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Belgrade Media Report 27 February



Merkel, Vucic: We touched upon contractual solution for Kosovo (Tanjug/RTV)


Germany support Serbia’s path, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said following talks with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. “We are impressed the way Serbia is continuing on the progress path in the battle against corruption and we encourage Serbia to continue on this path,” Merkel told a joint press conference with Vucic. “The accession negotiations can be successful along with further reforms in the domain of the legal state and in view of the issue of relations with Kosovo. That is why we have partially touched upon the issue on how we can reach a legal framework, a contractual solution for Kosovo,” said Merkel. Vucic said that Serbia is devoted to peace and stability in Western Balkans and counts on the further support of Germany and Chancellor Merkel, as it had in the past. “We know that ahead of us is a difficult path of resolving Chapters 23 and 24 and a difficult obstacle of resolving the Kosovo issue,” said Vucic. He told journalists that he had told the Chancellor that he didn’t believe in simple solutions, but in compromise. “I told her that it is more important to kiss the land of your children than the land of your ancestors, that the future is important to us. We are prepared for a compromise; for both sides to lose something, even if they are not satisfied. It would not be acceptable for the people for Serbia to be the only loser,” said Vucic.

Regarding the issue of the Belgrade-Pristina agreement, Merkel says that she doesn’t prescribe what needs to happen concerning the Kosovo issue; that she doesn’t wish to give advice, that the Serbian President is the main actor. “We are talking about this and we support matters when our support is requested, but I will not give advice, especially not in public,” said Merkel.


Brnabic: Improving economic cooperation with Iran in many areas (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke today with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif about bilateral relations of the two countries and possibilities for their improvement, first and foremost in the field of economy and trade. Brnabic assessed that the mutual interest of the two countries is to improve economic cooperation in many areas and that there are unused potentials of cooperation in the fields of agriculture, construction, energy and tourism, as well as in the science and technology innovation sector. Zarif pointed out that more and more Iranian tourists are interested in visits to our country, which was also contributed by the decisions of the two governments on mutual abolition of visas and Iran’s active promotion of the tourism potentials of Serbia and the region. He pointed out that for the improvement of tourism, the crucial importance of the agreement is the re-establishment of a direct airline between Belgrade and Tehran after 28 years. Brnabic thanked Zarif for supporting Serbia and the country’s principled position regarding the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo.

The interlocutors agreed that the cooperation to date in the field of education and culture is at a satisfactory level and that it develops through the continuous cooperation of the competent institutions. Brnabic said that the state will continue to provide scholarships for students from Iran who want to gain education in Serbia within the “World in Serbia” program.


Zarif: Problem of Kosovo to be resolved through dialogue (RTS/Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic expressed gratitude to Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif on that country’s principled position regarding the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo. Speaking at a joint news conference, Zarif said that dialogue was the only way to resolve the Kosovo issue. Dacic said that the Islamic Republic of Iran could count on Serbia’s friendship and support in international organizations. We have traditionally friendly relations with Iran. We want to make our relations as deep as possible, to develop cooperation in all areas. We are pleased by visits at the highest level and this is an excellent opportunity to encourage our further cooperation, Dacic underlined.
He noted that approximately 6,000 Iranians visited Serbia from September last year to February this year, and expressed the expectation that this figure will be higher starting from March since it is envisaged to establish direct flights between Belgrade and Tehran.


Dacic: No Brussels agreement without ZSO (Tanjug/TV Happy)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has stated on Monday evening that he is prepared to withdraw his signature from the Brussels agreement if the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) is not established. “I signed the Brussels agreement. We would have never signed it had the main issue not been the ZSO. If five years have passed since the signing and we see nothing of it, then I am posing the question what is the point of agreements,” Dacic told the TV Happy talk show Cirilica (The Cyryllic). He says that yesterday he heard about the new option – that the ZSO will be part of the package of the “legally-binding agreement”. “This is superb impudence…What does this formulation mean? Nobody knows this. The interpretation that this needs to contain independence of Kosovo is absolutely unacceptable for us. This is not part of the conditions under which we signed the Brussels agreement then,” said Dacic.  According to him, the fact that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is demonstrating the will for a compromise doesn’t mean this is our weakness. “He needs to clearly tell the EU what we want and how far we can go…Anybody can come here, but they will not get recognition of an independent Kosovo from us. There is not a single Serb who would sign that,” said Dacic.

