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Belgrade Media Report 26 February



Brnabic: Ukraine can count on Serbia’s help, support (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Saturday at the opening of the exhibition of photos showing the humanitarian aid sent by the EU and Serbia to Ukraine, that the country can count on Serbia's help and support. At the opening of the exhibition at the EU Centre in Belgrade on the occasion of the two-year anniversary of the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, Brnabic emphasised that Serbia supports Ukraine on its European path and is ready to help on a technical level. She emphasised that Serbia will accept as many people from Ukraine as necessary, adding that our country has tried to help as much as it can in these two years through direct financial aid of €3 million Euros for the children of Ukraine and another €1.5 million for internally displaced persons. She reminded that Serbia sent 14 aid trucks for the Ukrainian people and expressed hope for peace in the near future. You certainly always count on our help and support and that we are there with you as friends and brothers, because Ukraine is our friend, and the Ukrainian people are our brotherly people, the Prime Minister said. Head of the EU delegation in Serbia Emanuele Giaufret also spoke at the opening of the exhibition.


Serbian Foreign Affairs Ministry slams Croatia’s FM over statements on Serbia and Vucic (Beta)


Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a note of protest to the Embassy of Croatia in Belgrade regarding, as emphasised, the unacceptable statement of the Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gordan Grlic-Radman concerning Serbia. According to the note, “the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia wishes to point out the complete unacceptability of the statements of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, Gordan Grlic-Radman, made on 24 February 2024, during TV N1 Zagreb Central News, directed against the President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic and the Republic of Serbia as a whole.” The Ministry pointed out that the aforementioned statements represented a “further continuation of building an atmosphere of hatred towards Serbia and the Serbian people and undermine the common policy of promoting peace and stability in the region”. The Ministry said it expected the senior officials of Croatia to refrain from statements that represent interference in the internal affairs of Serbia and will lead a policy of reconciliation and good neighborly relations between the two countries, the protest note says. Speaking to N1, Grlic-Radman said that Vucic will have to decide which side he would choose, alluding on his attempts to maintain good relations both with Russia and the EU. He also called Vucic a “Russian satellite”, adding that “malign influence of Russia in the Western Balkans will not be allowed”.


Dacic: Croatia systematically building attitude of hatred towards Serbia, Serbs (TV Pink)


In a reaction to recent statements by Croatian FM Gordan Grlic Radman, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Monday no one had the right to lecture Serbia on foreign policy and noted that Croatia was "systematically building an attitude of hatred towards Serbia and Serbs". "Simply, that is something where we have a problem with Croatia - the fact an attitude of hatred towards Serbia and Serbs is being built there," Dacic said on TV Pink. You cannot insult the president of a country without insulting the country itself, because the president is a representative of that country, Dacic said, commenting on Grlic Radman's statement about Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Dacic said that, in international relations, a protest note was a form of communication between highest-ranking officials of two countries. It is no coincidence Serbia and its president are a political topic in the Croatian public and media, he said. "We have a situation where even now, after the (protest) note, they are continuing the narrative of somehow advising Serbia that we should switch to the right side of history, as if they have always known how to judge what the right side is," Dacic noted. Diplomacy is an extraordinary resource for intelligence structures as there are spies, intelligence officers and agents amongst diplomats, Dacic added. Asked about the high level of Croatia's interest in the recent Serbian elections, Dacic responded Croatia was interested in anything that could cause a form of political instability in Serbia. "Vucic had the initiative several times and, on several occasions, I have taken part in meetings, including with (former Croatian President) Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic and PM (Andrej) Plenkovic, where we discussed normalisation of our relations, but I was never convinced it is really going to happen," Dacic concluded.


Brnabic said that Belgrade will most likely see new, not repeated elections (TV Prva/FoNet)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that Belgrade will most likely see new and not repeated elections, adding that “not a single vote was stolen” and that she will never accept an international investigation of the 17 December elections. Brnabic told TV Prva that the elections were held and were legitimate, stressing that especially in Belgrade, there was a strong control of the voting process. “Obviously a majority cannot be made, mathematically it is possible, we have a majority, but Aleksandar Vucic has set a nice standard – mathematics is not politics,” she said, noting that new elections are the most realistic option in Belgrade. Asked about the fact that consultations about the government are starting in Belgrade, while the opposition is asking foreigners in Brussels to investigate the elections of 17 December, Brnabic said that the European Parliament is no longer enough for the opposition, they are now going to the European Commission to “figure out what the investigation should look like”. “I will never allow an international investigation, because this calls for the abolition of the country’s sovereignty,” she stressed. According to her, the Personal Data Protection Act, which was adopted by the parliament, would be suspended in that investigation. “This means the suspension of parliament, institutions, democracy, and this ultimately leads to foreigners bringing them to power,” according to Brnabic. Commenting on the statement of the American envoy Gabriel Escobar, Brnabic said that she agreed with his words about the ODIHR report that it was thorough, that is, that there were no irregularities in 93 percent of the places.


Office for KiM reacts to attack on Serb priest in Prizren (Tanjug/RTV)


The physical attack on a Serb Orthodox priest and the attempt to intimidate a group of Serb pilgrims in Prizren is a direct consequence of the fact that hatred towards Serbs, the Orthodox faith and all things Serbian has been politically nurtured and tolerated in Kosovo and Metohija for the last two and a half decades, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija has stated. "Prizren is a town of special importance for the Serb people and its history and spirituality, and the Serb clergy and pilgrims must be guaranteed the highest level of security, because the message they are sending together is a message of peace and tolerance. Incidents of this kind in Prizren are a symptom of a new wave of political radicalization in Kosovo and Metohija and a warning that the accumulated hatred of extremists has been a constant and omnipresent threat to peace and security," said the statement. It added that intimidation on ethnic and religious grounds is something that Albanian extremists do not even consider to be a crime, because after Kurti became the head of the provisional institutions of self-government, Pristina started to completely openly carry out institutional violence against the Serb people, setting an example for extremists, who obviously perceive it as a green light to join in on the attacks against the Serbs. "There is no greater sin than attacking people who spread Christian messages of peace, and that is why we hope that yesterday's incident will sound an alarm even for the foreign political sponsors of Kurti's regime," said the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.


Petkovic: Our visits to Kosovo and Metohija support Serbs to stay (Tanjug/RTV)


Every time we visit Kosovo and Metohija, we support the Serbs living there to stay there, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said at the opening of the Experience Kosovo-Metohija booth at the International Tourism Fair in Belgrade on Friday.

