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Belgrade Media Report 02 April 2018



Brnabic: Full implementation of Brussels agreement necessary (RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said last night that she had a long meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, adding that they dedicated most of their time to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. Brnabic told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that she has never seen Vucic so disappointed with the reactions of foreign partners over the latest events concerning Kosovo-Metohija. She stressed that the situation regarding Kosovo and Methohija is very difficult, and that everything that has been happening lately is something that is kind of a precedent. She said that she did not hear any condemnation of what happened in Kosovska Mitrovica, with the remark that this Monday was difficult, as well as the session of the National Security Council held on that occasion. Brnabic stressed that the Brussels agreement has not been implemented, and added that she expects the EU to put pressure regarding the implementation of the agreement. In April, it will be five years from the Brussels agreement, and Belgrade will not give up on its full implementation, and will continue to insist on this, Brnabic underlined. She also stated that Vucic is in talks with the US and the EU on what could be further expected in Kosovo and Metohija, and stressed that Serbia will not give up its national interests.


Vucic: Pristina’s plan for displacing Serb municipalities (Novosti)


“It is no longer a secret that the only goal of the Kosovo Albanians is to take the north of Kosovo and Metohija. They have done studies for every municipality with the Serb population, stipulating how to quietly throw them out. I also saw the studies for Gracanica, where the Albanians are referred to as the majority. Look at Novo Brdo, for instance! The Albanians have become the majority population here in only a year. Their goals are not a big secret,” Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has unveiled a monstrous strategy for quiet ethnic cleansing of Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija in the shape of a program for the mass transmigration of the Kosovo Albanians to the areas with the majority Serb population like Gracanica, Klokot and Strpce. The plan that the Kosovo Albanians have is supposed to unfold in several stages. First, the Albanians will settle in the Serb populated areas, mostly to the south of the Ibar River, but will not report to the authorities that they are living there. At a certain point, when they become the majority, they will be given a directive to register their residence with the authorities. This year, this is planned to happen in Klokot, followed by Novo Brdo and Strpce. In Strpce, for example, a huge Albanian settlement was formed.  One of the main methods is the purchase of land and the forced change in the ethnic structure, the intimidation of the Serbs living there and creating an environment in which the Serbs cannot survive. Although unofficial data indicates that there are approximately 25,000 Serbs and between 800 and 1,000 Albanians living in the municipality of Gracanica (18 villages), there is reasonable fear that this population ratio will change. The Albanian population is growing, although this is not officially corroborated, and since 2008, they built three settlements in the center of Gracanica. Most of the Albanian residents have IDs showing their official residence as Pristina. Pristina’s scenario is a direct blow to the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), because it includes the municipalities with the majority Serb population. The Albanians have been postponing the implementation of this strategy for five years which is why the Serb representatives in Kosovo and Metohija announced last week the possibility of forming the ZSO on their own. According to Vucic’s assessment, that will not happen until 20 April providing that official Pristina demonstrate that it did not lie in the last six days when it spoke about its intentions of forming the ZSO and the Serbs directly talking to the Kosovo Albanians about it. If the Albanians fail to fulfill their obligations, Vucic warns, the Serbs must do what is beneficial for their people and respect the Brussels agreement, unlike the Albanians and their mentors. “As a prerequisite for Kosovo being approved visa liberalization, the EU could have used the ZSO, but it did not do so. After the meeting in Brussels where he had been clearly told that the ZSO had to be formed, Thaci proceeded to perform the criminal acts in the north,” Vucic said.


Dacic: UN chair for Pristina out of question (Beta/TV Pink/B92)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says the possibility of Serbia recognizing Kosovo and allowing it to get a chair at the UN is out of the question. Speaking for TV Pink, Dacic said he always stood for finding a compromise solution" for the Kosovo and Metohija issue - one that would remove the cause of conflict. “It is not in our interest to deteriorate the situation, instead it needs to be peaceful and to implement the Brussels agreement,” he said, and called on the international community to state whether it wants Serbia as a partner, or as a hostage of bad relations. He added that 20 April will be awaited to see if Pristina will meet its obligations from the Brussels agreement when it comes to forming the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), and remarked that if this does not happen, Serbia will have to decide how to proceed. He described the arrest in Kosovo a week ago of Serbian official Marko Djuric as disgraceful for the political scene in Europe, and for the EU. “I think Pablo Escobar would have better treatment if they arrested him. Djuric is not a criminal, not somebody who broke the law, if it was about political reasons, it could have been done differently,” Dacic said, and added that procedures for visits of officials had been agreed on in Brussels a number of times. According to Dacic, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic did not rank priorities - and had he behaved emotionally or irrationally, the reaction probably would have been such to draw us into a spiral, and the question is how that would have settled down. “A clash could have happened, each attack on the north we will interpret as an attack on Serbia,” said Dacic. According to the minister, the EU bears great blame because it guaranteed the realization of everything that was agreed in Brussels.


