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Belgrade Media Report 07 October



Vucic asks Tsipras for Greece not to vote for Kosovo’s UNESCO membership (Tanjug)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic spoke today on the phone with Greek Pirme Minister Alexis Tsipras and asked Greece not to vote for Kosovo’s UNESCO membership, the Media Relations Office stated. In a long and constructive conversation, the two prime ministers expressed their opinions on the migrant crisis and agreed that it was necessary to coordinate the policies on this matter more frequently. The conversation also touched on the topic of promotion of economic cooperation. “The two prime ministers also discussed the regional issues, particularly concerning Kosovo and Metohija. Prime Minister Vucic asked Prime Minister Tsipras for Greece not to vote for Kosovo’s admission to UNESCO,” reads the statement. Vucic and Tsipras agreed that the friendship between Serbia and Greece was a foundation for the future economic and political ties between the two countries. Prime Minister Vucic invited his Greek counterpart to visit Belgrade. As agreed, the visit will take place in the next three to four months, the statement reads.



ROSU members arrest 15 Serbs on Mt. Brezovica (Tanjug/RTS)

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric stated today that Kosovo Police Special Forces (ROSU) had arrested all Serb employees of the “Sara” National Park on Mt. Brezovica, assessing that at issue is the violation of the Brussels agreement and provocation directed against entire Serbia. Djuric told the press in Brussels that 15 employees were arrested, together with the director of the “Sara” National Park. The arrested employees are in detention in Urosevac, and Djuric held an extra-ordinary press conference in Brussels. Djuric said that this operation was linked to Kosovo’s attempt to join UNESCO and an attempt at imposing on Serbia the violent unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo. He said he would request Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic to convene an emergency Serbian government session. He said he had information that there was an attempt at incorporating into the negotiating platform for opening Chapter 35, presently prepared in Brussels, decrees that pre-determine the outcome of the Brussels dialogue and impose Pristina’s stand on Kosovo’s status. “We think that the EU needs to retain objectivity and neutrality in regard to the status,” he stressed. “Now is the time to draw a line and make the right political judgment on the direction of the Brussels dialogue and analyze whether things imposed on us are really normalization of relations with Pristina or imposing of their stands on the status,” he said.


Is Pristina grabbing towards UNESCO (Politika)

Belgrade will receive in five days the first indicators on what are the chances for Kosovo to become an UNESCO member. Namely, at the first plenary session of the UNESCO Executive Council, on 12 October, the decision will be made on placing on the agenda Albania’s request for Pristina to be admitted to UNESCO. If the members of the Executive Council decide to include this proposal among the items of this session, the voting on it will most probably take place around 20 October, the Serbian Ambassador to UNESCO Darko Tanaskovic tells Politika. If the majority of the members of the Council support the Albanian initiative at that time, it will be included on the November session of the General Conference, which decides on the membership of some state in this organization. There is practically only one step away from there to Kosovo’s membership since 43 members of this body had already supported the Albanian request. The Executive Council passes a decision on what will be included on the agenda, Pristina’s first step towards membership, with a simple majority of votes. Nevertheless, Tanaskovic explains that only the votes of the countries that had taken part in the voting will be counted. He says that Belgrade also hopes that some countries that oppose Kosovo’s membership will ask for this item not to be placed on the agenda. The same principle of voting is also valid in case the Albanian request is included on the agenda of the Executive Council. This means that of the 58 member states of this body only the votes of those who vote “for” and “against” will be important for forwarding the Albanian proposal to the General Conference. “This is an aggravating circumstance for Serbia considering the balance of power in the Executive Council. Both among the states that recognize Kosovo and among those that don’t, a certain number of them would like to avoid the voting. In this voting system abstention for Serbia is equal to voting in favor of Pristina’s membership, because Pristina can also win theoretically with 2:1,” says Tanaskovic. Serbian representatives can take part in the debate at the session of the Executive Council even though Serbia is not a member of this body. Belgrade will speak only when all members of the Executive Council take their stand if they wish. Since we will have very short time available, the most important thing for us is what other states will say. It might be already clear then what are Kosovo’s chances at the next step – the General Conference. “In principle, it doesn’t reject such proposals of the Executive Council, except when there are extremely strong reasons. Thus, the proposal for Kosovo’s membership, if it passes the Executive Council, will almost certainly be included on the agenda of the November session of the General Conference,” said Tanaskovic.


