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Belgrade Media Report 5 June



Vucic: Escalation can happen every day. Kurti won't stop (TV Prva/B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was on Saturday a guest on TV Prva, discussing situation in Kosovo and Metohija, protests, elections and attacks from the region. "I'm glad that people in Serbia are satisfied that the results of responsible politics can sometimes be seen. But I'm not optimistic. Before coming to this show, five advisers told me not to be grumpy, not to be pessimistic, but I see things differently," he said. "As I think this footage was wrongly chosen. Against the Serbs. They don't show the moment when you can see who started the conflict. That was done by the police of so-called Kosovo, not NATO. They tried to drag Igor Simic in as well as Rados and Dusan. To drag them out and transfer them to their side of the cordon. The police shot at Dragisa Galjak, he has children, he's got a granddaughter three weeks ago. They almost killed him, doctors were fighting for his life. Everyone pretended that it didn't happen. The only images we see are of injured NATO soldiers. It's not their fault, but the only one who was shot is Dragisa Galjak, tomorrow I will go to visit him," he said. "Everyone knows that Kurti is guilty and that it is not in disputable. I have nothing to hide, he knows that whatever he does, the Americans will be in favor of preserving the so-called independence of Kosovo, that up to a thousand of Serbians soldiers and policemen must not be allowed to return to Kosovo," he said. “He knows that whatever he does, the Americans, English and Germans will say that the so-called independence of Kosovo must be maintained, that the Serb must not be allowed to endanger the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Kosovo, not allow Serbian soldiers and police to return'', Vucic said. "And when you ask what's up with the ZSO, they say it needs to be done, there's nothing to be done. It's signed. Kurti won't stop sending special forces. Every day it can escalate. Because Kurti dreams about war and dreams of being Zelensky. It is not a problem for him that someone else is fighting for him, they want NATO to enter into a conflict with Serbia, and it is not in our interest to wage war," he said. He said that the conversation with Scholz and Macron was very difficult and that he was very sharp, and that he told them all kinds of things within the limits of decency. He said that there are still many conversations to be had before he knows what awaits us. "When I see all these ideas, then I have to invite the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija to consult with them," said Vucic. "I have to see what our people will get, what the Serbs will get," he said. "We want peace, compromise and lowering of tensions. That's what every Serb wants, but please excuse me, I've listened to so much, and had to endure, it's getting more and more difficult for me about Kosovo and Metohija", he added. "I am not an optimist, we have difficult days ahead. We are ready to talk and de-escalate," said Vucic. He reminds that Kurti wants to take part in the overthrow of Vucic in Belgrade. "He has to get in line, he's fifth or sixth there, there are as many as you want. Even in Chisinau, they only talked about Serbia, Putin, sanctions against Russia... That's their only story, they don't know anything else to say," he said. Regarding the interview on CNN and the public's impression of it, Vucic says that it was a technically demanding interview for him.


Vucic to the opposition: What do you actually want?

"If we can't talk in a rational way, then what's left. On the one hand, you have voluntary donors of other people's blood, who won't go to Rudare, but will go to Autokomanda. And someone else has to fight for a normal Serbia. Unfortunately, in the era of social media, you have two extremes, and that normality in the middle remains exposed, can you be anything but decent and rational. And whatever you do, it would never be good enough," said Vucic. "I would have liked the most if we had made a joint fight against violence, a million of us should have gathered. Unfortunately, that did not happen," said Vucic.

About the People's Movement

Vucic also commented on the establishment of the People's Movement for the State and his resignation from the position of SNS party president. When asked if the Movement is a replacement for SNS, he said: "There is no substitute for the SNS, for me it is the best political organization, it is my second home, I have been in the SNS for 15 years, but I am not the president anymore, which is completely normal". He added that SNS rebuilt schools, roads, railways, built hospitals, that we have stable public finances, that it changed the face of Serbia. "I will be a member of the initial committee in the People's Movement, I want the movement to get a wide range of decent and normal people who are able to come to an agreement, not to threaten, not to support Kurti just because they are against Vucic. That's why I think that this movement is ideal for new energy, new victories. They will not defeat me in the elections because they only wanted to overthrow me, to break into the Parliament, into the RTS... But when the people don't want you because you don't have a policy or anything to offer, then that's something different. I will withdraw from politics on my own, when I make that decision," said the President. Vucic added that he will participate in the next elections, and then... "You have to know when it's time for you, when it's over, when it's time to withdraw. But these guys won't win," he said.


