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Belgrade Media Report 28 February



Vucic: Kurti was not ready (B92)


It was agreed that we will continue to talk, said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic after the meetings in Brussels. "Difficult meeting as usual, and I believe there will be many more meetings in the coming period. On the 18th, we should see each other in North Macedonia, when Mr. Borrell visits the region. Until then, we should talk with Lajcak about things for implementation." He emphasized that the EU document will highlight the necessity of respecting previous agreements. Vucic said that he thought that Kurti was not ready to accept it now. "We will see if he will be ready in the future. I hope that it is possible to reach some compromises, but I am afraid that we will remain stuck in something that should have been fulfilled a long time ago," he points out. Vucic says that unlike media stories, there was nothing special about the talks. As he stated, Kurti came with the idea of signing something, but it was not even discussed. "I am waiting to see the implementation plan, which concerns previously achieved obligations. As for the road map, it must be worked on. It is implementation. And at the beginning of that road map there must be a ZSO, which someone will not fulfill," Vucic said. He emphasized once again that ZSO is in the first place, whatever issue is being discussed. "They said that I came to sign a document. Let go of the nonsense, but thanks for the question, since I saw that a campaign was being conducted against the ZSO, and I will talk about it tomorrow so that people can see what was signed. There are 22 principles that are crucial for us. If someone doesn't understand that, then they don't understand reality. If someone thinks of cancelling the payment transaction, I'm asking how we're going to pay the salaries of doctors and professors." Vucic said that he listened carefully to Kurti. "Don't forget that the European Council is on the 23rd or 24th, and they want to have a report by then on whether anything has been achieved, and then they will treat our European integrations accordingly," he said. He emphasized that there is no road map, and that it must be worked on. "As soon as we start working, we stop. And all the time there is talk about implementation, take it easy, people. Someone thought that something would be signed in one day. This is a serious and long process. That's why I will cancel part of the trip abroad, in order to be prepared for a conversation with Lajcak, so that we are not denounced on the 23rd or 24th," he said. Answering journalists' questions about whether he is ready to recognize Kosovo, Vucic clearly said that Serbia is part of the UN, but that Pristina is not. "We have always respected the UN Charter and our Constitution. Thank you very much". He pointed out that Pristina has excellent teams, and that they were bragging about how they beat Jeremic and Tadic. As he said, Kurti explained that he is ready to talk about the rights of minorities, but not especially Serbs. "I listened to him carefully, but I didn't understand him very well. Thank you, long live Serbia," concluded Vucic.


Continuation of talks between Belgrade, Pristina on 18 March in North Macedonia (RTS/RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Monday evening in Brussels, after a joint meeting with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, EU Special Envoy for the Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak, and Prime Minister of the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina Albin Kurti, that it was agreed to continue the talks in the following period. In a statement to journalists, Vucic said that the next meeting should take place on 18 March in North Macedonia, when Borrell will visit the region. Until then, we should discuss matters for implementation with Lajcak. It is also important that the EU's statement will mention the necessity of implementing all previous agreements. I insisted on the Community of Serb Municipalities, as did the European representatives. Kurti was not ready to accept it for now, we will see if he will accept it in the future, Vucic pointed out. The President of Serbia expressed the hope that it is possible to reach some compromises. I am afraid that we do not get stuck in something that was signed a long time ago and should have been implemented, the President of Serbia said. Vucic expressed his belief that it will be possible to overcome unilateral moves that would endanger the people on the ground, as well as that it will be possible to work on the implementation of agreements previously reached.


Vucic: From 9 pm I will respond to all the lies, we will protect and defend Serbia (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said this morning that after a difficult, he believes successful fight, in Brussels, tonight he will respond to all "political and media manipulators who would trample on their own country for a piece of power". "Serbia has no price, it's something they never understood. We will defeat them. Serbia will win!", the President said on Instagram. Vucic thanked the citizens for their care and support during a difficult day yesterday: "I am analyzing everything that happened. We fought as much as possible in difficult conditions and fought for the future of Serbia in peace, for the continuation of investments in our country. And I also keep my oath and the Constitution of Serbia and Kosovo and Metohija as part of Serbia." "Tonight from 21 hours, please watch, on RTS I will talk about all the manipulations, lies, untruths spread not only by keyboard warriors, tycoon media, but also RTS, Tanjug and many others. For us there is no other Serbia, we have one, we will protect it and defend it," said Vucic.


