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Belgrade Media Report 3 October



Vucic: Kurti will continue the persecution of Serbs and he will have support for it  (TV Happy)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic points out that the Prime Minister of Pristina’s provisional institutions Albin Kurti will continue the persecution of Serbs, and that, as he says, he will have support for that. If the international community allows terror to continue, people will start packing things onto trucks, tractors and buses, says Vucic. “Kurti will continue the persecution of Serbs, he will continue the mistreatment of Serbs and he will have support for that mistreatment, because they will always say yes, he is right,” said Vucic in a guest appearance on TV Happy. As for the conflict in Banjska itself, Vucic says that his knowledge is somewhat different from the version that Kosovo policemen ambushed Serbs. He points out that he does not claim that he is 100% right, but that our services reconstructed everything and that they did not make a mistake anywhere. “Those policemen were ordered to remove the barricades set up by the Serbs so that they could more easily go to their homes and, probably, distribute some of the weapons to resist Kurti’s terror. The policeman came across an explosive device that he activated, and the two were killed as a result. One was wounded, another was killed, and then the third opened fire, so those who were there failed to take cover and that’s how everything started,” said Vucic. He emphasizes that at that time the Kosovo police were given carte blanche to hunt people as if they were not human. “And that’s why it’s important how Mijailovic and Milenkovic were killed, and we will insist on that, as well as hold responsible those who killed the policeman. After all, this is our citizen,” said Vucic. The President stated that in the coming days it will be seen whether the witness to the murder of Bojan Mijailovic in the village of Banjska will receive the status of a protected witness. “Whether he will get the position or the role of a protected witness, we will see that in the days ahead. He is an eyewitness, he is a witness, he saw it with his own eyes, and he is not someone who has indirect knowledge, because someone told him said something,” pointed out Vucic. He pointed out that it is very important for us that the witness saw and heard it personally. “And that is what is important for us, no one in the world has gotten excited about it, nor will they,” said Vucic. The President noted that he cannot talk about all the information from the police and what was said, as well as that there are interesting details. “I want to show this to people, this is an M70 automatic rifle in the arsenal of the police of so-called Kosovo, which chased and pursued, among other things, with those rifles of the Serbs in the north of Kosovo, which were manufactured in Kragujevac. They are all our rifles, not only that,” said Vucic. He added that in one of the pictures, the M70 rifle can be seen again, with the members of the so-called special Kosovo police. “Did we officially sell it to them, no, we didn’t. But no one asks where they got 20 times more rifles than they found there, which were produced in Serbia. Children’s games... You can see our rifles in Ukraine many times 1,000 in relation to both of them in Kosovo and Metohija, so no one asks, on both sides. How, God knows. But in the modern world, that is such a stupid question that I have no words,” said Vucic. Vucic believes that the request from Washington for Belgrade to withdraw its army came because, for the first time, Serbia did not bring conventional weapons to the administrative line, but sophisticated ones, with which the Serbian Army was seriously strengthened, and said that those who think that Serbia was planning in sync with the events at Banjska to come in and occupy the north, they know nothing. “I understood what it was about, it wasn’t that many people, it was a bit bigger, but not worrying, we had a maximum of 8,400 soldiers, a year ago we had 14,000 and then they didn’t tell us anything, according to the 2001 agreement, we have free unrestricted access to the land zone regardless of equipment and weapons,” said Vucic. The President states that it is not the first time that Serbia is facing difficult trials and told the citizens in Serbia proper and those in Kosovo and Metohija that it is necessary to continue the fight in order to resist the terror carried out by Kurti. “This is a problem that requires our unity, to be responsible, to protect our people and to build the country. To think about how to move forward. To know that we cannot trust anyone, but that we must also be part of the world. I am guilty that I believed them at one point, but I believed them because I had nowhere to go,” said Vucic. He added that it is now clear that Kurti is arresting Serbs in Kosovo based on prepared lists that he updates on a daily basis.

Vucic said that everything is moving towards early parliamentary and local elections being held on 17 December. When asked how much is left until the early elections and whether the date of 17 December remains, Vucic said that he did not count the days, but that there were more than needed for any campaign. “I’m not the one who decides, I decide for one election if  I’m not mistaken, but I think everything is going in that direction,” said Vucic.


