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Belgrade Media Report 14 February



Drecun: Serbia's position is clear: There is no dialogue resumption (TV Prva)


Milovan Drecun, Chairman of the Committee of the Serbian Assembly for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), said on Monday that he does not see the purpose of the meeting between the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and Albin Kurti. Drecun explained that there is no point in meeting with Kurti if he is not committed to the Community of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) and its establishment, underlining that Belgrade's position is that until the Association is established there is no continuation of the dialogue, nor consideration of the European proposal.


"It was clearly stated that the ZSO must first be formed in order to continue the dialogue. Procedurally speaking, according to what is written in the Brussels Agreement, if there was a consensus regarding the competences of the ZSO, a meeting must be held at the summit where the statute would be presented, and after that the government in Pristina just has to introduce the Community into legal order," Drecun explained to TV Prva when asked if there will be a meeting between President Vucic and Kurti soon, as announced by the EU.


As the Brussels Agreement and the implementation plan envisage, a summit meeting should be held to review the statute of the ZSO. "However, if you look at the EU envoy Miroslav Lajcak, he didn't even respond to the management team's letter from April, when it was said that our team has a draft statute ready, which shows that he is not interested in the CSM as provided for in the Brussels Agreement, but a different ZSO more acceptable for Pristina. I don't see the purpose of organizing a meeting in Brussels if it is not dedicated to ZSO, followed by its formation", explained Drecun.


He assessed that Brussels has different plans, so he talks about the fact that a meeting should be organized in a few weeks, to implement the French-German plan, which, he underlines, is not acceptable in key parts for Serbia. "There is something that is a legal obligation, and that is the ZSO. Our position is that until it is realized, there is no continuation of the dialogue, nor consideration of the European proposal," underlined Drecun. He said that the USA's position is strong that the ZSO must be implemented, because it is clear to them that they cannot break the will of Belgrade and that is why they are putting pressure on Pristina.


Drecun, regarding the conditions for the formation of the ZSO presented recently by Kurti, assessed that they are identical to what the Franco-German proposal says. "It says - international recognition first, then talk about the rights of national minorities. This is also said in the proposal - first a basic agreement, which does not include mutual recognition, and at the end it is mentioned that everything that was previously agreed should be fulfilled. Its conditions are quite consistent with what is said in the proposal. He is satisfied with the plan that has been offered," he stressed.


Drecun assessed that European officials do not listen to what Belgrade is saying. "My lesson to them is to listen more carefully, because what we said is something we will not go over. We will not agree with membership in the UN and the recognition of independence either de facto or de jure," he underlined. Drecun pointed out that regardless of the growing pressure on Serbia, Kosovo is a complex problem that cannot be solved quickly, especially not on the basis that the West offers. "This is not a plan that would enable a long-term solution, but would lead us into new conflicts and incidents," he emphasized. Drecun pointed out that Serbia needs a strategic partnership with the USA and that the ambassador in Washington, Marko Djurić, is doing an excellent job on that.


Colomina: NATO expects Serbia to get behind EU plan for Kosovo (Beta)


NATO deputy assistant general secretary Javier Colomina said in Belgrade on Feb. 13 that NATO supported the European Union plan for Kosovo and expected support to that proposal from Serbia, too. After meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, Colomina told reporters that he had made the message "very clear" to Serbia's top officials, adding that he would do the same with officials in Pristina. "We know the proposal is on the table -- the French-German proposal, the EU proposal. NATO very

much supports the EU's efforts in this respect. I delivered the message to President Vucic and Minister Dacic very clearly that NATO will support that plan and therefore expects Serbia to get behind it," Colomina said. Colomina said he had told Vucic and Dacic that KFOR mission forces were "ready" and would "continue to act in line with the mandate envisaged by Resolution 1244," and would remain in Kosovo "for as long as they are needed." Vucic said regular dialogue between Serbian representatives and the officials of NATO political and military structures contributed to building mutual trust, the Serbian presidency said in a press release. KFOR members contribute to maintaining peace and stability in Kosovo with their professionalism, he said, which are threatened by Pristina's unilateral actions.


Olenik: Russian Ambassador should be exiled from Serbia (N1)


Opposition MP Aleksandar Olenik said on Monday that Russian Ambassador Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko should be exiled from Serbia for interfering in the country's internal affairs. “Russian Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko deserved to be exiled after his shameful statement that Serbia should not accept the Franco-German plan for Kosovo. That happened after 154 (of 250) MPs in the Serbian Parliament voted that it should be accepted”, the Together for Vojvodina MP said in a press release. Olenik accused Serbian President of „not having the courage to even to reply to the ambassador”. “Therefore, we, members of Parliament from Vojvodina, demand his expulsion”, said Olenik. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday that Serbia is under pressure from the West and Russia to take a more decisive stand on Ukraine and resolve the Kosovo issue.


Security Service Coordination Bureau: Security situation in Serbia stable despite threats (Beta)


The Security Service Coordination Bureau concluded in a Feb. 13 session that the security situation in Serbia was stable despite numerous threats, the Serbian government said in a press release. According to the statement, the session examined the security situation with a focus on Kosovo and Metohija and subjects related to the crisis in Ukraine and illegal migration, especially in northern Vojvodina. Present at the session were Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, National Security Council secretary Ivica Dacic, Security and Information Agency director Aleksandar Vulin, Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic, Vojvodina Premier Igor Mirovic and the National Security Council's Confidential Data Protection Office director Goran Matic.


Vucic made a decision to increase the number of special units (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic made a decision to increase the number of special units in Serbia. The decision on the organizational upgrade of the Special Forces of the Serbian Army contains several elements. One of them refers to the expansion of the peacetime and wartime organization of the Special Forces of the Serbian Army to the projected unit strength. For the execution of this decision, the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces will issue the necessary acts, and the decision itself will enter into force on the day of its adoption.