“In all statements that are directed towards us, it is always states that Serbia needs to reach a legally-binding agreement, i.e. to resolve the problem of Kosovo before it joins the EU. On the hand, they are not telling this to Kosovo. What don’t they tell Pristina that it needs to reach an historical agreement with Belgrade?” he said. He also wonders why EU representatives don’t go to Madrid to tell them they can’t use EU funds until they resolve the problem of Catalonia. He also recalls that that Slovenia and Croatia became EU members without previously resolving their border dispute, which they have presently as well. “These are double standard. Does the EU think that our nation is so thrilled now with the fact that it received this carrot, yet it is still somewhere far away …” said Dacic. He says that Kosovo hasn’t rounded off independence and it will never become a member of the United Nations, while he assessed proposals that can be heard from Pristina that Belgrade now needs to tell Russia to let Kosovo into the UN as humiliating and offensive. “I would be ashamed to tell, after everything we have achieved, countries that didn’t recognize independence of Kosovo – sorry, but we recognized Kosovo,” concluded Dacic.


Kocijancic: Community, other outstanding agreements discussed (Tanjug)


The Community of Serb Municipalities and other outstanding agreements are on the agenda of the Belgrade and Pristina working groups, European Commission spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic said after the technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina resumed in Brussels on Monday. “The Community, or the Association of Serb Municipalities, is on the agenda, as are other agreements that have not been implemented, such as those on energy, the Mitrovica Bridge and integrated border management,” Kocijancic said, adding that the delegations were headed by Marko Djuric and Avni Arifi.


Russia’s support for Vucic has strings attached (Beta/B92)


Sergey Lavrov’s visit showed that Russia’s support for Aleksandar Vucic is effectively conditioned by his alliance with pro-Russian forces in the government. This is according to Gennady Sisoyev, a correspondent for Russian daily Kommersant, who spoke for Beta agency.

Sisoyev said that one of Lavrov’s key messages was that Serbia is not threatened by “Ukrainization” - that is, destabilization and civil unrest as a result of being forced to choose between Russia and the EU - as long as current political forces are in power. The Russian Foreign Minister told a news conference with the Serbian President that Moscow was not worried about Serbia as long as it has its elected leaders - Vucic and his team, the coalition voted for by the Serb people. “That statement can be interpreted not only as support for Vucic, but also for the coalition of forces in power in Serbia. Judging by the statements made by Russian experts and politicians close to the Kremlin, Moscow does not fully trust the current president of Serbia, that is, he is not considered a pro-Russian statesman,” said Sisoyev. According to him, Moscow, however, proceeds from the fact that Vucic is the strongest political figure in Serbia. “Therefore, the formula that Russia obviously chose could be formulated as: Vucic, with a coalition of pro-Russian politicians at the top in Serbia,” Sisoyev said.  He recalled that several years ago, before a parliamentary election in Serbia, senior officials of the ruling United Russia party openly wished success to then leader of the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) Sanda Raskovic-Ivic, who was in coalition with the Dveri Movement. However, six days before the presidential elections in Serbia, President Vladimir Putin received Vucic in the Kremlin and openly made it clear who Russia prefers him as president. And prior to the formation of the Serbian government, Putin met with Vucic in the Kremlin and said in front of the cameras that Moscow expects ministers in the Serbian government to be oriented toward cooperation with Russia, said Sisoyev.