Brnabic: EU's credibility rests upon implementation of Community (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Tuesday the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo and Metohija must now be on the agenda and that the EU's credibility rested upon its implementation. "In terms of EU integration, regional cooperation and a stable and peaceful region, the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is definitely the number one priority. The Community of Serb Municipalities must really be on the agenda at this time," Brnabic said, noting that the first agreement on normalisation of Belgrade-Pristina relations had been signed in 2013. On 19 April, the agreement will turn ten years old, she added. "Six points from the Brussels Agreement relate to the Community of Serb Municipalities and the EU's credibility now rests upon implementation and formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, after which we can move on," Brnabic said at a regional conference on Euro-Atlantic integration of the Western Balkans, trans-Atlantic cooperation and civil society.


Drecun: We know our red lines, important news from Brussels is different interpretations of what happened (RTS)


The Chair of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun told RTS that according to him, the main news from Brussels is that in the coming period, discussions on the EU proposal for an agreement on normalization will continue and intensify, that Miroslav Lajcak will try to clarify some provisions that are acceptable to both sides and that another meeting with Borrell will then take place. “For me, the important news is that we have different interpretations of what happened. President Vucic will announce the details tonight, and it is very important that we listen in order to have a complete picture of what happened and in which direction the protection of our vital state and national interests will go,” Drecun said. According to him, Gabriel Escobar announced that he will come out with the details in a few days. “And the EU published what we were more or less aware of, that is the proposal that was leaked to the public,” said Drecun. He states that nothing surprised him from that proposal, except for “the 11 points that talk about the road map that should agree on a way to implement the eventually reached agreement”. “It’s no surprise. Albin Kurti said that he was ready to sign something. President Vucic said that he brought something that he wanted to sign, then Borrell talks about the fact that the interlocutors agreed not to discuss the provisions of the agreement, but to begin implementation. President Vucic clearly said to that - to implement, but what. We are asking for a ZSO, but Kurti refuses it, he spends most of the time at the meeting explaining why he cannot accept a ZSO,” says Drecun. Drecun notes that we know what our red lines are and that the EU mediators are in a hurry to achieve something before the end of the month so that they can boast of progress. “In his statement, Borrell focused attention on human rights and freedoms, talking about the fact that life will be safer for the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, that life will be easier for both Serbs and Albanians, movement, use of diplomas and everything else, but he avoided the key questions He did not mention the ZSO, he did not talk about the so-called mutual recognition, which is absolutely unacceptable for us, he did not talk about the eventual membership of the so-called Kosovo in all international organizations. The most important question is how people will live, but these are also questions of status importance and they are very important,” emphasized Drecun. Drecun believes that we are at the beginning of harmonizing those provisions of the proposal that would be acceptable to both sides. “Those provisions that would eventually be harmonized can be implemented. If you paid attention, President Vucic said that they will still agree on what to implement. First, what was agreed upon a decade ago must be implemented,” Drecun said. The fact, he says, that President Vucic has agreed to go to the talks does not mean that he has given up on our key demand that the ZSO be formed first. “I think that the European mediators made a wrong step in their haste to achieve some progress. First, the precise deadlines for the ZSO should have been agreed upon. Then the draft statute designed by the management team should be presented at the summit meeting, it should be accepted and the ZSO implemented , and only then call a meeting to discuss the proposal. Then we would avoid different interpretations,” notes Drecun. European mediators, he believes, want to impose that the ZSO and the Franco-German plan run parallel. “You can talk in parallel like that, no progress will be achieved. We are almost back to the beginning even after yesterday’s meeting. Although Borrell is optimistic, this is such a complex problem that we do not need false optimism. You cannot build a solution on someone’s wish to bureaucratic work, rather than building a solution on realistic assumptions. Where are the guarantees for the Serb people. The ZSO must be formed, and only then should we talk about whether it is possible to reach an agreement. It is possible that there has been approximation of positions on some issues from this proposal, but the key issues, we have to see what happens on that,” Drecun points out. Kurti, he adds, “wanted to come to a mutual recognition”, our side absolutely refuses that. “Nowhere in the proposal can you see that Serbia has the obligation to de jure recognize or accept the so-called mutual recognition between the so-called Kosovo and Serbia. No, we are talking here about the contracting parties that should respect some principles found in the charter regarding mutual relations of the UN, which the Pristina side could, if accepted, interpret in such a way that Belgrade treats the so-called Kosovo as an international legal entity. There is such a big difference between that, even if there was, and de jure recognition, that de jure recognition is impossible to get,” says Drecun. The red lines remain, adds Drecun. “President Vucic said that Kurti brought something that he wanted to be signed. We can imagine what it is, his six meaningless conditions for the ZSO. Here we see in the proposal that even the status of the SPC is being resolved. It is possible that there are things around which positions are approximated, but two key things - international organizations and recognition, that is not acceptable to Belgrade and that President Vucic will not accept. Talking about implementation, and not explaining what needs to be implemented, is too risky in my opinion. It must be implemented first ZSO, then we can further reach eventual agreements on some provisions of this proposed agreement. It is important that the statement from Borrell and the EU states that this is a proposal. Here we are not talking about an agreement, but about a proposal for an agreement that should be discussed in the next period,” said Drecun. Drecun states that there was probably an attempt to impose a take-it-or-leave-it thesis. “What will be discussed in the coming period if not the provisions. There is obviously a problem in all of this, so it must be discussed. The attempt of European mediators to impose this as a fait accompli, I think they cannot bring about a solution. All of this must be talked about and they will talk,” says Drecun. It seems to him, he adds, that American officials show a greater dose of political reality for this entire process than European mediators who are in a hurry. “Progress cannot be built on those foundations. We must discuss the provisions. It is only a proposal that is absolutely not acceptable for us in two points, especially for international organizations and the relationship towards the so-called Kosovo, could it be interpreted as a de facto recognition or not and ZSO. Borrell cannot talk about improving the quality of people’s lives without mentioning ZSO. The key thing, he must know it, he must accept it,” concluded Drecun.


