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Belgrade Media Report 20 March 2018



Vucic to meet Guterres in New York (Blic/Tanjug)


The debate around the reason of the visit of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to New York is not ending. Blic has unofficially learned that he is not on a private visit, and according to unofficial sources from diplomatic circles, Vucic should meet on Wednesday with UN Secretary-General Anotnio Guterres, while he had already met with UN and US administration representatives. According to Blic, he had asked assistance from them in resolving the Kosovo issue.

Tanjug has learned that Vucic will meet with Guterres in New York on Wednesday.


Brnabic: Either we will be a team or I don’t have to be the prime minister (RTV/Tanjug)


“As soon as President Vucic returns from Brussels I will ask him to discuss the reconstruction of the government and staff issues,” Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic told Tanjug last night. She reminded that she had accepted the mandate at the request of President Vucic because, as she points out, she knows how much he cares about Serbia’s progress, but the government, must be a team, because there are no results without a team. “We will function as a team, without individual vanities and promotion of personal agendas, and we will have results, or I don’t have to the prime minister,” she said. “Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and I will commence talks on the reconstruction of the government at the soonest possible period,” said Brnabic.


Office for KiM demands release of Zajic from Klina (Tanjug)


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija has demanded that Milorad Zajic, a returnee from Klina who was arrested last night, be released immediately, stating that his family can count on any possible support of the Office. The statement reads that the Office has appealed on reason of those who have the possibility to prevent legal violence in Kosovo and Metohija to do so, and prevent some new attempts of destruction of human lives and most brutal violation of human rights. “The judiciary in Kosovo and Metohija is more frequently an extended hand of the policy of violence and intimidation and an instrument of those who should first be brought to justice because of everything they had been doing during and after the war to helpless Serb civilians, but also to their fellow nationals who thought differently,” reads the statement.


Dialogue continues in Brussels at expert level (RTS)


A new round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue has continued in Brussels at the expert level. Following Monday’s talks on the Community of Serb Municipalities, energy and the bridge in Kosovska Mitrovica, today’s topics are management of administrative crossings and freedom of movement, i.e. license plates. This is an introduction into the meeting that should follow on Friday, when Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci will meet in Brussels in the presence of the EU High Representative Federica Mogherini.


Ilir Bytici talked with War Crime Prosecutor (Politika)


Ilir Bytici, whose three brothers, US citizens, were killed in 1999 in Petrovo Selo, talked for the first time yesterday with the War Crimes Prosecutor Snezana Stanojkovic. The meeting took place at the request of Bytici, while he discussed with the Prosecutor the progress of the investigation that is conducted regarding the murder of his brothers. During talks, he was presented the manner in which he can take part, as the damaged party, in the investigation conducted by the War Crimes Prosecution regarding the triple murder. In the past, it was exclusively Fatos Bytici, also one of the brothers of the killed, who had contact with the Prosecution representatives. “Ilir Bytici was told that, as the damaged party, he has the right to point to facts in the proceeding and suggest evidence of importance for the procedure of proof, to engage an authorized representative, as well as in what manner he can contact the War Crime Prosecution, says Politika’s interlocutor.




Izetbegovic, Covic hold separate meetings with US ambassadors to B&H and Croatia (Oslobodjenje)


Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Bakir Izetbegovic met with US Ambassador to Croatia Robert Kohorst and US Ambassador to B&H Maureen Cormack on Monday and discussed the amendments to the Law on Elections related to the election of delegates in the House of Peoples of the Federation of B&H parliament. Izetbegovic pointed out the need to find a solution that is going to implement the decision of the Constitutional Court of B&H while respecting the Federation of B&H Constitution. He also commented the unresolved issue of the construction of the Peljesac Bridge and pointed out it is necessary to respect the rights of B&H as a country. Member of the Presidency of B&H Dragan Covic also held separate meetings with the two ambassadors, and he pointed out that the Croat policy in B&H is honestly and transparently focused on the EU integration process. All the officials pointed out the strong support of the US to B&H in the process of Euro-Atlantic integration. Covic stressed the need to protect the principle of legitimate representation, which is especially important for Croats as the smallest in number constituent people in B&H. He expressed expectation the problem will be resolved by the time elections are called in B&H with minimum changes to the Law on Elections, which would enable adoption of constitutional changes during the next term.