Vucic: I would never support dismissal of Interior Minister Gasic (Beta/FoNet)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that he would never support the removal of the Minister of the Interior Bratislav Gasic and assessed that Serbia would be the safest country in Europe if mass murders had not occurred in the Vladislav Ribnikar Elementary School in Belgrade and in the vicinity of Mladenovac. At a ceremony in the Palace of Serbia, marking the Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Day of the Police, Vucic said that there is no serious murder in Serbia that has not been solved. “If there were no mass murders in the Belgrade Elementary School Vladislav Ribnikar and Mladenovac, we could say that we are the safest country in Europe,” Vucic told reporters. “They are asking for the removal of the Minister of the Interior Bratislav Gasic in order to demand my resignation. Then we should go to a referendum on whether the people are satisfied with their president”, said Vucic. He stressed he would never support Gasic’s removal. “He is one of the best of us. No one in the world would accuse the police and state leadership of these mass murders. That will go down in the history of dishonour,” Vucic said. Vucic said that his job is to endure even “death threats”, adding that those at the “Serbia against violence” protest on Saturday carried a doll depicting the hanged president. He said that Gasic knows that he receives death threats daily, over two hundred so far.


Vucic spoke from the Presidency: It's time to unite (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed the citizens and said that we need to unite.

"It's time to unite in an attempt to move our country forward, in an attempt to raise the growth rate, to lower the stalled inflation below 8 percent, to improve the living standards of our people. To translate all our differences into our democratic advantages, but to start dealing with serious problems. We who had to deal with the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, but also everyone else should do everything we can so that our country moves forward. This is a call to all people in Serbia. Thank you all. To those who threatened to hang me and those who we sent messages of support. We can only move into the future together, which will mean a better life for our people," Vucic said on Instagram.


Vucic has a new message: Citizens of Serbia, on Wednesday... (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed all citizens of Serbia, with the message that in democratic societies things are resolved through dialogue, announcing important news. "Exactly ten days have passed since I invited those who are protesting and who made certain demands to come and talk. They have not responded. They are not interested in talking. I am sorry for that and I think it is a big mistake," Vucic said in a message published on Instagram. "In democratic societies, things are solved by talking. Things are not solved by calling me, Ana, Sinisa, anyone, every day, abnormal, madmen, murderers, criminals, all the while knowing how much you are deceiving the public. Things are solved by talks, compromises and agreements," stated Vucic. "Since we have all the time in the world to wait for those talks, we will continue to do so because discussing things is the most important. Compromise is always a good word. I believe that someone will be encouraged to start talking. It will be a great achievement for our society", added the President of Serbia. On the other hand, as he points out, we have no time to waste when it comes to our Serbia. "And that's why in the coming days we will come out with new plans, new programs, big ideas, but also extraordinary news for our citizens. On Wednesday, we will disclose and show everything I'm talking about, because we're working hard on it as a team. People will, I'm sure, be very satisfied," said Vucic. "I invite everyone else to work, to work, to work and to work, as never before, even more strongly because we will have a difficult time regarding Kosovo and Metohija and many other geopolitical issues. I invite Serbia to unite on Wednesday before the arrival of the Indian president or just before her arrival in Belgrade, the citizens of Serbia will have a lot of important news, both political, economic and all other. Long live Serbia," concluded Vucic.


Government's priority preservation of peace, stability (RTS/RTV/Politika/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met on Friday with Rapporteur of the European Parliament for Serbia Vladimir Bilcik and member of the Delegation of the EP Committee for Stabilisation and Accession to the EU Matjaz Nemec, with whom she discussed current issues. At the beginning of the meeting, members of the EU delegation expressed their deepest condolences regarding the tragic events that shook Serbia and emphasised that the people of the EU are with Serbia. Brnabic pointed out that the Working Group for Mental Health and Youth Support was formed, which consists of experts from various fields in order to provide everyone with the necessary and adequate help. Brnabic emphasised that the priority of the government of Serbia and President Aleksandar Vucic is the preservation of peace and stability and that they are always ready to talk with representatives of the opposition in order to hear their demands and find a common solution. On behalf of the delegation of the European Parliament, MP Bilcik thanked the Prime Minister for the open conversation, and confirmed the determination of the European Parliament to provide support to the Serbian parliament in strengthening democratic institutions and rules in order to foster a culture of dialogue. Members of the European Parliament have listened to the views of the opposition parties and are now meeting with the parties of the ruling coalition. The meeting was attended by Ambassador and Head of the Delegation of the EU in Serbia Emanuele Giaufret and former members of the European Parliament, Knut Fleckenstein and Alojze Peterle, who agreed with the Prime Minister that dialogue is key to preserving peace and stability.