“That’s why the current ruling political composition in Serbia suits Russia: Vucic is president, who prefers moving closer to the EU along with developed relations with Russia, while a whole range of politicians who can be considered pro-Russian are in the team - such as Ivica Dacic, Nenad Popovic, Aleksandar Vulin,” Sisoyev thinks. He added that when Lavrov talks about “Vucic and his team, the coalition”, he obviously thinks above all of Dacic, who was given a Russian decoration for fostering Serbian-Russian friendship during, and whose party colleague still controls Srbijagas. “Support for Vucic will be stronger if there are more pro-Russian politicians in the government,” Sisoyev said.  Sisoyev also assessed that Lavrov’s brief Balkan tour last week - when he visited Slovenia and Serbia - also had a dimension that is important for Russia, because in March the presidential elections will be held, where Putin is the unconditional favorite. “In this context, the euphoric reception that Lavrov received in Belgrade, and to a great extent also in Ljubljana, was presented as evidence that Russia, at the height of the conflict with the West, has proven friends among current and future EU members, such as Slovenia and Serbia. For the sake of these goals the 180th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Serbia and Russia was thought of - regardless of the fact that previous anniversaries were not marked by anyone,” Sisoyev said.




Draft material on Election Law of B&H published by B&H CEC sparks reactions among Croat parties in B&H (TV1)


The draft material on the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) concerning the method of election of delegates to the House of Peoples (HoP) of the Federation of B&H, which was recently published by the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H, still sparks reactions. The material stipulates that Croats from the Sarajevo Canton, Tuzla Canton and the Una-Sana Canton cannot be elected to the Federation of B&H HoP, as well as that Bosniaks from Canton 10, Posavina Canton and the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC) cannot be delegates in the Federation of B&H HoP. HDZ 1990 stated that the whole story is frivolous, insisting on compromise.

HDZ B&H leader Ilija Cvitanovic said that B&H CEC is not the institution that should deal with amending of the Election Law of B&H or suggest any proposals.

The Croat Party of B&H (HS B&H) said that such Election Law of B&H would be beneficial for HDZ B&H only, while hundreds of Croats from B&H would be discriminated. HS B&H leader Bozo Skopljakovic stressed that the statement given by B&H CEC President Irena Hadziabdic, who said that decisions of B&H CEC were confirmed as valid and legal in 98 percent of cases, is worrying and disputable. He warned that given this statement, the ruling structure has once again proved to the international community and peoples that there is ongoing work on division of B&H. Skopljakovic concluded that B&H CEC does not respect the Constitution of the Federation of B&H.


IC in B&H is determined to propose amendments to Election Law of B&H that are suitable for HDZ B&H (TV1)


The International Community in B&H is determined to propose amendments to the Election Law of B&H that are suitable for HDZ B&H, advocating the stance that implementation of rulings of the Constitutional Court of B&H has priority over the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). According to the Zurnal portal, the bottom line when it comes to conclusions that the international community proposed to B&H politicians during talks on amending of the Election Law of B&H, the ruling of B&H CC in the ‘Ljubic’ case should be implemented immediately in the Parliament of B&H – not in the Federation of B&H parliament, while the ECHR’s ruling in the ‘Sejdic-Finci’ case should be resolved later. Commenting on the issue, Deputy Speaker of the House of Peoples (HoP) of B&H Barisa Colak (HDZ B&H) said that B&H CC’s ruling in the ‘Ljubic’ case must have priority since it represents the main condition for formation of authority in B&H and prevents the situation in which B&H might be faced with stalemate and become the Mostar case. Speaker of the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H and HDZ B&H Vice President Borjana Kristo warned that Bosniak parties deny the rulings reached by B&H CC and they seek solution for the Election Law of B&H through implementation of the ECHR’s ruling in the ‘Sejdic-Finci’ case. Todorovic reminded that Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Lars-Gunnar Wigemark tabled three proposals of amendments to the Election Law of B&H, but the Bosniak corps rejected all of them. Representatives of the international community refuse to comment on the proposals.

The EUD has said in a statement that they do not want to impose solutions and that B&H needs credible, free and fair elections in 2018. “The elections must be held and the election results must be implemented. There is enough time to reach consensus on the electoral reform until May if there is enough political will amongst parties engaged in this process”, the EUD stated.