Putin sent a congratulatory message to Vucic on the occasion of Statehood Day (RTS)


The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, sent a congratulatory message to the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, on the occasion of the Statehood Day. Ambassador of the Russian Federation Aleksandar Bocan-Kharchenko presented President Vucic with a congratulatory message from the Russian President. "Receive hearty congratulations on the occasion of the national holiday of your country - Statehood Day. Serbia is an important and reliable partner of Russia. We highly appreciate the balanced foreign policy course pursued by Belgrade in the current complex international circumstances. We support your efforts aimed at protecting the territorial integrity of the country and solving the Kosovo issue. I am convinced that the further development of the Russian-Serbian strategic partnership fully corresponds to the interests of our brotherly nations. I sincerely wish you good health and success, and well-being and prosperity to all the citizens of Serbia," the congratulation reads.


Lavrov to Dacic: Russia ready for further development of relations with Serbia (Beta)


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov affirmed Monday Moscow's readiness for the further all-round development of relations with Serbia in a note of congratulations sent to Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic on the 185th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. In the card delivered to Dacic by Russian Ambassador to Belgrade Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko, Lavrov said he was convinced that “the accumulated experience of working together would continue to serve as a solid foundation for Russian-Serbian cooperation,” said the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a press release.


In his note to Lavrov, Dacic said „Regardless of the formal framework, Serbian-Russian relations have, throughout history, been imbued with the spirit of friendship and mutual understanding and have been based on shared Slavic origins, spirituality, religion and culture,” said the press release. The Serbian Foreign Minster once again expressed deep gratitude to Russia “for its firm and consistent support to the territorial integrity and sovereignty” of Serbia in connection with the Kosovo issue, it said. Botsan-Kharchenko presented to Dacic Lavrov’s note of congratulations on the occasion of the upcoming Serbian Statehood Day, said the press release.


Contract signed: €165 million to Serbia. Vucic: "This is great and good news" (Tanjug)


Financial agreement for EU energy support package for Serbia, worth €165 million, was signed today at the National Dispatch Center of EMS (Elektromreza Srbije). It is about an agreement that provides assistance to our country in order to help it cope with the current energy crisis.


"Today, what was signed represents 1 percent of our income for the annual budget. They gave their money from their taxpayers. It is important that people know that, 165 million euros is exactly as I said, it is a big help for us. We are infinitely grateful for that. Yes, in the division of labor that exists in Europe, we will be able to save some of the small and medium-sized enterprises. And we would not be able to do that without the support and help of the EU. This is a great gift for us, great sun of money, and we greatly appreciate it," said Serbian President Vucic his address.


He pointed out that the exchange of goods with the EU has increased 4 times, that we have about 2 billion direct investments. "Our merchandise exchange amounted to 40 billion euros, which is a huge growth, because it represents 59 of our total exchange with the whole world. In conclusion with the year 2022, our trade exchange with the EU has increased four times. Just so that people understand what we live on. People should know that we pay our professors, doctors, all public workers from this," he said. He said that Serbia depends on the EU in many ways, that without it, it is difficult or impossible to move forward, and that those who mention that there are the possibilities of alternative roads are not telling the truth. "This is great and good news," emphasized Vucic.


The agreement was signed in the presence of President Vucic and the head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Emanuele Giaufret, the Minister for European Integration, Tanja Miscevic, and the deputy head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Plamena Halaceva. The event was attended by Minister of Finance Sinisa Mali, Minister of Mining and Energy Dubravka Djedovic and General Director of "Elektromreza Srbije" Jelena Matejic.


The money is made available for the implementation of the energy road map of the Government of Serbia, which describes what the EU money should be spent on. The plan contains a large number of measures, such as providing subsidies for vulnerable households, and thanks to this, at least the same number of households will be protected this year as in 2022. This number is expected to gradually increase to 190,000 households by the end of 2023. In practice, protected households with two members who pay electricity bills of around 3,770 dinars will pay 1,721.81 dinars less. Another measure is to protect small and medium-sized businesses from high electricity prices to help them continue to operate despite high electricity prices. Of these, at least the same number of companies as in the previous year, at least 70,000, will be supported. The third measure is energy savings through incentives for electricity consumers, and the fourth is increased competition in the gas and electricity markets, which implies the separation and certification of all gas operators, opening of the gas market and conducting auctions for producers of electricity from renewable sources. The fifth measure is energy security, which implies co-financing of projects, adoption of an investment plan in the power sector and adoption of an investment plan in the oil and gas sector. The sixth measure involves the promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, which includes a subsidy scheme for households in multi-family residential buildings to implement energy efficiency measures and subsidize solar panels, heat pumps for private homes, small and medium-sized enterprises and public buildings




Bosnia and Herzegovina


RSNA Speaker Stevandic meets with Serbian Parliament Speaker Orlic; Orlic: RS can always count on Serbia (RTRS)


Speaker of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) Nenad Stevandic met with Speaker of the Serbian Parliament Vladimir Orlic in Belgrade on Monday. RTRS reports that Stevandic said after the meeting that citizens of the RS are proud of fraternal relations with Serbia, and “we continue cooperation that cannot be objected in terms of ethical, democratic and moral standards”. Addressing the media after the meeting, Stevandic said: “We are absolutely confident that the strength of Serbia enables us to slowly rise in the RS, protect our Dayton Accords, but we never view it as someone who is a Serbia’s partner, but someone who represents interests of brothers, one people that is not divided in any way. And the years, especially the past ten years have shown that we avoided numerous challenges when numerous international factors tried to disrupt relations between Serbian and the RS leadership, or someone tried to take advantage of a political situation to cause damage. That did not happen because there was enough wisdom and reason to keep those relations good’’. Orlic said: “You can always count on us. The state of Serbia has shown it is with you when the times are difficult and without any doubt, we will continue to stand by one another closely and strongly. Today, we reaffirmed that”. Stevandic also met with members of parliament within ‘Aleksandar Vucic’ caucus.