“Offer solution for implementation of decision in ‘Ljubic’ case” (Dnevni avaz)


Press Center of SBB B&H issued a statement reporting on the meeting of SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic and Italian Ambassador to B&H Nicola Minasi, held on Monday. The officials discussed current political developments in B&H and a possibility of implementation of B&H Constitutional Court’s decision in ‘Ljubic’ case before the October elections are announced. Both Radoncic and Minasi emphasized importance of reaching a political compromise and offering a solution, which can get necessary majority in the Parliament of B&H. The officials also discussed the obligations before B&H on its Euro-Atlantic road.


HNS session: Most of parties gathered around HNS to jointly participate in upcoming elections (BHT1)


A session of the Croat National Assembly (HNS) was held in Vitez on Monday. Among other things, members of HNS Presidency agreed joint participation of most of parties gathered around HNS in upcoming General Elections 2018. Members of HNS Presidency expressed commitment to joint participation in the elections, especially in elections for levels of authorities where position of Croats is jeopardized. Participants of the abovementioned session also discussed the current political situation.


SDP B&H rejects DF's proposal for unification of Left in B&H (N1)


The Presidency of SDP B&H held a session in Sarajevo on Monday and the party unanimously rejected a proposal of DF on merging of left-oriented parties into a single party. Addressing media following the session, leader of SDP B&H Nermin Niksic underlined that shutting down of SDP B&H as a party is out of the question, after 108-year-long tradition. SDP B&H Presidency characterized the aforementioned proposal of DF as “pretty unserious”, saying that this scenario will not happen. Niksic argued that the idea on possible unification of left-oriented parties should be first discussed at joint meetings of the political parties, instead of presenting decisions to media on this issue, as the leader of DF Zeljko Komsic did several times. Niksic also stated that despite of the fact that SDP B&H rejected the proposal, SDP B&H remains committed to the idea on merging of left-oriented parties in a way which implies joint lists of candidates, joint candidates and formation of a coalition following the general elections in October. SDP B&H also called on Komsic to withdraw his unanimously-announced candidacy for a new Croat member of B&H Presidency. Niksic said that if Komsic makes this move, this will pave the way for a discussion - within a bloc that will have joint participation in the elections – on the process of election of a joint candidate. Niksic announced that regardless of Komsic’s decision, SDP B&H will certainly propose its own candidate for the post of a Bosniak member of B&H Presidency. Komsic reacted later during the day by saying that he is sorry that the opposition in B&H did not accept the proposal of DF. Komsic stressed that he cannot withdraw his candidacy for the post of the Croat member of B&H Presidency due to leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic and expressed hope that SDP B&H can understand his stance.

President of SDP Main Board Sasa Magazinovic told he does not believe it is too late for the left-wing parties to reach an agreement on joint participation in the October elections. He believes that aside from DF, they want to intensify talks with Our Party and the Civil Alliance (GS), but also with other political parties that do not have to be exclusively left-wing.


Parties of ruling coalition in RS start negotiations on elections (Nezavisne/RTRS)


Negotiations between parties of the ruling coalition in Republika Srpska (RS) on joint performance at the upcoming elections have started in Banja Luka, on Monday. Allegedly, the negotiations are expected to last by the end of the week when the parties of the ruling coalition are expected to reach the final deal. Unofficially, there are problems amongst the coalition partners with the candidates for the posts of the RS President, the RS Prime Minister and the Speaker of the RS Assembly. DNS insists on having its own candidate for the RS President supported by SNSD and SP; however, it is almost certain they will have to settle for the post of the RS PM or the RSNA Speaker. At this point, SNSD is not giving up on having both of the candidates for the RS President and the member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Zeljka Cvijanovic is the most likely candidate for the post of the RS President.

