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Belgrade Media Report 1 November



Vucic sets early parliamentary elections for December 17 (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Wednesday called early parliamentary elections for December 17. The President told a media conference at the Serbian Presidency that he was dissolving the Parliament, elected on April 3, 2022, at the Serbian Government’s proposal. “I am passing a decision to call elections for deputies for December 17, 2023,” he said. He wished the Serbian citizens all the best in the elections, saying that times are difficult all over the world, that it is a time of global conflicts, a time in which Serbia will be under much pressure both because of Kosovo and because of other regional issues. He added that it was very important for Serbia to preserve peace and stability, but also internal cohesion, and to demonstrate its democracy.


“This campaign is an opportunity to present to citizens, in a civilized manner, different ideas, platforms and policies that are to compete, but which will never threaten our vital, national interests. I wish all the participants good results in presenting their ideas and political goals, I wish them to do this in a democratic and civilized manner, while the important thing for the Serbian citizens is for the best ones to win. I am convinced that we are strengthening democracy in our Serbia with these elections as well, and, at the same time, ensuring a safe path to the future for our country and our children. Long live Serbia!” said Vucic.


Parliament speaker calls local elections for December 17 (N1)


Serbian Parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic on Wednesday called elections for councilors in 65 Serbian cities and municipalities for December 17. He called on all citizens and political actors take to part in the vote.


“Let us all together, as a society, show our full democratic capacity, make it even stronger, talk about platforms in the campaign, show that, despite all our differences, we are capable of doing this in a dignified and decent manner, show awareness that the issue of how people live is not a game or a party, but a difficult, serious job that requires utmost seriousness,“ said Orlic.


The speaker expressed hope that the people’s choice in the elections will be based on the presented platforms and plans and added that he has no doubt that they will choose the best option. “Those who mean a better future, results that make everyone proud, and further progress, and that the inviolable will of the citizens will be respected by all participants, because the will of the people is sacred,” said Orlic, adding: “So may the best one win!”


On Monday, October 30, the Serbian Government passed a decision on dissolving the Belgrade City Assembly and forming a temporary body governing the Serbian capital. The same decisions were passed for another 64 local self-government administrations in Serbia.


Seselj: SRS in coalition with SNS in Belgrade, local elections (Tanjug)


Serbian Radical Party (SRS) leader Vojislav Seselj said the SRS will participate in the Belgrade and local elections in Serbian cities and municipalities in coalition with the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). “I’ve had talks with (Serbian President) Aleksandar Vucic, (Prime Minister) Ana Brnabic and (SNS Executive Board chair) Darko Glisic and we agreed on the SRS forming a coalition with the SNS for the Belgrade elections and city and municipal elections in Serbia interior. Our representatives will be on the candidate lists and we will participate in the executive power,” Seselj told Happy TV. He explained that the Serbian Radical Parts will run independently in the republic and provincial elections, and in coalition with the Serbian Progressive Party in the local elections, because that is where their platforms match.


“We have differences at the republic level and there we will have separate tickets and run in the elections separately. However, if there is need for a broader coalition at the republic level, if the Progressives cannot form the government alone or with the Socialists, it is only then that we are ready to get into the government with them. But definitely never with the pro-West opposition,” said Seselj.


Vucic: On Serbia's path to the EU, there are two obstacles - Kosovo and Metohija and sanctions against Russia (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that Serbia still has a lot to do on its European path, but that the two biggest obstacles for us at the moment are the issue of Kosovo and Metohija (KiN) and the non-imposition of sanctions against Russia. "I am grateful to her for that soft approach, and I do not hide it from our people and I think that it is known to them and to everyone else, one fact is our complete non-compliance with European foreign policy, i.e. the non-introduction of sanctions against Russia, another issue is the situation and our relationship with Pristina," said Vucic, commenting on President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen's answer to the question about the accession of the Western Balkan countries to the EU. Vucic said that he will probably be subjective, but perhaps not entirely if he says that the majority of the blame for the KiM problem is not on Serbia's side.


"But we think so, and in any case, these are two big problems. Of course, reforms remain to be carried out in the democratic system itself, the judicial system of our country, a lot still needs to be done, but if I may say, the two biggest obstacles for us at this moment are KiM and sanctions against Russia," said Vucic.


The President said that he was grateful for the nice messages that Von der Leyen presented, adding that the growth plan that she presented is essential for Serbia. "But also, the investment plan and even the words in which Ursula said that they expect Serbia to be a member of the EU and that they believe that we have a place there, but that it depends on our merits. These are big and important messages for our citizens," he said. Vucic.


He emphasizes that even before the conference, Ursula Von der Leyen said that Serbia always respects its guests, but that he does not hide anything from the people of Serbia and that he will always tell exactly what problems the country is facing in joining the EU.


"What is it that we have to do and what we need to do, because from this hiding and making things more beautiful than they are, we have nothing, neither we, nor they. We will continue our European path, try to speed up EU integration and do many things," said Vucic. He adds that he is infinitely grateful to the European taxpayers for the enormous support they provided to Serbia in the previous period, and especially to Von der Leyen for the fact that it is not difficult for her to show due attention and respect to Serbia and its people. "I am grateful to her that it is not difficult for her to go to places far from Belgrade and also show respect for our citizens. She is always welcome here in Serbia, and we just have to roll up our sleeves and try to do everything possible and is not directly opposed to our vital national and state interests," said Vucic.


