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Belgrade Media Report 7 July 2023



Vucic: I presented Serbia positions on Kosovo and Metohija and said what I think (Tanjug/RTV)


Speaking to reporters at a trilateral summit of Austria, Hungary and Serbia in Vienna, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he had presented Belgrade's positions on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, but declined to elaborate. Asked whether he had discussed the situation in Kosovo and Metohija at the summit, Vucic responded that he had said what he thought and what he hoped for. "I spoke about that and I said what the positions of the Republic of Serbia are but, due to the different attitude to the legal nature of the Belgrade-Pristina relationship, I do not want to talk about that here any further because I do not want to get the hosts and other guests into any kind of uncomfortable position," Vucic said.

Vucic: Migration issue under control (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that Serbia, Austria and Hungary will keep the migration issue under control. “I believe will be manage to keep this issue under control and in the nest interest of our countries and all of Europe,” Vucic told a news conference with Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. He added that their trilateral meeting “contribute to a kind of additional stability in Europe”. “We discussed specific activities…and are prepared to do more, especially on the border with North Macedonia,” he said.


Vucic: I informed Erdogan about escalation of violence against Serb community in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke by phone with President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan about the current events in Kosovo and the chronology of events that led to the escalation of violence against the Serb community. In a post on Instagram, Vucic added that they also discussed regional issues and agreed that peace and stability are needed more than ever. "We confirmed our readiness to continue excellent cooperation in all areas of mutual interest," added Vucic.


Drecun: Situation in Kosovo and Metohija entering dramatic phase of development (RTS)


The Chair of the parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun tells RTS that another incursion of armed Kosovo policemen into the territory of Serbia proper shows that KFOR is not fulfilling its mandate because, as he says, it should not allow the possibility of such a thing to happen, i.e. it would have to remove the armed formations of Pristina far to the administrative line. “It also shows the recklessness of Pristina, which obviously does not shy away from causing extremely serious incidents. Our police officers could have opened fire. This is a violation of all existing agreements, including Resolution 1244 and the Military-Technical Agreement,” emphasizes Drecun. He says that recklessness is worrying and that apparently there is a directive from Pristina that police forces can “exercise” along the administrative line and cross it if necessary. “It is something that is unacceptable, something that creates the conditions for a constant overflow of armed incidents, which Pristina causes, on this side of the administrative line,” warns Drecun.


The problem of Kosovo and Metohija can only be solved in the United Nations

Due to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will request a conversation with the Head of NATO Jens Stoltenberg and then an urgent session of the Security Council. Drecun says that it should be expected that some result can be achieved, bearing in mind that according to Resolution 1244, it is the obligation of the Security Council to protect the resolution and implement measures aimed at it, but he emphasizes that it is quite unrealistic to expect that the US, Great Britain and France to change its stance and question its support for Pristina. “In addition to all the verbal warnings and threats to Albin Kurti because of the unilateral violent actions he is taking, we see that the situation is not calming down,” Drecun points out. He says that what President Vucic spoke about yesterday shows that the situation in Kosovo and Metohija is entering a dramatic phase of development and that there is no indication that Pristina will give up unilateral moves. “Pristina is undertaking activities that show that they are preparing to further escalate the situation in the coming period, and it seems that they don’t really care about all the measures that the EU and the US are allegedly taking against Pristina. It is simply unbelievable that these measures do not give any expected result,” says Drecun. He believes that the problem of Kosovo and Metohija can only be solved in the United Nations. “All the talk about the Quint and international conferences, these are unilateral moves, it cannot lead to solving the problems in Kosovo and Metohija,” Drecun points out.


Petkovic: Members of “Kosovo police” enter territory of Serbia proper again (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said yesterday at an extraordinary press conference in Belgrade that so-called Kosovo police have again entered the territory of Serbia proper, 500 metres from the administrative line. Petkovic presented evidence that, as he pointed out, shows once again how brutally Albin Kurti and Pristina violate UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and the Military Technical Agreement from Kumanovo – a video clip showing “Kosovo police” again entering the territory of central Serbia with their vehicle, armed to the teeth. He explained that a police officer from the Bujanovac Police Station, the Breznica checkpoint, noticed how a police vehicle of so-called Kosovo police is moving fast from the direction of Karacevo towards the village of Breznica. That vehicle was chasing a white van, which turned from the road in the direction towards the Breznica village and went in the direction of the village. At the turning point, the police vehicle of so-called Kosovo police of brand Dacia, license plates 27202, stopped and a passenger got out and looked behind the departing van. At that moment they were spotted by members of our police, Petkovic said. According to him, our policemen headed towards the members of so-called Kosovo police in order to stop them in their obvious intention to nose around central Serbia, after which they hurriedly returned towards Karacevo. He stated that the “Kosovo policemen” had nothing to do in the territory of Serbia proper, just as they had nothing to do on 14 June when they were also located by the Serbian police and arrested as they were caught with long guns and other equipment.


Radic: Vucic’s scaremongering with aggression against Serbia is radical political marketing (Beta)


Military analyst Aleksandar Radic said on Thursday that President Aleksandar Vucic’s warnings about possible aggression against Serbia and the announcement of a ban on weapons exports were actually radical political marketing. Radic told Beta that Vucic’s goal was to create tension in the country in the wake of the growing “Serbia Against Violence” protests. He stated that a ban on exporting weapons and ammunition that Vucic has announced would most probably not be put in place. “That decision would create large financial losses for the country. Life in the cities where the defense industry is located depends on the situation in those factories, or primarily on the exports of defense products. Vucic should not be toying with people’s jobs and salaries for his own political marketing,” Radic said. Asked by Beta if Serbia was under threat of aggression, as Vucic has claimed, Radic replied that this was just another political and marketing manipulation. “Vucic needs a better political rating and, in this way, he is making a rallying call for support. So far, his attempts to form the so-called Movement for the State have been failing, while people are protesting in a growing number of cities because of the authorities’ bad conduct. There is no limit to how radical the authorities’ response to the people’s protests can be,” Radic stressed.