Borrell: Vucic, Kurti agreed no further discussions needed on EU proposal (Tanjug/RTS)


EU foreign policy and security chief Josep Borrell said on Monday evening Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Pristina's PM Albin Kurti had agreed at a trilateral meeting in Brussels that no further discussions were needed on an EU proposal on normalisation of Belgrade-Pristina relations, and announced that the text of the agreement would be published on the European External Action Service website shortly. Speaking to reporters after the meeting with Vucic and Kurti, also attended by the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak, Borrell said the discussions had been intense and that both parties had shown "responsible behaviour and readiness to find solutions".  "The parties have expressed their readiness that, with this Agreement, they will proceed swiftly with its implementation." "I will convene another meeting between the two leaders in the course of March with the aim to finalise the discussions on the implementation annex – which will guide the implementation phase of the agreement. This implementation annex is an integral part of the agreement, and it has yet to be finalised," he also said. Borrell said the EU had "reminded the parties of their obligation to implement all past Dialogue agreements, which remain valid and binding." "This agreement is, above all, for the citizens of Kosovo and Serbia. It is not for the EU: it is for the citizens of Kosovo and Serbia. It sets out that people can move freely between Kosovo and Serbia using their own passports – mutually recognised – IDs and license plates. It entails that people can study and work without wondering whether their diplomas and where they obtained them may be an issue. The agreement can bring new economic opportunities through increased financial assistance, through business cooperation, and (through) new investments in Kosovo and Serbia. It provides for better employment opportunities for everyone in Kosovo and Serbia without unnecessary bureaucracy. And it also means more trade, because certificates needed for import and export will not be an issue anymore," he said. "For the Serbs in Kosovo, it means more security, certainty and predictability – when it comes to their protection and rights in Kosovo – including for the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Serbian cultural and religious heritage sites. More security, certainty and predictability," he said. "I hope the agreement can also be the basis to build much-needed trust and overcome the legacy of the past," Borrell also said.