Further improve cooperation between Serbia, UNEP (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met Friday with Under-Secretary of the United Nations and the Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Inger Andersen, who is on her first working visit to Serbia and the region. The officials discussed current topics that the UNEP deals with – climate change, nature conservation and pollution and their global impact. On that occasion, Andersen pointed out, among other things, the need to employ young people from Serbia in the UNEP, which was supported and welcomed by us. At the meeting, they highlighted the notable role of Serbia in the bodies and processes within the Programme and the mutual willingness to continue and improve the good cooperation between Serbia and UNEP.


Dacic holds numerous meetings with world statesmen in Ankara (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic attended the inauguration of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday, as an envoy of President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic. In a statement to journalists, Dacic said that the ceremony was attended by a large number of dignitaries at various levels, from heads of state and government, to foreign ministers and parliament speakers. He assessed that bilateral relations with Turkey are developing in a good direction, expressing the expectation that in the next mandate of President Erdogan, our relations will be even better in all fields, from political, economic, cultural, tourism, and in all other fields, which we have been developing successfully in the last decades. He used the opportunity to meet and talk with a large number of his colleagues. According to Dacic, this was a significant day for our country, because we were present at a place where a large number of world officials gathered.


Vucevic: High risk situation in northern Kosovo (Politika)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said on 4 June that the security situation in northern Kosovo remained high risk due to the "unilateral, illegal and illegitimate decisions of the Pristina administration". "And, to call things by their true name, it is occupied by the ethnic Albanian administration in Pristina," Vucevic, also President of the Serbian Progressive Party told Politika. He said that Belgrade strongly believed "it is always better to look for a political solution rather than conflict". "We will see how Pristina reacts to the sanctions announced by Washington," he added. According to him, the Army of Serbia will remain at the highest level of combat readiness until further notice and that it would be "ready to execute any order and task given to it by supreme commander and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic". "We will not allow the line in the sand to be crossed and that means shooting at our people, our children, the seizure of their property and expelling them from their hearths. We are fighting a political and diplomatic battle and urge everyone to come to their senses and make Kurti see reason," Vucevic stressed.


Petkovic: We demand release of innocent Serbs (Tanjug/RTV/Politika)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic demanded on Monday an urgent reaction by the international community and a release of two peaceful Serb protesters kidnapped by Pristina's police in Zvecan a week ago. "Photos and footage made on that day are clear proof that Rados and Dusan were arrested before any unrest in Zvecan," Petkovic wrote in a Twitter post that also included photos and video footage from last Monday's protests in Zvecan. "It is evident that Kurti is arresting and persecuting innocent Serbs!" he added. In a message to EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak, the Head of the OSCE mission to Kosovo and Metohija Michael Davenport, EULEX Chief Lars-Gunnar Wigemark and UNMIK, Petkovic asked them if they had seen that unambiguous evidence, and demanded an urgent reaction and a release of the two Serbs.


SSP leader: Russia’s ambassador interfering with Serbia’s internal affairs (N1)


Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) Vice President Borko Stefanovic said that the statement of the Russian Ambassador to Serbia Botsan-Kharchenko represents interference in the internal affairs of the country. “Ambassador Kharchenko surely knows that it is neither correct nor diplomatically allowed to comment on the processes of change in our country, and that it depends exclusively on the citizens of Serbia, and not on any foreign official,” Stefanovic said, according to the party. Stefanovic called Ambassador Kharchenko’s assertion that mass gatherings against violence and division in Serbia were organized from outside and that they are connected to the attacks on Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija “offensive and false”. “Ambassador Kharchenko has already shown many times that he does not understand that Serbia is a sovereign state whose citizens do not want conspiracy theories and lies like those from the 90s,” he stressed. “Ambassador Kharchenko can dream that Serbia is a Russian governorate, but that dream is not shared by the citizens of Serbia,” he said, arguing that Kharchenko insulted the citizens of Serbia, “who in their grief expect an end to violence and division and who are not anyone’s puppet”. On Saturday, Kharchenko said that the coinciding escalation of the situation in Kosovo and the protests in Belgrade represents “obvious pressure” on the Serbian leadership and that “the goal of the West is to change Serbia’s policy”.