The US Embassy to B&H has a similar stance as it stressed in a statement that the Embassy does not intend to impose solutions and that all politicians who undermine attempts to reach consensus will be held responsible.


SDA expects International Community to support democratic principles that rule in EU countries in process of amending Election Law of B&H (TV1)


SDA Vice President Adil Osmanovic, commenting on the proposals of amendments to the Election Law of B&H presented by representatives of the International Community (IC) during the talks on this issue and the information that Bosniak representatives rejected these proposals, said that representatives of parliamentary parties in B&H who advocate interests of B&H and the Federation of B&H citizens took part in these talks - not Bosniak or Croat representatives. He reminded that SDA has warned many times that it will be very difficult to find solution to implementation of the ruling in the ‘Sejdic-Finci’ case or the ruling of the Constitutional Court of B&H in the ‘Ljubic’ case, or solution that is in line with the Constitution of the Federation of B&H. Osmanovic added that SDA will not accept to reverse democratic processes reached so far and the party does not want ethnic separation of peoples, but it wants for all citizens in the territory of the Federation of B&H to have equal voting rights and it expects similar approach when it comes to amending of the Election Law of B&H – the approach that will be followed by all political parties in B&H. He concluded that SDA expects the IC to support democratic principles that rule in the EU countries in this process as B&H does not have to be an exception.


Representatives of nine parliamentary parties in B&H agree that local elections in Mostar should be held jointly with general elections (Hayat)


Representatives of nine parliamentary parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) met in Mostar on Monday to discuss solving of the issue of holding local elections in that City (SDA, HDZ B&H, HDZ 1990, SDP, DF, SBB B&H, BPS, SNSD and SDS). The meeting resulted in several conclusions that will serve as a basis for continuation of talks, scheduled to take place in 15 days. Namely, the last local elections in Mostar were held in 2008. B&H Constitutional Court (CC) passed a decision in 2010 ordering change of the Mostar City Statute, but a solution on changing the disputed provisions of the statute still has not been reached. Chairman of the City Board of SDA in Mostar Salem Maric announced advocacy of reaching a solution for full implementation of the B&H CC’s decision pertaining to Mostar. Maric noted that all amendments to the Election Law of B&H and the Mostar City Statute must be in line with the Constitution of the Federation of B&H. Maric went on to confirm that participants of the meeting agreed with conclusions of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), according to which Mostar must remain a unified, coherent, and multiethnic unit of local self-government with a certain level of local authority. “We agree that elections in Mostar should be held at the same time as general elections in 2018”, Maric stressed. He added that participants of the meeting call on the Office of the High Representative (OHR) to engage more actively in solving the Mostar issue “because their imposed statute from 2004 is in force”.

Chairman of the City Board of HDZ B&H in Mostar Damir Dzeba said that the talks are still not serious, but he assessed that Monday’s meeting is a good starting point.

Chairman of the City Board of SBB B&H in Mostar Anel Kljako does not expect achieving “anything spectacular” in the next 15 days.


EBRD Western Balkans Investment Summit begins in London (BHT1)


The third EBRD Western Balkans Investment Summit commenced in London on Monday. Addressing a panel discussion at which the Prime Ministers of the Western Balkans talked about regional projects, Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers Denis Zvizdic stressed the importance of infrastructural projects that need to be implemented as rapidly as possible. He added that there are also new possibilities for investments in energy infrastructure, as well as in digital connections among the countries of the Western Balkans. “It is very important for B&H and for the entire region that everyone understood that the lack of transport infrastructure is one of the main reasons for the slow economic development of the region, which is actually in the focus of further activities,” Zvizdic said. Representatives of B&H and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) also signed a memorandum of cooperation on this occasion. The investment program includes more than EUR 750 million for four sections of the highway on the Corridor Vc in the period 2018-2020. Representatives of the EBRD stated that enlargement of the road infrastructure is a key requirement for the integration of B&H and its economy in the region. “We are now ready to implement the projects that are being prepared and that have been necessary for a long time for future prosperity of the country. With these roads, B&H will get closer to where it belongs – to the center of Europe,” said EBRD President Suma Chakrabarti.

