continued implementation of the Economic and Investment Plan (EIP) and the Green and Digital Agendas for the Western Balkans will help strengthen the region’s economy and resilience, including through further support for connectivity, energy transition and diversification of energy supplies. The EIP sets out an ambitious investment package, mobilising close to EUR 30 billion for the region, comprised of EUR 9 billion in grant funding from IPA III and up to EUR 20 billion in investments, leveraged by the new Western Balkans Guarantee Facility. Under the Plan, the adoption of a total of EUR 1.4 billion in investment grants under the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) was approved in the first half of 2022 to finance 28 flagship investment projects with a total value of EUR 4.5 billion. A new package of EUR 400 million in EU grants worth EUR 1.2 billion in investment value, to finance 12 investment projects, has just been approved, while adopted projects are entering the implementation stage. In the past year, work continued on all connectivity investment projects adopted under the connectivity agenda, with several projects reaching completion, notably the Orient-East-Med rail corridor, Road Corridor Vc and two cross-border bridges, Svilaj and Gradiška. In this context, the Western Balkans Partners should also strengthen the rule of law and decisively undertake economic and social reforms, including those contained in their Economic Reform Programmes and in the joint conclusions of the economic and financial dialogue.
  15. Furthermore, the EU stands ready to support the Western Balkans leaders in fulfilling their commitment to fully implement the Green Agenda for the region, including their climate commitments under the Paris Agreement, as a key driver for the transition to modern, climateneutral, climate-resilient and resource-efficient economies, which aims to unlock the potential of circular economy, fight against pollution, improve waste management and accelerate green energy transition in the region. The EU will also continue to support the region in developing a carbon pricing policy in the context of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), including through technical and financial assistance. The EU 4 Green project is an important tool to help Partners in their implementation efforts.
  16. From the start, the Western Balkans Partners have also been included in the European Food Security Crisis Preparedness and Response Mechanism to enhance food security. The EU will continue its support to the agricultural sector under IPA III and the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance for Rural Development (IPARD III), respectively. For the latter, the EU contribution of EUR 560 million for the next seven-year period was adopted earlier this year. Intensifying political and policy engagement
  17. The EU and the Western Balkans are determined to accelerate and deepen our political and policy engagement, including inter alia through the holding of regular EU-Western Balkans Summits, the participation of Western Balkans Partners in high-level EU events and regular CFSP dialogues. Western Balkans Partners have already been invited to provide input to the Foreign Affairs Council meetings, and they receive debriefs by the European External Action Service thereafter. This enhanced engagement reflects the EU’s commitment to the region.
  18. The EU will further deepen its sectoral cooperation with the Western Balkans in areas of common interest, such as justice and home affairs, the economy and the EU internal market, energy, transport and digital policy, civil protection, health, social policy, education and research and innovation, as well as foreign affairs, security and defence, including tackling cyber and other hybrid threats, and counter-terrorism.
  19. The EU recalls the shared commitment to step up efforts to enhance the integration of the Western Balkans with the EU internal market. The Western Balkans' Common Regional Market (CRM) should serve as a stepping stone for integration. The EU commends the Partners’ recent agreements on free movement and recognition of IDs for all citizens of the region, as well as on mutual recognition of university diplomas and professional qualifications within the region. These agreements constitute milestones in fulfilling the Partners’ commitment to establish a Common Regional Market. The EU encourages the Western Balkan Partners to ratify these agreements swiftly so that citizens can benefit from them as fast as possible. Further decisive efforts by all Western Balkans leaders are needed in order for the CRM to become a reality, in particular as regards the adoption of several decisions on trade-related initiatives that have already been agreed at technical level in the context of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA). Such inclusive regional cooperation based on EU rules and standards would also stimulate intra-regional trade and attract investments.
  20. The EU welcomes the work of all the Western Balkan economies towards the modernisation of their payments systems to bring them closer to EU standards and to the fulfilment of all the conditions for the integration into the Single Euro Payments Area.