The ruling coalition is also expected to define its stance towards the “Unites Srpska”, considering the fact that SNSD supports this party and making space for it in the coalition, while DNS is absolutely against it as it believes that the coalition should not be expanded before the elections.


Dodik: Certain Serbs in OSA B&H have task to discredit RS (Srna)


RS President Milorad Dodik told the news agency Srna on Monday that he was informed about the fact that a certain number of Serbs in B&H Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) is tasked to discredit and criminalize the RS. He stressed that the Serbs are tasked to create false stories about organizations and individuals in RS that represent danger for security, which according to Dodik, are nothing but fabrications. Dodik stated that many of the Serbs are related to leadership of the opposition parties and in this regard, the Serbs were installed to work in the OSA to abuse their office for classic political showdown and causing damage to the RS and its leadership. Dodik said: “We have information about all these people and the way they carry out this dirty job and at the right time, we will reveal the information and present it to the public”.


SIPA: We are monitoring activities related to arrival of ‘Night Wolves’ (Oslobodjenje)


The State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) told that they are closely monitoring all the activities related to the arrival of the Russian organization ‘Night Wolves’ to Bosnia and Herzegovina within their jurisdiction. SIPA also pointed out that the Agency is monitoring activities of all the organizations and individuals that might represent a potential security threat, and taking action when necessary, with focus on prevention.


Russian Embassy in B&H surprised to hear that Zaldostanov was presented as threat to B&H's security (TV1)


Representatives of the Russian Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) said that they are surprised to hear that leader of the Russian motorcycle club 'Night Wolves' Alexander Zaldostanov has been presented as a threat to B&H's security. Russian Ambassador to B&H Petr Ivantsov said that given that Zaldostanov is a Russian national, they contacted the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs and asked it to explain whether it is true that Zaldostanov was banned from entering B&H. "If this is true, we want the Ministry to explain why he was banned from entering the country," Ambassador Ivantsov said. The Russian Embassy to B&H stated on Monday that the reactions represent “irresponsible attempts to artificially create tension in B&H”, underlining that the goal of the motorcycle race is popularization of forgotten or unknown places connected to the Russian history and Russian-Serb cultural connections.


Croatian President congratulates Putin on election victory (Hina)


Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic was the first Western leader on Monday to congratulate Vladimir Putin on his re-election as President of the Russian Federation.

There are good conditions and good prospects for promoting and strengthening the relationship between the Republic of Croatia and the Russian Federation, which are also bound by strong historical ties, the Croatian president said in her message. Grabar-Kitarovic expressed confidence that the good prospects would be used for fruitful cooperation in many areas for the benefit of the citizens of the two countries. She said that there was a strong potential to further increase the economic cooperation.


Conflicts within HDZ about Istanbul Convention Ratification continue (Hina)


Commenting on a call by some members of the HDZ party on the party leadership not to ratify the Istanbul Convention, HDZ secretary-general and Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic said that public and intra-party discussions on the matter had to be based on arguments, underlining that large and election-winning HDZ branches, such as those in Osijek-Baranja, Dubrovnik-Neretva and Split-Dalmatia counties, supported HDZ leader and Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic's policy. Discussions about the ratification of the Istanbul Convention have to be based on arguments, Jandrokovic said while answering reporters' questions. "We have been discussing this issue publicly as well as within the party, and the most important thing about it is that we should use arguments in doing so. Everyone should say what they think is right, but one should refrain from using strong words or labeling or even slandering people," Jandrokovic said. He underlined that the Istanbul Convention protected women and children from violence, that that was its primary purpose and that it was not related to gender ideology. The interpretive statement that is to accompany the law on the ratification of the convention will dismiss any possibility of accepting gender ideology, Jandrokovic added. Asked what he thought of a proposal to let HDZ members vote on the convention in line with their conscience, Jandrokovic said the matter would be discussed some more in the party.