He urged Serbians to visit the many Serbian holy sites and get to know the natural beauty of Kosovo and Metohija, but noted that, due to the situation the Kosovo Serbs were in following unlawful decisions by Pristina, it was difficult for him to speak only about tourism. "The circumstances and conditions our people in Kosovo and Metohija are living in are extremely difficult due to Pristina's unilateral, violent and unlawful decisions aimed at an expulsion of the Serbs from our ancestral homes," Petkovic said. "It is our duty to visit our holy sites, all those beautiful places and our beautiful people, our hosts, whose hearts are full whenever we are present in Kosovo and Metohija. Every time we go there, we support the survival of our people in Kosovo and Metohija, which is what Serbia as a state is also doing on a daily basis through its Office for Kosovo and Metohija," Petkovic said.


Stano declines to specify whether 27 February Brussels meeting will be held (Tanjug)


European Commission spokesperson Peter Stano on Friday declined to specify whether a Brussels meeting of the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak and representatives of the two parties would be held on February 27, but said the EU was hoping Belgrade and Pristina would solve an issue caused by a "very unfortunate decision" on one side. Referring to Pristina's ban on the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo and Metohija, Stano said the "very unfortunate and unconsulted decision" also affected the other side. "We submitted invitation to partners to deal with certain issues, we explained it in depth already yesterday, so now we are hoping that both sides will be able to agree to it and solve the issue which was caused by a very unfortunate and unconsulted decision on one side, affecting also the other side, so this is our role as the facilitators," he said at a Brussels press briefing. Asked by Tanjug if the meeting would go ahead after Pristina's chief negotiator Besnik Bislimi had declined Lajcak's invitation to Brussels, Stano said logistical discussions about setting up working-level meetings should not be conducted through the media, the public domain or at press conferences. He noted that the EU did not comment on what it was doing, but just trying to help the parties find a solution. When asked if there would be consequences if no Pristina officials turned up at the Brussels meeting, Stano said the EU did not speculate about "what-if" scenarios.


Escobar: Serbia must implement ODIHR recommendations by next vote (VoA/Beta)


The US envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar said in a 23 February interview with the Voice of America (VoA) that Serbia was expected to implement recommendations by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) by the next election in the country. Escobar said that a report by the OSCE/ODIHR on irregularities reported during Serbia’s parliamentary and local elections on 17 December was “thorough and fair,” and that Serbia should meet the organization’s recommendations before its next vote. “The ODIHR Report was fairly thorough and rather fair. We said that the ODIHR Report, which we support, offered clear recommendations and highlighted evident flaws in the election process in Serbia. Our position, too, is that it needs to be improved, and that it needs to be improved by the next elections – be they national, or local,” Escobar said. According to the US envoy for the region, it is important that there is a legal process in Serbia through which the opposition can address its concerns. “We want the institutions to do their job, and seriously consider their complaints. Whatever the elected government may look like, we expect it to strengthen democratic institutions in Serbia, continue the dialogue and accession to the EU. I believe that all people in Serbia want the same, except for a minority which votes for the right wing, which fared poorly in the elections,” the US diplomat said. Escobar added that Serbia should continue on the path to the EU, which implied “orientation towards the West”. “We always said that we thought it to be good idea for Serbia to implement sanctions against Russia, and we believe that regional stability depended on progress in the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue as well. We absolutely have expectations for the new government, as well as aspirations regarding our bilateral relations,” Escobar said in the interview.


Stefanovic: EU ready to send two missions to Serbia (Nova/Beta)


A deputy to the president of the Freedom and Justice Party Borko Stefanovic said on Saturday that the EU was ready to dispatch two teams of experts to Serbia – one from the European Parliament (EP), and the other from the European Commission (EC), both tasked with finding out what happened in Serbia’s previous polls on 17 December. Stefanovic said in an interview with Nova that the authorities could not ban the work of any international commission, because Serbia was a member of the United Nations, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Council of Europe, as well as a candidate for membership in the EU. “If a decision was made to physically ban a European commission of experts from entering Serbia, I would say that this would be a complete political collapse of the regime,” Stefanovic said, adding that a delegation of the Serbia Against Violence coalition would have a series of important meetings in Brussels and Paris early this week. “We will meet with senior officials of the European External Action Service, and the general director of the Directorate-General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations. We also expect a meeting with Miroslav Lajcak, and a debate at the European Movement in Brussels. In Paris we will have meetings with representatives of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and President Emmanuel Macron, who are in charge of European issues and the Balkans,” Stefanovic said, explaining that the Serbian opposition delegation would also include Radomir Lazovic, Pavle Grbovic and Dusko Lopandic.


Cochard thanks Serbia for providing refuge to young Russians escaping war (Beta)


French Ambassador to Serbia Pierre Cochard said on Friday, two years after the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, that the Russian President Vladimir Putin was waging a meaningless and cruel war, and thanked Serbia for providing young Russians fleeing the war at home with refuge. “For two years already Vladimir Putin’s regime has been waging a meaningless and cruel war against a state on European soil. That is Ukraine, a country that Russia recognized and even guaranteed safety to it as part of denuclearization,” Cochard said in a video message. The ambassador thanked “the friendly Serbian people, France’s ally, for giving the young Russians a chance to get away from the horrible tragedy. We are grateful to the Serbian people for being faithful to their values of hospitality and brotherhood”.


Ukrainian Ambassador: Russian propaganda has impact on decisions made in Serbia (N1)


Volodymyr Tolkach, the Ukrainian Ambassador to Serbia, said in an interview with N1, that he is grateful that Serbia increased humanitarian aid to his country and that it is meeting all please and requests of Ukraine. He noted that there are some still unresolved issues between the two countries but that their common goal – the road to the European Union, requires that their policies are harmonised with the EU policies. This primarily refers to, he stressed, the sanctions that Serbia has not introduced against “the aggressor” i.e. the Russian Federation.

According to him, it is Russia’s propaganda in Serbia that impacts this decision. “For instance, there is information spreading in Serbia that this is a war between the West and the East i.e. that the Russian Federation is fighting against the NATO members on the territory of Ukraine. That is the war between Ukraine and the Russian Federation for the independence of our state Ukraine, the fight for independence and territorial integrity that we fight for on daily basis. The help that our western partners provide us is the help that is welcomed and with that we are fighting for our independence, our territorial integrity and our borders,” said the Ambassador. Asked what should the citizens of Serbia use as a source of information about the war in Ukraine, Tolkach replied that this is the matter of the accurate presenting of information. “Each media outlet here has an opportunity to read our press releases. If someone is dealing professionally with information, with their job, then there should be no problem with presenting all that information,” he said. For two years of his mandate in Serbia, the Ambassador stressed, he has been trying and managing to establish trust with the authorities but also the trust between the two countries. He also said he is sure that Serbia is providing to Ukraine everything it can. “It is important to say that the citizens of Serbia, open their hearts and accepted everyone who suffered in Ukraine, to make them feel her like home and that is very important to Ukraine. On the other hand, if Serbia joins military and political assistance to Ukraine, we will be exceptionally grateful,” he added.