Vucic welcomes China's new Ambassador (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Monday received the credentials of China's newly-appointed Ambassador to Belgrade Li Ming and thanked China for supporting Serbia's positions on the Kosovo and Metohija issue, noting that he especially valued his friendly relationship and excellent cooperation with Chinese President Xi Jinping. "I cordially welcomed the new ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of Serbia, which is a steely friend and a loyal partner to China," Vucic wrote on Instagram. "I expressed the confidence that, through his engagement, work and commitment, he would make a significant contribution to further intensification and enrichment of overall cooperation between our two countries. Expressing gratitude to China for supporting our positions on the Kosovo and Metohija issue, I noted that I especially value the friendly relationship and the excellent cooperation I maintain with the President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping, whom we gladly expect to visit Serbia again," Vucic noted.


Vucic receives credentials of new Indian Ambassador (Tanjug/Politika/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received the credentials of India's new Ambassador to Serbia Shubhdarshini Tripathi on Monday and said he expected the Serbia-India political dialogue to continue to develop at a newly-established pace after intensifying to a significant extent in recent years. "I wished the newly-appointed ambassador of the Republic of India a cordial welcome, successful work and a pleasant stay in our country. I expressed the confidence that she will make a significant contribution to further advancement of overall Serbia-India relations through her engagement and work, and I thanked her for India's consistent support to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country," Vucic wrote in a post on Instagram account.


Orlic: So-called Kosovo's admission to CoE would be absurd (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic met with the rapporteur of the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Axel Schafer on Monday and expressed commitment to further cooperation. Speaking about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, Orlic said it was extremely difficult - exclusively through the fault of Albin Kurti, the Serbian parliament said in a statement. "Rewarding the so-called 'Kosovo' with Council of Europe membership would be absurd after all it has been doing. Not only Serbia is saying that - so are many others in Europe," Orlic said, noting that Serbia's position was clear and that, as President Aleksandar Vucic had reiterated many times, dialogue was the only right way to reach any sustainable solution, and that, unlike Kurti, Serbia wanted peace. Speaking about the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Orlic informed Schafer of the daily terror, violence and threats to the security of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, of Pristina's unacceptable attitude to previously signed agreements, flagrant attempts to cause an escalation and destroy any dialogue. Orlic also noted the overall progress achieved by Serbia in many fields, especially when it comes to democratic standards, rule of law and human and minority rights in the country.


Stefanovic: EU members must not take sides in Kosovo (Beta)


Borko Stefanovic, chairman of the Serbian parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs, said on Monday that EU member states must not take sides in Kosovo and should instead insist on the rule of law, freedom of the press, fighting crime and corruption, and curbing autocracy. Speaking before an EU parliamentary conference in Madrid, Stefanovic said there could be no solution to the Kosovo issue without democratization of the region and of Serbia. "Any restrictive measures from the EU against Serbia must not be such that they impact the people. Rather, it is necessary for Europe to realistically see the responsibility of individuals -- Kurti for trampling rights and violence against Serbs in Kosovo, and the Serbian regime for leaving Serbs in Kosovo outside police structures, which has led to violence and deaths," the Freedom and Justice Party, of which Stefanovic is vice president, quoted him as saying. Stefanovic said only a dialogue based on the need for reconciliation and focusing on solving everyday issues could ensure sustainable and lasting peace while honoring the needs of Serbs and their constitutional view of the status of Kosovo. Any other approach, he added, will lead to rising tensions and violence, and threaten the stability of the entire region.


Stano: Serbia to stop military buildup near Kosovo (Beta)


The European Commission’s lead spokesman Peter Stano said in Brussels on Monday that Serbia had to stop a military buildup close to the administrative line with Kosovo, pointing out that it’s vital at this point to reduce tensions and stabilize the security situation. “We have noticed the Serbian military buildup along the administrative boundary line between Kosovo and Serbia, which is a cause for concern and must be stopped. It was a message by High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell this weekend, because there should not be any military or security buildup on the European continent,” Stano said to reporters. Borrell’s media representative said that the EU “is familiar with the statement issued by Milan Radoicic,” until recently a vice-president of the Serb List, who had accepted responsibility for a recent attack by a group of armed Serbs on the Kosovo Police in the village of Banjska, adding that “all the facts must be established,” and that the EU “expects Serbia’s full and unconditional cooperation”. When asked by journalists to comment on a statement by Serbian officials that the EULEX had been prevented from getting involved in an investigation into the clash in Banjska, Stano said that the EULEX role and mandate were to supervise the situation and provide assistance to the Kosovo Police if required, and that the mandate did not include an investigation. Stano responded to a journalist’s question on the possibility of introducing measures or sanctions against Belgrade by saying that the Union “will wait for complete information and all the facts in connection with the terrorist attack and relevant events,” and that it was “prepared to introduce measures to Serbia, too, if the member states decide that they possess enough facts and information”.