Stevandic said that “Serbia remains a guiding star for the RS.” Orlic pointed out that Serbia is one of the largest investors in the RS, emphasizing that work is being done on highways that are of international and regional importance with the desire to connect Belgrade and Banja Luka, but also many other cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and the RS with cities in Serbia. “(Serbian) President Aleksandar Vucic has said many times, and we have shown with actions that we are ready to support the development of local self-governments in the RS, but also in B&H, where the Serb people also live,” Orlic was quoted as saying. Stevandic stated that there have been many unsuccessful attempts to undermine the good relations of Serbian and RS leaderships. He emphasized that the RS is proud of its brotherly relations with Serbia. Stevandic also reiterated that because of the RS's firm stance, B&H will not recognize Kosovo as an independent state.


Executive Intelligence Commission of B&H CoM confirms nominations of Dzuvo for OSA B&H Director, Zaric for OSA B&H Deputy Director and incumbent OSA B&H Chief Inspector Bevanda for the same post (N1)


At its session held on Monday, the Executive Intelligence Commission of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers (CoM) confirmed nominations of Almir Dzuvo for the Director of the Intelligence and Security Agency of B&H (OSA B&H), Risto Zaric for the OSA B&H Deputy Director and incumbent OSA B&H Chief Inspector Damir Bevanda for the same post. With Dzuvo’s nomination the procedure for the removal of OSA B&H Director Osman Mehmedagic has been officially initiated.


Addressing the media after the session, B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic said that Dzuvo “is a solution we in the coalition agree most on, i.e. the biggest common denominator of interests, i.e. for it (OSA) to be a professional agency, ethical and not political at all’’. Additionally, Konakovic said Dzuvo’s nomination was favoured also because of the fact he can take the office immediately.


N1 reports that Dzuvo is favoured due to his extensive experience in intelligence and security sector, as well as support from the international community (IC) he gained during his mandate as the Head of the B&H Mission to NATO. However, individuals found his nomination disputable bearing in mind his earlier mandate as the OSA B&H Director, and Article 26 of the Law on OSA B&H which stipulates that “Director-General and Deputy Director-General shall serve four-year terms, which may be renewed once”. Konakovic explained that legal experts said the situation with Dzuvo is identical to the situation regarding the B&H Presidency members, i.e. mandate can be renewed once, “however, bearing in mind Mr. Dzuvo’s break in the past period all legal experts we consulted agree there are no legal obstacles”. N1 reminds that under the constitutional and legal jurisdiction of the B&H Presidency: “The term of the members of the Presidency elected in the first election shall be two years; the term of members subsequently elected shall be four years. Members shall be eligible to succeed themselves once and shall thereafter be ineligible for four years”.


N1 reminds that Bevanda is currently the OSA B&H Chief Inspector and Zaric worked for the OSA B&H during Dzuvo’s mandate and has been an advisor to SNSD’s Zeljka Cvijanovic and Milorad Dodik. The B&H Presidency and the Joint Commission of both Houses of the B&H Parliament on Supervision of the work of OSA B&H are expected to provide their opinions on the nomination. Commenting on this, B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury Zoran Tegeltija said: “We expect to receive opinions of both institutions within reasonable time regarding these proposals. I also note that a positive or negative opinion is not binding for the (B&H) CoM”. After the new OSA B&H leadership is appointed, the 2023 Work Program and priorities of the agency will be presented.


“Considering our internal agreements of HDZ B&H, SNSD and ‘The Troika’ with our partners, we agree that this is the new convocation of the OSA. Those who are trying to obstruct it, and I know that they are planning, they would like to do some specific checks and they do not have to, that is why it is very important that this goes quickly, and the opinions that they would drag through the commission of both Houses are not binding - they cannot steal time there either. I think that today we made the most important major decision and Mister Mehmedagic will spend a few more days there, but, basically, he is no longer the OSA Director”, Konakovic told the reporters.


FB&H HoR to vote on Thursday to appoint FB&H leadership; Lendo denies Konakovic’s statement that he will block process of election of FB&H Prime Minister-Designate (Nova BH)


The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) House of Representatives (HoR) will vote on Thursday on the appointment of the FB&H leadership. SDA’s Refik Lendo is the candidate for the FB&H Vice President from the rank of the Bosniak people, HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)’s Lidija Bradara is the candidate for the FB&H President from the rank of the Croat people and SDP B&H’s Igor Stojanovic is the candidate for the FB&H Vice President from the rank of the Serb people.


In the meantime, SDP B&H says the party has collected signatures to confirm the parliamentary majority in the FB&H HoR. SDP B&H MP in the FB&H HoR Damir Masic confirmed that the signatures for the parliamentary majority were collected last week and they will be valid the moment the new leadership of the FB&H is appointed, serving to prove the parliamentary majority and SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic as the candidate for the FB&H Prime Minister-Designate that the parliamentary majority supports.