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Montenegrin Prime Minister Dusko Markovic underlined that the region needs a new model of economic growth, which would be based on increased productivity and investments as well as facilitated trade. Brnabic assessed that political and economic cooperation will contribute to a better position of the region on the global investment map, adding that membership in the EU is a common goal of every country.

Markovic stated: “The Western Balkan countries should now focus on the elimination of non-customs barriers in mutual trade through reducing the waiting time at border crossing points, harmonizing different standards etc.” An online regional investment platform was also presented on the occasion of the Western Balkans Investment Summit, which is aimed at promoting the region as a unique investment destination.


Plan for Radoncic’s assassination discovered thanks to security preparations for visit of Croatian President to Sarajevo (Dnevni avaz)


Dnevni avaz daily (owned by the SBB leader Fahrudin Radoncic) reports that safety of SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic is jeopardized and that his assassination is being prepared for some time now. Namely, according to an (unnamed) intelligence service, Radoncic’s assassination was probably planned for January this year, and it was all discovered during security preparations for visit of Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic to Sarajevo.

The daily reminds that the visit was suddenly postponed and that B&H Foreign Minister Igor Crnadak was waiting at the airport for her arrival in vain. According to the daily, this all happened because Croatian services intercepted the information that “president has to be killed”. According to operative information of Tuzla Canton Ministry of Interior, which was supposed to be hidden from public, Damir Mehic a.k.a. Bibi was crossing the border on January 17 on Uvac Border Crossing and it is speculated if he was the one who was supposed to assassinate the aforementioned president. A day earlier, reminds the daily, politician Oliver Ivanovic was killed in Kosovska Mitrovica, in front of his office.  Mehic was arrested on Jahorina Mountain by Antiterrorist Unit of the Republika Srpska (RS) Ministry of Interior in cooperation with Federation of B&H Police Administration inspector. He was at large for five years because of murder of Emir Dzinic in Tuzla in 2013. Police found weapon, several original personal documents and IDs issued by B&H and Kosovo authorities with Mehic. The daily finds it concerning that Mehic possessed original B&H documents with his photo, but with personal details of one Almir Fejzic, who is alive and who admitted that his identity was stolen but he was afraid of reporting it. The author emphasizes that Mehic entered premises of Tuzla Canton Ministry of Interior and got photographed for those documents, although his was on the Interpol’s warrants because of the murder from 2013. Reportedly, he was using Kosovo phone number. According to the daily, OSA Director Osman Mehmedagic and prosecutor Aljosa Campara promised Mehic he would be granted amnesty if he removes Radoncic. Allegedly, Mehic was bragging in the prison about the deal with Mehmedagic and Campara. Aljimi concludes that only the circumstances i.e. raised security measures due to developments in the region saved Radoncic’s life.


Junior coalition partner wants controversial plaque removed (Hina)


Deputy Prime Minister Predrag Stromar said on Monday that his Croatian People's Party (HNS), a junior member of the ruling coalition, had not changed its view on the Ustasha salute "For the homeland ready", adding that there should be no place for it in public. The council dealing with the consequences of the rule of undemocratic regimes should submit its recommendations to the government, including its views on the five-pointed red star and the Ustasha salute, by March 1. "We will comment on the council's recommendations after their publication, but the HNS's position remains the same," Stromar told the press when asked if a compromise solution was possible after a plaque commemorating members of the Croatian Defense Forces (HOS), the armed wing of the Croatian Party of Rights (HSP), killed in the 1991-1995 war, bearing the "For the homeland ready" salute, was relocated from Jasenovac, the site of a WWII concentration camp, to the nearby town of Novska. "It is not acceptable to the HNS that the salute 'For the homeland ready' should be present anywhere or in any way in public," Stromar said.