Kosovo police stops a Serb ambulance again (Tanjug)


The so-called Kosovo police stopped an ambulance in Grabovac, in the municipality of Zvecan. The vehicle is owned by the Serb health system. Director of the Kosovska Mitrovica Clinical Hospital Center Zlatan Elek confirmed for Tanjug that the incident happened yesterday and that it concerned an ambulance. Elek also stated that this is not the first such incident of its kind, and that the Kosovo police are constantly stopping ambulances.




Dodik announces blockade of projects in FB&H due to EU not granting funds to RS project (O Kanal)


The Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik announced the blocking of millions of EUR that the EU allocated for projects in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) and blocked those in the RS. Many see the solution in conversation, not in constant blockades and arguments, commented the presenter. “How do they intend to implement, without a joint decision in Sarajevo, what they decided yesterday?”, asked Dodik. The RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said: “The EU cannot choose: ‘I want to help Sarajevo a little and not Banja Luka’. The approval of projects is entirely through the Parliamentary Assembly and the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency, projects that refer to only one entity will not be selectively verified”. Member of the European Parliament Klemen Groselj was quoted as saying: “Dodik cannot block EU decisions. I see this as another form of Dodik's blackmail, in order to unblock European funds intended for the RS, which are still blocked precisely because of his policies. The blockade also indicates that the RS leadership is under an increasingly heavy financial burden, so access to EU finances is of great importance. EU funds are the only alternative for the RS leadership”. In order for the approved funds to become operational, the Directorate for European Integration explained that it is necessary for B&H to sign agreements in accordance with the Law, and the procedures are carried out by the B&H Ministry of Finance and Treasury. Head of SNSD Caucus in B&H HoR Sanja Vulic said that this pressure and an attempt to force representatives of the RS to play by their rules, by taking away funds, will not succeed. Viskovic threatened with new blockades. The RS Ministry for European Integration and International Cooperation told the daily that RS is regularly applying for grants within the funding for the Western Balkans. The ministry explained that RS submitted application for two projects - for the investment support to the water supply projects in Doboj, Gradiska, Laktasi, Prijedor, Prnjavor, Teslic, Trebinje and Vukosavlje, as well as a request for technical support for modernisation of RS Railways.  The first application was assessed as satisfactory but not recommendable for financing, because it covers only one entity. The second application got the same reply, according to the ministry. Deputy Chairman of the Committee for European integration and regional cooperation at the RS National Assembly Srdjan Mazalica told the daily that the EU should know well about the constitutional structure of B&H. According to him, it remains a question whether this decision was motivated by the RS parliament's decision on the Constitutional Court of B&H and that, in such case, it would be “the peak of hypocrisy.”


EUFOR: No changes in security situation in B&H noticed (RTRS)


EUFOR responded to RTRS’ inquiry stating on Thursday that, from a military point of view, EUFOR has neither noticed nor established any changes in the security situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). “We are vigilantly monitoring the security situation in B&H and continue to carefully monitor all activities that could affect it. EUFOR is able to carry out its mandate and achieve cooperation with all organizations in B&H, in order to provide them with support in maintaining a safe environment”, reads EUFOR’s statement. According to RTRS, EUFOR did not want to comment on media claims that NATO, at the Summit in Lithuania on July 11 and 12, could make a decision to send its troops to B&H, due to the alleged secessionist policy of the leadership of the RS, referring RTRS to address the NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo for that information.


HR Schmidt: Dodik must know that nobody is above law, all options are on the table (Dnevni avaz)


The daily carries an interview with High Representative Christian Schmidt. He was asked if he believes that his latest decisions annulling the changes to RS Law on Publishing of Laws and Other Regulations which eliminate obligation to publish decisions of OHR in the RS Official Gazette, and the Law on Non-Implementation of B&H Constitutional Court’s Decisions in RS can stop the destructive behaviour of RS President Milorad Dodik. Schmidt stated that he passed the decision to annul illegal laws adopted by the RS National Assembly in order to make sure they do not enter into force at all. “We follow the principle – same rules for all. I have a feeling that Milorad Dodik things that law and rules do not apply to him and that he can get away with something nobody else can. Still, we abolished the unlimited rule of sultans and emperors in Europe a long time ago”, said Schmidt. He underlined that everybody has to respect legal norms and that politicians need to work for the best interests of people, which means that they need to sit together and pass the laws which are important for EU integration process. “If this does not happen, then everybody needs to know that the international community is not a paper tiger”, Schmidt emphasized. Asked to comment the fact that this is not the first time that Dodik is attacking B&H Constitution and that he constantly denies genocide without B&H Prosecutor’s Office taking any action against him, Schmidt replied: “Nobody is above the law, and also Dodik’s statements insulting other people are not above the law. If somebody denies genocide, according to the law this is a criminal offense, and that criminal offense must be investigated. That is primarily the job for B&H Prosecutor’s Office, but I must say that I am not very satisfied with the results so far”. Asked if he believes that Dodik’s actions might result in the situation where there is no other option left but to remove him, Schmidt said: “All options are on the table, and I will not remove them from the table”. Asked what will happen if Dodik refuses to implement decisions of the OHR or B&H institutions, and if he possesses mechanisms to implement decisions against Dodik, Schmidt replied that Dodik’s destructive policies will not be tolerated. He noted that the EU is not responsible for the fact that Dodik has brought the RS in its current bad economic situation. “Eventually he will have to answer to RS citizens because of that. I think that Dodik needs to be aware of the seriousness of the situation and he should make steps towards European future of B&H, like all other politicians. He must change himself”, Schmidt noted. He argued that Dodik needs to start working for the best interests of the RS. According to Schmidt, so far Dodik has been displaying anger and behaving like a child in the kindergarten. “He would do better to start listening to his advisors. I heard that many people in Banja Luka are uncomfortable because of the opportunities the RS is not using because of Milorad Dodik”, said Schmidt.