EU urges Kosovo and Serbia to “immediately and unconditionally” de-escalate (N1)


The EU condemned “the violent acts against citizens, KFOR troops, law enforcement, and media in the north of Kosovo”, noting that the violence could have been avoided and must be avoided in the future. In a press release, the EU said it “stands firmly behind NATO’s mission KFOR and EU’s mission EULEX in fulfilling their respective mandates”. “We urge both Kosovo and Serbia to immediately and unconditionally take measures to de-escalate, stop using divisive rhetoric and refrain from any further uncoordinated actions. Calm needs to be restored urgently. The EU is ready to implement resolute measures. Failure to de-escalate the tensions will lead to negative consequences,” it said. It said it expects Kosovo to “act in a non-escalatory way and immediately suspend police operations in the vicinity of the municipal buildings in the north of Kosovo” and that the mayors should temporarily perform their duties in premises other than the municipal buildings. “Early elections should be announced as soon as possible in all four municipalities and organised in a fully inclusive manner. We expect Kosovo Serbs to take part in these elections,” it said. The EU is also concerned over the Serbian Armed Forces’ highest alert status. “The EU expects both Kosovo and Serbia to act responsibly and engage immediately in the EU-facilitated dialogue to find a sustainable solution to the situation in the north of Kosovo that guarantees safety, security and participatory democracy for all citizens and paves the way for the implementation of the Agreement on the Path to Normalisation and its Annex. This includes to start without any further delay or precondition the work to establish the Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities,’ the press release said.


Fifth Serbia Against Violence protest held in Belgrade (Beta)


On Saturday, protestors took to the streets for the fifth time to participate in the Serbia against Violence protest, where the organizers announced the next gathering for next week. The marchers took more than an hour to pass by the building housing the Serbian Presidency, chanting "Resign, resign" and "Vucic, go away" with their mobile telephone lights on as they passed. The rally was held one month after the mass murder of nine students and a security guard at the Vladislav Ribnikar elementary school. There is no official estimate of how many protesters there were, but unofficially the number of protesters was in the tens of thousands. Actor Dragan Bjelogrlic said at the protest that "we owe" it to the children murdered in the Vladislav Ribnikar school "to find the truth and secure justice". He called on young people not to despise or mock the people "who were forced" to get on buses and take part in recent demonstrations for Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic staged under the slogan "A Serbia of Hope". The organizers announced they would not abandon their demands that the members of the Electronic Media Regulatory Authority's Council be sacked along with the management of the Serbian Broadcasting Corporation, the closure of a number of pro-regime print media outlets and the termination of the programs and national broadcasting licenses of TV stations that promote violence. The protesters also want Serbian Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic and Security and Information Agency director Aleksandar Vulin to be dismissed.


The Serbs are in front of the municipalities in the north of Kosovo for the tenth day (B92)


Serbs gather near the buildings of local governments in the north of Kosovo and Metohija for the tenth day in a row. KFOR is still located in the immediate vicinity of the municipal building and on all approaches to Zvecan. The Serbs insist on the demands that the Albanian presidents of the municipalities do not enter the official facilities, that the special police officers also leave the buildings, and that the arrested Rados Petrovic and Dusan Obrenovic be released. With an appeal for peace, more than 160 intellectuals - Serbs from all parts of Kosovo and Metohija, addressed the international community to use urgent measures to stop the further escalation of violence and create conditions for peace. In order to calm the situation, the EU and the USA are asking Pristina to hold new elections, the participation of Serbs in them and the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities.


Spasovski: Prosperity of citizens depends on fulfillment of country’s obligations, including constitutional changes (Politika)


North Macedonia Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski in an interview for Politika pointed out that the prosperity of the citizens depends on the fulfilment of the country’s obligations, which include the constitutional amendments. According to him, this is a step for the country’s future, and during this period, every effort must be made to reach a consensus over the amendments through parliamentary dialogue. The Interior Minister said it is hypocritical to only declare that we want to be in the EU without taking political responsibility for it.  “The opposition shows indecisiveness and a lack of vision, it must adjust to the European conditions and re-examine its actions in a self-critical manner. Although the inclusion of the Bulgarians within the Constitution is a thorn in the side, I see it as an added value for us - to finally bury the long-standing thesis that we are one nation with them,” stressed Spasovski. Asked how much the state has done in terms of the fight against corruption, Spasovski said that no one is protected by the law anymore. “No one is protected by law anymore, not even the officials of the current government. In 2021, 50 percent more crimes related to corruption were detected and corrupt activities of around Mden 149 million were prevented, while in 2022, 124 corrupt acts were detected for which 164 perpetrators were criminally charged. This is proof that not only the institutions help the fight against corruption, but also the public awareness of the citizens, who have more trust in the police,” says Spasovski. Regarding the question of how much UN and NATO membership, as well as the strategic partnership with the United States mean for North Macedonia in terms of preserving its territorial integrity and sovereignty, Spasovski emphasized that as a result of these partnerships and brave, statesmanlike decisions, the country has protected its national identity, while as a result of a functional policy of dialogue and understanding, the country has become a factor of stability in the Western Balkans. “I am convinced that we will be able to guarantee the security and stability of the territorial integrity of the country, at the regional level, only by completing the Euro-Atlantic integration of the region and its democratic transformation,” said Spasovski.