Croatian MEP comments on border issue with Slovenia (HRT)


Member of European Parliament Marijana Petir commented on Croatian television regarding the ongoing border dispute with Slovenia and the latest lukewarm reaction from the European Commission. Slovenia has once again failed to secure the support of the European Commission regarding their desire to have Croatia pressured into implementing the controversial border arbitration court ruling passed in 2017. The latest blow comes after a letter sent to the EC announcing their pending lawsuit against Croatia seemingly fell on deaf ears. The Commission said simply that they would review the letter sent by Slovenia, while at the same time continuing to offer their support as mediators. Petir clarified that the EU’s governing body was not even legally obligated to take a stance on the issue within the normal three-month timeframe.

Slovenia has been trying for years to claim a larger piece of the shared marine and land border at Savudrija Bay. Even after being caught in material breach of the court’s principles by colluding directly with a judge in order to secure a favorable verdict, Slovenia has continued to pursue their territorial ambitions to no avail. At the same time, Petir said if the EC does not take a stance on the case, Slovenia could still file a lawsuit with the EU Court of Justice in Luxembourg in a last-ditch effort. But, she added, only with the approval of Croatia. And this is clearly not going to happen. “It’s clear to everyone that Slovenia has neither basis nor reason to do so. And Croatia will definitely not agree to take the case to court in Luxemburg,” said the MEP. Finally, there is at least the legal possibility of the European Commission filing a suit themselves against Croatia, but this, again, would be very unlikely based on the way the situation has developed so far. All in all, Petir said this was simply another case of Slovenia “blowing hot air”. She says Slovenian foreign policy begins and ends with their litany of disputes with Croatia.


DPS’s presidential candidate Milo Djukanovic (CDM)


After several months of waiting, at yesterday’s session of the Presidency the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) proposed Milo Djukanovic as presidential candidate to the party’s Main Board.

Before the Main Board’s session, the sitting of the party Presidency was held. In the previous period, DPS has conducted numerous surveys to find out which candidate could win the highest support. The media speculated about almost a dozen prominent officials of the party, including DPS leader Milo Djukanovic, Milica Pejanovic-Djurisic, Milutin Simovic, Zoran Pazin, Branimir Gvozdenovic… as potential candidates. The presidential elections are scheduled for 15 April. The deadline for submitting candidacies will expire on 26 March.


Blazic withdrew his candidacy and supported Bojanic (CDM)


Professor Djordjije Blazic withdrew his presidential candidacy and supported the candidate of a large part of the opposition, Mladen Bojanic. “As I have repeatedly pointed out, the aspiration to contribute to opposition unity and overcoming the division in a dramatic moment for our country was the basic motivation of my candidacy. In the last ten days, most of the opposition parties managed to reach a compromise and long-awaited agreement on a common candidate. In order to encourage the possibility of change, I want to inform the public that I will give up the presidential candidacy and give my support to the common candidate,” he said. Blazic is hoping that his decision will result in long anticipated and much-needed reforms in our country, which, as he pointed out, has never changed the government by a democratic means.


Knezevic goes to prison voluntarily (CDM)


At yesterday’s session of the Democratic Front’s Presidency, it was decided that one of the alliance leaders, Milan Knezevic, would voluntarily go to serve his prison sentence. It is possible that Knezevic will be serving a four-month prison sentence as of today. Knezevic himself suggested considering voluntarily serving the sentence, in order to avoid harming the election campaign. Presidential candidate Mladen Bojanic, who has been supported by DF among others, earlier called on keeping calm and conducting a proper campaign. At yesterday’s parliamentary session, DF MP Strahinja Bulajic said that the Front abandoned planned resistance measures, such as staying in the Parliament building, organizing protests and other non-violent methods that were planned due to the announced departure of Knezevic in prison. According to him, thus the alliance contributes to the creation of a unique front for toppling the regime.