Representatives of ‘The Eight’ said that the only issue the new parliamentary majority has disagreed about was the program of reforms for the next mandate, stressing that all parties are now satisfied with the final version of the program but that it will be adjusted additionally. NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic stated that parliamentary majority in the FB&H HoR and Niksic as the proposal for the FB&H Prime Minister-Designate are not disputable. However, he warned that he is sure that SDA will complicate the situation when it comes to Niksic’s confirmation, explaining that at the order of SDA - Lendo as the SDA-DF candidate from the Bosniak Caucus for the FB&H Vice President will not respect the democratic will of the FB&H House of Peoples and the HoR, but he will block the process of election of the FB&H Prime Minister-Designate.


Commenting on Konakovic’s statement, Lendo denied such announcement but he also said in case that he gets confirmed to the post of the FB&H Vice President – he is ready for agreement with SDP B&H and HDZ B&H on the formation of the new FB&H Government. He stressed that he does not plan to block anything.


Speaker of the FB&H HoR Mirjana Marinkovic-Lepic (Our Party – NS) stated that the procedures and deadlines defined by the law amendments imposed by High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt had to be respected. Marinkovic-Lepic noted that the CEC has been requested to provide a written confirmation that its decision on the candidate list is final so that the HoR can approach the decision-making process. Masic stressed that the opposition in the FB&H, SDA and DF, should not block formation of the FB&H authorities given that the parliamentary majority agreed to endorse SDA’s candidate from the Bosniak Caucus as one of the Vice-Presidents of the FB&H.


SBiH’s representative in the FB&H HoR Admir Cavalic noted: “The top priority is to remove this current government that has been in technical mandate at the FB&H level.” SDA’s representative in the FB&H HoR Mirsad Zaimovic also expects that the FB&H leadership will be appointed this week. “SDA has 13 delegates in the Bosniak Caucus alongside DF, and it is rational for us to be a part of the future government. We will not block anything. Our member of the FB&H leadership will constructively discuss formation of the future FB&H Government”, Zaimovic added. According to Zaimovic, SDA and DF are unavoidable factors in formation of the FB&H authorities.


DF’s representative in the FB&H HoR Mahir Mesalic noted: “Exercise of rights of the Bosniak Caucus (where SDA and DF have the majority) does not represent blockade. The biggest responsibility for formation of the FB&H authorities is now on SDA, HDZ B&H and SDP B&H.”


SDP’s Cengic: Niksic did not negotiate good enough, new FB&H authority will not be formed soon (Dnevni list)


Delegate in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) House of Peoples (HoP) Irfan Cengic said that SDP leader Nermin Niksic did not negotiate well since out of five key positions, there is only one minister from SDP Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). According to Cengic, NiP has got two parliament Speakers. “It is not good, but we should not be angry with others, but with ourselves”, said Cengic adding that NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic was a good negotiator and knew what he wanted. Cengic further stated he does not expect an agreement will be reached regarding appointment of new authority in the FB&H. “I do not expect High Representative for B&H Christian Schmidt will change something because he told N1 that he expects we should reach an agreement”, said Cengic who went on to say it is a big question if we will get a new FB&H Government because SDA has the mechanism to keep (incumbent FB&H Prime Minister) Fadil Novalic in the office in the next four years, which HR Schmidt enabled. He added by saying the HR foremost serves right-wing conservative parties, be it Bosniak or Croat parties: “We foremost wanted to help HDZ B&H, and by doing so SDA as well”.


Commenting on hearings the HR has undergone, Cengic said he believes that parliamentarians from countries that are members of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) are aware that Schmidt is a complete miss in the position and that it only serves his CV. Cengic also announced that (new) Sarajevo Canton (SC) Prime Minister will be nominated this week and that, in line with the election results, somebody from SDP B&H or NiP should become new SC Prime Minister. He added by saying “we could give it to Our Party”, but in that case Our Party would have to nominate somebody with political experience.


B&H Foreign Minister Konakovic, US Secretary of State Blinken speak by phone about important issues related to bilateral cooperation (N1)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic and US Secretary of State Antoni Blinken had a phone conversation on Monday, and discussed important issues related to bilateral cooperation between the two countries. N1 reports that Konakovic said they also talked about organizing “an important visit” by B&H’s authority representatives to the US and a meeting with “important US representatives” after a long time. “I think we may expect that in foreseeable future” Konakovic was quoted as saying. Konakovic also said that one of the topics of the discussion was Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the fact that B&H is “on the right side of history”.  “We are grateful to our American partners for their strong dedication and joint engagement for peace, security and prosperity”, it was announced on the Twitter account of the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Konakovic said that “we are high on the US radar” and he once again expressed his gratitude for the commitment to peace, security and stability of B&H.  Konakovic added that “we received assurances that America is still one of our key partners.” Konakovic pointed out that the goal is to try to use the momentum in order for B&H to make steps forward on its path to Euro-Atlantic integration. Spokesperson of State Department, Ned Price posted on his Twitter about the meeting: “Secretary Blinken congratulated Foreign Minister Konakovic and offered support for B&H’s new state-level government. We are committed to B&H’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and multi-ethnic character and its partnership with Euro-Atlantic institutions.”


Stoltenberg: NATO ministers to discuss stepping up support for B&H, Georgia and Moldova, which face Russian threats (N1)


N1 carries that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that NATO Ministers of Defense will discuss on Wednesday practical assistance for Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Moldova and Georgia. Addressing a press conference, Stoltenberg welcomed the recent announcement by allies “on new tanks and heavy weaponry and training” for Ukraine, noting that NATO’s message is clear, it will stand with Ukraine for as long as necessary. “Ministers will also discuss how to step up our practical support to B&H, Georgia and Moldova, three valued NATO partners which face Russian threats. On Wednesday, allies will take decisions to further strengthen our deterrence and defense. We have already done a lot placing 40,000 troops under NATO command in the eastern part of Alliance, backed by major aerial and naval powers and doubling the number of battlegroups from four to eight”, said Stoltenberg.


