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Belgrade Media Report 20 March



Vucic: Serbia ready to work on implementation up to its red lines (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic read the implementation annex of the agreement on the path to the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina and pointed out that we no longer depend on the goodwill of Pristina, which is a positive change, but also on what we are ready to do ourselves when it comes to the European path. He points out that he did not sign the agreement because of several things. “First of all, because the Republic of Serbia is an internationally recognized country, while the so-called Kosovo is not. I don’t want to make an international agreement with Kosovo,” Vucic announced. Serbia is ready to work on implementation up to its red lines, the President said.


Vucic explained why he hasn’t singed anything in Ohrid

Vucic explained why he did not sign anything in Ohrid. “It is important for us not only to not depend on the good will of Pristina, which is a positive change, but also on the extent to which we are ready to do certain things. I am talking about the European path,” Vucic said.

He says that he did not sign primarily because Serbia is a recognized state, while Kosovo is not a recognized state. “I didn’t sign because of several things, because the Republic of Serbia is internationally legally recognized, while Kosovo is not. I don’t want to make international legal agreements with the so-called Republic of Kosovo. As President, even my statements are binding, and that’s why I choose my words carefully,” says Vucic. He points out that this is why neither the agreement nor the annex was signed, but Serbia is ready to work on implementation up to its red lines.


Vucic then read the entire Annex to the Agreement on the path to normalization of relations:

  • This Annex constitutes an integral part of the Agreement.
  • Kosovo and Serbia fully commit to honour all Articles of the Agreement and this Annex, and implement all their respective obligations stemming from the Agreement and this Annex expediently and in good faith.
  • The Parties take note that the Agreement and the Implementation Annex will become integral parts of the respective EU accession processes of Kosovo and Serbia. The Parties note that immediately after the adoption of the Agreement and this Annex, the EU Facilitator will start the process to amend the Chapter 35 benchmarks for Serbia to reflect Serbia’s new obligations stemming from the Agreement and this Annex. The agenda of Kosovo’s Special Group on Normalisation will equally reflect Kosovo’s new obligations stemming from the Agreement and this Annex.
  • The Parties agree to endorse the Declaration on Missing Persons, as negotiated under the EU-facilitated Dialogue, as a matter of urgency.
  • To implement Article 7, Kosovo launches immediately negotiations within the EU-facilitated Dialogue on establishing specific arrangements and guarantees to ensure an appropriate level of self-management for the Serbian community in Kosovo, in compliance with relevant previous Dialogue agreements as determined by the EU Facilitator.
  • The Parties agree to set up a Joint Monitoring Committee, chaired by the EU, within 30 days. The implementation of all provisions shall be ensured and supervised by the Joint Monitoring Committee.
  • To implement Article 9, the EU will organise a donor conference within 150 days to set up an investment and financial aid package for Kosovo and Serbia. No disbursement will happen before the EU determines that all provisions of the Agreement have been fully implemented.
  • Kosovo and Serbia agree that all Articles will be implemented independently of each other.
  • The order of the paragraphs of this Annex is without prejudice to the order of their implementation.
  • Kosovo and Serbia agree not to block implementation of any of the Articles.
  • All discussions related to implementation of the Agreement will take place under the EU-facilitated Dialogue.
  • Kosovo and Serbia recognise that any failure to honour their obligations from the Agreement, this Annex or the past Dialogue Agreements may have direct negative consequences for their respective EU accession processes and the financial aid they receive from the EU.


Vucic then said that he would analyze point by point. “This is not difficult for us in the situation we are in right now, but it will be even more difficult in six month period. What’s important is that we no longer depend on the goodwill of Pristina. Why didn’t I sign? Because of several things. Serbia is an internationally recognized country and for me, the so-called Republic of Kosovo is not an internationally recognized state... But after every summit and meeting, I unequivocally talk about the red lines, which state that we do not recognize ‘Kosovo’ and that we are against its admission to the UN. That’s why I didn’t sign anything,” he said. He said that this is why neither the agreement nor the annex was signed, but that Serbia is ready to work on implementation up to its red lines. So, the Article of the Vienna Convention says the following: “An additional problem is that Article 7 of the Vienna Convention establishes that the verbal consent of the head of state is binding.” Of course, always less binding than a signature, but it has value. That’s why I refused to accept verbal nouns like acceptance, nor ‘adoption’, neither ‘acceptance’, nor ‘acknowledgment’,” he said. Vucic pointed out that he took care of every word. He added that we accept the concept, that we will work on implementation, and that he wants people in Serbia to know how the country’s interests are taken care of.


About the missing persons

“I don’t repeat things because I’m stupid or I don’t know what I’m doing, but because I know what I’m doing. Now we come to the article which is important for everyone, and that is the missing persons,” said Vucic. He said that the Pristina side had numerous demands and talked about the so-called forced disappearance. “Until now, Pristina has used it as pressure for war reparations, which Serbia should supposedly follow,” said Vucic. According to him, when you think you are talking about small things, there is a trick behind everything. “We want to cooperate with the Albanians, we don't need to build walls. So far, the list of missing persons has been compiled,” he said.


Kurti wanted three pillars for Community of Serb Municipalities, we prevailed with earlier deal

Vucic said that Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti had asked that the Community of Serb Municipalities be based on three pillars unacceptable to Belgrade during talks at Lake Ohrid, North Macedonia, but that he managed to prevail for the implementation of the agreements reached earlier in the dialogue. Vucic told a news conference in Belgrade that the first pillar that the Kosovo premier proposed was the Kosovo Constitution, the second a statement by former EU high representative Federica Mogherini, "unilaterally made" to former Kosovo premier Isa Mustafa, that the Community should not have executive powers, and that the third proposed pillar was a text by US officials Derek Chollet and Gabriel Escobar. “We managed to prevail with the implementation of what was agreed during the dialogue. Whether it will be realized or not, we shall see. I hope it is possible, and I fear it will be much harder than what I anticipate today,” Vucic said one day after a whole-day round of dialogue with Kurti in Ohrid under the EU auspices. He added that he had not signed the Implementation Annex to the Agreement on the Path to Normalization of Relations between Kosovo and Serbia for several reasons, one of which was the desire not to make agreements with Pristina under international law.


Serbia builds different future in Kosovo and Metohija with responsible, courageous policy (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Friday night at the commemoration of 19 years since the pogrom of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija that Serbia today, with a responsible and courageous policy, is trying to lay different foundations for the future in which Serb children in the province will have a carefree childhood. Speaking at the state ceremony in the National Theatre in Belgrade, Brnabic pointed out that Serbia is leading a policy in which peace and not barbed wires will secure Serbian sacred sites, in which Kosovo and Metohija remain ours and emphasised that we must build the dream of a better future together with the Albanians.