US welcomes Serbian troop withdrawal (AFP/N1)


The US welcomed Serbia's announced withdrawal of troops from the Kosovo border following warnings from Washington, the AFP reported on Monday. “We will be looking for further confirmation. But if true, that would be a welcome step,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters. “We continue to be concerned about the cycle of rising tensions and sporadic violence in northern Kosovo and encourage both parties to return to the EU-facilitated dialogue,” he said.


German FM calls Serbia to withdraw troops (Anadolu/N1)


German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said in Kyiv on Monday that Serbia should reduce its troops number along the border with Kosovo. “There should be no more tension between Serbia and Kosovo,” she said after an informal meeting of EU Foreign Ministers in the capital of Ukraine. She added that the EU Foreign Ministers appealed for Serbia to urgently withdraw its forces.


Kosovo police raided Banjska; They search terrain with dogs; EULEX just oversees it (Tanjug)


Members of the special unit of the so-called Kosovo Police entered the village of Banjska with dogs and began searching the village itself and its surroundings. As reported by Tanjug, along with members of the so-called Kosovo police, there are also members of KFOR participating in the action. Members of the EULEX mission are on the spot, monitoring the whole operation, the agency says.


Lazar sentenced to 30 days under house arrest (RTS/Tanjug)


The basic court in Kosovska Mitrovica ordered Lazar Janicijevic from Zvecan to spend 30 days under house arrest. The so-called Kosovo police arrested him at Jarinje administrative crossing as he and his family, friends and compatriots were on their way to Vrnjacka Banja in central Serbia, to attend the funeral of Stefan Nedeljkovic, who was killed in Banjska, reports Tanjug. RTS is reporting that the prosecutor’s office has charged Janicijevic with unauthorized possession of a weapon. The defense states that after the search, it was established that there were no weapons in his apartment, while photographs showing certain weapons had been found.




Budapest: RS President Dodik and Hungarian PM Orban discuss political and economic cooperation; Orban says he is against possible sanctions against Serbs in B&H (ATV)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik met with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Budapest on Monday. The meeting was held as a part of a two-day visit of Dodik to Hungary, and Dodik assessed the visit to Hungary as a continuation of exceptional cooperation. Dodik and Orban talked for two and a half hours. After the meeting, Dodik said that it was one of the best meetings so far when it comes to Orban. They discussed economic cooperation and the political situation at the global level and in Europe. It was especially emphasized that the political concept in Europe is changing quite a bit with the victory in Slovakia, so the time for some new politics is definitely coming. It was also said that Hungary understands the position of the RS in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The RS also understands Hungary's position in Europe. Dodik said that the support that the RS has from Hungary is important, especially in these moments and complicated situations in B&H. Dodik stated: “I think that we can mutually say that the future cooperation is developing in the best possible way and that we are trying to recognize and are already implementing some economic projects that we have outlined earlier related to the field of energy, such as wind farms. Of course, the project to support agricultural producers is also very successful. And this time, Prime Minister Orban expressed his willingness to substitute projects that the Germans allegedly cancelled, and now they are formally creating problems for us because they do not want to resolve the agreements that regulate that cooperation. So, I have a political position that they allegedly do not want something, and concrete contracts are still active regarding the Germans and they, here we are waiting for them to finish it so that we can implement those important projects with the Hungarians and Prime Minister Orban, in the best possible way, to our mutual benefit again. We talked about the cooperation and support of the Hungarian government to our Serb community here, which is visible, to our church. We talked about how in the future we could and should lead policies that will integrate our economies as much as possible. We agreed on the fact that, on an experimental level, in a dozen schools in the next school year or at faculties, we will see Hungarian professors get involved, to see children's interest in learning the Hungarian language”. Hungarian Prime Minister’s press office stated after the meeting that Hungary is strongly against possible use of sanctions against Serbs in B&H, which would be counter-productive and could lead to escalation of tensions. Dodik stated that Hungary’s support is very important in circumstances of continuous attacks on the RS leadership, adding that the meetings such as his meeting with Orban contribute to the preservation of the RS’ position. Dodik also said that Hungary is a friendly country and an important country in the EU and the region, noting that it is therefore very important to have domination of Hungarian policy of cooperation with the Balkans in all relations. He stressed that it is normal that in connection with the Balkans, Hungary as the EU member state is involved in all the processes, including the Berlin Process.