International law professor: Meaning of ‘de facto’ recognition of Kosovo’s independence not entirely clear (Beta)


Marko Milanovic, an international law professor at the University of Reading, England, said on Oct. 31 that the public could not understand the exact meaning of European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen’s demand to Serbia to deliver “de facto” recognition of Kosovo’s independence, nor whether Brussels was now requesting from [Serbian President] Aleksandar Vucic something more than what was contained in the hitherto reached agreements. Speaking to N1 TV, Milanovic said that “de facto” recognition could mean a legally binding comprehensive agreement, which was in fact an international agreement requiring ratification in both Serbian and Kosovo parliaments. “It would be ‘de facto’ recognition and would send a clear signal to other states that Serbia has given up Kosovo in all realistic aspects, but nominal,” the professor explained. Milanovic stressed that in parallel, Von der Leyen had offered membership in the EU, saying that “if we want that, we must do what is demanded from us, but a major question is what exactly is required from us.” He specified that “de facto” recognition had no clear definition in international law. The professor specified that sometimes the term could imply only establishing some sort of quasi-diplomatic relations, that is, representation without opening an embassy.


Djukic Dejanovic: Dacic for prime minister (Beta)


Socialist Party of Serbia vice president Slavica Djukic Dejanovic said on Oct. 31 that the party's stance was clear - which is that Ivica Dacic should be prime minister after elections and that the union with the Serbian Progressive Party had so far proved to be very justified. "The Socialist Party of Serbia's stance is that mandates should last four years, but we are of course ready for elections and will run in them," Djukic Dejanovic said. Asked what would happen if the Socialist Party of Serbia were in a position to choose sides at any level after the elections, she said that the party's bodies would decide. "I cannot anticipate what would happen if it happened, but if you ask me, my estimate is that we would continue cooperation with the Serbian Progressive Party due to everything that we have accomplished together in the past 10 years," Djukic Dejanovic said.


Serbian Movement Dveri: Statehood and patriotic opposition parties to join forces pre or post-election (Beta)


Serbian Movement Dveri leader Bosko Obradovic has said that “statehood and patriotic” opposition parties will surely come together, wherein it is not important whether it will happen before or after the election, which is most likely to be held on Dec. 17. “In the hitherto talks, there has been unanimous agreement among us that the French-German ultimatum for Belgrade’s recognition of the false state of Kosovo, which [Serbian President Aleksandar] Vucic has already accepted in Brussels, must be rejected. Regardless of technical aspects of a potential pre-election coalition, which are still being discussed, collaboration of the patriotic parties has remained unquestionable,” Obradovic told the Oct. 31 issue of Belgrade daily Danas. According to Obradovic, Movement Dveri has evidenced its commitment to “a wider fusion of statehood and patriotic parties” in the form of a national alliance, which in addition to his party, also comprises the Oath Keepers and a group of Serbian intellectuals. “We remain fully open to further enlargement of such national alliance, by taking in other parliamentary and non-parliamentary political parties, patriotic associations and individuals, which will be communicated to the public in the coming days,” Obradovic stressed. In the meeting held during the past weekend, the Movement Dveri, the Oath Keepers, the New Democratic Party of Serbia, the Movement for the

Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia, and the People’s Party failed to come to an agreement to run on the same ticket in the upcoming elections. According to some of these parties’ leaders, they will most probably run on two tickets.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


High Rep report to UN lists all Dodik's threats to B&H's stability and more (N1)


The High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Christian Schmidt, will present his fifth report on the situation in the country to the United Nations Security Council on Thursday. In it, he noted that since taking Office, he witnessed an "unprecedented level of attacks" on the Dayton Agreement and his mandate, mostly coming from Milorad Dodik, the President of Republika Srpska (RS) entity.


In the report covering the period from April 16 to October 15 of this year, Schmidt emphasized that such attacks, inter-ethnic tensions, and an increase in violence against returnees have further hindered progress on the 5+2 Agenda.


“The ruling coalition in RS, led by the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD), continued with pursuing a dangerous policy of unilaterally imposing a misleading interpretation of the GFAP and the constitutional framework of B&H around the hypothetical concept of ‘original Dayton’. This concept negates the continuity between the Republic of B&H and B&H as contained in Article 1.1. of the B&H Constitution and presents the State of B&H as a union of states or confederation of two “state-forming” entities which delegated only limited powers to the B&H State,” the High Representative stated.


Schmidt mentions that such incorrect interpretations in which the RS is presented as an entity (or state) of the Serb people with the right to self-determination serve to “legitimize the adoption of policies and legal acts that question or violate fundamental aspects of the General Framework Agreement for Peace, particularly to justify the rejection of the authority of the Constitutional Court, as well as the blocking of decision-making and the functioning of key state bodies.


“During this reporting period, Milorad Dodik, the President of RS, intentionally provoked and then exacerbated two major political crises in B&H to undermine the Dayton Agreement, including the constitutional and legal order and the institutional framework of the state, and to delegitimize my mandate,” Schmidt stated, adding that in a joint statement signed on April 24, leaders of the ruling parties in the RS agreed to take “a series of steps to create conditions for future secession.”


