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Belgrade Media Report 6 November 2023



U.S. on Vulin’s resignation: U.S. plays no role in Serbian authorities' personnel decisions (Beta)


The United States stated on Nov. 3 that it had had no role in Aleksandar Vulin's decision to resign as head of the Serbian Security and Information Agency (BIA). In a statement Vulin said that the United States and the European Union “want my head on a platter so as not to impose sanctions against Serbia,” but that the U.S. Embassy told the Voice of America (VoA)

that “the United States has no role in the Serbian authorities' personnel decisions." “Our position on Mr. Vulin is well known. He remains under U.S. sanctions. We are looking forward to deepening our partnership with Serbia on its path towards full integration into Europe and the Euro-Atlantic community,” a spokesman for the Embassy of the United States in Belgrade said in a written response. The U.S. introduced sanctions against Vulin last July,

claiming that he was involved in transnational organized crime, illegal narcotics operations and abuse of public office, while facilitating the spread of Russian influence in the Balkans.


Vucic on Vulin's resignation: There was pressure from the first day (RTS)


President Aleksandar Vucic said on the occasion of the resignation of the Serbian Security and Information Agency (BIA) director Aleksandar Vulin, that it is true that from the first day of his appointment to that position there were pressures and thanked him for the contribution he made to the preservation of the country's security. "It's simply not for me to comment on that. Vulin is also a friend of mine with whom I spent a lot of time, I also understand his reaction, but he didn't lose his head or anything like that. There were pressures from the beginning when he was appointed to that position, from the first day, and it was unequivocal," said Vucic. Vucic said that everything that Vulin stated in his letter is absolutely correct. "I cannot continue to comment, because it is now easier for him than for me, while I cannot continue to comment on all things, for the simple reason that I am the President of the Republic, but also because I am obliged to keep secrets and about such I can't talk about things," Vucic told Pink TV. He emphasized that Vulin was never a Russian agent, but that he always worked exclusively for Serbia.


Vucic: A new round of dialogue was supposed to take place on November 6 or 7, Pristina did not accept (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that a new round of dialogue should have been held in Brussels on November 6 or 7, but that he thought the other side did not accept it. He pointed out that the European leaders in Brussels asked him when he would sign the independence of Kosovo and that he replied that he would not. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told Tanjug that it was agreed that a new round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina would be held in Brussels on November 6 or 7, but that he thought the other side did not accept it. He explained that in Brussels, European leaders asked him when he would sign the independence of Kosovo, that is, they said "Aleksandar, you have this option, so and so, do you want to sign?" and that he replied that he would not. "You think it's easy? It's not. These are great leaders, the most responsible for the fate of Europe," said Vucic. When asked if these were threats, the president said that he would not call them threats, but that he fully understands that Serbia can face the consequences. "I would be lying if I said that these are threats, and that these people have inappropriate language, they are decent people with whom we have good relations," said Vucic.


We are the pebble in the shoe


When asked to comment on the fact that European leaders still insist that he sign the independence of Kosovo, even though, it is assumed, they know that the prime minister of the temporary institutions of Pristina, Aljbin Kurti, behaves irresponsibly in the dialogue, President Vucic says that they know, but that the signature for the independence of Kosovo that they impose on him is a logical thing. "We are a pebble in their shoe, my stubborn repetition and all the stories about the bombing in 1999 and the destruction of all international public legal norms is a pebble in their shoe. At some point, the conflict in Ukraine will have to end, their argument will be correct - you violated the territorial integrity of the internationally recognized country of Ukraine, so the counterargument will be - yes, you did that much more brutally, without the decision of the Security Council, 19 of you committed aggression against a small country, Yugoslavia," said the president.


He added that Resolution 1244 is still in force today, at least formally from their point of view. "Which you refer to not only de facto but also de jure when you talk about NATO's mandate, i.e. KFOR in Kosovo, rightfully so. But with all that, you don't want to respect that Resolution, you don't respect the UN Charter. In order not to face that argument at one point - they suggest “come on Serbs, let's see something, well give you something, you accept that all this is over and let's say that it is over with your agreement. From their point of view, is there anything more logical than that?" explained the president.


Von der Leyen behaved much more correctly than some of her European colleagues


Vucic thanked the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, for behaving much more correctly than some of her European colleagues, because she did not want to react at the first blow when everyone demanded that certain measures be introduced to Belgrade at any cost. But not about the issue of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), because she thinks the same as all of them when it comes to that, said Vucic. "Thanks to the EU for the huge amount of money for the Belgrade-Nis railway and for not wanting to react at the first blow when everyone was asking for certain measures to be introduced at any cost to Belgrade, and she came and wanted to listen to our side," said Vucic. He said that many ambassadors in Pristina, who behave as if they are Albanian politicians, do not think that these news are reaching us. "And causing a lot of problems for my colleagues here," added Vucic. He stated that, unlike that, Von der Leyen was completely fair when she was in Belgrade. "Ursula said what they think and want, she was fair in Belgrade, she didn't want to say that in Belgrade. They want that, it's completely normal from their point of view, that's what Germany, France, Italy and the USA want. "You want them, in the midst of the campaign for NATO, to enter the campaign for the European parliamentary elections in May, which are in six months, and say what they don't like to say," said Vucic.


As he said, the Pristina bots are a fantastic weapon in the hands of Kurti. He assessed that those in Brussels are so afraid of their bots and trolls, because they think that they represent public opinion, while our people do not perceive them as serious competition but will look to say something against their country. "That will never happen with them, they will always say everything against Vucic and Serbia first, and only then their internal affairs," added Vucic.


Social networks have an incredible influence even on Brussels politics, emphasized Vucic and added that the EU's special envoy for dialogue Miroslav Lajcak once told him that the Pristina side was exerting a lot of pressure.


Petkovic: Pristina rejected the invitation for a dialogue that was supposed to take place on November 7 (RTS)


The Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), Petar Petkovic, confirmed that Pristina rejected the invitation for a dialogue between the main negotiators at the technical level, which was supposed to be held on November 7 in Brussels, while Belgrade accepted the invitation. Petkovic explains that on October 30, EU special representative Miroslav Lajcak sent an email to Belgrade and Pristina for a new round of dialogue that was supposed to take place tomorrow, Tuesday, November 7.