Becirovic and Osmani discuss ratification of mobility agreements (Dnevni avaz)


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was sworn in as head of state at a ceremony held in the Turkish parliament on Saturday. Meanwhile, Member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Denis Becirovic met on a sidelines with Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani. “Ratification of three regional agreements on mobility within Berlin Process must not be blocked in B&H. Such policy is damaging for all citizens in B&H. At the last regular session of B&H Presidency, I insisted on adoption of all three regional agreements in a package”, said Becirovic.


Dodik says RS maintains stance to elect B&H Presidency member directly in its territory, argues current B&H CEC was not appointed legally (Nezavisne)


Republika Srpska (RS) President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik stated on Friday that the RS maintains its stance to elect a member of the Presidency of B&H in a direct manner in its territory and this will not change. Dodik told media that the mentioned stance of Serbs is well known and added that Bosniaks and Croats are free to reach their own agreement in this context. “We want to be included in all other matters related to the Election Law of B&H. For example, we suggested in past that the threshold should increase from 3% to 5% in terms of elimination the foundations of political corruption, which would enable political parties to be undisputable holders of mandates, i.e. the mandate should belong to a political party and not to individuals”, Dodik stated. Dodik went on to say that Serb representatives believe that the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H, in its current form, usurped the right to carry out elections at the level of the RS for the RS President, RS parliament and House of Peoples (HoP) of B&H parliament, as well as the RS Council of Peoples and local elections. “We deem these are not under the jurisdiction of this commission, but it is under the jurisdiction of the Election Commission of the RS. One of our basic demands will be to finally solve this matter and that the only thing B&H CEC can do is to carry out elections at the level of the Presidency and representatives in the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H. This is its task and everything else is usurpation”, Dodik claimed. Dodik also reminded that the ruling coalition at the level of B&H, during the process of formation of the authorities, said that B&H CEC was not appointed legally and that this issue will be solved in the upcoming period of time. “We are now looking into ways of how to solve it, and one of those is to adopt a decision in the parliament to dismiss members of B&H CEC and appoint a new commission. The second way is to make interventions in the law and define a precondition to appoint a new commission. We will select the way that will be the least disputable in legal context”, Dodik concluded.


Erdogan sworn in for presidential term; B&H leaders and politicians attend ceremony (ATV)


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was sworn in as head of state at a ceremony held in the Turkish parliament on Saturday. After the inauguration in the Turkish parliament, a ceremony was held in the presidential palace in Ankara, which was attended, among others, by President of RS Milorad Dodik and Serb member and Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic. The other two members of the B&H Presidency, Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic, were also present. This is Erdogan’s third presidential mandate after he won the second round of Turkish presidential elections and thereby extended his reign for another five years. “Today is the day of unity, strengthening our thousand-year-old brotherhood," Erdogan said at his swearing-in ceremony. Erdogan stressed that “the path to the rise of Turkey is now before us.” "Turkey entered a new path after the casting of votes ended and the results were announced. The Century of Turkey has begun, and the doors of our country's growth have been opened," Erdogan said at his inauguration ceremony. Cvijanovic noted that she expects that Turkey will have a realistic approach towards B&H and that as a large country it will be able to influence stability where necessary. According to Cvijanovic, Turkey and its president Erdogan have “a balanced approach”. Cvijanovic said she is pleased with Erdogan's attitude towards the politicians in B&H, that they should try to reach an agreement themselves, and not wait for solutions from outside. “He said that we should not count on ready-made solutions. Already at that moment, I knew that this was the interlocutor with whom I can continue the political story”, underlined Cvijanovic. She stated that Turkey is a big country and that she is sure that it will try to contribute to the overall configuration of some new world that appears on the scene and that it will be able to influence stability where necessary. Dodik said that he is grateful to Erdogan for the invitation and congratulated him on his great election victory. “I believe that he is a serious president. Of course, I have no illusions about everything, but in any case, the fact is that we can talk and that his approach is always related to respecting all partners,” Dodik said. Dodik added that “constant calls for an agreement to be reached within B&H, without expecting any solutions from the side, is something that gives us a framework for these possible talks.” Dodik said that Erdogan respects all partners and is in favor of an internal agreement in B&H. “Since my mandate in the B&H Presidency and even before, I have had personal contacts with him. I think this is a serious president. Of course, I have no illusions, but the fact is that we can talk and that all partners are respected”, noted Dodik, who said he is grateful that Cvijanovic and himself were invited to the inauguration. “We congratulated him on his new mandate. I believe that we will meet with him soon”, Dodik concluded.