Kotzias expected in Skopje on March 22 with 20-page draft-treaty in hand (MIA)


The draft-agreement between Macedonia and Greece, which tackles all open issues, contains 55 paragraphs on 20 pages. The document has been prepared by the Greek Foreign Ministry and includes all those items announced previously by FM Nikos Kotzias. It has been thoroughly reviewed by PM Alexis Tsipras and Minister Kotzias. MIA's Athens correspondent reports on Monday. As regards the name proposals the document includes, the radio station suggested that Upper Macedonia was 'a favorite' of the Athens administration, but to remain untranslated, 'something that is going to be quite unlikely to be accepted by the other party.' Judging from recent media reports in Greece, the government not only prefers an untranslated name, but it also champions a name of an adjective and noun spelled together. Other items of Greece’s draft-document of demands include an amendment to the Constitution. "The issue of a name change, as well as other issues in relation to the Constitution of the neighboring country, namely a change to the Constitution, is one of the main demands of Athens as a way to secure a guarantee for accurate implementation of the use of the new 'erga omnes' name - same name for internal use as well as for external use. A constitutional change requires a majority in Parliament, something that is lacking in the government coalition, led by SDSM and the junior government coalition partner of the Albanian party bloc, DUI," commented a seasoned journalist of the radio station of the Municipality of Athens. Furthermore, it is reported that there are inconsistent reports as to whether the draft-treaty has been already sent to Macedonia or not. Over the weekend, some Greek media cited US sources as saying that Athens has already forwarded the proposal, MIA reports. "According to some reports, Greece had sent the proposals on March 12, while diplomatic sources in fYROM have said that the document hasn't been sent yet. They said they expected the draft-agreement to arrive together with FM Kotzias on Thursday. However, it remains critical whether a breakthrough could be made in the meeting of Kotzias and his counterpart Dimitrov ahead of the name talks with UN envoy Matthew Nimetz, slated for March 27 in Vienna". With respect to media reports in Greece in the past few days suggesting that the draft-agreement has been forwarded already to Macedonia, diplomatic sources in Skopje tell MIA that Greece's proposals haven't arrived yet. It is expected the document to be handed over by Kotzias himself, they said. As regards March 27 - a date revealed by media in Macedonia and Greece when reportedly the countries' heads of diplomacy will hold a meeting with UN's Nimetz - there is no official confirmation either in Skopje or in Athens. FM Nikos Kotzias is expected to travel by plane with a direct flight and to land at the Skopje airport on March 22, when 'crucial' talks will be started all over again in a bid to settle the differences over the name, it is commented. "Diplomatic sources in Athens have been expressing concern ahead of the meeting of the two ministers on Thursday in view of the comment allegedly made by the foreign minister of the neighboring country when speaking to officials in the EU. According to reports, Mr. Dimitrov has apparently called some of Greece's positions 'absurd'".


Zaev: Step closer to name solution with Kotzias' visit and Nimetz's meeting (MIA)


For Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, the upcoming visit of Greek FM Nikos Kotzias to Skopje and the negotiations with the UN mediator, Matthew Nimetz, is an opportunity for the two sides to come closer to resolving the issue of Greece with Macedonia's constitutional name. "I believe there is a possibility to find a solution, and I'm optimistic provided that we take care of dignity and of identity. It matters to me how the public in Greece will accept it, and whether it is applicable in their institutions. I believe that the politicians in Greece, including PM Alexis Tsipras should care about how it will be accepted in Macedonia, and how it will be accepted in the institutions," Zaev told journalists on Monday. The people, who are negotiating, he added, are individuals, and in the end it will be the institutions of Macedonia and Greece that are the decision-makers. "I believe that a breakthrough can be made, perhaps it wouldn't be completely settled, however we should make a step closer, because days, months go by. We want this issue to be solved by the summer. I believe it is also the goal of the Greek administration, too," noted Zaev. He said he had been informing the head of state and the opposition about the course of the negotiations when he thought it was necessary. The meeting with Nimetz will be most likely followed by a fresh leaders' meeting, Zaev said.