Zoran Todic to replace Dragan Jablanovic (Politika)

The Serbian government accepted yesterday the resignation of Dragan Jablanovic at the post of the president of the provisional body of the Leposavic municipality. Instead of him, it appointed Zoran Todic, the President of the Leposavic Municipal Assembly. Politika learns that Dragan Jablanovic submitted the request for dismissal over the clash between the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric and his son Aleksandar. Djuric supported the request of the presidents of nine out of ten Serb majority municipalities and three Serb ministers in the Kosovo government for the dismissal of Jablanovic junior from the post of the leader of the Serb (Srpska) List. Dragan Jablanovic claims that Marko Djuric is the reason for his departure from the provisional council and adds that the envisaged money that was approved by the Serbian Finance Ministry has not been entering the Leposavic municipality over the past months. He told RTV KiM that Leposavic received a little less than three million Dinars in the second half of the year, while he didn’t receive a single Dinar this year for capital investments from the republican budget. The Serbian government strongly denied his allegations. Politika’s source in the Serbian government assures that Dragan Jablanovic hasn’t submitted one single paper or note for the spent 60 million Dinars, where he would justify for what investments and purposes this money was spent. This is why the Serbian government will send financial inspectors to the Leposavic municipality by the end of the week, who will try to establish where the money ended up. Dragan Jablanovic is the member of Aleksandar Vulin’s Movement of Socialists. He performs several other functions at the same time – two functions of the director of the Institute for Social and Pension Insurance for the Serbs and Albanians, while he was elected Leposavic mayor last year according to the Kosovo electoral system. He doesn’t intend to withdraw from this post, because, as he says, citizens elected him to this post.




Izetbegovic: There is an interest of SBB to join government (

Bakir Izetbegovic, leader of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) said after the meeting with the President of the Alliance for Better Future (SBB) Fahrudin Radoncic, that everything is leading towards the entrance of SBB in the government at the federation level. Izetbegovic said that only the party authorities can confirm this, but, in his opinion, things are going in this direction. “There is willingness and interest because this is good for B&H and Bosniaks. We want to stop the conflict and start cooperation in order to create a powerful engine for maybe even next seven years,” said Izetbegovic. He mentioned that the party meetings will be held in the future, and that the SBB is completely ready to support the government. “The offer of SBB and Radoncic is wide and gallant. They are ready to support the government and to work. They are ready to support even this rump government. In my opinion, this is not the final solution. The solution is to create a coherent government, a monolithic government that would carry on the responsibility in the next three, or maybe even seven years,” said Bakir Izetbegovic. He reminded that he also met with Zeljko Komsic, before the meeting with Radoncic. “The DF was ready to return in the government, under the condition that the Court declares the regulation by the government of FB&H as invalid, or to show that the DF is right regarding this issue. However, we still do not have any verdict,” said the leader of SDA. At the end, he said that Radoncic insisted on a more efficient fight against organized crime and corruption during yesterday’s meeting, and that they have also discussed the implementation of the Reform Agenda.


Moore: Relations between B&H and Serbia excellent (

The relations between Serbia and B&H are excellent, said Johnathan Moore, the Head of OSCE Mission in B&H, greeting the announced arrival of the Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic to the investment conference in Srebrenica. In an interview for yesterday’s issue of Politika, Moore assessed Vucic’s arrival in Potocari in July this year a “statesmanlike move”.