Stevandic: RS parliament laws will be referred to RS President for signing as soon as they are normatively regulated (ATV)


RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic said that he will submit the RS parliaent laws to RS President Milorad Dodik for signing as soon as they are “normatively regulated’’, noting that there is no timeframe as to when they should be sent, however he believes that will happen next week. The reporter notes that Stevandic also commented on the letter sent by the Head of the Department for Legal Affairs in the Office of the High Representative (OHR) in B&H sent to the RS Official Gazette Steering Board members “with which they exert silent pressure’’ so that OHR’s decisions are published. Addressing the media Thursday, Stevandic said: “With regard to all issues, the RS parliament protects all citizens of the RS regardless of whether they are citizens with an opinion or they are officials and employees, and they will all act in accordance with the laws adopted and verified by the RS parliament and not in accordance with a anyone’s desire, OHR or a foreign embassy, whether they threaten or not”. Stevandic said that the laws adopted by the RSNA at the last sessions, which refer to the Constitutional Court of B&H and the decisions of the High Representative, will be sent to the RS President Dodik for signing as soon as they are normatively regulated. Commenting on the letter of the head of the legal department of the OHR, which was sent to the members of the board of directors of the RS Official Gazette and by which silent pressure was exerted to publish the decisions of the OHR, Stevandic said that the RS parliament protects all the citizens of the RS.


Becirovic requests urgent session of Presidency, proposes conclusions in relations to escalation of assaults of the RS authorities on fundamental provisions of DPA and B&H’s constitutional arrangement (Hayat/RTRS)


Bosniak Member of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic demanded special session of the Presidency regarding “escalation of attacks of the RS’ bodies against fundamental provisions of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and endangerment of constitutional-legal order of B&H”. Becirovic’s demand reads that numerous unconstitutional and anti-Dayton acts were adopted within legal activities of the entity authorities of the RS in period since July 2021. He delivered proposal of conclusions, including one calling on the international community to stop tolerating anti-Dayton and unconstitutional policies of the RS authorities, because this encourages the RS authorities to resume with separatist activities and institutional attacks on state of B&H and its constitutional-legal order. Becirovic’s initiative got support of member of the Presidency Zeljko Komsic. According to RTRS, political Sarajevo continues to stand for foreign interventionism, imposing decisions and sanctions and Becirovic is the most agile in this regard. Through eight conclusions, Becirovic requests that the authorities in the RS are sanctioned for, as he claims, an attack on the Dayton Agreement. Becirovic noted that the international community should act strongly and timely on what he says is the retrograde and separatist politics of RS. “The EU should as soon as possible, following the example of the sanctions of the US and the UK, implement the adopted decision of the European Parliament, which calls for the introduction of sanctions against destructive politicians who openly destroy the Dayton Peace Agreement”, the proposed conclusions state.


Dodik comments Becirovic’s request: He does not know how to do anything else but request rigorous measures (ATV)


B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic on Thursday referred to procedure a request for B&H Presidency urgent session due to escalation of attacks by the RS bodies on the fundamental provisions of the Dayton Peace Agreements (DPA) and undermining the constitutional order of B&H. ATV reports that, commenting on this, RS President Milorad Dodik said that Becirovic does not know how to do anything else but requesting rigorous measures and repercussions against Dodik, which is Becirovic’s “complex of an immature politician”. Dodik also said that Becirovic’s election for the Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency is part “of the UK’s continuation, because that country is hostile toward Serbs”. Dodik assessed that Becirovic’s request is a complex of an unworthy politician. “It is not surprising that Becirovic, in his conclusions, praises UK’s sanctions against RS officials. He is the choice of that country, which is an enemy of the Serbs”, noted Dodik. The fact that Becirovic presents himself as someone successful means nothing. I am proud of our structure that refused to meet with UK personnel in B&H. These personnel are scoundrels who are trying to harm the Serbs in these areas, which history can verify.”


Cvijanovic on Becirovic’s request for urgent B&H Presidency session: Becirovic has no right to call such session, conclusions, that would be reached by outvoting me, would not be binding for RS (ATV)


B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic on Thursday referred to procedure a request for B&H Presidency urgent session due to escalation of attacks by the RS bodies on the fundamental provisions of the Dayton Peace Agreements (DPA) and undermining the constitutional order of B&H. ATV reports that, commenting on this, B&H Presidency Chairwoman Zeljka Cvijanovic said that Becirovic has no right to call such B&H Presidency session and that he is calling it just to draw attention and to address an issue. “This institution is not competent for issues delegated by Denis Becirovic, nor the. Becirovic also knows that, he needs a topic. It would be better if he had proposed to finalize the issue of distribution of offices in the Armed Forces of B&H, which he postponed last time to prevent a Serb being the Chief of Joint Staff (of AF B&H)”, Cvijanovic was quoted as saying. Cvijanovic said that this is “another point-blank shot by Denis Becirovic” and added that this is pointless. Cvijanovic stressed that it is clear that she will not support such conclusion and she noted that Becirovic has no right to schedule a session with this agenda. “The Presidency has nothing to say about what one of the entities is doing, nor can the Presidency assign someone to do something about the entities. Therefore, if the Presidency were to adopt some conclusions on that issue initiated by Becirovic, which would imply that I was outvoted by the other two members, they would absolutely have no value in practice”, added Cvijanovic.