Bosnian Croats warn about Election Law discrimination (Hina)


Discrimination against members of the ethnic minorities and constituent peoples in elections in B&H is a typical example of violation of basic human rights and this situation must be changed by adjusting election legislation, the chairman of the country's presidency and the leader of Bosnian Croats, Dragan Covic, said at a UN Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva on Monday. Covic said that the authorities in B&H were trying to remove any discrimination and human rights violations as a prerequisite to post-war reconciliation and internal stability. Noting that the principle of non-discrimination was incorporated in the B&H Constitution and that the country had adopted a comprehensive law to prevent all forms of discrimination, Covic stressed the need to amend election legislation so that these provisions could be implemented. B&H's election law is discriminatory against the minority communities because it prevents their members from running in elections and being elected to positions in the presidency and the upper house of parliament which are reserved for members of the constituent peoples. At the same time, unconstitutional provisions of the election law affect the symmetry in rights between the constituent peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina by putting them in an unequal position in terms of the possibility of choosing their political representatives, which limits and threatens their equality in participation and co-decision making in the state institutions, Covic said. Although the issue of election legislation and its constitutionality is an internal matter, Covic said that it should be examined and understood from the point of view of human rights in order to promote the rule of law and key democratic processes and create the necessary environment to protect human rights and prevent their violation. Covic said that B&H was ready to make its contribution to combating radicalism and extremism. He warned that the country had found itself at the center of the migrant crisis, which he said was a challenge it had to deal with in cooperation with other countries.


Becic and Abazovic officially run together in Podgorica elections (Pobjeda)


Aleksa Becic’s DCG and Dritabn Abazovic’s URA Civic Movement will run as a coalition in the forthcoming Podgorica local elections, Pobjeda learns. The decision to form a coalition is final, as the municipal committees of both parties, led by Luka Rakcevic and Vladimir Cadjenovic, validated it. The initial agreement between the two parties is to distribute the seats in the city council in the 70:30 ratio, while Becic and Abazovic would determine the election list leader in direct communication, Pobjeda’s source says.


Medojevic: We won’t wait for Krivokapic to approve our presidential candidate (CDM)


We will have to agree on the presidential candidate soon. It would be best if the entire opposition supports a non-party figure, but we cannot, and we will not wait for SDP leader Ranko Krivokapic to agree with us, leader of the Movement for Changes (PzP) and one of DF leaders, Nebojsa Medojevic, told CDM. He says that DF, as the strongest opposition subject, has the greatest responsibility in the matter related to the presidential candidate. “We still think that the best option is that entire opposition stands behind one candidate. Nothing comes easily, but I think the issue will eventually be resolved. It’s not good to wait this long. I think we will reach at least the support that Miodrag Lekic had in 2013,” said PzP leader. Medojevic claims that Andrija Jovicevic has not yet answered whether he accepts to be presidential candidate.


Zaev – Juncker: Towards the EU without delay but only with deep internal reforms (MIA)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, after meeting with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, together with EU Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement, Johannes Hahn, who has been visiting the Republic of Macedonia, announced to domestic and foreign media that “according to the Strategy, the EC confirms a European future for Macedonia, as a geographical part of Europe, which will become part of the political structure of the European Union”. At a joint press conference, Zaev stated “a strong desire and commitment to deep internal reforms, without delay, with leadership and determination, to move this key section along the road to our accession to an EU member state”. “Now, more important accomplishments are expected to be achieved in order to make 2018, a historic year for Macedonia. From the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Sofia, we expect an innovative Agenda to be forthcoming, following the Thessaloniki example, which will clearly pave the way for accession to the EU, based on the proposals produced by the Strategy. The summit will also be a real indicator of how many EU Member States are willing to dedicate themselves to the accession process for the countries of the Region”. Zaev is confident that in June 2018, the Council will decide regarding the commencement of accession negotiations. “Once again, I expect encouragement as a result of the strategy that President Juncker announced. For us, this encouragement, means serious motivation, to complete the reforms in accordance with the “3-6-9” Plan, to continue all those processes of improving the overall quality of public life, because we are convinced that Europe will give us a date for negotiations only if we deserve it, or, to become a member of the EU, only when the standard of citizen’s life is approximately equal to the standards of EU citizens. I expect this encouragement, and for us it means precisely when we get the unconditional recommendation, but at the same time also encouragement, so that in June there will be a possibility to have a date for starting negotiations, allowing access to additional European funds for the Republic of Macedonia,” Zaev said. Juncker said that our country is not only part of Europe geographically, but also historically. The European Union is not only a community based on common economic interests, but more importantly, it is a union of common values. Those values are shared and strengthened by our state. According to Juncker, our country has surprised the world with the implementation of reforms, and if we continue along the same path, we will give the European Commission an opportunity to present to the Council a recommendation for a start of negotiations in a few months.