Hill: US remains active in the normalization of relations (Beta)


The United States will keep playing an active role in the process of normalization between Belgrade and Pristina, the US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said during Monday visit to Kragujevac, ahead of the next meeting in Brussels between the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo, which, as he put it, would be attended by the US Deputy Assistant Secretary responsible for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar. Hill said to reporters that the meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti was “very important”, illustrating the commitment of Europe, working very hard to find a solution favorable for everyone. “The US and the EU work very closely in that regard, we are fully committed and work together on it,” Hill said, adding that from his country’s viewpoint, it’s very important to implement an agreement on the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo as soon as possible. “Of course, I cannot say I’m expecting quick results” in finding a solution within the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, the ambassador said, but added he trusted progress had to be made,” because too many years have passed without it.”




Schmidt suspends RS Law on Immovable Property (FTV)


High Representative in B&H Christian Schmidt suspended the Law on Immovable Property of the RS, which was supposed to enter into force on midnight on Monday. He made this decision after the extraordinary session of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), and it will be in force until the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H makes its decision regarding this Law. FTV reminds that the HR suspended a similar law to this one last year, and he also made this call one day before that law came into force. The new Law on Immovable Property was adopted in the RS in December of last year, and it refers to the functioning of the public authorities in this entity. It is almost identical to the previous law, which was declared unconstitutional by the B&H CC. Explanation of such decision said that matters of the state property cannot be regulated with an entity law. “Taking into account the Decision of the High Representative Amending the Law on the Temporary Prohibition of Disposal of State Property of B&H enacted on 12 April 2022, which clearly establishes that ‘State Property may be disposed of only by the State of B&H, as its title holder’; emphasizing that the Law on the Temporary Prohibition of Disposal of State Property of B&H is in force and applies at the entire territory of B&H and that authorities of the RS must comply with the obligations imposed on them through the laws of B&H”, reads part of the statement published by the Office of the High Representative (OHR).


Dodik on Schmidt’s decision on Law on Immovable Property (Al Jazeera)


RS President Milorad Dodik reacted on Monday to the decision of High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt on suspension of the RS Law on Immovable Property Used for Functioning of Public Authority. Dodik rejected Schmidt’s decision, saying he is not the HR and added: “This is not only the position of the RS, but also the two permanent members of the UN Security Council, which was supposed to confirm his appointment and did not.” In addition, Dodik noted: “So, today in Sarajevo, from a legal point of view, nothing happened. The RS adopted the Law on Immovable Property, which remains in force. Decisions of even legally appointed High Representatives are not published in the Official Gazette of the RS. Not every intending traveller can interfere in the internal affairs of BiH and the RS.”


Kovacevic on Schmidt’s decision: RS property belongs to the RS exclusively (ATV/RTRS)


Banja Luka Advisor to RS President Radovan Kovacevic reacted on Monday to the decision of (High Representative) Christian Schmidt on suspension of the RS Law on Immovable Property Used for Functioning of Public Authority. Kovacevic noted that the RS property exclusively belongs to the RS. Kovacevic was quoted as saying: “The RS institutions only will decide on the RS property, and no foreigner will ever be able to change that. This should be clear to everyone. What should also be clear to citizens in the RS, Christian Schmidt is not a High Representative, he has no legitimacy.” Kovacevic said via phone that the property in the RS belongs to the RS and the Dayton Peace Agreement and the Constitution of B&H guarantees this to the RS. Viskovic stated that the Article 3 of the Constitution of B&H clearly defines competences of the RS while all other competences “that are not explicitly defined as competences of B&H” belong to the entities. Kovacevic added: “Property was not mentioned as the competence of B&H and thus, it is totally clear that it belongs to the RS. No one will ever be able to change that.”