Zbogar: EU supports negotiations, will not engage directly (MIA)


EU Ambassador Samuel Zbogar says name talks with Greece are heading in the right direction and EU will not engage directly in the process. "The name issue negotiations under the UN auspices are going well. I believe this format should be maintained and I don't expect that its change will contribute to an agreement and a solution. The two parties involved should reach a decision and they are both committed to this. The European Union is here to support the process and encourage both sides to come to a solution as soon as possible," ambassador Zbogar told reporters regarding the possibility of involving European diplomacy in the name talks. He reiterated the stance presented by European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker during his recent visit to Macedonia, saying that EU would not engage in the negotiations.


Zbogar: We expect the Law on Languages to come into force and the reforms should continue (Meta)


EU Ambassador Samuel Zbogar answered a journalist’s question regarding the law, that the adoption on the Law on the Use of Languages will improve the relations between the communities and it will bring the country back to the reform agenda. To a journalist’s question, what his comment is regarding the fact that President Ivanov did not sign the Decree on the Law, Zbogar answered “we expect the law to come into force and the country should focus on the reform agenda”. He added that inter-ethnic relations in multiethnic societies should be constantly nurtured and built up, thus improving the climate of coexistence in a society. He also explained that in the EU is optimistic about the implementation of the law. “I understand that the law on languages is important for the Albanians and they see it as the final step, which origins from the Ohrid Framework Agreement. This law is important to the Albanians, because they will feel more appreciated and accepted in the society and the country itself,” Zbogar said. According to him, in case when the rights of the minority are improving, it should not interfere with the rights of the majority. “I think that the majority should not feel that in any way its rights are jeopardized. I feel that there is such fear in the majority. The EU closely followed the adoption of the law on languages and we expect it to be sent to the Venice Commission, as it was stated in the 3-6-9 Plan. We hope that this law will begin with the implementation and full compliance with European standards and European positive practices. Certainly, we expect that the implementation will be respected by all in the society,” Zbogar said.


LP: The Law on Languages is invalid (Meta)


The Liberal Party (LP) believes that the Law on the Use of Languages ​​has been passed without proper procedure and is invalid, explaining that the situation is the way it is, because of the violation of the procedure. The party says that since the President of the Republic of Macedonia did not sign the decree after the first vote, parliament had a deadline of 30 days to adopt the amendments and to approve or not pass the law. “After the deadline, any procedure and activity related to the text disputed by the President is outside of our legal system. After the expiration of the 30 days, the procedure under this law ceases and it can no longer be considered or voted on, therefore the procedure becomes void. If the Constitutional Court wants to protect the constitutional and legal order of the country, it should conclude that the Law on the Use of Languages ​​has been passed without proper procedure and is invalid”, stated the party.

LP believe that there is a need for amending the Law on the Use of Languages, but only after the Constitutional Court annuls it, and “with calm nerves, greater degree of tolerance and broad consensus, the parliament should adopt a new law that will be in accordance with procedure and will reflect on all suggestions and warnings from the opposition, and both the Venice Commission and the Council of Europe, and will be the basis for a compact and sustainable society, instead of a divided one.”