Dodik: I am in favor of extending mandate of Althea, but I am against extending scope of mandate (ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik met with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Budapest on Monday. Dodik stated that he does not expect a general from Hungary, if Hungary takes over command of the EUFOR, to be fan-oriented towards the RS, which is only interested in an objective approach. After Bosniak politicians began to object Hungary’s taking command of EUFOR, Dodik stated that it was clear from this that Muslims believe that anyone who comes should be exclusively theirs and that they should manage it, not someone else. Dodik stated: “Hungary will not give up on that and should not give up, but that does not mean that the person who would come there should do something else, nor do we expect him to be in favor of us, nor that is in anybody's mind. Through this it is now clear that Muslims believe that everyone who comes should be exclusively a priori theirs and that they manage it, not someone else. What I support, in this case a Hungarian, but I also supported Althea before, i.e. that it fulfils its clearly prescribed mandate beyond the requests that all sides have. So, I am in favor of extending the mandate of Althea, but I am against extending the scope of the mandate given to Althea, which would eventually be under pressure from Muslims”. Orban announced that along with taking over the EUFOR Mission to B&H, Hungary will have the EU integration of the Western Balkans in focus of its presidency of the EU as of the next year. Dodik said that extending the EUFOR mandate in B&H is disputable and that EUFOR’s role is to establish peace in a way to part the sides in a possible conflict, adding that there is no such a thing in B&H and that EUFOR should not do anything other than that.


Court of B&H rejects second motion for recusal of judge Cosic Dedovic filed by Dodik’s defense (Hayat)


The Court of B&H has rejected for the second time a motion for recusal of judge Jasmina Cosic Dedovic filed by Dodik’s Defense. Hayat reports that Dodik’s defense lawyer Goran Bubic said last week that recusal was requested due to reasonable suspicion in Cosic Dedovic’s impartiality. “The reason for that is also because the indictment was not returned due to absence of legal elements of the indictment, but due to instructing the (B&H) Prosecutor’s Office how to correct the initial indictment”, Bubic was quoted as saying. Hayat reminds that three weeks ago, the Court of B&H upheld the indictment against Dodik and RS Official Gazette Acting Director Milos Lucic for non-implementation of the High Representative decisions from the B&H Criminal Code. The Court of B&H issued a statement which reads: “Following the decision of the General Session of the Court, the request for recusal of Judge Jasmina Cosic Dedovic in the aforementioned case was rejected as unfounded”. Cosic Dedovic was the judge who confirmed the indictment against Dodik and Lukic, reminded the presenter.


Embassy of Austria: For years, Austria has been standing for faster admission of B&H to the EU (


The Embassy of Austria has issued a press release saying that for years this country has been standing for faster admission of B&H to the EU, adding that Austria strongly advocated granting of the EU candidate status to B&H. They also stressed that as early as last year, Austrian officials argued that the admission process should become more dynamic. The Embassy added: “At the same time, Austria stands for flexibility of the EU in the process of admission. Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg and Minister for the EU Karoline Edtstadler filed a proposal for dynamizing the stagnating enlargement process as early as in May. By upgrading it, Ministers Schallenberg and Edtstadler now want to develop these proposals and identify concrete areas of acting and area of politics in order to intensify integration of Western Balkans.” Edtstadler said: “Now, we have to come up with something new for Western Balkans and to speed up the enlargement. Palpable steps are necessary and one meaningful system of impetus for reforms, otherwise we will lose people in that region. With our proposals, which lead us further in terms of gradual integration, we want to dynamically make Western Balkan countries closer, institutionally, financially and based on concrete areas. It does not pay off to waste time. Geo-political reality demands the pace and innovative approaches. Schallenberg said: “The enlargement is a strongest geo-strategic instrument of the EU. Let’s use it as such. We must not wait until candidates for admission fully implement legal heritage of the EU (acquis), but before that we should integrate them in those political areas where it is possible. We must not make a mistake and with all justified focus on the West, forget southeast Europe. Austria is and it continues to give strong impetus for gradual approaching of the Western Balkans to the EU.”


Ruling coalition optimistic about changes to Election Law (BHT1)


The ruling coalition is optimistic about changes to the Election Law. HDZ B&H President Dragan Covic, in his previous statement from the coalition leaders' meeting, announced that changes to the Election Law could be put on the agenda of the B&H Council of Ministers on Tuesday, October 3. The details of the proposed reform are not known to the public, but judging by the previous statements of the authorities, the changes will start from the Central Election Commission (CEC). NiP President Elmedin Konakovic said that it is necessary to change the election commission and bring serious professionals who will not be influenced by anyone. President of CEC Saud Arnautovic confirmed that the details of the changes to Election Law are still unknown, but what could be seen was the intention of the authorities to bring the change. SDA President Bakir Izetbegovic was critical of the planned changes to the Election Law, as he states that the changes to the Election Law were made to benefit HDZ B&H. Next year is an election year in B&H, and changes to the Election Law are not possible in that year. The next period, as emphasized by BHT1, will be an indicator of whether the authorities' goals are to establish democracy and the path to the EU for B&H.