Cvijanovic on Schmidt’s decision: Interventions of any foreigners in B&H are unacceptable (RTRS)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic reacted on Monday to the decision of (High Representative) Christian Schmidt on suspension of the RS Law on Immovable Property Used for Functioning of Public Authority. Cvijanovic said that interventions of any foreigners in B&H are unacceptable arguing that they keep on holding B&H in a position of an unsolved experiment. Cvijanovic said that the property belongs to the RS and is regulated by its legislation.


Viskovic: Schmidt’s decision represents the most serious attack on RS Constitution (BHT1)


BHT1 reports that when talking about the RS’ right to property, officials in the RS refer to the B&H Constitution and the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). Addressing the media, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said: “Therefore, the B&H CC can pass a decision hundred times. Each time, we will respect the court decision, change a letter or a coma and adopt a new law.” Viskovic said that this decision represents the most serious attack on the RS Constitution.


Stevandic: RS will apply what RS parliament adopts and not Schmidt (RTRS)


Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic reacted to the decision of High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt to suspend the RS Law on Immovable Property Used for Functioning of Public Authority to enter into force. Stevandic stated the RS will apply what the RS parliament adopts and not what Schmidt adopts. He added: “I am sorry that we cannot suspend him and his decisions as we do not recognize him.”


Dzaferovic: HR’s decision is important, otherwise the RS would be registered as owner of state property (Hayat)


Commenting the decision of High Representative Christian Schmidt to suspend the RS Law on Immovable Property Used for Functioning of Public Authorities few hours before it entered into force, Bosniak Caucus of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) and former member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic (SDA) said that this decision is important, because otherwise the RS would be registered as an owner of the state property. He added that most certainly, the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) will declare this law unconstitutional. He stressed that as soon as the RS parilament adopted abovementioned law, a legal counsel of SDA prepared a motion and it was signed on Monday by five delegates in the B&H HoP, including three delegates from SDA, one from SB&H and one from ‘For New Generations’. “It will be submitted with the B&H CC on Tuesday”, explained Dzaferovic. He added that the decision of Schmidt prevents damages that could occur until the decision of the B&H CC is rendered. He reminded that a similar law adopted by the RS parliament earlier was suspended by the High Representative and declared unconstitutional by the B&H CC. Asked about failures to respect decisions of the B&H CC, the delegate in the B&H HoP stated that competent institutions should react, adding that he primarily refers to prosecutor’s office in B&H. He emphasized that rule of law is of essential importance for future of B&H, adding that it implies legally grounded work of institutions in B&H.


Dodik congratulates RS citizens on 31st anniversary of adoption of first Constitution of RS (ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik congratulated all the citizens of the RS on Monday the 31st anniversary of the adoption of the first Constitution of the RS, stressing that everyone should be proud of all those who created the RS and those who developed it. Dodik stated: “The Constitution of the RS was created in a very complex and difficult time for the Serb people. I myself, as the assembly representative, witnessed the danger that threatened Serbs with the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia and I know the struggle we went through in the creation of the Serb Republic of B&H at the time.”


Constitutional Court unblocked: Armenko, Djuranovic and Tesic judges, Resulbegovic not supported (CdM)