Today, with a responsible and courageous state policy led by President Aleksandar Vucic, we are trying to somehow end that cycle of misfortune, history of torment, suffering, uncertainty, we are trying to lay the foundations for a different future, while not forgetting the past, in which children can peacefully enjoy their childhood, in which their parents can create something that will not be destroyed, said Brnabic. That future is not built by Serbia, which agrees to everything and is ready to be humiliated, she underlined. On the contrary, that future can be built by a Serbia that is stronger than it has ever been, proud, brave, that leads an independent policy in accordance with its interests and the interests of its people and everyone who lives in it, she said. She emphasised that it took a lot of effort and time for Serbia to become such a country, to start winning and believing in itself. It took a long time for her to wake up and shake off the injustice, to see a clear path ahead, she said and emphasised that the fact that Serbia is like this is the merit of President Aleksandar Vucic, but also of all the citizens and everyone who believed in such a policy and such a Serbia. It is Serbia which is strong and independent enough to call things by their right name and not use euphemisms to soften the crimes committed against her. For us pogroms will never again be riots, or aggressions and interventions, only such a Serbia has a chance, strength and vision to protect its national interests and protect its past and pave the way even when it seems that there is none, for a better and more successful future, she said. According to her, today it is clear to everyone in Serbia and the world that there will be no more "storms and pogroms" against the Serbian people and that such crimes would be impossible in Serbia today. Those times have passed, Serbia is no longer burying its head in the sand because it is not capable of doing more than that. We must never again allow Serbia to be so weak as not to be able to ensure the survival of our people in Kosovo and Metohija, she said. Brnabic emphasised that our demands and expectations are rational, that our national interest is peace and stability, both for us and for all others with whom we share this part of Europe. We do not want the main feature of Serbian-Albanian relations to be the anticipation of conflict. No nation can realize its full potential in an atmosphere of constant hatred and mistrust. It is important that we try to close that page of history and open a future in which we will be directed to each other and guided by common interest, said Brnabic and emphasised that it does not seem simple, but that it is a path without a real alternative. She pointed out that our red lines are absolutely clear when it comes to Kosovo and Metohija, and our readiness for dialogue and peaceful resolution of disagreements is an expression of our strength and responsibility, not hesitation and weakness. She added that Serbia will never be able to agree to some things, but she will try to make things better for herself and everyone in the region. The commemoration of the Day of Remembrance of the pogrom in Kosovo and Metohija, which took place on 17 March 2004, held at the National Theatre was attended by Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic, Ministers Nikola Selakovic, Djordje Milicevic, Tomislav Zigmanov, Jelena Begovic, Dubravka Djedovic, Mihailo Jovanovic, Darija Kisic and Rade Basta, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic, MPs and representatives of the City of Belgrade. The state ceremony was also attended by representatives of the Serbian army, the Serbian Orthodox Church and religious communities, veterans' associations, the diplomatic corps, as well as the families of the victims. During the violence in Kosovo and Metohija on 17, 18 and 19 March 2004, at least 27 people were killed, 16 of whom were Serbs, hundreds of Serbs were injured, as well as dozens of members of the international forces who clashed with Albanian extremists protecting those attacked and their property and temples. During the pogrom, 935 Serbian houses were destroyed and 35 religious buildings were set on fire, including 18 cultural monuments, including the ancient church of Our Lady of Ljevis.


Cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija jeopardised daily (Tanjug)


The Ministry of Culture stated, on the occasion of the commemoration of 17 March 2004 and the pogrom against the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, that even today, 19 years later, the cultural heritage in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija is threatened daily by desecration, destruction and falsification, as well as that there is continuous abuse of Serbian cultural and church heritage. In the Ministry’s statement, it is emphasised that the domestic and international public must not forget that 19 years ago, by endangering the human rights of the Serbian and other non-Albanian population in Kosovo and Metohija, churches and monasteries were burned, cemeteries and cultural heritage were desecrated, which are a symbol of the existence and duration of the Serbian people in the territory they have inhabited for centuries. In the March violence, more than 4,000 Serbs were expelled, 35 Serbian churches and monasteries were completely destroyed or damaged, half of which are protected cultural monuments, among them are the Devic Monastery, the Monastery of the Holy Archangels in Prizren, the Church of the Virgin of Ljevis and the Church of St. George in Prizren, Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Djakovica. More than ten thousand frescoes, icons, chalices, vestments, as well as church books of marriages and baptisms were lost or destroyed. In the Church of Our Lady of Ljevis in Prizren, which was set on fire from the inside, the altar area was desecrated, the Holy Table was broken, and its priceless paintings, including frescoes from the 13th century, were damaged. The Ministry recalls that in 2006, due to the unstable security situation and constant threats, the monasteries of Gracanica, Visoki Decani, Pec Patriarchate and the Church of the Virgin of Ljevis were entered on the List of World Heritage in Danger, where they remain to this day. Also, the international organisation "Europa Nostra" ranked the Visoki Decani monastery first on the list of the seven most endangered cultural monuments in Europe for 2021. At the same time, the construction of a road by the authorities in Pristina, right next to the Visoki Decani monastery, directly threatens this endowment of King Stefan Decanski from the 14th century, which enjoys the status of world cultural heritage. The idea that a main road for traffic passes right next to the Orthodox church is contrary to all standards for the protection of monuments under the auspices of UNESCO.


Dacic: Security situation in Serbia stable (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, who is also the Secretary of the National Security Council, said on Saturday that the security situation in Serbia is stable, but that the security services will continue to work in order to preserve peace and security in our country. In a statement to the press after the session of the Bureau for Coordination of Security Services, Dacic said that the Bureau gives unreserved support to the efforts of President Aleksandar Vucic in the negotiation process with the interim institutions in Pristina. He pointed out that the situation in the world is very complex and on the edge of conflict of great powers, but that we must preserve peace and stability in the country. “Due to the events in the world the pressure will increase many times over in the coming period bearing in mind the most complicated possible geopolitical relations that are continually moving toward further escalation rather than settling,” Dacic stressed. The session of the Bureau was attended by members of that body - Director of the Security and Information Agency (BIA) Aleksandar Vulin, Director of the Military Security Agency Major General Djuro Jovanic, Director of the Military Intelligence Agency Major General Zoran Stojkovic, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Milos Vucevic, Minister of the Interior Bratislav Gasic, as well as Director of the Office of the National Security Council and Classified Information Protection Goran Matic.


Dacic: Result of presidential elections in Montenegro will depend on Serb votes (TV Pink)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that the Serbs will be the decisive factor on which the results in the second round of the presidential election in Montenegro will depend. Dacic commented on the results of the presidential election in Montenegro for TV Pink and added that he also discussed it with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and that together they considered it significant that the candidates who gather Serb votes achieved a good result. "It is certain that the Serbs will practically decide in the second round on who the new president of Montenegro will be. I want to congratulate Andrija Mandic on behalf of Serbia for this result, which was achieved under very specific conditions... this is very significant because it showed the strength of those organizations that can be said to represent the rights and interests of the Serb people," said Dacic. He added that Vucic can't wait for a new president of Montenegro to be elected, so that Serbia and Montenegro can build brotherly and friendly relations, as two countries that have never been at war and that should seek common interests.


Drecun: Progress made in Ohrid, traps of EU proposal avoided (TV Pink/RTV)


The Chair of the Serbian parliamentary committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said on Monday an Ohrid agreement on an implementation plan in the Belgrade-Pristina talks averted the danger of Belgrade recognising the false state of Kosovo in any way and agreeing to its UN membership. On the other hand, the possibility of Belgrade being blamed for rejecting the plan was avoided, too, as were certain Western penalising measures against Serbia, Drecun told TV Pink. "The French-German proposal, which was later renamed to European, is full of traps because it went beyond the framework of status neutrality and treated Kosovo as a state. It requested Serbia to agree to treat its southern province as a state, as an international legal subject, and that it do not oppose its membership in international organisations including the UN. Also, initially a de facto and then also a de jure recognition was requested," Drecun said. He said no agreement, let alone a sustainable one, could be reached on such foundations. There was also pressure from Pristina, which was refusing to establish a Community of Serb Municipalities, insisting that an agreement include a clause on mandatory mutual recognition, Drecun said. "When you look at all that, progress was made in Ohrid - first of all, there was a realisation that an institutional framework needs to be formed to protect the Serbs through a Community of Serb Municipalities or, as the European plan says, through self-government for Serbs," Drecun said.