Joksimovic: Dialogue with Pristina and EU integration are separate processes (RTS)


Serbian Minister for EU Integration Jadranka Joksimovic has told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that Serbia’s EU integration process and the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue are separate, adding that the dialogue is a comparative process that should be encouraging and not conditional.  When it comes to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, Joksimovic says it is in a way linked to the EU integration process, but a separate process that is at the same time comparative or parallel to EU integration. “If it depends only on that, Serbia’s EU path, I think this will be a wrong EU decision.” She thinks the issue of Kosovo and Metohija is an issue for two sides. “Belgrade cannot be the only one that should be doing the job for all others, all others need to also join in and take on their part of responsibility, including the EU, which is the signatory of the Brussels agreement,” said Joksimovic. She recalls that the Brussels agreement was signed as a legally-binding agreement between the two sides along with guarantees and participation of the EU. “Therefore, when we talk about a legally-binding agreement on comprehensive normalization of relations, all of us have focused on some future legally-binding agreement, but we are forgetting that the Brussels agreement is already binding,” says Joksimovic. She points out that the full name of the Brussels agreements is the First Framework Agreement on the Principles of Normalization of Relations. “This speaks of the fact that Pristina is incapable, doesn’t have political will and obviously doesn’t have the capacity to implement even the basic principles on which the story on normalization is based, because the Community of Serb Municipalities is only part of this framework agreement, while only then we should have on the agenda very important for us issues – property, protection of cultural heritage, human rights and missing persons,” said Joksimovic. “We call on the EU to get involved in the most responsible and active way so the signature with which it guarantees the implementation of this agreement would really have credibility,” said Joksimovic. Asked when this other agreement is expected, Joksimovic says she expects this when all this passes and when everything that is on the agenda is fulfilled, which Pristina has not fulfilled for the most part. “This is undoubtedly a fact that is difficult to deny, and on the other side you will always hear the argument that Serbia is a serious state - we expect more from you, you are on the EU path,” says Joksimovic. “All this is fine and we have already demonstrated that we have capacity for negotiations for fulfilling obligations. It is obvious that Pristina has greater capacity for violence and greater capacity for misunderstanding than for understanding,” said Joksimovic. She is of the opinion that this is not only an issue that poses a problem for Belgrade and Serbia, but also an issue that poses a problem for stability of the region and a serious issue for the EU.


Stefanovic: Opposition under strong influence of Western embassies and states (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic has stated that it is clear there are two groups of Serbian opposition political parties that are obviously under immense influence of various Western embassies and states, and that the essence of their messages is the same. “We obviously have strong influence of Western embassies on political parties that speak on the topic of Kosovo and Metohija, and their only policy is for Serbia not to get anything,” said Stefanovic.

Commenting stands of certain opposition parties on Kosovo and Metohija, he says that the second group of parties claims that President Vucic should sign consent for Kosovo to be independent, but for Serbia not to get anything in that process. He says that, after that, Vucic would be accused of being a traitor and they would conduct a campaign against him because he implemented the idea precisely of their parties, while Serbia would not get anything in that case as well.


Belgrade still considering format of participation in Sofia (Novosti)


Belgrade is still considering the format in which Serbia will be represented at the June 17 EU-Western Balkans summit in Sofia, Novosti writes. The reason are the changed circumstances - since, beside Spain, Romania and Cyprus - also EU members who do not recognize Kosovo - are close to deciding not to attend the main discussion at the summit. These countries do not want to be at the same table with Pristina’s representative, nor do they want to be photographed with him. The daily further writes that at the same time, the EU expects our country to have its representative at the gathering in Sofia. According to the article, Spain, Romania, and Cyprus are close to resorting to plan B - have their officials attend only the working dinner one day before the summit, and then be represented at the summit by other EU members. This would not be new practice within the EU, because it is possible for one member-state to represent another. The problem here, the newspaper noted, is that there is no common position on a topic like Kosovo within the EU - so the question remains, who would represent Spain, Romania, or Cyprus.


Presentation of the Third Report on Monitoring the Internal Dialogue on Kosovo (N1)


The Forum for Ethnic Relations presented its Third Report on Monitoring the Internal Dialogue on Kosovo at the Media Center Belgrade. The Third Report has been prepared within the project “Monitoring and Reporting on Internal Dialogue on Kosovo“, implemented with the support of the Open Society Foundation. The Third Report covers the period from 16 January to 15 February 2018. Until now, three roundtables have been organized by the Working Group of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the Support to Internal Dialogue on Kosovo. The debate at all three roundtables was conducted in the spirit of verifying the current Serbia’s policy towards Kosovo, instead of seeking new ideas and solutions. The same trend noticed in the first and second report regarding the selection of round table participants (representatives of institutions, organizations, etc.) continued in this reporting period. This raises the question of rationality of the internal dialogue, and whether Serbia shall enter the new, yet qualitatively different and decisive, phase of the Brussels Dialogue with the same old policy.