KFOR withdraws troops in Zvecan (N1)


KFOR said on Monday that its troops were being pulled out of the municipal administration building in Zvecan because the situation in the majority-Serb town had stabilized. The NATO-led force deployed its troops and vehicles in front of the building on in May 2023 following unrest after the then newly-elected ethnic Albanian mayor took office in that northern majority-Serb municipality following a vote that the Serbs boycotted. “The situation in the municipality of Zvecan has stabilized. As a result, units from the Operational Reserve Force Battalion of the NATO-led KFOR mission will no longer be present at the municipality building. Instead, they will remain in the area and conduct regular patrols to ensure a safe and secure environment for all people living in the municipality of Zvecan,” the press release said.


Brnabic arrives at EBRD headquarters for Western Balkans investment summit (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic arrived at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) headquarters in London on Monday for a Western Balkans investment summit. Brnabic was welcomed by the UK's Foreign Secretary David Cameron and EBRD President Odile Renaud-Basso. A Serbian delegation at the summit includes Minister of Mining and Energy Dubravka Handanovic Djedovic. The summit, also attended by other Western Balkan leaders and representatives of international investors, will assess the potential for future investments in the Western Balkans.


Vucic started cosultations on Prime Minister candidate (RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic today started consultations on Prime Minister candidate. The first meeting with representatives of the electoral list "Political struggle of Albanians continues - Saip Kamberi". The holder of the "Political struggle of Albanians continues" list Saip Kamberi said today that the list had the opportunity to present to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic all the issues that are important for Albanians, among other things, the implementation of the seven-point plan, and that it will be seen whether the new government will be ready to implement it. Kamberi told the journalists after the conversation with President Vucic as part of the consultations on the mandate that it is not an option for them to be part of the Serbian government, but their goal is to start the implementation of the political process defined by that plan. According to him, integration, economic development and the establishment of better communication between Albanians and the authorities in Belgrade depend on that seven-point plan. Kamberi said that today is the fifth time he is meeting with Vucic as part of these consultations and added that the integration of Albanians should start at the local level where, as he says, there is insufficient representation of Albanians in all state institutions.




Dodik addresses press conference in Banja Luka: Putin is committed to preserving peace and stability in B&H; Russia is protecting DPA from USA (RTRS/BNTV)


RTRS carries that Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik held a press conference in Banja Luka on Friday, after returning from his visit to Belarus and Russia, where he met with Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko in Minsk and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Kazan. Dodik stated that he and Putin discussed the role of Russia in the region, the RS being against Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) joining NATO, “the illegitimate foreigner” Christian Schmidt, the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), BRICS, the RS opposition, and future visits to Russia. Dodik also stated that he does not want to comment on everything that was discussed, but that the effects of those things will become visible in the next few months. “Putin is committed to preserving stability and peace, both here and in the region. Russia appreciates very much that we do not allow the introduction of sanctions against Russia. We said that we do not want our membership in NATO and that is not Putin's business, it is our business. Because we do not see the benefits we could get from it,” said Dodik. Dodik stated that only a few dozen countries have imposed sanctions on Russia, while over a 100 have not, which he interpreted as the RS being on the side of the majority, adding that Serbia has also not imposed sanctions on Russia. He said that it is obvious that the RS is defending the DPA from the US, but that he realized Russia is also defending the DPA from the US. Putin told Dodik that the DPA must be respected and that only B&H officials can make decisions in B&H, adding that he is aware of Schmidt’s illegitimacy and that no impositions by Schmidt are acceptable. Dodik stressed that his visit to Minsk assured him that they have friends there, who are extremely willing to cooperate with the RS. Dodik added that the West has portrayed Belarus as a country surrounded by barbed wire, which is extremely far from the truth. Dodik also confirmed that Belarus will donate 10 electrically powered buses to the RS, to be used for free transport of students and a line to the University Clinical Center of the RS (RS UKC) in Banja Luka. Dodik announced his next visit to Russia, which will be a visit to St. Petersburg in April and June. Dodik also touched on the possibly of opening a news channel in Russian, since there are already foreign channels such as Al Jazeera, N1, RTL and others. He also stated that future cooperation with BRICS is still an open question and announced that the RS will participate in the next BRICS session. Dodik also noted that while visiting the Republic of Tatarstan, in Russia, he saw that Muslims and Orthodox believers can live in harmony together. He also said that there is no Russian malignant influence in B&H, but the malignant influence of some others. He says he does not care what Brussels will say about his cooperation with Putin. “The malignant influence was invented by those who do not know what else to do. If there is a malignant influence, it is the malignant influence of Schmidt and Germany, Great Britain and Western countries. It is a malignant influence, it is a dangerous cancer,” Dodik told members of the press. Dodik also claims that B&H, thanks to the RS, did not impose sanctions on Russia, although different representatives of the EU claimed otherwise. Upon his arrival from Moscow, he repeated that he would not allow the imposition of changes to the Election Law, nor any decisions regarding property. Asked by BNTV journalists to provide a comment on how come Serbia is the only country in the region that refused to impose sanctions on Russia, Dodik replied: “As far as I know, B&H has not imposed sanctions on Russia. As far as I know, some of the ambassadors at some levels gave their consent, but it was also Serbia in some places where it gave these consents, but what is the same in Serbia and here is that there is no a formal decision by the bodies provided by the Constitution to make such a decision.” Dodik added that such a decision on sanctions on Russia was not made by the B&H Presidency, the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), or the B&H Parliament and it was not made only because the RS did not give its consent to make such a decision. “This is also the case in Serbia, and Serbia did not make a decision at the highest level of the President or government of Serbia to introduce sanctions”, stressed the RS President. He further stated: “It is true, Serbia did not introduce sanctions and maybe Serbia is in more difficult circumstances regarding that, related to Kosovo and Metohija, pressures, etc. Perhaps more significant in this regard is the fact that Serbia did not introduce sanctions. That is true. I am also extremely grateful to President Vucic for persevering in this.” Dodik also said that the topics in focus of the conversations were economic cooperation and the fact that Russia will continue to deliver gas to the RS and the Federation of B&H (FB&H) at the same prices. Dodik assessed that his meeting with Putin was very successful and regarded all the segment of mutual relations between the RS and Russia, stressing that Putin once again demonstrated positive attitude towards the RS, which is very important for the RS in terms of having a friend who supports the RS and understands its position within B&H. He stated that Putin is committed to preservation of peace and stability in B&H and the region, and that Russia is ready to continue with gas supply for the RS and the FB&H under conditions that are currently in effect. According to Dodik, it is powerful to meet a man who is one of the most important world leaders nowadays who has succeeded under sanctions of the West and the EU. He also expressed satisfaction with the fact that Putin presented him with the Order of Alexander Nevsky for his great contribution to the relations with Russia.