"Belgrade immediately responded affirmatively to that invitation by email on November 2 and additionally stated that our delegation will come to Brussels for talks considering the importance of continuing the talks, especially in the direction of de-escalation and stabilization of the situation on the ground. However, Pristina and its negotiator Besnik Bisljimi simply refused that invitation. That's why we were informed by the EU on November 3 that tomorrow's meeting in Brussels has been cancelled," Petkovic explains for Tanjug. He points out that with this Pristina and its negotiator Besnik Bisljimi showed that they are not interested in dialogue, normalization and de-escalation.


"Now it should be clear to everyone that Pristina is dedicated exclusively to terrorizing Serbs, threats, escalation and causing new crises instead of dialogue. While refusing to participate in talks, Albin Kurti continues to threaten Serbs with additional Albanian police forces which he says will not stop neither in the south nor in the north. In contrast to Kurti's militant rhetoric, Belgrade is doing its best to ensure peace and preserve the Serbian people in KiM, striving to be a constructive and credible party in the dialogue, as before, firmly committed to resolving all issues resolve at the negotiating table. By refusing to participate in the dialogue, Pristina shows that it intends to achieve its interests through confrontation, violence and unilateral escalating moves against the Serbs," said Petkovic. The Director of the Office for KiM also pointed out that he informed all the representatives of the international community, especially the representatives of the Quinte countries, about this decision of Pristina.


MEP Viola Von Cramon: Vucic discredits the EU but is willing to take its money (N1)


European Parliament member Viola Von Cramon said that the geopolitical situation is at this point so favourable for EU enlargement that even critics have come to the conclusion that enlargement is necessary. “In theory, the preconditions for expansion could not be better. And now we also have the money in our hands”, she said. She noted that the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, recently visited the Western Balkans and that “she is trying to get rid of that money”, reports “Deutsche Welle”.


“But should I do? Of course, I would have to condition it strongly, which means that I can’t just give money, especially not to a country like, for example, Serbia, where I see that the basic values of the European Union are clearly being violated,” she said, adding that in Serbia “the opposition does not have access to the media, activists are attacked, and there is no free and independent press”. “I don’t think it helps if you go out there and say: We have money for you, we want to help you, we want to support the infrastructure – and basically the money will definitely come, no matter what your policies are. I think it’s a mistake,” Von Cramon said.


She reminds that Germany is one of the biggest investors in Serbia, and because of that, more than eighty thousand jobs have been created there in the last ten years. “It created economic prosperity, but it also enabled Vucic to cement his political power. We would have to take advantage of that. We would have to get into it much more politically and say: We expect this and that from you. And that must be said in front of the cameras”, she said. “People have to understand that Vucic is the one who controls the press, and that for years he has been allowing the European Union, for us in the West, to be constantly discredited. And he took the money”, she said.


Petkovic: Medicines have arrived in KiM, they will soon be delivered to hospitals (RTS)


Thanks to the intense and long diplomatic struggle of Belgrade, the contingent of our medicines has arrived in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) and will soon be delivered to Serbian hospitals, announced the director of the Office for KiM, Petar Petkovic. "Two tow trucks and a truck with the necessary medicines and infusion solutions entered KiM last night and will be distributed among our health institutions after the procedures," said Petar Petkovic on X (Twitter). Due to the almost two-year blockade and obstruction of Pristina, which invented various administrative obstacles, we were on the threshold of a humanitarian disaster, he pointed out. "Belgrade regularly warned EU officials about this during the dialogue, as well as other international actors. We will never give up on our people in KiM," Petkovic concluded.


Kurti announced the deployment of 600 more soldiers and 500 policemen to KiM; Government of Serbia - this announcement represents the most open threat to Serbs (RTS)


The prime minister of the temporary institutions of Pristina, Albin Kurti, said that it is expected that 600 soldiers and 500 policemen will be deployed to Kosovo during the next year. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) of the Government of Serbia announced that this announcement represents the most open threat to Serbs in KiM. Aljbin Kurti said that it has been six weeks since Sergeant Afrim Bunjaku was killed and announced that in 2024, another 600 soldiers and 500 police officers will participate in "enforcing the law and constitutionality, for defense and security," Koha reported. "Tell all the activists and citizens that they will not be able to stop us either in the south or in the north," Kurti said at the party meeting of the Self-Determination Movement. This was followed by a response from the Office for KiM of the Government of Serbia, from which it was announced that Kurti's announcement represents the most open threat to Serbs in KiM. "Today, Kurti announced the hiring of an additional 500 so-called policemen and 600 members of the so-called KBS in the following year and with the message that no one will stop them neither in the south nor in the north, once again showed the face of a warlord, and presented the most open threat to Serbs in KiM,'' the Office for KiM said in a statement. They point out that these additional forces do not serve to deter any external threat, because such a threat does not exist, "it is about strengthening formations for intimidation and terrorizing the Serbian population in KiM in order to continue the ethnic cleansing of Serbs by Kurti". Kurti's announcement was also condemned by Srpska lista. "The weight of this threat is even greater because Albin Kurti stated in the previous period that half of the Serbs should be expelled and half should be arrested, as well as that the Serbs will pay and suffer, and then the Serbs were beaten, arrested, oppressed, and the world is watched silently'', it was stated in the announcement of the Serbian List.


Petkovic: Kurti’s most open threat to date (FoNet)


The head of the Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) Petar Petkovic accused Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti of openly threatening the Serbs with the recruitment of more than 1,000 security services personnel. Kurti said that 500 police officers and 600 Kosovo Security Forces troops would be recruited in 2024 and added that no one will stop them in the north or the south. Petkovic said that his statement shows “the face of a war chief” who has made the most open threat to the Kosovo Serbs ever.


“The additional police and paramilitary forces Kurti intend to engage will not serve as a deterent for any outside threats because those threats do not exist. This is about strengthening the formations used to intimidate and terrorize the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija with the aim of ethnically cleansing them,” Petkovic said in a written statement. Petkovic said that the Kosovo police and Security Forces have no business in Serb-majority communities because the Serbs are in charging of keeping law and order in those communities under the Brussels Agreement, the principles for the Union of Serbs Municipalities (ZSO) and international guarantees. He said Kurti’s announcement is a direct denial of the essence of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and accused the Kosovo Prime Minister of solving unemployment problems by giving young Albanians firearms.