Snezana Armenko, Dragana Djuranovic and Momirka Tesic have been elected today in the parliament for the Judges of the Constitutional Court of Montenegro, which has now been unblocked after several months. In the second round of voting, the Parliament will decide on the remaining candidate for the Judge of the Constitutional Court from the minority parties, Faruk Resulbegovic, who did not receive the support required today. It takes a 3/5 majority of votes pf all MPs for his election. The judges of the Constitutional Court are elected by the parliament of Montenegro for a period of 12 years. Snezana Armenko was elected a judge of the Constitutional Court with 77 votes in favour, without votes against. Three Bosnia Party’s (BS) PMs abstained. Dragana Djuranovic was elected with 75 votes in favour, without votes against. BS abstained. Faruk Resulbegovic was not elected judge. A total of 46 MPs voted in favour, there were no votes against, but 28 MPs abstained. Momirka Tesic was elected a judge. A total of 70 MPs voted in favour, 2 voted against and 4 PMs abstained. DF MP Simonida Kordic has said that the Constitutional Court expects judges to make decisions in line with the Law and Constitution of Montenegro. At the parliamentary session, MPs paid tribute to victims in Strpci with a minute of silence, followed by adoption of the agenda, and then a mini musical concert in the parliament’s plenary hall, which was condemned by some MPs. BS MP Suljo Mustafic says it was not a place or time for this type of performance. Draginja Vuksanovic Stankovic has pointed out that she could not believe that someone who covers such an important state position behaves in this way today. Parliament speaker Danijela Djurovic has said that it was the classical music also played in days of mourning. DPS MP Daniel Zivkovic has pointed out that the important situation for society was turned into a circus.


Djukanovic: Conditions created for Constitutional Court to return functionality and be a guarantor of constitutional order (CdM)


President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic has welcomed the decision of the election of three judges of the Constitutional Court, thus creating the conditions for the Constitutional Court to return functionality and be a guarantor of constitutional order, legal security and legitimacy of future election processes. “I invite and encourage minority parties to agree on the remaining vacant place so that we could as soon as possible have the full composition of the Constitutional Court. We thank partners for support and assistance in this process”, Djukanovic has tweeted.


Abazovic: I’m sorry that the fourth candidate for Constitutional Court judge didn’t receive DPS’ support (CdM)


Commenting on the elected judges of the Constitutional Court, outgoing PM Dritan Abazovic has said that this is a big day for Montenegro, but stressed that he is sorry that the fourth candidate for the judge of the Constitutional Court did not receive the DPS’s support. “Today is a big day for Montenegro. Congratulations. I can’t believe DPS did not vote in favour of a minority candidate. I’m sorry for the fourth judge, the Albanian, did not receive the DPS’s support. Citizens should not forget that, considering that the elections are approaching. DPS will probably seek the support of minority peoples with partner parties”, Abazovic has stated at a press conference after a joint session of the governments of Montenegro and Albania. Abazovic hopes the fourth judge of the Constitutional Court will be elected in a month.


Abazovic: Informal OB meeting planned for MNE; Rama: No Chinese, Russians, Martians or Germans should be seen behind OB (CdM)


The joint session of Montenegro and Albania governments were held in Podgorica. In addition to the construction of the bridge on the Bojana River, there was also discussed the cooperation in the field of energy, Bojana navigable, sustainable fisheries management on Skadar Lake and the Bojana River, social welfare, sports and youth, culture, defense and health. PMs Dritan Abazovic and Edi Rama signed a joint declaration and a bilateral agreement on the construction of the bridge on the Bojana River. After the joint session, Abazovic said that an informal Open Balkans (OB) meeting was planned in Montenegro in June. Rama claims that the OB is necessary but points out that there are no Chinese, Russians, Martians or Germans behind it. “I am proud to have placed signatures for the construction of a bridge over the Bojana River. The goal is to easily access, reduce traffic crowds and raise that zone to a higher level”, Abazovic said. He believes that Montenegro and Albania can say that relationships are raised to an even higher level. Rama said that “our two countries are more than neighbors and together they can achieve better results. We meet in a challenging time. The importance of this brotherhood and neighborhood seems very important to us. We visited Kiev and Zelensky together, and our two countries, dedicated to the EU and two NATO members, are completely on the side of Ukraine; our efforts represent a duration of relationships”. Rama said Abazovic expressed the desire for the conference to be held in Montenegro. “There’s no hidden hand in that initiative. Don’t see Chinese, Russians, Martians or Germans behind that. That is our initiative. Albania, Serbia and North Macedonia have signed agreements that have been signed earlier. I don’t know any of these agreements not being within the Berlin Process. Whoever wants to see Chinese, Russians and Martians in all this, let them see them”, Rama said. Abazovic said he was affirmative towards the OB and that it revived the Berlin Process. “In June, we plan an informal meeting that is not a classic meeting on the Open Balkans. If the political circumstances allow, we will try to organize an informal meeting, which would be like this one today”, he announced. He added that any regional cooperation contributed to peace and stability.