Borrell: Serbia, Kosovo reach agreement on implementing deal (Beta)


EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Josep Borrell said in Ohrid, North Macedonia, on 18 March, that Serbia and Kosovo had reached agreement on an Implementation Annex to the deal on the path to normalizing relations. "Finally, after 12 hours, we have agreement on how to implement the deal that Serbia and Kosovo reached in Brussels on 27 February," Borrell told reporters in Ohrid. The EU released the text of the Implementation Annex to the Agreement on the Path to Normalization of Relations between Kosovo and Serbia, which states that it is now an integral part of the negotiating framework in the EU admission process and that failing to honor its obligations could directly negatively affect both sides' bid to join the EU. Borrell said the annex was as good as adopted after its publication as a press release and that it had became an integral part of the negotiating framework, i.e. the path to the EU for both Serbia and Kosovo. He went on to say that this was not just about Kosovo and Serbia, but about peace, security and prosperity across the region.


Escobar hails agreement between leaders of Serbia, Pristina, says door open to EU integration (Beta)


US special envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar hailed the agreement reached between the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo on carrying out a deal on the path to the normalization of relations in Ohrid on 18 March, saying it would have a positive impact on the two sides' EU integration. "I congratulate both sides on reaching a difficult, but necessary agreement. This opens the door to the EU integration of the two countries, but also for the region to usher in a new era of peace. I appreciate the great effort and work that our European colleagues put into this," Escobar told reporters in Ohrid at the end of an 11-hour round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue at the top level. Escobar lauded Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti on their "constructiveness", and added that the US would extend political and economic assistance to the two sides in the process of implementation. He also praised the host, North Macedonia, saying that the dialogue in Ohrid showed that Skopje is "a reliable partner to the US and EU in reaching regional stability".


Hill: Serbia has embraced European future (Tanjug)


US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill commented on Sunday on Twitter about the Ohrid talks, which were held the previous day in the North Macedonian city. "The most important outcome from the Ohrid talks: Serbia has embraced its European future and a clear plan for how to get there - a decision that took wisdom, integrity, and courage. Much work remains, and the United States will be with you every step of the way.," Hill wrote.


Opposition criticizes Vucic after Ohrid talks: Citizens are deceived (N1)


Former president of Serbia and leader of the opposition Social-Democratic Party Boris Tadic assessed that the agreement on the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo does not even need to be signed, because it has already been accepted as a platform for negotiations in which Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is heavily involved. “Vucic blatantly repeats that he did not sign the agreement. Our citizens must know that this agreement does not even have to be signed, because it has already been accepted as a platform for negotiations in which Vucic is heavily involved. Our history does not remember of such deceiving of citizens,” Tadic wrote on Twitter. The leader of the SRCE movement Zdravko Ponos also commented on the negotiations. “Bicycle – the front, European wheel of Serbia will turn only if the pedal is pedalled last, which represents the implementation of the Kosovo agreement. 35 is now the main chapter. Serbia’s progress on the European path is now inextricably conditioned by its cooperation around Kosovo. Negotiated by a statesman,” Ponos tweeted. Neither Josep Borrell nor Albin Kurti nor Aleksandar Vucic will ask whether Serbia is for or against the EU agreement, according to the Ekoloski ustanak movement. The citizens of Serbia will have their say on this in a referendum, said MP Aleksandar Jovanovic Cuta. Leader of the People’s Party Vuk Jeremic noted that, if President Aleksandar Vucic accepts the Franco-German proposal, Serbia will receive as a “reward” the creation of the Greater Albania, a stronger suppression of freedom and democracy, as well as the lithium mining. “In addition to all that, in a couple of years, the ‘Scholz-Macron 2’ plan would follow to resolve the ‘open issue of Bosnia and Herzegovina’, that is, to abolish the autonomy of Republika Srpska. In the meantime, Vucic would remain in power in Serbia, and would kick into fifth gear and trample us even harder than before, with the support of the West,” Jeremic has warned, criticizing the outcome of the talks. Milica Djurdjevic-Stamenkovski, the leader of the Serbian Zavetnici Party opposed the acceptance of the agreement for Kosovo, whose Annex was agreed on Saturday in Ohrid. She estimated that the consequence of this would be the creation of the Greater Albania, as well as the opening of other secessionist demands in Serbia. Leader of the Movement of Free Citizens Pavle Grbovic pointed out that he is not in favour of the agreement because it is good, but because Serbia has no other alternative. “It is neither wisdom nor practical policy to sign everything you are offered. If we lost our sovereignty in 1999, why new agreements and arrangements? If it were so, that process would have been completed a long time ago. Do not look at the position of the Serbian state with a defeatist approach, it can be very dangerous. This can open a pandora’s box that can open some other secessionist movements,” said Djurdjevic-Stamenkovski speaking to N1. Grbovic believes that “if we reject the agreement, we will not get control over Kosovo, and we also rejected the EU”. “That kind of dilemma is false, it doesn’t exist. Another kind of dilemma is that no second step is offered – how will we cope with the serious economic consequences that such a decision would cause. I do not offer an alternative, nor does anyone offer one. It is true that the EU is not the whole world, but it is a significant part of the world in which Serbia plays a role,” he stressed. According to him, the European agreement is the last war for the politics that Serbia led in the 1990s. Leader of the Dveri movement Bosko Obradovic assessed at the gathering of the opposition in front of the Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) building that the only solution to the political crisis is the resignation of President Vucic. He called for a new gathering on Friday, March 24 at 12:44. “We call on citizens to join forces of all those who are against this government and the Franco-German agreement to block all institutions in the country on Friday, March 24 at 12:44, starting from city and municipal administrations to the government of Serbia. On that day, we will mark the anniversary of the start of the NATO bombing in all cities and municipalities where blockades will be held and call for an even larger national gathering around the demand that Vucic must leave,” he said.




Dodik: ICC’s arrest warrant for Putin is political and selective decision (Srna/ATV)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated for Srna agency on Saturday that the arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, for alleged war crimes of Russian President Vladimir Putin, is a political and selective decision that, aside from political tensions, will not lead anywhere. Dodik pointed out that the Serbs “do not trust these courts” and that they were formed to exert the force of international policy on small nations. He added that this is a reflection of the policy towards Russia, and not a fact. According to him, the fact is that Russia is clearly not a member of that court, does not belong to its jurisdiction and that it is more a political than a legal court. Dodik also said that those who dropped bombs with depleted uranium twice on Serbs should be held accountable.