“His move to go to Potocari on 11 July was a statesmanlike move. We were together in the Battery Factory prior to the attack, and I was also not far away when the attack started. The statement of the Prime Minister upon return to Belgrade was also statesmanlike”, the Ambassador said. Moore reminded how the government of Serbia hosted the members of the Presidency of B&H afterwards, and announced that the joint session of the two governments will be held in Sarajevo on 4 November. “Thereby, I can say that the bilateral relations of two neighboring countries are excellent and I welcome the announced arrival of the Prime Minister Vucic to the investment conference in Srebrenica in November”, Moore pointed out.


Interview with HR Valentin Inzko ( The Office of the High Representative has a clear position: Decision on the Republika Srpska (RS) referendum on the B&H Court and the Prosecutors Office violates the Dayton Peace Agreement. Despite this, the RS authorities insist on its implementation. Mr. Inzko, you have stated recently that it is too early to use mechanisms for ensuring the adherence to the Dayton Agreement that are available to you. Can you please explain your position?

Valentin Inzko: In my recent Special Report to UN Security Council on this issue, I explained the reasons why, as the final authority regarding the interpretation of the civilian aspects of the General Framework Agreement for Peace, I have determined the RS to be in clear breach of the Agreement. What is certain is that I retain the necessary instruments to uphold the General Framework Agreement for Peace. The PIC Steering Board Ambassadors have also been clear on this issue. Rest assured we are fully aware of the gravity of this situation. However, what is now necessary in order to rectify the situation is for the RS authorities to put the referendum aside without further delay. We all know in B&H how destabilizing illegal unilateral actions of the type being proposed can be for the country. This country and its citizens simply cannot afford this kind of political adventurism. There are more pressing issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina affecting citizens in both entities. I believe the priorities should be to reduce unemployment, encourage investment, fight crime and corruption and deliver on the European Agenda. These are the things that people care about and things that affect their lives. Citizens do not pay their utility bills with referendum rhetoric. Furthermore, on the investment side, few foreigners would invest in a country where there is a threat about a referendum in 2015/2016, and again in 2017/2018. Bosniak representatives within the RS authorities, among others, are waiting for your reaction. They will file an appeal with the Constitutional Court of B&H, if the OHR fails to annul the referendum. Do you believe that those local representatives should use all of the available legal options and that you should subsequently, if necessary, use mechanisms available to you? How will you proceed in this specific case?

Valentin Inzko: I made my position very clear both here in B&H and internationally. I am willing to repeat it until all those who refuse to hear finally hear it. RS is in clear breach of the Dayton Agreement. A referendum on the state judiciary and the authorities of the High Representative clearly falls outside the competences and responsibilities of the RS. Although I never speculate in advance about what concrete steps I may take in line with my mandate, rest assured that the OHR and the entire international community are treating the situation seriously. The promoter of the referendum, RS President Milorad Dodik has clearly ignored your warnings. "Americans, Brits or anyone else can ask for the use of the Bonn powers and my removal but I do not see a way in which they can do that. I do not respect their will, in terms of an intervention; I will respect the will of the people", Dodik said. How do you comment these statements?

Valentin Inzko: We have had ten years of big statements from Mr. Dodik and others, while citizens are left to survive in any way they know how. The mask has fallen, people see that behind the loud statements there is nothing but empty rhetoric, a smokescreen to hide a decade of failure. Mr. Dodik has announced repeatedly, like recently in Vienna, that he will sue me. So far, I have not received any notification. There are dilemmas with the very administration of the referendum, too. Namely, the “RS Official Gazette” published a decision of the RS Constitutional Court specifying that the decision on the referendum does not violate Bosniak vital national interests. On the basis of this, it was concluded that the referendum would be held on 15 November. But, the RS Minister of Justice claims that this is not true, and the deadline for the referendum will begin to run only when the RSNA publishes its decision. The question is whether the dilemmas concerning the referendum were created by accident or, on the other hand, there is a wish to “buy” more time to reach certain goals? What is your view?