Among the conditions, they sought to bind RS representatives in B&H institutions to suspend decision-making at the state level until the RS Government and the relevant committees of the National Assembly of (NARS) gave their consent. “The RS authorities publicly justified this unconstitutional decision by the lack of ‘Serb judges’ in the Constitutional Court of B&H, even though the ruling coalition of the RS itself requested the departure of these judges from the Court,” Schmidt noted. He pointed out that Dodik also sought the removal of international judges from the Constitutional Court of B&H. “These attacks by the RS authorities were systematically aimed at the two authorities with a mandate and means to support the B&H Constitution, as set out in Annex 4 of the General Agreement for Peace, and to prevent secession: the High Representative and the Constitutional Court of B&H,” Schmidt wrote.


“Another crisis occurred on September 6 when the RS President stated that he would arrest and deport me if I entered the RS territory. He claimed that RS police would deny me protection and that RS institutions would ban my entry,” Schmidt added, stating that this continued RS's pattern of obstructing the institution responsible for the civil implementation of the Dayton Agreement. He explained that the RS Government first stopped sharing information with OHR, and then OHR was denied access to the NSRS sessions. He also noted that police protection within the RS was no longer provided.


State Property


Schmidt mentioned that his office has intensified its commitment to the issue of state property since the previous report and has formed a group of technical experts with the support of several member states of the PIC Steering Board. The group consists of domestic and international legal experts in constitutional and property law. He then mentioned that after the temporary decision of the Constitutional Court of BiH on March 2, 2023, in which the new Law on Immovable Property used for the functioning of public authorities in RS was called into question, Dodik “continued his rhetorical campaign regarding the issue of state property.” “RS President Dodik referred to the issue of state property as a ‘red line’ during his official visit to Belgrade and stated that the RS seriously considers declaring independence due to the issue of state property,” he said.


“Meanwhile, further transfers and disposals of state property continue not only in RS but throughout the country, in violation of the prohibition of disposal of state property and contrary to the relevant decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H. For example, the RS Government regularly makes decisions on the allocation or transfer of ownership rights to agricultural land and other categories of state property. At the same time, a review of relevant cadastral records in many individual cases shows that systematic re-registration of state property, especially forests and agricultural land, has already been carried out in the name of RS,” Schmidt said.


International court verdicts

He then touched upon the court system, noting that the criminal records in B&H do not contain information about verdicts of international judicial bodies against B&H citizens. “No judgment of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia or its successor has entered the domestic criminal records of B&H. Persons who have been internationally convicted of genocide, crimes against humanity, or war crimes can obtain a clean certificate in BiH. After serving their sentence, they could immediately run for elections or be employed in public office. Unfortunately, international judgments for the most serious violations of international humanitarian law are neglected in political, professional, and social life, to the detriment of reconciliation and social cohesion, while different parts of the country still celebrate war criminals,” he pointed out.


Discrimination and human rights


The judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the Sejdic-Finci group of cases remain unimplemented, he added, explaining that these judgments have established discriminatory patterns in the constitutional framework of B&H and the B&H Election Law.

He then referred to the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Slaven Kovacevic in which he complained about discrimination in his voting rights in elections for the members of the B&H Presidency and the members of the House of Peoples of B&H.


“The sensitivity of this issue was heightened by the fact that, for the first time in the history of the Court, the judgment and its individual elements were publicly discussed on a Sarajevo web portal before its official publication, making it clear that the content of the judgment leaked before the official announcement,” Schmidt emphasized. “If confirmed, the judgment could further divide political parties in B&H on constitutional reform issues, which would make the implementation of ECHR and Constitutional Court decisions even more challenging, as they require constitutional amendments. Implementation requires a strong international commitment to facilitate and extensive engagement within society to make these amendments acceptable to all constituent peoples and others, ensuring non-discrimination,” Schmidt concluded.


Kristo holds series of meetings with HR Schmidt, EU ambassadors in B&H, ahead of Von der Leyen visit on Wednesday (FTV)


FTV carries that the Chair of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) Borjana Kristo held a series of meetings with ambassadors of EU countries in B&H (Italy, Austria, Croatia, Slovakia, Greece, Czech Republic) and the High Representative Christian Schmidt, ahead of the announced visit of the President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen, who is expected to arrive in Sarajevo on Wednesday November 1.


The FTV presenter notes that the main topic of the meetings was the readiness of B&H to start the accession process to the EU, with Schmidt stressing that B&H authorities must take advantage of this moment to unequivocally declare their dedication to the EU path of B&H. “We must prioritize dialogue, maturity, and responsibility, placing the interests of the citizens above daily politics. Achieving B&H’s European integration ambitions demands functional institutions, unwavering commitment to the rule of law, and collective dedication to the common good”, said Schmidt after his meeting with Kristo. "It is the right time to act responsibly and ensure the citizens of B&H a safe path towards integration, stability and prosperity", said HR Schmidt. HR Schmidt emphasized the responsibility of the B&H authorities to take advantage of the favorable moment and outline the direction of B&H within the framework of EU integration with steps towards long-term stability and full compliance with the Dayton Peace Agreement.


B&H HoR adopts resolution on need to make decision on opening accession negotiations between B&H and EU (N1)


President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen is coming to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Wednesday. Although it seems, as the presenter said, that no one trusts in the B^H House of Representatives (HoR) anymore, a resolution was adopted, with 36 votes in favor, two abstentions and no one against, on the need to make a decision on the opening of EU accession negotiations. The voting of the resolution was preceded by a heated discussion, commented the reporter. The Republika Srpska (RS) opposition in the B&H HoR accused the ruling structures of a political farce, that there are a lot of those who block the European path, i.e. that all of this is a play for the public.


