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Belgrade Media Report 16 March



RS Constitution anniversary marked in Belgrade (Novosti)


On the occasion of the Republika Srpska (RS) Day and the 26th anniversary of declaration of the RS Constitution, a solemn reception was held in Belgrade on Thursday evening. The RS Representative Office in Belgrade organized an event, which aims to stress importance of unity among the Serb people in Serbia and the RS as the only way to preserve national unity and identity. The reception was attended by the delegations of the RS and Serbian government as well as high ranking officials of Serbia and the RS, including ministers from both governments, leadership of the Serbian and the RS parliaments and many other political and religious officials from Serbia and the RS.

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated that special ties between Serbia and the RS are stronger than ever and that they will continue to help each other and cooperate – both in good and bad times. She stressed that Serbia is now strong enough and capable of helping the Serb people in the RS more.

RS President Milorad Dodik said in his address that the RS is a part of a history formed due to wish for freedom of the Serb people, reminding that the RS has passed a difficult war period in which many Serbs were killed. He stressed that despite everything the Serb people succeeded to resist pressures to be exterminated as the whole nation and to be deprived of their own language, script and cultural heritage, but that they have never gave up on the RS as an idea. “There is unity between Serbia and the RS on all issues that are important for our national character and freedom. We are not from B&H and we do not come from there, but we are Serbs – a part of a big and honorable nation that has honorable history, which cannot be diminished by someone’s stereotypes about us as bad people,” Dodik concluded.

Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church Irinej said that the Serb people cannot survive without the RS and its wise leadership.


Idea on division of Kosovo is a delicate topic (Tanjug/RTS)


The Youth Initiative for Human Rights from Belgrade has organized debates within the internal dialogue on Kosovo in the Bujanovac and Presevo municipalities. At the first panel that was held in Bujanovac, Ragmi Mustafa from the Albanian National Council from Bujanovac has stated that the idea on division is a delicate topic that requires serious talks. “For the time being it is unclear whether division means exchange of territories or according to some other grounds,” said Mustafa, reiterating his stand that Albanian rights are not respected in the south. “The dialogue between the Serbian government and the Albanians here has not occurred and this has hindered the resolution of many problems in the Presevo Valley for the Albanians,” said Mustafa.

“The dialogue launched by the President of Serbia seems as if the entire Yugoslavia is discussed,” assessed Mustafa, stressing that the Albanians in southern Serbia had asked to be part of the internal dialogue but this didn’t happen.

The Youth Initiative within the program “Through Debate to Dialogue on Kosovo” has organized on 15 and 16 March panels on the occasion of unresolved problems despite the existence of the Brussels agreement, as well as on the idea of division and exchange of territories between Serbia and Kosovo.


Serbia informs Hague court of readiness to take over case (Tanjug)


The Serbian Justice Ministry has notified the UN Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals - the successor of the ICTY - that Serbia's judicial authorities are ready to take over the case of Serbian Radical Party officials Vjerica Radeta and Petar Jojic. “Considering the facts from the order of the International Tribunal, regulations of the criminal law of the Republic of Serbia and regulations on provision of international legal assistance, the prerequisites for the competent prosecutor’s office to take over the criminal prosecution of the said persons have been met,” it said.


Justice Ministry to CoE: We will be in accord with GRECO by October (Beta)


The Serbian Justice Ministry stated on 15 March that it was "working, at an accelerated pace" on fulfilling the recommendations of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) - a body of the Council of Europe, that the majority of recommendations had been fulfilled and that it was expected that Serbia would be in full compliance with the recommendations of that body by October.