Stevandic and delegation of RSNA to visit Russia on February 20 (Glas Srpske)


Head of the Republika Srpska (RS) Representation Office in Moscow Dusko Perovic stated that the Office is successfully implementing its tasks with the goal of connecting the RS and Russia in the fields of economy, culture and sports. He announced that RS National Assembly (RSNA) Speaker Nenad Stevandic and a delegation of the RSNA are going to visit Russia on February 20. According to Perovic, they will have a series of meetings with high-ranking Russian officials from the political and economic sector. Perovic said that this will be another opportunity to reiterate the stance that the RS opposes sanctions against Russia and that the RS is willing to cooperate.


Cvijanovic meets Croatian Ambassador Sabolic: Open issues should be resolved through dialogue (Glas Srpske)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Chair Zeljka Cvijanovic met on Monday with Croatian Ambassador to B&H Ivan Sabolic. She emphasized that certain open issues between the two countries should be resolved through political dialogue, in a mutually acceptable manner. Cvijanovic added that B&H and Croatia have a well-developed cooperation in in many fields, but that there is a lot of room for further improvement.


Meanwhile, Chairwoman of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Borjana Kristo will pay an official visit to Republic of Croatia on Thursday, upon invitation of Croatian Prime Minister (PM) Andrej Plenkovic. During her stay in Zagreb, Chair Kristo will also meet Speaker of the Croatian Parliament Gordan Jandrokovic and Croatian President Zoran Milanovic. Kristo’s visit will foremost focus on B&H’s European integration and aspirations after B&H got the status of EU candidate in December due to efforts exerted by Prime Minister Plenkovic. According to the daily, Kristo’s visit will also serve as preparation for joint session of the B&H CoM and the Croatian Government.




Vukovic: DPS to announce name of presidential candidate in next 3 days (Antena M)


In the next three days, we will come out with our candidate for the presidential elections, says the deputy leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), Ivan Vukovic. DPS has not yet chosen/announced the name of the candidate for the presidential elections because, according to Vukovic, they gave a chance to what was expected by part of the public, which is that the potential candidate would be a non-party person. “We conducted a survey of public opinion and the results showed that the candidates who are most often mentioned as non-partisan, among others Milica Pejanovic, do not have the mobilization potential at the moment that would guarantee us success”, Vukovic said in a guest appearance on the Antena M radio. In order to achieve mobilization in the first round, it is better to offer more candidates, according to Vukovic. “The fact that we will have two or more candidates can have a greater degree of mobilization of that electorate”, he has emphasized.


Danilovic United Montenegro’s presidential candidate (CDM)


At the session of the Executive Board of the United Montenegro (UCG), it was decided that the party’s leader Goran Danilovic would be the presidential candidate. The UCG’s executive board chair, Danilo Jokic, previously said that Danilovic was mature, consistent and the best candidate for the president of Montenegro, who would be supported by many, “especially those who are not party-affiliated”. He has urged others to support Danilovic. We remind you that the presidential elections are scheduled for 19 March 2023.


Europe now: Citizens of Podgorica expressed their support for Spajic with their signatures (CDM)


The citizens of Podgorica expressed their support for Milojko Spajic by signing and in their conversation with him they highlighted the key reasons why they say they have a clear choice when it comes to the presidential elections, the Europe Now Movement announced. "A capable and educated man with a vision who put the needs of citizens before politics. The one for whom the living standard of all citizens is the priority he deals with", they pointed out during the meeting with Spajic, and the Europe Now Movement announced.


At the request of the Government: Extraordinary session of the Assembly on February 28 (CDM)


The President of the Assembly Danijela Djurovic scheduled, at the request of the Government of Montenegro, the session of the Fourth Extraordinary Session in 2023 for February 28 at 12 noon. "The following agenda was set for the session: Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Excise; Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Real Estate Sales Tax; Proposal for a law on amendments to the law on prevention of illegal business; Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Profit Tax of Legal Entities; Proposal for a law on amendments to the law on games of chance; Proposal for a law on amendments to the law on budget and fiscal responsibility", the Assembly announced.


Adzic with the Kosovo minister: Good neighborly relations to be further strengthened (CDM)


During a two-day visit to the Republic of Kosovo, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Filip Adzic, met with his Kosovo counterpart, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Dzeljalj Sveclja, the Ministry of Interior announced. The meeting of the two ministers, as stated, was an opportunity to jointly state the good and friendly relations between the two countries, as well as "mutual commitment to cooperation in the field of internal affairs, both on a strategic and operational level." "A contribution to quality bilateral ties is also the active contribution that Montenegro and Kosovo make through regional initiatives, promoting regional stability. Further strengthening of these ties will contribute even more to security in the region", said Adzic. "Ministers Adzic and Sveclja agreed that today, in times of challenges on the regional and global level, good neighborly relations should be further strengthened through mutual support in achieving strategic goals".


North Macedonia


A lot of “against”, a little “for” ahead of government reshuffle session (Republika)


The proposal for the reshuffle of the Government, whose cabinet is expanded with personnel from the Alliance for Albanians (AA), and reduced with those from “Alternativa”, is on the agenda of the 104th session of the Parliament. At the session scheduled for 3 p.m., the election of four new ministers and five deputy ministers was supposed to be debated and decided upon, following the decision on AA’s entry into the ruling majority. Ahead of the session, “Alternativa” announced the decision of the Central Presidency that it will act as opposition, and earlier on Friday, Prime Minister and SDSM leader Dimitar Kovacevski and AA leader Arben Taravari completed the cooperation negotiations.