Magazinovic in visit to Ukraine: B&H supports Ukraine (N1)


The Chair of the B&H parliament delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PSVE) Sasa Magazinovic was in Kiev on the occasion of marking two years since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As Magazinovic said, the least that can be done is to accept Ukraine's invitation and align yourself with the right side. "At a time when we are marking ten years since the beginning of the aggression and two years since the beginning of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the least we can do is to accept Ukraine's invitation and side with those who are oppressed and threatened. We follow the position of the EU and support its fight. It was very important to clarify our positions in Kiev, and special gratitude of the Parliament Speaker was expressed for B&H. The least we can do is show solidarity and support," said Magazinovic. Magazinovic underlined that people of Ukraine has unbelievable strength. “Unless they experience betrayal from their allies, they will win the fight for their territory and their freedom,” said Magazinovic, adding that unfortunately it depends on others when this will happen. Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked his X profile on Sunday, the B&H Council of Ministers Chair Borjana Kristo, for her support to Ukraine. "Thank you for standing by Ukraine, we share a common desire for stability and peace in Europe. We will achieve this goal by working together," said the Ukrainian President.


Magazinovic meets with Stefanchuk, Malyuska in Kyiv: Aggression against Ukraine is not only war against this country but attack on entire Europe (BHT1)


Chairman of the B&H parliament's delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Sasa Magazinovic arrived in Kyiv where he met with speaker of the parliament of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk and reaffirmed the solidarity with the people of Ukraine. He stressed that the aggression against Ukraine is not only a war against this country but an attack on the entire Europe. Magazinovic expressed his respect for Stefanchuk for the energy he invests in order to adopt the laws needed for war conditions, but also the laws needed on the EU path. He participated in the session of the Ukrainian Parliament and in the international conference held in Kyiv on the occasion of the two years since the beginning of the war with Russia, BHT1 reported. Magazinovic also met with Ukrainian Justice Minister Denys Maliuska, who thanked for the support of all members of the Council of Europe, whose representatives came to Kyiv. Maliuska focused on ways how Russia avoids sanctions. Magazinovic expressed respect for the energy minister Maliuska and his team use for adoption of laws during the wartime, at the same time working on laws necessary on the European path.


Becirovic expresses support to Ukraine: B&H completely harmonized foreign policy with EU’s (Oslobodjenje)


On occasion of the second anniversary of war in Ukraine, Member of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic once again underscored the support to Ukrainian fight for freedom. “It is especially necessary to underline the positive fact that in 2023 B&H hundred percent harmonized its foreign policy with the EU joint foreign and security policy. This is the best response to Russian satellites in our country. State of B&H will continue to insist on respecting of basic principles of international law, part of UN Charter, Declaration from m1970 and other relevant international agreements,” said Becirovic.


‘Misinformation and Malign Foreign Influence’ conference takes place in Sarajevo; Kojovic claims Ambassador Kalabukhov drew image of future flag of B&H on piece of paper for him (Dnevni list)


Representative in the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H Predrag Kojovic attended the conference in Sarajevo ‘Misinformation and Malign Foreign Influence’, on which occasion he said that Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov drew a future flag of B&H on a piece of paper for him: “He drew insignia of Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks and Jews on an A4 paper. I cannot believe that such people even exist”. The conference was organized by the BIRN and participants discussed Russia’s influence on Europe and Western Balkans, ways in which fake news can be exposed, checking of facts and influence of those on societies in European and Balkans countries. Numerous journalists from Ukraine, as well as experts from academic, political and media communities as well as non-governmental organizations in B&H and countries in the region attended the conference. Kojovic addressed participants of the panel discussion ‘What are Plans of Russian Federation on Western Balkans’ and said that Ambassador Kalabukhov took the liberty to design some kind of a future flag of B&H in the way he sees it: “He hates West and everything the West stands for. I cannot believe that such men exist at all and behave in this way. He is all caught up in the former Soviet Union, he regrets for ‘monumentality’ of the former SSSR, and this generation is still in power in present day Russia”. Asked whether he kept the sketch of the future flag of B&H drawn by the Ambassador, Kojovic said that he did not do that. Editor-in-chief of portal Sinisa Vukelic also participated in the panel discussion, and he commented on the announcement on putting function of a Russian channel in B&H. Vukelic assessed that this is not even necessary because “big media houses in B&H, including the public ones, advocate and promote official Russian stances”. Vukelic reminded that an energy summit was held in Zagreb back in 2007, on which occasion Russian President Vladimir Putin attended it and stated that a long-term strategy is energy presence of Russia in the Balkans. “This is something that has been happening the whole time and we cannot say that Russia ‘just discovered the Balkans recently’”, Vukelic concluded.


State Department: US stands by the people of B&H, supports safe and prosperous future and country in the Euro-Atlantic community (VoA/


Upon inquiry of Voice of America, the US Department of State commented the meeting between Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Spokesperson for the US Department of State told VoA that Washington does not believe that anyone should provide platform for the Russian President to promote his aggression against Ukraine: “The visit of Milorad Dodik is only last in series of examples that show how he is isolated from the Euro-Atlantic community.” The response further stated that the US stands by the people of B&H, supports safe and prosperous future and country in the Euro-Atlantic community: “However, we will just as well hold responsible the individuals and institutions that threaten stability and security of B&H”.


Russian Embassy: Process of EU enlargement in ongoing under Washington orders (Slobodna Bosna)


The Russian Embassy to B&H issued a statement commenting the stance of the EU Delegation to B&H regarding the meeting of RS President Milorad Dodik with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The statement reads that the process of the EU enlargement is ongoing in line with the instructions from Washington, which is trying to inflict strategic defeat to Russia. They stated that “a nervous reaction of this Delegation looks like an ultimatum of the master- the EU toward the vassal – B&H”. “We want to ask our European colleagues- what happened with respect toward B&H sovereignty, which Brussels so often underlines? It turns out that when politicians in B&H act in line with the interest of their voters and people, but contrary to the settings of the so-called collective West, they are automatically labelled as “Kremlin agents”, who spread “malignant Russian influence”. In such an approach, we see unhidden hypocrisy, which testifies about forgetting of notorious European values for the sake of geopolitical aspirations of their elder partner- the USA,” reads the statement.  The Embassy further stated that it is clear for a long time “that the process of the EU enlargement is ongoing not based on high ideals of the western civilization, but under the orders of Washington, which fantastically strives toward narrowly selfish and at the same time insane goal- to inflict strategic defeat to Russia”. “Therefore, the EU has turned into the apathetic and obedient tool of the USA, which ruthlessly encourages Nazi-regime in Kyiv, to the detriment of true aspirations of people of Europe, who became hostages of Brussels bureaucracy,” reads Embassy’s statement.