Brnabic discusses cooperation of RS and Serbia with Dodik and Cvijanovic (RTRS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met with the RS government delegation in Banja Luka on Thursday.  It was stressed on this occasion that relations between the RS and Serbia have never been closer, while cooperation on joint projects represents another confirmation of special ties between the RS and Serbia. The meeting was hosted by RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic and RS President Milorad Dodik, and it was also attended by several ministers of the RS and Serbian Governments. The officials announced that April will see the beginning of stronger cooperation on future joint energy projects of Serbia and the RS. Addressing the joint press conference after the meeting, Brnabic expressed satisfaction with the fact that Serbia has capacity to help development of the RS and its municipalities through several projects, owning to stable budget that was established by fiscal discipline of the previous Serbian government led by former Prime Minister and current Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. She stressed that Serbia has recognized the need for stronger connecting with the RS, which is supposed to be contributed by ‘Bratoljub’ bridge between Bratunac and Ljubovija at the joint border crossing between Serbia and B&H. Brnabic announced intensified activities on putting in operation the ‘Bratoljub’ Bridge in the upcoming period. Cvijanovic stated that putting in operation the ‘Bratoljub’ Bridge is priority for the RS Government, given the needs of citizens of the RS and Serbia. She announced new infrastructural projects including the construction of new energy plants in the Podrinje region, noting that there is a great chance and potential within the Podrinje development program, which was defined with Serbia long ago.


Dodik: RS wants greater autonomy (Vecernji list)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated on Thursday that the RS wants greater autonomy and, as he was quoted, “to restore competences it (the RS) had based on the Dayton agreement”. Dodik noted that the RS has no intention of separating from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) if it achieves this goal. According to Dodik, it would be fair to let Croats live at a place they feel that belongs to them, which a third entity would guarantee. “I would not be against anyone. I claim that this would contribute to stabilization of B&H. Then we would obtain three clear decision-making centers, which have to build a compromise anyway”, the RS President added. The RS President considers that former representatives of Croats, especially from Zagreb, agreed to integrate “into something that is a big problem for Croats in B&H today”.


Dodik: Majority in RS would vote in favor of merging with Serbia (Srna)


RS President Milorad Dodik said that majority of the RS citizens, if they had a chance and if such referendum were held, would vote for merging of the RS with Serbia. He added that he would like for such referendum to take place one day, he is not hiding this and he has been talking about this for years. “I do not hide that, I think that is natural and that in the end, this political nature will prevail. This cannot be stopped” said Dodik. He said that B&H is imposed on Serbs as “a must” by side of international factor, which wants to say that B&H is a state and the RS is not, while both the Dayton Agreement and B&H Constitution read that B&H is composed of two entities and three peoples, who are source of sovereignty and decisions at the joint level. “We go from the fact that the RS, from the point of definition of the state, has all elements- territory, people and authority. Only the RS has this in B&H, where today, nothing functions besides RS. Joint level has been lost, because there is no consensus. Foreigners are harassing us for 25 years and they manipulate with the alleged compromise in B&H and that is the problem that will not allow B&H to survive,” said Dodik. He underlined that the fact is that Serb people was ready to endure 20 years of torture by side of the international community and they have not forsaken the RS, which they love and where they feel “at home”.  RS President goes on and says that B&H is “cobbled together based on impossible principles” and if it would be left alone “it would not last more than 24 hours”. Dodik stressed that Serbs must not enter the delusion about multi-ethnic communities, noting that Serbs gave their state Serbia, “got into one and the other Yugoslavia” and that was a general fail of Serb national policy and idea. “And what have we received at the end of this century in which we formed Yugoslavia, nothing, we got sufferings, dismembering, Satanization, isolation. Should Serbs be in delusion again and accept B&H on the same principle on which Yugoslavia was unable to succeed? Who expects us to be so politically stupid?!” said Dodik. Commenting frequent labeling of Serbs as genocidal people, Dodik said that even before the past was started, the Muslims in B&H launched campaign abut Serbs being genocidal people. As for the war crimes, Dodik said that the only solution for the future is for everyone to apologize to everyone at the same time. “Insisting to have only Serbs apologize would present predetermining of the guilt. Serbs have suffered, others also suffered in the past war, but we also have an unresolved huge issue among us, which is the World War II, mass killing of Serbs”, said Dodik and reminded of Serb sufferings in WWII by side of Ustashas.  Dodik further said that the West succumbed to general anti-Russian hysteria, while the RS has excellent cooperation with Russia and he meets with President Vladimir Putin at least once a year. He stressed that Serbs have to return to themselves, to gather around and stressed that the most important fact is that Serbia, through Aleksandar Vucic, returned to a concept of Serbia, as national state of Serbs and other citizens living there. “I think that in last three to five years, Serbia managed to return Kosovo to international agenda, to have this issue discussed, while earlier everyone were silence about this as if it was a done deal”, said Dodik, adding that the USA is no longer powerful as it once was, but should not be ignored and he underlined the issue of double standards. “There is no official document about Kosovo Army, this is mentioned nowhere except in Albanians’ intentions to create this, but they received support of the USA nonetheless. On the other side, the RS has right to an army, according to the Constitution and the Dayton Agreement, but this cannot function. Until when different principle will be in force here”, said Dodik, adding that RS has right to an army, more than anyone in the region. “If this is a principle, then we will ask for abolition of the agreement on B&H Armed Forces and we will ask for forming of the RS Army, as we have right to this more than anyone in the region,” said Dodik.