Alternativa leader Afrim Gashi said after the session of the Central Assembly that the three MPs from this party will go into opposition, their officials will leave the posts, but the party will support the constitutional changes. Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski expected a constructive debate in the Parliament and the adoption of his proposal by the majority for the Government to continue the implementation of the program it has outlined until the regular elections in 2024. According to Kovacevski, the door in the Government remains open for Alternativa.


For SDSM, the party stated in a statement, with the inclusion of Alliance as a new coalition partner in the Government, all conditions for political stability, advancement of the rule of law and the fight against corruption, as well as increased efficiency of the Parliament and institutions are ensured. The parliamentary group of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE, as announced by its leader Hristijan Mickoski, will have a coordination meeting at 10 am, where they will discuss the positions they will take at the government reshuffle session.

For VMRO-DPMNE, this government is the result of the “Pazar 3 coalition” of SDSM and the Albanian parties.


From those involved in murders, through tender brokers, to corrupt proposals for ministers and deputy ministers in the new government, which judging by the looks, will be more criminal and more corrupt, VMRO-DPMNE points out. At the same time, the Democratic Union affirmed the priorities for which it had agreed positions with SDSM, but emphasized that nothing has been done for their realization so far. The proposed Government reshuffle is the first in Kovacevski’s mandate, and according to the parliamentary Rules of Procedure, there are no restrictions on the duration of the debate.


Attempt to enlarge the ruling coalition marred by defections, corruption allegations (Republika)


Parliament adjourned last night after the initial discussion on the proposal to reshuffle the Government and include the Alliance of Albanians in the ruling coalition. Arben Taravari’s party is set to take several key posts, such as Justice and Healthcare, in exchange for its 8 votes in Parliament.


SDSM and DUI hope that the addition of AA to the coalition will bolster their crumbling majority. SDSM is having a quiet faction developing while DUI leader Ali Ahmeti is faced with an open challenge by a group that controls at least three seats in Parliament. But the coalition haggling broke against a small Albanian partner – the Alternative party – which only joined the coalition a little over a year ago. The Alternative lost its seats in favor mostly of AA, and decided to leave the coalition, which will reduce the majority by 3 or 4 votes. The small DS party led by Pavle Trajanov also announced that it is leaving the coalition today, taking its one vote with it, meaning that the coalition will add little to its slim majority, and possibly add nothing, if the addition of AA escalates the fight in DUI.


Safije Sadiki Shaini, member of Parliament for the Alternative party, angrily rebuked Prime Minister Kovacevski for his ungratefulness and for violating their coalition agreement, when the Alternative helped him become Prime Minister in late 2021. “We helped you out when the Parliament was divided 60 – 60 and at a time when the European perspective of the country was dead. Many people approached the Alternative then, asking us to join the coalition, and our actions helped Macedonia and Albania get dates to open EU accession talks”, Shaini said, after her party was unceremoniously dumped from the coalition to make way for the larger Alliance of Albanians.


VMRO-DPMNE welcomed Pavle Trajanov’s decision to leave the coalition concluding that the ruling majority is crumbling and is only held together by grift and promises to the remaining coalition partners that they will get a larger share of the on-going corruption. VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski accused AA leader Taravari of making a suspicious real-estate deal, where he bought a house in a pricey part of Skopje for just 150.000 EUR. According to Nikoloski, this was likely one of the sweeteners that Taravari received to join the coalition. “A square meter in that area is 1000 to 2000 EUR, and Taravari bought it for 200 to 500 – if the money were paid out at all. The Anti-Corruption Commission needs to investigate this deal”, Nikoloski said.


Kovachevski: Stable parliamentary majority necessary for rapid development and progress (MIA)


As a country we need a stable majority which will ensure rapid development and progress, a majority which will enable important legislation for the citizens to be unblocked without having to wait on the opposition to decide whether the citizens are more valuable than their political interests, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski at Monday’s session of Parliament over the Government reshuffle.


“Today we are talking about coming together over the European issue, where VMRO DPMNE remains eternally isolated against the national interests. Today we know that we have a united European front and I am assured that the most courageous of their MPs will also have the virtue to see the historic opportunity which lies before them,” said PM Kovachevski in his address to the MPs. Kovachevski stressed that North Macedonia is a multi-ethnic civil state, with a successful and functional multi-ethnic democracy which is an example for the region and Europe, and that the citizens want stability, European quality services and a European quality of life. “I promised to lead the country on the European path, and there is no easy path for a worthy goal. There is only one path, and the choice was made a long time ago, there is no time to lose. For me, for us, there is only one direction and there is no looking to the left or the right. We don’t even think about going back,” said the PM. The PM said that the Government reshuffle wasn’t motivated by names, and that today’s decisions are not motivated by the narrow party interests of any party in the Government. “For me these decisions are not tied to, and mustn’t be tied to the desires, motives and requests of any party leadership. Today we are making a decision on how to remain on the only available path for the country. Whether we will remain on the path of progress, stability, certainty, economy, energy, and security or whether we will push the country towards a new crisis and unpredictability, as per the wishes of some internal and external negative factors,” said Kovachevski.


The PM stressed that he made his decision at the very beginning. “I do not intend to deviate from this path even by a single millimeter. I know exactly what we are doing and what we should be doing, we know how to tell apart good from bad, I know how to tell the difference between the common and the personal, I know precisely what a country and national interests are, and what personal, party or profiteering interests are. I don’t worry about my personal rating. I always choose to place the national interest and the interest of the citizens first,”

said the PM. From the day he became a PM, according to Kovachevski, he said that the Government will always have an open-door policy for all parties and individuals who want and know how to work towards a European present and a future. In that way, he added, we managed to deal and are dealing with the most difficult crisis in post-war Europe. “Most importantly, despite all internal and external efforts for destabilization, we managed to achieve stability and to maintain our direction. This was all made possible by the beginning of negotiations with the EU and active cooperation with our strategic ally, the United States,” said the PM. That is why, according to the PM, the need to retain, strengthen and expand the European front was constantly emphasized. “We have extended a hand to everyone who works for the good of the country and the citizens, regardless if they are a part of the ruling coalition or the opposition. Because it is important that, during a crisis, we all work together for our common interests and the interests of the country,” said the PM.