Brnabic in Shanghai with the Chinese Prime Minister: The relations between the two countries are the best in history (RTS)


Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met with her Chinese counterpart Li Chang in Shanghai and discussed the political and economic cooperation between the two countries. China has confirmed that it adheres to principles in the implementation of international law and the territorial integrity of Serbia, just as Serbia supports the policy of one China, Brnabic said. The topics of conversation were, she says, innovations, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, as well as new investments from China. The Prime Minister emphasizes the importance of the recently signed free trade agreement and reminds that the trade exchange between Serbia and China exceeded six billion dollars last year and that China was the largest investor in Serbia in 2022.


Ana Brnabic, who is visiting China, pointed out that the meeting with the Chinese Prime Minister was extremely good, cordial and very open and assessed that the relations between the two countries are the best in history, adding that politically we have no open issues with China. Brnabic stated that she discussed with Li Chang about all aspects of cooperation and what can still be done in the future in the field of new technologies, innovations, artificial intelligence, biotechnology.


There was also talk about the recent visit of President Aleksandar Vucic to China, which, she says, was extremely good and opened many doors. According to her, the Chinese Prime Minister conveyed that the country is interested in many products from Serbia, not only in agricultural and food products, and the Free Trade Agreement with China will serve this purpose very well. She indicated that, when it comes to the economy, the signing of the Free Trade Agreement represents the opening of a new era. "Up to this point, we have signed the protocol on phytosanitary inspection for three types of products, for honey, honey products, fresh apples and for pet food. At this moment, we are nearing the end of negotiations on the protocol regarding the export of chicken meat and prunes in China," said Brnabic.


As she added, she asked that it be completed as soon as possible and that in 2024 we see another significant step forward, although our exports to China have increased 185 times in the last ten years. "Our trade in goods exceeded six billion dollars in 2022, which is a record so far," said Brnabic and added that China was the largest foreign investor in Serbia in 2021 and 2022, as well as in the first two quarters of 2023.


During the day, the Prime Minister also had meetings with Chinese companies that already operate in Serbia or work on infrastructure projects, but also with companies that plan to invest in Serbia. "A huge honor has been given to Serbia. Two weeks ago, President Aleksandar Vucic had a meeting with President Xi Jinping, now I, as Prime Minister, had a meeting with the Chinese Prime Minister, and I will have a meeting with President Xi Jinping as well. This shows China's respect for Serbia," she said.


Israel distances itself from the statement of its ambassador in Croatia: Serbia is our friend (RTS)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Eli Cohen said that he unequivocally distanced himself from the statements attributed to his country's ambassador to Croatia and emphasized that Serbia and the Serbian people are valued friends of Israel. The head of Israeli diplomacy, Eli Cohen, reacted on the X social network (Twitter) to the statement of Israel's ambassador to Croatia, Gary Koren, who, according to the Croatian portal Indeks, said that "Croatia understands well what Israel is exposed to due to the Homeland War and that the Serbs from the territory of Croatia were lucky that Serbia wanted to receive them, because the Arab states do not want to do that with the Palestinians".


"We unequivocally disassociate ourselves from the statements attributed to the Israeli ambassador to Croatia. Serbia and its people are valued friends of Israel, and we are grateful for the permanent support and partnership of our peoples," wrote Cohen on his account on the X network. His statement was also reported by the Embassy of Israel in Serbia.


List "Aleksandar Vucic – Serbia must not stop": Kosovo was and will be part of Serbia (B92)


The, the first pre-election rally "Aleksandar Vucic - Serbia must not stop" was held in Leskovac. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic also spoke at the pre-election meeting.  Vucic said that his parents are the best in the world to him, commenting on the latest attacks on his father and his mother. "Serbia will not suffer attacks on the family! We will never do that. We will watch over and protect their families and ensure a better future for their children. This is where we differ," said Vucic.


Vucic: By the end of 2027, the average salary in Leskovac will exceed 1,000 euros


"They laughed. We are telling you today that by the end of 2027, the average salary in Serbia will be 1,400 euros, and in Leskovac it will be over 1,000 euros," said Vucic at the first pre-election meeting of the "Aleksandar Vucic " list, "Serbia must not stop". He said "that he does not lie like those from the G17+, like Aleksic and Djilas who promised 1,000 euros of free shares". "You know that we will fully fulfil what we say. For us, the word is the law and an oath, we count on the people's trust, and not to deceive people," the president pointed out.


Vucic: A foreign factor will not decide the fate of Serbia


"Dear friends, I am honoured to support the list "Serbia must not stop" with all my strength, love and energy, because it means many factories, schools, clinical centers, it means higher salaries and pensions," Vucic said at the beginning of his speech. "I am proud that we are starting this campaign from the south of Serbia, because when you come to the south of Serbia, you can clearly see how many people, despite everything we have done, still live hard, but have hope for the future. People who know very well what the country is, how to protect and defend Serbia with intelligence and wisdom. Your soul is the same as mine, which seeks to live better, to give our children a better future," said Vucic. "The word we have given to the people is the law for us, the word is our oath," he said.


"Everyone gathered around one list, one from Canak's party, Tepic, the other is G17 plus Aleksic, and all of them are united by Djilas. While our youth was leaving Serbia going abroad, only they got richer and no one else. Serbia will not suffer attacks on the family. We will not let them destroy the Serbia of tradition, the family. The Serbia of the future, because without that, there is no future. And we will not let them allow foreign factors decide the future of Serbia," said Vucic.


Vucevic: This is a question of survival


Milos Vucevic addressed the crowd. "The elections scheduled for December 17 this year are certainly the most important elections in the 21st century. It is not a question of who will get the most votes, essentially, we the citizens will choose whether Serbia, which thinks for itself and is guided by the interests of its citizens, will win or it will be the Serbia we had until 2012, a country in which foreign embassies and local tycoons decide. Here, the survival of our homeland is at stake," said Vucevic and added: "We are coming out to the citizens with a clean face, with over 450 kilometers of new highways and more than 430 kilometers under construction. We are coming out with hundreds of new factories, with countless new and renovated schools. We are coming out with those results, but above all, we are running for the idea that we believe we can make it happen. And it's not just a double increase in wages, but also the fact that the average salary in Serbia will be 1420 euros by 2027. We believe in it, and we will make it happen. What do we have on the other side? A bunch of lies slanders, accusations, rudeness and lack of manners. Their program is to take over Serbia again. I guess 619 million is spent, so Djilas wants to fill his pockets again."