Borenovic slams Dodik for supporting formation of third entity (BNTV)


PDP leader Branislav Borenovic, asked to comment on President Dodik’s support to the formation of the third entity in B&H, stated that Dodik is using political disputes and conflicts in order to preserve his political career. He stressed that PDP wants to speak about economic issues and not about conflicts, disputes, betrayal, alleged patriotism and the formation of the third entity. “Mr. Dodik now says that he is in favor of the formation of the third entity. Well, this represents direct assault on the RS, direct assault on the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and direct assault on the future of the RS,” Borenovic said. He explained that the DPA has clearly defined international role of the RS and mechanisms for its protection within B&H. He warned that negotiations on the formation of the third entity will lead to “complete unpacking of the DPA” and potentially to reduction of the RS’ political and constitutional power. He condemned Dodik for supporting the formation of the third entity and said that the RS must remain one of two equal entities in B&H because the RS does not want to lose mechanisms for its protection. He argued that activities such as support to the formation of the third entity and to the so-called Prud agreement on constitutional reforms in B&H show that Dodik is “a fake patriot”.


SDS condemns Dodik’s support to third entity in B&H (BNTV)


SDS Vice President Aleksandra Pandurevic stated on Thursday that SDS fiercely condemns Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik for advocating establishment of a third entity, which she thinks would imply “unpacking of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and derogation of the RS.” Pandurevic underlined that establishment of the third entity would be impossible without changing the B&H Constitution and it would raise the issue of entity voting in the B&H House of Representatives and the B&H House of Peoples. Such a radical change in the DPA would open a “Pandora box” and put this document out of force, in her opinion.


Radoncic: At price of general war in whole B&H, there will be no third entity (Dnevni avaz)


SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic stated that he heard RS President Milorad Dodik’s statement about an option of the third entity in B&H, and that his message for Dodik is: “I am telling him that, if he comes to Sarajevo, he should leave the idea of third entity in his suitcases in Banja Luka. At price of general war on territory of whole B&H, there will be no third entity. We do support compromise, we do support agreement, we do support talks with everyone and we do know how to talk, but everyone must know where are the boundaries below which we did not go even in 1992 and we will not do it now either”.


US against Croat entity in Bosnia (Vecernji list/N1)


The US will not support the establishment of a third entity in B&H or any other type of reconfiguration of the country that would be based on ethnic principles, the US Embassy in Sarajevo said on Thursday. In a special statement forwarded to the local media, the US Embassy responded to a repeated offer by Dodik for the establishment of a third, Croat-majority entity in B&H. In an interview, Dodik said a third, Croat entity would be the best way to defuse the current internal tensions and guarantee equality for the country's Croat community, but on the strict condition the Serb entity was preserved within its current borders. Dodik proposed that the new entity be made by dividing the Croat-Muslim Federation entity into a Croat and a Muslim part. The position of the US on this matter is well known and remains unchanged. The US is committed to the principles of the Dayton peace agreement and to B&H as a democratic, multiethnic, sovereign and independent country with two entities, three constituent peoples and unquestionable territorial integrity, the embassy said in the statement. It resolutely dismissed any notion of further divisions within B&H, particularly those based on ethnic criteria.

The Croat chairman of the three-member Presidency of B&H, Dragan Covic, who leads the HDZ B&H party, told the N1 broadcaster on Wednesday that B&H should be reorganized so that Croats could be equal to the other two ethnic groups, announcing that this would definitely happen, in three months or three years. "It does not have to be an entity, it can be any federal unit where Croats will enjoy equality," said Covic.