Since the beginning of February 2018, the activities related to advocating for Serbia’s EU membership, normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo, and using a referendum to verify the solution, have been more intensive. There has been much speculation as to the motives behind the President’s decision to raise the issue of referendum. The only conclusive motive is the amendment of the Constitution, in accordance with the procedure envisaged for amending the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia. However, the delineation along ethnic lines and reference to “military” options has significant public support, including some ministers in the Serbian government (Aleksandar Vulin and Ivica Dacic). Special attention should be paid to the fallacy of irrelevant conclusion by Minister Vulin, according to which “stopping the expansion of Greater Albania” as “the essential issue”, instead of the resolution of Kosovo’s status.

In this reporting period, the national and international public learned that the high level government officials from Serbia, Albania and Kosovo, and Albanian leaders from Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia, had talked about this issue. According to the same sources, some decision-makers in the international community were aware of the efforts made to reach agreement for the delineation of the borderline between Serbia and Kosovo. Over the past two decades, the practice involving a partition of territory or delineation across displacement of people and deeper ethnic conflicts, instead of bringing resolution to conflict, peace and stability. For this reason, the Forum for Ethnic Relations reiterates to Aleksandar Vucic, President of the Republic of Serbia who launched the internal dialogue and to the Serbian public, the proposal to launch a public debate on all aspects of ethnic and territorial partition of Kosovo and the effect thereof on Kosovo itself, and on Serbia and the Balkans. The Forum for Ethnic Relations emphasizes that the interests and fears of Serbs in Kosovo should not be neglected. The following messages by Archimandrite Fr. Sava Janjic, Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery: “In partition scenario everyone would lose and gains will be poor. Serbs would disappear from Kosovo and Metohija … What remains of ethnic Albanian, Muslim Kosovo will lose even a semblance of what’s left of multiethnicity…. and will be less liked by many in the EU……The Balkans will again become a powder-keg (BH, Macedonia). This will backfire on those who shortsightedly seek quick fixes and will affect EU stability … Dialogue must continue, be properly focused and measured by achievements in the rule of law, protection of minorities, heritage, return of refugees, private property guarantees, abandoning of hate speech. Reconciliation is a precondition to any durable solution and not vice-versa… Instead of playing with lives of dozens of thousands of innocent people, the solutions for the current problems in Kosovo and Metohija must be sought in a dialogue and on the basis of the international law, encouraging cooperation, reconciliation, respect of human rights and heritage.” Similar warnings were made by Oliver Ivanovic, whose murder disclosed that the Serbian community is deeply destabilized and that “non-normalization” is present in the north of Kosovo.


Russia to lodge UN demarche over Kosovo incidents (Novosti/B92)


All diplomatic representatives of Russia have instructed to express their concern over the recent events in Kosovo. Novosti is reporting this, adding that Russian diplomats have been instructed to point out to the failures of KFOR and EULEX - the NATO and EU missions in Kosovo - as well as to the violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 - all with the aim of reinforcing Belgrade’s position. “This move by the Kremlin, according to Novosti’s sources - other than being a strong representation of Belgrade's position in the international arena - is practically the first concrete consequence of the open telephone conversation between Vladimir Putin and Aleksandar Vucic,” the article said. Novosti added that the demarche that Russian diplomatic representatives will lodge with the UN, the EU, the OSCE, and NATO is a new strengthening of Resolution 1244, which is, according to Moscow’s assessment, the foundation of all talks about the status of Kosovo and Metohija.


Fabrizi: EU membership depends on solving disputes with neighbors (Beta)


The Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Sem Fabrizi says the perspective of candidate countries will also depend on definitive solutions to disputes with neighbors. Presenting the new EU strategy for the Western Balkans to the members of the Foreign Investors Council, Fabrizi said membership will depend on the strong political will, and implementation of real and sustainable reforms. Fabrizi recalled that Serbia and Montenegro are the only two countries in the region with whom the accession negotiations are largely in progress and that the strategy clearly defines that the EU door is open for further accession when individual countries meet the criteria, the Foreign Investors Council said. “A credible prospect of enlargement requires constant efforts and irreversible reforms. Progress on the European path is a process related to goals and their fulfillment. The path of Serbia to the EU is in the national and state interest of Serbia,” he stressed.