SDS’ Mladen Bosic said: “Here in the structure of the authorities in B&H there is a clear part that does not work for EU entry, that is, that blocks that path by all means. Well, SNSD and Milorad Dodik. I guess it is clear to everyone, I do not have to say it”. PDP’s Branislav Borenovic said: “This is already the second or third session of the Parliament in which there are no European laws. It is clear that the position established in the RS Parliament (RS National Assembly), which was confirmed several times by key people from the ruling coalition in the Council of Ministers, and here in the House of Representatives, is that there is no adoption of European laws until the Law on the Constitutional Court of B&H is adopted”. SNSD’s Sanja Vulic said: “So as soon as we adopted the resolution, where we very clearly and decisively said that we want to follow the path towards the European path, surely European laws will be found at one of the next sessions”.


The majority hopes that B&H could get the green light to open negotiations, despite Dodik's rhetoric and actions. The reporter reminded that in recent days, Dodik's statements about an independent RS and the need to create Greater Serbia have become more frequent. Predrag Kojovic from Our Party (NS) said: “At all meetings, we had the opportunity to hear about their dissatisfaction and misunderstanding of the behavior of certain high-ranking officials in B&H, such as Milorad Dodik and his visits to the President of Russia, (Vladimir) Putin at this time”. SDP’s Sasa Magazinovic said: “I believe that in the end it will be a political decision, and that is why it is important that everyone in B&H use their personal capacity and their contacts to lobby for the opening of negotiations between B&H and the EU. And that is not a reward for the authorities, nor a punishment for the opposition, because neither the authorities nor the opposition enters the EU, but the state”.


There were no European laws on the agenda of Tuesday's session, added the reporter. The Law on Courts, the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering, the Law on Prevention of Conflicts of Interest, i.e. what was previously promised to be adopted before Von der Leyen's arrival did not happen. Those laws were not even on the agenda, commented the reporter. On the other hand, B&H Minister of Security Nenad Nesic said before the session that the laws related to his department are ready and could soon be in the parliamentary procedure. Nesic said: “As for the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering, it is currently being harmonized. I can freely say that it is being finalized and I hope that it will be finished in the coming days”.


Ambassador Murphy: We are determined to protect B&H’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and multiethnic character (


US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Michael Murphy issued a press statement on Tuesday night commenting recent statements of the Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik who stated that RS, Serbia and Montenegro need to unite. At the very beginning of the extensive statement, Murphy explained that the USA is unwavering in its commitment to B&H, its territorial integrity, sovereignty, and multiethnic character. “Our policies are not anti-Serb; they are not anti-Bosniak; and they are not anti-Croat.  The United States is decidedly and unabashedly pro-B&H.  That has been the case since the United States first recognized B&H, and it is reflected in our multi-billion-dollar investment in this country over the last 30 years. RS President Milorad Dodik, however, is only pro-Dodik and has little regard for anyone else, including the citizens of this country and the residents of the RS,” reads the statement.


Ambassador stressed that recent, reckless statement made by Dodik, calling for overturning of national borders in the Western Balkans, in order to create unified Serb state, clearly show Dodik’s selfishness: “They are not only destabilizing for B&H, but they also threaten the region’s security and stability.  This latest escalation comes in the wake of a sustained campaign of destabilizing rhetoric and actions aimed at undermining the Dayton Peace Agreement and the state of B&H.  Mr. Dodik is blockading government, threatening the peace, and seeking to blackmail or bully the country’s other political leaders and the international community rather than engaging in the good faith negotiations and compromise necessary to adopt the reforms required to bring citizens closer to the European Union.” Ambassador Murphy added that Dodik is working to deny residents their fundamental rights and freedoms, such as freedom of press, speech, and assembly, to shield himself from criticism and accountability. Besides, Murphy listed series of examples which Dodik is not doing well and that his policy is harmful: “The sad fact is that Mr. Dodik’s almost 18 years in power have produced very little for the people of the RS.  Let’s start with the fact that the population he claims to defend is shrinking.  Residents of the RS are leaving B&H in droves.  Entire families are concluding that building a life in the RS is not economically possible or politically secure.  In the last fiscal year alone, the RS labor force decreased by 10 percent, and officials estimate that by 2028 the RS will need between 20,000 and 30,000 foreign workers to compensate for the growing labor shortage.  This brain drain will undercut economic development. If shrinking the RS is Mr. Dodik’s goal, he is succeeding. The RS budget has been in deficit for years, but the worst is yet to come.  In the first nine months of 2023, the RS government has borrowed approximately 569 million KM ($308 million) in long-term debt on domestic markets at record high interest rates.  The RS government has also taken on other domestic and foreign debt in non-transparent ways.” Murphy noted that Dodik is putting untenable financial burden on future generation: “Even while Mr. Dodik has engaged in rampant borrowing, he and his government have had to delay public salaries and social benefits because of funding shortages.  In many instances, funds have been taken from municipalities to cover entity-level deficits, stripping local leaders of the resources they need to support their constituents and provide them with basic services. None of these actions reflect concern about the well-being or future of RS residents.”


Ambassador noted that Dodik created his problems himself and that trial against him is not some conspiracy, but consequence of his protracted attacks on the Dayton Peace Agreement and on B&H’s state-level institutions: “Mr. Dodik does not want to discuss his governance, financial, and other failures, or where all the budget money and borrowed funds have gone, or how he and those around him have managed to accumulate their wealth, including their myriad real estate holdings – on the salary of an RS public servant – while average citizens have struggled to build a future for themselves and their families.  Instead, he wants to discuss his current legal woes, and he wants the people of RS to believe they are the consequence of a broad, anti-Serb, anti-RS international conspiracy.  The reality is more prosaic.