Rasim Ljajic addressed the crowd


"I will tell you only three reasons, which should determine the citizens of Serbia why they should vote for this list. Peace is no longer a value that is taken for granted, peace is a value that we must fight for and preserve it in every way, more with wisdom than with courage. Aleksandar Vucic, with as much support as he has in Serbia, can preserve peace and stability in this country. It does matter! Every vote is important in these elections because of political legitimacy, so that this list can defend peace and stability," said Ljajic.


Pro-Europe opposition parties sign coalition agreement (N1)


Serbian pro-Europe opposition parties on the Serbia Against Violence election ticket formally signed a coalition agreement on Friday. The election ticket will be headed by People’s Movement of Serbia leader Miroslav Aleksic and vice-president of the Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) Marinika Tepic, they said at a media conference.These people put all their differences aside so as not to betray your trust, journalist and Serbia Against Violence protest moderator Smiljan Banjac told the media conference, adding: “We have been in this together for half a year now and I believe that we will secure a Serbia without violence,” said Banjac. The agreement was signed by the following parties: Democratic Party, Ecological Uprising, Green-Left Front, Together, People’s Movement of Serbia, New Face of Serbia, Movement of Free Citizens, Romanian Party, Party of Freedom and Justice and Serbia Center.


The last “Serbia against violence” protest in this format: Citizens told “Don’t sleep through December 17” (N1)


The 27th consecutive protest "Serbia against violence" was held in Belgrade in front of the Serbian Parliament on Saturday evening and scores of citizens marched along the so-called "media route" to the RTS building. It was also the last protest in this format. “It’s time to seize the opportunity and change something on December 17 and show that no sacrifice is in vain”, moderator Smiljan Banjac said at the protest. He said that any voter fraud will be met with a reaction as was the case in 1996 and 2000, because „Serbia easily revolts and wakes up and wants to live in freedom and peace.”


“We fought for extraordinary elections, the pro-European opposition united on one list. Don’t sleep through December 17,” Banjac told the citizens. He said that the citizens have been sharing anger, sadness and fear for six months because of the tragedies that happened, referring to the mass murders in the Belgrade Elementary School “Vladislav Ribnikar” and near Mladenovac. “We also share the hope that something can change at the end of this year. We managed to free people from fear, not only in Belgrade, where it is common, but also in many places where there have never been protest marches,” said Banjac. However, the organizers believe that a different organization for the protest is needed, and there will no longer be regular gatherings in Belgrade in this format. After the speech of the moderator of the protest, a protest march started to REM and RTS, headed by a large banner “Serbia against violence”, and the participants shouted “Resignations, resignations” when they stopped at REM. The pro-European opposition parties, which are the organizers of the protests, signed a coalition agreement a few days ago on joint participation in the elections with the list “Serbia against violence”.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Dodik: No negotiation on property, the RS is financially stable; Schmidt was not present at UN SC session because representatives of Western countries realized his presence could jeopardize extension of ALTHEA mission (RTRS Radio)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik gave an interview for RTRS Radio, in which he talked about Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) property, the financial stability of the RS, his proposal for the RS Government to increase the minimum wage to BAM 1,050, the court case against him and Acting Director of the RS Official Gazette Milos Lukic and his recent meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Dodik explained that the discussion between him and Vucic focused on further cooperation and current political issues in B&H and Serbia, and that his discussion with Orban focused on the second round of the aid package for RS farmers, funded by the Hungarian Government. Dodik announced that he and Orban will have a meeting in January 2024 to talk about the work dynamics of the agriculture aid project and implementation of further projects.


“I will stand by my proposal, and I believe that it will receive the necessary support of the RS Government. When the time comes, by the end of the year, the proposal to increase the minimum wage in the RS to BAM 1,050 will be discussed”, said Dodik when talking about the financial situation in the RS, adding that the RS has shown clear evidence of both political and economic stability, despite the attempts of the US Ambassador in B&H Michael Murphy to prove otherwise. Dodik also touched on the fact that the illegitimate High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt was not present at the November 2 session of the UN Security Council because representatives of Western countries realized his presence could jeopardize the extension of the ALTHEA mission. Dodik added that this is another piece of evidence that Schmidt has no legitimacy. “His (Schmidt’s) attempts to tell the same story via certain media, which entirely ignores reality, absolutely shows that he has issues with legitimacy and legality”, added Dodik.


Dodik further touched on the constant violations of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), noting that the DPA has been reduced to rubble with the constant talks on B&H property, by Sarajevo politics which wants to see B&H centralized in Sarajevo and the RS reduced a protocol. “That (taking the RS property) will not happen of course. B&H will fall apart sooner than they can find any abstract solution to question the RS property. Property is something that will not be touched or discussed, and the RS has a clear stance on the matter”, said Dodik.


Dodik concluded by commenting on the court case against him and Lukic, which he described as a purely political process and a personal attack against him. “It is not a legal procedure, but an inquisition against the RS and me personally. Since it is a purely political process, we will treat it as a political process, as it is not based on facts. In a crazy country like B&H, we have to fight to preserve the RS on foundations that will not collapse under the arrogance of American or Brussels representatives”, concluded Dodik.


Komsic: Speech in UN is noted, Security Council members are informed (Fena)


Chair of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljko Komsic assessed that his speech before the UN Security Council, in which he criticized High Representative Christian Schmidt, drew the attention of Ambassadors to UN SC: “At least I noted that they are listening with interests, because the speech differed from the usual presentations of Ambassadors in this institution. Whatever one thinks about that, is surely related for official political positions of the countries they represent.” He added that one should not think that in this moment, B&H is a top news for UN SC: “In any case the presentation was noted and governments of UN SC member states will be informed about it.”