Independent professionals and experts in anti-corruption, Zaev recommends (MIA)


Macedonian PM Zoran Zaev believes that the National Commission for the Prevention of Corruption, one of our most serious checks and balances of the executive branch and one of the major government bodies that fight against corruption, should consist of independent professionals and experts. "Who will be brought in to complete the Anti-corruption Commission is for Parliament to decide," Zaev said. "From what I have read in the media, I know that several people have resigned, as well as that there are plans to submit changes and amendments to the Law. "What I believe to be the most important is that independent experts and professionals are appointed to the Commission." Zaev said he was planning to begin talks on increasing parliamentary majority this week. "I plan to talk to the parties with MPs who have not been part of the majority so far. I will let the press know the outcomes of the talks as soon as they end," Zaev said. Later on during the day, the parliament dismissed five members of the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption (SCPC), who tendered their resignations earlier this month. SCPC President Igor Tanturovski and four other members resigned following revelations from an internal audit report, which noted suspicious payments of fictitious travel expenses and spending of budget funds. The commission currently has two remaining members.

In addition, the Parliament also dismissed the President and members of the State Commission for second-instance decisions in the field of inspection oversight and misdemeanor procedures.

Minister of Information Society and Administration Damjan Mancevski elaborated that the Commission's report has shown its inefficiency regarding settlement of cases.


Meta meets former mayor of New York Giuliani (ADN)


The President of the Republic, Ilir Meta had a meeting with the former Mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani. The Head of State expressed through a public declaration on Monday the pleasure for this meeting with a good friend of Albanian community in US. "I had the pleasure to meet with Rudy Giuliani, the mayor that left the most indelible traces in the city of New York. He conveyed to me the warmest feelings for the Albanian community in the US," said President Meta.


Meta signs authorization for talks on sea border with Greece (ADN)


President Ilir Meta on Monday accepted to provide the authorization for further talks with Greece to resolve the sea border disagreement.  The request was made months ago by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. Earlier this year President required further information on this issue by the ministry. "The request doesn't clearly define the object of negotiations for which the authorization is requested," Meta said in a statement. The negotiations for the delimitation of continental shelf, as they are known, were reopened last year between the left-wing government of Albania and the Greek authorities, along with talks on other unresolved issues between the two neighboring countries. Albania signed an agreement with Greece in 2009 after two years of negotiations, but the Albanian Constitutional Court annulled it in 2010 after finding it in breach of the constitution and international norms.


Xhafaj meets his German counterpart, assessments on government's reforms (ADN)


The Interior Minister, Fatmir Xhafaj, held a meeting on Monday with his German counterpart of Bavaria, Joachim Herrmann. According to Xhafaj, Herrmann gave many assessments for the Albanian government's reforms in the area of justice and security as well as the achievements in the fight against organized crime. "It was a very friendly meeting in Munich the one with the Interior Minister of Bavaria, Joachim Herrmann. The discussion was very constructive directed to issues of order and security, bilateral relations and regional co-operation. Many positive assessments came from the German Minister, and also support for work and achievements in the fight against organized crime in Albania," said Xhafaj. He thanked his counterpart for the support in the Albanian road towards Europe and invited him for a visit in Tirana.


Majority-opposition clash in Inquiry Committee on Tahiri (ADN)


The first meeting of the Inquiry Committee on the former Socialist Minister of Interior, Sajmir Tahiri on Monday started with debates between majority and opposition. The Democrat MP, Edi Paloka declared that this committee was established by request of the opposition and aims to conduct a minute inquiry on Tahiri's alleged involvement in the international drugs smuggling. He proposed a six month inquiry in order to prove the connection of the socialist with the drugs traffic. On the other side the Socialist MP, Ermonela Felaj declared that inquiring process should be preceded by a detailed plan of work thus can't start immediately.