Valentin Inzko: I cannot speculate. The RSNA Decision on referendum says that it shall enter into force 8 days following its publication. It has not been published yet. My message is clear, put the referendum aside and work in good faith with the International Community to take the country forwards. In one of your statements to the media you suggested that the authorities headed by Milorad Dodik actually use this onslaught on the state judiciary to protect themselves from criminal prosecution for corruption. There are many scandals in the RS and the most recent is the “kilogram of gold” which, according to the announcements of the Minister of Security of B&H, could be dealt with by the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H. If the judicial institutions at the state level deal with this scandal do you expect it to have a court ending in the end?

Valentin Inzko: It is not my place to predict the course or outcome of current or potential criminal court cases. Whatever prosecutors and courts decide is up to them and their decisions must be respected fully. My question is this: if those in the RS who have initiated this referendum truly wish to improve the judiciary, as they claim, then why are they demanding that the ability of the state prosecutor to try cases of political corruption be weakened? My advice to them is straightforward. Change the approach, surprise us all, propose measures and allocate resources that strengthen the judiciary at all levels including the State level. If they are not careful they are going to create the impression they have something to hide, something they want to prevent from happening.


Djukanovic on anti-government demonstrations (MINA)

Protests of the Democratic Front (DF) are not people’s protests, and although its organizers gave their best to secure the broadest possible support from the international public, it came only from the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS), said today the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic. “A responsible government cannot allow itself to comply with the ultimatum set by a political group supported by six percent of citizens,” the Prime Minister said on the national radio’s talk show, adding that if organizers are waiting for the fall of the government, the protests could take a while. Djukanovic added the protests also gave an opportunity to the government to show its democratic capabilities, stressing that protests are a valuable way of expressing political views, if they are exercised according to law. “But we have to be responsible and know that we have no right to ultimatums and abuse of the other, significantly larger part of the political scene in Montenegro, and we must be aware that no democratically accountable government would ever agree to that kind of ultimatum,” Djukanovic said. He recalled that, when it comes to the character of the protest, he said before the gathering that this will not be a request for a change of government, but rather the anti-Montenegrin, anti-democratic and anti-NATO demonstration. Djukanovic believes that recent developments, specifically those on Sunday evening, show that it is questionable whether the protests are being organized by the DF or solely the New Serbian Democracy. “The organizers gave their best to provide the broadest possible support from the international public. However, this support is only coming from Belgrade - and not from the state policy of Serbia, which is very important to note and which confirms the quality of new interstate relations between Serbia and Montenegro - but only from the DSS former leader Vojislav Kostunica, the group which sharply criticized and by all means tried to thwart Montenegro’s drive for independence,” said the Prime Minister. Djukanovic recalled the assessment Metropolitan Amfilohije gave on Sunday, citing that they were anti-NATO and anti-European. “Even when the protests are peaceful, that does not make them democratic, because in order to be democratic, they must be in accordance with the Constitution and the law. And are they?,” he said. Djukanovic reiterated several serious violations of the system and recalled the last - organizing a protest march. According to him, local government authorities who issued the permit to the organizers were strict that the stage cannot be placed so that it closes the road in front of the parliament and, of course, no one should even think to organize a camping site in front of the building. “Nevertheless, protest organizers have done both. They’ve done a lot with the clear intent to provoke the state authorities to apply force against protesters and bring themselves into the position of victims to gather more self-importance which, unfortunately for them, organizing of this protest did not manage to obtain,” Djukanovic said. He added the government acted properly because it did not fall for the provocation and did not want to force police against protesters, because of the irresponsibility of the organizers of the protest. When it comes to DF’s call to opposition parties to leave the parliament and invitation to the Social Democratic Party (SDP) to break its coalition with the DPS, Djukanovic said this is the case of opposition’s feeling of powerlessness to achieve their goal and come to power. “I think that the opposition, especially the DF, feels powerless in relation to the upcoming elections. It is clear that after the abandonment of Lekic’s group, they are fighting for survival on the political scene. All of this tells them they have nothing to hope for in the regular elections in 2016, so they are trying other ways to achieve their goal - by either overthrowing the government or at least obtaining some sort of a political compromise for a transitional government, which would, at least in this way, contribute to their aim to be part of the government,” he said. This way, according to Djukanovic, they show no political maturity or originality. “The features of the policy of the opposition is to try to copy-paste to Montenegro whatever happens internationally and they find it interesting, ignoring the fact that there are no universal recipes for all societies in the world,” he added. Djukanovic said that the attitude of parliament speaker Ranko Krivokapic, that at a particular moment he might opt for a transitional government, is questionable. He believes that the way in which Krivokapic treats danger of political corruption is unacceptable, commenting his statement that he might want a transitional government “should political corruption from the local level rise to the state level.” “I think it’s a matter of the SDP vehemently defending its monopoly tabs on the balance on the political scene of Montenegro, in order to continue with blackmailing of the DPS, which has the support of 45-46 percent of citizens,” Djukanovic said. He said that when someone from the opposition steps up to support some of the attitudes of the DPS, like the Positive Montenegro party supports joining NATO, then, he said, SDP is alarmed because it loses the right to monopoly and blackmail. Djukanovic said there would be no interim government, and when the opposition is certain to have a majority, they can run their initiative in the Assembly. Prime Minister of Montenegro repeated it is realistic to expect Montenegro to receive an invitation for NATO membership at the end of the year. “We in the political jargon often say that it is a realization of one of our foreign policy goals. I believe that this success is much more than the implementation of this foreign policy goal,” Djukanovic said. He believes that this way the citizens of Montenegro have the opportunity to work in an open market, a developed economy. “With this choice, the people are opting for a better rule of law, for greater respect for human and minority rights, for better and more quality health care,” Djukanovic added. Commenting the arrival of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Djukanovic said that it is an indicator of the seriousness with which the Alliance is dedicated to Montenegro as an aspirant for NATO.