Cvijanovic: Russia has never done anything against Dayton B&H and Dayton-verified RS (


When asked in an interview for whether B&H's European path could be jeopardized by the visit of the RS President Milorad Dodik to Russia and the meeting with Russian president  Vladimir Putin, since the official policy of the EU regarding the war in Ukraine also includes sanctions against Russia, the B&H Presidency member and SNSD vice-president Zeljka Cvijanovic answered that Russia has never done anything against the Dayton B&H, and therefore also the Dayton-verified RS, and that the people appreciate that. "We in the RS do not promote the position that sanctions should be imposed on anyone. Likewise, we do not promote the position that all problems in the world are solved by wars, but wars do happen, so that is our official policy, and we need to maintain a neutral course. Likewise, the determination of the institutions of the RS is to respect the Dayton Agreement with everyone who respects its position, all those who have a realistic relationship that is based on international law and principles, that this is someone with who one should cooperate," said Cvijanovic.


Issue of B&H’s membership in BRICS (O Kanal/RTRS)


Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H Stasa Kosarac stated that he advocates a membership of B&H in the BRICS, because it is a union of friendly countries, which promote a political dialogue and economic cooperation, they open new markets and enable access to new technologies. Kosarac assessed that the importance of the BRICS’ role at a global level is growing, which can be proven by the fact that numerous countries expressed their interest to access this organization. “Last year, I presented an initiative to the B&H CoM to launch a procedure for filing of the application for B&H’s membership in the BRICS, but there is no courage and understanding in the FB&H for this story”, Kosarac said. Kosarac assessed that political prejudice and poltronism of a part of the FB&H quite surely lead to a one-way street. “Sarajevo does not even want to openly discuss the BRICS, because they still believe in ‘fairytales’ of the West. It is quite certain that the RS will not allow to be held a hostage of such phantasies about the West as the only and exclusive option”, Kosarac posted on Instagram. Kosarac also said that the RS wants to have a cooperation with the BRICS countries and added that moving toward this association shows a responsible policy of the RS and its President Milorad Dodik. Meanwhile, the Office of the High Representative (OHR) denied the claims of RS President Milorad Dodik that a B&H entity, the RS, will receive “an observer status in BRICS.” “The RS is an entity within a state, and not a sovereign state in its own right. It is a part of B&H. The Constitution of B&H does not leave room for any ‘sovereignty’ of entities. The entities do not have the quality of being subjects of international law,” reads the OHR statement.


Dodik compares EU path of B&H to ‘hide and seek mice’ game; Cvijanovic moderately optimistic (ATV)


ATV reported about the European path of B&H reporting that RS President Milorad Dodik compared it to the ‘hide and seek mice’ game. According to Dodik, there is no point to discuss this path if there is no respect for an agreement of domestic politicians and interests of everyone. According to Dodik, the RS is leading a serious policy, and it is hard to talk about any kind of membership until there are foreign judges in the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) and until the imposed and illegitimate (High Representative) Christian Schmidt rules in Sarajevo. Besides, Dodik reminded that there is no constitutional basis for formation of the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H. Meanwhile, Serb member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic said that she is moderately optimistic that start of the EU accession negotiations with B&H will be approved in March, stressing that she expects a fair play from Brussels. Cvijanovic assessed that she supports the EU path of B&H as a foreign political goal, but that international factor is to blame for many failures on the EU path of B&H – not local politicians. Cvijanovic said: “I understand that there are obligations of domestic authorities but on the other hand, there should also be a credible partner on the other side, too.”


Grlic Radman: Serbia has to decide on whose chair it will sit; Serbia sends protest note due to Grlic Radman’s statement (HRT1)


Serbia sent on Sunday a protest note after Croatia’s Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman described Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic as a Russian “satellite” in the Balkans. In its protest note, the Serbian Foreign Ministry said that it expects that in the future, Croatian officials “will refrain from statements that represent interference in the internal affairs of Serbia and will lead a policy of reconciliation and good-neighborly relations between the two states.” Reacting to the protest note, the Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs rejected the allegation that Croatia is interfering in Serbia’s internal matters, pointing out that the Croatian official “stated the fact about Serbia’s nonalignment with the foreign and security policy of the European Union regarding the Russian aggression against Ukraine.” "It is uncomfortable to sit on two chairs. He should not have a big dilemma. Vucic can be a Trabant and a satellite of Russia, but he will not allow the influence of the Russians or other malignant influences that would undermine the stability of the Western Balkans," Grlic Radman said. Vucic said that Grlic Radman, brutally interferes in Serbia's internal affairs, and habitually lies and insults the Serbian people and threatens the citizens of Serbia. "Grlic Radman is right about one thing, maybe I am someone's Trabant, maybe a “Wartburg'', maybe a “Fica'', but I have never been anyone's errand boy and servant, which cannot be said for Grlic Radman. Let me not go too far into the past, it would be too painful...", wrote Vucic on platform Instagram.


Grlic Radman discusses issue of Election Law of B&H with UN Secretary General (Vijesti)


Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman is paying a two-day visit to New York, where he will take part in series of events and discussions in regard to second anniversary of Russian invasion of Ukraine. Among other bilateral meetings held on the sidelines, Grlic Radman also met with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, with whom he also discussed the issue of changes to B&H Election Law. Grlic Radman said that he conveyed his concern due to instability in the Western Balkans and that he talked to Guterres about necessity to change the electoral legislations in B&H, as well as “efforts that Croatia is making” so that the EU would open the accession talks with B&H as soon as possible. “Guterres appreciates the efforts in this regard, and as a man who was in B&H during the nineties, he knows it very well,” said Grlic Radman. He stressed that “only equality and political participation of all constituent peoples in executive and representation bodies can secure future of B&H”.


Covic meets Plenkovic: Election Law and other reforms are urgently needed to stabilize situation (HRT1)


HDZ B&H President Dragan Covic met with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic in Zagreb on Friday. Covic stated at social networks after the meeting that the electoral law and other reforms are urgently needed to stabilize the situation. He pointed out that the opening of negotiations with the EU is crucial for B&H. Regarding the Southern Gas Interconnection, Covic and Plenkovic agreed that it is necessary to continue the talks to reach an agreement on the implementation of the project in B&H in the interest of all interested parties. HRT1 reported reminded of Covic's demanded that a company should be established in Mostar for the southern interconnection in order to bypass 'BH-Gas Sarajevo', but US officials are of opinion that this issue should be entrusted to ‘BH-Gas Sarajevo’. Croatian government supported Covic's position on the need to respect the interests of Croats in B&H. Plenkovic emphasized that Croatia supports Covic's position on the need to respect the interests of Croats in B&H. Covic emphasized the importance of opening negotiations with the EU, and he said the last deadline, in March of this year, will be a key moment for B&H. Covic and Plenkovic discussed the B&H Election Law. Reporter reminds that HDZ B&H wants to combine the technical changes of the B&H Election Law, with the solution to the issue of legitimate representation of the Croat member of the B&H Presidency.  Croatian Government supported Covic's position on the need to respect the interests of Croats in B&H.