Prosecutor's Office of B&H forms case against Dodik after he filed report against himself due to RS parliament's law on non-implementation of decisions of B&H CC in RS (Nova BH)


The Prosecutor's Office of B&H has formed a case against RS President Milorad Dodik, after he filed a report against himself last week due to the law on non-implementation of decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H in the RS adopted by the RS parliament. The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H’s move comes after High Representative Christian Schmidt passed a decision on 1 July suspending this law and the amendments to the law on publication of laws and other regulations of the RS removing the obligation to publish decisions of the High Representative in the Official Gazette of the RS, and amended the Criminal Code of B&H in a way to treat activities that undermine the constitutional order of B&H as a criminal offense.


Dodik accuses international community of undermining Dayton Agreement in order to create unitary state (Srna)


RS President Milorad Dodik stated that the international community led by USA has been undermining the Dayton Peace Agreement for 20 years in order to create a unitary state in B&H. He noted that US Ambassador Michael Murphy may think that he is beloved by one part of B&H, but he also needs to be aware that the RS and many people understand what the USA is doing in B&H. “The Dayton Agreement was desecrated and demolished”, Dodik noted, and added that the moment has come when the international community wants to regulate the property of the RS. "Now they are visiting various embassies. They were in the Italian Embassy and talked about how to treat the ownership of railways, roads and rivers, as well as other things. This speaks to the depth of the extent to which they want to destroy the Dayton Agreement which clearly assigned property to the entity level." said Dodik. According to him, the international community is doing this without hesitation or looking back. "They have put the RS in a position where there is no one to complain to and no one to consult in this regard. They have left us only the option to fail under their demands and their “good intentions” or to fight to secure our status according to our understanding," said Dodik. Dodik pointed out that the Dayton Agreement was violated by Former High Representative Paddy Ashdown, and before that by former High Representative Wolfgang Petrich, who had the support of the US administration. "Even before the latest decisions of the RS National Assembly, they accused us of violating the Dayton Agreement. Therefore, we did not say that we will reject the Constitutional Court of B&H, but that we will not respect its decisions while it has the current composition," said Dodik. He reminded that the B&H Constitutional Court has had the same structure for more than 20 years, although the Constitution stipulates that it should have been reformed five years after the signing of the Dayton Agreement. "Certainly, there was an intention to do that. However, 25 years have passed, and they do not want to do that. They want to keep the foreign judges and, together with two Muslims who are absolutely subjects of Alija Izetbegovic's policy, impose solutions on B&H, on us. We will not respect such court, regardless of the fact that they try to hide behind the provisions of the Constitution which stipulate that its decisions are binding," said Dodik. Answering the question of how long the RS and its citizens will be victims of such policy of the world powers and Sarajevo-based unitarism, Dodik said that it will not stop as long as B&H exists, but that the role of the international factor has changed significantly. Dodik said that the international factor with support of the US has been undermining the Dayton Agreement for the past 20 years, adding that this is a part of the concept to build a unitary B&H. “The US Ambassador in B&H recently said that the Constitution is just a beginning for a buildup, and no one asked us anything about that. We signed the text of the Constitution, and we want it to be applied, and that American is interfering with internal matters and is violating many international declarations,” Dodik said. He further noted that this is possible in B&H where the American ambassador believes he is beloved by one part but that he should also understand that RS and a significant number of people know what the Americans are doing here. “The Dayton Agreement is violated and undermined. It is being undermined for 20 years by the international factor with support of America. That is a part of the concept by which they want to build a unitary B&H. That American, i.e. his personnel in Sarajevo will always say this is not true, but everything that they did or that the international factor did is going to that direction,” Dodik underlined. He also said that it came to the point where they want to regulate the property of RS. “Now they are visiting various embassies. They were in the Italian, and discussed how to treat the property of railways, roads and rivers, as well as other things. This tells about the depth of the extent to which they want to undermine the Dayton Agreement, which clearly located the property at the entity level,” said Dodik, adding that this is being done without hesitation. According to him, RS has been brought to a situation where it has no one to complain to or to consult on this matter. “They only left as the option to perish under their requests and their 'good intentions' or to fight to secure under our understanding a status the way it has to be,” Dodik concluded.


Dodik accuses Kearns of lying about Serbian Orthodox Church smuggling weapons into Kosovo:  She is an obvious lobbyist; She should be put in pillory (ATV)


ATV carries that Dodik said the UK’s interests in B&H should be suppressed and the UK’s influence should not be allowed, because its representatives are telling untruths, like it was done by UK Foreign Affairs Select Committee Chair Alicia Kearns who said that the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) is smuggling weapons into Kosovo. “She is an obvious lobbyist. I have met her in Sarajevo, and she was advocating interests of Muslims in B&H since the beginning and she very warmly greeted with Sefik Dzaferovic, which shows that they know each other for long time. We can witness the fact that even Head of Islamic Community thanked her and awarded her with thank-you-notes. However, nobody lies like UK MPs”, Dodik was quoted as saying. ATV reports that Dodik stressed that Kearns’ statement about SPC is a lie and a slander, underscoring that false statements of MPs in UK Parliament deserve no attention. In a telephone statement for ATV, Dodik said: “Such type of lie directed toward SPC is a millennial lie that is absolutely unfounded. They tried to take control over the whole world with lies. The liar who slandered SPC there absolutely does not deserve any attention, she should be put in the pillory. Imagine that in one state that aspires to be serious, there is a such a downright liar who can view (things) that way”. Dodik also referred to Kearns, who recently met with member of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic in London, as “a lobbyist” who advocates for “interests of Muslims in B&H”.