Mr. Dodik’s legal troubles are of his own making:  they are the result of his protracted attacks on the Dayton Peace Agreement and on B&H’s state-level institutions. Mr. Dodik publicly dared state level law enforcement and judicial institutions to investigate him, even saying he would file a complaint against himself. Mr. Dodik knew exactly what he was doing on July 7 when he signed into force the illegal and unconstitutional law undermining the High Representative’s decisions, and he is now facing the consequences. If Mr. Dodik is a victim, as he claims, he is a victim of his own poor judgment and selfish actions.”


Ambassador disagrees with Dodik’s statements that those who elected him want him to dismantle B&H and protect the RS: “I believe that all the citizens of B&H want what people around the world want for themselves and their families: to live in a country where political leaders and government institutions work for them in full transparency; where a person’s ability to work and to succeed depends not on who they know but on their own talents; and where the rule of law forms the essential bedrock of society.  They do not want to live in a place where their fundamental rights and freedoms are constrained, or where their taxes are used to enrich a small political elite rather than for the benefit of their communities. The people of B&H want to enjoy a stable and prosperous future inside Euro-Atlantic institutions. This is not the path that Milorad Dodik is on.  He is turning away from Europe and the prosperity it offers and is instead embracing the values of autocracy as well as the poverty that comes with it.  He is risking RS residents’ future in a dangerous game of escalation and lies.  In short, Mr. Dodik, not an international conspiracy, is threatening the RS as well as the democratic and prosperous future of its residents.”


In the end, Murphy stated that USA will not stand by idly while Dodik and his political cronies are trying to tear apart the fabric of B&H, destabilize the country and the region, and impede B&H’s progress toward the EU: “We are determined to protect B&H’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and multiethnic character. We will continue to stand by the citizens and institutions of this country and to hold accountable those who are corrupt or engage in destabilizing, anti-Dayton activities. The United States remains a friend and partner to all the people of B&H.”


Dodik: Murphy today has to write entire sheet of nonsense in order to go to bed satisfied (


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik, promptly reacted to Tuesday’s statement of the US Ambassador Michael Murphy”. “Once everything could be fitted in one tweet. Today Murphy has to write entire sheet of nonsenses in order to go to bed satisfied,” said Dodik. Dodik wrote on his X account that he notices the difference in Ambassador’s statements once and now, claiming that the latter was written by the opposition in the RS: “This today’s one, unusually resembles the handwriting of RS opposition in the RS. Earlier, Murphy’s statements resembled the statements of SDA, but neither then nor now, they were connected to reality. I dare to say with intelligence either.” In the end, Dodik stated that “it is still not late for the US to preserve the image of world power in the eyes of the people living here”. “In order for this to happen, Murphy has to go home,” wrote Dodik.


Kosarac: Murphy’s pamphlet surpasses the boundaries of common sense (RTRS)


Deputy Chair of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers, Stasa Kosarac, posted on his Instagram, commenting the Tuesday’s statement of US Ambassador Michael Murphy, stated that it is high time for Ambassador Murphy to end his diplomatic career in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Kosarac stated that Murphy’s statement is a pamphlet, which contains untruths, hatred, hysteria and insane conclusions: “This surpasses the boundaries of the common sense and rushes into the deviance. Murphy has long time ago left the framework of elementary diplomatic curtesy. We do not even count on this, anymore. However, I cannot avoid to wonder how he is not ashamed?! How can a great power, such as USA can allow themselves such “a diplomat”?”


RS Government sends report to UN Security Council: It underscores importance of ending the role of “foreign dictator Schmidt” (RTRS)


The Republika Srpska (RS) Government sent a Report to the UN Security Council, underlining the importance of ending of illegal and destabilizing role of Christian Schmidt, as non-elected foreign dictator in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The Report, on behalf of the RS as signatory of all Annexes which are part of Dayton Agreement, was sent to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and UN SC member states, by RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic. The 30th Report of the RS Government for UN SC refers to period May- October 2023 and as in previous Reports, the RS Government is expressing its stances on key issues and problems that B&H is facing, all with a goal of elaborating of its stances to the UN SC and international community. In the first part of the Report, the Government underlined that faithful implementation of structure and mechanism of authority division, guaranteed by B&H Constitution (Annex IV of DPA) is necessary so that the three, one rival peoples in B&H, would feel safe and secure and abolition of these protective measures is simply unacceptable for Serbs and Croats in B&H. “The RS reaffirms once again its dedication to the Dayton Accords, which includes a commitment to peace and to fully respecting B&H’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and constitutional order. Consistent with that commitment, the RS is resisting—and will continue to resist—the degradation of the B&H Constitution, which is the very heart of the Dayton Accords,” reads the Report.


Second part of the Report speaks about the efforts of B&H to become EU member states, underscoring that the RS continues to support B&H’s efforts to become EU member state and implement reforms, necessary to achieve this, in line with division of competencies from B&H Constitution. “One step that is incontestably necessary for B&H to become an EU member is the closure of the OHR. The EU has long recognized that the OHR is inconsistent with the EU’s standards and conditions for membership, and it is widely understood that the presence in B&H of a foreigner claiming dictatorial powers badly undermines EU integration. Another reform clearly required for B&H’s to move forward on the road to EU membership is for BiH’s Constitutional Court to be composed of B&H citizens instead of having a controlling bloc of seats reserved for foreign judges,” reads the Report.