Dodik: RS suspending contacts with US and UK Embassies in B&H (RTRS)


RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik stated on Friday that the ruling coalition in the RS agreed on Thursday that the RS will soon pass a decision to terminate all contacts with US and UK diplomats and embassies in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). He stressed that the formation of a team that will draft an information on anti-Dayton actions of the US Embassy to B&H, the UK Embassy to B&H, diplomats and their interfering in internal affairs in B&H is underway, adding that the RS Government is expected to pass a decision based on this information. According to Dodik, the foreigners in B&H have long ago crossed the diplomatic line defining to what extent a country can interfere in internal issues of another country. He said that the UK and US diplomats carefully observe the RS and criticize everything that the RS does, while they have different rules for the Federation of B&H (FB&H). “US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy openly supports the call for arming by Muslims in B&H, expressing solidarity with the statement from Head of the Islamic Community in B&H Husein Kavazovic about raising to arms by Muslims in B&H, which is unacceptable for Serbs and prevents any communication with the said structures, because such behaviour is a direct blow to possible reconciliation in B&H”, Dodik said in a statement. He reminded that the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) was not signed by the US or UK, and they are not the ones who could interpret the DPA, which is a matter of the signatory parties to the DPA and its Annexes. "The RS is a signatory to annexes, especially the Annex 4, which is the Constitution of B&H, and Annex 10 on the High Representative. The US and UK diplomats and embassies are systematically destroying the Constitution of B&H and other annexes, and especially Annex 10 on the High Representative, permanently, especially in the last case when, without a mandatory decision of the UN Security Council, they support a private individual who has not been appointed as the High Representative”, Dodik emphasized. He said that contacts will be suspended by representatives of the RS authorities and the Serb representatives at the level of B&H from B&H Presidency, B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), B&H parliament and all other Serbs employed in joint institutions. Dodik announced that the RS government is supposed to make such a decision during next week, and the RS parliament at its first regular session. He stated that the RS was forced by the UK and US side to do this, “because it is obvious that, in addition to all previous violations of the DPA, especially Annexes four and 10, they are preparing another fraud and robbery in connection with property, which undoubtedly and without hesitation belongs to the RS.” "Any measures taken regarding the property of the RS will lead to decisions that will protect its sovereignty and further build its state capacity”, Dodik concluded.


Dodik: US and UK want dismantling of RS (ATV)


After announcing that RS will suspend all contacts with Embassies of the US and the UK in B&H, RS President Milorad Dodik stated that the US and the UK want the dismantling of the RS and in which they have been investing enormous efforts for decades. Dodik specified that there will be no more meetings or any conversations with US and UK diplomats. According to Dodik, they have been acting unconstitutionally for years in B&H, and the final straw is the issue of property. The RS President went on to say that the US and the UK are violating international law in order to cause damage to the RS. “Dismantling the RS is certainly their ultimate goal. The enormous efforts they have been putting in for over 20 years certainly speak in favour of that. And the only way for us to oppose it is our unity and to say that we cannot and will not accept such a policy, a distortion of international law and the Constitution of B&H”, the RS President added. RS Representative Milorad Kojic said that this is “the only real and rational measure, which the RS parliament will obviously adopt”, noting that he as the RSNA representative will respect the decisions of the RS legislative authority. Reporter carried a survey among RS citizens, where all of the surveyed citizens said they think the cooperation should be suspended. Dodik stressed that the Americans and the British are trying to use the situation in Ukraine to model B&H. “They are now trying in the final act to deal with the RS, with us, through sanctions that they can promote wherever they want, and through attacks on general rights, again blaming the leadership of the RS in the sense that it does not understand anything, and that only they understand. We should accept that the property belongs to B&H and then we would probably be good guys for them. Well, we will never accept that, and when they possibly take any step, we will make a decision on our status the same evening,” Dodik emphasized. Dodik reminded that the US and the UK are not signatories of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and that they cannot do anything about that. He said that they are massively violating the international law and adjust it to their needs, in order to harm the RS. Representatives of the RS at B&H level pointed out that interference of foreign ambassadors in B&H’s internal affairs is unacceptable. Representative in B&H Parliament Milorad Kojic said it is normal that if ambassadors violate the Constitution of the country where they perform their duties as ambassadors, they are expelled and diplomatic relations are frozen, and after that, possibly even economic relations with the country from which the ambassador comes. Kojic said he thinks that the measure to be adopted by the RS National Assembly on the suspension of contact is quite realistic and rational.


Cvijanovic: International community as such does not exist anymore, Schmidt was not legitimately appointed, RS will react harshly if law on state property is impose (BHT1)


B&H Presidency Chair Zeljka Cvijanovic spoke about the increase of salaries in B&H institutions, Trgovska Gora issue, relations with Croatia, B&H’s foreign policy, role of international community and High Representative in B&H, state property issue and work of B&H Presidency. Asked to comment the role of the international community and Christian Schmidt who is making important decisions despite the fact that RS does not recognize him as the High Representative, Cvijanovic said that Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement clearly defines the position of the High Representative. However, she emphasized, the High Representative does not have the right to impose decisions, pass laws or remove officials. She also added that Schmidt was not legitimately appointed. She argued that the so-called “international community” no longer exists. “What is the international community today? The international community today is torn apart, it consists of several fragments, and it is by no means a unified body. We speak about the international factor that is active here in B&H. You can group together countries of the West, countries that belong somewhere else, and so on”, said Cvijanovic. She argued that it is not normal to have a foreigner who was not elected and who is not held accountable by citizens intervene and interfere in work that should be done by B&H institutions. “This is humiliating”, she noted. She also emphasized that instead of complaining to international officials, B&H politicians should rather focus on internal dialogue with each other. Asked to comment the decisions of Schmidt and B&H Constitutional Court to suspend the RS Law on Immovable Property, Cvijanovic said that this is a political, and not a legal or constitutional issue. She argued that B&H Constitution clearly defines all matters that fall under jurisdiction of the states and stipulates that all other issues which are not explicitly listed fall under jurisdiction of the entities. She explained that the property issue is not listed in B&H under the competencies of the state. Cvijanovic reminded that privatization process was carried out based on territorial principle, meaning that entities were responsible for privatization of companies based on location of the companies. “We are wasting time on issues which should have been operative, and not high-ranking political issues”, Cvijanovic noted. She also stated that the RS institutions will react harshly if a law on state property is imposed. According to Cvijanovic, the international factor often raises issues which will cause rifts and controversy within B&H or undermines already achieved internal agreements.


Nesic, Stevandic support Dodik’s announcement on suspension of contacts with US and UK diplomats (Nova BH)


B&H Minister of Security and DNS leader Nenad Nesic said on Friday that he supports RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, who announced that the RS will suspend contacts with the Embassies of the US and the UK in B&H. Nesic noted that the property is the red line that the RS will not cross. “All those who advocate confiscation of property are not friends of the RS”, noted Nesic. Nesic underlined that the Constitution of B&H clearly stipulates what belongs to the RS, what belongs to the Federation of B&H, and what belongs to B&H. He concluded: “I expect everyone to respect the Constitution of B&H, including foreign diplomats. Nesic said that the property is “is a red line’’ the RS will not cross and he added: “All who advocate taking away the property are not friends of the RS”. Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic said that the current authorities in the RS will make an effort to jointly make a decision on protecting the RS’ sovereignty and dignity to show that they “cannot agree with tutorship and tyranny in B&H’’. Stevandic also said the authorities will try to show to foreign factor they are “no one’s orderlies”.