Russian Embassy to B&H: Statements of US Embassy to B&H regarding law on NGOs in the RS unfounded (RTRS)


The Russian Embassy to B&H said in a statement published on Monday that the US was the one of the first countries in the world to adopt their famous law on foreign agents that stipulates rigorous measures for those who violate law, which makes the statements of the US Embassy to B&H regarding the draft law on the special registry and publicity of the work of non-profit organizations in the RS “unfounded.” The Russian Embassy to B&H stressed that the US is silent about the fact that their law on registration of foreign agents stipulates prison sentence for violation of rules regarding the presentation of all publications within 24 hours, reminding that the US law stipulates the sentence of 10 years in prison for failing to register a foreign agent. The statement also reads that the US finances the media and NGO sector worldwide for political parties’ manipulation and removal of governments.


Konakovic and UN’s Macdonald mark end of ‘12 Days of Activism for Peace’ campaign (Nezavisne)


B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic and UN Resident Coordinator Ingrid Macdonald hosted the reception marking the end of the ‘12 Days of Activism for Peace’ campaign. Konakovic stated that B&H appreciates the partnership with the UN and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development whose purpose is to create peace and prosperity for all people in the world. He underlined that B&H will continue its cooperation with all UN members in order to contribute to the global prosperity and stability. He thanked the Office of the Resident Coordinator for cooperation. Macdonald expressed satisfaction over the fact that B&H Foreign Ministry has been implementing the ‘12 Days of Activism for Peace’ campaign for four years.


Plenkovic and Rama call for measures against Serbia due to violence in Kosovo (HRT)


The Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania Edi Rama is on an official visit to Croatia. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic received him at the government building. “Croatia is a source of inspiration and encouragement for Albania's path towards the European Union,” Edi Rama said on Monday at the government building, praising Croatia as an example of success and a country whose achievements in just one decade in the EU are an incentive for Tirana. Rama said that Albania benefited greatly from Zagreb's direct assistance, adding that Croatia had created a large base of experience in its EU accession process. “Albania also wants to learn from Croatia in the field of tourism, strengthening cyber security and support in the employment process,” continued the Albanian Prime Minister. “Tirana sees Croatia as one of the most important partnerships,” said the Albanian Prime Minister. During Rama's visit to Croatia, the two countries signed two agreements in the areas of the health sector and social policy, and the Croatian Prime Minister emphasized that they build on the strategic partnership that Albania and Croatia signed five years ago. Plenkovic said that the trade exchange between the two countries reached a little less than 170 million euros last year, but that the two, in a broader sense, neighboring countries, have a great interest in increasing this. The two prime ministers also discussed the energy sector and infrastructure with an emphasis on the Adriatic-Ionian corridor. “Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic informed us that Croatia has decided to significantly finance the construction of that corridor through Croatian territory,” said Rama, and added that Tirana is in the process of signing a contract on the main segment of the corridor through Albania and that ways of harmonizing with Montenegro are being considered. Plenkovic emphasized that Croatia remains a strong supporter of the Albanian path towards the EU. “This is the time when Putin's aggression against Ukraine accelerated the enlargement process, so it is viewed in a completely different way in the EU,” concluded the Croatian Prime Minister, while Rama said that the two countries, members of NATO, have a completely harmonized attitude towards this war. Plenkovic will visit Tirana in mid-October, where he will participate in the summit meeting of the Berlin process.


They called for measures against Serbia because of the violence in Kosovo

They strongly condemned the violence of Serbian paramilitary units in the north of Kosovo, as well as making heroes out of terrorists by Belgrade, calling for measures by the EU and the West against Serbia because of this. On Sunday, 24 September, around thirty heavily armed members of Serbian paramilitary units killed a Kosovo police officer in the village of Banjska in the north of Kosovo. Kosovo security forces eliminated three Serbian attackers in the battle, which is why Belgrade declared a day of mourning. Rama said that the aggression of the paramilitary forces is as worrying as the reaction of Belgrade. “We have a crime, the murder of a police officer, and we have those who committed it being made heroes,” said the Albanian Prime Minister, stressing that this should not be acceptable in Europe, which has opposite values. Plenkovic emphasized that these moves cannot go unanswered and that Belgrade's decision on the day of mourning almost implies identification with what happened. He emphasized that an investigation will follow in order to fully determine what happened, after which the EU's special envoy for dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade will make proposals for measures. The European Commission (EC) can also adopt measures autonomously, without the consent of all member states, as it did against Kosovo a few months ago. Due to non-compliance with the EU's demands against Pristina, the EC took measures to suspend work in working bodies as part of the Stabilization and Association Agreement and withdrew invitations to high-level meetings and suspended Kosovo from its 7.5-billion-euro program. The Croatian Prime Minister emphasized that he is sure that measures will be taken, and Rama pointed out that they should be applied without wasting time because Belgrade's decision on the day of mourning leaves no room for different interpretations.