Third part of the Report underscores importance of ending of Schmidt’s illegal and destabilizing role of the non-elected foreign dictator in B&H: “Leaving aside the fact that Mr. Schmidt is not a legitimate HR, his heedless and rash assertions of unrestricted authority over B&H and its citizens are brazen and shocking abuses of the rule of law that many in the region have criticized. No one, including even a legitimately appointed HR, has any legal authority to enact laws in B&H by mere edict”. In the end, the Report stressed that despite the current turbulences in B&H, the RS is convinced that B&H can succeed and become EU member-state, after Dayton Agreement and B&H Constitution are faithfully implemented, including respecting of the constitutional structure of B&H and restoring of democratic self-rule.


Lawsuits to be filed against Schmidt and certain members of Peace Implementation Council (RTRS)


Lawsuits will soon be filed against Christian Schmidt and certain members of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) before European courts for abuse of official position and support for illegal acts, and Italian lawyers will be involved in all of this, commented the presenter. It was confirmed that State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) received an order from the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Prosecutor's Office to verify the allegations of the B&H Ministry of Security, according to which Schmidt is not a High Representative in B&H.


The well-known Italian lawyer Angelo Tartaglia, who will defend the Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik, will be involved in the entire procedure. All this was agreed at a meeting with the leadership of the RS held in Banja Luka on Tuesday. Tartaglia was quoted as saying: “I cannot reveal to you the defense strategies that we will deal with, but the reason why I am participating in this is because Schmidt, everything he does, he does illegally”. “RS President Dodik is the target of attacks because he leads a democratic policy and cares for the citizens of his country. Dodik is a good man and an excellent President”, Tartaglia emphasized.



Two court proceedings will be initiated in Italy and Germany, confirmed the Speaker of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) Nenad Stevandic. “As an illegal person who imposed laws without the mandate of the UN Security Council. And also, that he is ready, which you can ask him about, to also sue the members of the PIC, who are not of the Dayton category, nor do they exist in Annex 10, including the representatives of Italy, the country from which he comes, for abuse of official position and supporting illegal acts”, said Stevandic.


While lawsuits against Schmidt are being prepared before the European legislation, the investigation in B&H against, as the reporter said, the illegal High Representative has finally started. B&H Minister of Security Nenad Nesic submitted to the B&H Prosecutor's Office the documentation of the security agencies in connection with the false representation of Schmidt and the illegal importation of weapons into B&H, added the reporter.


RS PM Viskovic confirms that US sanctions brought down websites of RS institutions; US Embassy to B&H: US sanctions carry serious consequences (BNTV)


Republika Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic has confirmed that the US sanctions brought down the websites of the RS institutions. Viskovic pointed out that the problems with the internet connection, due to which access to the official websites of the RS Government, the President of the RS and the RS Inspectorate is difficult and impossible, are the result of sanctions. “We have been shut down by the Americans. Although we have everything paid until February 2025, we have been brutally shut down due to the sanctions imposed by the US on the President of the RS. The Government is taking certain steps to overcome this problem. Do not ask me to specify what the steps are, but in the next two or three days everything should be up and running," Viskovic was quoted as saying. Representatives of the RS institutions unofficially confirmed that they cannot use official e-mails, that e-mails sent to them are returned, and that they are forced to use private e-mails, which is a big security risk and creates the possibility of hacking, because official documentation is not intended to be sent that way.


Viskovic stated that senior RS institutions have been virtually paralyzed for days, that their official internet sites are mostly inaccessible and that electronic communication and sending e-mails has been prevented, all because of the US’ sanctions. portal contacted the US Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), which told that the sanctions carry serious consequences. According to a statement issued by the Public Relations Office of the US Embassy, responsible international companies take sanctions seriously and refuse to do business with individuals or entities that are under sanctions. The statement reads that transactions of US individuals or companies that include property of persons or companies under sanctions are forbidden, and that the US will continue to implement sanctions against individuals and companies that endanger security and stability of B&H, undermine the Dayton agreement or are involved in corruption.


RS begins legal process of proving that citizens of RS have malignant diseases caused by NATO bombing; Serb and Italian lawyers say they will prove consequences of NATO bombing of RS (ATV)


A team of Italian and Serb lawyers on Tuesday met with representatives of the Republika Srpska (RS) institutions. They said that they plan to prove all the negative consequences of NATO bombings with depleted uranium that were done in the RS. The lawyers held this meeting to consider further legal steps in dealing with the “criminal actions of NATO”. Those attacks had fatal consequences for many citizens of the RS. Italian lawyer Angelo Tartaglia is ready to help cancer patients in the RS, which happened due to bombardment with depleted uranium, get legal and financial satisfaction. This was agreed upon at a meeting with the Speaker of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) and the RS Deputy Prime Ministers.