Zagreb holds rally in support of Ukraine (HRT)


Ukraine is defending the freedom and democracy of Western countries by defending itself from Russia, said those gathered in Zagreb on Saturday at a rally in support of Ukraine on the occasion of the second anniversary of the Russian invasion. Give them what they need, that is the message to the world, to support Ukrainians in these moments of struggle, of the defence of key values - freedom and democracy, Ukrainian Ambassador to Croatia Vasyl Kyrylych.

Russia's actions in Ukraine are undermining international principles that are key for peace and security, said US Ambassador to Croatia Nathalie Rayes. By endangering those principles, Russia is endangering the international system, threatening the prosperity and future of Europe and its transatlantic partners. We must not allow Russia to win nor will we allow it. The democracies of the world will safeguard freedom now, tomorrow and forever, she added. Europe will continue to support Ukraine as long as necessary, said Belgian Ambassador to Croatia William De Baets. When the time comes, Ukraine must come to the negotiating table strong, with its peace formula, because Ukraine's struggle is also a struggle for our common fundamental values and principles - democracy, sovereignty, territorial integrity, human rights and rule of law. Their victory will also be our victory, he added. The history of the European civilisation clearly teaches us that those who think that evil can be defeated by calculating and yielding will have that evil on their doorstep tomorrow, said Croatian MEP Karlo Ressler (EPP).


Milatovic: I quit all party posts (CdM)


President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic has resigned as vice president of the Europe Now Movement, quitting other party posts as well. He posted on X, formerly Twitter, that while establishing PES, they promised transparency in their work, a rational and argumentative dialogue about inclusive and sustainable policies. “At the same time, we promised that competencies and personal integrity would represent the decisive factors in recruitment and promotion. We also promised different political culture, based on respecting diversity and the affirmation of European values,” President Milatovic told. As he underlined, the previous manner of work was not aligned with what they had promised and the values he placed while setting up PES. “For this reason, I wish to quit all party posts. The Europe Now Movement was and will remain an important part of me, as we were jointly writing the history of democratic changes in the country.”


PES on Milatovic’s resignation: It’s good to be clear about our relations, that might stop obstructions (CdM)


We have long noticed the intention of Jakov Milatovic to obstruct the work of both the 44th government of Montenegro and Europe Now Movement (PES), which has culminated in today’s resignation he announced on Twitter, the Europe Now Movement stated. “Since taking over power, PES has contributed to easing tensions in the society and solving issues by using dialogue with all political and social actors. This dialogue has resulted in the key appointments in the justice system, successfully implemented census, the increase in minimum pensions to €450, as the first part of the Europe Now 2 Program,” this party said in a statement. As they underlined, they unblocked Montenegro’s EU integration process and Montenegro is now closer to the EU than ever, thus affirming European values in the best possible way. Finally, they hope that the President would be able to rise above his personal conflicts and would act in the public interest, contrary to his previous actions, and that he would not act beyond his constitutional competencies.


Zenka: Milatovic’s resignation as PES member might lead to early parliamentary elections (


Resignation of the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic was expected, but may lead to an early parliamentary election thus pointing out to the future direction of Montenegro, the Leader of the Democratic Union of Albanians (DUA) Mehmed Zenka has assessed for Gradski portal. According to him, there were clear indicators suggesting that there had been disagreements between President Milatovic and Prime Minister Milojko Spajic. “They were the key parts of the Europe Now Movement, and it was expected that the disagreements would split them up by the end of this year. It looks like the things are becoming clearer. I suppose PES would split between two currents, we’ll see how will go where. What would be important for executive power is who’s going to have more MPs in the parliament of Montenegro, Spajic or Milatovic,” Zenka explains. As he says, that might lead to the early parliamentary election, but also point out to the future direction of Montenegro. “If Spajic has more supporters, a lot may change, but if Milatovic gets more MPs, then we’re close to early elections”. One of the biggest problems in the government right now are obstructions, the Leader of DUA underlines. “It’s obvious that Spajic is being blocked by the people he’s in the alliance with, and it was a big obstacle preventing him from fulfilling everything he promised to the Montenegrin people and his voters.” Despite it, Zenka notes, Spajic managed to introduce himself to European partners positively and stabilise Montenegro’s road to the EU.


ELECTIONS 2024 / Kovachevski: On election day citizens will state which proposals they support (MIA)


In the coming 80 days we will hear many proposals, but I wouldn’t comment on them, because on 8 May the citizens will be the ones that will state which proposals they support, SDSM leader and former Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski told media Friday asked about Ali Ahmeti and Arben Taravari’s proposal for constitutional amendments which would make parliament the body that elects the country’s president in the future. “We are already practically in an election campaign, everyone will make certain promises, some will come out with proposals that don’t depend only on them, for example if we are talking about amendments to the Constitution, this requires a two-third majority [in parliament], so I wouldn’t comment. In the coming 80 or so days we will hear many proposals, but ultimately, on 8 May, the citizens will be the ones that will state which proposals they support,” said Kovachevski. Kovachevski said the party hasn’t held internal discussions over a possible change in the way the country’s president is elected. Regarding SDSM’s coalition, Kovachevski said the party would lead a coalition that will consist of political parties that share the same values, which, he said, are the country’s EU membership, fulfillment of the obligations of the country’s NATO membership and the creation of a society in line with the standards of the EU member states. On whether the party has other potential presidential candidates apart from current President Stevo Pendarovski, Kovachevski said Pendarovski is a serious candidate, but the party’s internal procedure is still ongoing. “The party’s leadership already held a meeting. But it isn’t a body that makes decisions, it just proposes positions to the Executive and Central Board. They will make the decision over who will be SDSM’s candidate at the presidential elections and the coalition partners at the coming elections, and these meetings will be held in the coming days in like with the statute and deadlines,” said Kovachevski.


Toshkovski, Bojmacaliev meet Serbian Ambassador Jovanovic (MIA)


Caretaker Minister of Interior Panche Toshkovski and additional Deputy Minister Mitko Bojmacaliev met Friday with Serbian Ambassador to North Macedonia Nevena Jovanovic.

Minister Toshkovski expressed gratitude for the overall cooperation between the two interior ministries, particularly for Serbia's understanding regarding the issue with personal documents, the Ministry of Interior said in a press release. Ambassador Jovanovic, the press release adds, also expressed gratitude for the cooperation so far in all areas, especially in the fight against organized crime and cross-border activities, voicing confidence that the cooperation will continue to develop in the future, especially on the path to full-fledged EU membership for both countries. She also highlighted as priority cooperation within the Migration, Asylum, Refugees Regional Initiative (MARRI), currently chaired by Serbia, regarding which the Serbian liaison officer Nemanja Pantic had a more detailed explanation. Minister Bojmacaliev also expressed gratitude for the cooperation, especially for the cooperation achieved through the Open Balkan initiative, helping citizens function and communicate with Western Balkan countries.