Perovic: Murphy and Reilly, with Schmidt’s support, are preparing violent scenario to remove Dodik from power (RTRS/Russian Gazette)


Head of RS Representation Office in Moscow Dusko Perovic stated for the Russian Gazette that US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy and UK Ambassador to B&H Julian Reilly are preparing “a violent scenario for removing RS President Milorad Dodik from the authorities”, with the support of Christian Schmidt whose legitimacy as the High Representative (HR) is not recognized by the RS, Russia and China given that his appointment was not endorsed in the UN Security Council (UN SC). “We expect that a growth in tension might happen in B&H”, Perovic noted. Perovic claims that Schmidt has prepared two provocative laws, one of which – as the RS Representation Office Head added – is to transfer the natural resources from the RS to “the joint level”, which he considers to completely undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). According to the RS Representation Office Head, the other law refers to criminal liability for failing to implement his decisions. In addition, Perovic noted that there is information about a transfer of additional NATO military contingent in B&H of 1,700, which he considers to be an indication that a violent scenario to remove RS leadership is being prepared. He assessed that the only logical response to such “provocations of the West” can be an extraordinary session of the RS parliament at which the RS parliament would pass a decision on illegitimate Western protectorate of imposed rules and a possible exit of the RS from B&H. Commenting on this, Dodik said in Ankara on Saturday said that he heard that Murphy said something in Tuzla on Friday. “You can see what kind of arrogance it is. His story that Bakir (Izetbegovic) is not SDA or the Bosniak people, and that Dodik is not SNSD or the Serb people. Neither is Murphy the American government, the American state and the American people. He is an ordinary troublemaker who constantly sows some things that can pull people to think that way," Dodik said. Dodik added that from what Murphy is saying, you can absolutely see the extent of his arrogance and disregard for the facts. “He says that the Dayton Agreement is not a definitive agreement, that it is a basis and that they used force because they could not persuade the parties in B&H to agree,” Dodik said.


Becirovic’s call for EU to impose tougher sanctions on Dodik provokes many reactions in RS (ATV)


ATV carries reactions to Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic’s (SDP B&H) call for the EU to impose tougher sanctions on RS President Milorad Dodik (SNSD). SNSD MP in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Sanja Vulic said that Becirovic wants to be written about and talked about. Vulic added that by constantly repeating the name of the President of the RS, Becirovic is only seeking media attention. "Denis Becirovic only shows day by day that he is a man with complexes, unfit for the position he is in. He is an ordinary loser, who will never even reach the position of party leader, let alone lead a people. So, he can only dream about these sanctions,” Vulic underlined. ATV stressed that leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic is also against Becirovic's calls for sanctions against Dodik, only because he thinks it is hypocritical because the Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency is a member of SDP B&H, the party of Nermin Niksic, which is a partner of SNSD at the B&H level. Borenovic is in favor of some other sanctions. "I am a man who only recognizes sanctions in elections and by domestic judicial institutions,” Borenovic said. SNSD MP in the RS National Assembly (RSNA) Srdjan Mazalica stated that sanctions against Dodik are sanctions against the Serb people in B&H. Mazalica added that Becirovic's calls for sanctions are only part of the subservient mentality of the people to which he belongs. “Many other countries have spent decades and centuries and blood and human resources and knowledge to gain a certain independence, and independence means the possibility of making decisions without outside influence. And then you have a country in which someone wants some outside influence in order to be able to oppose his political opponents,” Mazalica said. B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac (SNSD) stated that Becirovic's call for help to foreigners is no surprise. Kosarac underlined that Becirovic’s outbursts of hatred towards the RS and its president, and his populist speeches that have been polluting the public space for years are well known to everyone in B&H and have never brought anyone any good. Addressing the press conference Friday, Dodik reacted to Becirovic’s statement and stated: “I think he is a completely incompetent guy and his policy is in the domain of caricature, that what he does -  and he does the following: applauding to aircrafts flying over, to foreign powers, clearly and openly puts himself under the rule of others and expect others to tune the country for him the way he thinks it should (be tuned), and he thinks that the RS should disappear’’. The reporter notes that friction ensued only one day after the ruling coalition’s meeting in Mostar, where political party leaders answered questions about the EU funds earlier blocked. Dodik stated that Becirovic is taking apart B&H much better and more successfully than anyone else and that B&H is in the state it is in precisely because of adventurers and petty politicians like Becirovic. Dodik stressed that the call for sanctions is a cry of impotence to talk with arguments to those with whom one does not share an opinion. Dodik said that he is not surprised for being Becirovic’s target one more time, adding that Becirovic hates the RS and under the foreign patronage, he persistently continues to work on undermining of the RS. Dodik underlined that despite of the attacks, the RS stays open for dialogue and cooperation with all those who respect its constitutional position. Chair of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic condemned the statements of Becirovic, and showed support for Dodik, by stating: “B&H will be an unhappy and unsuccessful country, as long as Bosniak representatives keep living in a delusion of foreigners introducing sanctions and forcefully making the country in their image. Sadly, this sort of behaviour is encouraged by certain foreign actors who constantly meddle in internal affairs of the country, and hypocritically call it sovereign.” Cvijanovic added that much stronger players than Becirovic came after Dodik during his term, refereeing to former Bosniak members of the B&H Presidency Haris Silajdzic and Bakir Izetbegovic, who, as Cvijanovic noted, all came and went while Dodik remained. Cvijanovic assessed Becirovic’s request to block funds for the RS as hostile towards citizens of B&H. She argued that if this is his work method, then there is danger that this can become work method of others.