DF unanimously adopt decision on coalition of left-wing parties (FTV)


The Presidency of DF organized a session in Sarajevo on Thursday. The members have unanimously adopted the decision on coalition of the left-wing parties in B&H. This proposal will be sent to SDP B&H, Gradjanski savez (Civic Alliance) and Nasa stranka (Our Party). All the elements of the potential coalition of these parties have been explained in detail in this proposal. According to DF’s statement, the proposal analyzes all elements of possible unification of this bloc of parties.


Nine Bosniak and Croat political parties agree to jointly participate in elections in RS (FTV)


A meeting of the Coordination Body of the Pro-Bosnian parties in the RS was organized on Thursday in Banja Luka. The participants defined the working version of their joint platform entitled ‘Together for B&H’ for the upcoming elections in B&H. The goal of this platform is to gather all pro-Bosnian parties in the RS for a joint participation in the elections. The meeting was attended by representatives of SDA, SzB&H (Party for B&H), HDZ 1990, Hrvatski blok B&H (Croat bloc in BiH), Hrvatska stranka prava (Croat Party of Rights), Bosnjacki pokret (Bosniak Movement), Pokret Odgovor (Response Movement), BPS and Posavska stranka (Posavina Party). The platform ‘Together for B&H’ foresees joint political activities of these parties in the RS for the period from 2018 until 2022. The participants of this meeting called upon other pro-Bosnian parties to give a response within the next seven days, if they wish to be a part of this platform. The platform will officially be presented on March 28 in Srebrenica, in the Srebrenica–Potocari Memorial. “The platform is based on universal values that we support, that are defined by the Constitution. Those are fight against discrimination and fight for the rights of Bosniaks and Croats, primarily, in the RS. We want to make together a so-called ‘third bloc’ in the RS”, said Chairman of the Coordination Body of the Pro-Bosnian parties in the RS Edin Ramic (SDA). Member of the Coordination Body of the Pro-Bosnian Parties in the RS Muhidin Alic (SzB&H) stated that all those that will represent the interests of Bosniaks and Croats in the RS will have to live in the RS and share the same faith as the people they are representing.

During this meeting, the participants did not discuss the potential candidates for the position of the RS President in the upcoming elections. They did, however, discuss the fact that HDZ B&H representatives did not attend this meeting. “The fact that all the parties that represent the interests of Croats are present here today, except HDZ B&H, shows us that the current Vice President of the RS has not done a very good job so far,” stated member of the Coordination Body of the Pro-Bosnian parties in the RS Mijo Perkunic (HDZ 1990).


Russian Embassy to B&H says “campaign launched in Federation of B&H media” on occasion of upcoming motorcycle race in Banja Luka is unfounded (RTRS)


The Russian Embassy to B&H issued a statement on Thursday reacting to a “campaign launched in the Federation of B&H media” on the occasion of the upcoming motorcycle race the ‘Russian Balkans’ to be held in Banja Luka. The Embassy stated that the campaign aims to falsely present the race as a security threat, adding that the race has an aim to popularize forgotten and not well-known places that are related to Russian history and cultural ties between Russia and Republika Srpska. The statement also stressed that this “unfounded campaign has also engaged B&H’s bodies, the main task of which should be to strengthen security, not to undermine it”, concluding that no credible evidence that supports accusations against organizations registered in Russia was presented.


Djukanovic to run in Montenegrin presidential election (RTCG)


DPS leader Milo Djukanovic will be the party's candidate in Montenegro's upcoming presidential election, RTCG on Friday said it learned this unofficially. Earlier in the day, deputy PM and DPS official Milutin Simovic said the party's candidate would "respond to the essential needs of the state, rather than of the party."


Blazic like Danilovic: Withdrawing the candidacy under one condition (MINA)


Professor Djordjije Blazic said he was ready to withdraw from the presidential election campaign if opposition party leaders who supported the common candidate commit to permanently abandon politics in the event of a defeat in the 15 April election.