  21. The EU also welcomes Partners' commitment to continue their work on the implementation of the Western Balkans agenda on innovation, research, education, culture, youth and sport and is already gradually associating Partners in EU's programmes such as Erasmus+, the European Solidarity Corps and the European Universities initiative with the aim of creating further opportunities for young people. The European Universities Initiative opens the possibility for higher education institutions in the Western Balkans to participate in ambitious transnational alliances and to develop long-term structural and strategic cooperation. The Youth Guarantee put into action in the Western Balkans will contribute to reducing the brain drain experienced by the region.
  22. In the digital domain, building on the successful implementation of the Regional Roadmap Agreement "Roam like at Home" from July 2021 onwards, eliminating roaming costs within the region, we welcome today's joint declaration by EU and the Western Balkans' telecom operators which will allow for the first reduction in roaming costs between the EU and the Western Balkans in 2023, with a view to full removal thereafter. It is also commendable that Partners have signed up to the Declaration for the Future of Internet and are fully associated with the work of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications.
  23. We also welcome the progress in the implementation of EU-Western Balkans Green Lanes and call for their application at all relevant borders, while fully respecting the EU acquis and procedures. We furthermore welcome the establishment of the Blue Lanes initiative that will improve trade connections among Adriatic ports. These initiatives contribute to better border management, decrease in waiting times for passengers and freight, and hence support the economic activity. They are a very public demonstration of what cooperation between the Western Balkans and the EU and its Member States can bring. Reinforcing security and building resilience against foreign interference
  24. The EU and the Western Balkans share a number of security challenges that demand coordinated action, which has become even more important in the context of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. The EU and the Western Balkans are determined to further strengthen the cooperation on core security and defence issues, including at operational level. In this regard, we welcome that Partners have proven their commitment to the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), by contributing to EU's crisis management missions and operations. The EU will continue to work together with the region to further develop its defence capabilities and capacities, including through the European Peace Facility. The EU welcomes the Partners' continued commitment to the development of effective instruments for intra-Western Balkans cooperation in the area of security and defence. The EU will also further enhance its engagement with the region in fields such as space and military mobility.
  25. The EU and the Western Balkans are committed to fighting foreign information manipulation and interference, including disinformation as well as other hybrid threats that are present in Western Balkans societies and seek to undermine the region's stability, democratic processes and its EU perspective. In this respect, we will further strengthen our cooperation to build resilience, also by fostering media professionalism and media literacy, and by increasing the impact of our strategic communication about EU - Western Balkans relations and the enlargement process in particular.
  26. As cyber threats know no borders, we will work together to enhance our collective cyber security. Recent large scale cyber-attacks demonstrate the need for enhanced engagement, building on existing programmes and on cooperation with the EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre, combined with bilateral initiatives of EU Member States and other partners. Under the Cybersecurity Rapid Response project, EU action is focusing on increasing the cyber resilience and cyber incident preparedness of Partners targeted by recent attacks, with delivery of longer-term region-wide EU cyber support to start in 2023. The EU is determined to step up its support for resilience against cyber-attacks in the Western Balkans, and intensify cooperation regionally and with international partners. Irregular migration, fight against terrorism and organised crime
  27. The Western Balkans migratory route has seen a significant upsurge since the beginning of 2022. Migration management remains a joint challenge and responsibility, which the EU and the Western Balkans will address together, in close partnership. To this end, the EU has substantially increased its financial support for the region with over EUR 170 million of bilateral and regional assistance already provided under IPA III.
  28. While we commend our Partners for their efforts and constructive cooperation to date, sustained and expanded efforts are required in order to address irregular migration on the Western Balkans route, including to combat smuggling of migrants and human trafficking. The EU remains committed to support the region, both politically and financially. In this regard, it intends to substantially increase funding to the Western Balkans for the coming years in the framework of IPA III. In light of the increased migratory pressure in the region, the strong financial EU support through dedicated programmes will allow Partners to enhance asylum and reception systems, strengthen border protection, fight smuggling networks and organised crime groups, and step up returns from the Western Balkans to the countries of origin. With a view to that, the EU has adopted a new programme on strengthening border management worth EUR 40 million, and is preparing a second one on increasing the capacity to fight migrant smuggling and human trafficking, with a focus on investigations and prosecutions, worth EUR 30 million.