Kojic: Announcement re termination of contacts with US and UK diplomats is rational measure; Vujicic says UK, US diplomats worked to detriment of RS (RTRS)


Representative in the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H Milorad Kojic (SNSD) stated on Friday that continuous pressures on RS and support to stances that are against the Constitution of B&H that come from the US Embassy to B&H and the UK Embassy to B&H have a goal to usurp the RS property. Commenting on the announcement of the ruling coalition in the RS on termination of contacts with the US and UK diplomats, Kojic assessed that this measure is rational. Representative in B&H HoR Miroslav Vujicic (SNSD) said that it is obvious that the embassies of the UK and US to B&H have been against the RS’ stances in the past several years and they have been working to the detriment of the RS: “They harshly interfered with internal matters in B&H and they stepped out of the boundaries of the Vienna Convention and jobs they should be doing as ambassadors and diplomatic representatives”. Meanwhile, Serb delegate in the House of Peoples (HoP) of B&H Snjezana Novakovic Bursac (SNSD) said that nobody finds it disputable that the FB&H and its cantons have property or that the FB&H and cantons already issued a number of concessions on use of public property to various firms, but it is a problem that the same things are brought in question when it comes to the RS, its property and resources. “It is well known that nothing is written about property in the Constitution and the situation in the FB&H is well known too”, Novakovic Bursac added. “In absence of legal arguments and logical explanation, some want to use quasi-force that can produce no result except tensions and chaos”, Novakovic Bursac argued and noted that representatives of the RS will not stop protecting property because they know they are right.


Borenovic says Dodik’s announcement that RS will cut off contacts with UK and US embassies in B&H and their diplomats represents classic foiling; Crnadak surprised with decision (BN TV)


Regarding the announcement by RS President Milorad Dodik that the RS will cut off contacts with the UK and US embassies in B&H and their diplomats, PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said that this is classic foiling and vain bragging in front of the public. “It will be the same as for the appointment of the B&H ambassadors, until two months ago he did not even want to hear about (Zlatko) Lagumdzija and (Damir) Arnaut, and today he supported them. And we know the stories about independence, the Army of the RS, formation of the Indirect Taxation Authority of the RS, the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of the RS, the departure of foreign judges, military exercises on Manjaca... all a farce. We are wasting our words on fraudulent and false policies,” Borenovic was quoted as saying. PDP Vice President Igor Crnadak said that he was surprised with the decision of ruling parties knowing that Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Zeljka Cvijanovic (SNSD) often pays visits to Washington and meets with US officials and diplomats. “Secondly, the RS has always been open for dialogue and such strong foreign policy change should also include consultations with Belgrade, especially in the light of the fact that the Serbian President (Aleksandar Vucic) recently met with top American man for the Western Balkans (referring to US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar)”, Crnadak said.


UK Embassy: Dodik’s statement is confusing and does not contribute to anything (Nova BH)


The UK Embassy to B&H issued a statement on Friday, reacting to the announcement of RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, who announced that the RS is suspending contacts with the Embassies of the US and the UK in B&H. The statement of the UK Embassy reads: “The statement of the RS President is confusing and does not contribute to anything. We completely reject the accusations that have been made, which act as a bizarre attempt to divert attention from the real problems. UK remains a friend of all citizens of B&H and will continue to work throughout the country for the benefit of everyone.”


US Embassy in B&H reacts to Dodik’s statement on termination of contact of RS with US and UK embassies in B&H (FTV)


The US Embassy in B&H reacted to the statement of RS President Milorad Dodik, who announced decision on termination of contacts of the RS with the US and UK embassies in B&H. The US Embassy published a statement which reads: “Today's announcement by the Cabinet of the President of the RS was unconstructive and factually incorrect. The US will continue to be with all the people of B&H as they work to strengthen this country and secure their rightful place in the Euro-Atlantic community of nations”.


Dodik: Issue of B&H Law on Property will never be on agenda; If you do not want to respect the letter of DPA, the RS will leave B&H (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik has repeated that B&H does not have property and that according to the Constitution and the Dayton Agreement, the property undoubtedly belongs to the entities. Dodik told Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic, who requested information from the B&H Attorney General's Office on what has been done in terms of legal protection of state property, that B&H should not even have an attorney general's office, which was imposed. Dodik stated that the issue of the B&H Law on Property will never be on the agenda, stressing that respect for the Dayton Agreement is the key principle, “and if you do not respect it, the RS will leave B&H.” Dodik reminded that the RS disposed with property and that nothing was disputable in 1998 when this issue came on the agenda with the privatization of state-owned companies. “And then Muslims with their persistent work led it to the point that in 2011 the Constitutional Court introduced a story about property in procedure. The Constitutional Court is not the one that can determine the holder. The Constitutional Court is not the one that can determine procedures. The Constitutional Court is nothing. The Constitutional Court cannot pass temporary measures. But that is why B&H is ill-favored, that is why B&H is unsuccessful and that is why B&H cannot succeed,” Dodik underlined. Dodik pointed out that the Constitutional Court of B&H was made to protect the Constitution and not interpret it to the point of introducing some new constitutional solutions, because the consensus of the parties in B&H is in charge of that, and, as he noted, the parties are the entities. “The foreign factor here avoided the story of the parties, as written in the Dayton, and it is trying to involve the Parliament as the only decision-making place. Of course, that is not the case,” Dodik said. Commenting on the fact that SDA and its leader Bakir Izetbegovic called on the international community to more seriously deal with him, Dodik said that they deal with him enough. “They think that they are God given and that we only need to fulfil their wishes. Our approach is – respect the Dayton Agreement and the letter of the Dayton Agreement. If you do not want to respect the letter of the Dayton Agreement, the RS will leave B&H,” Dodik pointed out.


EU Delegation to B&H, US Embassy to B&H and OHR condemn Dodik’s threats with secession (Dnevni avaz)


Spokesperson for the EU Delegation to B&H Ferdinand Koenig told the daily that threats with secession are unacceptable, groundless and unrealistic. “These contribute to climate of distrust and tensions. RS President Milorad Dodik signed the coalition agreement and publicly expressed commitment to work on European integration of B&H. We urge him to stick to his promises. The European Union is beyond any doubt committed to territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of B&H”, Koenig said. The US Embassy to B&H stated that USA has always supported and will continue to support the territorial integrity, sovereignty and multiethnic character of B&H: “Secessionist rhetoric and threats to the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) are irresponsible, dangerous and harmful for progress of B&H toward Euro-Atlantic integration”. The Office of the High Representative (OHR) stated that “the announcement of the RS President is unconstitutional, irresponsible and does not serve the best interests of citizens of this country. As in line with the Peace Agreement, the entities do not have the right to secession and those exist only based on the Constitution of B&H.”


Dodik: RS not to block appointment of B&H ambassadors from Becirovic’s potential list, I hope they will contribute to faster disintegration of B&H (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik has stated that Bosniaks are continuously abusing B&H's foreign policy and the diplomatic-consular network, but that it was decided, having in mind that the appointment of ambassadors from the Serb people depends on the appointment of others, that consent will be given to the appointments of everyone. “We do not trust Zlatko Lagumdzija, Damir Arnaut, Sven Alkalaj and Erol Avdovic, but I hope they will contribute to faster disintegration of B&H so we will not stand in their way”, Dodik said. He added that Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic “sometimes draws attention, but it seem that he also successfully works on realization of political goals of the RS”.