US Embassy to B&H hints property not used by state might be registered to lower levels of authorities; Statement caused discomfort in Sarajevo, SDA claimes that the US Embassy intends to let the entities have the state property (Nezavisne/Faktor)


The international community, with USA at the helm, is preparing a solution for the state property that could be imposed by the High Representative (Christian Schmidt) in case of a need. The daily reminded that representatives of the entities disagree on whom the state property should belong to and added that there is a new moment because the US Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) recently hinted that the property which the state does not need for its functioning could be registered to lower levels of the authorities. This statement of the US Embassy to B&H caused discomfort in Sarajevo, especially among SDA members who claimed that the US Embassy to B&H intends to let the entities have the state property. Faktor paper, which is close to SDA, noted that regulating of the state property issue must not mean distribution and registration of property to the lower levels of the authorities and assessed that the statement of US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy represents an intention to ‘take away’ property from the state. ‘Faktor’ also claimed: “The state property issue has been explained on many occasions and it is opposite to this stance of the US Embassy to B&H and Ambassador Murphy. The property is solely the state ownership, and the state can let other levels of the authorities use it, which needs to be regulated by a law. Therefore, the state can let someone else use it, but the ownership can in no way be registered to others opposite to what, according to the latest statement, Michael Murphy advocates”. The daily added that, for the truth’s sake, Murphy did not say that the ownership should be transferred but a titular of the state property, which is not the same, however – he did leave the possibility for political factors in B&H to reach an agreement on who will be using the state property. “This can be interpreted as a favor to RS, to solve the property issue by a compromise, i.e. for the RS to get a greater control over the property. However, RS President Milorad Dodik does not want to accept the proposal defined in this way, even if it enables transferring of the state property onto lower levels of the authorities. As he said, according to the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), everything that was not explicitly given to the state of B&H belongs to the entities. Having in mind that the state property was not mentioned explicitly as the ownership of the state, the RS interpreted it in such way that the property of the RS is the state property of the entities and B&H has nothing to do with it. Apart from that, the RS believes that the entities were signatories of the DPA because of which they have a more important status than the state of B&H”, the daily added. The daily noted that it contacted the EU institutions with regard to the property issue but received no reply by the time the paper was printed. The daily added that the US Embassy to B&H indirectly suggested that any use of the property in the RS as lien, for example for loans or foreign investments, might result in taking away of that property. “Illegal transfer of the state property by any of the entities will expose those who accept it to possible risk of suffering domestic or international legal consequences”, the US Embassy stated. The daily concluded that the very fact the international community deems the state property issue to be disputable will result in having no foreign investors, regardless of whether they are Chinese or western, want to embark in legal affairs involving the state property because of fear that they might lose their investments: “Therefore, investments in important infrastructural projects will remain blocked until a permanent and sustainable agreement is reached”.