Interior Minister and deputies meet Kosovo Ambassador (MIA)


Interior Minister Panche Toshkovski, Deputy Minister Nazim Bushi and additional Deputy Minister Mitko Bojmacaliev held a working meeting Friday with Kosovo’s Ambassador to North Macedonia, Florian Qehaja, said the Ministry in a press release. At the meeting, Minister Toshkovski voiced gratitude for the current cooperation between the interior ministries of the two countries, especially thanking the Republic of Kosovo for its understanding regarding the issue with personal documents in the country. According to the Ministry’s press release, Ambassador Qehaja also expressed gratitude over the rich cooperation in all areas, especially in the area of border management and voiced his conviction that the one-stop shop mechanism will start functioning at the border between the two countries as soon as the additional legal procedures are concluded. At the meeting, the additional Deputy Minister of Interior, Mitko Bojmacaliev, stressed the commitment to holding fair, free and democratic elections, which, he said, is the primary responsibility of the caretaker Government.


Mitreski at Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine: As history has shown, democratic values ​​will defeat aggression (MIA)


Speaker of the parliament of North Macedonia Jovan Mitreski, at the invitation of the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk, is paying a visit to Kiev on Saturday on the occasion of the second anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. As part of the visit, Mitreski addressed a special session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. In his address to the Ukrainian MPs and officials, Mitreski reaffirmed unwavering and unequivocal support and solidarity for Ukraine, the Ukrainian institutions and the Ukrainian people, pointing out that the citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia continue to stand by the Ukrainian people for all the help and support necessary, the Parliament said in a press release. Mitreski expressed confidence that, as history has shown, democratic values ​​will defeat aggression, and cooperation will be aimed towards talks for a better standard of living, prosperity and development, cultural cooperation and exchange.  Speaker Mitreski pointed out that they were in Kiev today to send a message of peace, understanding, tolerance and respect, as well as a message of unity of the democratic world in support of Ukraine. He noted that the Russian aggression against Ukraine is a warning to everyone that peace, independence and freedom should not be taken for granted. "But all this evil and injustice did not break the spirit of Ukraine, it did not break the will of the brave Ukrainian people to resist the aggression and fight for the territorial sovereignty of their own country and for their own independent and free future" Mitreski added, as cited in the press release.


Mitreski - Stefanchuk: North Macedonia and Ukraine should join EU as soon as possible, parliaments to implement necessary legal changes (MIA)


As part of his visit to Kiev on Saturday on the occasion of the second anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, speaker of the parliament of North Macedonia Jovan Mitreski met with the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk. Speaker Mitreski expressed gratitude for the invitation, pointing out that the visit reaffirms North Macedonia's unwavering and unequivocal support for Ukraine, in all fields. He said that the country has strongly condemned the Russian aggression against Ukraine from its very beginning, and continuously reaffirms support for Ukrainian territorial integrity, sovereignty and completeness, expressing full support for Ukraine's right to self-defence, the parliament said in a press release. Speaker Mitreski noted that North Macedonia has joined all restrictions and sanctions of the EU against the Russian Federation, co-sponsoring numerous resolutions and initiatives regarding Ukraine, and sending military and humanitarian aid to the country. "I hope that in the coming period we will be talking about the bright future and the possibilities for promoting the cooperation between our countries in the field of economy, cultural exchange and tourism," said Mitreski. Stefanchuk thanked for North Macedonia's consistent support to Ukraine, and important decisions taken joining various sanctions against Russia, as well as the support for the Peace Formula of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky. He pointed out that the people of Ukraine and North Macedonia are very close, have a similar history and share common goals for EU and NATO membership. On Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Stefanchuk expressed hope that the war will soon be over with a just peace, with respect for Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity, adding that this is possible only if all democratic countries unite in support of Ukraine. "The history of our countries is being written here and now," said Stefanchuk. The speakers also discussed the European integration processes, expressing hope that North Macedonia and Ukraine will join the EU as soon as possible, noting that the task of the parliaments is to implement all the necessary legal changes in this regard. "Mitreski and Stefanchuk agreed that the Macedonian and Ukrainian parliaments have an active political dialogue and successful cooperation at the level of speakers and inter-parliamentary friendship groups, stressing that it is important to preserve and strengthen this trend in the future," reads the press release.


Albania on the side of Ukraine and in the defense of universal values (Radio Tirana)


Albanian President Bajram Begaj states that Albania will always be by the side of Ukraine and its people, and in the defense of universal values. In a reaction on the occasion of the second anniversary of the beginning of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, Begaj emphasizes that we are witnessing the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people for freedom, dignity and the defense of the homeland. "Two years since Russia's unprovoked and unjustified military aggression against Ukraine. Today we are witnesses of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people for freedom, dignity and for the defense of the homeland," Begaj underscores. "Ukraine today is our conscience. Our share values ​​and our freedom are at stake. We will always be by the side of Ukraine and its people, and in the defense of universal values," President Begaj points out.


Zelensky's message to Begaj: We appreciate Albania's support and look forward to securing a peaceful European future (Radio Tirana)


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has thanked Albanian President Bajram Begaj for our country's solidarity with Ukraine. Through a post on social media X, Zelensky expresses his eagerness for ensuring a peaceful European future, both for our countries and for Europe as a whole. "Thank you for your kind words and unwavering solidarity with Ukraine, Bajram Begaj. We appreciate Albania's support and look forward to securing a peaceful European future for both our countries and for Europe as a whole," Zelensky writes on X, while resharing President Begaj's post. Zelensky's appreciation for President Begaj comes on the eve of the summit convened by Prime Minister Edi Rama, which will take place in Tirana on February 28-29 between the Ukrainian president and the leaders of the Western Balkans.