Murphy addresses B&H citizens on occasion of US Independence Day (Oslobodjenje)


The US Embassy to B&H was supposed to host its B&H friends at a reception on the occasion of the US Independence Day on Thursday but terrible thunderstorms in Sarajevo forced it to cancel its plans. In spite of this, US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy delivered an address on Facebook platform of the US Embassy to B&H. He reminded that while the United States and much of Europe were exiting the 80s on a high note, the people of B&H were facing a very different and a much darker reality – one that many in America and the West did not want to see. “We did not react decisively when ethnonationalist rhetoric reached dangerous levels in the Balkans.  And when war came, when this city was besieged, when your horror was broadcast into our living rooms, through the same CNN born in the 80s, we did not immediately answer your calls.  We hesitated… for too long.  With time though, we did act.  It is a tragedy that it was too late to save thousands of lives, including the victims of the Srebrenica genocide.  But when we came, we did so decisively”, Murphy stated. Murphy added that the Dayton Peace Agreement, which the United States brokered, ended the 1992-1995 war: “It was not and is not a perfect agreement. Today, Dayton is subject to second-guessing, deliberate misinterpretation, and is blamed for the country’s persistent ethnic divisions.  The latter mistakes cause and effect, but it is true that the political leaders of this country squandered the promise of that peace.  They have chosen to perpetuate and reinforce this country’s divisions.  Nonetheless, the Dayton Peace Agreement stopped the bloodshed and saved lives.  That, ladies and gentlemen, is a fact, and the alternative, more death and destruction, was and is too horrible to contemplate”. Murphy noted that the work of defending peace and democracy, the work of building prosperity, and the work of healing are never ending. “To paraphrase, President Ronald Reagan, these are generational struggles.  The challenges to the world we hoped would emerge after the Cold War at the end of the 1980s are painfully visible today – from Russia’s vicious aggression in Ukraine to the rise of illiberal, anti-democratic political movements across the West. In the same way, the challenges today to B&H’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and multiethnic character are impossible to deny.  From election irregularities and corruption to warmongering and genocide denial to the actions of the RSNA on June 26, the tension is clear, and for many citizens of B&H, the similarities to this country’s pre-war history are unnerving.  But one thing is different.  The United States is here”, Murphy said. He added that USA quickly planted roots in B&H after the war and became B&H’s top bilateral development partner, and in time, B&H’s top military partner: “Today, no other country can match our sustained commitment to B&H, to its institutions, to its organizations, to its youth, and to its future inside the Euro-Atlantic community of nations”. Murphy emphasized that the US’ commitment to B&H is not to a specific political leader or party, it is to the people of this country. “We are committed to citizens of this country. That has not changed, and it will not change. With that in mind, I invite all of you all to raise a glass to the enduring friendship between our people, and to the hard, difficult but critical work we do together every day to secure B&H’s rightful place in the Euro-Atlantic community of nations.  The United States is here with you B&H, now and always”, Murphy concluded.


President accuses HDZ of attempting to take control over military intelligence agency (HRT)


President Zoran Milanovic addressed the nation in a live TV broadcast on Thursday evening to warn the Croatian public of what he says is a serious threat to the constitutional and democratic order that is being prepared by the government of Andrej Plenkovic. The HDZ-led government, the president believes, wants to exert full control over the Military Security and Intelligence Agency, which would then be completely exempt from democratic and civilian oversight. Milanvic said he learned on Wednesday that the government, contrary to what is outlined in the Constitution, intends to place military intelligence directly under the control of the minister of defense. “I want to be clear: this is a political attack by Andrej Plenkovic on the constitutional order and democracy, which will set back Croatia to the era when intelligence services were under the direct control of the ruling party,” Milanovic said. Earlier during the day, Milanovic invited Prime Minister Andreja Plenkovic for an emergency meeting to try and reach an agreement on a new head of military intelligence. The deadline for choosing a new agency head expires on July 10. In response, Prime Minister Plenkovic said he would not agree to a meeting until Milanovic apologizes for what he described as disrespectful, aggressive, and ill-mannered behaviour by the President. “First, let's apologize, nicely, politely, courteously. Perhaps he could say: ‘Forgive me, I overreacted. Perhaps I was a bit nervous. I was not in a good mood because something else was bothering me. You know, sometimes I lose my temper.’ If we heard something like that, that would make it ok. But until that happens, there will be no meeting,” the PM said.


Milatovic: I’ll invite Vucic to visit Montenegro, I’m sure he’ll come (RTCG)


In a statement to TVCG, the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic says that the focus of his upcoming visit to Belgrade will be the complete normalization of relations with Serbia as an important economic partner. Milatovic, as officially announced by his Cabinet, will officially visit Belgrade on 9 and 10 July 2023. Milatovic has recalled that he will meet with the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, stating that he will invite him to come to Montenegro. He has pointed out that the most important segment of the visit will be the re-establishment of diplomatic relations at the level of ambassadors, since neither Serbia has an ambassador in Podgorica, nor Montenegro an ambassador in Belgrade. “The emphasis will be on other topics as well: economic cooperation, joint infrastructure projects, common path to the EU, but the topic of ambassadors is a prerequisite”, Milatovic has stated. It is announced that they will lay a wreath at the Monument to the Unknown Hero at Avala. Milatovic will also meet with the parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic in Belgrade. Milatovic’s Cabinet has announced that he will lay flowers in front of the Vladislav Ribnikar elementary school. It’s added that in honour of Milatovic’s visit, the Montenegrin Embassy will host a formal reception at the Montenegrin House in Belgrade.