Albania-Kosovo customs point ready by April (ADN)


The joint customs point between Albania and Kosovo is expected to be ready by April, the Ambassador of Albania in Kosovo, Qemal Minxhozi said. The joint customs point will reduce red tape and increase trade exchange between the two countries, Minxhozi said. Speaking of trade exchanges, Minxhozi said they are on the rise. "Despite the bureaucratic hurdles, Kosovo has the highest export figure in Albania compared to other countries in the region," he said, adding that commercial chambers should draft joint economic policies. "There have been realized 200 million euro trade exchanges throughout the field of cooperation, where Albania has exported 150 million euros to Kosovo, while Kosovo has exported 50 million euro to Albania," Minxhozi said adding that the exchanges should expand further. According to Minxhozi, the chambers of commerce of the two countries should sit together to develop development policies and present them to the respective governments in order to make legislative changes. Minxhozi stressed that the agreements reached between the two governments are on the right track. Meanwhile, EU Ambassador to Tirana Romana Vlahutin has said that Albania and Kosovo will be without customs only after having ascertained EU membership.  "Albania-Kosovo without customs only as EU members," Romana Vlahutin said during a visit in Morine last week, according to local media reports. The EU-funded project for the modernization of the border crossing point Morine-Vermice is towards completion. Joint customs will facilitate the movement from both sides, improving the daily lives of locals and helping to support new investments.




Moscow warns of negative effects of Skopje’s accession to NATO (TASS, 20 March 2018)


MOSCOW. Russia has warned Macedonia of the negative consequences of its accession to NATO for regional security and bilateral relations, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday following a meeting between Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko and Macedonian Ambassador to Russia Goce Karajanov. "The sides shared their positions on the situation in the Balkan region," the Russian ministry noted. "The Russian side stressed that the plans of drawing the Republic of Macedonia into NATO may have negative effects on regional security and bilateral relations." The sides confirmed the intention to continue cooperation in the spheres of mutual interest. "They stressed the importance of renewing the activity of the Russian - Macedonian Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Science and Technical Cooperation," the Russian Foreign Ministry stressed.


Greece Proposes 5 Names for FYROM: Here is the List (Greek Reporter, by Tasos Kokkinidis, 20 March 2018)


Just days before an historic visit by Greece’s foreign minister to FYROM, Athens has sent  text of an agreement to the Skopje government containing five proposals for a new name for the former Yugoslav republic. Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias, who is due to visit Skopje on Thursday, said he sent the text of the agreement “days ago.” He added that the document “consists of the entirety of our proposals concerning the open problems we have with FYROM as well as a future agenda for cooperation that will benefit both sides.”

Greek media report that Athens’ proposals are the following:

  • Republika Nova Makedonija (Republic of New Macedonia)
  • Republika Severna Makedonija (Republic of Northern Macedonia)
  • Republika Gorna Makedonija (Republic of Upper Macedonia)
  • Republika Vardarska Makedonija (Republic of Macedonia of Vardar)
  • Republika Makedonija (Skopje) [Republic of Macedonia (Skopje)]

On Monday, FYROM’s Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said he wanted the name dispute to be resolved by summer. He also claimed that this is the timetable agreed by Greece.


Europol: 800 People From the Western Balkans are in the Ranks of the "Islamic State" (Novinite, 19 March 2018)


More than 1000 militants from EU member states participate in the ranks of the "Islamic state", 800 of them from the Western Balkans, became clear at the meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Control Group on the activities of Europol in Sofia. The fight against terrorism, organized crime and cyber security are discussed by MPs, commissioners and experts at the National Palace of Culture in the framework of the fourth event of the parliamentary dimension of the Bulgarian Euro-Presidency. Over 130 MPs from the member states, police cooperation experts and commissioners are in the National Palace of Culture to discuss Europol's next multiannual program as well as its external action strategy. One of the main conclusions of the Europol reports is that the Western Balkans remain a major transit and trafficking area of ​​illegal goods, drugs and weapons as well as human beings. The region is also a major source of radicalized young men who are infused into the ranks of the Islamic State. The big problem, according to police experts is that now the Islamic State suffers a complete military loss, and these fighters will pull back to their countries. Here will be the role of Europol to identify and neutralize these men. The good news is that the European offices and the Europol member states have deepened their cooperation and are more likely to benefit from the general information masses.