Dodik says RS will support Serbia’s decisions regarding Kosovo, time will come for integration of RS and Serbia (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated on Saturday that he believes in the state policy of Serbia, adding that the RS will follow and support everything that the Serbian leadership does with regard to the issue of Kosovo. In this context, Dodik expressed support to this country’s efforts to preserve its territorial integrity and solve the issue of relations with Pristina through dialogue. He added that he feels humiliated by the fact that violence was recently used against Serbs in Kosovo, expressing his hope that Serbia will find the right answer to this issue. Dodik reminded of the conclusion that the RS Assembly adopted at the time when “Pristina unilaterally declared its independence.” “We made it clear that if Kosovo is heading towards the recognition of independence by the UN, the RS will also be entitled to that. Identical situations cannot have different solutions. This conclusion is very much in force, it has never been abolished. We will see in the upcoming days how to raise this issue and the conclusion of the RSNA once again,” Dodik stressed. He assessed that Serbs were the victims in the previous century because they failed to get homogenized in the right way. In his opinion, the time will come for political homogenization and definition of the Serb goals, including the integration of the RS and Serbia, solution to the status of Serbs in Kosovo and protection of the Serb ethnic interest in Montenegro.


Leaders of SNSD, DNS and SP RS sign coalition agreement (TV1/ATV/BHT1)


SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, DNS leader Marko Pavic and SP Republika Srpska (RS) leader Petar Djokic signed in Banja Luka on Friday an agreement on coalition cooperation of SNSD, DNS and SP RS. According to the coalition agreement, SNSD will nominate candidates for posts of the RS President and the Serb member of B&H Presidency in this year’s general elections. Dodik stated that the agreement defined distribution of authorities among SNSD, DNS and SP RS after the upcoming general elections regardless of specific election results of these parties. According to Dodik, new political entities cannot be included in the agreement on distribution of authorities. Dodik announced that this coalition intends to mark a great victory in the elections, also promising stable authorities and preservation of the RS. According to the agreement, the three parties will participate in the elections individually and they intend to discuss joint or individual participation at the level of B&H later on. Dodik explained that when it comes to the rest of the posts – in the RS National Assembly, the RS Council of Peoples, the RS Government, B&H House of Representatives, B&H House of Peoples and B&H Council of Ministers – the parties will nominate their candidates in accordance with the election results. Representatives of SNSD, DNS and SP RS stressed that priorities of their coalition will continue to include prosperity and development of the RS. The leaders of the three parties stressed that this coalition will respond to all challenges and additionally stabilize the RS, as well as that they are convinced that SNSD-DNS-SP RS coalition will achieve the best election result ever. "We are very optimistic. All indicators show that this coalition has between 65 percent and 70 percent of overall support at all levels," Dodik underlined. Pavic said that SNSD-DNS-SP RS coalition is guarantee of stability of the authorities in the RS. "We will continue to respect the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), as well as the Constitution of the RS and the Constitution of B&H. In the coming period, we will focus on the economy and employment, as the currently two biggest problems in the RS," Pavic stressed.


Ahmetovic to run for post of President or Vice-President of RS (TV1)


Independent Bloc’s representative in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Sadik Ahmetovic will be a candidate for the post of the President or the Vice-President of Republika Srpska (RS). Ahmetovic announced that he will focus on the situation of Bosniak returnees in the RS. Aside from Ahmetovic, current RS Vice-President Ramiz Salkic, leader of the Movement Odgovor (Response) Camil Durakovic, and NBL’s Jusuf Arifagic also announced the intention to run for post of the RS President or Vice-President.


Turkey will not interfere with the issue of amendments to the B&H Election Law (Hayat)


The two-day official visit of Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim to B&H has ended on Friday. Turkish PM stated that Turkey has always been and always will be a friend to B&H. He emphasized that Turkey will support B&H in all the good and the bad days. “We support B&H’s EU path and we also want peace, prosperity and stability to be preserved in B&H. We also want B&H to join NATO, because we believe that that is of great importance and we fully support that step”, said Yildirim. Yildirim also said that Turkey will not interfere with the issue of amendments to the B&H Election Law because, as he said, this is an internal matter of B&H. Yildirim concluded with a message to the B&H citizens: “I have seen many parties in B&H. We do not have that. If you are divided, you cannot be strong. Strength only lies in the unity and that can assure the positive and bright future in B&H, for all its people. The late Alija Izetbegovic did not maybe want to leave B&H in such a state. He maybe wanted B&H to be united with all its peoples, that a healthy coexistence exists in B&H, so that all the citizens build a better future. There should be no division amongst the people. If there are divisions, then you cannot accomplish all your goals for the future.”