Initiatives best measured by results, Open Balkans to remain open for all, says Kovachevski (MIA)


Open Balkans is a product of the region and is in no way contrary to any other initiative, especially not the Berlin Process. Created as an idea by three countries from the region, it will always remain open to all other countries of the region, regardless of whether they are EU members or not, said Prime Minister Kovachevski at a joint press conference Thursday with his Albanian counterpart Edi Rama. The Prime Minister said initiatives are best measured by results and pointed to the benefits of Open Balkans. “The external trade exchange between North Macedonia and Serbia has grown by 50 percent compared to 2019, while the exchange between Albania and North Macedonia has grown by 40 percent. The number of Serbian tourists in North Macedonia grew by 500 percent in 2022 compared to 2021. The three countries jointly had the largest stand at the international wine exhibition in Italy, Vinitaly. And as a result of this, the wine producers of North Macedonia are increasing their sales of wine not only in the region, but also globally. We are the second largest exporter of wine in the region,” said Kovachevski in answer to a journalist’s question. According to the PM, what the Berlin Process struggled to do for years – recognition of highly qualified staff, diplomas, free movement with identity documents etc., was done within the Open Balkans initiative. “Now,” he said, “we will do this within the Berlin Process as well, because we showed it is doable.” “The results produced by Open Balkans, which has the support of over 70 percent of citizens and businesses, remain. We will work on new results because the final goal of EU integration for all countries has not been achieved yet. The Berlin Process is a broader initiative, we will work on it together,” added Kovachevski. Kovachevski recalled his meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz last week, noting that they discussed the Berlin Process and the need to boost economic cooperation between the countries of the Western Balkans, as well as increased assistance from the EU countries for the countries of the region. “Every country that hasn’t joined Open Balkans is not able to provide its citizens with increased trade, mobility and raised living standard. I have said many times, and I’ll say it again, the easiest thing to do is to be a politician who talks about the past, because then you don’t promise anything. When you talk about the past, you cannot promise anything. It is difficult to be a politician who talks about the future, about cooperation and integrations, because then you make promises, and the people expect a better life. Which is why I would urge all Western Balkans leaders to commit themselves to the integration processes of the region and to an accelerated implementation of the reforms for a swifter integration of their countries, and the region, within the EU,” said Kovachevski.


Kovachevski supports EU peer review mission of Judicial Council’s work (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski in answer to a journalist’s question at a joint press conference Thursday with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said he supports the peer review mission of the Judicial Council’s work announced by the EU. “This is not the first time that we have a peer review mission from the EU, we’ve had some in the past as well. This is a topic that I discussed with EU Ambassador David Geer a year and a half ago, considering that our judicial system is independent of the government, it is independent of anyone in the world,” said Kovachevski. Kovachevski highlighted that judges have a life tenure, are elected by the Judicial Council, as an independent, expert body, which has its own integrity and is ultimately assessed by judges from the Judicial Council. “From the very first day I became a Prime Minister,” he added, “I knew that such systems often tend to see themselves differently from the way the public, which they serve, does.” “Which is why it is important that as part of our cooperation with the EU, they can now organize a process of such a mission in order to review all information related to the work of the Judicial Council and then share them with the European Commission and our political actors who do not have control over the judiciary, and for appropriate reforms to be proposed on the basis of that, which will improve the work of the judicial bodies in the country. So, if you ask me, then yes, I support it,” said Kovachevski. On Wednesday in an interview for TV Telma, EU Ambassador David Geer said the EU is to deploy a peer review mission of the work of the Judicial Council, after a series of scandals and turbulences in the past few months. Geer said that this has already been proposed to the government, and he said he hopes it will be implemented as soon as possible, because, he said, the work of the Judicial Council needs to be fixed. “I mean, turbulences is certainly the word for it. We followed closely with great concern. The Judicial Council has a very special role to play. It is supposed to protect and promote independence, professionalism and integrity of the judiciary. This is its job. And it’s clearly not doing that. And the recent developments have been very concerning indeed. So much so that we have now proposed to the government that we will deploy here a high-level peer review mission of the Judicial Council to look at ways in which we can address this issue of professionalism, integrity and independence, so that they can really do their job in the future,” Geer said.


Kovacevski calls on Belgrade and Pristina to implement Brussels and Ohrid agreements (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski called on Kosovo and Serbia on 6 July to de-escalate the situation and implement the international obligations that they had assumed in the form of agreements on normalizing relations achieved in Brussels and Ohrid. Kovacevski said this at a joint news conference with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, who said that "relations between Kosovo and Serbia will be discussed in Kosovo" and that "there is no point in saying this in Skopje, because I will say this in Kosovo." Kovacevski said that North Macedonia "as Kosovo and Serbia's immediate neighbour calls for the de-escalation of the situation and implementing the international obligations that both sides undertook, that is, the implementation of the deal reached by Kosovo and Serbia in Brussels on 27 Feb. and the agreement that they reached in Ohrid on the road to normalizing relations." He said that he was calling on Belgrade and Pristina to normalize relations firstly because "North Macedonia is an example of how dialogue, stately behaviour and making decisions that are not always easy, but difficult and courageous decisions, make a huge difference in a very short time."