Palmer: US remains Macedonia’s partner, supporter (MIA)


Macedonia's Prime Minister Zoran Zaev held talks Monday in London with the US Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South Central European Affairs, Matthew Palmer, the government said in a press release. At the meeting Palmer commended the government's efforts to implement democratic reform. Voicing support for Macedonia's bid to join the European Union and NATO, Palmer said the US “remain the country's partner and supporter”. The US will keep supporting Macedonia as it contributes to maintaining the peace and stability and creates conditions for new perspectives for moving forward, Palmer said. He also commended Macedonia's government for overcoming the outstanding issues with the neighbors.

“Macedonia's accession to the European Union and NATO will be beneficial for the entire region” Palmer said. Zaev extended gratitude for the US long-term, regular support for the development of democracy in Macedonia, as well as for the country's aspirations to join the EU and NATO. Zaev also highlighted the significance of the US contribution to implementing the reforms in Macedonia. The government, he said, has been committed to implementing reforms, building good-neighborly relations and advancing the regional cooperation. Macedonia remains the US credible partner by its participation in NATO-led missions, Zaev said. The EU, NATO membership are Macedonia's goals, as it means stability, economic prosperity and better living standard for citizens, Zaev said.


EU, NATO accession support to be converted into political will: US ambassador (MIA)


The United States and Europe have helped Macedonia in getting out of a deep political crisis, said US Ambassador Jess Baily at a conference of Committees for European Affairs/Integration of countries within the Stabilization and Association Process of South-East Europe (COSAP) in Skopje on Monday. The Ambassador believes that the successful completion of reforms in Macedonia requires the transformation of the 75-percent support for EU and NATO accession into political will. According to him, the rule of law is one of the biggest challenges for the country, with states often becoming vulnerable to corruption and crime due to lack of it.

"Citizens require accountability, transparency and information from institutions. This means that citizens have to refuse turning the other way when facing violation of laws and corruption, but also that things should not be accepted as they are especially when facing nepotism," said Baily.

He said courts in Macedonia should take into account the issue of transparency, because important court cases are very often shrouded by a veil of mystery and it is no wonder that citizens have no trust in them.


Meta receives EC senior delegation (ADN)


The President of the Republic, Ilir Meta, received on Monday the European Commission's Senior Delegation, chaired by the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, with the participation of the Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn. He assessed the visit to Albania as very important and encouraging, and highlighted the fact that all parliamentary political forces share the same major goal for the full integration of Albania into the EU. Also member states will be persuaded to open Albania's accession negotiations during the Bulgarian Presidency during this 6-month period. Stressing the importance of implementing reforms in the 5 key priorities, President Meta underlined that the results are the ones that will increase credibility both to Albanian citizens and to EU member states.


Bushati: 2018, golden opportunity (ADN)


"2018 will be a golden opportunity to advance on the EU membership path," the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Ditmir Bushati, said. Foreign Minister welcomed messages from the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, on progress of Albania’s state-consolidating reforms and to stay the course of reform despite obstacles and difficulties.

“Our foreign policy in the region, characterized by constructive dynamism, realism and accountability of pending issues in the bilateral plan, as alignment with the EU’s foreign policy, are the assets that distinguishing Albania in the region,” FM Bushati wrote on his Facebook page along with a photo gallery featuring EC’s President visit to Albania as part of a tour of the six Western Balkan countries.