Cvijanovic on foreign policy: If there is no consensus, best solution is neutral position; B&H did not impose sanctions against Russia (BHT1)


B&H Presidency Chair Zeljka Cvijanovic speaking about political situation in B&H and B&H’s foreign policy, stated that there are many foreign policy issues on which there is no consensus in B&H. In such case, the best solution is to assume a neutral position, Cvijanovic noted. However, she noted, lack of coherent internal policies makes it difficult to communicate a coherent foreign policy. According to Cvijanovic, it is necessary to bring more order in relations within B&H, which will have a positive impact on B&H’s foreign policy as well. Cvijanovic emphasized the importance of restoring trust and the importance of dialogue and internal agreement. Asked to comment the fact that statements on Russian politicians indicate that B&H did not impose sanctions against Russia, while messages coming from the EU indicate the opposite, Cvijanovic said that the problem lies in the fact that some B&H ambassadors acted on instructions received by former B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic who did not consult B&H Presidency on such important matters despite the fact that B&H Presidency is responsible for B&H’s foreign policy. As a result, some ambassadors voted in favour of some resolutions without B&H Presidency’s stance. “On the operative level, in real life, there are no sanctions because no B&H institutions discussed them or made any decisions in favour or against sanctions. You have absolute administrative, institutional silence on these topics, and no actions”, she noted, and emphasized that there are no sanctions against Russia in B&H.


B&H Minister of Defense Helez confirms that he has intelligence data predicting political downfall of Dodik; Reaction of Dodik (ATV)


B&H Defense Minister Zukan Helez claimed that he has intelligence which predicts the political downfall of RS President Milorad Dodik. The ATV journalist said that this is not the first time that political Sarajevo attacks the RS and its officials. Dodik stated that this is para-intelligence information, and that it is not surprising that he talks like that, considering that he goes to foreign embassies for advice. Helez claims that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is turning his back on Dodik. He said that Vucic is forming a party in Serbia, and that the party formed by Jelena Trivic will be a ‘daughter’ of the party that Vucic will form in Serbia. He believes that this is bad news for Dodik. Dodik replied that Vucic always respected the will of the people, just as the RS authorities respect the will of the people in Serbia. He also said that everyone has the right to form a party, and that he doubts that Helez knows what Vucic is planning. He pointed out that he has good relations with Vucic, that the RS and Serbia are functioning well, and emphasized that he respects the legitimacy of the elections. Dodik believes that the fact that, at a time when foreigners in B&H are undermining the RS, Helez presents such data shows where he goes for his opinion. He also said that the political Sarajevo accuses the RS of provoking conflicts, while in fact the only ones provoking conflicts are the Muslim leaders from Sarajevo. He reminded that the RS is considering severing relations with the US and British embassies and officials due to their hostile attitude towards the RS. Meanwhile, B&H Deputy Minister of Defense Aleksandar Goganovic that believes that Helez statement is extremely unprofessional and unnecessary. He noted that everyone who called for the fall of Dodik experienced their own fall. He noted that there is no military-intelligence agency in B&H. He pointed out that within the B&H Ministry of Defense there is a military-intelligence unit that collects such data, but he also reminded that commenting on such data is prohibited by law. He believes that Federation of B&H (FB&H) politicians divert attention from their problems in such ways. He said he feared Helez would end up on the US blacklist. He also commented on the policy of SDA. He said that he believes that now that SDA is losing power, it is somehow making desperate moves by attacking RS officials. He also said that his position is to cooperate with NATO, but not to join NATO. He pointed out that this is his position, the position of SNSD and the RS. He believes that joining NATO would be a violation of the Dayton Agreement, which would be very dangerous for B&H. He commented that he did not want to meet with British officials when they were visiting B&H. He said that he does not want to be with people who come to B&H and humiliate the RS by declaring that they do not want to meet with the highest RS officials. In the end, he sent message to politicians at the B&H level who come from the RS to follow the policy of SNSD, RS and Dodik.


SDA Main Board holds meeting; Izetbegovic: US ambassadors fall for gossip of Sarajevo coffee shops and SDA opposition (O Kanal)


SDA held a regular session of the main board on Saturday. At the session, several conclusions were reached regarding the most important topics in B&H at the moment. They called on the international community to sanction those who work against B&H. They asked the US Embassy for evidence of SDA crime and corruption. They also touched on the topic of withdrawing the diploma of the Director of the Clinical Center in Sarajevo Sebija Izetbegovic. They believe that the reason for taking away her diploma is an attempt to prevent the SDA from forming the FB&H government. In the end, they emphasize that the FB&H Government can only be formed in accordance with the FB&H Constitution, and they called on the parties to adhere to the Constitution. After the session, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic said that the former Director of the Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) of B&H Osman Mehmedagic was blacklisted by the US based on gossip from the Sarajevo coffee shops, which the American ambassadors fell for. Izetbegovic further confirmed his position and said that if they prove that SDA is a mafia organization, he will withdraw. He said that he will think what to do next if it is proven that SDA received any funds from criminals via Mehmedagic, because such a party should not be in power. Izetbegovic stated: “The US Embassy falls for the gossip of the Sarajevo taverns and the SDA opposition. So, the segment from the prosecutor’s offices”. The reporter reminded that the statement from the US authorities said that Mehmedagic was put on the US blacklist due to involvement in corruption, abuse of ‘BH Telecom’ company, but also cooperation with criminal networks, in order to enrich himself and SDA. Izetbegovic also referred to the cancellation of his wife Sebija Izetbegovic's master's degree, which happened despite the delivered student booklets. He said that keeping the diploma is not Sebija Izetbegovic's obligation. He connected all of the above with his father Alija Izetbegovic, former President of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito's partisans and genocide. Izetbegovic said that his father was convicted to 14 years of prison 40 years ago based on false allegation of planned ethnic cleansing. He said that Tito’s communists and partisans committed ethnic cleansing while his father stopped them. Izetbegovic said they will defend themselves with the truth.

The reporter reminded that the Head of the Office of Sanctions Coordination of the US State Department James O'Brien made a statement regarding the US sanctions and said that the US is ready to present the evidence related to Mehmedagic to judicial institutions. O'Brien said these decisions are made after a lengthy research process and nothing happens overnight. In addition to Mehmedagic, the SDA Main Board also referred to RS President Milorad Dodik's policy. They said that the international community should stop Dodik. SDA Main Board called on ‘The Troika’ parties to give up their intention to appoint someone close to HDZ B&H as a judge of the Constitutional Court of B&H. They called on the international community to stop, as they said, openly favouring the political forces responsible for the blockades and obstructions, while at the same time trying to eliminate the political forces that successfully opposed destructive policies, and which received, as stated, the majority support of patriotically oriented voters. Whether this means that B&H patriots vote exclusively for SDA was not clarified, noted the reporter. President of the SDA Main Board Jasmina Biscevic-Tokic claimed: “The Troika parties do not have the capacity and references to effectively oppose the policies of the SNSD-HDZ bloc, which weakens the position of the state and its institutions”. Izetbegovic once again called for the formation of a concentration government in which SDA should also enter. Izetbegovic stated: “I think that this whole thing will move from ‘The Eight’, towards some Troika, the Four, the Five, which will gather around SDA, that is, around SDA-DF policies that are patriotic, that do not calculate”.