Kovacevski: Berlin process and other regional initiatives ensure faster European integration of the countries of the region (Radio Tirana)


The Berlin process and other regional initiatives ensure faster European integration of the countries of the region, Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski declared yesterday in Skopje during a joint press conference with his Albanian counterpart, Edi Rama. Prime Ministers Kovacevski and Rama agreed that the European integration processes of both countries and the importance of clear commitment is crucial in these moments of powerful geopolitical turmoil, all with the aim of the countries becoming full-fledged members of the EU by 2030. After a tête-à-tête meeting, the prime ministers of the two countries held a bilateral meeting with the government delegations. At the meeting, the delegation from the country included the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Political System and Inter-Community Relations Artan Grubi, Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bojan Maricic, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Coordination of Economic Resources and Investments Fatmir Bytyqi, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani, Minister of Defense Slavjanka Petrovska, Minister of Justice Krenar Lloga, as well as Minister of Culture Bisera Kostadinovska Stojcevska. Niko Peleshi, Minister of Defense, Majlinda Duka, Minister of State and Chief Negotiator of the Republic of Albania, as well as Deputy Secretary General Elira Kokona participated in the Albanian delegation. "In the bilateral meeting, it was jointly established that the countries of the Western Balkans, including Albania and North Macedonia, have a serious job ahead of them, because the time has come when essential achievements will have to be achieved in terms of capacity improvement. the efficiency and competitiveness of the economies and of the region as a whole, which will lead to accelerated regional economic growth and development", the communiqué states. In that direction, it is precisely through the Berlin process that the intensification of cooperation and regional connection between the countries of the Western Balkans is aimed. In the bilateral meeting, it was established that the position is clear that the EU will not be complete and successful until the citizens of the Western Balkans receive passports with the EU flag. At the same time, it was concluded that the Berlin process is not a substitute for EU membership, but it is a process that will ensure faster integration of the countries of the region. "At the meeting, Prime Minister Kovacevski emphasized that the Berlin Process, the Open Balkans, as well as other regional initiatives such as RCC, CEFTA, CEI, SEECP, are complementary to each other and each of them is only a plus benefit for the citizens and businesses. Prime Minister Kovacevski added that our actions in each of them must be extremely dedicated, because each of them is a step forward on the European road", the government statement reads. The meeting also discussed the situation in our neighbouring countries, where the Macedonian delegation headed by Prime Minister Kovacevski emphasized that as immediate neighbours of Kosovo and Serbia, we call for the de-escalation of the situation and the implementation of the obligations undertaken internationally both parties, namely for the implementation of the Agreement that Serbia and Kosovo reached on February 27 in Brussels and especially for the Agreement reached in Ohrid on the way to the normalization of relations. In terms of cooperation between the two countries, it was emphasized that today's visit is also a confirmation of the good bilateral cooperation between the two countries, which is happening eight months after the intergovernmental meeting of the governments of North Macedonia and Albania, in which the Agreements and the memorandums were signed by the ministers of the two governments for deepening the cooperation between the two countries. The trend of increasing commercial exchange with Albania has a tendency for further growth. In 2022, exports from North Macedonia to Albania reached over 102 million euros, which is a 7 percent increase compared to 2021 and a 40 percent increase compared to 2019. "It was emphasized that both countries, as NATO allies, are committed to promoting and sharing common values and responsibility towards NATO and contributing to international peace operations, sharing common views regarding the situation in regional and multilateral level for the peace and stability of the region", it is said, among other things, in the government statement.


Rama: The Berlin process plays a key role in the new phase of relations with the EU (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama underlined the key role of the Berlin Process, while according to him, "we are at the moment of transition to another phase of relations with the EU". At the joint press conference in Skopje with the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Dimitar Kovacevski, Rama said that "we must immerse ourselves with our minds and hearts in the Berlin Process". "This is to turn the Berlin Process into a fully functional process, as the Open Balkans proved that we can be functional when we are together. The Berlin process was not stalled by those who set up the Open Balkans, to be very clear. Stuck by the vetoes 'No, I don't want this, I'm not coming there, I'm not signing, I'm not here, see you tomorrow'. That's why I got stuck", Rama said. The Prime Minister emphasized that he hopes that it will now be given a new impetus, considering that now it is not just a process like until today. "I really hope that we will turn it into a process directly related to the financing plan, the new financing plan of the European Union, for which we definitely need Germany, first of all, and then all the other countries to implement it together", Rama added. Rama reiterated that "we are at a moment of transition to another phase of relations with the European Union and for this, the Berlin Process is key, it is a bridge whose legs must be strengthened". "Precisely for us to take it hard and focus on this bridge without being disturbed by these winds, currents, counter currents, the Open Balkans, this and that, I say we should focus on the Berlin Process. That's all," Rama said.


Rama: We need a support plan, soon informal meeting in Tirana with EU representatives (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama informed yesterday from Skopje that soon there will be another informal meeting in Tirana with the presence of representatives of the European Union, where the support plan for the region will be discussed. In the joint press conference with the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Dimitar Kovacevski, Prime Minister Rama emphasized that "today it is clear that the EU needs us as much as we need the EU". "The good news is that the Commission, as stated by President Von der Leyen, is working in this direction. Soon we will have another informal meeting in Tirana, where I will wait all together, friends from the EU will also be present, to discuss concretely the plan. We need this plan, this support and we do deserve it as countries in the middle of Europe so that we are not seen simply as those who have to do the tasks, but also as those who contribute", Rama said. The Prime Minister called the discussions with the counterpart of North Macedonia useful, in the conditions when Albania will host the summit of the Berlin Process in Tirana. "My goal for this summit is marking some concrete, tangible and significant progress for which we are working with the Chancellery in Berlin and at the same time we are discussing with the European Commission in Brussels. It is a time when it has become very clear to all of us and on this point we have complete agreement not just in principle, but it stems from the daily reality of our work and our citizens, of this entire neighbourhood called the Western Balkans in the middle of Europe, that the gap between EU member countries and our countries in terms of EU financial support is incomparable to our need and the necessity for Europe to be more compact", Rama added. According to him, "this is the reason why for some time, since the negotiations with the EU started, we started to push in this direction by proactively cooperating with each other". "Especially with North Macedonia, where the prime minister, minister Osmani, the prime minister's staff are very active in advancing this common goal of ours by providing partners with concrete figures from this reality that at first sight does not seem as it is", he said. Prime Minister Rama brought to attention the past experience in the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, which, according to him, "prevents us from behaving as if nothing happened". "I am referring to COVID-19 when the EU left us like a fish out of water in the first period and we were forced to look for vaccines in other countries that in Brussels are classified as 'third countries'. But I also consider the period after, how important it was when the EU got involved and we found support in the EU", Rama said. Rama emphasized that this is not the only one, as there are many common challenges that require a common approach to citizens, who cannot be first-class and second-class citizens. "What our neighbours in the EU receive from the EU is incomparable in relation to what we make available to citizens from internal resources, no matter how much we increase them," he said. Rama also assessed that Albania and North Macedonia have a very meaningful balance in their report in terms of full alignment, 100%, in relation to the EU's foreign policy. According to him, "this is a value that we embody with this common community of countries and nations in the region and not everyone embodies it 100%".