Two years since the aggression against Ukraine, Hasani: By supporting Ukraine, we contribute to the stability of the region (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani, through a video message, expresses his pride for the role that Albania has played in the UN Security Council to gain diplomatic support for Ukraine and standing in the same line with the Western allies to condemn this aggression. Expressing all solidarity to the Ukrainian people, Albanian chief-diplomat says that Ukraine will always have its allies by its side and that Albania will do its best to support it. "Two years ago, the whole world watched in horror as Russia launched its illegal and aggressive war against Ukraine. Without provocation, without justification, the Russian military launched an invasion against a sovereign and independent nation in Europe, something our continent had not seen since World War II. For two years we have witnessed the horrors of this invasion, destruction, looting, rape, killing of innocent civilians and kidnapping of thousands of Ukrainian children. Bucha is remembered for the barbarities displayed by the Russian army against the free and independent nation of Ukraine. For two years we have witnessed the bravery and courage of the Ukrainian people. Their heroic resistance has won worldwide admiration and mobilized unparalleled solidarity and support. I am proud of the role Albania has played in supporting Ukraine, alongside our allies and partners. I am particularly proud of the role that Albania has played in the UN Security Council to gain diplomatic support for Ukraine and to isolate and condemn Russia over the illegal war. We have done our best to support Ukraine because we believe in Ukraine and its people. We have done our utmost to support Ukraine and its people also because we understand that their fight is a fight for the Security of Europe and the rules-based international system. Anything else would encourage every rogue dictator and nation in the world to follow Vladimir Putin's path, thus reducing international law to the law of the jungle," Hasani says. Minister Hasani adds that the war in Ukraine has seriously affected the Security and Stability of the Balkans region. According to him, helping Ukraine will also contribute to the security and stability of the region and Europe. The Ukraine-Western Balkans Summit will be organized in Tirana on 28 February in support of Ukraine. "For us in the Western Balkans, the war in Ukraine has revived painful memories and emotions of the 1990s, when our region was home to the last war in Europe. But the war in Ukraine has also seriously affected the Security and Stability of our region. Therefore, on 28 February in Tirana, we will organize the Ukraine-Western Balkans Summit. This Summit will provide an opportunity for leaders from the Western Balkans and Southeastern Europe to discuss how we can work together and how we can provide all the support we can to Ukraine, aware that by helping Ukraine we are also contributing to security and the stability of our region and Europe. Slava Ukraini," Hasani says in his video message.


Peleshi: Albania supports the allies in helping the Ukrainian people and government (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Defense Minister Niko Peleshi says that support for Ukraine against Russian aggression means security for Europe and the whole world. In a reaction on the occasion of the second anniversary of the beginning of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, Peleshi underscored that after two years of war, the people of Ukraine and its Armed Forces continue to stand strong!" "Support for Ukraine against Russian aggression is security for Europe and the whole world.  Albania will unconditionally continue to be alongside its allies and partners in helping the Ukrainian people and government," Peleshi pointed out. Albanian Minister of Defense expressed the full will to do everything possible, so that Ukraine triumphs in its fight for freedom.


Nikolla: Albania, determined against the aggression and in favor of Ukraine's just war (Radio Tirana)


Speaker of the Assembly of Albania Lindita Nikolla gave a message on the second anniversary of Russia's aggression against Ukraine. "Today, marks two years since Russia's military aggression against Ukraine. Albania has severely condemned the serious violation by the Russian Federation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, as an act that violates the international order, and has supported and strongly supports the imposed and just war of the people of Ukraine," said Nikolla. "Through the Resolution adopted immediately after this attack, the Assembly has supported the measures taken by the government, in coordination with the allies, SA and EU, economic sanctions, diplomatic actions and military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine and its people," writes Speaker Nikolla. "As a co-sponsor with the US in the UNSC for supporting Ukraine, Albania has been determined against aggression and in favour of Ukraine's just war. Such will be our attitude until the liberation of Ukraine. Slava Ukraini!" the Speaker of the Assembly, Lindita Nikolla, concludes her message.


Demonstration in Tirana in support of Ukraine, Ukrainian Ambassador: Albania, solidarity and support for our citizens (Radio Tirana)


A demonstration was held in Tirana in solidarity with Ukraine, two years after the Russian aggression. During his speech at the activity organized in the square in front of the Tirana City Hall, the Ambassador of Ukraine to Albania Volodymyr Shkurov expressed his thanks for the support that Albania has given to Ukraine. "I thank you for the support and solidarity shown. We are here today to condemn Russian aggression against Ukraine," he said. "We will never forget the morning of 24 February 2022. None of the people could believe that Russia could attack, but it did exactly an act of aggression. These two years have shown us who we are and who our friends are," underlined Shkurov Shkurov also congratulated the Ukrainians living in Albania and thanked the Albanian government for the help and support. "I am grateful to the Albanian government for extending their residency and protection for these citizens who were forced to leave their homeland." "I thank our partners of the EU, NATO, Great Britain, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Slovakia and many other countries who have provided their valuable assistance." Shkurov also thanked the President of the Republic Bajram Begaj, Prime Minister Edi Rama and the speaker of the Assembly Lindita Nikolla for the solidarity they have shown with the people of Ukraine. "Especially during these two years of support that they have shown also in terms of the chair that Albania has had in the Security Council and for the financial assistance that the Albanian government has given to Ukraine," said the Ukrainian ambassador. Shkurov also thanked the Albanian people for the great help they have given to the Ukrainian people. The Ukrainian ambassador also thanked the municipality of Tirana and the mayor Erion Veliaj for the continuous help. He also thanked the members of the government and the Albanian political parties and the ambassadors of all countries who were present, for the solidarity shown to the people of Ukraine.


US-EU: Ukraine could not have a better supporter than Albania in the Security Council (Radio Tirana)


February 24th marks the 2nd anniversary of Russia's unjust and unprovoked aggression against Ukraine. During these two years, Albania has shown great support to the Ukrainian people, who continue to show bravery and not give up for freedom. During this demonstration organized by the Municipality of Tirana, where the Albanian people are in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, the EU and the US expressed their unwavering commitment to support Ukraine until its liberation, calling this a victory not only for the Security of Europe but of the whole world. The EU Ambassador to Tirana Silvio Gonzato said that Ukraine could not have a better supporter in the UN Security Council than Albania. "It's been two years since the Russian invasion of Ukraine and I'm glad to still see so much support for the people of Ukraine. From day one, the EU and Albania stood side by side to condemn the Russian attack and support Ukraine to defend itself. Albania has shown itself with an unprecedented support, both political and material. In the UN Security Council, I saw with my own eyes the wonderful commitment of Albania towards Ukraine. Albania has stood up to Russia's bullying and has mobilized international solidarity for Ukraine. Ukraine could not have a better supporter in the SC and the EU could not have better partners. This resistance is not only about Ukraine but about international peace based on rules. Ukraine's support and victory means victory not only for Europe but for the whole world, while Russia's victory means a threat to world security. Ukrainians continue to persevere, rebuild and believe in the future. We tell them that the US, the EU and Albania will do whatever it takes for Ukraine to win," said Gonzato. The US Charge d'Affaires to Tirana David Wisner also stated that the US and Albania will continue to stand side by side with Ukraine. "Albania has emerged as a real partner of Ukraine thanks to humanitarian support. Albania has been a phenomenal partner of the US and Ukraine. We must unreservedly condemn Russia's aggression and document the war crimes and atrocities against men, women and children taking place in Ukraine. Ukrainians have shown impressive bravery. We stand side by side with Ukraine," said Wisner.