B&H MFA: B&H is closely following developments in “Skripal” case (Dnevni avaz/Glas Srpske)


B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that it did not give the consent to any diplomatic mission of B&H in the world for joining any statements regarding the case of Russian agent Sergei Skripal, because there is no official stance of B&H Presidency on this matter. The ministry also stated that B&H is closely following the developments regarding this case and regarding expulsion of Russian diplomats from a number of countries, but it has no intention to take same or similar measures. “B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs the public that the ministry’s stance published on March 27th by media is the only official stance of B&H on the issue of diplomatic crisis in this case”, the ministry stated.  The daily reminds that certain media also published information about the UK Embassy in Sarajevo thanking B&H for standing with the EU’s statement before the OSCE in “Skripal” case. B&H Foreign Affairs Minister Igor Crnadak confirmed on Friday that Head of B&H Mission to the OSCE Sanjin Halimovic expressed support to the EU’s statement which reads that Russia is most probably responsible for the case of poisoning of Russian agent Skripal. “He did not receive consent for that. He said himself that he acted self-initiatively. That proves that we apparently have persons who respect their parties and only interests of their people more than harmonized policy of B&H”, stressed Crnadak, adding that there are general frameworks within which B&H ambassadors operate, and that everything outside those frameworks requires consent.


Croatia calls for continuation of dialogue in Kosovo (Hina)


Croatia calls for calming tensions and avoiding an inflammatory rhetoric between Serbia and Kosovo, and for continuing dialogue, the Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Ministry said in response to a query from Hina on Friday. "It is up to Serbia and Kosovo to continue their dialogue and work responsibly, in good faith and with the mediation of the EU, on normalizing their relations, thus showing that they can cooperate in the European spirit," the ministry said when asked about the situation in Kosovo. "Croatia supports the efforts by EU High Representative Federica Mogherini to have the dialogue continue. Any other option, including attempts to unilaterally involve third countries, does not contribute to finding the right solution," the Croatian ministry said. It noted that readiness to resume dialogue, indicated by the latest reports, was encouraging and reiterated that for Serbia and Kosovo, as well as for the entire region, preserving peace and stability was an absolute priority.


Russia’s choice of diplomat expulsion surprises many (Vecernji list)


The Russian government has decided to ban a former member of the Croatian embassy from Moscow. Instead of an active diplomat from the Croatian embassy in Moscow, Russia has decided to expel a diplomat who is currently based in Zagreb. This was a response to Croatia’s decision to dismiss one Russian diplomat from the embassy in Zagreb. According to unofficial information, the Croatian diplomat in question is Rina Eterovic Goreta, who, until recently, worked at the Croatian embassy in Moscow and led it during the period when Croatia did not have an ambassador there. She is currently the chief of staff to Croatian Foreign Minister Marija Pejcinovic Buric. Interestingly, Rina Eterovic Goreta’s father, Josip Eterovic, is an honorary consul of the Russian Federation in Split. After this decision, Rina Eterovic Goreta must not travel to Russia in an official capacity. As expected, Moscow on Friday announced countermeasures against the states, including Croatia, which had expelled Russian diplomats in a show of solidarity with Britain after the attack in Salisbury. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had summoned foreign ambassadors during the day to hand over protest notes and communicate the measures taken. Shortly after that, the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a short, but telling statement. “The Croatian Ambassador to Moscow Tonci Stanicic was informed about the decision of the Russian Federation's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to deny hospitality to a Croatian diplomat, a former employee of the Croatian Embassy in Moscow,” it said, not releasing the name of the person. The Russian selection of Rina Eterovic Goreta, a former employee and the current chief of staff to the minister, as well as a daughter of the Russian honorary consul, surprised many. “This is a very strange choice,” said one diplomat. Asked about the message which Russia wanted to send Croatia – since there is no obligation for a state to explain why it expels foreign diplomats – the diplomat said that the Russian decision could be viewed in two ways. On the one hand, it is better than dismissing any of the active diplomats from an embassy, ​​especially when it is as small as the Croatian one in Moscow is. However, on the other hand, this is a person who is in a position to influence the decisions in the Croatian Foreign Ministry.


Slovenia says Croatia causes problems for EU (Hina)


Croatia did not have the right to walk out of the border arbitration procedure, whereby it caused problems to Slovenia as well as to the EU and its role in the Balkans, Slovenian Foreign Ministry state secretary Iztok Mirosic has said, speaking of the reasons why Slovenia had decided to take "legal steps", a likely lawsuit against Croatia. "I'm sorry Croatia didn't fulfill its obligations that had been agreed so that it could join the EU. It didn't have the right to walk out of the arbitration agreement and the arbitration procedure. In doing so, it has caused many problems not only to Slovenia, but to the European Union and its role in the Balkans too" Mirosic said. He said that was why Slovenia had reached out to the European Commission and outlined its "likely" lawsuit against Croatia if it did not accept the implementation of the border arbitration ruling.

If the suit is filed at the Court of Justice of the European Union, a ruling will take about 18 months, Mirosic said, adding that there were differences of opinion in the Commission on Slovenia's position on the arbitration ruling and its implementation. "The College of Commissioners and the Commission's legal department have clearly said that international courts' rulings should be implemented," he said.