Kosovo Lets War Criminal Seek Treatment Abroad (BIRN, by Petrit Coallku, 7 October 2015)

The Kosovo Justice Ministry has granted a three-month release to Sabit Geci to seek medical treatment outside the country. Kosovo has released Sabit Geci, jailed for 15 years for war crimes, for three months to seek medical treatment outside Kosovo. The Ministry of Justice took the decision based on a report of a team of three doctors who said Geci needs to go abroad to get treatment. Deputy Minister of Justice Lirak Celaj ordered Geci to report back monthly to the Kosovo prison authorities on his condition. He was also ordered to return to prison after the three months are up. Geci can apply for additional time if there is no improvement to his condition within the allowed period, however. Geci was found guilty of war crimes against civilians in relation to the murder of Gani Berisha on June 18, 1999, in Skenderaj/Srbica medical centre.

He was also part of the so-called Drenica group trial but was found not guilty.


Serbia, Turkey question EU about migration crisis (MNA, 6 October 2015)

BRUSSELS – Serbia demanded the European Union (EU) a common position to face the immigration crisis, while Turkey recalled the regional bloc that it has been receiving refugees for years and has never reject them. With over half a million people coming to Europe in a flow that has caused chaos in several nations, Serbia, which is not part of the EU, claimed the group of 28 a united response to the phenomenon. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dacic, stated that some countries of the bloc let in refugees while others built fences and closed borders to prevent their entrance. Should we build walls too?, said the official while adding that the EU should give a joint response to the phenomenon. President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is in Brussels to meet with European authorities and try to adopt a coordinated plan to face the crisis, considered the worst since World War II. Speaking to the press, the president reminded the EU that Turkey alone hosts about 2,5 million Syrian and Iraqi refugees, for which it has invested more than $7,8 million USD. "We have a 911km long border with Syria and a 350km one with Iraq, so we are the most threatened country and despite our situation we have not closed our doors", he said.