In times like these, stressed the PM, we mustn’t allow the main discussions to be about positions and appointments. “Now is a time for the country’s top interests, for us to be united and coordinated and work to show, in a responsible way, that Macedonia is our joint responsibility and obligation. While the citizens will judge and decide about the differences and the options at the next elections – in 2024,” said Kovachevski. According to the PM, there are people and structures that want chaos because that is the way in which they function best – by stealing, not working and then running away abroad. “This is what VMRO-DPMNE and their instructors from Levica are doing. Blocking laws, following foreign anti-state interests, chaos, cheap populism. This doesn’t work and it won’t succeed,” said Kovachevski. He said he initiated talks over the expansion of the European front with all political parties.

“I offered to keep and expand the parliamentary majority for the sake of those policies and nothing else. I offered national unity for faster and stronger European progress, for a joint strengthening of the Macedonian national linguistic and cultural identity everywhere, which by doing so we managed to make the age-old Macedonian language and historical identity equal to all European nations. In this way we managed to sign the Frontex Agreement as well, which you failed to vote for today,” Kovachevski addressed the opposition.


The PM accused the opposition of remaining stuck “in the decade-long film of crime, struggle for positions, cheap and dangerous populism and the disintegration of the Macedonian fabric.” He pointed out that over the past period, they discussed the possibility of Alternativa remaining in the Government with the Alliance for Albanians (AA) joining, and that AA accepted the responsibility to support the European front. “There is room for everyone if they want to join and if they place the national interests ahead of their party interests. There is room for Alternativa, as they already know. There is room for all well-intentioned supporters of the European future of the country. As I said at the beginning, the

number and type of positions is secondary,” said Kovachevski. The PM expressed regret that Alternativa chose to leave the Government and thanked them for the cooperation and reiterated his commitment for joint cooperation in a form and manner that would mean full support for the country’s European path. “I have my own opinions about the performances of their ministers, as do all the citizens. There is progress and success in all ministries, as there are issues and a need for much more. There are results, but there are also mistakes that must be identified and resolved. But all of this must be done through an objective process without dividing Macedonians or Albanians, because both the successes and the mistakes have names and surnames,” said Kovachevski.


In the area of the rule of law and the fight against corruption, the PM said that they have agreed to carry out a vetting of public officials based on the best European practices and new provisions for public financial control. “Committed to the concept of a state for all, we will continue to build a society of equal citizens, with equal economic and territorial development. We will reduce the development gap between the regions. We will strengthen the country’s development with an energy transition which will also enable greater environmental protection. The health of the citizens is also among our top priorities, which is why we expect an increase of the efficiency in this area and the improvement of health and medical services,” said the PM. According to Kovachevski, the Government reshuffle will imbue new energy in the implementation of the Government’s measures and policies. But what is really important is that with this parliamentary majority, he said, they will put an end to all lies and manipulations of the opposition regarding possible early elections. “Today we are discussing truly important issues. Today we are making changes and that is a good thing. We should not be afraid of changes,” said Kovachevski.


At the beginning of his address, the PM extended his condolences to all those who have lost their loved ones in the earthquakes that struck Turkiye and Syria. Earlier on Monday, the agenda of the session for the dismissal of Alternativa’s ministers and the election of new ministers and deputies was adopted with 64 votes in favor, out of 115 MPs present. The opposition is actively participating in the discussion at the session as well, and 44 MPs have

registered to speak about the first item on the agenda.


SDSM and DUI lose another coalition partner – Pavle Trajanov withdraws his support, will not vote for the new Government (Republika)


The Democratic Alliance (DS) party led by former Interior Minister Pavle Trajanov announced that it is leaving the ruling coalition and will move to the opposition. DS has only one seat in Parliament – held by Trajanov, and the post of Deputy Minister for Local Administration, as well as additional lower-level positions in the executive.


Trajanov was critical of the SDSM – DUI led coalition, especially as Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski is frantically trying to add more Albanian parties to his thin majority, as factions appear in both main parties. Trajanov demanded several concessions – some of them along with other smaller partners currently allied to SDSM: that the electoral model is changed to favor smaller parties who are currently forced to leach on to SDSM or VMRO-DPMNE, that there is serious fight against corruption and that the coalitions stops making further concessions to Albanian parties, considering that the Albanian minority now holds as many seats as ethnic Macedonians in the Government – or more if we count the deputy minister seats.


The Democratic Alliance will not support the reconstruction of the Government and won’t be part of the ruling majority. We wanted thorough reform of the election rules by abolishing the advantage enjoyed by the four largest parties. We want fight against corruption by departisation of the institutions that uncover crime and corruption, reforms in the judiciary and the creation of a Youth Fund, Trajanov said.


SDSM and DUI courted the Alliance of Albanians, one of the two largest opposition Albanian parties, to join their coalition and add its 8 seats. But they did this by giving AA the seats held by the Alternative party, which earlier today announced that it is leaving the coalition and taking three or all four of its votes with it. A fluid number of DUI representatives are also expected to vote against the new coalition, and with Trajanov’s defection, it now seems that the coalition will have more or less the same thin majority in Parliament even after adding the Alliance of Albanians to its mix. The Parliament session began today and by tomorrow it should be clear if SDSM, DUI, the Alliance of Albanians and their other smaller parties are even able to get to the necessary 61 votes.