This message was also sent a few days ago by the leader of the United Montenegro (UCG) Goran Danilovic. He said he was ready to withdraw the candidacy if the leaders of all the opposition parties committed themselves to resign if the opposition candidate Mladen Bojanic does not win the presidential election. As announced from his election staff, Blazic joins the calls of other candidates and citizens to the leaders of opposition parties who stood behind a common candidate to commit themselves not only to resign, but also to abandon the political scene permanently, in case of defeat in the presidential election.


Markovic to answer MPs’ questions on 21 March (MINA)


Montenegrin Prime Minister Dusko Markovic will answer questions from representatives of parliamentary caucuses at a parliamentary sitting scheduled for 21 March. Questions shall be delivered in written form no later than 72 hours before the beginning of the session.

MPs’ questions are also on the agenda of the special session. Montenegrin parliament will hold previously scheduled regular session on 19 March. The MPs will decide about the bill on amendments to the Law on the 2018 Budget of Montenegro and state borrowing for this year.


Lavrov: Russia did not try to mount a coup in Montenegro (CDM)


Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov has rejected accusations that Russia has tried to mount a coup in Montenegro. “They tried to accuse us that we tried to organize a state coup in Montenegro to prevent it from joining NATO. This is not true, we did not deal with it,” Lavrov said at the Russia – A Land of Opportunity forum. He said that the current Montenegrin leadership “under the leadership of Brussels was dealing with the avoidance of democratic procedures”. “They categorically refused to conduct a referendum on joining NATO, although research has shown that people’s opinion on the matter was highly divided,” said Lavrov. He added that there were many examples in the world when the opinion of the people was not respected. “The EU is also concerned about the election results in Italy and Austria. I do not rule out possibility that it will again come up with a way towards the goal it choses for itself,” Lavrov added.


According to the Constitution, Ivanov must sign Languages Law (MIA)


After the Law on the Use of Languages was adopted again on Wednesday, President Gjorge Ivanov challenged the Constitution by refusing to sign the bill that would put it into effect.

The President can decide not to sign a decree that will put a Law into effect, but only after the first time the bill is passed in Parliament. Pursuant to Article 75 of the Constitution, after the bill is sent back to MPs, they review it again. If the majority of delegates are in favor and they pass it again, the President must sign the decree. "Considering its repressive content and the violent manner of its adoption, the Law on the Use of Languages is not an expression of democracy. The Constitution and my conscience do not allow me to sign a decree declaring such a bill into a law," Ivanov said on Wednesday evening, adding that the majority of citizens of Macedonia have never voted or would ever vote for a political program that includes such an anti-constitutional, anti-state and fundamentally unjust law. It is not clear what steps are taken if the President refuses to sign a decree. According to legal experts, it is possible that the Law will be published automatically in the Official Gazette, which would officially put it into effect. It is also possible that a request will be submitted to the Administrative Court to establish competences and a violation of administrative procedure. The Law, which had been first passed on January 11, was sent back to parliament after Ivanov refused to sign it. Ivanov will violate the Constitution if he fails to sign the bill of the Law on the Use of Languages, said Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi on Thursday. Xhaferi did not say what would happen if Ivanov failed to sign the bill. "I will not comment on hypothetical situations. Article 75 of the Constitution is clear in saying that the President is obliged to sign the bill after a repeated vote in the Parliament. If not, he violates constitutional provisions," Xhaferi told reporters.


Zaev: The law is constitutional, let’s reject the policies of divisions, strife and conflict (Meta)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, addressing the public, said that the Law on the Use of Languages is a serious contribution to building the concept of “one society for all citizens”, which was supported by the majority of citizens in the last parliamentary and local elections, too.Zaev stressed that the Law is fully in order with the Constitution and amendment 5, which was adopted, 17 years ago, and that no one is, and cannot be above the Constitution. “No one loses with the promotion regarding the rights to use languages, but provides conditions for better communication between citizens and institutions. The citizen’s smooth communication is a civilized benefit. At the same time, this law fully guarantees the proper use of the Macedonian language. Now is the right time to reject the policies of divisions, strife and conflict, which are contrary to ours and European values,” Zaev said. Furthermore, the Prime Minister said that our duty and responsibility should be the interests of all citizens without exception. According to him, there is no reasonable justification in the blockade of political processes and political institutions such as the parliament. “Instead, it is time for us, the politicians, to take the responsibility that we have promised to the citizens and to complete the reform processes in the Republic of Macedonia. It’s time for reforms and economy, it’s time for Macedonia to develop in the interest of all citizens,” Zaev said.