Parliament elects new ministers (All media)


The parliament elected late Monday four new ministers - Krenar Loga for Minister of Justice, Fatmir Mexhiti for Minister of Health, Azir Aliu for Minister of Information Society and Administration, and Kaja Shukova for Minister of Environment and Physical Planning. Loga, Mexhiti and Aliu come from the ranks of the Alliance for Albanians while Shukova from SDSM. Sixty-five MPs voted in favor of the ministers' election, with none against or abstained. The Parliament session agenda also includes the dismissal and election of deputy ministers of defense, agriculture and education, as well as the appointment of deputy ministers of justice and health.


Kovachevski: Association of Albanian Municipalities proposal frivolous, unacceptable (Sitel/Telma)


The proposal for association of Albanian municipalities in North Macedonia is unacceptable, frivolous, non-European and anti-American, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said in response to a reporter asking him to comment on the recent proposal by the Alternativa political party. “Yesterday we responded as a political party, as well: This is a frivolous idea. The relations in our country have been resolved through the Ohrid Framework Agreement, which was signed by representatives of all political parties, the Macedonians and the Albanians both. It is guaranteed by the USA and the EU. On the basis of that Ohrid Framework Agreement, North Macedonia today serves as an example of coexistence and upholding the rights of all ethnic communities in the state. Our country has established institutions to safeguard and promote the rights of smaller communities at the highest level, compared to all other countries in Europe,” Kovachevski said. And another agreement in Kosovo, which had also been signed between two parties, resolved issues that existed in Kosovo’s past, he added. “We, here, have agreed together on how we would live and develop,” Kovachevski said. “Based on that we have become a NATO member country and a country that is negotiating with the EU. “The security and stability of our country is at such a high level, built after 2001, that agreements from the Berlin Process, signed by all the countries of the Western Balkans, have been deposited in our Ministry of Foreign Affairs.” “So I find this proposal unacceptable, frivolous, un-European and un-American,” the PM said. Those who advocate the proposal he said were either uninformed or, according to him, "have not properly considered the agreements resolving identity issues in the Balkans." “They will need to delve a little deeper into how problems in North Macedonia were solved, and how the problems in Kosovo will be solved, of course through a mutual agreement between Kosovo and Serbia with the mediation of the USA and the EU,” Kovachevski said. According to the head of state Stevo Pendrovski, the conditions in North Macedonia and Kosovo are incomparable. “The issue of the status and rights of ethnic communities in our country has been resolved with the Ohrid Framework Agreement,” said his Office. For the time being, the idea of Alternativa party has received support only from the leader of the so-called ‘Fiery Group’ and DUI vice president, Izet Mexhiti, while the party has already decisively 2 rejected such an initiative, which it considered as a pathetic and desperate attempt for Alternativa to survive on the political scene after leaving the Government. Even the new government partner- the Alliance for Albanians party, does not understand such a request, while VMRO-DPMNE remains of the opinion that the Ohrid Framework Agreement is sufficient, and that “Gashi's immature behavior can lead to a flare-up of tensions.”


Penov: Demand for Association of Albanian municipalities an attempt to score political points (Sitel)


Minister of Local Self-Government Risto Penov said Monday the demand of party Alternativa for creation of an "Association of Albanian municipalities" is an attempt to score political points and urged for caution regarding such statements. "We have built a concept of local self-government that meets the needs of all citizens and nationalities. I understand that some want to score political points but one must be cautious regarding such statements. These demands can have an impact on interpersonal relations that are fortunately more stable nowadays, and I hope citizens will not fall for such attempts to recompose the state," said Minister Penov. Penov, a former Skopje Mayor, took part in the creation of the current local self-government, territorial division and decentralization. "Back then, we talked with representatives of DUI, also including representatives from the group that is now seeking some changes. Backed by the United States and EU, we agreed on building a concept of local self-government that meets the needs of all citizens, of all nationalities," added Penov.