“I met with the Speaker of the RS National Assembly a month ago in Rome. And we talked about all the issues related to the RS. I am very interested in participating in these procedures that concern endangering the lives and health of residents”, Tartaglia told a press conference. “A plan has been drawn up so that in the coming time, through the Ministry of Health, medical documentation with evidence will be provided, and the Ministry of Justice, together with lawyers, will enable the quick initiation of the procedure to determine the violation of the right to life”, explained RSNA Speaker Nenad Stevandic. Tartaglia won more than 300 judgments against the Italian Ministry of Defense in favor of Italian soldiers before the Italian courts. Soldiers fell ill or died of cancer after being directly exposed to depleted uranium in missions in Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. Tartaglia managed to prove a cause-and-effect relationship between staying in a territory bombed with depleted uranium and getting cancer.


Lawyer Srdjan Aleksic is doing the same thing in Serbia. “We are the first in Europe in terms of cancer. We have a cancer epidemic. You yourself know that 15 tons of depleted uranium were dumped on Serbia, that is over 100 times more radiation than in Hiroshima and Nagasaki”, Aleksic emphasized. The costs of the process have yet to be discussed. The idea is that the injured parties will be exempted from taxes, but the costs will not be a problem, says Stevandic. He invited the affected Bosniaks and Croats to also join the process.




Plenkovic and Macron for protection of civilians, with a clear condemnation of Hamas (HRT)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic is in Paris. Before addressing the Council of the OECD, an international organization of the 38 most developed countries in the world, he met with French President Emmanuel Macron. Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and French President Emmanuel Macron agreed in Paris that they are committed to calming the crisis in the Middle East and protecting civilians, while clearly condemning the Hamas attack on Israel.


Plenkovic met with Macron in the French capital before participating in meetings at the headquarters of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), of which Croatia is trying to become a member. “With a clear condemnation of the terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel, we stand for calming the crisis in the Middle East and for the protection of civilians,” Plenkovic wrote on X after the meeting in the Elysee Palace.


On Friday, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for an "immediate, permanent and sustainable humanitarian ceasefire" in Gaza, but the document does not mention Hamas by name, so 14 countries voted against the resolution, including Croatia. France supported the resolution. Israel stepped up its blockade and bombardment of Gaza after a murderous attack on October 7 in which Hamas killed around 1,400 people and kidnapped 239 in one day. Hamas' health ministry announced that more than 8,000 Palestinians had been killed in airstrikes so far.


In the announcement, Plenkovic added that they also discussed the prevention of illegal migration and the need to solve the problem at the source, and that "the efforts that Croatia invests in protecting the EU's external borders were recognized.” Plenkovic and Macron also talked about bilateral and European issues and the successful Rafale procurement process strengthens the partnership between Croatia and France, which we want to put into the function of developing economic relations. Croatia bought twelve multipurpose Rafale fighter aircraft from France, the first six of which will arrive in Croatia at the beginning of the second quarter of 2024, and the rest according to the contract. “Crises in the surroundings of the EU require strong cooperation of the members and bold solutions,” emphasized the Croatian Prime Minister.




Montenegro votes in new government (CDM)


Montenegro’s Parliament in the morning on Oct. 31, after a night-long debate, elected a new cabinet with Milojko Spajic as the prime minister. Earlier, one of the Democratic Front leaders, Andrija Mandic, was appointed Parliament Speaker. The new government received 46 votes in the 81-seat Parliament, while 19 MPs were against, with one abstained vote. The Europe Now Movement will be the backbone of the new cabinet, which will also feature the Democratic Montenegro led by Aleksa Becic, the Socialist People’s Party of Vladimir Jokovic, and two

coalitions of ethnic Albanian minorities, the Albanian Forum and the Albanian Alliance. In the Parliament, the Government will have the backing of the former pro-Serbian Democratic Front members, the New Serb Democracy led by Andrija Mandic, and the Democratic People’s Party of Milan Knezevic, who will in exchange, atop parliament speaker, have 40 administration appointments and a certain number of ambassadorial posts.


Spajic: We’re putting the census off for Nov 30, there won’t be any new costs (CDM)


The new government decided to put the census off for 30 November this year. There won’t be any new costs or problems for the budget and state funds, said Prime Minister, Milojko Spajic.

He also noted that they would upgrade the softer so that enumerators can’t misuse office. “We’ll start adding members of the opposition in the census commissions. We’ll talk to the national councils of minority nations. Today we talked to the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, who was on an official visit to Montenegro.” He continued: “Presidents of the municipalities, with the consent of MONSTAT, will be able to add new members of the census commissions”. According to him, this government is Euro-Atlantic in every way. “I don’t want to comment on the previous agreements that weren’t respected. We didn’t discuss the census with Ursula von der Leyen. We’ll try to be sincere in our approach with everybody and I don’t want a boycott to happen”.


The Prime Minister also announced that they would organize news conferences after every session of the government from now on. Last week, he also said that the new government would put the census off for another month. The census was initially planned to take place from 1 to 15 November this year.


Von der Leyen requests that Montenegro’s officials focus on reforms (CDM)


European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen said in Podgorica on Oct. 31 that Montenegro should be “fully focused” on its EU accession process and that membership in the EU was based on achieved reforms, not on dates. “If you fulfill the conditions, we will not stick to dates. There exists no accession schedule, but it is important to implement reforms and make progress on the EU path in respect of the criteria the candidate countries have to meet,” Von der Leyen told a news conference after a meeting with President Jakov Milatovic.


Asked whether Montenegro could join the EU before 2030, Von der Leyen replied that there was no need to wait. “Montenegro is the leader, you have to go that last mile, it requires a little push-up and also decisiveness, but I see the latter firmly present on the political side,” the European Commission president noted.