Blinken invites Milatovic to visit Washington: War in Ukraine requires active commitment of all NATO allies (CdM)


President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic has received an invitation from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to visit Washington. In a letter of official congratulations on the occasion of the inauguration of President Milatovic, Blinken says that the war in Ukraine requires the active commitment of all NATO allies to strengthen collective security, safety and stability. “The key to this endeavor is completing the European integration process in the Western Balkans – where Montenegro can play a decisive role. The presidential election in April showed that your citizens want to speed up the country’s European path, and to be part of a Europe that is whole, free, prosperous and safe. We will work with you to deepen the strong American-Montenegro partnership, which is rooted in our common values. Please accept my best wishes and encouragement to face the challenges ahead. I look forward to hosting you in Washington, when commitments allow it”, Blinken says in his congratulatory message, according to Milatovic’s office. Milatovic has thanked the US Secretary of State for his invitation and said that he was looking forward to going to Washington soon and meeting with the highest officials of that country, with the aim of further strengthening strategic political and economic ties.


Six more days until elections (CdM)


The election campaign is entering the final stage. The snap parliamentary elections are to be held on Sunday, 11 June 2023. The ballots were printed and delivered to the municipal election commissions. On Saturday, a total of 558,741 ballots were printed, which includes the total number of 542,468 voters, and a reserve, determined by law, of 3% of the total number of voters – 16,273. A total of 15 coalitions and parties are to take part in the forthcoming elections. The article shows their order on the ballot. It also lists the names of candidates for MPs.


OSCE CiO publishes nine-step roadmap for de-escalation and normalization of tensions in Kosovo (MIA)


OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani, published a nine-step roadmap for de-escalation and normalization of tensions in the north of Kosovo. The roadmap, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is aimed at achieving durable peace and stability in Kosovo and returning the Kosovo Serbs in the institutions and democratic processes. The roadmap in full is as follows: Step one, Kosovo and Serbia reaffirm their commitment to the basic agreement and the Ohrid Protocol. Step two, Kosovo to withdraw its Special Police forces, while Serbia reduces the combat readiness of its Armed Forces. Step three Kosovo’s regular police, with KFOR and EULEX assistance, handle ground security. Step four, protests to be cancelled and municipal functions and services to be restored for a normal functioning of municipal life, and access to be granted to municipal employees. Step five, Mayors to resign in the summer of 2023, paving the way for early municipal elections. Step six, early municipal elections to be held in 2023. Step seven, OSCE to support the electoral process, with the technical support of the Kosovo authorities which are organizing the elections, boosting trust and confidence among the community. Step eight, OSCE to engage youth in reconciliation programs and processes. Step nine, OSCE to support good faith implementation of the agreed provisions and resumption of meaningful dialogue.


Rama supports Borrell's stance: EU could not be clearer than that (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama reacted after the call of the EU, which asked Kosovo to announce new elections in the four municipalities of the north, which are inhabited by a majority of Serbs. Rama emphasized that this call could not be clearer than that. "The EU could not be clearer than that! Continuing this absurd so-called plan by deploying police to protect empty buildings that elected officials cannot enter, and in turn deploying army troops to sing at another country's border could not be more self-inflicted and less European", said Rama. "I very much hope that our brotherly Kosovo and friendly Serbia will resolve this conflict before the EU implements strong measures against them. They must act quickly and understand that fulfilling the EU's requirements means returning to themselves as responsible European states", said Rama. Earlier, the high representative of the EU, Josep Borrell, requested that there be new local elections in the 4 municipalities of the north of Kosovo, as well as engagement in the dialogue facilitated by the EU.


Mediation of Macron and Scholz on the tensions in Kosovo, Rama: Attempts to resolve an absurd conflict shows the great European spirit (Radio Tirana)


The mediation of France and Germany to reduce tensions in the north of Kosovo for Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, shows respect for the parties to resolve this absurd conflict and the great European spirit. Rama also appreciated the President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani to sit at a table with the Serbian President Vucic to find a solution to reduce the tensions between the two countries. Rama also hopes that the fulfilment of the 3 conditions set by the EU will resolve the conflict and not damage the reputation of Kosovo. "A big thank you to Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz for what they are doing to finalize the Kosovo-Serbia normalization process! To see them sit down so respectfully with both sides to try to resolve an absurd conflict says everything about their great European spirit. Thank you! I also congratulate President Vjosa Osmani for speaking directly with Serbian President Vucic, and I really hope that these three demands are met immediately so that this absurd conflict ends before it damages Kosovo's reputation beyond its rapid repair and further integration in the democratic community. A big thank you also to Josep Borrell for his passion and patience to help this historic discovery finally come true", writes Rama on Twitter.