Opposition supports opening of accession talks (ADN)


Opposition firmly supports the opening of accession talks with Albania, in spite of country’s ill-governance. The Democrat leader, Lulzim Basha underlined this fact during a meeting on Monday with Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy, Johannes Hahn in Tirana. “Albanians aspire to join the European Union despite the country’s ill-governance by the Socialists. Opposition is totally committed to provide a powerful and independent mechanism for the democracy level monitoring, the human rights observation and quality of governance in Albania,” declared Basha. He also guaranteed Commissioner Hahn that the opposition would continue a war without compromise against crime and corruption, while focusing on the fulfillment of criteria for the opening of accession negotiations.




EU incomplete without Western Balkans: Juncker (Xinhua, 26 February 2018)


BELGRADE -- The European Union is "keen" to receive Serbia and other Western Balkans countries as members when they meet preconditions, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker told Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic on Monday. "Relations with the Western Balkans are a priority for the EU. I always thought that Serbia and the region must become a part of the EU because the union is not complete without them," Juncker said at a press conference after meeting Vucic in Villa Mir in Belgrade. At the same time, Juncker stressed that rule of law, judiciary and bilateral relations remain the toughest challenges. He added that the strategy for Western Balkans recently adopted by the EU contains concrete instruments to speed up Serbia's EU path, but reminded that year 2025 envisaged by the strategy is not a definite date, but "a perspective, an indicative date". "It takes time to implement key reforms so that they would become rooted in our societies and lives. As soon as it meets these preconditions, Serbia will become a member country," Juncker said. Juncker continued that Serbia made the biggest progress in the process of European integration compared to other candidate countries from the region, but that problems still exist when it comes to rule of law and the judiciary system. Juncker agreed with Vucic about the necessity to find a solution for the southern Serbian province of Kosovo that unilaterally declared independence in 2008. He reminded that EU expects the two sides to reach a legally binding agreement about the normalization of their relations before Serbia becomes an EU member country. He said the EU is only a mediator in these negotiations, and that the two sides must agree about the character of their future agreement. Vucic said that Serbia is looking for a way to achieve a compromise with Kosovo Albanians, but that the both sides will have to make compromises in order to achieve a solution adequate for both. He said that the recently adopted EU strategy for the Western Balkans motivates Serbia to implement necessary reforms and prepare for the perspective of gaining full membership in the EU in seven years.


Zarif: Iran's influence in region due to nation's resistance (MNA, 27 February 2018)


TEHRAN – On a visit to the Balkans, Iran’s foreign minister said among Iranians in Belgrade, Serbia that US and Europe consider Iran as an influential country in the region, adding that people are behind Iran’s strength. Speaking on Monday, Mohammad Javad Zarif added “we all owe Iran’s people. It was the people who made the Islamic Republic of Iran so powerful.”

He stated "despite all the shortcomings and problems, it is the calmest and safest country in the region," adding “we need to know why we were able to reach that great amount of power and security despite all the oppression and sanctions over the past 40 years.” Iran’s minister of foreign affairs said “today US and Europe consider Iran as an influential country in the region. All of this is direct result of people’s support.” "We are now in a position that nobody can set conditions for us unlike some other countries,” Zarif pointed out. Elsewhere in his address to the Iranians living in Belgrade, Iran’s foreign minister said that Iranians from every religion and ethnicity, love Iran from the bottom of their hearts and are ready to sacrifice their lives for it. He stressed that Iranians living abroad should feel at home when they go to Iran’s embassies across the world. Saying that the most severe US sanctions did not manage to bring Iranians to their knees, the minister of foreign affairs added "the sanctions were aimed at separating people from the government, but people foiled their plot.” At the end of his remarks, Zarif referred to the nuclear deal saying “the guy [Donald Trump] who wanted to rip it to shreds as his first priority and considered it the worst deal in American history, has not been able to do so after a year and two months for fear of possible expenses.”