EC expects language law to be forwarded to Venice Commission (MIA)


The European Commission expects the Law on the Use of Languages to be forwarded to the Venice Commission, as stated in the Plan 3-6-9, and notes its adoption on Wednesday, EC spokesperson Maja Kocijancic told MIA. "The laws' implementation should comply with European standards," says Kocijancic. She adds that the EC expects the Parliament to now focus on reforms and make progress in the EU agenda.


Thimonier: The recommendation for the EU is questionable due to the way the Law on the Use of Languages has been enacted (


French Ambassador Christian Thimonier said for that the unconditional recommendation to start EU membership negotiations can be problematic, because the Law on the Use of Languages in the parliament was adopted without a minimum of consensus and without a civilized discussion. “It was a disappointing day because we saw events that we thought we had already turned our backs on, that there was not a minimum of consensus on a procedure for adopting a law and there was no civilized discussion of topics of interest for the citizens. It is not my business to judge, but the sight we saw was nothing but a glimpse of a parliament of a European state it shouldn’t be. At a time when EU member states have to express regarding the recommendation for negotiations, especially, the condition of the recommendation, the question will be raised whether the Priebe agenda will be adopted quickly and the issue of respecting the Copenhagen criteria will be opened formally. The European Union could integrate only functional democracies,” said Thimonier for


Macedonia-Serbia Mixed Committee holds 1st session in Belgrade (MIA)


The Mixed Committee of Macedonia and Serbia held Thursday its first session in Belgrade to discuss ways to lift barriers and overcome all open issues in order to enable a better flow of goods and to advance exchange of goods. The meeting was held in 'hours-long constructive atmosphere' in which the participants agreed to boost contacts as part of the Mixed Committee at an expert level in institutions and to share information regarding trade contracts between the two countries, MIA's Belgrade correspondent has learned. It was agreed the next meeting to be held in Skopje in the coming month. The committee comes as a result of an initiative stemming from the meeting in Skopje on March 7 in which the ministers of Macedonia and Serbia, Ljupco Nikolovski and Rasim Ljajic respectively, reached an agreement on export of flour produced in Serbia into Macedonia.


Macedonia and Kosovo governments to hold joint session (MIA)


Macedonian Vice-Premier for European Affairs Bujar Osmani and Kosovo Vice-Premier Enver Hoxhaj held a meeting Thursday, focused on preparations of the joint session of the governments of both countries. Numerous agreements on bilateral cooperation are to be signed at the forthcoming joint session, the Secretariat for European Affairs said in a press release.

The governments of both countries are obliged to translate the good relations between the two countries into concrete policies that will further advance the overall bilateral cooperation, Osmani said at the meeting. Osmani and Hoxhaj reviewed the possibilities for cooperation in the spheres of energy, infrastructure, roaming prices reduction, bilateral recognition of driving licenses etc. The cooperation of the Western Balkan countries of is one of the main prerequisites for overall progress of the region, but also a key benchmark for its progress on the road to the EU membership, Osmani said. The joint session with Kosovo government is part of a series of joint sessions of Macedonia’s government with those of neighboring countries.


Rama leaves parliament, Basha demands session interruption (ADN)


The unexpected departure of Prime Minister Edi Rama from the parliament during a debate motion on Thursday focused on economic aid generated a harsh reaction by the Democrat leader, Lulzim Basha. Basha addressed speaker Gramoz Ruci asking for session's interruption until the Premier returns in parliament. "Where did the Premier go? He is meeting with former-Socialist Minister of Interior Sajmir Tahiri, as they did earlier in hospital. They even invent in-existent illnesses. The only illness they have in common is cocaine. Forget the tales with Russians and focus on the tales with Colombians," said Basha, addressing to speaker Ruci. The Interior Minister Fatmir Xhafaj labels as ridicule the opposition's accusations for the alleged usurpation of merits for the seizure of some 613 Kg of cocaine by the government. He declared on Thursday in parliament that the key role of State Police in this successful anti-drug raid had been confirmed by the international partners. "The accusations articulated by the opposition's leader, Lulzim Basha were more than ridicule. Even our international partners were surprised by such shameless accusations. DEA, Interpol and Europol agencies praised the State Police for this successful anti-drug raid," said Xhafaj. Minister also underlined that the Italian Anti-Mafia chief clearly stated that this raid gains more importance due to the fact that it was conducted by the Albanian police without the help of international partners.