Bugajski: “A pro-Russian president would provoke chaos in Montenegro” (Pobjeda)


A weak presidential figure may be subject to pressures of Moscow and, therefore, less determined to keep leading the country towards the pro-European and pro-NATO path. It is even more concerning if Montenegro is led by a president who is directly or indirectly influenced by the Kremlin, like some leaders of the opposing parties already are, the American analyst Janusz Bugajski says for Pobjeda. The researcher of the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) points out that, in this critical moment, Montenegro must have a reliable leader with well-established political leadership and significant experience in the work with international actors.

“The Kremlin does not want to see Montenegro stable and integrated into the EU, protected from its NATO allies. Its ultimate goal is to weaken and divide the country and turn it into the pledge of the Russian policy. Unfortunately, certain leaders of the opposition either naively play according to the scenario of the president Putin or they are susceptible to bribery or corruption of Russian intelligence agencies”, says the American analyst. “If the citizens of Montenegro want stability and security, and not insecurity and possible political chaos and weakening of the international position, there is only one credible choice,” says Bugajski.


Nikoloski: Moscow is not our partner and government’s decision was a right one, Russian Embassy reacts (Meta)


Vice President of the VMRO-DPMNE party, Aleksandar Nikoloski, said that the government’s move to expel a Russian diplomat is fine and that “Moscow is not our partner, our partners are Brussels, London and Washington”. “Both the Foreign Minister and the government made the mistake of excluding the opposition from this process of information sharing and consultations with the opposition. We condemn what happened in the UK, we think it is a direct attack on the country, to which we have strong sympathies. Our partners are Brussels, London and Washington. Macedonia’s place is in the EU and NATO. And that’s why we believe that what the government has done is fine,” said Nikoloski. Russian Ambassador Oleg Shcherbak said that the statement made by VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Nikoloski, is an expression of the inconsistent policy of part of the leadership of that political party, and as a result of such a policy, VMRO-DPMNE lost the elections. However, I know that more than a handful of members of one of the biggest parties are actually sincerely determined to develop constructive cooperation and mutual relations with the Russian Federation.  Shcherbak said that it was disappointing for Russia, considering the intensive cooperation between the two countries during VMRO-DPMNE’s. The Russian ambassador said the move to expel the Russian diplomat from Macedonia, as a first step in bilateral relations, is a ruthless step, and that Macedonia has obviously been put under pressure from abroad. However, the move will not be left without an adequate response from Russia. “The Macedonian side did not provide us with evidence, nor does it want to provide evidence or in some way confirm that the expelled diplomat was involved in certain activities that emerge from his diplomatic status. The decision by the Macedonian government causes deep regret in our country. This decision is unfounded and unprecedented in overall relations between the Republic of Macedonia and the Russian Federation. Government officials in Skopje decided to take an unfriendly step under the influence from abroad, but this does not absolve the Macedonian side from responsibility,” said Shcherbak.


Shcherbak: In case of an eventual war between Russia and NATO, Macedonia will be a legitimate target (Meta)


Russian Ambassador to Macedonia, Oleg Shcherbak, sent out warnings, following the expulsion of a Russian diplomat from Macedonia. Shcherbak warned Macedonia regarding its intention to become a NATO member. He also warned of military action against Macedonia, in case of an attack against Russia by NATO. “If it came to a conflict between Russia and NATO, you will have the role of a legitimate target,” said Shcherbak. He argued that NATO is an aggressive alliance who could drag Macedonia into aggressive actions. If this were to happen, and if directed at Russia, it would trigger a corresponding reaction from Russia against Macedonia, said the Russian Ambassador. “NATO is the only military-political bloc, rudiment and instrument of the Cold War, which is hidden behind the slogan of Euro-Atlantic solidarity. NATO is guilty of beginning many wars with millions of victims, such as the attacks on Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria and Yemen. With its military doctrine, NATO and its leader, the United States declared the Russian Federation a rival. So how can we welcome the Republic of Macedonia’s efforts to get into NATO? And for it to become a base for possible wars of this aggressive alliance? The Republic of Macedonia will become part of this military machine and part of the aggression against Russia with its inclusion. With that, you will become the target of retaliation from Russia. Is this something you and your children need? Moreover, membership in NATO will lead to a restriction of sovereignty and a restriction of foreign policy,” said Shcherbak. According to him, contrary to the proclamations, NATO membership will not strengthen the territorial integrity of the country. As Shcherbak said, it is meaningless to claim that Macedonia is under threat and that only NATO can defend it, when the country is surrounded by NATO on all sides, so it can only be attacked by “NATO or aliens”.