Minister Grlic Radman attends meeting of EU foreign ministers in Kiev (HRT)


EU foreign ministers made a surprise visit to the Ukrainian capital on Monday, where they held an informal that served as a show of support for the war-torn country. This marks the first time that EU foreign ministers held an informal meet in a third country and comes on the heels of the landmark visit to Kiev in February by the EU’s leadership for an EU-Ukraine summit. The ministers meeting was not announced for security reasons. The focus of discussion of Monday’s informal meeting was on longer-term financial aid to Ukraine and the use of European funds to supply the Ukrainian army with fighter jets and missiles. The High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Josep Borrell said that the war in Ukraine represents an existential threat to Europe and added that the future of Ukraine lies in the European Union: "This war has far-reaching consequences for the whole world. But for us Europeans, it is an existential threat. It may not seem like it to everyone but let me say it again. The war in Ukraine is an existential threat. And that is why we must continue to support and talk to our American allies and friends so that they continue to support Ukraine." After Sunday’s visit to Odesa and his meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Borrell announced that the 27 EU member states stand firmly with Ukraine and that they will soon make a decision on a new aid package worth €20 billion. Speaking after their meeting, Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Minister Dmytro Kuleba echoed Borrell’s sentiments that Ukraine’s future was as a member of the EU: "This is a historic event because the Foreign Affairs Council is meeting outside the borders of the European Union for the first time, but within its future borders. It is a message of support. The support that the European Union provides to Ukraine and everything we are doing. We are very grateful."

Representing Croatia at the meeting is Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlic Radman: "This is the first time that we are holding a meeting of the 27 EU foreign ministers in Kiev. It sends a message of how united we are in our support of Ukraine. Today we are discussing how we can strengthen our security commitments to Ukraine, in line with Ukraine's needs."


Milatovic: Key in Spajic’s hands – if they had followed my deadlines, they would have already had govt. (CdM)


President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic presented a joint platform for Montenegro in the EU to all parliamentary parties. He has said that the future government of Montenegro must be European, and that the key is in the hands of PM-designate Milojko Spajic and those who form the government. “The invitation will be sent to all parliamentary entities to gather around common goals and strengthen cohesion. We must make joint efforts”, said Mialtovic at yesterday’s thematic press conference. He has clarified that the platform includes the strengthening of the judiciary, the fight against organized crime and corruption, the improvement of living and working conditions for young people… Milatovic points out that talking with political actors on equal terms is the duty and obligation of the president of the state. “There is strong interest and support from the international community. I will tell to the European leaders that there is a strong will in Montenegro to join the EU”, he said. Answering the question whether by proposing this platform, Milatovic left the competence of the president, he explained that this platform is bigger than any Montenegrin government. Answering the question whether it is normal for anyone outside of Montenegro to talk about the Montenegrin government, he said “imagine that Montenegro gives instructions to the ambassador of a country to talk about the formation of the government of that country”. “As the President of Montenegro, I defend the independent right of every citizen to elect a government in Montenegro. Whatever it is,” added Mialtovic. Some of the segments of the Joint Platform for Montenegrin in the EU refer to the harmonization of legislative activity with the Constitution of Montenegro and the acquis of the EU, immediate initiation of parliamentary dialogue, continuation of judiciary reforms, commitment to comprehensive reform of electoral legislation, commitment to sustainable economic development through the implementation of structural reforms, building efficient public administration, improving the environment for the work of the civil sector and the media, etc. In this way, the platform signatories promote political stability, consensus in relation to common values and readiness for joint action – with the aim of accelerating Montenegro’s European path.


Milatovic’s Platform (CdM)


President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic presented a Joint Platform for Montenegro in the EU to all parliamentary parties.


Joint Platform for Montenegro in the EU!