Cvijanovic: Croatia is interested in good neighborly relations; agreement on borders with Croatia will have to be ratified eventually (BHT1)


B&H Presidency Chair Zeljka Cvijanovic, asked about her recent visit to Croatia and the plans of Croatia to build a radioactive waste disposal site in Trgovska Gora near B&H border, Cvijanovic reminded that local communities in the area and citizens who live nearby expressed great concerns and asked Croatia to reconsider its plans. She also reminded that according to the Espoo Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment, such disposal sites should be built near the source of radioactive waste. Cvijanovic also said that B&H has expressed interest in participating in the Environmental Impact Assessment for the Trgovska Gora project, and B&H authorities will continue working towards preventing the radioactive waste disposal site being built so close to B&H border. Speaking about her meetings with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and President Zoran Milanovic, Cvijanovic said that she feels encouraged by the fact that they are both interested in good neighborly relations, cooperation and joint projects. “I am primarily pleased by the fact that we have been reassured that they too are interested in peace, stability and security of the region, and finally that they are in favour of the Dayton set-up”, said Cvijanovic. She noted that she shares these views and she knows that a reset or going back to the pre-Dayton Agreement state is not possible. Cvijanovic emphasized that the Dayton Peace Agreement brought the new B&H Constitution, new structure and new internal organization of B&H, and it is necessary to focus on how to make it functional and how to gain benefit from that structure. Speaking about the open issues between B&H and Croatia, Cvijanovic reminded that B&H and Croatia still have not ratified the agreement on borders which was negotiated and signed a long time ago, back in 1999. She noted that the agreement on borders will have to be ratified eventually and added that her visit to Zagreb was an opportunity to openly discuss all these issues. Asked to comment the planned increase of salaries in B&H institutions, Cvijanovic said that the intention was to increase salaries for civil servants and employees of B&H institutions who have been working for many years without a pay raise. Considering the fact that the increase of salaries will also apply to elected and appointed officials whose salaries are already very high, Cvijanovic said that they will be expected to donate a portion of their salary to a charity cause of their choice. Cvijanovic noted that increase of salaries of civil servants and employees in state institutions was necessary because of inflation and growing prices of basic necessities.


Cvijanovic and Milanovic announce that Croatia will finalize access road to connect it with new bridge on Sava River in Gradiska (Vijesti)


After the meeting of Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic and Croatian President Zoran Milanovic in Zagreb on Thursday, it was announced that Croatia will, within one year, finalize the construction of the access road that will be connected to the newly constructed bridge on the Sava Bridge in Gradiska. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Milanovic said that the finalization of the project is “primarily in the interest of RS, but is also in our interest. Additionally, we promised that”. Cvijanovic said the project is included “in the strategic plans of the RS, but also within B&H”, noting it is important for the citizens, students, local companies, but also for tourists.


Djukanovic and Milatovic to run for president on 2 April (CdM)


According to the preliminary results of the just concluded voting for the President of Montenegro, the current head of state and DPS candidate Milo Djukanovic, who won 35.3% of the votes, and the candidate of the Europe Now Movement, Jakov Milatovic, who won 28.9% of the votes, are to compete in the second round of the presidential race. The second round is to be held on 2 April. The campaign was mostly peaceful and without, as is usually the case in Montenegro, overly “harsh words”. There were no usual tensions. The main topics during the campaign were the state and its sovereignty, the European future, but also economic ones, so salaries, pensions and the standard of living were often discussed. What can be said is that this campaign was full of populism. Numerous topics that have little connection with the position of the president were treated, but it seems that they were also treading the ground for the upcoming parliamentary elections. Djukanovic said during the pre-election campaign that in this election Montenegro would defend not only the chosen path to the future, but also the very survival of the state, because only such a civil, multi-ethnic and European Montenegro could last. At the final convention in Podgorica, Milatovic said that Montenegro would be a successful country, where citizens would live with dignity from their work and knowledge. The DPS presidential candidate, Milo Djukanovic, won 37.6% of the votes in the north, while his opponent, Jakov Milatovic (Europe Now), won 23.8%. In the central region, Milatovic won 35.1% of the vote, and Djukanovic 31.9%. In the south, 37.3% of voters supported Djukanovic and 23.6% supported Milatovic.


Bogdanovic: Dynamic activities and complete mobilization of the electorate to follow (CdM)


The General Secretary of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Aleksandar Bogdanovic has announced that dynamic activities and complete mobilization of the electorate will now follow. He has tweeted that this refers to the electorate that is loyal to the European and civil idea, and that he is sure that victory will happen on 2 April. Bogdanovic adds that a result above 35% was something they expected ahead of the first round.


Besic: Enough of divisions, economy in focus; citizens tired of stories about independence and threatened country (RTCG)


Political analyst Milos Besic says after the first round of presidential election that the citizens sent a clear message that they wanted an economic story, and a focus on social and economic issues. The presidential candidate of the Democratic Party of Socialists, Milo Djukanovic, won 35.3% of the vote, and the candidate of the Europe Now Movement, Jakov Milatovic, won 29.3%, according to data from the Center for Monitoring and Research (CeMI). “Citizens no longer want divisions, they want to get out of that framework. Citizens are tired of talking about the independence of Montenegro, the threats to the country, nobody feels that the country is endangered. Citizens want an economic story, and social and economic topics got their five minutes”, says Besic. He adds that this is a message to all political actors to stop dealing with divisions and “metaphysical political issues”. Commenting on the results of the election, he says that it is clear that citizens appreciate new people and options. He believes that in the future the center of the political scene will be the center-left party Europe Now and the Democrats. “Now we have a center, a left center, a civic bloc of Democrats and the Europe Now movement, which in the coming period will be the most serious political option that has the capacity to dominate these two poles that have traditionally created the atmosphere on the political scene”, concludes Besic. Compared to the last presidential election in 2018, Djukanovic lost about 60,000 votes yesterday. In the 2018 elections, Djukanovic had 180,272 votes, yesterday he had about 120,000 votes. For Besic, the results of the presidential election are expected and, as he states, Milatovic is the favourite to win in the second round.


Djukanovic: Early parliamentary election on 11 June (CdM)


President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic has called for the extraordinary parliamentary election on 11 June. In a news conference, Djukanovic has pointed out that everyone in Montenegro is aware of a deep political and institutional crisis, primarily caused by the irresponsibility and legal adventures of the existing parliamentary majority capable of achieving its political goals through unconstitutional actions. “As the president of all citizens, I persistently adhered to the Constitution, taking into account not to contribute to the mentioned political and institutional crisis while performing my duties”. The President also recalls that the 43rd Montenegrin government didn’t survive a vote of no confidence on 20 August. Meanwhile, the conditions have been met, he adds, to adopt a decree on dissolving parliament in line with Article 92 paragraph 3 of the Constitution (an act having stronger legal force than laws), which he did. “That’s why today, by following the determined constitutional course of institutional procedures, and by interpreting and applying Article 92 paragraph 5 of the highest legal act, alongside the supporting norms of the Law on Election of Councillors and MPs, I made the Decision on Calling for early Parliamentary Election, which will be held on 11 June this year,” Djukanovic said.