Komsic and Guterres condemn terror and violence in Middle East (BHT1)


Chair of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljko Komsic met on Saturday in New York with the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. Komsic and Guterres reiterated that they condemn violation of humanitarian law in Gaza and terror against civilians. They also condemned terror of Hamas against civilians in Israel. Guterres congratulated B&H for getting status of the EU candidate country and stated that along with EU leaders, he will work on support to the EU integration of B&H and other countries of the Western Balkans. Komsic said that B&H is waiting for decision on opening of accession talks with the EU. He underlined that considering divided stances within the EU, such decision might be put on standby. Komsic said that there is a lot of work ahead of B&H, which will have to work on internal changes in accordance with European laws, as well as waiting for a decision on the opening of negotiations with the EU, which, given the divided attitudes within the EU members, can be put on hold.


HR Schmidt fails to attend UN SC session on B&H; Reactions (RTRS)


RTRS carried that, busy with obligations in Sarajevo as he claims, (High Representative) Christian Schmidt did not appear in New York at the session of UN Security Council. According to RTRS, on the same day when the UN Security Council (UN SC) discussed Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Schmidt asked for space in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) media. Analysts claim for RTRS that Schmidt did not decide on his own not to go to New York but was ordered to stay here. They estimate that the joint enterprise of US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy and Schmidt has run into serious difficulties and that it is logical that those who sent them to B&H should return them home.


As RTRS reported, Schmidt also makes allegations about how in the Republika Srpska (RS) consent of Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov is sought for politics, and he tells the Minister of Security to do his job. B&H Minister of Security Nenad Nesic said that he does his job very responsibly and diligently and, as he states, he does not understand what Schmidt meant. “Probably the matter is that he is not doing his job, but those jobs that do not belong to him and for which he has no legal authority”, Nesic clarified.


SNSD’s delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Radovan Kovacevic stated: “Dodik, and in general we from RS are also recognizable precisely because we make our own political decisions independently and autonomously. If anyone needs a green light from Lavrov, then it is Schmidt who, without, among other things, the vote of Russia, cannot become a high representative.”


RTRS further reported that Schmidt went a step further than insulting and lecturing. SNSD’s MP in the RS National Assembly (RSNA) Srdjan Mazalica stated: “What is indicative in this performance is that Schmidt uttered completely incorrect information, that is, a lie, namely that the condition for joining the EU is the resolution of the issue of state property. That is absolutely not the case.” Mazalica warned that some are trying to disempower him. While Schmidt excuses himself to the Sarajevo-based media that he could not go to New York because of his obligations, political analyst Nenad Kecmanovic believes that Schmidt did not decide on his own not to appear at the UN SC session but was ordered to stay in Sarajevo. Kecmanovic believes that it is logical to expect that both he and the US ambassador will be returned home. “It will not be right away, so it does not seem like a defeat. They wanted to quietly remove RS President Milorad Dodik under the auspices of the court process, but they caused a commotion, the people on the entity borders, the homogeneity of the leadership, the support of the opposition, the solidarity of Serbia, Hungary and Russia. I think it is clear to everyone that it is not about Dodik, but about the RS”, specified Kecmanovic.


Professor at the University of Istocno Sarajevo Drago Vukovic said Schmidt is a classic consequence of the global confusion in which elementary criteria in international relations were lost, and his failure to go to New York shows all the tragicomedy of the times we live in. “As for Schmidt, I think that he has completely lost his way, that the RS is trying to deal with serious, not only political processes, when it comes to Schmidt, but also judicial processes and the initiation of some processes before international courts and the involvement of foreign lawyers, makes Schmidt seriously nervous”, said Vukovic. In addition, Schmidt was guest of ‘Face TV’ on Thursday, asking does Dodik really think that he can behave like that in Europe, “like some bull from Banja Luka”.


Schmidt on his report on B&H presented before UN SC (Face TV)


Guest of Face TV Central News was High Representative Christian Schmidt. Asked about key sentences from his report on situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) that was presented before the UN Security Council (UN SC) on Thursday, Schmidt said that he reported there is too much secessionism in Republika Srpska (RS), that there are attempts in the RS to go their own way although it does not improve anything for citizens of this entity. Schmidt added that he also emphasized in the report that functionality of B&H has been improved, there is government that is working, and laws have been passed. “Third, I underlined that B&H should prepare for the EU same as other countries did prepare”, stated HR Schmidt. “I conveyed these three messages: stop with this chaos in the RS; Second, how we will get to the EU and what laws we need to adopt; Third, it is necessary to stop with corruption”, emphasized Schmidt.  A


sked about the fact that significant part of address of Chair of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic delivered before the UN SC referred to him and that Komsic commended but also criticized him, Schmidt stated that when B&H officials deliver speeches before the UN SC or the UN General Assembly, they should be aware that entire world is listening. He underlined that consequently, instead of speaking about decisions of HR, B&H officials should advocate for B&H as country with future. Reporter stated that he analysed Schmidt’s report, reaction of the US Embassy to B&H and developments at Thursday session of the UN SC and concluded that leader of SNSD and RS President Milorad Dodik is main problem in B&H. Schmidt quoted Albanian ambassador who underlined that Dodik is not only problem in B&H, but he describes problem in B&H. He went on to saying that although everyone in B&H know what they should be doing, no one is doing anything. “This is that problem that culminates with Dodik”, explained HR. He went on to saying that Dodik is leading fight for his RS, adding that it is acceptable and there are rules and laws for it. Schmidt added that most important thing is that people need and want to stay in B&H as well as EU integration of B&H. He stressed that this is not hollow phrase but is necessary to work every day on achieving it. HR emphasized that people want better economic situation and end of “mafia corruption” due to which they suffer. He underlined that the RS President can give his contribution to fulfilling of this task. “Dodik needs to show that he wants to do something for his people, not only for himself”, said High Representative.


Asked to comment recent Dodik’s statements on merging of the RS, Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro, Schmidt said that he was engaged in regards to referendum on independence of Montenegro. He underlined that at this referendum people clearly stated what they want. “I think it would be better for Dodik to respect it. My recommendation to him is not to aim to change history. You cannot play with states, we saw in the region what happened when it was done”, emphasized HR Schmidt.