  29. Partners' swift alignment with EU visa policy is of urgent and crucial importance for migration management and for the overall good functioning and sustainability of the visa-free regimes between the Western Balkans and the EU. Partners must continue to enhance their return systems, including by concluding readmission agreements with key countries of origin and to strengthen cooperation with relevant airlines. Mutual cooperation on returns will be deepened, maximising the use of existing frameworks and available channels. In this regard, the EU stands ready to support the Western Balkans to increase voluntary and non-voluntary returns, including directly from the region to the countries of origin. Cooperation should also be intensified with Frontex, including through the rapid conclusion and implementation of updated Status Agreements, as well as with the European Union Agency for Asylum and with Europol.
  30. We call for cooperation to be further strengthened on counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism, including the prevention of radicalisation and of terrorist financing, in line with the Joint Action Plan on Counter-Terrorism for the Western Balkans. We reiterate the importance of taking resolute action to address serious and organised crime, in particular money laundering, high-level corruption, drug cultivation and trafficking.
  31. The EU is fully committed to continue the work on preventing illicit trade and trafficking in small arms and light weapons and their ammunition, commends the Western Balkans' dedicated roadmap on this and will continue to support the Western Balkans in this field. The roadmap is an internationally recognised example of good practice of regional cooperation to strengthen small arms control.
  32. The EU encourages Western Balkan Partners to establish and maintain cooperative relations with the European Public Prosecutors Office (EPPO) in the field of mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. We welcome the working arrangements already established between the EPPO and some Western Balkans Partners, and we encourage the other Partners towards similar cooperation as soon as possible.
  33. We welcome our Western Balkans Partners' alignment with the above points


Rama: These days, EU needs Western Balkans as much Western Balkans needs EU (Radio Tirana)


The EU-Western Balkans Summit was held in Tirana, Albania. Officials from 27 EU countries and the leaders of the Western Balkans countries gathered at the summit. The main topics of the summit were the EU’s support for EU membership of all the countries, noted the reporter. They also discussed energy stability due to war in Ukraine. Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said that the summit was a historic event. Rama stated that, these days, the EU needs the Western Balkans as much the Western Balkans need the EU. He said that it is the moment to send a message to peoples in the whole region, and especially to the Albanian people, that the EU is there for them. Rama also said there is common understanding in the region “that we need support while we carry out our tasks, but also to be increasingly closer so that we gathered in Europe. Otherwise, the roaming agreement would not happen, there would be no acceleration. Green lights and everything that is happening are all new things, a new approach. That is why I said thanks to both presidents present here, it is my honor to be here with them to change things. If you remember when Ursula (Von der Leyen) got the vote for the Commission President she said: This is the beginning of the geo-political commission, and that is happening. For the first time the Balkans are viewed and treated as geo-political and strategic reason for the EU to think deeper”. Rama noted that this is the first time that the EU participates in such summit outside the Union’s borders. He says Albania was honored by this choice. “I see this as a great sign of awareness that today, the EU needs the Western Balkans, as equally as the Western Balkans needs the Union”, Rama pointed out. Rama said that the EU and the Western Balkans need each other. “The time has come to say to the people in the Western Balkans and in Albania that the EU is here for us”, said Rama.


Albanian opposition political parties organize protest during EU-Western Balkans summit in Tirana (N1)


Thousands of citizens participated in a protest organized by the Albanian opposition political parties, the Democratic Party of Albania and the Freedom Party Albania, during the EU-Western Balkans Summit held on Tuesday in Tirana. N1 reports that although the police urged the organizers not to hold the protest on Tuesday, Albanian opposition leader Sali Berisha chose the day of the Summit to protest against the policy of the Albanian administration and Prime Minister Edi Rama. At one point, there was an incident when an unknown man physically attacked Berisha, hit him with his fist in the head and then Berisha’s bodyguards caught him and beat him up.