After the meeting with Von der Leyen, Milatovic said he “understands” the Commission’s critical tone in its Montenegro Progress reports. Milatovic also said he hoped that “lessons in that context have been learned at the national level,” and that “after a longer period of unsatisfactory pace of implementing the required reforms, conditions have been created in Montenegro for unlocking the process.”


Stano: New government and parliament to swiftly demonstrate their capacity and commitment to deliver on reforms (CDM)


The European Union (EU) welcomes the constitution of Montenegro’s new parliament and the formation of its government. We expect them to swiftly demonstrate their capacity and commitment to deliver on EU accession-related reforms in shortest possible timeframe, says the European Commission spokesperson, Peter Stano. “We also expect Montenegro’s unbroken record of full alignment with EU foreign and security policy to be maintained,” he notes.


They encourage all Montenegro’s political stakeholders to focus on building consensus on the priority actions required to advance Montenegro on its EU path, most notably in the area of Rule of Law to fulfil the interim benchmarks under Chapters 23 and 24, in particular on key judiciary appointments and long overdue EU reforms. “The EU values Montenegro’s commitment to its strategic path towards EU membership, which is the wish of an overwhelming majority of Montenegro’s citizens,” Mr Stano points out.


US Embassy: We’re concerned about parties that might hinder Montenegro’s progress, we call on caution (CDM)


As a NATO Ally, we are concerned that parties that naturally do not support these stated goals might hinder Montenegro’s progress. We call on caution in order to ensure that Montenegro uses this historic opportunity to realize its full democratic and economic potential, stated the US Embassy in Podgorica on the occasion of the formation of the new Government of Montenegro.


“After the new Government of Montenegro took over earlier today, the United States continues to support the state and citizens of Montenegro in their progress towards EU membership and preservation of Euro-Atlantic values. The new Montenegrin government should be responsible for its own set goals – “full membership of Montenegro in the European Union; active and credible membership in the NATO Alliance; improvement of good-neighborly relations; and strengthening of the role of our country in multilateral organizations”, it was said in a statement of the US Embassy.


They continued: “We call for vigilance to ensure that Montenegro uses this historic opportunity to realize its full democratic and economic potential. We hope to see the newly formed government make rapid progress in meeting its obligations, advancing the country on its path to EU accession and remaining a strong NATO Ally.”


The embassy notes that they’re going to back and acknowledge constructive actions of both the parliament and government, but also express their concern over the activities, which are, as they say, “in defiance of Euro-Atlantic values and which halt the palpable progress in the EU integration”. “Our expectations are high, and we expect that they could be met”.


Milatovic’s reaction comes after four days: Bad suggestion of Dodik that I definitely condemn (CDM)


After the President of Republika Srpska (RS), Milorad Dodik, told yesterday for the third day in a row that all Serbs should live in a united country comprising RS and Montenegro, and that the two should organize the referendum, the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, reacted, noting that “It’s very clear to everyone that it was a bad suggestion I really condemn as the President of Montenegro. I think that Montenegro has clearly rounded off its statehood and strongly traced its Euro-Atlantic path. For the sake of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), we are looking forward to B&H joining us on this road. That’s all I have to say.”


The President also commented on the formation of a new government, noting that it was good news. “I expect the government would remain strong on its EU path, strongly implement the three priorities of our foreign policy, which concern Montenegro’s credible membership in NATO, the true acceleration of our European path and the improvement of good neighborly relations. As for the internal issues, I expect that the government would speed up reforms concerning judiciary, additionally improve the standard of living of citizens and increase salaries and pensions. I expect that we all work together to build Montenegro as a country where all citizens will have equal chances for success.”


North Macedonia


Pisonero: European Commission’s top priority is EU enlargement in the Western Balkans (Republika)


European Commission Spokesperson Ana Pisonero underscored the significance of President Ursula Von der Leyen’s visit to the Western Balkans as a clear indication of the European Union’s strong commitment to the enlargement process. She emphasized that the enlargement process, particularly in the Western Balkans, has been a top priority for the European Commission since the beginning of its mandate.


Pisonero highlighted the EU Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, which President von der Leyen has mentioned during her recent visits to countries in the region. This growth plan aims to boost economic convergence with the European Union and bring the Western Balkans closer to the EU Single Market, thereby providing several benefits even before formal accession.


In addition, Pisonero noted that the European Commission is actively working on progress reports for the candidate countries. These reports are scheduled for consideration at the meeting of the College of Commissioners on November 8, with publication following their adoption.


Regarding the EU-facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Prishtina, Pisonero expressed the European Commission’s full support for the efforts of High Representative Josep Borrell, who serves as the Facilitator of the Belgrade-Prishtina Dialogue, and EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak, in this crucial diplomatic process.




Spiropali hosts Mayor of Presheva, Arifi: Respect for the rights of the Albanian population in the Presheva Valley (Radio Tiranna)


The Minister of State for Relations with the Parliament, Elisa Spiropali, hosted the mayor of the municipality of Presevo, Shqiprim Arifi, and the chairman of the municipal assembly, Sami Salihu. Spiropali stated that the main issues of the meeting were the development of the Presevo Valley, the acute problems brought about by the passivation of Albanians' addresses on their land, as well as the commitment to coordination between the government and the parliament to address respect for fundamental and national rights of the Albanian population. Following the meeting, they talked about the upcoming elections and the importance of the political parties and Albanian factors in the Valley to unite in a single list, as well as the possibilities for further strengthening of cooperation.