Asked whether he can assess why Dodik has been carrying out actions that bring him to difficult situation where sanctions against him are imposed and indictment is filed, Schmidt said that there were many opportunities for Dodik to demonstrate he can act rationally. He added that current problem is not whether Dodik is content with himself or not. Schmidt underlined that the European and international representatives do not want to influence government of B&H, adding that they know that when B&H becomes part of the EU, some Dodik will participate in decision-making process. “However, we do not know whether he will resume to frequently change his opinions. Dodik is not problem, it is actually predictability of B&H. That is challenge that needs to be solved. That is why he needs to change, to return to some reasonable path”, said HR. He underlined that citizens of the RS have their civic rights and decide for themselves, and they do not need Dodik to tell them how to behave. Schmidt reminded that Dodik has been making up stories and questioning legitimacy of High Representative. He stressed that although UN Secretary General responded to question of member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic and clearly said how HR is appointed, some the RS officials reject this interpretation and claim they know better.


Asked why “the great Europe” puts up with small Dodik, Schmidt said that Europe has patience, but it ends when someone think they can manipulate Europeans. He stressed that it is necessary to clearly say to Dodik that he has to say whether he wants and can independently enable EU integration for his country – which is B&H and not entity the RS – or he needs to get green light from (Russian Foreign Minister Sergey) Lavrov. Commenting activities and statements of Dodik and his associates that can be interpreted as dangerous, including organization of ‘Border exists’ gatherings and statements on new Serb state, Schmidt stated that it is wrong path, adding that he talked about it in his report submitted with the UNSC.


Asked about claims of RS President Milorad Dodik and B&H Minister of Security Nenad Nesic that he is unauthorized foreigner, that he is in B&H illegally and that Nesic even submitted report against him with B&H Prosecutor’s Office, High Representative Christian Schmidt said that this is nonsense. He added that he does not have any personal conflict with Nesic, adding that if he can give advice to B&H Minister of Security it would be that Nesic should do his job, including protection of diplomats. “I have diplomatic status in B&H”, stated Schmidt. He underlined that he has feeling that some think they need to use strong words in order to get some credit from Dodik. Schmidt underlined that no police officer in the RS who provides support to him should suffer consequences for it “because if it happens, we will have diplomatic problem that will be launched by me.” He added that he will go wherever he wants and not where Dodik thinks he should go. Schmidt went on to saying that everyone in B&H who has some responsibility, including Minister Nesic, should be supporting High Representative and prevent anything that could happen to him. He confirmed that this is also response to Dodik. “Does he think he can really act like that in the Europe, like some bull from Banja Luka”, wondered Schmidt.


Asked whether he believes new conflict in B&H or region is possible due to interest of some powers to additionally burden the West, Schmidt said that he believes such scenario will not happen. He added that people in B&H want peace. HR Schmidt underlined that they will do everything to prevent spreading of conflict in Ukraine to the Western Balkans. “I think EU and NATO are important element of security here and this is why it is good thing the UN SC expanded mandate of EUFOR Althea in B&H. We will not turn away from this part of the Europe”, emphasized Schmidt.


Asked for how long he will stay in B&H as High Representative, HR Schmidt underlined that he will stay in B&H until he completes his task, namely until fulfilling of ‘5+2’ conditions, so that he can submit report with the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) that things in B&H have been regulated well.


As for the report that B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic presented in New York, the HR said that Komsic should not have presented some of his personal stances but exclusively the situation in B&H. Schmidt added: “With due respect to Komsic, I think it is good that we all work together that this country makes progress towards the EU. I think that I have done a lot. Unfortunately, BiH representatives first have to resolve some of their internal issues. First of all, I would say that the UN SC is a place where you should not talk about someone’s stances or positions but present the facts excessively. We had the situation when we did not have judges, the House of Peoples and I had to intervene, we did not have Governments. I thought it is my job to change something in regards to this.” The HR stressed once again that politicians are the ones who have to sit down and pass the best solution for this country.


Asked if his decision to suspend the B&H Constitution for 24 hours was lobbied by Croatia and its Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, the HR replied: “I do not like to be included in some internal policies and campaigns, but I pass my decisions alone. Some are satisfied with them, some are not, but everybody should accept them in a long run. My job is to correct what does not function.” As for Komsic’s claim that the HR did not state in his report to the UN SC that protests of citizens were held in front of the OHR, Schmidt stated that his report refers to the period of the last six months and that there were no protests in front of the OHR at this period of time. As for relations with RS officials, the HR said: “I know that my coming to the RS was not made possible. I continue to go to the RS and I will go there and I believe that we have to talk with the RS representatives about topics which include returnees, among other issues. I have recently visited a couple in Visegrad, who was attacked, and we must work that Annex 7 is functional.” The HR also said: “If I had not mentioned the secessionist policy of Milorad Dodik my report would have been manipulative. I am surprised that B&H Presidency member Zeljka Cvijanovic sent a letter in which she asked if my appointment is legitimate and she received a precise answer. My question is if she manipulates with some theses, it seems as if they live in some isolated world where they are not aware what the problems are. I call on Cvijanovic to publicly talk to me and tell me which are the RS complaints, and I am ready to talk to her.”


HR Schmidt: I am the last High Representative in B&H (Face TV)


High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt was a guest of ‘Face TV’ during which he spoke about numerous topics. According to the media, HR Schmidt said he sometimes feels that Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik behaves like Don Quixote, fighting against the windmills. The HR said, among other issues, that people should and want to stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and get the access to the EU. According to Schmidt, it is not an empty phrase and that Dodik should position himself. Namely, the HR said that Dodik should be asked: “Do you mean good to your country, and your entity is not a country, it is B&H, do you want to enable the path to the European Union and the integration. Can you decide on your own or you have to call (Russian Foreign Minister Sergey) Lavrov to give you the ‘green light’, you decide”. Asked how long he will stay, Schmidt said he is the last HR and that he will not leave until the 5+2 agenda is fulfilled. Schmidt stressed that Dodik, with his failure to recognize the HR, extends his stay in B&H.


EU Ambassador to UN Skoog addresses UN SC, expresses EU’s support to B&H’s perspective of membership in EU, welcomes renewal of mandate of EUFOR ‘Althea’ mission (Oslobodjenje)


EU Ambassador to the UN Olof Skoog addressed a session of the UN Security Council (UN SC) and talked about development of events in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Candidate countries Turkey, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania and Republic of Moldova joined Skoog’s statement in which, among other things, he said that the EU welcomed the decision of the UN SC to renew the mandate of EUFOR ‘Althea’ mission having in mind the important role in support to B&H authorities in maintenance of a safe and secure environment. Skoog also said that the EU welcomed continuous strong support of B&H to the executive mandate of the EUFOR ‘Althea’ mission and its presence.