Zaev: We do not want to join NATO to attack, but for world peace and respect for human rights (Meta)


After the strong warnings from Russia’s ambassador to Macedonia, Oleg Shchebak, regarding its intention to become a NATO member, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that the country wants to join NATO for peace in the world and respect for human rights. Zaev expressed hope that the two countries will focus on building friendship, and not on quarrels. “We acted according to the laws and the Vienna Convention. Macedonia has strategic goals, such as membership in NATO and the EU. We do not want membership in the Alliance to attack anyone, but for world peace and respect for human rights”, Zaev said, stressing that the government remains committed to advance relations with Russia.


US State Department: US satisfied that Macedonia joins EU, US action against Russia (MIA)


US Department of State in a statement to MIA on Saturday noted that US is proud that Macedonia takes action with more than two dozen of our Allies and partners in Europe and elsewhere against Russia for its irresponsible behavior. Macedonia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) issued a press release Monday saying it has decided to expel one Russian diplomat over the poisoning of Russian ex-spy in the UK. "We were proud to take these actions in concert with more than two dozen of our Allies and partners in Europe and elsewhere, including Macedonia. This was a clear demonstration of our solidarity with the United Kingdom and sends a clear message to Russia that its irresponsible behavior around the world comes with costs. We continue to coordinate with partners and allies and encourage those which haven’t done so to consider actions they can take to send a similar message to Russia," reads the statement by US Department of State. Asked by MIA correspondent in Washington whether allies such as the United States, Germany, France or the United Kingdom guarantee Macedonia's defence against any possible future blackmail or threat by Russia over Macedonia's NATO membership, an official from the State Department said that the US will not speculate on future actions of allies.

"We won't speculate on future actions, but to reiterate, we have demonstrated that Russia's irresponsible behavior around the world comes with costs," US Department of State official said.


Violent protests in Albania (ADN)


“Kukesi and Kosovo citizen protest against Nation's Road tax is a clear indicator of government's imminent downfall,” the Socialist Movement for Integration (SMI) chairwoman, Monika Kryemadhi said, adding that nation's fate can't be transformed into the perverse game of Prime Minister Edi Rama. "Kukesi citizens clearly proved that nation's fate can't be transformed into a perverse game in the hands of an irresponsible Premier like Rama. Those that no longer believe in Premier Rama's governance and are aware of country's poor economic situation are now stronger than ever. Their protest is a clear indicator of the government's downfall," said Kryemadhi. She emphasized that people's protest has always marked the end of a regime that rules through corruption and crime. The former Prime Minister Sali Berisha reacted over the protest of Kukes citizens by saying: "People said 'No' to Prime Minister Edi Rama last robbery! The violence used by the police against protesters is a deeply shameful act". He also denounced the fact that numerous protesters had been wounded due to the harsh reaction of police forces. The President of the Republic, Ilir Meta reacted over the last protest against Nation's Road new tax. He expressed his concern on the situation created and the people injured. "President, Ilir Meta expresses his concern over the situation created in the Nation's Road and regrets the injured persons during this protest. The President calls for the avoidance of violence, dialogue and understanding, in order to normalize the situation and restore normal circulation of vehicles in this area," said President. Kukesi's citizens earned something at the end of their violent protest against the new Nation's Road tax. Prime Minister Edi Rama made public through a press conference on Saturday evening that they will have lower price, different from other citizens that will use this road. But with one condition: the violators will pay for what they have done. "We will discuss the new tax with the Kukesi's citizens, with those that object the new tax. We will listen to them carefully. The inhabitants of this area will have a special permit," made it clear Premier. He accepted the invitation of the Mayor of Kukesi for further negotiations.




FETÖ's Balkan cell collapses with latest detentions (Daily Sabah, 1 April 2018)


The extradition of six FETÖ operatives from Kosovo has significantly lowered the terrorist group's capabilities in the Balkan region

The six suspects extradited by Kosovo last week considerably damaged the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ) operational capabilities in the wider Balkan region, according to reports. The extradition, conducted by the National Intelligence Agency (MİT) in cooperation with its Kosovar counterparts, also caused a serious political rupture in Kosovo, with Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj firing the interior minister and the intelligence chief, for which President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan condemned Haradinaj for his conduct. "The entire operation — revoking their residence permits, detention, emergency deportation and the secret extradition to Turkey of the six Turkish citizens from Kosovo territory — was conducted without my knowledge and without my permission," Haradinaj said in a statement on Friday, after firing Interior Minister Flamur Sefaj and secret service chief Driton Gashi. The suspects were identified as Cihan Özkan, Kahraman Demirez, Hasan Hüseyin Günakan, Mustafa Erdem, Osman Karakaya and Yusuf Karabina. The investigation is conducted by the Istanbul Prosecutor's Office, with help from law enforcement officials and MİT. Özkan was in charge of transferring the money collected by FETÖ's Balkan cells to the state of Pennsylvania in the U.S., where the leader of the terrorist group, Fetullah Gülen, resides. Demirez was responsible for FETÖ recruitment in the Balkans, according to security officials, while Hasan Hüseyin Günakan was in charge of the teachers working for FETÖ's schools in Kosovo. Osman Karakaya was involved in some of the most notorious court cases of the last decade targeting FETÖ opponents. Some controversial criminal cases launched by FETÖ operatives in the judiciary and the Police Department used tampered evidence to detain, arrest and sentence many innocent people. Karakaya, from the Forensic Medicine Department, is accused of issuing reports that cleared FETÖ-linked suspects while punishing the terrorist group's opponents. He arranged the employment of Hapip Bostan by the Forensic Medicine Department, who is now being tried for FETÖ membership and use of ByLock encrypted messaging application almost exclusively used by FETÖ members. Karakaya was also involved in the Ergenekon trial, preparing a report on the health of Başkent University Rector Prof. Mehmet Haberal.



Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, who previously denied any prior knowledge of the operation, said over the weekend that the extradition of the six suspects was based on a report by the local intelligence agency that accused them of constituting a serious threat to national security. He said other foreigners had been extradited under similar conditions in the past, adding that the matter was being investigated by independent agencies. However, Haradinaj continued his hardline stance, announcing that he had ordered all relevant agencies to submit written reports on what had happened. He said Sefaj and Gashi were fired because they had not informed him about the matter and had consequently lost his trust. He then yesterday received the families of the suspects in question, saying that there would never be a repeat of what had happened.

President Erdoğan, in a strong rebuke to Karadinaj, on Saturday accused the Kosovar prime minister of acting under the orders of others. "Since when have you started to protect those who launched a coup against the Republic of Turkey? Turkey was the second to recognize Kosovo. Don't you know about that? How can you shelter those who launched a coup in Turkey? You will pay a price. My Kosovar brothers will punish you, I know that."


Four Scenarios for Kosovo: From Frozen Conflict to Expulsion of Serbs (Sputnik, 1 April 2018)


Serbian representatives to the Kosovo government have announced their exit from the body after the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric was expelled from the region. Sputnik has discussed the possible implications of this move on the future of relations between Belgrade and Pristina with political experts.


The Incident is a Result of Political Feud

With the recent Serbian demarche, Ramush Haradinaj's government is facing possible dismissal and even new elections. Nexhmedin Spahiu, a political scientist from Kosovo, notes that Haradinaj has enough people to garner a majority government without Serbs, but he can't do so, as some of the seats are ethnically reserved. He recalls though that the people occupying these posts do not necessarily have to be members of the party — just being Serbian would suffice.

If the problem isn't solved new elections must be conducted, but Haradinaj himself expressed hope that the Serbs would change their minds, because otherwise they won't be able to protect their national interests.

Milivoje Mihajlovic, an expert on Kosovo from Belgrade, sees the incident as a part of a political feud. He is confident that President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci wants to demonstrate he is capable of handling tough situations in order to protect himself from possible prosecution over Kosovo Liberation Army war crimes. Mihajlovic recalls that Thaci recently had a talk with EU top diplomat Federica Mogherini, where he explained that he had demanded Kosovo citizens to uphold the peace. Another reason behind the move may be a desire to create problems for his political rival — Ramush Haradinaj


Four Scenarios on the Development of Kosovo-Serbian Relations

Zeljko Cvijanovic, a political scientist, says that negotiation process between two states is currently deadlocked, as is the process of admission of Kosovo to the UN. "The US can't pressure the Serbs like they used to in the 1990s or 2000s. The world has changed. Stronger pressure will push Serbs towards Russia and China. Something was needed to be done in Kosovo, so the situation in the region changed more or less," Cvijanovic said. According to the political scientist, there are several scenarios on how the situation might play out. The first suggests an attack on the civilian Serbian population in Kosovo and their exodus to central Serbia. The key idea behind that is to threaten the Serbian government in Belgrade with such an exodus (and according to the expert no government there will survive that) to force them to accept any deal the US offers.

The second scenario suggests Serbia shifting priorities from entering the EU to keeping Kosovo under its wing. Cvijanovic is adamant that the idea of joining the EU has been limiting Serbia's options for ten years already. He notes though, that such a scenario will face backlash from the West and could even lead to attempts to overthrow the government through the stimulation of internal conflicts or some kind of revolution.

Third in line is the incident will be forgotten and negotiations will continue, said Cvijanovic. In this case the conflict will sway back and forth from the frozen to active phase. The political scientist gives little credence for the radical scenario, whereby Albanians attempt to seize Northern Kosovo, predominantly inhabited by Serbs and Serbia retaliates. He adds that regardless of whichever scenario will be chosen, the Kosovo issue won't be resolved within the next five years.