North Macedonia’s President: We support Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (MIA)


North Macedonia’s President Stevo Pendarovski said on 17 March that his country supported the EU mediated Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue to “find a comprehensive solution and normalize relations between the two states.” The Office of the President reported the president had expressed support for the Dialogue during a meeting with the EU’s special envoy for the Western Balkans and the Dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, with whom he also discussed the latest developments in the Western Balkans, the situation in Kosovo and the expectations surrounding the Dialogue, the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the necessity to protect regional stability. North Macedonia’s Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski also supported the Dialogue in Ohrid, on March 17, and said he expected it to fully define the path to normalizing relations between Kosovo and Serbia, the Government of Skopje said.

Pendarovski: Process of our approaching to the EU taking place at a satisfactory pace at this stage (MIA)

President Stevo Pendarovski met Friday with the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission Josep Borrell and discussed the current situation related to the European aspirations of the Republic of North Macedonia, the reform progress in key areas, as well as the political situation in the country and in the region. Pendarovski and Borrell in the statements following their meeting said exchanged opinions and information on the course of accession negotiations of the Republic of North Macedonia and the screening process and praised the holding of today’s meeting of the Stabilization and Association Council. “Formally, Mr. Borrell is today for a meeting of the Stabilization and Association Council, which is taking place for the first time in Skopje, which is another sign or confirmation that the process of our approaching to the European Union is taking place at a satisfactory pace at this stage, even though it is still the technical phase, for scanning the conditions in the vital areas, however the assessments from Brussels are that our answers regarding all the questions and dilemmas raised in this phase are at a high quality level, which should not be surprising considering that we were preparing for the negotiations for seventeen years, and we are one of the best prepared candidates for negotiations with the European Union,” Pendarovski said. Borrell said that he had the opportunity to brief the President on the outcomes of the today’s Stabilization and Association Council, which, as President has said, the first ever in this country and appreciated his strong role and spoken supporter on the reforms needed to move North Macedonia closer to the European Union membership. “I appreciated your role, Mr. President, your strong role and spoken supporter on the reforms needed to move North Macedonia closer to the European Union membership. This reform has to be agreed and implemented for the benefit of North Macedonia. Not only on the European path, but in order to build a more vibrant democracy and a more prosperous economy.” Borrell said. Because, as he said, good neighbourhood, good relations among neighbours and regional cooperation remain essential elements of the enlargement process. “If the Western Balkans countries are to become members of the European Union, that is good, and they have to have among them good relations and good regional cooperation,” Borrell said.

Escobar: In organizing talks, North Macedonia again proved to be reliable partner of US, EU (Nezavisen)

Without the help of our friends and our allies, this would have never happened. This is another example of how North Macedonia is a reliable partner that is helping the United States and the European Union achieve regional stability, US Deputy Assistant Secretary and Special Envoy to the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar told a news conference Saturday night after the end of the 12-hour EU-mediated Ohrid talks held as part of the Belgrade–Prishtina Dialogue. After thanking Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski for organizing the meeting, Escobar congratulated Serbia’s leader and Kosovo’s leader on reaching what he said was a difficult but necessary deal to establish peaceful and predictable relations between the two countries. “This opens the door of the region to enter a new era of peace,” Escobar said. Bilateral relations between North Macedonia and the USA are excellent and reflect the countries’ long-term partnership and friendship, according to President Stevo Pendarovski and US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State overseeing policy towards the countries of the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar at their meeting in Ohrid. According to a press release from his office, President Pendarovski briefed Escobar on developments in the ongoing EU screening process and the next steps that should be taken to move forward in the country’s European integration. Pendarovski said holding the talks in Ohrid acknowledged the compromises North Macedonia had made to maintain long-term stability and to accellerate its European and Euro-Atlantic integration, showing it was a functional multi-ethnic democracy. Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski late on Friday in Ohrid also met with the US Deputy Assistant Secretary and Special Representative to the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar. At the meeting, which was attended by US Ambassador to North Macedonia Angela Aggeler, Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj and Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani, PM underlined support of the government of the Republic of North Macedonia to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina in the direction to fully defining the path to the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, the government said in a press release. PM underscored the importance of finding solutions to all open issues in the region through dialogue. They jointly concluded that with its principled foreign policy based on dialogue and compromise in the function of progress, North Macedonia as the host of this event is recognized as a credible partner of the international community.


The Kosovo-Serbia agreement in Ohrid/ Begaj: It guarantees the stability of the region (Radio Tirana)


President Bajram Begaj has welcomed the agreement between Kosovo and Serbia in Ohrid, where he adds that this will bring more peace and stability to the Western Balkan region. Begaj expresses full confidence that the EU will guarantee that the parties implement all points of the agreement. "I welcome the achievement in Ohrid of North Macedonia of the public agreement between Kosovo and Serbia and the commitment to implement the basic agreement and the relevant annex. This agreement is one more guarantee for peace, stability and the future of the region in the European Union. I believe that the guarantors of this agreement will make it binding and enforceable for the parties. I thank the European Union for the mediation and the United States of America for the strong support", writes Begaj. At the meeting in Ohrid, Kosovo and Serbia agreed to implement the agreement on the normalization of relations but did not sign a final agreement. However, the EU announced the annex that was agreed between the parties on the points that they must implement according to the European proposal.


Rama: We hope that the unsigned agreement will become an irreversible reality between Kosovo and Serbia (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama reacted after the end of the meeting held in Ohrid, North Macedonia between Prime Minister Albin Kurti and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, where the topic of discussion was the implementation of the European Union's proposal for the normalization of relations between the two countries. Mediators at this table were the high representative of the EU, Josep Borrell and the special envoy of the EU for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak. The high representative of the EU, Borrell, said that Kosovo and Serbia have reached an agreement on the implementation of the annex to the agreement to normalize relations between them. Prime Minister Rama expressed his belief that "the devil will not hide in the details tonight and that the agreed but unsigned agreement will not be another Balkan fraud!" Otherwise, this would be a historic achievement that would announce a long-awaited spring in the relations between the two largest nations of the Balkans". "And let's sincerely congratulate the four protagonists of today's Ohrid table, wishing that soon the unsigned agreement will turn into a new irreversible reality between Kosovo and Serbia, Albanians and Serbs, the Western Balkans and the European Union”, says Rama in a post on Twitter.


Integration/ Albania - EU start analytical review for the "green agenda" (Radio Tirana)


The European Union has announced the launch of the analytical review of group-chapter 4 for membership talks with Albania and North Macedonia out of 6 in total contained in the process. Analytical examination of the corpus of EU laws (acquis), the so-called screening, enables candidate countries to familiarize themselves with EU laws and standards and the obligations they entail. It is the departments of the European Commission that explain in this chapter-by-chapter format the legislative corpus of the EU, to be followed by a bilateral session where each candidate country is invited to present where it stands, according to the chapter, in its preparations for approval and implementation of the screening process. The review of group-chapter 4 is about the green agenda and sustainable connectivity. In the evaluation of the European Union, the policies of this group-chapter help the member countries to enjoy better relations and environment for energy and transport, promoting the transition of the countries towards the so-called climate neutrality until 2050! Also, in the current format of the Albania-EU relationship, 80 million euros of immediate budget support has been announced to help mitigate the high price of energy for families in need and small and medium-sized businesses. The planned benefit is that about 1 million families in need will receive financial support for energy bills and 168 thousand small and medium enterprises will be supported to cope with the high price of energy.