Skoog noted that the EU once again pointed out its full commitment to the perspective of membership of B&H in the EU and added: “The future of B&H and its citizens is in the EU. The EU will continue strengthening and intensifying its engagement at all levels in order to support political, economic and social transformation of the country, including a continuous assistance based on tangible progress in field of rule of law and social-economic reforms, as well as respecting of values, rules and standards of the EU by B&H. Securing of firm and irreversible achievements in fields of rule of law, economy, functioning of democratic institutions and public administration reform is still crucial for the fulfilment of requirements for the EU membership and it represents a long-term investment in peace, democracy, prosperity, safety and stability in Europe”.


Skoog noted that, in the current geopolitical context, the EU emphasizes the urgency for the country to move forward on its European path, primarily through fulfilment of all 14 key priorities for launching of accession talks with the EU. Skoog said that the EU urges all political leaders in B&H to implement obligations listed in an agreement that was reached on June 12, 2022 without any delays and to urgently finalize constitutional and electoral reform in line with the 14 key priorities: “The EU welcomes recent steps which B&H made in line with these expectations and encourages future progress in reforms related to the European path in the upcoming months. The EU is seriously concerned because of laws and initiatives in the RS entity, which are opposite to the European path of B&H, including secessionist rhetoric and bringing in question the constitutional order of the country. We express our regret because of the adoption of laws in the RS entity on non-implementation of decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H in this entity. Furthermore, we regret because of coming into force of the changes and addenda to the Criminal Code of the RS entity, which again introduced criminal punishments for defamation. Respect of human rights, freedom of expression, freedom of media and pluralism, as well as freedom of activities of civic society organizations are the key pillars of a democratic society. The EU points out that it is necessary to preserve sovereignty, territorial integrity, constitutional order and international subjectivity of B&H. Any kind of activities opposite to those principles will lead to serious consequences”.


Finally, Skoog said that the EU called all political stakeholders in B&H to refrain from and reject any kind of provocations and moves that cause divisions, and especially those that bring in question sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the country, as well as the end glorification of sentenced war criminals and to work actively on reconciliation: “The EU confirms its strong support to the mission of High Representative Christian Schmidt in B&H. The EU reiterates its undoubted commitment to the European perspective of BiH as a single, united and sovereign country”.


EUD welcomes renewal of EUFOR mandate, condemns separatist policy of ruling structures in RS (FTV)


The EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) welcomed renewal of the mandate of EUFOR Althea Operation in B&H. They once again condemned separatist policy of the ruling structures in Republika Srpska (RS) and confirmed strong support to the mission of High Representative Christian Schmidt. “The EU reiterates its full and unequivocal commitment to the EU membership perspective of B&H. The EU is seriously concerned about legislation and initiatives in the RS that run counter to the EU path of B&H, including secessionist rhetoric and questioning the constitutional order of the country. We deplore the adoption of legislation in the RS on the inapplicability of the decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H within the entity”, the EU statement reads.




Mandic: I will do everything to ensure that Serbia and Montenegro have the best relations (CDM)


The President of the Assembly of Montenegro Andrija Mandic said that the majority of Montenegro wants the best possible relations with Serbia and that he, as the president of the assembly and as a political representative of the Serbian people, will do everything to ensure that our two countries have the best possible relations, which is certainly in the interest of all Montenegrin citizens. As he added that he will continue to work to correct numerous injustices, which a large number of citizens of Montenegro have experienced during the past 30 years.


"For the sake of staying in power and as a mechanism to deepen the discord between the different peoples living in Montenegro, the former regime inherited an explicitly hostile attitude towards Serbia, as well as the Republika Srpska," said Mandic. "We see that this relationship, when it comes to the Democratic Movement of Socialists, has not changed much even after they left power. They are still looking for someone to blsme in Belgrade and Banja Luka in order to mask the various criminal operations that the former regime carried out in Montenegro" he said in an interview for "Politika".


He pointed out that as someone who throughout his political involvement, together with his people, fought against discrimination against both the Serbian people and all those who experienced injustice during the 30 years of the arbitrariness of one regime, the will of the MP to be the new president of the assembly is observed as a joint victory. "From the position of the new president of the assembly, I will strongly advocate for the process of restoring trust in people. I will continue to work to correct the great injustices that a large number of citizens of Montenegro have experienced during the past 30 years. In every respect, I will work in the interest of peace and stability, which our society desperately needs," said Mandic. He emphasized that the new government in Montenegro has a lot of work to do and that the system, which has been created for three decades, must be cleansed of crime and corruption, and it was inherited by the former communist government, which was known for the extent of its state apparatus.


Milatovic: We can become Switzerland or Singapore, but before that must reach the level of Slovenia (CDM)


Ahead of the official visit to the Republic of Slovenia, in an interview for the Slovenian daily ‘Delo’, the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, said that Montenegro could become Switzerland or Singapore, but before that, it had to be Slovenia.


Asked how he intended to lead Montenegro to the EU, President Milatovic noted that both he and his colleague Spajic had already done a lot in boosting the economic recovery while being ministers, adding that a lot had been done in the area of structural reforms which were necessary on Montenegro’s European path. He also said that their goal was to complete what had started in the context of negotiations with the EU.


“The basic scenario is that all negotiation chapters would be completely closed in 2024, 2025 and 2026. The year 2027 would be left to the parliaments of the EU member states to ratify our accession, and we truly believe that the year 2028 could be realistically achievable for Montenegro’s full membership to the Union. That’s all we want, and in my daily political work, I act in such a way as to speed things up as much as possible and to achieve these goals.”


Speaking about mass gatherings of extremists close to Serbia in the streets of Montenegro and whether that could halt its progress, the President noted, “external impressions may be wrong as well. In the period of major political changes, which were the foundation for all other changes, we had a 15 percent economic decline in 2020, while since then we have been among the fastest growing economies in Europe. The minimum and average salaries have significantly increased, the minimum net salary in 2020 was €222, now it’s €450. In 2020, the average salary was €500 net, while now it amounts to €800. We’d like to start from reaching the level of Croatia, if not Slovenia’s, and at least show that a well-managed small system can use its economic resources and potential much more meaningfully”.