  1. by expressing a clear commitment to the need for further development of a civil, democratic and economically developed Montenegro,
  2. by respecting European values, including human dignity, freedom, human rights, democracy, equality and the rule of law, as leading postulates of political engagement,
  3. by supporting the decisions and actions leading to accelerated membership of Montenegro in the European Union, without further delay, we express our commitment to the common principles of future institutional and political action, which refer to:


  • Harmonization of legislative activity with the Constitution of Montenegro and the acquis of the EU, with consultation and participation of the public, i.e., interested subjects, in the decision-making process;
  • The immediate initiation of a parliamentary dialogue with the aim of electing the holders of the highest judicial and prosecutorial positions;
  • Continuation of reforms in the judiciary with the aim of decisive fight against corruption and organized crime;
  • Commitment to the comprehensive reform of electoral legislation, with the aim of strengthening the integrity of the electoral process and trust in the elections;
  • Commitment to sustainable economic development through the implementation of structural reforms, the improvement of modern transport, digital and health-social infrastructure and the attraction of credible investments, with the aim of improving the standard of living of citizens;
  • The construction of an efficient public administration, through the implementation of the depoliticization process and the promotion of meritocracy in personnel management, which works decisively on the process of joining Montenegro to the EU;
  • Improving the environment for the work of the civil sector and the media, which includes freedom of expression and readiness for open, transparent and regular dialogue with civil society organizations;
  • Commitment to building a society of equal opportunities, which fosters a special sensibility towards improving the position of vulnerable groups and respect for human rights;
  • Strengthening the Constitutional concept of the ecological state of Montenegro, through the implementation of the EU Green Agenda, the protection of nature and the environment;
  • Creating a better-quality environment for young people, through a comprehensive reform of the education system, the inclusion of Montenegrin universities in EU networks and programs, a better connection between educational programs and the needs of the labor market;
  • Strengthening the capacity of institutions to attract funds from EU funds and their further implementation.
  • Full compliance with EU foreign and security policy, as well as participation in EU initiatives related to the promotion of peace and security at the global level;
  • Strengthening the positive and constructive role of Montenegro in the region, including regional economic integration through the Common Regional Market (Berlin Process) and other inclusive regional cooperation initiatives aligned with EU standards;
  • The signatories of the platform, in this way, promote political stability, consensus around common values and readiness for joint action – with the aim of accelerating Montenegro’s European path.


Nikolic: Milatovic continues to defy the EU, pushing Putin's followers into the government (CdM)


The joint appeal of Croatia and Albania to the EU to introduce measures against Serbia, due to the violence of Serbian paramilitary forces in Kosovo, reflects the failure of the Open Balkans (OB) project, said Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) MP Andrija Nikolic. "While waiting for the 'repentance' of those who pushed Montenegro into OB, Milatovic continues to defy the EU, pushing Putin's followers into the government," said Nikolic on the X network.


Boljevic: Milatovic's "platform" for bringing ZBCG into the government (CdM)


The EU does not go along with Russian flags at the rallies, tirades about Chechen camps in the parliament and support for the worst criminal aggression in Europe in the 21st century. If the president "forgot", we didn't - the holder of the list that Milatovic wants to push into the government, in the middle of the pre-election campaign, shouted from the stage "long live Russia" at a rally in Belgrade, Arsenije Boljevic, a member of the DPS Executive Board, said. "Absolutely everyone whom Milatovic ardently represents, in fact, never once clearly condemned everything that has been happening in Ukraine since February of last year. And that's why it's hard for anyone to believe Milatovic that convinced anti-NATO players changed their course overnight," Boljevic says. As far as civil forces are concerned, Boljevic believes that if there was no DPS, Montenegro "would neither be a part of NATO, nor would it have the status of a candidate for EU membership". "While we were introducing Montenegro to NATO, Milatovic's partners were burning flags and running away from the Assembly. "While we in Brussels tried with all our might to win the best possible position for Montenegro, Milatovic's partners went to Moscow and stayed away," he said. A member of the DPS Executive Board warns Milatovic not to equate civil and European forces with those who made Montenegro a "cancer wound” in the eyes Brussels. If Milatovic owes someone something, either because of votes in the elections or for completely different reasons, let him deal with it with them - but Montenegro will not be held hostage to those debts, nor will we allow him to present anti-European structures as anything progressive on the Montenegrin political scene." concluded Boljevic.