Rama meets President Osmani in Pristina (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama arrived on Thursday afternoon at the airport of Pristina, in Kosovo. At the airport of Pristina, he was received by the ambassador of Albania to Kosovo, Qemal Minxhozi. Rama, on Thursday morning, informed that 13 meeting agreements between the two governments have been submitted to the Foreign Ministry in Kosovo. The situation in the north of Kosovo, the Berlin Process and the NATO Summit, were the 3 issues at the centre of the meeting between the President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani and the Prime Minister, Edi Rama. This was announced by President Osmani herself, through a post on Twitter. "With Prime Minister Edi Rama, we discussed today the future processes on the international agenda, with a focus on the NATO Summit & the Berlin Process Summit. The further strengthening of cooperation is for the benefit of our citizens & for the benefit of the future our common Euro-Atlantic." writes Osmani on Twitter. The emphasis on the current situation in Kosovo and the region, in relation to the latest security developments in the north of the country, the Berlin Process and the NATO Summit, is also at the centre of the press release, which the president's office distributed after the meeting with Rama. "The meeting discussed the NATO summit, which will be held in July in Vilnius, Lithuania, the Berlin Process summit, which will be held in Tirana in October this year, and the current situation in Kosovo, relative to the latest security developments in the north of the country." - said in the press release. President Osmani reconfirmed Kosovo's commitment to address the common challenges faced by the region together with the Euro-Atlantic partners. In relation to the security situation in the north, President Osmani emphasized that Kosovo has demonstrated the will to de-escalate, offering the organization of new elections in the north of the country, in accordance with the legal framework of Kosovo. Furthermore, she emphasized that it is imperative that those who attacked NATO, journalists, Kosovo police and citizens in the north, be responsible before the law, because impunity can encourage even more violence. "Regarding the Summit of the Berlin Process, it was discussed about the necessity of entering into force all the agreements reached so far in this process, especially the one that has to do with freedom of movement, and about the possibility of increasing projects and beneficial funds for the countries of the Western Balkans in the framework of the Berlin Process."  says the press release. On the other hand, relative to the NATO Summit, the President thanked Albania for its continuous support regarding Kosovo's membership in this alliance, while reiterating the importance of moving forward with membership in the Partnership for Peace, as a step towards full NATO membership, which would simultaneously contribute to long-term stability in the region. President Osmani and Prime Minister Rama agreed to continue coordination for the benefit of the citizens of both countries and for the benefit of regional peace and security. Prime Minister Edi Rama said after the meeting that the President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani that he had a useful meeting and open conversation on the topics of the visit, the Berlin Summit in Tirana, the NATO Summit, and common concerns too. "Pristina, Presidency - With Vjosa Osman, President of the Republic of Kosovo, a useful meeting and open conversation on the topics of the visit, the Berlin Summit in Tirana & the NATO Summit, as well as common concerns," Rama wrote in a post in social network. The US Ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey M. Hovenier, was also present at the meeting Prime Minister Rama had with Kosovo President Osmani.


Rama's reaction after Kurti refused to meet him (ADN)


Prime Minister Edi Rama reacted to the attitude of his counterpart Albin Kurti, who did not meet him during his visit to Kosovo as part of the Balkan tour. Rama again left open the possibility of a meeting, as he said that it is important to talk and meet, even when they have different opinions. As he said that he cannot interpret the positions of Albin Kurti, Prime Minister Edi Rama said that he wanted a meeting with Kurti earlier, after the cancellation between the two governments, but it did not take place due to the commitments of the Prime Minister of Kosovo. "I did not come with a mission to interpret Albini's position, the most important thing today is for people to meet and talk, and moreover when they have different positions, because by meeting and talking, maybe they understand each other better. I have tried to communicate, but it has been difficult. It's such a moment and I don't want to judge. There is also a misunderstanding as if the cancellation of the meeting came as a precursor to EU measures, in fact the opposite. I wanted a meeting to convey some concerns and I wanted to ease the position of Kosovo. I have asked Borrell to delay the release of the measures for a few days in an effort to understand the situation and the parties. It was not possible to make the meeting because Albini was very busy, he was not available for other work. I said that we cannot act as if nothing is happening and hold a meeting as if everything is going perfectly", said Rama. Rama says that the cancellation of the meetings of the two governments was not a stab in the back, on the contrary, according to him, it is an extension of the hand in a situation where they should have more communication. "It is the opposite of the knife, it is the extension of the hand in a situation where we want to talk more with each other" - said Rama.