Croatia to support opening of EU accession talks with Albania (ADN)


Croatia will strongly support the opening of accession talks between Albania and the European Union. Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Maria Pejcinovic confirmed this fact on Thursday during a meeting in Tirana with the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Ditmir Bushati.

"Albania remains one of Croatia's closest allies. We will strongly support the country's European integration based on the positive forward steps made during these last two years," said Pejcinovic. She also praised the adoption by the Albanian parliament of the judicial reform while labeling the implementation process as difficult but highly important. Meantime minister Bushati stressed that both countries bilateral relations will be further enhanced in the future. He also informed the journalists that a joint agreement related to the environment has been signed at the end of their meeting.




Rajoy raises the absence of a European summit to dodge the leader of Kosovo (Turkey Telegraph, 16 March 2018)


Spain does not recognize the former Serbian province as a country

The internal policy is crossed in European agenda of Mariano Rajoy. The President of Government proposes to be absent from summit that EU will celebrate with countries of Balkans to avoid photo with president of Kosovo, that Spain does not recognize as a country. The leader of European Council, Donald Tusk, will insist this Friday with Rajoy on importance of supporting link with Balkan countries attending to Summit envisaged on May 17. The tensions with Catalan independence, which on more than one occasion has wieldeded doctrine of Kosovo to justify its rupture with Spanish legality, deter chief executive from participating in that meeting. Spain insists that it has not made a definitive decision. Greece, Cyprus, Romania and Slovakia also deny Kosovo country status. This small Balkan territory was proclaimed independent of Serbia in 2008, 10 years after siege launched by Serbian forces, with NATO's subsequent intervention to curb massacre. But none of four poses a rejection of summit comparable to that of Rajoy and its leaders expect to participate, according to half-dozen sources consulted for this information. Most likely Spanish executive subject that that photo with Kosovar leader, Hashim Thaçi, can be used against m by independentists. The problem lies in format that Community institutions have posed. The European Commission has re-opened door to Balkans after years with prospects for frozen accession. But Community strategy includes six territories agglutinated under label of Western Balkans. Although se countries have different ties in ir link with EU, European diplomacy has wanted to stage approach to all including m — virtually on an equal footing — at summit to be held in Bulgaria in two months. That has annoyed five states that refuse to recognise Kosovar independence, endorsed by International Court of Justice (The Hague) in 2010. Diplomatic and community sources ensure that roads are being explored (for example, to prevent Kosovo flag from appearing next to rest) to encourage Rajoy's assistance. Spain declares itself willing to seek a valid settlement and will decide on its presence according to format of meeting. Both Spanish Government and those of or four states regret that, 15 years after last summit between EU and its Balkan neighbors, procedures for a new meeting have accelerated in a few weeks. Meeting with Tusk The leader of European Council, who will visit Rajoy this Friday in Madrid, hopes to persuade him that it is worth showing unity in rapprochement with Balkans, which Europe now reissues to dampen influences of Russia and China in that region. Although Tusk's trip to Madrid has broadest objective of preparing ordinary summit that EU Heads of State and Government will be celebrating next week in Brussels, its intention is to address this issue. A dossier linked to internal policy Spain poses few problems in EU. The different governments that have taken place since entry into Community club have generally supported positions of Brussels. But attitude towards Kosovo has more to do with internal issues than foreign policy. Of six Balkan countries, Serbian exprovince has most lax link with EU: an association agreement that avoids giving concrete perspectives. Nor does Bosnia have a candidate status to join EU. Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Macedonia do appear on that list (and first two are already negotiating). Yet prospects for accession are very weak for all.