Osmani: Russian aggression in Ukraine - biggest test of our commitment to human rights' protection (MIA)


OSCE Chairman-in-Office and Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani opened via video-address the Warsaw Human Dimension Conference on Monday, saying the event aims to assess the implementation of the OSCE pledges by participating states in the domain of human rights, democracy and rule of law, offering concrete solutions for the future. "The Russian military aggression in Ukraine is our biggest test for realization of our joint pledges. We are witnessing continual violence, discrimination and inequality across the globe. We are seeing threats to the freedom of expression, peaceful gathering and association. We are seeing attacks on the rule of law and erosion of democratic institutions. These challenges are exacerbating with the new threats such as the impact of new technologies on privacy and the effect of climate change on social equality," said FM Osmani. These challenges, he added, can be overcome by giving civil society a key role in these efforts, and this is one of the priorities of North Macedonia's OSCE Chairmanship. "Civil society organizations are on the frontline regarding advocacy for human rights, democracy and rule of law. They ensure perspectives and independent assessments and reports on issues related to media freedom, electoral processes and minority rights, urging governments to demonstrate responsibility. They help OSCE and are a key partner in identifying and creating specific measures on the ground," said Osmani. According to him, one of the key results of the conference will be to identify the areas where OSCE states can improve the implementation of pledges, leading to a better life of citizens without the fear of war, oppression or silencing. "The belief that every individual, regardless of his/her background and circumstances, has innate rights and dignity lies in the heart of every human rights movement. These rights are universal, inseparable and mutually dependent. They are not abstract but the foundation of peaceful, functional, inclusive societies," noted Osmani. The 10-day conference is dedicated to discussions on the condition of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the OSCE area. The conference provides a platform to evaluate the implementation of the OSCE Human Dimension commitments and offers a forum for participants to present their current work and raise issues that they believe merit the urgent attention of the international community.


Lundgren: EU prepared for enlargement, seize momentum (MIA)


Enlargement of the EU is not a question of if, but when and how. Sweden is in favor of going forward with North Macedonia on a merit-based process. We are strongly advocating this in the EU as its members. Hopefully we take steps forward, in the near future, for negotiating and welcoming North Macedonia as a member of the EU, said Swedish parliament deputy speaker Kerstin Lundgren said on Monday. Lundren addressed a press conference following a meeting of the delegation of the Parliamentary Steering Group for Democratic Development of the Kingdom of Sweden (Riksdag) and the parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia, chaired by MP Fadil Zendeli. The Riksdag deputy speaker emphasized the importance of the current momentum for North Macedonia's integration process in the context of the enlargement. "Today’s debate about the fight against corruption was making sure that the rule of law is high on the agenda. It is important that there is trust in the rule of law for all of us, especially for Macedonian citizens, because they are the most important. Moving forward we should take into consideration future generations as we cooperate for a more prosperous future for our citizens," Lundgern said. When asked if the meeting tackled the constitutional amendments as prerequisite for the country to continue with EU integration, she stressed that Sweden respects the way the parliament operates, and that they do not want to interfere with internal political discussions, reaffirming Stockholm’s position regarding the enlargement process and the importance to use the present momentum. "We are just here to discuss how to work together on merit-based issues. As I mentioned, the rule of law is very important and we hope that the situation as it is, you are aware that the EU has opened up for new candidates with Ukraine and Moldova, and we are in the mood inside the EU for enlargement. We are hopeful that enlargement will come, sooner than later, and we also hope to see North Macedonia in the EU, but it is merit-based issue and we should stick to that and nothing else," Lundgern stressed. First deputy speaker of the Riksdag, Kenneth Forslund, who has over 20 years of experience in foreign policy though his work in the institution, assessed the cooperation with the parliament as one of the most successful and inspirational parliamentary cooperations, emphasizing Sweden's position as a country that traditionally has been in favor of the enlargement, also adding that "the goal of this cooperation is to help you meet the criteria to become an EU member". Lawmaker Fadil Zendeli assessed the meeting as successful, including the presented aspects of the work of the Legislative Committee and other spheres of the Swedish society as an important contribution to the development of North Macedonia's democratic capacities, especially the new Rules of Procedures of the parliament as a result of the Jean Monnet Dialogue. "The joint assessment of all participants is that the topic of anti-corruption should be analyzed in more detail. And at each working meeting we discussed European integration and the dynamics of this process," Zendeli said. He added that Swedish MPs expressed a selfless willingness to transfer their rich democratic experience and knowledge they have acquired throughout their long parliamentary tradition and institutional memory, while expressing readiness to familiarize themselves with Macedonian democratic experience, challenges and dilemmas. The legislative role of the parliament, parliamentary administration and procedure, the work of commissions and plenary session, the relationship between the majority and opposition, MPs and voters, NGOs and media, openness, transparency and the fight against corruption, parliamentary control, gender equality were some of the topics discussed between the Steering Group for Democratic Development of Riksdag and parliament of North Macedonia. The cooperation between the parliament and Riksdag, that was initiated and funded by the Swedish parliament in 2020, is realized through study visits and debates on important issues of parliamentary democracy. Recently, cooperation has also been realized at a parliamentary staff level.