Trajanov was a communist era police official who joined a call for reforms in the notorious police state apparatus, which earned him the seat of Interior Minister in the first VMRO-DPMNE government. He then founded a small party that would usually side with whichever of the two main parties, VMRO-DPMNE or SDSM, would come out stronger. In 2016 he contributed to the fall of the Gruevski Government by withdrawing his support, denying VMRO-DPMNE the 61 votes they needed to form a government on their own.


Parliament session over the new ministers resumes (MIA)


The debate on the proposal for the dismissal of the ministers from the ranks of Alternativa, who did not resign from their posts before the election of new members of the Government, who generally come from the new coalition partner Alliance for Albanians continues today at noon in the Parliament. The session was adjourned yesterday and will continue today.


MP Safije Sadiki Shaini from Alternativa, a party that leaves the government coalition with this Government reshuffle, pointed out that at yesterday’s party meeting they adopted a position to act as opposition. According to her, the ministers and deputy ministers from their party did not resign for two reasons – they have no responsibility to resign and they do not want to be the cause and make it easier for a person who, as she said, does not know how to give thanks, he became prime minister a year ago with the votes of Alternativa. Sadiki Shaini pointed out that last November when the ratio in the Parliament was 60:60 and the European perspective of the country, according to her, was dead, many politicians and people turned to Alternativa in order to accept to be part of the Government. She said that “Alternativa’s actions contributed to Macedonia and Albania getting a date for negotiations with the EU”.


Parliament ratifies Open Balkan labour market deals (MIA)


The parliament of North Macedonia, on Feb. 13 ratified two agreements of the Open Balkan initiative allowing abrogation of work licenses and a free labor market for citizens of member countries North Macedonia, Serbia and Albania. According to North Macedonian media, legislation ratifying the Agreement on the conditions for free access to the labour market in the Western Balkans and the Agreement on interconnecting schemes for the electronic identification of Western Balkan citizens passed with 62 votes in favour and no votes against or abstentions in the 120-seat legislature. The first document allows citizens to work in any of the three member countries without the need to obtain a work license, check in, wait or incur administrative costs, while the second enables use of electronic services on the three countries' national portals for the purpose of accessing the labor market. The leaders of the three Open Balkan countries - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and then-North Macedonian PM Zoran Zaev, signed the two deals in Tirana on Dec. 21, 2021.


Marichikj: Open Balkan work permits to be abolished (MIA)


Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj welcomed the ratification of the laws from the Open Balkan initiative by Parliament, allowing the citizens of North Macedonia, Serbia and Albania the chance to work in any of these three countries without work permits.

“No more work permits for Open Balkan citizens! Through regional cooperation and this initiative, based on European practice and principles, we are allowing for a free labor market among Open Balkan countries, and higher wages. Today’s ratification of the laws from the Open Balkan Initiative allows the citizens of North Macedonia, Serbia and Albania to work in any of these three countries without the need for work permits, without any barriers, applications and wait times, and no administrative costs,” Marichikj posted on Facebook.

He believes that this will improve the regional market and help us leap forward towards the unique EU internal market. “This measure is significant for the Macedonian economy and companies that are becoming more competitive and able to open more jobs and provide higher wages for the citizens,” Marichikj pointed out.




Rama: Bavaria, the gateway of the Western Balkans to Germany (Radio Tirana)


Albania sees Bavaria as the gateway to the Western Balkans to the Federal Republic of Germany. This was the assessment made by Prime Minister Edi Rama, during the press conference with the Minister-President of Bavaria, Markus Soder, who is visiting Tirana. In this meeting, Rama underlined that the deepening of cooperation between the two countries was discussed, with an emphasis on the economy, taking into account that the Bavarian Prime Minister was accompanied in this meeting not only by some members of the cabinet, but also by some German entrepreneurs.


"The Prime Minister has come here not only with the part of the government, but also with representatives of the business of the Bavarian economy, as well as with the willingness and decision to open a Bavarian office to develop the business in Tirana. To open an office for attracting as many investments as possible from Bavaria, but also for the closer recognition of entrepreneurship and profitability", emphasized Rama.


The opening of a Bavarian cultural house in Tirana was also discussed in this meeting. While Minister-President of Bavaria, Markus Soder, in his speech, has expressed that he will support Albania on the path to the EU, underlining that work will be done in several directions. "We are dealing with a historical connection between our two countries, when Europe is stronger with the Western Balkans.  We should make it possible for Albania, which has developed important reform processes, to accelerate progress in the EU. With today's agreements, we will put into application some agreements on justice, economy, technology, agriculture, related to the cooperation between our national parks and another point is the topic related to education, we will build a Bavarian house with Bavarian culture. Today's offer could be the beginning for many other ideas. You have our support on the way to Europe", said Soder.


Rama signs a series of agreements with the Bavarian counterpart: New cooperation bridges (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama and the Minister-President of Bavaria, Markus Soder, signed in Tirana a series of agreements, in the field of public administration, business development, trade and industry, as well as in the field of justice and police, energy, infrastructure and technology. tourism, agriculture, environment and health, youth, education, science and culture.


Cooperation consists of sharing best practices, technical assistance, exchange of experts, researchers and specialists, organization of exhibitions, seminars and conferences, as well as support for the creation or improvement of research centers. The agreements reached today will serve as new bridges of cooperation between the two countries, in the wake of a tradition founded by the father of modern Bavaria, Franz Josef Strauss. In his speech after signing the agreements, Prime Minister Rama praised the role of Bavaria, especially in the integration processes of the Western Balkans in the European Union.