Asked what he’d tell his interlocutors during his stay in Ljubljana, President Milatovic said that he “had already talked with friends in Ljubljana on several occasions, with the president and prime minister and with many others”, adding that he believed that “faster accession and full membership to the Union would be a strong impetus to all other countries and their reform processes”.


Becic: We are ready to meet opposition’s demands regarding census (Vijesti)


The government is ready to meet the demands of the opposition for conducting the census, said the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Security, Internal Policy, European and Foreign Affairs, Aleksa Becic during his guest appearance in the Vijesti TV. He added that a boycott in that case would mean the abuse of the census for political purposes. Becic said he was convinced that the seventh judge of the Constitutional Court would be elected during this month and the issue of the functionality of the highest judicial instance would be resolved.


When asked if he feared that the story about the census could end with a boycott of some political entities, he said that the opposition had announced that they wanted membership in the municipal census commissions and that their representatives participate in them. “We are ready to proceed with the implementation of that request in a short period of time and for those representatives to then participate in the work of the commissions that will issue another call for enumerators; they can feel free to encourage all people to participate and carry out the census,” Becic said. He added that they were ready to introduce software where, through three protection systems, everyone would be able to have protection and check whether data had been misused.


Asked whether the ruling coalition agreement was a test for mutual trust and fulfilling all the state’s obligations, Becic replied that whoever wants to play with NATO, the EU, the foreign and security policy of the Union, by denying recognition of states, will not exercise power, because “power is not a toy”.


Mandic: We don’t accept obstructions, census to be held on 30 November, amendments to law to be initiated by Government (CDM)


Parliament Speaker Andrija Mandic said after a meeting with PM Milojko Spajic and representatives of the parliamentary parties regarding the population census, which was not attended by the representatives of the Democratic Party of Socialists, the Social Democrats, URA or the Croatian Citizens’ Initiative, that an agreement had been reached for the Government to initiate the amendment to the census. He said that the census would begin on 30 November, that Eurostat’s recommendations would be followed in its organization and implementation, but that they would not agree to obstructions in this matter.


Since the Parliament has a legislative function, it is necessary, he added, to amend the law on the census. “We are meeting the needs of our opposition parties, so that in the next few days we will send all the objections we have and direct them to the initiator who will start the procedure of amendments to the law on the census. We fully agreed that the most important requirements ensuring absolute control of the census – special software (which will enable every citizen of Montenegro to have access to their own data as they are entered into the Monstat databases), copies of censuses, expansion of municipal census commissions, make it possible for this important procedure of organizing the census to be respected”, said Mandic. He stressed that in the organization and implementation of the upcoming population census, the recommendations of Eurostat, which evaluated Monstat’s work with the highest marks, will be followed.


How to prepare and align amendments to the Census Law, adopt proposal for the law, hold debate, publish it in the Official Gazette and all that in 25 days (CDM)


The announcement that the Government of Montenegro is going to amend the law which regulates the headcount procedure represents a step forward in the process of data inserting, processing and control, assesses the Association of Lawyers in a statement sent to CDM. However, they warn that this publicly declared decision is in defiance of the position that the census is going to start on 30 November. “The question is whether it’s possible to prepare and align the amendments in 25 days, also adopt the proposal for the law, hold a debate in parliament, publish the law in the Official Gazette and leave enough time for it enter into force,” the Association of Lawyers points out.


North Macedonia


Escobar: Bulgaria assures us no more conditions for North Macedonia (MIA)


Bulgaria will not set any new conditions for North Macedonia's full integration into the European Union, according to Gabriel Escobar, US Department of State Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs and Special Representative to the Western Balkans, in a recent interview with Voice of America in Macedonian. In the phone call with VOA in Macedonian, Escobar said Bulgarian diplomats had assured him they had no intention of adding any more conditions for North Macedonia on its way to the EU because Bulgaria wanted to see the region moving forward on the European path.


"They would like to see progress," Escobar said, adding that the US wants to make sure they can work with all parties in meeting the required conditions for North Macedonia to move forward in the accession process.


In response to VOA's question if there would be no new veto if the other conditions were met, Escobar said, "That's how I interpreted it." When asked if the US was concerned over the possibility of the constitutional changes being passed at the expense of undermining the rule of law and justice — after media reports suggested that some prison sentences would be commuted to secure votes for the amendments — Escobar said he would not want to speculate on what was happening on the local political scene. "That is up to the people of North Macedonia to decide," he said, adding that every country that joined the EU would become more prosperous, more democratic and more stable because of its commitment to the rule of law.  Escober said the country should focus on sustaining the reforms needed for EU membership. "We will continue to stand with the people who want reforms and who want to meet the European requirements," he said.


He also said he had not heard of any bargaining over the constitutional changes between the government and fugitive former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, which the opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski alleged in a German newspaper.

"I don't have any information on this," Escobar said, pointing out North Macedonia should not compromise on its ideals and reiterating that the country's progress in the rule of law was important to sustain because membership in the EU is "really about standards and values and commitment to the rule of law," he said. According to him, challenges related to the rule of law and corruption continue to plague the Western Balkans. This is why, he added, the US urged governments to do more in the fight against corruption and show concrete results as well as strengthen institutions that are the basis of the rule of law.


Escobar also pointed out that US sanctions against corrupt actors were effective and there were more to come. "Sanctions are extremely effective, which is why everyone fears them and so they are an important tool for the US in helping to fight corruption," he said, adding that "sanctions will continue and they will make a difference."  "We need to be very clear that this is a problem affecting the entire region, and not just one or two countries," Escobar said. The US said last month that corruption had the potential to undermine North Macedonia's strategic ambitions.


In response to VOA's question if the recent changes to the Criminal Code reducing sentences for abuse of office would make it harder for the US to help fight corruption in the state, the US Department of State said the leaders of North Macedonia needed to show robust anticorruption results by strengthening institutional independence and preventing political interference, especially in the judiciary, as that was necessary to join the EU and to build public trust in the system.