Ibrahimi: The Association of Albanian Municipalities is my personal position, not the party's one (TV21/Sloboden pechat)


The General Secretary of Alternativa Zeqirija Ibrahimi told TV21 that the idea on the Association of Albanian Municipalities is his personal one, and not of his party. “You will have to ask the party leader personally if he supports such idea. The position on the Association of Albanian Municipalities is my personal one, and not that of the party’s bodies. However, I am the general secretary of Alternativa and I am not just an individual in a party. But to be precise, there was no meeting in the party for this position, which is only my political position, motivated by my political and intellectual convictions,” Ibrahimi said.


Elections/ OSCE ambassador: "You have rules, written and unwritten, use them with maturity" (RTSH)


In the first interview for an Albanian media, since the appointment in December at the head of the OSCE Presence in Albania, Ambassador Guido de Sanctis expressed full confidence in the CEC's ability to organize elections in accordance with the Electoral Code. In an interview for RTSH, the OSCE Ambassador attached maximum importance to the dialogue and trust between the political forces in the country. "I think that Albania is one of those cases where more attention should be paid to building mutual trust. Mutual trust relies on dialogue. We talk to everyone and give everyone the same message. The message is that it can happen in a democracy that harsh words are spoken. This is normal. Using threats, thinking up crisis scenarios are abnormal. This is not democracy," said the Chairman of the OSCE Presence, Guido de Sanctis.

Excerpts of interview below:

From your point of view, ambassador, what are the main problems of the quality of democracy in Albania?

Let's start with something we can all agree on. The best resources of any country are its people. And the best fuel for civic life is mutual trust. There are moments in the history of any country where mutual trust can fluctuate: it can be high, it can be low. I think that Albania is one of those cases where more attention should be paid to the building of mutual trust. Mutual trust relies on dialogue. I would like to remind you that dialogue is among the principles on which the OSCE was founded. When it was born as CSCE in 1975, the idea of its founders was to use dialogue whenever there was a problem to solve.

In fact, last year Albania chaired the OSCE at its highest level, Prime Minister Rama was the chairman of the OSCE. But, in fact, there was no dialogue between political parties in Albania. Is this a problem?

Our activity here with different interlocutors… we talk to everyone and give everyone the same message. The message is that it can happen in a democracy that harsh words are spoken. This is normal.

What is not normal is the use of threats, thinking up crisis scenarios. This is not democracy. I want to remind you that we still maintain a typical style of the OSCE, which I can define as a silent style.

Our interlocutors receive very clearly our messages for dialogue, but it is not in our interest that everything we do is made public or told in the media, as we think that these messages should be elaborated by us and by the interlocutors. But I assure you that we give these messages very clearly.

Ambassador, there is a perception that the role of the OSCE is no longer as important as it was years ago here in Albania. This is because you are drawn as an intermediary; here in Albania there are no more crises as before, I mean the political crisis; or has the trust in the OSCE fallen?

We are not eager to leave the country, of course, I myself lead a very active life here, but, objectively, we work to become as little necessary as possible. We still work in the silent style I mentioned, and from my interlocutors - from institutions and civil society - I have only heard praise.

This gives me the conviction that our work here is still valued and still needed. So I wouldn't say we are less important. No, I don't agree with that.

Ambassador, in fact, when we talk about the OSCE, we always think of elections. What do you think about the preparation of the May 14 elections in Albania?

This is an important moment for the democratic life of Albania. Fortunately, we have worked very well with the Central Election Commission, I have met with the Commissioner, and I think the preparations are on time and they are preparing the ground very effectively. So I am not worried in this regard.

And what was the message?

While I am telling you that we act in a silent way, I am not able to tell you the whole message, but the message is: you have rules, written and unwritten, use them with maturity.